First lesson “We are commanded to preserve the world! Class hour “We are commanded to preserve this world” Class hour “We are commanded to preserve this world”

Loginova Gulnaz Nazimovna,

teacher primary classes

MAOU secondary school No. 2 of Pervouralsk

"We need peace on the blue planet"

May 9, 2015 all Russian people celebrated 70 years of Victory in the Great Patriotic War.

We must never forget the feat of our warrior-defenders who defended the world in brutal war. On this great holiday - Victory Day - we remember all those who gave their lives for our future. The memory of the war of 1941-1945 is kept in people's hearts and passed on from generation to generation. Many memorials and monuments dedicated to war heroes were built. Streets in Russian cities are named after them. Many songs, poems, stories, stories and novels have been written about the Great Patriotic War.

Today, the main task of teachers and parents is to form a sense of patriotism in children, cultivate love and respect for veterans and defenders of the Motherland, and introduce students in an accessible form primary school with the military traditions of our people and monuments to the military glory of Russia.

How to talk about this Great War, what words to find to fully tell about the suffering of the young guys who later became heroes? How to convey the essence of what was happening competently and evoke in a small soul a feeling of pride, compassion, reverence, and patriotism?

Children can be introduced to the theme of war by reading poems, works of art, looking at reproductions, paintings about the war, listening to songs of the war years, visiting museums, watching videos, as well as telling children about their grandparents and their participation in the Great Patriotic War. Reviewing photographs is like studying the history of your family, raising little patriots in your children!

Class hour « We need peace on the blue planet"

Target . Expanding children's knowledge about the Great Patriotic War.

Tasks . Promote moral patriotic education students.

To instill in children love for the Motherland, respect for elders and elderly people.

Develop a sense of belonging to the history of the Motherland, a sense of pride in one’s relatives.

Progress of the lesson

For friendship, for smiles and for meetings
We inherited the planet.
We are bequeathed to protect this world
And this amazing land.
We are bequeathed to protect this world -
So unique at dawn.
He has been very dear and dear to us since childhood.
We are responsible for the future of the world.

The world is all of us - adults and children,
We are a reflection of nature
We are part of it, we are beauty.
We have strength, intelligence, kindness.

Leading. The earth is ours big house. Living in it, a person must be kind and take care of all living beings.

1st student. Motherland... Russia... The land where we were born and live is our home, our world. And he must be loved and protected!
2nd student. "Russia. Which beautiful word! And dew, and strength, and something blue..." - this is how the poet S. Yesenin wrote.
Leading. The homeland is like a huge tree on which you can’t count the leaves, and everything we do good adds strength to it. But every tree has roots. Roots nourish the tree and connect it to the earth. Roots are what we lived with yesterday, a year ago, a hundred, a thousand years ago. This is our story. These are our grandfathers and great-grandfathers. These are their affairs, silently living next to us. A people without deep roots is a poor people.
3rd student. Homeland is a path with a ford across a stream, and birds flying over our house. This big cities and villages of ten courtyards. These are our parents. This is you and me with our world of feelings, with our joys and worries.
4th student. In the early morning of June 22, 1941, the peaceful silence of cities and villages was torn apart by explosions of bombs and shells. A war unprecedented in its scope and ferocity began, which went down in history as the Great Patriotic War.
Leading. The war was for many a test of loyalty to the Motherland. How did people survive that war, which began so tragically and ended in victory in '45? The answer is simple: they loved their Motherland and could not help but defend it. 2015 is the year of the 70th anniversary of the Victory of our people in the Great Patriotic War.

Stories from 1st grade students about their relatives

Chekasin Vladislav

My great-grandfather Ivan Ivanovich Skorynin was born in 1917 in the village of Pilnaya in the city of Pervouralsk. Served in the police. He was drafted to the Leningrad Front in 1942, fought in the Red Army rifle division. Died heroically on September 1, 1942 in the village of Sinyavino Leningrad region. Nothing is known about awards.

During the Great Patriotic War this area hosted the most

bloody and fierce battles. The village was completely destroyed.

During the battles on the Nevsky Patch and on the Sinyavinsky Heights, 360,000 people died. At this place there is a memorial “Sinyavinsky Heights”. The central monument is “Stella of Memory” with the inscription on it: “To the Soviet soldiers who fell for Leningrad.”

Kovkova Ulyana

My great-grandfathers

Kovkov Stepan Stepanovich was born in 1919 . in the village Kamyshevka, Kurgan region.

In 1939 he was drafted into the army and from September 1939. to February 1942 served as a cadet in the 437th separate battalion.

Since February 1942 was the commander of the communications department in the 145th Infantry Brigade-350th separate cable company.

At the beginning of 1945, during the capture of Koenigsberg, he was wounded in combat, and in order not to be captured, he lay motionless for a day among the dead soldiers. Afterwards he was hospitalized.

After the hospital, he served as commander of the communications department in the 112th communications battalion of the 114th cannon artillery brigade.

He has many awards, including a medal for courage, for the capture of Konigsberg, for the victory over Germany.

Chernykh Mikhail Alexandrovich was born in 1924 in Pervouralsk .

In 1942 he joined the army and served in Far East on the border with China.

In 1945, he took part in combat operations in the Soviet-Japanese War as part of the 55th Jalindi detachment as a telegraph operator of the PK-1 communications platoon.

He has awards for the victory over Germany and Japan.

Didus Artem

I once asked my great-grandmother:

Granny, do you remember the Great Patriotic War? Like in war, is it scary?

During the war, I was little and I didn’t have to fight, but the memories of how badly we lived then, how we had to work for the front and for victory, how we waited for news from the front from our relatives, and then the return of the front-line soldiers home - that’s me “I remembered it all my life,” my grandmother answered me

Grandma, tell me,” I asked.

Well, listen.

I, Bregida (Shpigun) Nina Kharlampievna, was born in the village of Stantsionnoye, Komsomolsky district, Kustanai region, Kazakh USSR on May 30, 1938. Our village was small, there were only a few wooden houses and dugouts, mainland- virgin soil. During the war years we grew bread. There were many inhabitants in the village, as there were many children in the families.There were 12 children in my family. Early childhood coincided with the Great Patriotic War. I remember some more vivid episodes from my personal life, as well as from the stories of my parents.

I was not yet there when my father left for active service or to repay his debt to the Motherland. Then we served in the army for 3 years. After the army, dad returned home, but did not stay at home for long, as the Finnish War. Dad was taken to the front in the cavalry, and there he was wounded in the leg. The leg had to be amputated, and dad was sent home. Soon I was born, and then it began terrible war as long as my childhood - the Great Patriotic War. She entered every home of our big and mighty country. A long time of waiting and suffering began. So my brother Ivan left my family to serve; in 1943 he went missing and only in 2000 did the pathfinders tell us the burial place.

Our childhood years during the war were not easy. At the age of four, and for the next four years, I went to collect ears of corn in the field with other children and grandmothers in order to send an extra piece of bread to the front. Yes, it was very difficult for us, but we knew what we were working for and starving. We needed a victory! Could the child do anything for the front, you say. Today it is difficult to believe that your peers, having barely learned to put letters into words, began to help the front along with adults. Working in the field, at a military factory, in a hospital, they brought Victory Day closer

Not everyone had loved ones return from the war, and many, although they returned, lost their health there and quickly died. But others did not experience this happiness, to meet their father, mother, brother or sister alive from the war.

5th student. We are grateful to you, soldier - winner! And our land, wounded, having endured everything, but blooming so wildly in this seventieth peaceful spring.
Leading. What kind of spring do you dream of? What kind of world do you want to live in?
1st student.
We need peace on the blue planet,
Both adults and children want it.
We want, waking up at dawn,
Don't remember, don't think about the war.
2nd student.
We need peace to build cities,
Plant trees and work in the fields.
All people want it goodwill.
We need peace forever! Forever!

The day is passing, there are blue shadows in the corners,
The rosy edges of the clouds turn pale.
To me, like a little bear, on your lap
My girl is climbing.
I take her, touch her thin neck,
I push my hair back from my forehead.
She laughs carefree, loudly.
She's with me. Fate protect her!
It's not easy in the world at a time like this,
And a lot of life has been burned to the ground.
I never thought that children
They bring so much light and warmth.

The death of children is terrible. About thirteen million little citizens of our Motherland died in the Great Patriotic War.
3rd student. To us, generation XXIcentury, the future of the planet is dear. Our task is to protect peace, to fight so that people are not killed, shots are not fired, and blood is not shed.
2nd student. The sky should be blue, the sun should be bright, warm and give light and joy to all people on earth.
4th student.
We haven't traveled much around the world yet,
And the dawn is still early,

But we say: “Motherland”
Ready to answer!
5th student.
The common home for us all is the earth.
Our planet Earth is very generous
and rich!
Mountains, forests and fields -
Our home is ours, guys!
Let's save the planet.
There is no other like it in the world.
1st student.
Let's scatter the clouds and smoke over it,
We won’t let anyone offend her!
Students (in chorus)
We will take care of birds, insects, animals.
This will only make us kinder.
Let's decorate the whole earth with gardens and flowers.
You and I need such a planet.
A world full of fabulous flowers.
A world with a wondrous rustle of winds.
Peace with the wonderful song of the nightingale,
Peace with the clear voice of the stream.
The whole world is yours.
The earth is yours
The sun is yours.
So live and be happy
A man who has never known war!

Class hour “We are bequeathed to protect this world” Goal: To promote the education of patriotism, cooperation, and a responsible attitude towards peace on Earth. Objectives: consolidate knowledge about state symbols; develop speech, logical thinking, memory; cultivate a sense of collectivism and mutual assistance Equipment: model of the planet made of blue paper, stencils of pigeons, colored paper, scissors. Progress of the event 1. Determination of the topic and goals Dear guys, today we will talk about what worries every person, because without it it is very difficult, scary and sometimes even impossible to live. What will we talk about? Guess the riddles, read keyword: 1. You were born here, you live here, you leave and you miss it, do you know what the name of this place is? (MOTHERLAND) 2. There are many different songs in the world, But this one is most important to us, It, as a symbol of the state, Is known to every single one. (HYMN) What is an anthem? What other symbols of the state do you know? 3.What is the name of our republic? (BELARUS) What word did you get? (World) 2. Definition of the meaning of the word PEACE Correctly, we will talk about peace. What is peace? The word peace has many meanings: 1. Peace in in a broad sense- everything that exists, the Universe 2. The World in a narrower sense - planet Earth 3. The World is the name of any planet. Used as a synonym for planet. 4. Peace - calm, absence of war, peace. What is peace for? 3. Conversation about peace What is called the Motherland? - My home, my family, Favorite class, My friends, And the best city in the world - Gorki, Where I was born and where I live, Where I love to welcome spring, In beautiful park relax in the sunny alleys for a walk. “Belaya Rus” is a tender and poetic name that suits our country perfectly. White means bright, pure, innocent. The elusive beauty of Belarus will be revealed to those who are able to stop and feel the world around them: look into the deep eyes of Belarus - blue lakes, put your hands in the cool water of a cheerful stream, hide from the warm rain under the green paw of a spruce... An amazing thing may seem: here, in in the very heart of Europe, time has slowed down. Let the twenty-first century rage all around, let civilization move forward by leaps and bounds, and in Belarus nature remains natural, people remain humane, and values ​​remain eternal. Over its centuries-old history, Belarus was conquered many times, but it itself was never a conqueror. Belarusians had to change their faith, accept a foreign culture and language. But despite all this, Belarus has never lost its identity. She bowed like grass under the hurricane of conquest, only to straighten up and turn green again. I love my country for its originality, wonderful nature, culture, softness of colors. Because I can live, live freely, without oppression and fear for my life, the life of my family, friends and acquaintances. I love you, White Rus'! You and I live under a peaceful sky. But it was not always cloudless and peaceful... Do you know what wars the people of our country had to experience? Most recently, our country celebrated the great date of 70 years since the end of the Great Patriotic War. It lasted more than four years, 1418 days and nights. This terrible war claimed the lives of more than 20 million Soviet people. This is the price at which peaceful skies were won. And this is the great merit of our grandfathers and great-grandfathers, who at the cost of their lives defended our land from the Nazis. Then soviet army defended our land. The blood of Soviet soldiers stopped shedding, people began to return to peaceful life. Of course, it is difficult for you to imagine that even now in different corners The earth, and even very close to us, the peaceful sky is covered with soot and fumes from exploding shells and bombs, fires that destroy the homes of civilians. Very young soldiers, yesterday's schoolchildren, are sent to war. And how their parents have to worry! All this is happening in our friendly country, Ukraine. Many residents are forced to leave their homes, leave their country, hiding from bombs and shells. Why does this happen? There is a lot of evil in the world around us now, a lot of ruthless, irresponsible people. And evil, hostility and misunderstanding lead to war. Is it possible to avoid military action? How? How to make sure there is no violence, tears, pain, despair? (We must take a responsible approach to conflicts that arise between different countries, and solve problems through negotiations, agreements, and be able to negotiate peacefully.) 4. Replace with antonyms Synonyms for war are the words: evil, enmity, hatred, cruelty, inhumanity. We must always remember this, not quarrel, not get angry, not swear, but be kind, have many friends. Let's replace these “dark” words with antonyms. Evil kindness Enmity friendliness Hatred love Cruelty mercy Inhumanity generosity Indifference - responsiveness These beautiful human qualities are not given to a person from birth. They develop when a person learns to be better and do good deeds. If all people had these wonderful qualities, then there would always be a peaceful sky above our heads. 5. Work in groups “Collect proverbs about the world and the Motherland” Let’s remember and compose proverbs about the world and the Motherland. Let's work in groups (cards with proverbs from the application are distributed) Peace builds, but war destroys. Do not spare your strength or your life for your Motherland. Peace on the planet, happy children One person has one mother and one homeland. There can be no war to stand together for peace. A bad peace is better than a good quarrel. What other proverbs about the world and the Motherland do you know? To live in peace is to live in peace. Peace is a great thing. Everyone loves their own side. There is no land more beautiful than our Motherland. A man without a homeland is a nightingale without a song. WITH native land- die, don’t go. The Motherland is a mother, know how to stand up for her. Those who fight hard for their Motherland are a true hero 6. Reading poems 1. Moms, dads, all adults! Listen to your children's voice: Nuclear explosions Let it not happen forever, quickly block the path to war! 2. We need peace on the blue planet. Both adults and children want it. They want, waking up at dawn, not to remember, not to think about the war. 3. We need peace to build cities, plant trees and work in the fields. All people of good will want it. We need peace forever! Forever! 4. For friendship, for smiles and for meetings. We inherited the planet. We are bequeathed to protect this world and this amazing land. 5. We are bequeathed to protect this world, so unique at dawn, It has been very dear and dear to us since childhood, We are responsible for the future of the world. 6. We will not allow that which is called earthly beauty to become ashes and ashes. May the sky above the Earth be peaceful, May childhood always laugh loudly! 7.You will paint a bright sun, I will paint a blue sky, He will paint ears of bread, We will draw autumn leaves, School, friends, a restless stream... We will cross out with our common brush Shots, explosions, fire and wars. 7. Teamwork. Poster about peace And now I propose to contribute to the cause of peace, to fulfill teamwork poster about peace. Do you know what is a symbol of peace? To make planet Earth more beautiful, let's decorate it with doves and our palms, cut out of colored paper, with wishes for peace. (The poster is made on a pre-prepared round blue template of the planet Earth, doves are cut out according to the template on white paper, palms on colored paper.) An audio recording of the song “Solar Circle” is played 8. Summary How good it is to live under a peaceful sky, play, rejoice, have friends. Let's all take care of this world together! 1. For friendship, for smiles and for meetings. We inherited the planet. We are bequeathed to protect this world and this amazing land. 2. We need peace on the blue planet. Both adults and children want it. They want, waking up at dawn, not to remember, not to think about the war. 3. It is bequeathed to us to take care of this world, So unique at dawn, It has been very dear and dear to us since childhood, We are responsible for the future of the world. 4. We will not allow that which is called earthly beauty to become ashes and ashes. May the sky above the Earth be peaceful, May childhood always laugh loudly!

Topic: “We are commanded to preserve the world!”

Target: creating conditions for instilling in students a sense of pride in the peace-loving policy of our state - the Republic of Belarus.


 expand students’ understanding of the world as an absolute value;

​ to form an image of the world as a way of life on Earth;

​ promote the formation of a socially active personality with a civic-humanistic worldview;

​ include students in peacemaking activities aimed at mercy;

​ to educate a citizen, a patriot of Belarus.

My Fatherland - rivers, fields,
There is a green forest above the Neman,
Beautiful Brest
And Minsk is noisy -
All of Belarus from edge to edge.
Petrus Brovka

Lesson progress

1. Organizational moment

Not warmed by the hot sun

The forests are still covered with leaves,

All the children have bouquets in their hands,

Although the day is sad, it is cheerful,

You are sad: “Goodbye, summer!”

And you rejoice: “Hello, school!”

(Valentin Berestov)

Today we have a holiday - Knowledge Day, dedicated to the beginning of a new academic year. You came to school today with excitement and joy. They came for new knowledge, for new friends, for bright and cheerful emotions.

2. Introduction to the lesson. Conversation

​ Read the epigraph to our lesson.

 What will we talk about in class? (About Belarus)

(We show the children a map of Belarus)

​ Choose synonyms for the word Motherland. (Fatherland, Fatherland)

​ Belarus is our Motherland, Fatherland, Fatherland.

There are many different countries on the globe, but one of them is the dearest and most beloved - this is our homeland - Belarus.

- What does the word “Motherland” mean to you? (children's answers)

-What bird is the symbol of Belarus?

- How did storks appear?

Listen to one legend.

...It was a long time ago. There were no vipers, toads, or lizards then. One day God gave one man a tied pot: “Here, take it and throw it into the sea; just be careful not to untie it!”

A man came home and began to get ready for the journey. And his curious wife persuaded him to wait until the morning. The husband fell asleep, and the wife untied the pot and all sorts of vipers, toads and lizards jumped out. The wife got scared and screamed. A man jumped up, barefoot, in a white shirt, just throwing a black scroll over his shoulders, let's collect this evil spirits. He collected, but he couldn’t collect everything. Then God says: “You released the reptiles, it’s up to you to collect them.” Then he turned these people into storks. From that time on, they walked through the swamp barefoot, with red feet, in white shirts, black scrolls and collected all kinds of evil spirits. They try to live among people.

 Why do you think the stork is a symbol of Belarus? (children's answers)

​ Unfurling their large sail-wings, storks fly over fields and meadows, lakes and rivers, over the roofs of the houses of our Motherland. Belarusians have a belief: whoever has a stork on his roof will be happy.

​ You and I are citizens of the Republic of Belarus.

 Who is a citizen? (A citizen is a person who permanently lives in given state, enjoys its protection and is endowed with a set of rights and obligations).

 Every citizen of Belarus should know the symbols of their state. Name them. (These are the coat of arms, flag and anthem).

 Look carefully at these again state symbols and remember them.

​ Listen to Edie Fireflower’s poem “Land with Azure Eyes”
Earth with azure eyes,
Expanse of rivers and meadows.
Here they call them Cornflowers
Blonde boys.
The springs ring like cymbals,
Paths glow in the forests,
Fields, hillocks, passes -
Spacious road, distant road!

​ Our Belarus is a country of blue rivers and lakes, spacious, endless fields, flowering meadows, dense forests, clean and green cities. Our Belarusian people praise our Motherland, admire and enjoy the beauty of our nature.

​ Name famous names our fellow countrymen, those people who glorified and glorify our Belarus in the world. (children's answers)

​ These are Yanka Kupala, Yakub Kolas, Maxim Bogdanovich and many others.

3. Definition of the meaning of the word PEACE

​ Look at the topic of our lesson and say: what is the main word in it? (World)

 What is peace? What associations does this word evoke for you?

The word "peace" has many meanings:

1. The world in the broad sense is everything that exists, the Universe.

2. The world in a narrower sense is planet Earth.

3.World is the name of any planet. Used as a synonym for planet.

4. Peace - calm, absence of war, peace.

​ What is peace for?

4. Conversation about peace and war

The world is morning full of light and hopes.
The world is blooming gardens and eared fields.
The world is a school bell, it is a school with sunshine in its windows.

It's good to wake up and know that you have a wonderful day ahead, that nothing threatens you, and that all your dreams will come true. It's good to be happy!
Unfortunately, our people know too well the price of a peaceful life.
Our country has suffered too many severe trials. The name of the most difficult test is “war”.

 What associations do you have when you hear the word “war”?

 What is war?

Reading the poem “War” by D. Gombozhaev.

War is the death of everything dear:
shelter without people,
homeless people.
War is a black, vile business:
body without legs
legs without a body.
War is the cause of thousands of separations:
son without father
father without son.
War is tears, ash and cold:
husband without wife
a wife without a husband.
War is clouds of ash and stench:
herds without meadows,
meadows without a herd.
War is blood, an epidemic of grief,
gunpowder smoke,
villages on fire...
But we will not let it flare up again - war.

76 years have passed since that terrible day when the huge doors of war swung wide open. June 22, 1941 is a fateful date, the beginning of the Great Patriotic War.

​ 1418 days! 34 thousand hours and 20 million dead people!

​ 20 million dead. Can you imagine what this is?

​ If for each of the 20 million deaths, a minute of silence is declared in the country, the country will be silent... for 32 years!

​ 20 million graves over 2.5 thousand kilometers - that means 15 people for every 2 meters of land!

​ 20 million in 1418 days - this means 14 thousand killed daily, 600 thousand people per hour, 10 people every minute. That's what 20 million is!

​ It would seem that these scary numbers should make humanity think. But the war continues to this day.

Radio, television, newspapers bring us terrible news about military operations that continue today.

​ Name the points where the war left its mark. (marked on the map)

Iraq, Iran, Afghanistan, Chechnya - these names speak volumes.

Of course, it is difficult for you to imagine that even now in different parts of the Earth, and even very close to us, the peaceful sky is covered with soot and fumes from exploding shells and bombs, fires that destroy the homes of civilians. Very young soldiers, yesterday's schoolchildren, are sent to war. And how their parents have to worry!

All this is happening in our friendly country - Ukraine. Many residents are forced to leave their homes, leave their country, hiding from bombs and shells.

 Why does this happen? There is a lot of evil in the world around us now, a lot of ruthless, irresponsible people. And evil, hostility and misunderstanding lead to war.

 Is it possible to avoid military action?

 How? How to make sure there is no violence, tears, pain, despair?

(We must take a responsible attitude towards conflicts that arise between different countries, and solve the problems that arise through negotiations, agreements, and be able to negotiate peacefully.)

​ Tell me, how do we live in our dear Belarus?

 Can we be sure of tomorrow, make plans for the future?

​ And who should we thank for what is above our heads? blue sky that we don’t hear the sounds of shells, that our family and friends are next to us?

5. Consolidation of acquired knowledge

Let's replace with antonyms

Synonyms for war are the words: evil, enmity, hatred, cruelty, inhumanity. We must always remember this, not quarrel, not get angry, not swear, but be kind, have many friends.

Let's replace these “dark” words with “light” ones.

Evil - kindness

Enmity - friendliness

Hate is love

Cruelty - mercy

Inhumanity - generosity

Indifference - responsiveness

These wonderful human qualities are not given to a person from birth. They develop when a person learns to be better and do good deeds. If all people had these wonderful qualities, then there would always be a peaceful sky above our heads.

Work in pairs. “Collect proverbs about the world and the Motherland”

Let's work in groups (cards with proverbs are handed out). Let's remember and make up proverbs about the world and the Motherland.

1.​ Peace builds, but war destroys.

2.​ Don’t spare your strength or your life for your Motherland.

3. Children on the planet are happy.

4.​ A person has one mother and one homeland.

5. There will be no war together for peace.

6.​ A bad peace is better than a good quarrel.

 What other proverbs about the world and the Motherland do you know?

To live in the world is to live with the world.

Peace is a great thing.

Everyone loves their own side.
There is no land more beautiful than our Motherland.

A man without a homeland is a nightingale without a song.

From your native land - die, don’t leave.

The Motherland is your mother, know how to stand up for her.

Who fights hard for his homeland is a true hero

Reading poetry

You and I said that there is a lot of evil in the world around us now, a lot of ruthless, irresponsible people. And evil, hostility and misunderstanding lead to war. Let us turn to adults today with a message of request.

1. Moms, dads,
all adults!
Listen to your children's voice:
Let there be no nuclear explosions forever,
Block the path to war quickly!

2. We need peace on the blue planet,
Both adults and children want it.
They want, waking up at dawn,
Don't remember, don't think about the war.

3. We need peace to build cities,
Plant trees and work in the fields.
All people of good will want it.
We need peace forever! Forever!

4.For friendship, for smiles and for meetings
We inherited the planet.
We are bequeathed to protect this world
And this amazing land.

5. It is bequeathed to us to protect this world -
So unique at dawn,
He has been very dear and dear to us since childhood,
We are responsible for the future of the world.

6. We will not let you become ashes and cinders
To what is called earthly beauty.
May the sky above the Earth be peaceful,
May childhood always laugh loudly!

7.You will draw a bright sun,
I'll paint a blue sky
He will draw ears of bread,
We will draw autumn leaves,
School, friends, a restless stream...
We'll cross out with our common brush
Shots, explosions, fire and war.

1.​ Teamwork

And now I propose to make my contribution to the cause of peace.

​ Tell me, which bird is a symbol of peace? (dove with an olive branch in its beak)

​ To make planet Earth more beautiful, let's decorate it with dove figurines made by us and with our palms cut out of colored paper with wishes for peace. (The guys make doves and write wishes for peace on their palms)

disturbing news. First at one end, then at the other end globe fall on

There are bombs on the ground, schools and hospitals are burning, hundreds of people are dying. Why so

happening? What prevents people from living peacefully?

7.​ Summing up:

Man was born to live, love and rejoice. The future of the planet, the future of our native Belarus, is dear to us, the new generations. Our task is to protect the world, to strive to prevent people from being killed, shots not being fired, and human blood not being shed.
The sky should be blue, the sun should be bright, warm, kind and affectionate, people's lives should be safe and happy.

8. Reflection

A student reads a poem: “And I’m 11 years old now”:

And I'm 11 years old now.
Who am I, a child or not?
I'm still studying, I'm still playing,
I think and know a lot.
And I can do a lot
I am indebted to adults.
I'm teaching geography
I want to be useful to people.
And someone, somewhere maybe,
He decided to kill me a long time ago.
He will press the black button,
He will launch the bomb and leave.
And again he will drink and eat,
But he has children.
What if someone kills them?
How will he survive their death?
The bomb has no ears or eyes.
She will kill both you and us.
I'm teaching geography.
But I’ll take it and shout:
"People will be born to live,
Don't let the PEACE be killed!

Teacher's final words

Our conversation has come to an end. I want to summarize everything that has been said.

Every citizen of the Republic of Belarus, every Belarusian must love his Motherland, respect his people, the people with whom we meet and communicate, and do everything possible for the development and prosperity of our Belarus.

And your task within the walls of the school is to study diligently, work hard so that your second home is cozy, beautiful and prosperous.

"No one is made for war." How good it is to live under a peaceful sky, to play, to rejoice, to have friends. Let's all take care of this world together! Take care of our beloved Belarus!

Good luck to you, diligence and patience in the new academic year.

Class hour “We are commanded to preserve the world”

Prepared class teacher Ermakova T.A.


    Expand children's knowledge about the world as an absolute value;

    Contribute to the education of patriotism, cooperation, and a responsible attitude towards peace on Earth;

    To promote a sense of pride in one’s country;

Equipment: computer, blue paper planet model, dove stencils.

Work plan:

1.Org. moment. Defining the topic and goals.

2. Definition of the meaning of the word PEACE

3. Conversation about peace

4. “Replace with antonyms”

6.Reading poetry

8. Summary.

1.Org moment. Defining the topic and goals.

So summer has turned its last page, and with it the fun holidays with games, travel and interesting meetings have ended. But this should not upset you, because the Land of Knowledge is opening its doors to you again - a Land in which you will not be bored, in which you will become more mature and smarter. Congratulations on Knowledge Day!

Dear guys, today we will talk about what worries every person, because living without it is very difficult, scary and sometimes even impossible.

What will we talk about?

2. Conversation on the topic

Let's solve the riddles and read the keyword in the crossword:

1. There are many different songs in the world,
But this is most important to us,
She is like a symbol of the state,
Known to every single one. (HYMN)

What is an anthem? (This is one of the symbols of the state, its main song). Every citizen should know the anthem of their country. The anthem is a song that should be listened to while standing. Men must remove their hats.

This bird is unofficially a symbol of our native Belarus.

Listen to another riddle

3.It complements the anthem and flag,
This is the main sign of any country.
Belarus has a special one,
Try to name him. (COAT OF ARMS)

(Our coat of arms looks like a peaceful sunny day. The rising sun and its rays seem to support the earth. Our earth is surrounded by a wreath of ears of grain. To prevent the ears of grain from scattering, they are tied with a ribbon that resembles our flag.

The flag is also one of the symbols of the state.



Green - beauty and richness of nature













What word did you get? (World)

3. Definition of the meaning of the word PEACE

That's right, we will talk about peace.

What is peace?

The word peace has many meanings:

1. The world in the broad sense is everything that exists,Universe

2. The world in a narrower sense is a planetEarth

3. Peace - calm, friendly relations, absence of war, peace.

What is peace for?

3. Conversation about peace

Guys, we live in a country in which peace reigns. Our country is big and beautiful.

What is the name of the country in which we live? (Russia)

If you drive throughout Russia, you can see a lot of beautiful, interesting and surprising things.

The largest untouched forests are located on the territory of Belarus. For example, the famous , this is the largest ancient forest in Europe, there are about 2,000 trees, and some are up to 500 years old. (visual)

Our country is rich in blue lakes with clear clean water, there are about ten thousand of them, the purest springs. One of them is the Blue Well, it is located in the Mogilev region and is considered the largest spring in Belarus. (visibility)

Against the backdrop of this natural splendor, ancient castles and estates look beautiful. For example, Mir Castle near the city of Nesvizh. (visuality)

One of the largest Europe with an area of ​​about 153 hectares (visualization)

The National Library is also a property of Belarus. which is made in the shape of a diamond (visual)

In Belarus, in the city of Zhodino, the world's largest dump truck BelAZ-75710 with a lifting capacity of 450 tons was built at an automobile plant (visualization
In Belarus good conditions for sanatorium treatment, there are a lot of mineralized springs.

But the main wealth of the country is its hospitable and wonderful people.

And also, guys, the main wealth of our country is that you and I live under a peaceful sky.

And now, guys, I suggest you watch a video about our beautiful country, about our Belarus.(video)

As I already said, the main wealth is that you and I live under a peaceful sky.

But it was not always cloudless and peaceful...

Last year, 2015, our country celebrated a great date - 70 years since the end of the Great Patriotic War. It lasted for more than four years. Men, women and even children fought! This terrible war claimed the lives of more than 20 million people.

I bring to your attention another video. Look at it carefully.(video).

- Do you think it was easy to fight and live in wartime? (Of course not.)

This is the price at which peaceful skies were won. And this is the great merit of our grandfathers and great-grandfathers, who at the cost of their lives defended our land from the Nazis. Victory in the Great Patriotic War is a feat of many peoples who united against fascism. (Lithuania,Latvia, Belarus, Moldova, Estonia) We must remember this and at all times try to maintain peace in our land.


There is a lot of evil in the world around us now, a lot of ruthless, irresponsible people. And evil, hostility and misunderstanding lead to war.

Is it possible to avoid military action?

How? How to make sure there is no violence, tears, pain, despair?

(We must take a responsible attitude towards conflicts that arise between different countries, and solve the problems that arise through negotiations, agreements, and be able to negotiate peacefully.)

4.Replace with antonyms

Guys , what associations do you have when you hear the word “war”?

Synonyms for war are the words: evil, enmity, hatred, cruelty, inhumanity. We must always remember this, not quarrel, not get angry, not swear, but be kind, have many friends. Let's replace these “dark” words with other “light, good” words (connect them on the board with an arrow)

Evil - kindness

Enmity - friendliness

Hate is love

Cruelty - mercy

Inhumanity - generosity

Indifference - Responsiveness

These wonderful human qualities are not given to a person from birth. They develop when a person learns to be better and do good deeds. If all people had these wonderful qualities, then there would always be a peaceful sky above our heads.

5. Work in groups “Collect proverbs about the world and the Motherland”

And now, guys, let's remember the proverbs about peace and the Motherland. And for this we will work in groups and each group will try to collect a proverb (cards with proverbs are distributed)

Peace builds, but war destroys.
-Don’t spare your strength or your life for your Motherland.
-Peace on the planet, happy children

A person has one mother and one homeland

There will be no war together for peace.

A bad peace is better than a good quarrel.

Flowers need sun, and people need peace.

The peoples need peace, not a military uniform.

Peace is happiness for the people

6.Reading poetry

1. Moms, dads,
all adults!
Listen to your children's voice:
Let there be no nuclear explosions forever,
Block the path to war quickly!

2. We need peace on the blue planet,
Both adults and children want it.
They want, waking up at dawn,
Don't remember, don't think about the war.

3. We need peace to build cities,
Plant trees and work in the fields.
All people of good will want it.
We need peace forever! Forever!

4.You will draw a bright sun,
I'll paint a blue sky
He will draw ears of bread,
We will draw autumn leaves,
School, friends, a restless stream...
We'll cross out with our common brush
Shots, explosions, fire and war.

7. Teamwork. Poster about peace.

And now I propose to do a collective work - a poster about peace.

Guys, look, what kind of bird is this in my hands? (Pigeon)

Right! The dove is a bird that is a symbol of peace.

To make planet Earth more beautiful, let's decorate it with doves.

(The poster is made on a pre-prepared round blue template of the planet Earth; doves are cut out according to the template on white paper.)

An audio recording of the song “We are commanded to preserve this world” is played.

8. Summary.

How good it is to live under a peaceful sky, to play, to rejoice, to have friends. Let's all take care of this world together!

Class hour “We are commanded to protect this world”

Compiled by: primary school teacher

Municipal educational institution "Kazanskaya" high school» Sernur district RME

Smolentseva Tatyana Grigorievna


To promote patriotism, cooperation, and a responsible attitude towards peace on Earth.


consolidate knowledge about state symbols;

develop speech, logical thinking, memory;

foster a sense of collectivism and mutual assistance

Equipment : computer, projector, presentation, blue paper planet model, balloons, dove stencils, colored paper, scissors.

Work plan:

1.Org. moment. Defining the topic and goals.

3. Conversation about peace

4. “Replace with antonyms”

6.Reading poetry

8. Summary.

1.Org moment. Defining the topic and goals.

Dear guys, today we will talk about what worries every person, because living without it is very difficult, scary and sometimes even impossible. -What will we talk about?

Slide 2

Guess the riddles, read the keyword:

1. I’m sure, friends, you will guessThat ancient fortress in the center of Moscow.On its spiers the stars burn brightly,The chimes on the Spasskaya tower are ringing.(KREMLIN)

2. There are many different songs in the world,But this is most important to us,She is like a symbol of the state,Known to every single one.(HYMN)

What is an anthem? What other symbols of the state do you know?

Listen to another riddle

3.It complements the anthem and flag,This is the main sign of any country.Russia has a special one,Try to name him. (COAT OF ARMS)

- What word did you get? (World)

2. Definition of the meaning of the word PEACE

Slide 3

That's right, we will talk about peace.

What is peace?

The word peace has many meanings:

1. The world in the broad sense is everything that exists,Universe

2. The world in a narrower sense is a planetEarth

3.World is the name of any planet. Used as a synonym for planet.

4. Peace - calm, absence of war, peace.

What is peace for?

3. Conversation about peace

Our country Russia is powerful and huge. If we want to travel from one corner of the country to another, we will have to fly all day on the fastest plane. Our country is so big that when it’s night in one part and all the people are sleeping, on the other side of the country, in other cities and villages, the guys are playing. In one part of our country it is cold, and in the other it is very hot at this time. This is how amazing our country is. Many poems and songs have been written about our country, about Russia.People live in it in peace and harmony different nationalities. You and I live under a peaceful sky. But it was not always cloudless and peaceful...

Do you know what wars the people of our country have had to endure?

Very soon our country will celebrate a great date - 70 years since the end of the Great Patriotic War. It lasted more than four years, 1418 days and nights. This terrible war claimed the lives of more than 20 million Soviet people. This is the price at which peaceful skies were won. ANDThis is the great merit of our grandfathers and great-grandfathers, who at the cost of their lives defended our land from the Nazis.Then the Soviet army defended our land. The blood of Soviet soldiers stopped shedding, people began to return to peaceful life.

Slide 4 -10 (change slides automatically)

Of course, it is difficult for you to imagine that even now in different parts of the Earth, and even very close to us, the peaceful sky is covered with soot and fumes from exploding shells and bombs, fires that destroy the homes of civilians.Very young soldiers, yesterday's schoolchildren, are sent to war. And how their parents have to worry! All this is happening in our friendly country - Ukraine. Many residents are forced to leave their homes, leave their country, hiding from bombs and shells.

Why does this happen?

There is a lot of evil in the world around us now, a lot of ruthless, irresponsible people. And evil, hostility and misunderstanding lead to war.

Is it possible to avoid military action?

How? How to make sure there is no violence, tears, pain, despair?

(We must take a responsible attitude towards conflicts that arise between different countries, and solve the problems that arise through negotiations, agreements, and be able to negotiate peacefully.)

4.Replace with antonyms

Slide 11

Synonyms for war are the words: evil, enmity, hatred, cruelty, inhumanity.We must always remember this, not quarrel, not get angry, not swear, but be kind, have many friends. Let's replace these “dark” words with antonyms.

Evil - kindness

Enmity - friendliness

Hate is love

Cruelty - mercy

Inhumanity - generosity

Indifference - Responsiveness

These wonderful human qualities are not given to a person from birth. They develop when a person learns to be better and do good deeds. If all people had these wonderful qualities, then there would always be a peaceful sky above our heads.

5. Work in groups “Collect proverbs about the world and the Motherland”

Slide 12

Let's remember and make up proverbs about the world and the Motherland. Let's work in groups (cards with proverbs from the application are distributed)

Peace builds, but war destroys.
-Don’t spare your strength or your life for your Motherland.
-Peace on the planet, happy children

A person has one mother and one homeland

There will be no war together for peace.

A bad peace is better than a good quarrel.

What other proverbs about the world and the Motherland do you know?

Slide 13

To live in peace is to live in peace.

Peace is a great thing.

Everyone loves their own side.
There is no land more beautiful than our Motherland

A man without a homeland is a nightingale without a song.
From your native land - die, don’t leave

The Motherland is your mother, know how to stand up for her.

Who fights hard for his homeland is a true hero

6.Reading poetry

1. Moms, dads,
all adults!
Listen to your children's voice:
Let there be no nuclear explosions forever,
Block the path to war quickly!

2. We need peace on the blue planet,
Both adults and children want it.
They want, waking up at dawn,
Don't remember, don't think about the war.

3. We need peace to build cities,
Plant trees and work in the fields.
All people of good will want it.
We need peace forever! Forever!

4.For friendship, for smiles and for meetings
We inherited the planet.
We are bequeathed to protect this world
And this amazing land.

5. It is bequeathed to us to protect this world -
So unique at dawn,
He has been very dear and dear to us since childhood,
We are responsible for the future of the world.

6. We will not let you become ashes and cinders
To what is called earthly beauty.
May the sky above the Earth be peaceful,
May childhood always laugh loudly!

7. You will draw a bright sun,
I'll paint a blue sky
He will draw ears of bread,
We will draw autumn leaves,
School, friends, a restless stream...
We'll cross out with our common brush
Shots, explosions, fire and war .

7. Teamwork. Poster about peace.

Slide 14

And now I propose to make our contribution to the cause of peace, to carry out collective work - a poster about peace.

Do you know what is a symbol of peace?

To make planet Earth more beautiful, let's decorate it with doves and our palms, cut out of colored paper, with wishes for peace.

(The poster is made on a pre-prepared round blue template of the planet Earth, doves are cut out according to the template on white paper, palms on colored paper.)

An audio recording of the song “Sunny Circle” is played

8. Summary.

How good it is to live under a peaceful sky, to play, to rejoice, to have friends. Let's all take care of this world together!

Literature: 1.riddles: 2.verses: ,