Pirate party for adults. Pirate party: scenario. Invitation to a pirate party

Friendly teams often organize themed events where employees relax and are charged with positive emotions. A pirate party is a celebration where people of all ages will feel comfortable wearing a pirate outfit. It is important for organizers to prepare a script fun competitions, souvenirs and menu.

How to invite guests?

A pirate party is an informal event that should be announced in an unusual way. For invitations, it is better to choose not standard white envelopes, but leaflets in the shape of a ship or a hat - this will create intrigue for the guests, and they will certainly accept the invitation. Stock up on Jolly Roger stickers that will look great on any color of paper. For the most honored guests, issue an invitation to pirate party in the form of a corresponding message in a darkened glass bottle. Burn the paper along the edges, remember and straighten it - this will give the impression that it is several hundred years old.

The invitation text should be written with an ink pen. Place the letter in a bottle, seal it with a cork and tie it with a rope. If you want guests to be interested in how the pirate party will take place, prepare the script in advance and notify that the entertainment program will include games and costume competitions. You can be sure that your idea will be highly appreciated, and the impressions of the event will remain unforgettable.

Pirate dress code

It will not be difficult to find clothes for the party on your own. Ripped jeans, a bandana, a hat, leather belts and T-shirts are probably present in everyone's wardrobe. A pirate party will be very fun and interesting, the costumes for which you will make with your own hands. Donate a vest for a fun evening and stretch it out, mind it, and spill a cup of coffee on it. A school lace blouse will instantly become an excellent choice if you wear a leather vest or raincoat over it. Decorate a wide belt with metal clips and chains. The scenario of a pirate party for adults can be composed in such a way that the games contain elements of eroticism - leather and lace will suit the beauties. A bandana or hat can serve as a headdress.

If guests come to a party without clothes, take the initiative and provide them with clothes. First of all, prepare. Costumes can be made from a black tablecloth or oilcloth. You can trim the bottom of the clothing with scissors. Invite ladies to remove their elegant earrings and replace them with ring-shaped clips.

The role of accessories in a pirate look

At any party, clothing is important, but not the most main role, since the completion of the image occurs through additional items. In a pirate look, there should be as many accessories as possible - these are chains with elements, and a cane. Shoes can be either high lace-up boots or sandals. It is worth distinguishing between male and female pirate images. So, girls can wear a white blouse with a black corset, capri pants or a long skirt, and on their feet high-heeled shoes and fishnet tights. If you are hosting a pirate party in a retro style, you can choose magnificent outfits for the ladies that will allow guests to immerse themselves in the atmosphere of bygone centuries.

Leather belts and bracelets - something we can’t live without full image. They can be tied with metal chains or tied with rope. It would be appropriate to put large rings on your fingers or use fingerless gloves to create the look. You can ask your child for plastic sabers, pistols, binoculars and telescopes. Sew a toy parrot onto the shoulder of your jacket or vest, and if this bird lives in your house, place the cage with it on main plan. Provide all your guests with Jolly Roger flags. Cut out the desired shape from black paper, attach it to a thin plastic or wooden leg, and stick a skeleton on top. Provide photography at an event such as a pirate party - photos taken during the celebration will remain a long-lasting memory for every guest.

What should a pirate's lair be like?

For a noisy party with a lot of people, you should choose a spacious room. If the holiday is held in a close circle of friends and colleagues, the owner of the country house should bear responsibility for its holding. In order for all guests to remember the pirate party for a long time, the script should echo everyone's favorite movie "Pirates" Caribbean Sea". Outside at the entrance, place a decorative steering wheel and tie a rope ladder. The main decoration of the interior will be black balls with pirate symbols, which can be used for themed competitions. Place skulls and treasure chests. The room should contain more black color, leather and wood. Hang a map on the wall with a cross marking the place with the treasure. In order for a pirate party for adults to be fun and positive, the scenario should include the presence of booze, and given that pirates are noisy guys, it should be present not only on the table, but also on the table. but also in the interior. Place bottles with dark glasses on the cabinets and on the floor. Make sure that there are several wooden barrels of booze at the party.

Since the water element is associated with the activities of pirates, decorate the room with shells and fishing tackle, and scatter sand on the floor. Place an aquarium with live or artificial fish in a prominent place. Compasses, globes and telescopes are what will enhance the holiday experience.

Pirate-themed party: a condensed script

The correct procedure for holding a holiday is half the success, so long before the chosen day you should discuss all the conditions with the organizers. The event program includes a greeting to the guests, during which they will be initiated into pirates. If guests arrive at the party without costumes, hand them hats and other accessories at the entrance to ensure their appearance matches the theme. It often happens that not all guests know each other, in which case you should give everyone the right to a few words - everyone should introduce themselves and tell about themselves.

At the next stage, you can start having fun: from the simplest competition to the most complex. Make sure that pirate party music is always playing and allow guests to dance and sing, and then offer refreshments afterwards. For dessert, leave the treasure hunt on the map. After that, you can sit on a soft sofa and watch one of the episodes of the film “Pirates of the Caribbean”. Give each guest memorable souvenirs, and a few days later send out email photos.

Initiation into pirates

When all the guests have arrived, entertain them with the first competition. Not a single pirate party goes by without some perky questions: the scenario for it should consist not only of dances and songs, but also of logical tasks. The participant who gives the most correct answers can claim the title of leader. Test your knowledge of maritime terms with the following questions:

  • What is the name of the pirate whose treasure everyone is looking for? (Flint.)
  • What is another name for a sea vessel? (Ship.)
  • Shark breed.)
  • What is the front part of the ship called? (Nose.)
  • Who main man on the ship after the captain? (Boatswain.)
  • What is the name of the sailors' quarters? (Cockpit.)
  • How many parts are in the movie "Pirates of the Caribbean?" (Four.)
  • What does the expression "raise the Jolly Roger" mean? (Have fun.)
  • What is the largest marine mammal? (Blue whale.)

The winner is given a hat with the image of the Jolly Roger, and from now on he becomes the leader of the gang and has the right to conduct other competitions. Music for a pirate party should be played every time a test is played to encourage guests to become more excited.

Competitions for adults

A real pirate must certainly take part in battle, even without a bloody battle. In the next competition, both men and women can participate. Each daredevil has 5 inflated balloons tied to his belt. The weapons will be plastic spoons or forks. On the command “start”, everyone tries to pierce the opponent’s ball - the winner is the one who has the largest number of intact balls left.

Celebrating a pirate party is not complete without alcoholic drinks, happy dancing And beautiful girls. A no limits style party is not complete without attracting the ladies. Line up several beauties, and blindfold the brave men and invite them to guess by touch who is standing in front of them. Spectators do not have the right to guess, and if after 10 seconds the name is not named, the right to guess is given to the next person.

The next competition requires preliminary preparation. One person leaves the room, the other sits on the floor, in the space between two tables. A hole for the head is pre-cut in the tablecloth. The tables are connected, the head is covered with a large cup so that the daredevil does not feel discomfort; Several more cups of the same size are placed on the surface. The newcomer is supposedly invited to find the treasure under these plates, but as soon as he gets to the head, the daredevil screams, and the observers laugh joyfully.

Competitions for children

Invite boys and girls to tie knots on a tight rope - the participant who makes the most knots within a minute is declared the winner. Don't forget to give prizes to children to get them excited. Everyone should be involved in the competitions, then they will remember the children's pirate party for a long time.

The scenario is not complete without the game “Sea figure, freeze!” - it is the most recognizable for all ages. In addition, this competition can be included in the program of a party for adults. The host of the event says the words: “The sea is worried - one, the sea is worried - two, the sea is worried - three, the sea figure - freeze,” after which each participant must take an interesting pose and stand motionless until the end.

Of course, a pirate-themed party cannot be held without sweets. The next competition is designed for older children: they will have to stuff several crackers into their mouths and try to whistle. The task is complicated by the fact that without preliminary preparation it will be very difficult to do this, so there will most likely be few winners.

Menu for hungry pirates

Dishes for a theme party may be the most ordinary, but above them appearance you will have to work hard. Pirates, as you know, spend most of their time at sea, so the menu should be composed primarily of seafood. This is exactly the case when, in addition to fish, it would be appropriate to offer a cocktail of oysters, octopus and shrimp. Salads can be served in large shells, red caviar can be served on the table in ice blocks. Place your bet on snacks or similar dishes that will not get cold and can be eaten away from the table: these are sandwiches, canapés, fondue.

In the summer, you can go outside and fry fish or bake meat in the oven. To make sure everyone remembers the pirate party for a long time, take pictures of absolutely everything. The table should be full of booze and exotic fruits. Pirates usually don't like sweets, but as a dessert you can offer a huge cake and smear it on the leader's face - this action will amuse the guests.

Search for treasure

A treasure chest is a long-awaited trophy for each of the pirates, so holding this party is unthinkable without it. Draw a floor plan on whatman paper, symbols and mark the hiding place with a cross. Pre-purchased items can be placed in it, but it will be more interesting if each of the guests, upon entering, takes off a valuable item and puts it in a box with the condition of return.

Consider safety rules to ensure that all your household items remain safe and sound during your treasure hunt: hide antiques, glass objects, rearrange flowers and leave as much free space in the room as possible.

Pirate party: script, algorithm, competitions

At least one person must be responsible for the event: the owner of the house or the toastmaster. A small script designed for two presenters. When preparing an invitation to a pirate party, indicate to guests that the holiday will be active so that they are prepared in advance to complete collective tasks.

The girl greets guests at the entrance with the words: “Welcome aboard. The guy lets everyone in, hands them a hat or other accessory and says that he is now a full-fledged member of the team. When everyone has gathered, invite them to split into several teams and give them names - “Sea wolves", "Sea Lords" or "Filibusters". Teams will participate in competitions, and at the end of the party, the winner will be the one that completes the task best.

The next stage is the election of the leader of the pirates. This can be done by voting or holding the first competition, as a result of which the leader will be a person who has excellent knowledge of maritime terminology. After this entertainment, offer guests a snack. “Well, gentlemen, pirates, you have refreshed yourself, and now it’s time to have fun,” says the presenter and invites you to participate in other competitions. One of the organizers presents trophies for winning competitions on time.

The scenario of a pirate party for young people also involves the most long-awaited test - the fight for the treasure. “Well, now it’s time to start searching for treasures,” the second presenter announces and leads everyone to the map, on which conventional sign the cache is shown. At this time, the music turns on and the most interesting part of the event begins. When all the competitions have been completed and the treasure has been found, the hosts end the party and offer free time.

Airiness, lightness and freshness of the sea surf, brutality, brightness and a cheerful, slightly cheeky and emphatically important atmosphere - all these are signs of a party. Moreover, the nautical style is ideal for birthdays and corporate events, weddings and bachelorette parties, or just meetings with friends. The most original marine-themed holidays take place on the shore of a reservoir. After all, here you can organize real water competitions and beach games. But even when conducting it, it doesn’t cost anything to create the appropriate environment.

And if, when conducting it, it is enough to think through an interesting plot and scenario with a couple of competitions. Then in preparation adult party in a nautical style, the script should take into account the age of the guests and their attitude to entertainment, the theme and occasion of the holiday. It is based on these features of an adult party that it is necessary to select competitions and games.

For an adult holiday in a nautical style, it is not necessary to come up with a detailed plot with the words of the characters and the participation of animators. But it’s also not worth reducing the entire scenario to a series of competitions.

But think it through a certain idea it will still be necessary, which will help connect all the actions, competitions, games, toasts into a single storyline.

For an outdoor celebration, naval competitions, team quizzes and beach games are ideal. Here you can build a scenario specifically on competitions between two naval teams.

It is interesting to play with the plot of a shipwreck. In this case, the natives will come to the aid of the guests. But they will provide it only after passing all the tests with dignity.

For a sea party, you can include fun games, table competitions and songs in the scenario for an adult’s birthday.

Create the atmosphere for a fun trip on a yacht or other sea vessel. This beginning of the holiday can be celebrated with fun dance and song entertainment. But on the way, the ship is attacked by pirates, robbers or a huge octopus.

It’s not easy to continue the journey now. After all, you will have to complete all the tasks of the invader.

The time has come for outdoor competitions, pairs and team competitions. When all the obstacles are removed, you can safely continue your journey and start having fun on the island with cocktails, snacks, and dancing.

Completing a quest is a great way to spend sea ​​party. Let the guests pass difficult tasks when switching to new level or moving around the map.

Or, after each competition, they find a part of the finished map, which will ultimately show the path to the coveted prize.

For a nautical party, the adult birthday scenario can be dedicated to initiation into sailors. Let the hero of the occasion, together with his assistants, complete difficult tasks.

The rest of the guests should not stand aside - they, like true sea wolves, will show their sea skills during certain team competitions.

And it is impossible to ignore the pirate theme. – this is a great opportunity to fool around, transform into sea robbers and, of course, complete difficult tasks related to finding treasures, fighting rivals, and showing off your sea skills.

Games and competitions for a sea party

No matter what storyline you choose for your holiday, fun competitions and fun games will make your seaside party unusual and unforgettable. We offer several universal competitions that are ideal for any theme and location of the holiday.

Entertainment "Let's get acquainted"

This is the competition you can start with entertainment program. We give all guests a pen and a piece of paper. They should come up with an interesting nautical nickname for themselves that matches the theme of the party.

The finished leaves are folded and placed in one box. And here is a surprise for everyone present. They get a completely different name than the one they came up with for themselves. Guests take turns taking out a piece of paper from a common box and introducing themselves - reading out the nickname written on the piece of paper.

Definitely, those gathered must have a sense of humor. It will be interesting if each participant tries to guess who came up with such a funny name for him.

Competition "Sea Knots"

At the beginning competitive program It’s better to have quiet games that don’t require the active participation of all guests. This approach will help to excite the guests.

We invite several participants who must split into pairs. We give each pair a rope 1 m long. The goal is to tie the resulting rope into a real sea knot.

And it doesn’t matter if the participants simply don’t know how to do this. It is enough to tie the rope with as complex a knot as possible.

Only one player from the pair will complete the task. The second one at this time simply watches his work and supports him with shouts and claps, since only 20 seconds are allotted for all the work.

The culmination of the competition will be its second part, when observers will have to temporarily untie the ingenious tangles.

Team competition "Hole"

But while the beginners were learning to tie knots, the ship ran into corals. There is a huge hole in it. The whole team will have to correct the situation, that is, we divide all the guests into two teams. Their task is to bail out the water as quickly as possible.

Each team receives a basin of water and spoons according to the number of participants. Empty buckets are installed at the same distance from the chairs on which containers with liquid are placed. It is in them that players will transfer water from their basins with spoons.

You can hold a competition in the form of a quiz, but this is a more childish option. For adults, it will be more fun to rush with the whole crowd to carry sea water.

And when the ship is saved and all the water is transferred into buckets, we sum up the results of the competition. After all, it was not enough to do it in a race.

It is necessary to measure the volume of retained liquid. Believe me, in such a mess more than half of the water will end up on the deck.

To summarize, pour the water into glass jars the same capacity. Whichever team has the largest volume of liquid becomes the winner.

Competition "Feast"

After working so hard and saving the ship, you might as well treat yourself a little. Or even try a cocktail while the captain isn’t looking. The cocktail in this competition can be replaced with beer, rum, juice, or another drink to the taste of the company.

Pour the treats into large bowls. We distribute straws to all players. It is through them that they will have to drink all the alcohol at speed on command.

You can conduct this entertainment on an individual basis, that is, distribute small glasses to those who want to take part in it.

Don't forget to invite guests to the table after such a competition. Many people simply won’t be able to continue competing without a snack.

Game "Scrubbing the deck"

And yet, the team's entertainment with alcoholic beverages did not go unnoticed. And as punishment, you will have to restore order on deck.

A demarcation line must be drawn or marked on the deck. On each side we scatter crumpled newspapers and small balloons. Players receive mops. There are not so many mops, use brooms, sticks, hockey sticks.

On command, team players begin to throw garbage with the received tool to the enemy side. The opponents don’t blunder either, but return it back, adding their own.

So the war against garbage dumping continues while cheerful, lively music plays. As soon as she falls silent, the battle is over.

Competition "Regatta"

To reach the shore or enemy ship, the whole team will have to make an effort. We give each team a medium-sized paper boat.

The regatta will take place either on a table without a tablecloth or on the floor without a carpet. The main thing is that the surface must be slippery so that the boat can “float” on it.

But he himself won’t even budge. Players all work together to blow on the sails of their ship so that it reaches the finish line first.

Competition "On boarding"

The guests are excited, and the teams are ready to prove their superiority. Therefore, the time has come to capture the rival ship.

We distribute inflated balloons, inside of which paper coins are placed. Players tie balls to their feet.

We turn on fast dance music. Participants try to pop any other player's balloon and take his coin. But you still need to protect your ball from the attacks of enemies.

The player whose balloon bursts is eliminated from the competition. In the end, the lucky one is the one who collected the most coins and kept his ball.

Competition "Running of the Lame"

During the difficult boarding, many were injured. Someone lost an eye, an arm or a leg. But the coveted glass of cognac or rum awaits ahead. Therefore, despite injuries, we continue to compete.

We give each team one crutch and an elastic band, which is sewn into a ring.

We place a chair opposite each team and place a bottle of alcohol and disposable cups on it.

Players take turns putting an elastic band on their leg bent at the knee and using a crutch they try to get to the chair. There they pour alcohol into a glass and drink. Returning to the team, the player passes the attributes to the next participant.

Play the song “Waddle Quietly” while the lame are running:

Competition "Sharp Shooter"

And now it’s the turn of the most accurate shooters to show off their skills.

Everyone who wants to take part in the competition receives a weapon - a toy bow and arrow. And we will, of course, shoot at beer cans or balloons.

Each participant will have the same number of attempts.

To make the competition more believable, play a song with real shooting:

Competition "Good Doctor"

Boarding, shooting, pursuit. The holiday turned into a battlefield. The time has come to help all the wounded, maimed, and downtrodden. Women come into play and have to help the sailors and cure the men.

We give the young ladies regular bandages, 6-8 pieces each. They must temporarily bandage their patients: each arm to the elbow, leg to the knee, and always the head.

Don’t forget to take a photo as a souvenir and reward the most agile doctor.

To make the competition more fun, play the funny song “Good Doctor Aibolit”:

Game “Recognize your enemy by shadow”

Towards the end of the competition program, when many guests are already tired of noisy and active fun, you can move on to calmer competitions. If the holiday takes place in the evening or it is possible to dim the lighting in the room, include in the program the “Recognize the enemy by the shadow” competition.

One player sits on a chair facing the wall. A table lamp is installed behind his back, directing a beam of light onto the wall. After the lights are turned off, each of the guests walks behind the player in front of the beam of light. It is by his shadow that the player must guess his comrade.

Of course, applicants can make things more difficult by changing their gait, waving their arms, or wearing awkward hats, clown noses, or other paraphernalia. The one who is exposed by the shadow changes places with the player.

Competition "Best Sea Cocktail"

And again the alcohol competition. But this time it will be a more refined and relaxed competition.

We invite up to 5 players to participate. A bar set is already waiting for them.

These are several types of alcohol and juice. You will also need glasses, straws, ice, mint, lemons, lime. You can add strawberries and other fruits.

The players' task is to make a tasty and beautiful cocktail. The winner will be determined by the speed at which the task is completed. But you definitely need to take a sample and taste the drink. There wasn't much that the players poured into their glasses.

Final competition “Try Your Fortune”

At the end of the competition program, hold a drawing for the main prize. And this can be done in a rather original way. Namely, to hold a rather exciting competition.

We invite 5 players who want to compete for the main prize. They draw one card at a time from the deck of cards offered by the presenter. The participant who chooses the smallest card is eliminated from the game.

The rest, according to the seniority of the selected cards, take part in the second round, pulling out matches proposed by the presenter. Now the participant who got the short match leaves the circle. And the competition continues. And in the third round, players will roll the dice. The loser is definitely the one who gets the smallest amount.

There are two main players left. And here fortune will decide everything. There are two chests in front of them. But you only need to choose one. And this is where the main prize will be. And one of them will get an empty box.

And don't forget to reward all participants. Choose ordinary souvenirs in the form of keychains and magnets with images of anchors, steering wheels, and sea animals. But you can also give your guests sets of sweets in the form of shells and stars. Or more expensive gifts, including alcohol, tea or coffee.

There can be many reasons to organize a party in a nautical style. This is a corporate holiday, a birthday, or just a meeting of old friends. Despite the fact that the nautical style presupposes the presence of a pond, such a party can be held anywhere, indoors, in winter.

Main features and nuances

You can use several design options. They differ in general content and focus:

  • Actually " nautical» option is anchors, ships, sails, steering wheels and other similar details that are present throughout the entire space allocated for the party.
  • One of the most popular nautical style options is pirate, including treasure maps, antique chests, gold coins, Jolly Roger emblem, pistols. This option is preferable for a children's party.
  • « Underwater kingdom" - abundance around figurines and images of all kinds of marine life: crabs, fish, stingrays, algae and much more.
  • One of the most interesting ways design - creation cartoon sea world. For example, the world of the Little Mermaid with its palaces, Neptune's trident, colorful fish and pearls. This option is especially good for a women's party.

Each of these areas is completely independent, but at the same time relates to the marine style. They all have a lot in common - these are the main attributes and details. One of these details will be sand. It’s good if the party takes place outdoors near the sea or lake. And in an ordinary apartment, you can fence off a small area of ​​the hallway at the entrance and pour a little sand, collected on the shore or bought at a gardening store, onto a piece of blue fabric.

Decorating a party in a nautical style

Wherever it is decided to hold the holiday, The design must include themed accessories and details. They are the ones who will create initial stage“sea” atmosphere and will help maintain it throughout the event.

By color scheme Basically it is the presence of white, red, all variants of blue and their combination. In a marine theme, all kinds of stripes are more popular.

You must start with the front door (holding a holiday in an apartment or house), the hall (in a hotel or club) or a symbolic fence (on the shore of a body of water). It is necessary to post an advertisement on imitation parchment with the name of the ship or “locality”. At the entrance you can even build a kind of ladder, if space permits. You need to prepare garlands of boats or anchors in advance - they will hide the usual walls and ceiling. Marine paraphernalia can be placed on all horizontal surfaces - pebbles from the sea, corals, shells, etc.. If the party takes place in an apartment, then walls main room can be draped with blue or blue fabric. Thick ropes hung against its background will resemble ship ropes. There you can also place helm. If it is difficult to get a real one, then brown cardboard will make an excellent imitation of it. Tablecloths, curtains and all kinds of home textiles should also be designed in marine colors. An image of anchors is glued or sewn onto the pillowcases. Don’t forget about such “marine” details as barometers, hourglasses, maps, telescopes and so on. These details should be everywhere. It would be great if you hang the name of each on the doors of all rooms: galley, pilothouse, wardroom and so on. You can even appoint a person in charge of these rooms and hang a photo of this person nearby. For example, like this: “Galley. Kok Yaroslav." The captain, of course, will be either the owner of the house or the hero of the occasion.

Selecting costumes

In addition to decorating the party room in a nautical and ship style, to maintain the overall atmosphere The clothing of guests and hosts is very important. The suitability of suits must be taken care of in advance. The first option (also the simplest) is to indicate the dress code in the invitations. Here's a list of what's perfect for any nautical-themed party, no matter the occasion:

  • caps and vests;
  • captain's jackets;
  • costumes of sailors, fishermen and fisherwomen;
  • pirate costumes and accessories;
  • mermaid and Neptune costumes;
  • swimsuits (if the holiday is on the shore).

If you don’t buy costumes specifically for the party, then suitable sets can be made from what you have in your wardrobe.

For girls, a blue skirt with a white tight short blouse is quite suitable. It is better if the skirt is pleated and also quite short. To turn an ordinary blouse into a sailor's one, you just need to tie a classic one sailor tie. You can make it yourself or replace it with a blue scarf with white stripes. Men can easily wear flared (or regular) trousers in white or blue and a white T-shirt. The same sailor tie or the presence of stripes on clothes will turn the outfit into a naval one. The second option assumes that upon entry guests will be given the necessary clothing items. Everything should be in red, white and blue colors. Black is also allowed, and for girls - pink (but always striped!). T-shirts may be enough. Additionally, guests can receive caps(they are easy to make from plain paper) and sailors collars. If a pirate nautical style is chosen, then instead of caps and collars there will be hats or pirate belts and “one-eyed Joe” headbands.

Marine style competitions

All entertainment during the scenario of such a party should also be themed. Most of them are mobile or require some kind of physical activity.

One of the few competitions that can be held right at the table is called the “Marine Knowledge Auction”. All participants are divided into two teams. If there are many guests, the number of teams can be increased. The presenter names one of the marine terms, such as waterline, half-hull, pilot, galley and so on. Teams must decipher this term. The delegate of the team that first reported a ready answer answers. If no one gives an answer right away, you can give one minute of time to think about it. The team that gives the most correct answers wins.

Rescue of drowning people

Depending on the total number of guests, they are divided into teams of 5–6 people. All players in turn must throw on a separately selected person(this can be the presenter or his assistant) lifebuoy. Instead of a circle, a regular gymnastic hoop, preferably a lightweight plastic one, is suitable for the competition. If the circle is cast accurately, it is considered a “save” and the team receives one point. They win on points.

The board is broken!

Teams of 3–4 people participate. Each receives a fairly large open container of water. It represents the hold into which water entered through the resulting hole. The second container, which has the same volume, is empty. She needs fill with water from the first using spoons. This is called "bailing out the bilge." The competition continues until one of the teams completes the task first.

We are not afraid of the storm!

All guests are divided equally into two teams. The more players in each, the more interesting it will be. Participants stand in two lines opposite each other. The leader gives the first person in the line a very long narrow ribbon. Instead, you can use thin synthetic rope. After the whistle or bell sounds, participants must "tie" the entire team using a makeshift rope. To do this, everyone must thread the ribbon through some part of their wardrobe - a button hole, a belt strap, a bracelet or something similar.

Let's lay a fairway

After the middle of the party, guests will greet such a competition with a bang. Teams have 4–5 players. In front of each is a winding line of reefs, for example, made from water bottles. The first participant, who is also the team captain or navigator, receives a “steering wheel” (a hoop, plate or other round object) and blindfolded, following the prompts of his team, must navigate a safe route. His comrades remember the route and turns. The rest of the team must “swim” along the same path after the navigator.

One-legged pirate

At about the same time as the previous one, a competition may be held " One-legged pirate " This competition is a relay race, so teams must consist of only pairs of people (4, 6, 8). The distance and route are planned in advance. It may not be direct, but anything, even reciprocal (that is, each pair will return to the beginning to pass the baton), depending on where the party is held. All couples stand next to each other, their two legs are tied together - the left one of one to the right of the other. This is how the rest of the route should follow. The group whose members complete the task faster wins.

Sea menu

At a “sea” stylistic party, you need a menu that matches the setting and the general idea.

First of all, you need to remember that most dishes, except sweets, should either consist entirely seafood, or contain them. Will fit salads with shrimp, mussels, crab meat. Several types of fish must be included in the party menu. Can be served as a main dish huge stuffed fish. Around there are various cuts of smoked and salted fish, salads with squid, seaweed, etc. The best option There will be a buffet table when decorating the table and serving food. On the table you can place a lot of full-fledged dishes and all kinds of sandwiches with caviar, red fish, smoked herring and other delicacies. Sandwiches, like the entire table, can be decorated with vegetables cut out in the shape of ships and starfish. The second table - for sweets and drinks - can be set up right away, just on the other side. From alcoholic drinks - rum, gin, dark beer. Cocktails blue color And juices They will be well complemented by matching tubes and ice in the shape of shells, sails, and so on. Sweets - cakes, cakes, cookies - are also prepared in a themed color scheme. They can be made in the form of a variety of aquatic life. Napkins folded into sails will be a great addition. Marine style is always fresh and light, good mood and enthusiasm of communication. Choosing this particular style for a party is a holiday for guests and hosts.

More and more more people When inviting your friends to a party, do you think about what to do so that everyone is happy and the impressions of the event remain for a long time? To achieve this goal you don’t need to make a lot of effort, you just need to use your imagination a little. One of these fantasies is thematic pirate party.

If you and your friends are brave and reckless, if you are carefree, desperate and know a lot about entertainment - then you are a real “pirate gang”! It's time to organize a crazy pirate party, filled with the spirit of adventure and freedom!

Meeting guests

People dressed as pirates, greeting with phrases - “shatter you, who brought it!!!”, “Moor quickly, a thousand devils!!!”.

In the beginning pirate party hand out leaflets with a pirate dictionary to your guests.


You can develop a cover sketch yourself, or you can use existing pictures by searching for suitable ones on the Internet. It could be a map of buried treasure, comic portraits of pirates, or pictures depicting sea battles - the choice is huge.

You should use great imagination when composing the inscription inside the invitation card - the invitation itself. Here you can use pirate words and quotes from films about pirates.

For example: “Old man... (name)! I would be honored to have you aboard my schooner." Flying Dutchman"... (date) of this year when the bells will ring... (time). And strike me with thunder if you have to regret your time! Thunderstorm of the seas - Captain... (name).” If you used a buried treasure map on the cover, the invitation text might be something like this: “Sea Wolf... (name) is assembling a crew!

On the secret map, an X marks the gathering place! It’s all about finding the treasure followed by a pirate feast!” If you are planning a costume party, this should also be indicated in the invitation card: “Pirates and their friends are strongly recommended to arrive in proper attire!”
At the end of the evening, invitation cards can be used as tickets in a comic lottery.

More invitations to pirate party : can be designed as a black mark, round shape Jolly Roger on the one hand, information about the event on the other.

Where to mark

Even a small apartment can become the venue for such an event. The main thing is to decorate the apartment properly, to give it the spirit of pirate life. Of course, you can contact a specialized studio where everything will be done for you, but this will require considerable financial expenses.

How to Decorate a Venue

  1. In case your pirate party involves many guests, and there will be more than one table - attach a name to each table - like pirate ships - “Unsinkable”, “Barracuda”, “Black Pearl”, etc. Decorate the walls and columns of the room with inflatable balloons with pirate-themed designs printed on them. Place applications in the form of large sea anchors, masts, and sea creatures on the walls. You can make rope ladders from skeins of twine.
  2. Hang garlands with “jolly Roger” under the ceiling. The same image can be used on the flags with which you decorate the tables. You can come up with an interesting solution for decorating dishes and bottles of drinks. Design a label layout for alcoholic beverage bottles. The real pirate drink is, of course, rum! Make drink analogue labels. For example: “Pirate Rum”, “Tear-Out-Eye. Cuban rum." The menu should have a lot of seafood dishes. Also come up with appropriate names for the dishes: “Sperm whale liver”, “Tongue of a chatty pirate”, “Black cuttlefish” and so on.
  3. If pirate party takes place in the apartment– your guests will certainly appreciate this find: designate the apartment’s premises with “seaworthy” names by hanging appropriate nameplates on them. The kitchen is a “galley”, the toilet is a “latrine”, the living room is a “wardroom”, the balcony is a “captain’s bridge”, the bedroom is a “cabin” and so on.


Undoubtedly, the “uniform” will give your pirate party special atmosphere.
"Costume rental" is the most easy option for those who want to look their best at a party “like a pirate” and are not strapped for cash. The choice of costumes – for both men and women – in such establishments is quite wide. If you haven’t decided what exactly your pirate look should be, visit several costume rental shops and choose an outfit to your taste.

If you want to choose an outfit for yourself, combining and modifying things from your wardrobe, take a closer look at the suits offered by rental companies - you will probably come up with something original.

Accessories can be bought, or you can make them yourself. For example, a cardboard saber covered with foil and decorated with “jewels” made of colored paper, a black eye patch made from a piece of black material and a wide black elastic band. An old wide belt or belt can easily be styled as a pirate one, just by adding a few thick chains to it. Buy a toy parrot and attach it to your shoulder - it will be very original. In a female pirate look, you can use short dresses with a fluffy skirt - red or black and large fishnet tights. This look will be perfectly complemented by high black boots.

Many stores offer a wide range of costumes and accessories for pirate parties. If you know what your outfit should look like, but you haven’t found a suitable one either in the store or at the rental store, and you don’t dare to make it yourself, contact a tailoring studio.

Music, dancing, entertainment

Guests are greeted either by the host of the event himself, and/or by a specially invited presenter. Both are dressed accordingly. The appearance of each new guest is played out by the host with approximately the following words: “Welcome aboard! Raise anchor! “A thousand devils! Old man, we've been waiting for you! But they still saved a barrel of rum!” etc.
As musical arrangement Any pub music will do. For example, blues, jazz, rock and roll. It would be very appropriate to play tracks from famous films, cartoons and TV series about pirates (especially as musical accompaniment competitions).
To warm up the crowd, you can invite a group of dancers to perform pirate-themed numbers and accompany your guests while they dance themselves. The “Sea Bartender Show” (juggling bottles, making pirate drinks based on rum, etc.) will be interesting for guests. If the event is held outdoors, you can organize a barbecue and/or boiling crayfish in large cauldrons.


        Songs from the movie “Treasure Island” are perfect for a pirate party.
  • “Chance he’s not getting paid, not an ovans”
  • "The Story of Bobby the Boy Who Loved Money"
  • “We are all participants in the regatta”
  • "Song about the dangers of drunkenness"
  • "A Little Dog about Sports"
  • "Song about Greed"
  • "Song about the dangers of smoking"
      1. “Song from the film Blue Puppy”
      2. "The King and the Jester"
      3. Pirate song "tequilajazz"
      4. Soundtrack to the film "Pirates of the Caribbean"


Suitable pirate surroundings, they will help you create films and cartoons about pirates that can be played without sound:

      1. "Treasure Island"
      2. "Pirates of the Caribbean"
      3. "Captain Blood's Odyssey"
      4. "Master of the Seas, at the End of the Earth"

Competitions for a pirate party

An interesting quiz that can be diversified by giving out prizes in the form of “golden ducats” or “black marks”.

Pirate Quiz #1(correct answers are highlighted in red):

1. Name your favorite pirate drink:


2. Who is a pirate?

Sea Robber
The Honorable Gentleman
Office plankton representative

3. Which writer did not write about pirates?

Daniel Defoe
Mine Reed
Robert Louis Stevenson
Walter Scott

4. Who did the pirates call the gunpowder monkey?

A pirate monkey that was injured in battle
Lowest pirate rank on a ship
Enemy soldier captured in battle
The boy who carried gunpowder and shells during the battle

5. Who is a gunner?

A pirate who writes the canon of the crew and monitors its implementation
Crew member responsible for the condition of the guns on the ship
Convoy Man
First mate

6. Why were the pirates’ noses and ears cut off?

For foul language
For eavesdropping
For stealing from teammates
For curiosity
You can come up with additional tasks for the quiz yourself.

Pirate Quiz #2:

Pirates are rude ignoramuses who do not like to study, but in maritime affairs they have no equal, they must know everything about the sea and ships, because their lives depend on it. Let's check which team deserves to be called real sea ​​wolves, answer maritime questions.

For example:

What is the name of the ship's cook - (cook), what is the name of the captain sparrow - (Jack); Captain Sparrow's ship - (Black Pearl); the name of the captain whose treasure Jim, Trelawney and Dr. Livesey were looking for - (Flint) ... See more questions above.

The team that answers first gets a point.

The two teams with the highest number of points advance to the finals and receive a new task - take turns naming the types of ships; whoever they stop at (those who cannot name the ships) loses.

Types of ships:

Aak, Bark, Barquentine, Brig, Brigantine, Galleon, Gallere, Junk, Iol(joll), Caravel, Karakka, Ketch, Kog, Rook, Flute, Frigate, Sloop, Schooner, Cruiser, Battleship, Aircraft Carrier, Destroyer, Dreadnought, Battleship , Boat, Yacht, Longboat, Icebreaker, Tanker.

Competition "Sea Mummy"

Players are called to the center of the hall - approximately 3-4 people. Each person is given a roll toilet paper. The players' task is to tear the paper into pieces and stuff these pieces into their pockets, collars, trousers, etc. The winner is the player who completed the task first. The “judge” must ensure that the pieces of paper are as small as possible.

Competition "Pearls in a Bottle"

4-5 people are invited to participate. An empty bottle with a narrow neck is placed on the floor in front of each person. Each person is given 15-20 beads or peas, which he must hold in his hand. The second hand must be placed behind the back during the competition. The players' task is to put all the beads from the hand in which they are held into the bottle: do not help with the other hand! If a pea falls past the bottle, the process begins again - all the peas must again be held in the hand and started to be lowered into the bottle. The competition is won by the one who completes the task first.

Competition "Fortitude"

For the competition you will need empty matchboxes. Those wishing to participate in the competition stand in a line sideways to each other at a distance of a step. A matchbox is placed on the floor opposite each player (at a distance of approximately 20 cm). At the leader's signal, players blow on their boxes as hard as possible to move them as far as possible. Using a ruler or tape measure, the presenter measures the distance by which each box was moved. Based on the results, the winner is announced.

Competition "Who's Who?"

Everyone is invited to participate, confident that they have a rich imagination - about 5 people. Everyone is given paper with a pen and time - 5-7 minutes. During this time, everyone must come up with a “pirate nickname” for themselves (after all, it is not customary for pirates to address each other by name!) After the time has passed, the presenter reads out the nickname of each participant. Spectators in the hall express their sympathy for this or that nickname with applause - this is how the most original one is determined. Now these “names” can be written on badges or special badges and given to competition participants as a prize - let them wear these badges for the rest of the evening.

Competition "Hook"

You will need at least 2 prop hooks, gouache (can be the same color) and large sheets of paper (preferably whatman paper). A sheet of paper is placed in front of the participants and gouache is placed. Then everyone takes a hook in left hand, and on command begins to draw a portrait of his captain or leader with a hook. The presenter times the time. Whose portrait turns out to be funnier and cooler is the one who wins. The winner is determined by the audience.

Drowned Treasure Competition

We take two basins with water, throw oranges, lemons or any other fruits to the bottom, the participants kneel down, put their hands behind their backs and, on command, take out the fruits with their teeth. Whoever is faster wins.

Competition "Fortune"

And now we will test our pirates for luck. Need 5 participants. Stage 1 - participants draw one card from the deck, the one with the least is eliminated. Stage 2 - you need 4 long fireplace or hunting matches. Participants draw lots: whoever has the shortest match is eliminated. 3rd stage - participants throw dice; whoever gets the lowest number is eliminated. 4th stage final - two remain, in front of them they place two chests, one empty and the other with a gift.

Competition "Fishing"

We call the competition participants, give each of them a fishing rod (fishing rod: a meter-long stick, we tie a slightly longer rope to it, we tie a small magnet to the end of the rope), we mark a line beyond which the players cannot step. At a short distance from the fishermen, we scatter coins, only in denominations of 10 and 50 kopecks (others are not magnetic). The presenter times the time. On command, the participants begin to fish by casting their fishing rods. Who will pull out a large amount, within the allotted time, he won.

Competition "Polundra"

Participants wear thick winter mittens or gloves on their hands. Wide shirts or dressing gowns are placed nearby. At the command “half-hearted” they must get dressed and fasten all the buttons. Whoever wins faster (when choosing mittens, check whether it is possible to fasten buttons in them).

Competition "The Most Accurate"

Cut a ring out of cardboard and hold it vertically. Give the shooters a rattle (for children). The most accurate one will win.

The final and main competition is a treasure hunt:

Hide the treasure with valuable prizes where it will be difficult to find.

Searching for treasure using a treasure map - here you have 2 options.

1. Draw the map only in a confusing and unclear way. You can imagine the venue as an island, the tables at which the guests sit are ships, the dance floor is a clearing, the columns are palm trees, the stage is a mountain with a cave.

2. Write a riddle on the map, and the answer should be the object or place where the next riddle is hidden. You need 4-6 riddles. The last riddle will lead to the treasure.

As gifts In all competitions, you can use souvenirs with pirate symbols - mugs, T-shirts, magnets, badges.

Themed holidays: corporate parties, graduations, birthdays - bright and unusual, and therefore like appeal to everyone and are remembered for a long time, especially if during the preparation the organizers spared no effort in decorating the room appropriately, choosing props and music, i.e. took care of the “complete immersion” of guests into the atmosphere of the planned plot. One of the most popular topics among both children and adults was pirate adventures and entertainment. You can take a new one as a basis theme party script "On a Pirate Ship", which contains tips on organizing a holiday and fun games and competitions.

If it is not possible to arrange this outdoors or on a boat trip, then the room is stylized, but it is better, after all, especially in the summer season, to hold such a party on a boat. It doesn’t matter what route the ship will take, maybe even in a circle. The most important thing is that you are on a ship, and there is water around you.

Decorating and preparing a pirate party

It is advisable to decorate the ship's interior (room) like a pirate ship: a "Skull and Bones" flag, an ancient chest, candles burning in shards of pottery. On the tables - some simple pirate food in clay or wooden plates: meat, bread, pineapples, coconuts, bananas, mangoes and other fruits. Kegs of wine and beer, bottles of water. There must be a large knife on the table for slicing meat and a hammer for breaking coconuts. Laid out on the tables playing cards, on which rhymes for burime are written, it is necessary to select pirate songs. A map of the area where the events will take place is also being prepared. The map should be torn into several parts. Parts of the map are received by those participants who go through all the obstacles while searching for the treasure. If there are no stops during the swim, the presenter hands over part of the map after each competition. If it is possible to make stops and go ashore, then after the end of each competition the presenter gives the winner a note describing the shore and the place where part of the map lies. To do this, the assistant goes ashore before the others and hides the map. After this, the leader invites everyone to go ashore.

When guests board again, they are greeted by a host dressed as a pirate and a sailor in a matching sailor's uniform. Guests are given pirate bandanas. The pirate ship is setting sail.

Game filling for a pirate party

Before each exit, the presenter hits a bell or metal plate. The host welcomes the guests on board the ship, says that the pirate ship is going in search of treasure, and asks everyone to tie bandanas as an attribute of a pirate voyage. By using dice(dice) we determine the happiest guest (For example, it will be the guest whose birthday is the sum of the dice rolled). We give the happiest one the task of shouting “Piastres! Piasters!” every 15 minutes.

Throughout the trip, we invite guests to write quatrains based on the suggested rhymes, which will be read out later. There will be competitions in the form of obstacles along the way to find the treasure. Between competitions, pirate-themed songs are played, and treasure hunters sit at tables and eat simple food.

Competition "Sea Knot"

Participants were invited to demonstrate their ability to tie sea knots. We give everyone a rope. In 30 seconds, the participant must tie as many knots as possible, and then untie them. In this case, the participants exchange ropes.

Competition "Grab him, tie him up!"