Passive and passive constructions in English. The use of Russian passive constructions from the perspective of a native speaker of the Vietnamese language Nguyen Thi Quynh Huong

Active construction is a way of semantic-syntactic organization of a sentence, which denotes: the action of the subject directed to the object; action closed in the sphere of the subject; properties, qualities, states, relationships of the bearer of a predicative feature. A grammaticalized form of expressing activity is a verbal utterance of a theme-rhematic structure (see Actual division of a sentence) with a preposition of a subject having the meaning of a person, and with a predicate denoting a purposeful action; for example, “She [Margarita] carefully folded the burnt leaves, wrapped them in paper, and tied them with ribbon” (Bulgakov).
A.K. are heterogeneous in form and meaning (content): the patterns of their structure are determined by the specifics of the linguistic representation of real processes and the communicative intention of the speaker.
The appearance in the subject position of an inanimate noun of objective semantics with a predicate expressed by a verb of intentional action indicates a narrowed functional perspective of the sentence; the speaker's attention is directed to the means of carrying out the action, the nature of the action; eg: The key opens the door; An excavator deepens the pond; The table covers the table.
The weakening of the meaning of activity is accompanied by the appearance in the subject position of a noun with the meaning “not a person” and, accordingly, a reduction in the verb of the seme of intentionality of the action (loss of personal™), strengthening the role of the speaker, the subject of evaluation; for example, “The frost covered the puddles with the thinnest glass* (Prishvin). The unintentionality of the action is associated with the actualization of the meaning of optativity (desirability) in the verb; for example, a child doused himself with kefir.
The meaning of A. k. - “an involuntary change in the state of the subject” - determines the appearance of both an animate and inanimate noun in the subject position, and a procedural verb in the predicate position; eg: The horse was enveloped in steam; The wound heals quickly.
A. k. include sentences with non-interchange. verbs that have a modal component “the ability to act, called the verb stem”; eg: “The cream spread easily and, as it seemed to Margarita, immediately evaporated* (Bulgakov); The wall gets dirty; The paper is oily.
Derived resultative and relative constructions show the consolidation of the grammatical characteristics of a verbal lexeme that has lost its procedural meaning: sov. view, past tense of verbs - in effective constructions, for example. “The dawn covered half the sky” (Turgenev), “The rainbow obliquely girded the flying rain” (Surkov); nesov. view, present, or past. tense of verbs, the impossibility of varying verb forms, nouns of subject semantics in the positions of subject and object - in relative constructions, which represent a typified or individual way of “seeing” the state of affairs by the speaker, for example: “The light of the month filled the room* (Gogol), “Khvoyny the forest covers all the mountains* (Arsenyev), “...a pink sweater fits tightly to the fur, brown trousers barely cover the heel* (Katasonova).
The word order in A.K. is direct: subject - predicate - object. Reverse word order may depend on the context and speech situation; for example, in the following statement of a rhematic structure, answering the question “What is happening?”: “The fontanelles are extinguishing, the lakes are becoming peaty, the backwaters are being filled with arrowleaf and kuga...* (Leonov); from the semantics of the derivative model of the sentence, where the subject position is occupied by a more significant object of action from the point of view of the speaker. So, for example, when denoting the actions of elemental forces of nature, involuntarily arising feelings, thoughts, physical states in the subject position, the object word form has the meaning of the carrier of the predicative feature, the subject of the state and the subject of evaluation (from the point of view of the observer-speaker): “Berlioz was gripped by an unreasonable fear * (Bulgakov); Her face flushes with shame; The hold will soon flood. Word form in wine. p. plays the role of a subject and enters into predicative relationships with the rest of the sentence, contributing to its “phraseologization”. The generalized semantics of such sentences is close to predication of the characterizing type: The tree is green, not withered. In derivative constructions with resultative verbs and re-lator verbs, the “phraseologization” of the predicative part is enhanced by the constant aspectual-temporal indicators of the verbs; eg: “My whole face and hands were covered with snow* (Pleshcheev); “The rooftops are overshadowed by the dusty greenery of elderberries* (M. Gorky); “[the city] was already filled with darkness* (Bulgakov). The choice of verbal lexeme shows the speaker’s assessment and qualification of the real situation.
Thus, AK can be classified according to the “activity” scale, defining their differences as semantic-syntactic derivation from the original construction with a subject-person and a predicate of purposeful action, highlighting derivational steps and derivational means that transfer AK to the border area with passive constructions (for example, stative and relative constructions with a word form in the vin. p. in the subject position).
The criterion for distinguishing between adjectives and passive constructions (see) is the type of semantic-syntactic relations between predicatively conjugated word forms, and not the morphological form of the predicate. This is confirmed, in particular, by the meaning of constructions with stative verbs (see Diathesis), the participial form of which, like an adjective, plays the role of a predicate of a characterizing type; eg: The door is closed; “Like him, she was always dressed in fashion and to suit the person” (Pushkin).

Classification of passive constructions in Russian and methods of their transmission into Vietnamese

However, an attempt is made to show as wide a spectrum as possible. Due to the low appearance of certain features or the idio-electric style, a Representative application is not always possible. The analysis focuses on the pragmatic area, as well as its forms of manifestation. Individual journalistic texts have always been an extremely popular subject of empirical linguistic analysis. Unlike texts such as commentary or criticism, which are heavily influenced by subjectivity, analysis of conventional patterns is of course easier to achieve.


Translation of passive constructions into Russian has always been hot topic for study. The problems of translating constructions in the passive voice in modern languages ​​attract the attention of many researchers.

Since the subject of study in this work is the translation of passive constructions, the main goal of the work is to generally characterize the passive voice and determine the main methods and features of translating such sentences.

Since theater criticism is almost exclusively a journalistic, communication or theater science, there is a need for linguistic analysis. According to the analysis of the corpus, it can be said that the area of ​​weakly conditional texts in the study did not go unnoticed. Although theater criticism can be assigned to a text location based on various criteria, they cannot be used by any means. However, the recipient may also assign relevant theater criticism articles to the theater - unless certain criteria are met.

To achieve the research goal, it is necessary to solve the following problems:

1. Define the concept and forms of passive structures;

2. Determine the main methods of translating the passive voice from English into Russian;

3. Identify the features of translating constructions in the passive voice using the material of headings and heading complexes.

As information migrates more and more into the substring, the main string within the string largely takes on a compelling function. Unlike informational texts, which mainly contain a compression of the content of the article, headlines in a feuilleton have the task of making the reader interested in the article. The underline creates a double structure that becomes a specific feature of the text location. All of the above areas are exemplary for the language of theater criticism.

Over the years average duration supply remains relatively constant. The trend from hypotheticals to simple sentences is not accepted in theatrical criticism. Both simple and prohibited offers are reduced, and complex sentences increase. Intertextuality is a typical feature of the site of dramatic theater criticism. Corresponding elements are found in all classes - with a growing trend. Their use places very high demands on the reader, but at the same time supports and creates an incentive for reading.

> Passive and passive constructions in English

The English verb has a very developed system of tense forms, the opposition of the active and passive voice, the opposition of the indicative, subjunctive and imperative moods. These are the main verbal categories, covering the entire verb system as a whole.

Evaluation as a central element of theater criticism is rooted in most areas of texts. The level of understanding depends on the reader's background. In criticism, informational, interpretive and visual descriptions, and grades are closely related. Therefore it is difficult to separate it. However, it can be said that evaluation constitutes a significant part of the text. Appropriate weighting is provided to the author and forwarded as well. in accordance with the appropriate setting and idiomatic style of the critic. The tone has changed, with context-based elements increasingly finding their way into the text space.

Speaking about the passive (passive) voice, it is worth noting that this is one of the main grammatical categories of the English verb, along with tense forms and the category of mood. Based on the definition given in the Russian Humanitarian Encyclopedic Dictionary, under grammatical category in our work we understand “a system of opposed series of grammatical forms with homogeneous meanings.”

In theater criticism one can talk less about the individual style of an author in the narrower sense than about style, which depends on the subject and creativity, as well as on the skill of the reviewer in question. Style has a great influence on individual texts and complicates it. In conclusion, it can be said that the authors of theatrical reviews do not linguistically establish virtually no restrictions between education and spoken language, idiom and verbal formations, foreign and specialized vocabulary, syntax and text in construction.

The category of voice, as a distinct morphological category, expressed in opposite correlates, belongs to English only to the verb. A peculiarity of the English language, as is known, is that the subject of a predicate-verb in the passive form can correspond not only to the so-called “direct” object in a sentence corresponding in meaning with a predicate-verb in the active form, but also to a non-prepositional object with the meaning of “interested” persons”, as well as the core name in the prepositional structure of the complement and even circumstances. Therefore, according to N.G. Vorontsova, it is wrong to impose on the English language the usual restriction that only so-called “directly transitive” verbs have the category of voice. The passive form can be formed as a modification of any verb that can denote an action that extends outward, that is, one way or another affecting some objects during its execution and thus involving them, as secondary, subordinate participants, in the process being performed. Therefore, N.G. Vorontsova believes, the content of the category of voice in the English language should most likely be understood as the relation of an action expressed in verbal form to the nature of the participation in it of a person or object determined by this action.

And also the execution of the corresponding theme is very free. Together, all texts have only a description of the main points, evaluation and information, whose weighting may vary from text to text, but extremely. 17 Codification of language. Structures, functions, consequences. The volume collects current materials on linguistic research into the codification of language, in particular the German language. Both historically and currently, exemplary studies, statements and views can be found, both theoretical and empirical.

Speech - systematically phonetic, grapheme, syntactic and sociolinguistic aspects are the main focus. In addition, methodological problems associated with the assumption of a language code, its formulation and its possible influence on language development are reflected in various ways. Although the language abilities of monolingual children typically develop as they age, children with bilingual development may have problems different types. The empirical study examines the language abilities of 8 monolingual German and bilingual children aged 4 to 6 years.

As for the category of collateral, according to Ilyish, there are two points of view. According to one of them, this category expresses the relationship between the subject and the action. According to another point of view, the category of voice expresses the relationship between the subject and the object of the action. In this case, the object is represented in the definition of the pledge.

It is interesting to note that some linguists (Zhigadlo, Ivanova, Iofik) identify three more voices, along with the two well-known voices - active and passive - these are:

The thesis addresses bilingual language development and speech in monolingual children and the relationship between bilingual children's languages. The main attention is paid to children's linguistic competence in the morphosyntactic area and in the area of ​​static localization. Analysis of language data obtained using elimination methods in relation to word, verb form and position, subject-verb congruence, sentence combination and irregular verbs shows that mono- and bilingual children are at a comparable level.

This result is confirmed by an additional lexical analysis. In terms of localization, there are similarities as well as differences. In general, the rate of preposition substitution is much higher than for monolingual children. A comparison of language development in Russian and German bilingual children resulted in clear differences in the dominance of the two languages. These range from relatively balanced pre-light bilingualism, to strong German dominance, to almost passive proficiency in the mother tongue. Clear language separation has been shown to have a positive effect on bilingual language development.

1. Reflexive voice, which is formed according to the “transitive verb + reflexive pronoun” scheme, for example, he dressed himself. However, not all linguists recognize the existence of this type/type of voice. For example, Poutsma and Smirnitsky deny its existence, since they believe that reflexive pronouns, although they perform the function of a complement, are still devoid of semantic significance, since they do not show that the action expressed by the verb is directed to the “person” (“non- person") - the subject of the action. However, Zhigadlo, Ivanova, Iofik recognize the existence of a reflexive voice in modern English. The authors distinguish two meanings of the reflexive voice: proper reflexive, for example, warm oneself, hurt oneself (the verb expresses a specific action that the subject performs, having himself as its object); and mid-reflexive, for example, to stretch oneself or to enjoy oneself (the verb expresses external physical changes in the state of the subject, its movement in space, or expresses the internal state of the subject).

However, there are no clear dialect boundaries, but only transitional areas between two dialect cores. Transition regions are characterized by the fact that one space decreases and another increases. Every analysis of sentences presupposes a basic, previously analytically hidden understanding, and the process of analysis concretizes such understanding and explicitly strengthens it: without understanding, without analysis. For analyzes that must be syntactic, a theoretical background is needed that provides the tools of analysis: no analysis without description.

2. Reverse pledge(Reciprocal Voice), which is used with the group each other and one another, for example they greeted each other. Ilyish raises the question of whether the groups each other and one another constitute part of the analytical verb form, or whether it is an auxiliary element used to form a special voice, a reverse voice, or whether it is a separate secondary part of the sentence.

Finally, every analysis also needs a method of presentation: without conducting the results, there is no access to the analysis. This volume is an explanation of sentence comprehension using a specific, valence-oriented description tool. In the foreground are visualizations of the analysis results using tree graphs. More than 100 small trees have been collected here to form a forest. Moreover, The Würzburg Forest proves that the analytical method intensively used in this volume is a stable tool for an adequate syntactic analysis of linguistic units from the free dictatorship of journalistic textual production. 14 Würzburg Forest - a school of syntax trees with an example of an authentic text Sven Staffeldt Claudia Zimmermann Ralf Zimmermann.

3. Middle Voice. For example, the door opened. This voice also has a number of problems associated with the double use of verb number in modern English. For example, I burnt the paper/ The paper burnt; I boiled the water/ The water boiled (in the first case, the verbs indicate the action that the actor performs on the object, the verb follows the noun (or pronoun), the verb is transitive; in the second, the process of what happens to the subject itself is established, the verb does not follow after any noun (or pronoun), the verb is intransitive).

Parsing a sentence means that the sentence is constructed according to certain criteria. Moreover, The Würzburg Forest proves that the analytical method intensively used in this volume is a stable tool for an adequate syntactic analysis of linguistic units from the free dictatorship of journalistic textual production. 13 Linguistic and communicative behavior of civil servants: agent-client conversations in the office of foreigners.

Gesin Herzberger. Conversation-analytic research examines discussions in the area of ​​tensions of institutional and intercultural communication. In describing the natural contact encounters between employees and clients of a German expatriate office, a macrosociological description of the agency work world and the encounter between employees and clients is combined with a microsociological analysis of personal interactions of verbal actions in a situational context. The purpose of the study is to describe the interactive behavior of employees with the client.

§1.2 Passive voice in English

The combination of a word or phrase of substantive meaning with a verb in the passive voice is usually called a passive construction.

In our work, we turn to the passive voice and define it as a sentence construction in which the subject is not an actor (or subject), but is itself subject to action by the complement (in this case, the complement can only be implied without being expressed in the sentence).

To achieve this, various linguistic and communication strategies are developed to create meaning and understanding. In addition, the question of the possibility of linguistic individuality in an institutional environment is considered. It turns out that both in linguistic and in in a general sense It is not enough to talk about government officials and the client. 12 chatacronyms in German.

Since, despite their written implementation, chat communication has some of the features of oral communication, the integration of initially purely graphic abbreviations into spoken language outside of chat does not seem absurd. Additionally, the use of abbreviations as well as word formation processes can be stated very recently with appropriate forms. This is a phenomenon in youth parlance; This applies primarily to word formation. This thesis presents and interprets the results of an empirical review of the significance of six-step contractions and derived forms.

The passive voice is used in cases where the object of an action becomes more important than the subject. Moreover, in sentences with a passive construction, the subject of the action, as a rule, is not mentioned at all. This is because the figure is either unknown or so self-evident that there is no need to mention him.

In addition, an overview of all analyzed forms takes place in standard reference books and various dictionaries for the sociocultures of youth and Internet language. Intercultural communication of science - presented in abstracts in German and Turkish journals on German language studies. Scientific communication occurs through the production and reception of scientific texts, as they are used both for the transfer of specialized knowledge and for communication between scientists. In this regard, they are very important in the academic field and are also an object of study in textual linguistics.

Preference is given to the passive voice in cases where it is not customary to mention the active figure for reasons of tact.

The passive voice - the passive - is opposed to the active voice. According to the definition of A. A. Kholodovich, in the passive, the subject does not coincide with the semantic subject. The subject of a verb in the passive voice is the person or thing to which the action expressed by the predicate verb is directed.

Since the early 90s, many scientific texts such as trade fairs, abstracts, scientific articles and reviews have been examined using text analysis criteria. Contrastive studies make a major contribution to the production of well-designed foreign language scientific texts. Thanks to these texts, scientists from different cultures can understand each other better.

Cross-cultural studies of scientific texts mainly compare texts in English with texts in other languages. The reason for this is probably the fact that English publications are recognized in prestigious trade journals in the international field and play an important role in academic advancement. This is why publishing in English is of great importance for scientists. However, a collection of English texts sometimes presents problems for non-native speakers, since the disciplines of science are different languages may show cultural differences.

In communicative terms, a passive construction should not be considered simply as a result of the transformation of the corresponding active construction, since in most cases they are not interchangeable. The relationship between two voices can also be established by comparing the same subject with different voice forms: Not greeted me warmly. -- He was greeted warmly.

The source (producer, agent) of the action is not necessarily expressed, but if it is expressed, then in the sentence it occupies the position of a prepositional object. Depending on whether the agent is expressed or not, the passive construction can be two-membered or three-membered. The binomial construction is widespread in English: We were interrupted then. (Stewart) Champagne was served at feasts. (Snow) Transformation into the active voice in these cases is impossible, or, more precisely, it is possible only by introducing a unit that was absent in the passive voice, and this unit can only be known from a wide context or may be completely unknown.

As stated above, transitivity is not assigned to each individual verb; in most cases it is determined syntactically. Therefore, in English it is possible to form the passive voice with verbs whose basic meaning is intransitive.

Thus, the passive voice in English is not actually related to the transitivity of the verb. This independence of the voice from transitivity is especially clearly manifested in cases where the form of the passive voice is formed from verbs called above “indirectly transitive”, i.e. verbs that can only be combined with a prepositional object: Brown was listened to by everyone. (Snow) However, the passive voice form is also possible for explicitly intransitive verbs followed by the preposition: Mr. Dereham is not in his room. His bed"s not been asleep in and all his things have gone. (Holt)

All of the above examples cannot be accurately transformed into the active voice, and, as mentioned above, it is binomial structures that are characteristic of the English language.

Another feature is the possibility of combining the subject passive with a direct object:

Not had been given his instructions in private. (Waine) Charles went to the back door of the house and was handed his money. (Waine)

In this case, the transformation cannot be exact either: (Somebody) (the employer) (she) handed him the money. If the sentence Jane told her my story is transformed into the passive voice, then two structures are possible: My story was told her by Jane or She was told my story (by Jane). The last construction is more typical for English.

As we see, transformation from one pledge to another is possible only under certain conditions; transformation from the passive voice to the active voice is unacceptable with a binary construction; the possibility of transformation from the active to the passive voice depends on the lexical composition of the sentence. Thus, transformation is impossible in cases such as I turned my face away. (Holt) "I"ll make you some tea," said Alice. (Brain) "I would say you take a pride in being a sensible young woman." (Holt)

When choosing a construction, you should take into account both the communicative task of the sentence and the lexical meaning of the verb.

There are a number of verbs that, in a passive construction, necessarily require the mention of a subject, without which their meaning would be incomplete; these include the verbs accompany, attend, bring about, cause, confront, control, follow, join and others. The answer was followed by an impressive silence.

Some verbs, due to their lexical meaning, cannot be used in the passive voice; these are copular verbs be and become, modal verbs, as well as verbs appear, belong, consist, come, go, last, seem and some others.

Active construction is a way of semantic-syntactic organization of a sentence, which denotes: the action of the subject directed to the object; action closed in the sphere of the subject; properties, qualities, states, relationships of the bearer of a predicative feature. A grammaticalized form of expressing activity is a verbal utterance of a theme-rhematic structure (see Actual division of a sentence) with a preposition of a subject having the meaning of a person, and with a predicate denoting a purposeful action; for example, “She [Margarita] carefully folded the burnt leaves, wrapped them in paper, and tied them with ribbon” (Bulgakov).
A.K. are heterogeneous in form and meaning (content): the patterns of their structure are determined by the specifics of the linguistic representation of real processes and the communicative intention of the speaker.
The appearance in the subject position of an inanimate noun of objective semantics with a predicate expressed by a verb of intentional action indicates a narrowed functional perspective of the sentence; the speaker's attention is directed to the means of carrying out the action, the nature of the action; eg: The key opens the door; An excavator deepens the pond; The table covers the table.
The weakening of the meaning of activity is accompanied by the appearance in the subject position of a noun with the meaning “not a person” and, accordingly, a reduction in the verb of the seme of intentionality of the action (loss of personal™), strengthening the role of the speaker, the subject of evaluation; for example, “The frost covered the puddles with the thinnest glass* (Prishvin). The unintentionality of the action is associated with the actualization of the meaning of optativity (desirability) in the verb; for example, a child doused himself with kefir.
The meaning of A. k. - “an involuntary change in the state of the subject” - determines the appearance of both an animate and inanimate noun in the subject position, and a procedural verb in the predicate position; eg: The horse was enveloped in steam; The wound heals quickly.
A. k. include sentences with non-interchange. verbs that have a modal component “the ability to act, called the verb stem”; eg: “The cream spread easily and, as it seemed to Margarita, immediately evaporated* (Bulgakov); The wall gets dirty; The paper is oily.
Derived resultative and relative constructions show the consolidation of the grammatical characteristics of a verbal lexeme that has lost its procedural meaning: sov. view, past tense of verbs - in effective constructions, for example. “The dawn covered half the sky” (Turgenev), “The rainbow obliquely girded the flying rain” (Surkov); nesov. view, present, or past. tense of verbs, the impossibility of varying verb forms, nouns of subject semantics in the positions of subject and object - in relative constructions, which represent a typified or individual way of “seeing” the state of affairs by the speaker, for example: “The light of the month filled the room* (Gogol), “Khvoyny the forest covers all the mountains* (Arsenyev), “...a pink sweater fits tightly to the fur, brown trousers barely cover the heel* (Katasonova).
The word order in A.K. is direct: subject - predicate - object. Reverse word order may depend on the context and speech situation; for example, in the following statement of a rhematic structure, answering the question “What is happening?”: “The fontanelles are extinguishing, the lakes are becoming peaty, the backwaters are being filled with arrowleaf and kuga...* (Leonov); from the semantics of the derivative model of the sentence, where the subject position is occupied by a more significant object of action from the point of view of the speaker. So, for example, when denoting the actions of elemental forces of nature, involuntarily arising feelings, thoughts, physical states in the subject position, the object word form has the meaning of the carrier of the predicative feature, the subject of the state and the subject of evaluation (from the point of view of the observer-speaker): “Berlioz was gripped by an unreasonable fear * (Bulgakov); Her face flushes with shame; The hold will soon flood. Word form in wine. p. plays the role of a subject and enters into predicative relationships with the rest of the sentence, contributing to its “phraseologization”. The generalized semantics of such sentences is close to predication of the characterizing type: The tree is green, not withered. In derivative constructions with resultative verbs and re-lator verbs, the “phraseologization” of the predicative part is enhanced by the constant aspectual-temporal indicators of the verbs; eg: “My whole face and hands were covered with snow* (Pleshcheev); “The rooftops are overshadowed by the dusty greenery of elderberries* (M. Gorky); “[the city] was already filled with darkness* (Bulgakov). The choice of verbal lexeme shows the speaker’s assessment and qualification of the real situation.
Thus, AK can be classified according to the “activity” scale, defining their differences as semantic-syntactic derivation from the original construction with a subject-person and a predicate of purposeful action, highlighting derivational steps and derivational means that transfer AK to the border area with passive constructions (for example, stative and relative constructions with a word form in the vin. p. in the subject position).
The criterion for distinguishing between adjectives and passive constructions (see) is the type of semantic-syntactic relations between predicatively conjugated word forms, and not the morphological form of the predicate. This is confirmed, in particular, by the meaning of constructions with stative verbs (see Diathesis), the participial form of which, like an adjective, plays the role of a predicate of a characterizing type; eg: The door is closed; “Like him, she was always dressed in fashion and to suit the person” (Pushkin).

Topic 5.Active and passive constructions in Russian.

Their formation and use

In Russian, a thought or judgment can be expressed using an active or passive model. Thought in active or passive form is expressed in predicate(P) – information about the subject (S). The predicate is usually expressed by a verb, short communion or, less often, a noun, an adjective. How to express a thought in an active or passive form? It is important to consider the type of verb - NSV or SV.

Active design

Passive design

Imperfect view

will do

Verb + “-СЯ”


was done

will be done

The workers are/are/will be building a schoolThe school is/was/will be built by workers

Perfect look


short passive participle

(was) done

will be done

Workers will build / built a schoolThe school was/will be built en and by workers
Please pay special attention the formation of a short passive participle, because it is often used as a predicate.

Formation of short passive participle

Verb SV

Method of education

Short passive participle


-AT → N

Selected (-a, -o, -s)

Read-n (-a, -o, -s)



Studied (-a, -o, -s)

Completed (-a, -o, -s)

From- roofs-th

At- nya-th

Short root (2 letters), usually remembered → T

Open (-a, -o, -s)

Accepted (-a, -o, -s)

What is the semantic difference between active and passive forms, besides the grammatical one? If the writer or speaker wants to present information more objectively(“darken” the subject), then the passive form is preferable: The school is being built by workers - brought to the fore object, on which the action was performed (often it does not even matter who performed this action - The school is being built / The school has been built – this fact is important. If in the text it is important to convey information about the subject who performed the action, then choose an active construction: Workers were building a school. Thus, in scientific text, where facts rather than personal subjects are important, the passive sentence model is preferable. Task 1. Read the text. Highlight the subject and predicates with the signs S and P. Replace the forms of active predicates with passive ones.

Examples of monopoly

There are relatively few examples of absolute monopoly, although there are many variants close to such a monopoly. There are many "near monopolies" where a single firm makes the majority of sales in a particular market. Let's say a corporation Intel provides 80% of the central microprocessors used in personal computers. First Data Corporation through its subsidiary Western Union received 80% of the money transfer market. Company Brannock Device Company manufactures shoe sizing devices installed in shoe stores and has an 80% market share in this area. Company Wham- O through your brand Frisbee sells 90% plastic disposable discs. Syndicate De Beers, which specializes in diamonds, effectively controls 65% of the world's supply of rough diamonds. Professional sports leagues also have monopoly power. With few exceptions, every major city in the United States is served by one professional team in every sport. There are other geographical type monopolies. For example, big city served by only one airline or a single railway. Active and passive meaning can be expressed not only in a predicate, but also in a semi-predicate - in participles(they can be easily changed into a predicate verb): Let's remember how active and passive participles are formed.


Present tense Past tense
1 conjugation. risu –yu + -ush/ yush = risu yushch thFreeze + -vsh = frozen Vsh th (NSV) Write + wsh = wrote (SV) Frozen Well-t + w = ​​frozen (SV)
2nd conjugation stro-yu + ash/ yash = stro box th


Present tense Past tense
1 conjugation. I draw + eat = browned2. conjugation: vedu + ٰ O m = slave-AT / -YAT → N -IT → EN Short root (2 letters), usually remembered → T

Selected (-a, -o, -s)

Studied (-a, -o, -s)

Open (-a, -o, -s)

Task 2. Replace constructions with the word which participial constructions . There are also informal organizations, groups that arise spontaneously. McDonald's is an organization consisting of more than 7 thousand independent enterprises, the work of which is ensured by the support of a large number of organizations. The system receives from the environment not only the energy that it transforms,

Ways to express a predicate in economics texts 4

It is known that in Russian grammar the informational basis of a sentence is a predicate ( hereinafter – R). Subject of the sentence (person or non-person) ( further –S) can be expressed openly, hidden or absent, for example:

Sexpressed openly

S (act.) – R

Sexpressed hidden, because unimportant

(S- act.) - R


S (pass.) –R:


R possible / necessary / necessary, etc. + infinitive

(S) price (R) affects(S) lawyers (R) allocate(S) oligopoly - (R) type of industry structure (R) Solving the problem ( usually, always, everything ) .(R) Solve the problem(no matter who - usually, always, everyone ) (S) Task (R) is solved(NSV) (no matter by whom). Problem solved (SV)(R) You can define a methodMethodology (R) must be distinguished from methods
In scientific Russian speech, constructions with a first-person verb are traditionally avoided. single person (= I), expressing active persons-actors, i.e. do not use models such as I'm studying/replacing etc. This is due to the desire to transfer more objective information, excluding a personal, subjective vision of a problem/issue/phenomenon, etc. Using the 1st person plural form (= we) defined the principle of politeness.

Active and passive designs. Verbs with the postfix -sya - page No. 1/1

Methodological development

to independent work in the Russian language

(specialty “Pharmacy”, correspondence form training,

1 course, 1 semester, 6 hours)

Topic: Active and passive structures. Verbs with the postfix –СЯ

Grammar topic: Active and passive designs. Verbs with the postfix –СЯ

Text: T.G. Shevchenko is the great son of Ukraine.
Purpose of the lesson:

Learning vocabulary related to the topic.

Development of conversation skills - discussion on a topic, the ability to construct questions and answer them.

Development of skills in the formation of active and passive structures

1.Grammar topic

Active and passive designs. Verbs with the postfix -СЯ
Table 1. Comparison of active and passive designs



Active structures

Passive designs


Nast, time

Students complete assignments.

The assignments are completed by students.

Prosh. time

Students completed assignments.

The tasks were completed by students.

Future time

Students will complete assignments.

The assignments will be completed by students.


Prosh. time

The students completed the assignments.

The assignments were completed by the students. The assignments were completed by the students.

Future time

Students will complete assignments.

The assignments will be completed by students.

Table 2. Formation of predicative forms in passive constructions








written, -a, -o, -s

draw make


drawn, -a, -o, -s made, -a, -o, -s



completed, -a, -o, -s


get a solution


received, -a, -o, -s resolved, -a, -o, -s



open, -a, -o, -s

close accept


closed, -a, -o, -s accepted, -a, -o, -s


1. Form passive forms from the verbs NSV and SV.

Sample: NSV return (what?) - returns, returned, will return;

SV return (what?) - returned, was returned, will be returned

(-a, -o, -s).

Do - make, receive - receive, close - close, start - begin, create - create, check - check, print - print, build - build, study - study, spend - spend, use.

2. Read pairs of sentences, determine
where are the passive structures

1.I I read this newspaper with great interest.

I read the newspaper with great interest. 2. The director made his first film forty years ago

back. The first film was made by the director

forty years ago. Z. All your energy is wasted by you uselessly.

You are wasting all your energy uselessly. 4. The Nobel Prize is awarded annually.

The Nobel Prize is awarded annually.

  1. The Nobel Prize was awarded to two Kharkov scientists - Mechnikov and Landau. The Nobel Prize was awarded to two Kharkov scientists - Mechnikov and Landau.

  2. This newspaper is read on five continents of the Earth. This newspaper is read on five continents of the Earth.
3. Replace passive structures with active ones.
Sample: This book was given to me by my father.

My father gave this book to me.

1. Our notebooks are always checked by the teacher. 2. We always write down new words in notebooks. 3. Literature and linguistics are studied by students of the Faculty of Philology. 4. Chemical experiments are carried out by laboratory assistants. 5. The writer took a long time to write the novel. 6. Scientists are creating various theories of the future of the Earth. 7. Classes today will be taught by an intern. 8. The building will be built by workers this year.

4. Replace passive designs with active ones.

Sample: Scientists have discovered a new chemical element. - A scientist discovered a new chemical element.

1. We received this letter yesterday. 2. The lecture was given by the professor in English.

3. The article was written by the scientist in two weeks4. The composer created the music for this opera in a month and a half. 5. The students said that everything would be done quickly and on time. 6. The poem was written by the poet in his youth. 7. The building will be built by workers in two years. 8. I don’t remember who said these words.

5. Change the question, use the question word WHO.

Sample: Who built this library? Who built this library?1. Who founded our city? 2. Who wrote this book? 3. Who drew these tables? 4. Who discovered this planet? 5. Who made this discovery? 6. Who created this theory? 7. Who said these words? 8. Who built this building?

6. Replace passive designs with active ones.

Sample: Shevchenko's works have been translated into many languages ​​of the world. Shevchenko's works have been translated into many languages ​​of the world.

1. Kyiv was founded more than 1500 years ago. 2. Our station was built recently. 3. Reports are prepared for the conference. 4. At the evening we were shown new movie. 5. Many new buildings have been built in the city. 6. The letter was received quite recently. 7. Construction of the metro began about 5 years ago. 8. Various experiments are carried out in the laboratories of the institute. 9. A popular film artist was invited to the evening.

2. Working with text

Text 1

Great son of Ukraine

IN in the center of Kharkov, in the park, there is a monument to Taras Grigorievich Shevchenko, the great Ukrainian poet. Today, Shevchenko’s works are translated into many languages ​​of the world and read in many countries. The creativity of the great son of Ukraine belongs not only to her, but to all of humanity.

The beginning of the journey T.G. Shevchenko was born on March 9, 1814 in the village of Morintsy, not far from Kyiv, in the family of a serf. His childhood was difficult and joyless. He lost his parents early and started working early. The boy was very eager for knowledge, but could not go to school. His favorite pastime was drawing. He also loved listening to Ukrainian folk songs. He really liked to listen to his sister sing, how folk singers - kobzars - sing. From them the boy learned about the history of the Ukrainian people, about their difficult life, and the songs taught him to love his homeland, his people, his native language.

In 1828, when Taras was 14 years old, he began to serve the landowner. Shevchenko went with him to Kyiv and then to St. Petersburg. In St. Petersburg, the landowner decided to make Taras a home artist. The young man was apprenticed.

IN free time In the evenings, Taras went to the Summer Garden to draw statues. Once here he met the young artist Ivan Soshenko, also a Ukrainian. When Soshenko saw Taras’s drawings, he realized that the young man was very talented. Soshenko introduced Taras to his friends - Russian artists and writers. They also highly appreciated the young man’s talent and realized that he needed to study seriously. It was decided to ransom Taras's freedom. However, the landowner did not agree to let Taras go even for a lot of money. Negotiations with him were long and difficult. But, finally, Taras's friends managed to buy him back, and he became a free man. This happened in 1838.

Soon Shevchenko entered the Academy of Arts in St. Petersburg to study. Here he worked hard and persistently and achieved great success. He created a number of works, thanks to which he immediately became a famous artist. In 1840, Shevchenko was awarded a silver medal from the Academy of Arts for his paintings.

Some paintings by Shevchenko the artist can be seen in the Kharkov Museum of Fine Arts.

However, Shevchenko entered the history of Ukraine not only as a great artist.

Assignments to the text

  1. Make up questions for the text.

  2. Tell us about the childhood and youth of T.G. Shevchenko.
III. Tell us about your childhood, use questions:

  1. Was your childhood happy and joyful?

  2. Did you enjoy studying?

  3. What did you like most about school?

  4. Did you like to read?

  5. What did you like to do when you were free from school? (What was your favorite activity?)

  6. Which of the brothers (sisters) was especially close to you (closest)?

  7. Did you have friends? If so, which of your friends did you like the most? Why?
Text 2

Kobzar- folk singer

While studying at the Academy of Arts, Shevchenko began writing poetry. In 1840 he published his first poetry collection "Kobzar". In this book, Shevchenko spoke about the suffering of the Ukrainian people, who live in serfdom and fight against serfdom and Russian tsarism. The collection "Kobzar" immediately became famous not only in Ukraine, but also in Russia. Shevchenko began to be called Kobzar. In 1844, "Kobzar" was published for the second time. In addition to "Kobzar", during the years of study at the Academy in St. Petersburg, the poet wrote other poetic works - the poems "Dream", "Katerina" and others.

In 1845, Shevchenko graduated from the Academy of Arts and left for Ukraine. Here he traveled a lot, met folk art, studied the history of Ukrainian

people. In his homeland, Shevchenko created works that talk about the struggle of the Ukrainian people for their liberation.

In 1847, the poet was arrested for these works and then exiled into distant exile. He was forbidden to write and draw. Shevchenko spent many years in exile. But, despite the ban, he secretly continued to write and draw.

In 1855 Shevchenko was released. But only three years later he was allowed to return to St. Petersburg. Here he continued his studies at the Academy of Arts and created a number of talented portraits. He was awarded the title of academician. In the same year, a new edition of “Kobzar” was published.

In 1859, Shevchenko went to his homeland, Ukraine. And here he was arrested for reading his poetry. With great difficulty he managed to free himself, but he was banned from living in Ukraine. And the poet wanted this so much! Soon Shevchenko became seriously ill. In 1861, when he was 47 years old, he died in St. Petersburg, where he was buried, since the tsar did not allow Shevchenko to be buried in Ukraine. A month after the poet’s death, friends obtained permission to bury him in his homeland. Shevchenko was buried on the high bank of the Dnieper, not far from Kyiv, as he himself wanted.

Despite the bleak hard life of his people, the poet believed in their wonderful future and wrote about it in his works. Shevchenko expressed the thoughts and feelings of his people, so he is not forgotten and will never be forgotten.

Assignments to the text

  1. Make up questions for the text.

  2. Tell us about the life of T.G. Shevchenko.
III. About the life of which national poet or
writer you want to tell? Why?

Pay attention!

In passive constructions, the person performing the action is indicated by a noun in the instrumental case.

Replace the passive design with an active one.

A. 1. This lecture will be given to young scientists. 2. The design of the new machine is being developed by our engineers. 3. The university organizes international conferences. 4. Errors in students’ notebooks are corrected by the teacher. 5. These poems were translated by a famous writer.

B. 1. The patient was examined by an experienced doctor. 2. The last exam will be taken by our students on Friday. 3. St. Petersburg was founded by Peter the Great. 4. This picture was drawn by my friend. 5. I received this letter recently. 6. The novel “War and Peace” was written by the famous Russian writer Leo Tolstoy.

Replace the active structure with a passive one.

A. 1. Teachers and scientists of our institute solve important scientific problems. 2. This professor gives lectures twice a week. 3. Young engineers are creating a project for a new aircraft. 4. All foreign students at our university study Russian. 5. Machines will check students' test papers. 6. Students will correct mistakes in dictations.

B. 1. We have already read Chekhov's stories. 2. Next week Indian students will organize their international evening. 3. These photographs were taken by my older brother. 4. Tomorrow we will solve this issue. 5. Nina has already handed over this book to the library. 6. In a month the workers will finish the construction of this house.


Complete the following tasks. They will help you read the text.

1. A) Try to understand the highlighted words without a dictionary.

what to do? What?

choose choice

My brother did choice; He chose the profession of a doctor.

What? Which?

happiness happy

Happy man, happy life

music musician

He's good musician: He plays the violin well.

B) Tell me what parts the word “automechanical” consists of.

2. Pay attention to the conjugation and use of verbs.

to be mistaken I present – make a mistake I v.v. past vr.

I'm wrong I was wrong

you're wrong you're wrong

they'll be wrong they'll be wrong

get used to I present – get used to I v.v.

I'll get used to it

you'll get used to it

they'll get used to it

to whom? to what?

to a friend to life in Moscow

3. Read the text. You will learn how young people in Russia choose a profession.


Choice profession is a very important issue in a person’s life. A person cannot be happy if he has not found his vocation, your own business. Finding your place in life means doing it right define a goal life and go towards this goal.

If a person has chosen the right profession, he loves his job and works with pleasure.

A young person is helped to make a choice by family, school, radio, TV, newspapers and magazines.

Various specialists: builders , pilots, doctors, workers - come to school. They talk about their profession, answer students’ questions, and give advice.

Senior schoolchildren work in practice. There they get acquainted with their future specialty.

Youth magazines often publish articles about choosing a profession and respond to letters readers.

Here is one such letter:

– Last year I graduated from school and music studio. At first I thought about entering pedagogical school for the music department, but there is no such school in our city. Mom doesn't allowed I should go to another city. She advised me to enroll in automechanical technical school That's what I did. Like me I was wrong! Now I'm barely studying because I'm not interested. I often think how will I work if I don’t like my profession? I really love children and music. Maybe I need change speciality? But then I'll lose a whole year. Please advise what should I do?

Marina Yurchenko

This is what readers responded to Marina.

– Of course, there are mistakes in life. They need to be corrected. If you, Marina, correct your mistake now, you will lose a year, and if you don’t correct it, you will lose your whole life.

Oleg M.

– First year of study the most difficult. Don't rush to change specialty, Marina. You you'll get used to it and maybe you will love your profession.

Elvira V.

- This doesn't matter What is the person’s profession: engineer, musician or chauffeur. The most important thing is that your work is necessary and useful.

Dmitry P.

What can you advise Marina?

4. Answer the questions:

Do you agree that choosing a profession is a very important issue in a person’s life? Why? Who helps and how young man choose a profession? Why does Marina Yurchenko want to change her specialty? Which readers do you agree or disagree with? Why? How would you respond to Marina's letter?

5. Tell us about your (future) profession.

1. What do you want to become? (What is your job?) 2. Who advised you to choose a specialty? 3. Do you like your (future) profession? Why? 4. Do you want to change your major? Why?

6.Tell us how young people choose a profession in your country. Who helps them do right choice?

II. Complete the following tasks. They will help you read the text.

1. Try to understand the highlighted words without a dictionary:

talent– great abilities

Boris sings well. He has talent.


Cook works in the canteen. He is preparing lunch.

easily=/= difficult;

hot =/= cold;

boring=/= interesting

boy= young man

2. Pay attention to the conjugation and use of verbs:

come present come I s.v. Where? where?
I'm coming I'll come to the institute from home

you'll come you'll come

they are coming they will come

past vr.

came, came, came

put II present – put II s.v. What? Where?

I'll put the kettle on the table

you put you put the lamp

they bet they will bet

prepare P n.v. – prepare II s.v. to what?

I'm preparing I'll prepare for the exam

you're getting ready you're getting ready for the lecture

they're getting ready they're getting ready

agree I present – agree II s.v. + inf.

I agree to go to Kyiv

will you agree to help your brother

they will agree

stop I present - stop II s.v. Where?

I'll stop at river bank,

you will stay at the hotel

they will stay at a hotel

3. Pay attention to the ways of forming words-names of professions. Tell me from what words and with what help they are formed.

teaching tel– teaching calf physical IR filo log

teach tel- teach calf mechanic IR astro nom

years chick- years chick tech IR agro nom

translation chick- translation chick geo log construct torus

magazine sheet- magazine leaf bio log direk torus

Tell me what institute these specialists studied at:

teacher aviation academy

pilot medical institute

economist geological exploration institute

4. Pay attention to new constructions and expressions.

learn+ infinitive

I didn't know how to swim before. This year I learned to swim.

die of laughter= laugh very long and loudly

speak same thing= repeat many times

5. Pay attention to the plural form.

I performed at all school evenings (P.p.).

My photographs will be published in magazines (P.P.)

6. Read the story of Nikolai Samokhin. Tell me who he is

sewed to become.


Even as a child, I dreamed of becoming an artist. When guests came to us, mother put me on a chair and I read poetry. Everyone said: “What a great guy! He has talent».

When I was at school, I performed at all school parties, took part in drama mug and sang in school choir.

At recess I showed how our teachers speak and walk. Guys were dying laughing. When I wasn't studying at home, I was playing role sick: I said that my head or heart hurt. Once the geography teacher even called a doctor. When the doctor examined me, she said that I was a “great artist.” This was my first success. I firmly decided to become an artist.

And so we graduated from school and passed the last exam. Ahead new life. The guys are thinking about who to be, what profession to choose. And I have already decided everything. The parents were unhappy. My mother advised me to become a teacher, my father – an engineer. All this, of course, is good, but boring.

Just think, teacher - every day the same thing: twice two is four. Or an engineer - work in a factory all your life. No, the best profession is an artist: you can travel to different cities and countries, play new roles.

And I dreamed of how I would play in the theater, my photographs would be published in magazines, girls would give me flowers, and my school friends would see me on TV.

All summer my comrades were preparing for the exam, and I dreamed...

Finally I went to Moscow to enroll in theatrical institute During the exam, I was so worried that I mixed up all the words when I read the poems. I sang poorly too. All in all, I didn't pass the exam...

At first I wanted to die. But the old professor told me: “Calm down, young man! There are many professions on earth. They are all very important and interesting. The most important thing is to find your place in life. If you seriously dream of theater, come back in a year.”

Easily say “find your place in life.” I didn't even have a place in the hostel. What to do? Return home? No way! The whole city will laugh at me: “Look! The “artist” has arrived!”

I sat at the station and thought about how to live further. A young guy was sitting next to me. He had tanned face and kind eyes. We met. He was a geologist and worked on a geological expedition in the Urals. I told him my story. The geologist said that on their expedition the cook got sick, and he is now looking for a person to take his place.

« Will you work with us for a year, and then you’ll go to yours theater institute", he said. I agreed and went with him to the Urals.

In the Urals, geologists were looking for various minerals. I really liked it there. One thing was bad: I didn’t know how to cook at all. Geologists often were angry, when there was a lot of salt in the soup, and pasta was floating in the compote.

“Oh, you ‘artist,’” they said. – You can’t cook regular porridge! You just lazy! But, in general, geologists are good guys and helped me. Soon I will learned cook both soup and porridge, but they doesn't matter they called me an “artist.”

One day we stopped on the river bank. The geologists went to the mountains, and I, as always, prepared lunch. When everything was ready, I found a big one stone and put it on him kettle. In the evening, geologists came. They are very tired. After dinner everyone drank tea. Suddenly one geologist took the kettle and said:

- Look! Who found this stone?

“I found him there on the shore,” I answered.

“This is the mineral we’ve been looking for for two weeks now!” What an “artist”! Yes, you have the talent of a geologist.

Everyone laughed, and so did I.

In the morning I went to the mountains with them, I looked for minerals that people need. I liked the work on the expedition, I liked these people. I realized that the profession of a geologist is very important and interesting.

A year later I entered geological exploration institute I think that now I have found my place in life.

7. Answer the questions based on the text.

What did Nikolai want to become as a child? What did his parents advise him? Why did Nikolai decide to become an artist? Where did he go after finishing school? Why didn't Nikolai enter the theater institute? What did the old professor tell him? Who did Nikolai meet at the station? Why did he go to the Urals? Why were geologists often angry with him? What did Nikolai find on the river bank? Who did Nikolai decide to become and why?

8. Agree with or refute the statements. Complete the sentences with information from the text.

1. As a child, Nikolai dreamed of becoming an artist. 2. When Nikolai was at school, he performed at all the evenings. 3. When Nikolai graduated from school, he had not yet decided what profession to choose. 4. He went to Moscow to enter the construction institute. 5. He sat at the station and thought about how to live further. 6. Nikolai went with a geologist to St. Petersburg. 7. One day, geologists stopped on the bank of a river. 8. Nikolai realized that the profession of a geologist is important and interesting.

9. Complete the sentences in accordance with the content of the text.

a) When Nikolai was at school, ... When he did not study at home, ... When Nikolai graduated from school, ... When he took the exam, ...

b) Nikolai decided to go to the Urals because... Geologists were often angry because... His comrades said that he had the talent of a geologist, because... Nikolai entered the geological exploration institute because...

10. Read the questions to the text. Choose the correct answer from the options provided or give your own answer.

1. Why did Nikolai decide to become an artist? Because:

a) he studied in a drama club;

b) he thought he had talent;

c) he liked the life of artists.

2. Why didn’t he pass the exam? Because:

a) he mixed up the words when reading poetry;

b) he wanted to go to the Urals;

c) he did not prepare for the exam.

3. Why did Nikolai go to the Urals? Because:

a) he decided to change his specialty;

b) he has not yet been to the Urals;

c) he didn’t want to return home.

4. Why did geologists call him an “artist”? Because:

a) he wanted to enter the theater institute;

b) he had great talent;

c) he was a bad cook.

5. Why did he enter the geological exploration institute? Because:

a) he did not want to take the exam at the theater institute again;

b) he found a mineral on the river bank;

c) he realized that the work of a geologist is important and interesting.

11. a) Read the outline of the text. Write the points of the plan in accordance with

in accordance with the content of the text.

Exam at the theater institute.

Work in the Urals.

Nikolai dreams of becoming an artist.

New friend.

Nikolai found his place in life.

b) Read the text again. Divide it into parts according to the plan.

c) Think about what part needs to be shortened when retelling the text.

13. a) Select from the text words that relate to the artist’s profession:

perform at the evening

play a role

b) What other words of this thematic series can you name?

c) Select from the text words that relate to the profession of geologist:

geological exploration institute


13. Read passages from the text. Pass on their contents one by one

noah - in two phrases.

a) Mom advised me to become a teacher, dad advised me to become an engineer. All this, of course, is good, but boring. Just think, teacher - every day it’s the same thing: twice two is four! Or an engineer - work in a factory all your life. No, the best profession is an artist: you can travel to different cities and countries, play new roles.

b) The old professor told me: “Calm down, young man! There are many professions on earth. They are all important and interesting. The most important thing is to find your place in life.”

c) One thing was bad: I didn’t know how to cook at all. Geologists often got angry when there was a lot of salt in the soup, and there was pasta floating in the compote.

14. Retell the text. Questions will help you.

1. Who did Nikolai dream of becoming and why? 2. How did Nikolai enter the theater institute? 3. How and why did Nikolai decide to go to the Urals? 4. What did you learn about his work in the Urals? 5. What incident changed his whole life? 6. Why did Nikolai decide to become a geologist? 7. Do you think he did the right thing?

15. Tell us how you chose your (future) profession? Who advised you to choose this profession?