Experience is the son of difficult mistakes and genius. And experience, the son of difficult mistakes. Tasks implemented during the game

Today is Russian Language Day and the birthday of Alexander Sergeevich Pushkin. Read and watch jokes on this topic. All the best and positivity!

Oh, how many wonderful discoveries we have
Prepare the spirit of enlightenment
And experience, the son of difficult mistakes,
And genius, friend of paradoxes,
And chance, God the inventor.

1. “And the dog left, wagging its tail gratefully. Not many people could do that!”
2. “Dead Souls” reflected the life and life of a dead person and how living people can be dead.
3... Rembrandt stood in the rain in family shorts and smiled blissfully...
4.And on his chest was a white scrotum.
5. Alexander Matrosov covered the machine gun with his embrasure.

6. Alexander Sergeevich completely stands on the rails of Peter I, always and everywhere supporting the opinion of Peter I on the founding of St. Petersburg.
7. Ammonia is obtained syntactically and is used to bring a person out of unconsciousness.
8. Andrei Bolkonsky often went to look at that oak tree, which he looked like two peas in a pod.
9. The army consisted entirely of undead officers and Cossacks.
10-Bazarov loved various insects and vaccinated them.
11-Bazarov is against love and all that.
12-Bazarov died as a young man and his dreams did not come true.
13-Poor Lisa picked flowers and fed her mother.
14-Bogdan Khmelnitsky sent a telegram to the Russian Tsar.
15-Most of all he loved his horse - the shepherd Hilda.
16-Boris Godunov was a landowner, he tried to take the place of the tsar.
17-While still a boy, his mother fell from a tree.
18-In “Evenings on a Farm near Dikanka” Gogol describes witches, goblins and other ugly personalities of that time.
19-In “Fathers and Sons” the protagonist is the not yet rejected girl Fenichka.
20-Two people entered the library: a boy and a girl. They were brothers.
21-My feathered friend, a hamster, is sitting in a cage.
22-Pechorin had many features that were interesting for female staff. In general, he was very chic.
23-In Onegin’s absence, Tatyana often went to his office, where she gradually turned from a girl into a woman.
24-The shaggy and protruding ribs of the peasants could be seen in the gaps.
25-In the novel “Hero of Our Time” Pecherin performs two functions: the role of the main actor and the “extra person.”
26-In the novel “Fathers and Sons” Bazarov is not a father, but a child.
27-While in gases and liquids molecules jump from place to place, in solids they only lie and tremble.
28-That day, Onegin, who had slept well, quickly raised his pistol and fired more accurately. Lensky, stunned, died immediately.
29-In the character of the Pretender there is no human feeling of love for a woman.
30-Suddenly Herman heard the creak of springs. It was the old princess.
31-Two horses rode into the yard. These were the sons of Taras Bulba.
32- The soldier began to ask who killed him, but no one knew.
33- Vronsky became friends with Anna in a completely new way, not used in our country.
34- Gerasim abandoned Tatiana and contacted Mumu.
35- Gerasim ate for four, but worked alone.
36- Gerasim poured cabbage soup for Muma.
37-Gerasim put the saucer on the floor and began poking his muzzle at it.
38-Deaf-mute Gerasim did not like gossip and spoke only the truth.
39-The heads, dizzy with success, fell back into place.
40-Grisha Dobrosklonov is the son of an irresponsible farmhand.
41- Grushnitsky carefully aimed at the forehead, the bullet grazed his knee.
42- Dantes was not worth Pushkin’s damned egg.
43-The Decembrists accumulated great potency and poured it out on Senate Square.

I met Mikhail Yuryevich Lermontov in kindergarten.
My favorite book is “The Three Drantanyans”.
Gray Neck sadly lowered her butt into the icy water...
The sergeant knocked down an entire battalion with one shot to the ear.
Piglets have a curly tail at the back, which distinguishes them from other domestic animals.
Alyonushka is sitting on a pebble, and in her butt dark forest turns black...
Bullfinches are the same sparrows, only with a red snout.
The Soviet people not only do things on earth, but also climbed into space.
Sleepy eyelids fell onto his chest.
The social and moral origins of Raskolnikov's rebellion were in his brain and closet, similar to a toilet.
His poems are so huge, hitting right where it hurts, in the heart.
The poem is written in a fast rhythm in continuous text.
The poem is written in rhyme, which is often observed in the poet.
Suvorov was a real man and slept with ordinary soldiers.
The sons came to Taras and began to get to know him.
So this is what inner strength and you had to have the fortitude to drink vodka half-starved on an empty stomach without snacking!!!
Since Korea is famous for its apple orchards, the main industry agriculture here is pig farming.
Since Pechorin is a superfluous person, writing about him is a waste of time.
Since Chekhov's peasants were very poor, they were forced to go to latrines.
Girls like Olga have long been tired of Onegin, and Pushkin too.
Thus, Pechorin took possession of Bela, and Kazbich - Karakez.
Taras Bulba said to his son: “With what I gave birth to you, I will kill you!”
Taras mounted his horse. The horse bent over and then laughed.
Tatyana rode in a carriage with her backside raised.
Tatyana saved and saved and poured it all on Onegin.
Tatyana loved nature and often went to the yard.
The sailor's vest was wide open.
Tikhon asks the dead Katerina: “Well, how are you there?”
Tolstoy also made Marya Volkonskaya a mother, and this is his merit.
Shakespeare's tragedies are immortal: in our time, as 400 years ago, Romeo loves Juliet, and Othello strangles Desdemona.
The tractor rushed across the field, smelling slightly...
Troekurov, although not stupid, was a little friendly.
Turgenev is not satisfied with either fathers or children.

Rain can be mushroom, torrential, small and heavy.
Dubrovsky had relations with Masha through the hollow of an old oak tree.
Tatyana's soul is full of love and can't wait to shower someone with it.
The woodpecker sat down and began to gnaw the tree.
His main goal in life - there is the good of your neighbor.
His eyes looked at each other tenderly.
The Zaporozhye Sich attracted Taras because there was a military school there.
The Earth's axis is just an imaginary line, but the Earth still manages to somehow rotate on it.
A ray of sun came out from behind a cloud and hit the cuckoo.
A fashionably dressed woman was running towards the bus, followed by a neatly shaving man.
The boar found a soft spot in Katerina and pressed on it every day.
Kazbich loved Bela very much and wanted to kill her, but Pechorin loved her more and she died in his arms.
Like many landowners, Onegin was born not in a maternity hospital, but “on the banks of the Neva.”
How did the revolutionaries transport their leaflets? In double-lined suitcases.
The cactus fell on the cat and howled in pain.
Katerina threw herself into the river for a personal matter.
Kashchei the Immortal kept his death in one of the two eggs, confusing Ivanushka.
The climate is with us all the time, and the weather comes and goes.
Prince Oleg was predicted that he would die from a snake that would crawl out of his skull.
When bombs began to explode in the midst of the soldiers, Pierre suddenly opened up. inner world ordinary Russian people.
When the fog cleared, the prince saw the Tatar-Mongol yoke.
A cow is a large animal with four legs at the corners.
The peasant was wealthy: he had pigs and a wife.
Bloody Sunday once again showed that the tsar could shoot not only at workers, but also on weekends.
It was quiet all around, as if everyone had died out... What a beauty!
The kulak junta was approaching the village.
The boat approached the shore in the most impudent manner...
Leo Tolstoy was born in 1828 in the middle of a forest in a clear clearing.
Lensky went to the duel in trousers. They separated and a shot rang out.
Lermontov was born to his grandmother in the village when his parents lived in St. Petersburg.
Lermontov just wants to compose a hot verse and pour it on the hated secular society.
In the summer, the boys and I went on an overnight camping trip, and we took with us only what we needed: potatoes, a tent and Maria Ivanovna.
A lop-eared calf was picking strawberries.
The moose ran into the yard and shit themselves out of fear.
Makar and Andrey are not only strong and strong-willed natures, but also gentle human souls who know how to love passionately, suffer and worry about the fate of loved ones.
The boy was afraid of the depths, so he swam on the shore.
His mother took Proclus to the bathhouse and poured boiling water over him.
The train driver himself could not really explain how he ended up with Anna Karenina.
The bears saw that the cub’s bed was rumpled, and realized: Masha was here.
The bear dug a hole under a palm tree, opened its mouth, stuck its paw into it and fell into hibernation.
There was a sa (censored) hanging between his legs.
I like the fact that with such talent Pushkin was not afraid to become a people's poet.
The old woman Izergil, who has seen a lot in her life, is divided into three independent parts.
The ant laid such a large egg that he could barely drag it home.
Ants are very friendly people, I wouldn’t mind living in an anthill for the whole summer.
We slept, but we couldn't sleep.
Arsenic is used as a good sedative.
At balls he courted ladies, but soon he got tired of these jokes.
On the bank of the river, a milkmaid was milking a cow, and in the water everything was reflected the other way around.
All the Lilliputians, young and old, rose up to fight Gulliver.
The painting depicts the last winter month of February.
There were a lot of pigeons on the roof. Forty people.
In the foreground of this picture are two girls sitting upside down.
The groans and cries of the dead were heard on the battlefield.
There was a corpse lying on the floor, barely breathing, the corpse’s wife was sitting next to him, and the corpse’s brother was lying unconscious in another room.
An ordinary head was dangling on a thin neck entwined with tendons.
There were scattered muddy footprints on the school floor.
This page contains student answers and quotes from essays. Sometimes they are funny, sometimes they are just awkward. Sometimes - original in thought or construction of a phrase.
Natasha wanted to say something, but the door that opened closed her mouth.
Our cat acquired three puppies.
Our distant ancestors made the revolution naked, barefoot, and wearing bast shoes.
The sky of Austerlitz broke Bolkonsky in half.
Nekrasov was bedridden with cancer.
Nekhlyudov was an aristocrat and urinated in cologne every day.
But in this city there are also people who pollute the environment with their vulgarities.
Gogol's nose is filled with the deepest content.

Oblomov laid Olga out on the sofa.
Once in the entire course of history, whimsical nature creates such an amazing combination of atoms, whose name is Gorky.
One day, the wise Diogenes returned to his barrel, but it was gone! After this he became even wiser.
Olga walked with Lensky, but nothing worked out between them.
He took a knife and shot himself.
He tricked the girls into his home and had sexual intercourse with the wallpaper.
He bowed before his tall, thin figure and seemed to freeze.
He saw hoof prints and dung. This means that the Reds passed here.
He walked back with a loose, sobbing gait... A second thought stood like a rod in his damp soul.
She did not hear a single affectionate word from him, except for the word “fool.”
She was chilled from brain to bone.
Onegin was John Duane and was after Tatiana.
Onegin was a rich man: in the morning he sat in the restroom, and then went to the circus.
Onegin liked Byron, so he hung it over his bed.
The rowan tree is fertilized, which means autumn is coming.
Othello became furious and strangled Desdemona.
Othello was jealous of Desdemona in those days when jealousy was not yet a relic of the past.
Chatsky's father died in childhood.
Papa Carlo knocked Pinocchio out.
Pierre Bezukhov's first successes in love were bad - he immediately got married.
Pyotr Zalomov carried the red banner, about which he kept remembering his mother.
Peter the Great jumped off the pedestal and ran after Eugene, loudly clattering his hooves.
Petrusha Grinev carried out home a lot of good things.
Pechorin is a nervous person, sometimes he expresses himself to the point of being uncynical.
Pechorin kidnapped Bela in a fit of feelings and wanted to get closer to the people through her love. But he failed. He also failed to do this with Maxim Maksimych.
Pechorin is indifferent and equal-hearted. He loved to love a lot, but his love was not like that.
Australia's population density is 4 square people per meter.
Plyushkin piled a whole pile in his corner and put it there every day.
Various rubbish was scattered throughout the area: stones, scraps of posters, pieces of wood. There was also Lenin.
On the way to Bogucharovo, Andrei Bolkonsky, like an old oak tree, blossomed and turned green.
Tanks marched across the square with measured steps.
According to the fashion of that time, Korobochka scratched her husband’s heels and powdered her own brains.
In his old age he became bedridden with cancer.
Until the musketeers brought the pendants to the queen, she was hanging noodles on her ears.
Generals are brave people, they are ready to risk the lives of other people.
Then he put his hand in the collar of his coat and thought.
The poem “Frost is a Red Nose” shows that in serf Russia it was impossible to seek happiness between women.
Poets of the 19th century were easily wounded people: they were often killed in duels.

The chairman took the milkmaids so seriously that milk production immediately increased.
Dostoevsky’s works are deep, complex, I reread “Crime and Punishment” many times a day until I began to understand it...
The proletariat took power in order to give everyone the opportunity to feel how bad life was for them before the revolution.
Waking up in the morning, there were dead people lying all over the place.
A gas mask protects contaminated air from the respiratory system.
Pugachev bestowed a fur coat and a horse from his shoulder.
Pugachev helped Grinev not only in his work, but also in his love for Masha.
Pushkin revolved in high society and spun his wife there.
Pushkin, like Griboyedov, showed a woman, but only in a more expanded form.
Raskolnikov woke up and sweetly reached for the ax.
Rakhmetov did not drink, did not smoke, and did not like women. I want to be like Rakhmetov.
Rakhmetov, although a nobleman, is quite an intelligent person.

The result of the acceleration policy was the explosion at the Chernobyl nuclear power plant.
The rivers had very great value for people. They fished in them and could communicate with each other. Nowadays, power plants are being built on rivers for the same purpose.
The parents of Ilya Muromets were simple collective farmers.
Rudin is a handsome man blue eyes, no abnormalities in the structure of the skull, or in the skull, or in conversation.

Pushkin’s poem “Oh, how many wonderful discoveries the spirit of enlightenment is preparing for us...” for many years preceded television program“The Obvious – the Incredible,” dedicated to scientific research and discoveries. Alexander Sergeevich was versatile personality. He was interested not only in literature. The poet's library contained:

  • Books on the philosophy of Plato, Kant,
  • In natural science and mathematics - the works of Buffon,
  • On astronomy and paleontology - the works of Cuvier,
  • In mathematics - Leibniz,
  • In physics and mechanics - research by Arago, D'Alembert, Russian researcher V.V. Petrov and others.

In his magazine Sovremennik, Pushkin published reports on scientific discoveries and articles on scientific topics.

This quintet is dated 1829. You can argue as much as you like about how these lines were born. Judging by the drafts, it was not impromptu. Pushkin carefully thought out every word, every line. This work was supposed to become a separate poem - a reflection on the path of science, or it was a reflection of delight from some scientific discovery, which Pushkin read about in another magazine, remained a secret for posterity.

We have 5 Pushkin lines of amazing significance, filled philosophical meaning. Whether it was unfinished because someone or something distracted the poet, or this was his intention, we will never know.

Read the full text of Pushkin's poem:

Oh, how many wonderful discoveries we have

They are preparing the spirit of enlightenment,

And experience, the son of difficult mistakes,

And genius, friend of paradoxes,

Oh how many wonderful discoveries we have

Prepare the spirit of enlightenment

And experience, the son of difficult mistakes,

And genius, friend of paradoxes,

Prepare the spirit of enlightenment

And experience, the son of difficult mistakes,

And genius, friend of paradoxes,

And chance, God the inventor... (A.S. Pushkin)

You think to him, my reader,

Hear his voice, dreamer,

Inspired by an invisible muse,

Take off like an inspired genius,

Above the world of vain passions,

A burning torch of ideas,

You light the way through thorns,

And you illuminate with a wondrous light,

Giving joy and insight,

And I think high aspiration,

Fill it with your truth,

Bringing benefits to people...

Alexey Boldarev Reply

Very beautiful

It would be nice to use commas

In the poem, all punctuation marks are in their places, as in the original.

Forgive me Pushkin, but I added a little of your verse...

Alexey Boldarev Reply

the whole truth is in the last line, only God Pushkin wrote with capital letters and should be written

Vladimir Ivanov Reply

Very capacious and will last forever!

Lydia Borisenko Reply

Since childhood, I remember these lines to the program “Obvious Incredible.” I remember it, I really like it.

Liliya Yashina Reply

This short work, and how much meaning there is in it!

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© All analyzes of poems, publications in the literary blog, short biographies, reviews of creativity on the pages of poets, collections are protected by copyright. When copying copyright materials, a link to the source is required! Copying materials to similar online libraries of poems is prohibited. All published poems are in the public domain according to the Civil Code of the Russian Federation (Articles 1281 and 1282).

"Oh, how many wonderful discoveries we have

Prepare the spirit of enlightenment

And experience, the son of difficult mistakes,

And genius, friend of paradoxes,

And chance, God the inventor"

The Russian writer (1860 - 1904) had the same idea in a letter to A. N. Plescheev on September 14, 1889 Moscow:

“I have a lot of mistakes in my past that Korolenko did not know, and where there are mistakes, there is experience.”

The phrase “Oh, how many wonderful discoveries the spirit of enlightenment is preparing for us! And experience, the son of difficult mistakes, And genius, the friend of paradoxes...” was the epigraph to the program “Obvious Incredible”, popular during the Soviet era, which was hosted by an academician (1928 - 2012).


“At first Pushkin wrote:

Oh, how many wonderful discoveries are awaiting Mind and work...

The thought does not come immediately. The poet apparently finds that Mind and Labor are too simple, inexpressive images. Gradually they are replaced by others - a brave spirit, “difficult mistakes.”

And suddenly a “case” appears:

And chance, leader... Later - new image, “blind chance.”

Father Inventive Blind...

Then again;

And you are a blind inventor...

And chance, God is the inventor...

The poems are not finished. Pushkin whitewashed only two and a half lines and for some reason left the work.

This text for the Complete Academic Works of Pushkin was prepared by Tatyana Grigorievna Tsyavlovskaya. She said that she was sorry to send wonderful lines to the final part of the third volume, which was intended for minor, draft versions: after all, there the poems would become less noticeable and therefore less known... In the end, the editors decided to place two with half white lines... and another two and a half lines, which Pushkin did not consider final.”

The last line “and chance, God the inventor...” is the most ingenious. But on Soviet television they were terribly afraid of the word God, and the epigraph existed without it for a long time; only when God was allowed on television were we able to add the last line.

Vikulova Natalia Alexandrovna

Physics and mathematics teacher

BPOU HE "Cherepovets Multidisciplinary College"

Cherepovets, Vologda region

Methodological development extracurricular activity in physics

Tournament of physics experts and lovers

“And experience is the son of difficult mistakes, and genius is the friend of paradoxes...”

Goal: creating conditions for development communicative competencies students learning during the game; develop a skill: apply the knowledge gained in the process of teaching physics to solve logical and non-standard problems.

Tasks implemented during the game:

promote the development of intellectual and creative potential students, their logical and mathematical thinking, ability to draw conclusions, generalize and specify;

the formation of cooperative competence - a sense of collectivism, working in a team, communicating effectively with classmates, being responsible for the results of their work, the active position of students;

nurturing an attitude towards physics as part of universal human culture through familiarity with the history of the development of physics;

expansion of students' knowledge, development cognitive interest to study physics;

developing an idea of ​​the possibility of different approaches to completing a task;

nurturing intelligence and resourcefulness;

arouse interest in healthy competition;

show the connection between physics and mathematics and reality.

Preliminary preparation:

Creation of three teams from three first-year groups.

Selecting a team captain.

Come up with a team name.

Each team prepares emblems for its members.

Each team prepares a presentation of their team

Activities of students: search, analysis and evaluation of information, work in a team and team, participation in collective discussion of problem solving, problem solving, speaking, effective communication with classmates.

Equipment: multimedia projector, computer.

Software : computer presentation.

Time: 45-50 min.

Comment: Game technology in the form of a presentation. The group is pre-divided into three teams, each of which (under the supervision of the teacher) prepares distinctive badges for its members - badges, badges, and so on. Team captains are selected in advance. The game can be judged by the presenter (teacher) himself or by a specially invited independent jury.

Progress of the game:

Opening remarks teacher:

Dear guests! Dear game participants! Today we have gathered to take part in a tournament of experts and lovers of physics (slide No. 1).

3 teams take part in the tournament. Let's welcome them (team greeting).

The nut of knowledge is hard, but still

We're not used to retreating

It will help us split it

The motto of the game: “I want to know everything!”

You will get tired of wise science -

Suddenly he can explain everything

And experience, the son of difficult mistakes,

And genius, friend of paradoxes.

So, let's start our game.

Rules of the game: One “idea” is given for the correct answer. The team has a short time to think, after which the answer is read as incorrect, even if it was correct option. The team with the most “ideas” wins.



1. What prevents a student of the Cherepovets Multidisciplinary College, caught by the director in the act of smoking, from breaking up into individual molecules and disappearing from sight? (slide No. 3)

2.Girl Olya, getting ready for Halloween, decided to do her hair. She spent a long time combing her hair in front of the mirror with a plastic comb. As a result, she took first place in the witch competition. Why? Which physical phenomenon happened to her hair? (slide No. 4)

3. In which students do molecules move faster: healthy ones or those with a cold? (slide No. 5)



Comments: The wording of the task and the answer are on one slide. An animation is configured for the answer with a “click” appearance, that is, at first only the wording is visible on the slide, and at the right moment the answer appears.

Things that are so familiar to us

They were once quite unusual.

We needed someone's brilliant mind,

So that he can think paradoxically.

Genius is known to be a friend of paradoxes,

The one for whom the impossible is simple.

1. A month later to Hieron

The jeweler brought the crown,

And the king wants to know -

Was the job done honestly?

Here is the crown, Archimedes,

Gold or not?

And the scientist thought -

How to find out the composition of the crown?

And one day, while washing in the bath,

He sank to his waist.

Water spilled onto the floor

He guessed then...

Question: What did Archimedes guess? (slide No. 7)

2. He is instead of frogs

I took copper and zinc,

In salt water

The current went through the plates,

No wonder Volta

Professor title,

There was rejoicing in the swamp that year

Question: What did A. Volta create in 1799? (slide No. 8)

3. Ampere in the laboratory
I saw the wires.
Why are they? Where?
Who brought them here?
Then I turned on the switch
And then he screamed, “Ah!”

Noticed the attraction
Movement in the wires!

Question: What effect of electric current was established by Ampere? (slide No. 9)



Your task is:

All without exception

Explain the phenomena.

1. Have you ever walked through a swamp?

Was it easy for you? That's it!

Then why

Huge moose

So just running through the swamp?

Question: Why doesn’t the moose fall through? (slide No. 11)

2. Grandfather was prescribed banks,

But they didn’t give instructions.

Oh, we suffered a lot -

Grandfather got sucked into the jar!

Question: What is the principle of operation of medical cups based on? (slide No. 12)

3. This flight, it seems

It's a nightmare these days.

The fire was started

Literally under the ball.

The balloon was filling

Not air-smoke,

Heaven since then

They are not called unsociable.

Question: Why balloon filled with smoke? (slide No. 13)

Fourth competition: “Gymnastics of the mind”

(slide No. 14-15)

In front of you is the playing field (slide No. 15). It consists of 15 cells. Behind each cell is a task.

Attention! Rules of the game: the first team chooses a square. A task opens that all teams are thinking about. If a team does not answer a question, the right to answer goes to the team that knows the answer to the question. And the team has the right to choose the next square. And so on until all the squares have been played.