A letter to statistics that will replace zero reports. A zero report to statistics can sometimes be replaced by a letter

Federal service state statistics<...>advises on questions regarding the provision of statistical reporting by respondents.


Regarding the provision of statistical reporting by respondents, the Department of Organization of Statistical Observation and Control reports the following.

1. Should a letter about the absence of indicators be sent every time the reporting deadline arrives? Would a fine be legal if the organization only sent one letter and did not repeat it each time it was due?

A letter about the absence of indicators must be sent every time the reporting deadline arrives, since in accordance with paragraph 4 of the Regulations on the conditions for the mandatory provision of primary statistical data and administrative data to subjects of official statistical accounting, approved by Government Decree Russian Federation dated August 18, 2008 N 620, primary statistical data is provided to subjects of official statistical accounting by respondents, according to approved forms of federal statistical observation in accordance with the instructions for filling them out at the addresses, within the time limits and with the frequency indicated on the forms of these forms.

Since Art. 13.19. The Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation establishes for everyone, without exception, the obligation to provide subjects of official statistical records with primary statistical data; then, failure by respondents to provide subjects of official statistical records with primary statistical data in the prescribed manner or untimely provision of this data, or the provision of unreliable primary statistical data is a violation of the order and entails administrative responsibility.

2. Is it possible to ask Rosstat in a letter to clarify and send in writing a list of reports that the company is required to submit? Is it possible to ask for clarification of the list of reports at http://statreg.gks.ru/? How will the territorial body of Rosstat react to such a letter? When will the list on the website be corrected?

The respondent can send a letter to the relevant territorial body of Rosstat to clarify the list of statistical reports that he must provide.

State statistics bodies inform respondents free of charge (including in writing) about the conduct of federal statistical observation in relation to them according to specific forms of federal statistical observation that are required to be submitted.

The list of federal statistical observation forms to be provided by respondents is posted in the information retrieval system on the Rosstat Internet portal at: http://statreg.gks.ru/.

When sending information to the respondent by mail, it is sent to the address of his location contained in the Unified State Register of Legal Entities (USRLE) or the Unified State Register of Individual Entrepreneurs (USRIP), or to the address specified in the respondent’s written application.

Respondents included in sample surveys must be notified in writing by state statistics bodies about the provision of specific forms of federal statistical observation. If the list of reporting forms published for the respondent at http://statreg.gks.ru/ differs from the one sent in writing, the notification in writing should be followed.

If necessary, the list of statistical reporting forms for the respondent can be adjusted on the Rosstat Internet portal at: http://statreg.gks.ru/ within 2-5 days.

3. How often should operating companies check information on http://statreg.gks.ru/?

The service for respondents http://statreg.gks.ru/ is updated monthly, taking into account the frequency of statistical reporting forms (monthly, quarterly, semi-annual, annual).

Document overview

Clarifications were given on certain issues regarding the provision of statistical reporting by respondents.

Thus, it is indicated that a letter about the absence of indicators must be sent every time the reporting deadline arrives. Otherwise, administrative liability will follow.

The respondent can send a letter to the territorial body of Rosstat to clarify the list of statistical reports that he must provide. Statistical authorities inform respondents free of charge (including in writing) about the conduct of federal statistical surveillance in their regard using mandatory forms. Information is sent by mail to the respondent at the address of his location contained in the Unified State Register of Legal Entities or the Unified State Register of Individual Entrepreneurs, or to the address specified in the written application.

The list of federal statistical surveillance forms to be provided by respondents is posted on the Rosstat Internet portal at http://statreg.gks.ru/. Respondents included in sample surveys are notified by statistical authorities in writing about the provision of specific statistical forms. If the list of reporting forms published for the respondent at http://statreg.gks.ru/ differs from the one sent in writing, the written notification should be followed. If necessary, the list of statistical reporting forms for the respondent can be adjusted on the Rosstat Internet portal within 2-5 days.

Please note that the service for respondents http://statreg.gks.ru/ is updated monthly, taking into account the frequency of statistical reporting forms.

Rosstat allowed not to submit zero reports into statistics if the company does not have indicators*. Therefore, instead of cumbersome zero reports, the service allowed sending a letter to free form. A sample is in the article.

When zero reports may not be submitted to statistics

In the letter, list the reporting forms that the company submits to statistics. You can create a list on the website statreg.gks.ru. To do this, enter the INN or OGRN number in the search conditions. And then click the “List of Forms” button. The system will generate a file in pdf format. The file will contain a table with a list of forms, due dates, frequency and a link to the forms.

  • Important article:

Explain in the letter which forms the company does not fill out and why. For example, the organization does not carry out specific types of activities for which it was included in the sample for statistical observation.

  • How to fill out and submit reports

The order in which some forms are filled out states that companies submit them “if there is an observable event.” For example, 3-F - information about overdue wages. If a company pays employees money on time, it means it has no debts and Form 3-F need not be submitted. There is no need to specifically report this in a letter. But if the company writes that it has no indicators, then additional information there won't be any redundancy.

Business portal Paths to success

After registering a legal entity with the tax authorities and receiving a State Registration Certificate, it is very important to register with the Territorial Body of the Federal State Statistics Service, which, after your application, will issue you an Information Letter with codes, the so-called. Statistics Codes.

Here is an example of such a letter for your reference:

To receive a Notification of assignment of statistics codes (Information Letter), you must submit the following package of documents to the statistics body:

  • A copy of the Charter
  • Copy of TIN
  • A copy of the Certificate of state registration legal entity
  • A copy of the Extract from the Unified State Register of Legal Entities
  • Passport details of the company director
  • Power of attorney
  • Individual entrepreneurs represent:

  • A copy of the Certificate of Registration
  • Copy of TIN
  • A copy of the Extract from the Unified State Register of Individual Entrepreneurs
  • Copy of passport
  • All copies of documents do not need to be certified. Usually, the Statistical Offices have established reception hours for accepting documents, so please call in advance to check the days for accepting documents.

    Please note that in most cases, you will not be able to open a bank account without receiving Statistics Codes.

    Sample letter to statistics - added at the request of Samaya Babaev.


    I bet he's imagining it now. Sample Request Letter | Office ProcessHere we provide an example of an application letter. Come on, let the whole sample sit on someone. In this night battle in the darkness, screaming, they rushed. A letter of request is written to obtain any official information or documents. Card with sample signatures and seal impression. Sample letter to statistics. Sample letter to statistics - found. Sample letter to statistics. Perhaps not for summer, the trunk is supposed to be, but for the stallion.

    Rosstat statistics codes

    What are statistics codes

    Tax Inspectorate after successfully completing the state registration procedure, in addition to extra-budgetary funds. transmits information about registered individual entrepreneurs and LLCs to the territorial body of the Federal State Statistics Service (Rosstat, Gosstat). Rosstat processes the received data and assigns codes from all-Russian classifiers to each individual entrepreneur and organization (these are statistics codes):

  • OKPO (All-Russian Classifier of Enterprises and Organizations)
  • OKATO (All-Russian Classifier of Objects of Administrative-Territorial Division)
  • OKTMO (All-Russian Classifier of Municipal Territories)
  • OKOGU (All-Russian Classifier of Organs state power and management)
  • OKFS (All-Russian classifier of forms of ownership)
  • OKOPF (All-Russian Classifier of Organizational and Legal Forms).
  • OKVED codes are also considered statistics codes, but are not included in this list, since individual entrepreneurs and organizations independently select them at the stage of preparing documents for registration. OKVED codes are indicated in the Unified State Register of Individual Entrepreneurs or the Unified State Register of Legal Entities.

    Sample notification with statistics codes from Rosstat (so-called information letter Rosstat) can be viewed at this link.

    Why are statistics codes needed?

    Obtaining statistics codes is not a mandatory procedure, and the notification itself is for informational and reference purposes only. However, you may need statistics codes:

  • when preparing reports (declaration. KUDIR. PKO. RKO, etc.)
  • when preparing payment orders or receipts for payment of taxes and insurance premiums
  • when opening a bank account
  • when opening a branch of the organization
  • when changing the place of registration of an individual entrepreneur or the address of the organization’s location (legal address)
  • when changing the full name of an individual entrepreneur or the name of an organization
  • as well as in other cases.
  • How to get statistics codes

    At the tax office upon receipt of registration documents

    If your tax authority operates a “one-window” principle, then in addition to the main documents, you will immediately receive notifications about registration with extra-budgetary funds, as well as a notification with statistics codes from Rosstat.

    Independently in the territorial body of Rosstat

    You can receive a notification with statistics codes without an application from the territorial office of the Federal State Statistics Service (here you can find the address and telephone number of your branch).

    To receive a document with statistics codes, you must provide the following documents to the territorial body of Rosstat (they may not require anything at all):

    Documents (uncertified copies) for obtaining statistics codes for individual entrepreneurs

    how to write a request to statistics to receive OKVED

    panina Enlightened (33265) 3 years ago

    Statistics do not assign OKVEDs. You declare them yourself during registration. And then, having received the registration documents, you go to statistics with all the documents, and within 5 minutes they give you official letter that you have been assigned OKPO, OKVED, OKOPF and other rubbish. This letter must be submitted to statistics.

    If, like me yesterday, you didn’t find it, or rather, you found a letter from the 2001 statistics. when the company was registered and instead of OKVED were assigned OKONH, then you need to contact the registration department with form P14001, in which you again declare the assignment of specific OKVED, and after assignment, receive a letter from statistics and take it to statistics.

    Other answers

    Max Sage (18108) 3 years ago

    Take your time to receive codes

    If you are in no hurry, you can gradually learn all the information about prices and services from the happy owners of new business codes. However, you need to decide on your OKVED now.

    This is not a problem for those who have legal reference systems. The rest can get full list OKVED codes in state statistics departments, again on a paid basis. If you have the Internet, you can go to the official website of the State Statistics Committee.

    If for your activity there is no the required code, you will have to contact Goskomstat. It is he who is authorized to coordinate draft amendments to the new classifier.

    However, the problem can be resolved without applications to the State Statistics Committee. Its units independently conduct preparatory work on recoding the statistical information fund from OKONKH to OKVED. The results of this work will be formalized as changes to the Unified State Register of Enterprises and Organizations. Moreover, they will be entered for each of the previously registered enterprises.

    You witnessed this process when you agreed on the recoding code for the main type of activity. Thus, the wisest thing to do is wait until your company's codes change, and then go for the letter.

    So that there is no unnecessary problems with the inspector of the statistical office, first find out in what form you need to submit the application. As a rule, it can be written in any form, but some departments have developed their own forms.

    In any case, it is better to indicate the wording of the types of activities not according to the charter, but according to OKVED. This rule applies to existing businesses. Naturally, “newborn” organizations must have standard wording in their charter. This needs to be addressed special attention when developing statutory documents.

    The fact is that, unlike the Registration Chamber, tax inspectorates do not read into the content of the company’s charter. They simply take note of it and archive it. So no one will correct your mistakes and shortcomings except you.

    “If you haven’t found in OKVED the type of activity you want to do,” says Vladislav Sirchenko, a lawyer at the Tsentrkontakt consulting firm from St. Petersburg, “I advise you to set out its essence in great detail in the charter. The staff of the statistics department will select the code for you.”

    Perhaps St. Petersburg has very friendly employees. However, if we assume that their task includes comparing the text of the charter and the classifier, you should not follow such advice. It is possible that, due to non-standard wording, changes will have to be made to the charter. In such a situation, it would be more correct to send a written request to your statistics department.

    Appendix No. 3 to the Rules of the organization

    in the Ministry of Industry and Trade of Russia, work on holding a competition for the title "Organization of the military-industrial complex of high socio-economic efficiency"

    Brief analytical report on the results of activities in the social field _______________________________________________ (full and short name of the organization)

    Year of foundation of the organization ________________________________.

    2. Main areas of activity ___________________________.

    3. Analysis of the enterprise’s personnel potential by categories of employees, education, age, and length of service.

    4. Availability of measures for personnel development, ensuring highly productive labor (payment for training of personnel sent to educational institution for the purpose of training personnel for the enterprise; payment for the participation of specialists in thematic seminars to improve and update knowledge; allocation of funds for organizing and conducting cultural events and sporting events; allocation of funds to solve social issues, etc.).

    5. Rationalization activities of personnel.

    6. Solving problems of retaining qualified personnel, rejuvenating the team, improving skills and competence. Creation of new high-tech (equipped with modern equipment) jobs, units.

    For scientific organizations:

    availability of basic departments;

    agreements with educational institutions;

    availability of postgraduate studies.

    7. Employment issues, number of employees hired by the enterprise:

    the share of specialists hired from the number of those who completed training in the current year at the request of the enterprise within the framework of the State Training Plan scientific workers and specialists for defense industry organizations for 2011 - 2015 (approved by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of June 9, 2010 N 421);

    the share of those who returned to work, having served in the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation, from the number of those called up to serve in the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation from the enterprise.

    8. Social package (partial compensation for the cost of food in the enterprise canteen, discounted vouchers to sanatoriums, vouchers for children to summer holiday camps, support for young professionals, etc.).

    9. Measures of moral encouragement (awarding honorary titles, awards, etc.), creating a favorable social climate in the team (organizing concerts, sporting events with the provision of appropriate sports equipment, children's parties, etc.).

    10. Other social activities.

    Head of the organization ___________________ _____________________________ (signature) (signature transcript) M.P.

    Source: Order of the Ministry of Industry and Trade of Russia dated July 31, 2013 N 1232

    Ministry of Industry and Trade of Russia

    How to draw up a certificate (letter) to the tax office stating that the economic activity of an LLC or individual entrepreneur was not carried out? Sample, example

    In order to avoid increasing costs that could bring losses to the company, the organization may suspend its own activities. In this case, the legal entity must notify the regulatory authorities that it does not conduct commercial activities to avoid the accrual of mandatory payments and taxes.

    Otherwise, the company will acquire large debts in the form of penalties.

    Letter of no activity

    In practice, there are often situations when an organization cannot conduct financial and economic activities for a long period of time.

    The head of the enterprise when preparing documents to the territorial tax authorities, pension fund Russia or the social insurance fund, in order to submit mandatory reporting, undertakes to provide the listed bodies with information letters stating the lack of activity.

    A notification of this type is issued on the letterhead of a legal entity, indicating the period during which no activity was carried out and attaching documents confirming this circumstance. Organization to reduce costs during non-implementation economic activity may send documents to the reporting authorities confirming that the company’s work has been suspended. This document and is a letter of no activity.

    Notification to the tax office

    Form of notification established by law tax office about the absence of activity does not exist. Therefore, a letter to the tax office is drawn up by a legal entity in any form indicating the following information:

    1. Address and name of the Federal Tax Service body to which the letter will be sent.
    2. The name and organizational form of the legal entity sending the notification to the Federal Tax Service.
    3. Legal address and location address executive body companies.
    4. KPP, TIN, OGRN and other details of the organization.

      Letter to the Pension Fund about lack of activity

      For this purpose, you can use the form of a legal entity, which contains all the necessary information.

    5. Name of the document – ​​Letter of absence of activities and objects of taxation.

    The body of the letter must contain the following information:

    Confused about how to fill out documents?

    Don't worry, we We will make a 3-NDFL declaration or zero reporting for you.

    • Name of the organization and its legal form according to the Unified State Register of Legal Entities;
    • The period during which the activity was suspended;
    • Attached are documents that confirm the absence of statutory activities of the company;
    • Types of taxes for which there are no objects of taxation.

    The manager and chief accountant must endorse the letter and certify it with the seal of the organization.

    You can send a document to the Federal Tax Service in one of the following ways:

    • Postal by registered mail with the attached list of attachments and a notice that is sent to the organization’s address or to its post office box after the letter is delivered to the tax inspector;
    • Submit to the tax office personally by the head of the organization or an authorized person. In this case, the date, stamp and signature must be affixed to the second copy of the letter, which indicate acceptance of the letter;
    • Send via a special courier service;
    • Send via personal account legal entity on the official website of the Federal Tax Service after signing the document with a qualified digital signature.

    How to fill out a letter to the Pension Fund

    There is also no sample letter sent to the Pension Fund and established by law. The letter contains similar information indicated by the legal entity in the letter sent to the tax office. In addition, the letter contains a link to the following information:

    • No wages were paid during the specified period;
    • Passport and personal data of employees, their place of residence, number of staff;
    • That all employees have been warned that they are deprived of the right to insurance coverage in accordance with current legislation.

    Along with the letter, a bank certificate confirming the absence of transactions on current account companies. The legal entity also undertakes to provide a statement of payment of insurance premiums.

    If the activities of an organization are suspended, then the legal entity is not obliged to submit SZV-M reports to the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation.

    Letter to the FSS of Russia

    A letter to the insurance fund is drawn up in a similar way. Chief accountant and the head of the enterprise sign the document and attach to it a certificate from the bank confirming that there was no movement of money in the account.

    The letter to the FSS contains the following information:

    1. Address of the territorial body of the FSS.
    2. Company name.
    3. Details and addresses of the legal entity.
    4. No movement indication cash and accruals wages employees.

    We will help you correctly prepare documents for the tax authorities

    Letter to Rosstat about the lack of indicators for filling out statistical reports

    Accounting certificate on income from the sale of products (works, services) for the main activity for the month (for corporate income tax) (filling sample)

    Sample document:

    Attachments to the document:

    What other documents are there:

    What else to download on the topic “Accounting”:

    Text version file: 2.0 kb

    Accounting certificate No. 1/1/__-NPR on income from sales of products (works, services) for core activities for the month of 200__

    —————————————————————————- ¦Reg. N¦ Economic ¦Accounting¦ Amount ¦Accepted for ¦Justification- ¦ ¦record¦ operation ¦posting ¦ ¦tax ¦tel ¦ ¦ ¦ +————-+ ¦accounting ¦document ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦Debit¦Credit ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ +——+———————+——+——-+——-+———-+———+ ¦ ¦Products sold¦ 62 ¦ 90 ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ main ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ production, ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ auxiliary and ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ other production ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ +——+———————+——+—— -+——-+———-+———+ ¦ ¦Works have been implemented on¦ 62 ¦ 90 ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ main ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦production ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ +——+ ———————+——+——-+——-+———-+———+ ¦ ¦Etc.

    ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ +——+———————+——+——-+——-+———-+———+ ¦ ¦Total: ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ —— -+———————+——+——-+——-+———-+———-

    Appendix No. 2
    to the order of the Ministry of Health
    And social development RF
    dated August 26, 2011 N 989н

    obtaining a certificate confirming the absence of medical contraindications for working using information constituting a state secret

    1. This Procedure determines the rules for obtaining by officials and citizens of the Russian Federation (hereinafter referred to as citizens) a certificate confirming the absence of medical contraindications for working using information constituting a state secret (hereinafter referred to as the Certificate).

    2. The certificate is issued to citizens by medical commissions of medical organizations licensed to carry out medical activities, including work (services) in the provision of outpatient medical care in the specialties of “psychiatry” and “psychiatry-narcology”, “neurology” (hereinafter referred to as medical organizations) .

    3. Citizens who apply to a medical organization to receive a Certificate must present an identification document.

    4. In order to determine the presence (absence) of a citizen of diseases included in the list of medical contraindications for work using information constituting state secrets, provided for in Appendix No. 1 to this order (hereinafter referred to as the List), an examination of citizens includes an examination by a psychiatrist, a doctor psychiatrist-narcologist, neurologist.

    Information about the examination performed is entered into the medical record of the outpatient patient in the form adopted in medical organization.

    5. In the absence of medical contraindications for working with the use of information constituting a state secret, the medical specialist enters a medical report into the Certificate in the form provided for in Appendix No. 3 to this order, indicating the date of the examination, which is certified by the personal seal and signature of the doctor who conducted the examination .

    If the examination was carried out in different medical organizations, each medical report on the absence of medical contraindications for working with the use of information constituting a state secret is certified by the seal of the medical organization, the stamp of which must identify the full name of the medical organization where the examination was carried out.

    Tip 1: How to Write a Letter of No Activity

    The medical report of medical specialists is approved by the medical commission of the medical organization and certified by the seal of the medical organization, the imprint of which must identify the full name of the medical organization.

    7. If a citizen is identified with medical contraindications for working with the use of information constituting a state secret, the Certificate will not be issued.

    8. The certificate is valid for 1 year from the date of its issue.