On approval of the procedure for certification of teaching staff of organizations engaged in educational activities. What are the latest changes that have come into force in the law on certification of teaching staff

Certification teaching staff– a personnel event designed to assess the skills and knowledge of school, preparatory and social institutions. Legislative acts responsible for this part of the training and assessment of workers, on at the moment No. Certification of teachers and other specialized specialists is controlled by local regulatory and legal acts. For example, by order of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation, which established the procedure for certification of teaching staff.

Goals of certification of teaching staff

The certification of teaching staff, like the assessment of workers from any other specialty, has its own goals.

  • General level increase vocational training teaching staff, continuous training of employees;
  • Determining the need to improve the professionalism of teaching staff;
  • Improving the efficiency of teaching staff, increasing the level of teaching activities;
  • Determining the potential of teaching staff;
  • Verification of compliance with the requirements specified in federal state educational standards;
  • Level determination wages for teaching staff, taking into account their qualifications, as well as the volume of teaching activities.

Also, certification of teaching staff can be carried out to determine whether they meet the requirements for the position they occupy? Such an inspection usually takes place once every five years. During certification, a special commission gives an accurate assessment of their pedagogical activity, based on the reports compiled and the opinions of direct superiors. Such commissions are formed by the organizations themselves independently. Orders on the certification of teaching staff are issued and brought to the attention of the employees being inspected by local management.

Not all members are certified for suitability for the position they hold. teaching staff. The following are exempt from mandatory completion of such an assessment:

The results obtained as a result of the certification of teaching staff are the legal basis for many actions of the head of the organization. Including promotion, promotion, promotion, or vice versa, demotion, transfer to another position. This means that the employee may be dissatisfied with the results obtained. In this case, he has the right to appeal them in accordance with current legislation Russian Federation.

Also, teaching staff can be certified according to at will. If, for example, they want to obtain one of the current qualification categories. Based on the results of such a test, the teacher may be awarded the first or even the highest qualification. It is obtained by the employee for a period of 5 years, and if the employee wants to extend its validity, then this is simply impossible. He needs to wait until this period ends, and only then undergo the appropriate certification again.

The validity period of the certification is taken into account for re-testing at a specific skill level. That is, upon receipt of the first category, it will be valid for five years. However, when moving from the first category to the highest, the waiting period may be different.

In order to conduct certification, the results of which will become the basis for obtaining a certain qualification category, it is necessary to obtain a written application from the employee. It is worth noting that this type of employee assessment and verification is not subject to the restrictions inherent in certification of suitability for the position held.

Any teaching employee can apply for a qualification category, regardless of how long he has worked in this organization. Even if his experience in this workplace is less than two years. Those who are on parental leave can also undergo certification to obtain a qualification category.

The highest qualification has an expiration date; it is given to the employee for a period of 5 years. But after its effect has ceased, nothing limits the employee from passing the certification again and again receiving the highest qualification. He can do this immediately after the previous category has expired. But there is a limitation on positions for which such a test for higher qualifications will be carried out for the first time. In this case, the teaching employee must first receive the first category, and only then, after two years have passed from the date of its receipt, apply for the highest qualification.

The time frame during which an employee must undergo certification is set by the head of the organization. But they should not be more than 60 days from the start of the assessment to the summing up of the results by the certification commission.

Typically, an employee is given the highest qualification if:

  • It is noted that the people who studied with this teacher showed positive results in mastering new knowledge. To obtain this data, the certification organization must conduct comprehensive monitoring.
  • The employee is actively identifying people with abilities for intellectual and physical activity, preparing them for participation in competitions and competitions.
  • The teaching staff made a significant personal contribution to raising the level of teaching, improving current educational methods, and introducing the use of modern educational methods and techniques.
  • Active cooperation of the employee with methodological associations within the teaching staff, development of methodological support for the learning process.

It is worth noting that if an employee with the first qualification applied for certification and did not pass it, then no negative consequences can occur for him. The first qualification he previously received remains with him for the entire remaining period of its validity.

The procedure for certification of teaching staff

Certification of teaching staff in 2018 year looks like this. First, when the next inspection is due or if the head of the educational organization has received a corresponding application, it is necessary to issue an appropriate order. It should say the reasons for conducting the certification, for what purpose it will be carried out and within what time frame.

After the order is approved, the organization of a commission begins, which will conduct certification of employees. If the inspection and assessment is carried out in an educational institution that belongs to a constituent entity of the Russian Federation, or in a municipal institution, then the certification will be carried out by a commission formed by executive authorities involved in management and control educational sphere. If the inspection and assessment takes place in federal or state educational organizations, then the certification commission will be formed by executive authorities at the federal level.

The certification commission must include:

  • An employee acting as chairman of the certification commission.
  • Deputy Chairman of the Attestation Commission.
  • Secretary of the certification commission.
  • Ordinary members of the certification commission.

The composition of this assessment body is formed from representatives of local trade unions, members of state and executive authorities at the local or federal level, representatives of self-government educational institutions, scientific workers, honored employees of educational institutions.

If an organization undergoes certification for suitability for a position, the results of which may result in negative consequences for the employee, then a representative of the relevant trade union must be included in the commission. And if an inspection is carried out in an institution, the purpose of which is to determine whether the employee meets the requirements for the first and highest category qualifications, expert groups should be created. They will collect and analyze information about work activity applicant.

The certification commission begins its work after receiving a written statement from the head of the educational institution. During the inspection, employees must pass a written test, which will contain questions on basic teaching methods And pedagogical systems applied in the organization.

Each employee who is forced to go through the certification procedure must be notified in writing of this fact, but not earlier than a month before the inspection. During this time, the employee has the opportunity to collect his own materials, which will be presented to the certification commission for consideration.

After the certification is completed, the responsible commission makes a decision on each employee who passed the test. The solution here can only be one of two things - either the employee passed it or not. If the certification was carried out with the aim of providing the employee with a certain level of qualifications and the person did not pass it, then there should not be any negative consequences for him.

But if the organization carried out certification for compliance with the position held, and the employee did not pass it, then the manager has the right to terminate the employment contract with him - this is stated in clause 3, part 4 of Art. 81 Labor Code of the Russian Federation.

Certification of teaching staff in 2018

  • In 2018, the Government of the Russian Federation decided to modernize the existing system for assessing the training of teaching staff. Now all employees will be tested in two stages. At the first stage, the teacher will confirm his practical skills and knowledge. At the second stage, he will confirm the previously obtained qualification category.
  • A specially created certification commission will determine the level of the teacher’s knowledge in the disciplines he teaches, the general level of his teaching, the level of development of his communication skills, and will check the psychological characteristics of the employee.

It should be noted that in matters of certification of teaching staff, the Law “On Education” in the Russian Federation was changed due to the fact that the Government is going to optimize the entire process of assessment and certification of employees of educational institutions.

The changes also affected the list of documents that an employee must provide to the certification commission if he wants to pass the test. Now the mandatory list includes:

  • If the teaching staff has already passed the appropriate certification, then he must provide a copy of its results;
  • A copy of a document confirming receipt of higher education;
  • If the employee has previously received one of the qualification categories, then he must provide a copy of the document confirming this fact;
  • A detailed description of his place of work, as well as cover letter. These papers will allow once again confirm the employee’s competence and level of professional qualifications;
  • Information card where the results will be clearly indicated and presented labor activity employee for the period elapsed between certifications.

Those teachers who want to undergo certification to obtain a qualification category must provide the commission with two information carriers. There should be several videos of the applicant's teaching process.

    Application. The procedure for certification of teaching staff of organizations engaged in educational activities

Order of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation of April 7, 2014 N 276
"On approval of the Procedure for certification of teaching staff of organizations engaged in educational activities"

In accordance with part 4 of article 49 Federal Law dated December 29, 2012 N 273-FZ “On Education in the Russian Federation” (Collected Legislation of the Russian Federation, 2012, N 53, Art. 7598; 2013, N 19, Art. 2326; N 23, Art. 2878; N 27 , art. 3462; art. 4036; 2014, art. 562, art. 566) and subparagraph 5.2.28 of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation Federation of June 3, 2013 N 466 (Collected Legislation of the Russian Federation, 2013, N 23, Art. 2923; N 33, Art. 4386; N 37, Art. 4702; 2014, N 2, Art. 126; N 6, Art. 582) I order:

1. Approve, in agreement with the Ministry of Labor and Social Protection of the Russian Federation, the attached Procedure for certification of teaching staff of organizations engaged in educational activities.

2. Establish that qualification categories, established for teaching staff of state and municipal educational institutions before the approval of the Procedure specified in paragraph 1 of this order, are preserved for the period for which they were established.

3. Declare invalid the order of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation dated March 24, 2010 N 209 “On the Procedure for Certification of Pedagogical Workers of State and Municipal Educational Institutions” (registered by the Ministry of Justice of the Russian Federation on April 26, 2010, registration N 16999).

D.V. Livanov

A new procedure for certification of teaching staff of educational organizations has been established. It does not apply to the teaching staff.

All teaching staff, including part-time teachers, are subject to certification.

Certification commissions are now independently formed to confirm the suitability of employees for their positions educational organizations. The frequency of certification has not changed - once every 5 years. At the same time, employees who were absent from work due to illness for more than 4 months in a row are certified no earlier than a year after returning to work.

Qualification categories (first or highest) are established for teaching staff at their request. Employees who have a qualification category do not undergo certification in order to confirm their suitability for the position held.

An application for assignment of a category can be sent by mail or to electronic form. It can also be submitted while on parental leave.

The grounds for assigning qualification categories have been clarified. If the category is refused, the employee can re-apply for its assignment only after a year.

Previously assigned qualification categories are retained for the period for which they were established.

Order of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation dated April 7, 2014 N 276 “On approval of the Procedure for certification of teaching staff of organizations engaged in educational activities”

This order comes into force 10 days after the day of its official publication

According to labor legislation, workers are required to undergo periodic verification of suitability or non-compliance with the position held. The certification of teaching staff also pursues the same goal. Its implementation is established by legal regulations or local acts labor law that apply to the employer.

In any case, it reflects all the features and procedure for certification of teaching staff, with mandatory consideration of the specifics of the activity, as well as the conditions in which it is carried out.

Legal acts

Federal education law in the Russian Federation in 2012 states that teachers undergo certification in order to establish compliance with their position and assign them a qualification category. The next order of the Ministry of Education and Science of 2014 approves a new procedure for conducting certifications and defines new requirements.

All employees holding positions included in the second subsection of the first section of the nomenclature of teachers and heads of educational institutions, as well as holding part-time positions in the same or another organization, as determined by the employment contract, are subject to certification.

Main tasks

Certification has specific objectives.

  1. Stimulate targeted, continuous improvement of the level of qualifications of workers in the pedagogical sphere, personal and professional growth, their methodological culture.
  2. Determine the need to improve the qualifications of employees of pedagogical institutions.
  3. Increase efficiency and quality professional activity.
  4. Identify prospects for using the potential capabilities of teaching staff.
  5. Taking into account the requirements of the Federal State Educational Standard in implementation educational programs and personnel conditions when forming the composition of organizations.
  6. Ensure differentiation of wages for employees of pedagogical institutions, taking into account the established qualification category and volume of work.

Basic principles

Certification of teaching staff takes place in conditions of openness, transparency and collegiality, which is the main principle of its implementation. Only compliance with it will ensure an objective assessment, without the slightest discrimination in relation to teachers undergoing such a responsible test.

Certification of teaching staff in order to determine compliance with the position held is mandatory and must be carried out every five years, regardless of the desire of the teacher. A higher qualification category can be established at any time if the teacher wishes. To do this, he just needs to prepare and submit documents for certification.


The obligation to undergo certification has its exceptions, which are reported in the Regulations on the certification of teaching staff. Thus, the following are not subject to certification:

  • teachers who already have qualification categories;
  • holding this position for at least two years in the organization that conducts the certification;
  • pregnant women;
  • women who are on maternity leave;
  • women who are on maternity leave until the age of three;
  • persons who were absent from work due to illness for more than four months in a row.

It is noteworthy that certification of teaching staff falling under clauses 4 and 5 can take place no sooner than two years after they return from leave, and those falling under clause 6 must be certified no earlier than a year after recovery.

Local regulations Other categories of teachers who are certified at other times are also determined - for example, those who have taken leave related to adoption, as well as those on long-term leave. The rules for certification of teaching staff, judging by the analysis, are quite flexible.


The described inspection involves the creation of a certification commission in this organization. The employer issues an order or instruction, which personally approves the composition of:

  • chairman;
  • his deputy;
  • secretary;
  • ordinary members of the certification commission.

A little later, a second order or instruction is issued, which determines the personnel of teachers who need to undergo certification, there is also a schedule for passing and other organizational issues this event.

Thirty days before the start, each teacher must familiarize himself with this order against signature. The employer is obliged to submit a special report about each employee to the certification commission in advance.

Employee information

The new certification of teaching staff provides for familiarization - again against signature - with the employer's presentation of each certified person. Information is compiled according to the following points.

  1. Last name, first name and patronymic (if any).
  2. Job title at the time of certification.
  3. Date employment contract, which confirms receipt of this position.
  4. Level of education, qualifications in specialty or field.
  5. Information about additional vocational education by activity profile.
  6. Results of previous certifications (if any).
  7. Motivated, objective and comprehensive assessment of professional and business qualities, the results of the teacher’s professional activities, the performance of his job duties in accordance with the employment contract.

If the teacher is not satisfied with the content of this submission, he may, if he wishes, provide the certification commission with any additional information that characterizes his work for the entire period from the date of the last certification or from the date of entry to work, if certification is being carried out for the first time.

The change in the certification of teaching staff is that previously the teacher himself prepared all the documents certifying his activities.

Form of conduct

The main form of certification, as before, is a meeting of the commission, the competence of which is confirmed by two-thirds of the members present. The teacher who is being certified must also be present at this meeting.

For his absence there must be a valid reason, documented and recorded in the minutes of the meeting, then this event is postponed to another time.

If necessary, the schedule may change, but the teacher must be familiarized with this in the same way - against signature and thirty days before the new date.

This is how teaching staff are now certified. The new rules specifically stipulate the mandatory presence of the person being certified at the meeting, but previously the commission decided everything for closed doors. Now, only if the certified person does not appear without a good reason, the commission can independently discuss his successes in the teaching field.

Certification progress

The certification of teaching staff begins with a review of the submission and additional information submitted by the teacher.

All this should characterize the professional qualities of the person being certified.

The rules of the commission most often provide for the exchange of opinions and questions of both the commission members to each other and to the teacher who is being certified. Suggestions for additional information may be made if the need arises.

The results of certification of teaching staff appear after a thorough and comprehensive review of all available documents and a decision entered into the minutes of the meeting. The solution can be one of two possible:

  • or the employee is suitable for the position held,
  • or not.

About the results

After the commission’s decision is recorded in the protocol, which all its members sign, the result is reported to the certified teacher. And all documents related to this event are kept by the employer.

A teacher who has passed certification, a maximum of two working days after it, must be familiarized with an extract from the protocol, which is prepared by the secretary of the commission. It indicates the surname, name and, if any, patronymic of the person being certified, position, date of the meeting of the certification commission, the result of the vote and the decision made by the commission.

Next, an extract from the protocol is stored in the personal file of the employee. If the teacher does not agree with the decision, he can appeal it (the legislation of the Russian Federation confirms this right). Based on the results of the certification, the certification commission can submit well-motivated recommendations to the employer regarding the inappropriateness or advisability of appointing to the position of teacher persons who do not have special education or training, but have practical experience and competence, and also successfully, that is, efficiently and to the proper extent, perform their job duties.

Increased qualification category

This type has its own rules for the certification of teaching staff, although it is carried out by the same special authorized body - the commission. Only it is formed not by the employer, but by the executive power at the federal level or the authorized government body of the constituent entity of the Russian Federation, depending on whose jurisdiction this educational institution is.

For a comprehensive analysis of the teacher’s activities, specialists are invited to the commission. This certification is of an application nature, and it is carried out according to a written statement from the teacher who claims more high level qualifications. The application is sent directly to the certification commission, you can send it by mail, even by email.

In accordance with the Law “On Education in the Russian Federation,” teaching staff of organizations engaged in educational activities must undergo certification. Certification is important not only for the teaching staff themselves (it stimulates their professional and personal growth, increasing wages, etc.), but also aimed at improving the quality of education based on increasing the efficiency and quality of their teaching activities. Order of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation dated April 7, 2014 N 276 (registered with the Ministry of Justice of the Russian Federation on May 23, 2014 Registration N 32408) approved a new Procedure for the certification of teaching staff of organizations engaged in educational activities (hereinafter referred to as the Procedure). In this connection, Order of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation dated March 24, 2010 N 209 “On the Procedure for Certification of Pedagogical Workers of State and Municipal Educational Institutions” (registered by the Ministry of Justice of the Russian Federation on April 26, 2010, registration N 16999) becomes invalid.

What's new?

1. Certification to determine the suitability of a teacher for the position held based on an assessment of his professional activities is now carried out by educational organizations themselves, which create certification commissions for this purpose.

2. New Order expanded the categories of teaching staff who do not undergo certification. Teachers who have held their position for less than 2 years and those who have been ill for more than 4 months have been added to the previously existing list.

3. Changes have also been made to the procedure for passing certification at will - when a teacher wants to receive a higher qualification category: first or highest.

According to the new rules, the results of inspections have been added to the existing assessment criteria, which from this year will be carried out annually by specialists from the Ministry of Education and Science in educational institutions; Teachers should not only train the best two or three students, but try to identify and support the talents of all students and, in addition, help children who are lagging behind in their studies.

4. According to the new rules, the results of the examination to assign a teacher the highest qualification will be published on the Internet - on the websites of the authorities state power. Those who are denied a higher qualification can try again in a year.

Possible option for working with the document

1. Introduce the new Procedure for certification of the organization’s teaching staff;

2. Develop, adopt and approve, in accordance with the procedure established in the organization, local acts of the organization on the certification of teaching staff in accordance with the approved Procedure (Regulations on the certification commission of the educational organization, certification schedule, form of Submission to a teaching worker, form of administrative act on certification, form of protocol and extract from the minutes of the meeting of the certification commission, etc.);

3. Develop technologies for certifying a teacher for compliance with the position held on the basis of the approved Procedure;

4. Determine technologies for assessing the professional activity of a certified teacher and the requirements for them in accordance with the subject being taught.

5. Determine the list of teaching staff subject to certification and the schedule for their certification.

6.Create a certification commission and approve its composition by administrative act of the organization.

7. Place all materials on certification issues on the information stand.

8. Post information on the certification of teaching staff on the website of the educational organization.

When working with the document, pay attention to the following provisions of the Procedure.

1.About the qualification categories available to employees

It has been established that qualification categories previously established for teachers of state and municipal educational institutions, are retained for the period for which they were established.

2. Types of certification

  • mandatory - in order to confirm the compliance of teaching staff with the positions they occupy based on an assessment of their professional activities;
  • voluntary - at the request of the teacher in order to establish the first or highest qualification category.

3.Who is certified

All teachers of educational organizations carrying out educational activities are certified, including part-time workers, as well as employees who combine positions along with work in the same organization, determined by the employment contract.

4. Who is exempt from certification?

Approved Procedure does not concern teaching staff.

Certification to confirm compliance with the position held don't pass the following teachers:

a) teaching staff, having qualification categories;

b) who have worked in their current position less than two years in the organization, in which certification is carried out;

V) pregnant women;

G) women on maternity leave. Their certification is possible no earlier than in two years

d) persons on parental leave until they reach the age ofage three years. Their certification is possible no earlier than two years after leaving the specified vacation;

e ) absent from work for more than four months in a row inconnection with the disease. Their certification is possible no earlier than in a year after going back to work.

5.Frequency and timing of certification

Certification is carried out Once every 5 years.

Validity period of the qualification category cannot be extended.

6.Principles of certification

Collegiality, transparency, openness, ensuring an objective attitude towards teaching staff, inadmissibility of discrimination during certification.

7.Certification procedure

The document details the procedure for certifying teaching staff for suitability for the position held and assigning them qualification categories. It was established that:

a) In accordance with the Procedure, certification of teaching staff in order to confirm compliance with the positions they occupy based on an assessment of their professional activities is carried out certification commissions independently formed by educational organizations, in accordance with the employer's administrative act.

The organization's certification commission must include the chairman of the commission, the deputy chairman, the secretary and members of the commission, as well as mandatory representative of an elected body the corresponding primary trade union organization (if there is such a body).

When making decisions, certification commissions of organizations also give recommendations to the employer on the possibility of appointing teaching staff to the appropriate positions. persons who do not have special training or work experience, established in the “Qualification Requirements” section of the “ Qualification characteristics positions of education workers" of the Unified Qualification Directory of positions of managers, specialists and employees and (or) professional standards, but with sufficient practical experience and competence, performing efficiently and in in full job responsibilities assigned to them.

b) Certification of teaching staff in order to establish a qualification category is carried out:

  • for teaching staff of organizations under the jurisdiction of federal executive authorities - by certification commissions formed by the federal executive authorities under whose jurisdiction these organizations are;
  • in relation to teaching staff of organizations under the jurisdiction of a constituent entity of the Russian Federation, teaching staff of municipal and private organizations - by certification commissions formed authorized bodies state authorities of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation.

Certification of teaching staff is carried out on the basis of their applications submitted directly to the certification commission, or sent by teaching staff to the certification commission by mail with a return receipt or notification in the form electronic document using public information and telecommunication networks, including the Internet.

It has been established that applications for certification for the assignment of a qualification category are submitted by teaching staff, regardless of the duration of their work in the organization, including while on parental leave.

Applications for certification in order to establish the highest qualification category for the position for which certification will be carried out for the first time are submitted by teaching staff no earlier thanin two years after the first qualification category has been established for this position.

The expiration of the highest qualification category does not limit the right of a teaching worker to subsequently apply to the certification commission for certification in order to establish the highest qualification category for the same position.

Pedagogical workers who, during certification refused to establish a qualification category, apply at their request to the certification commission with an application for certification for the same qualification category no earlier than in a year from the date the certification commission makes the corresponding decision.

When teaching staff transfer to another organization, including one located in another constituent entity of the Russian Federation, the qualification categories established by it are retained until their expiration date.

Appealing certification results

The employee has the right to appeal the results of certification in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation.