New clips of Dj Bobo. New clips of Dj Bobo Collections and remixes

The real name of this artist is Rene Baumann. He was born in 1968 in Switzerland, had no bad habits since childhood, never drank and hated tobacco.

From his youth he was drawn to rhythmic music, but the beginning of his career was not easy. His first single was "Let's grove on" (1986), then in 1988 Rene won the main prize at the Tropic disco in the German city of Memmingene and took third place at the annual dance festival in Ibiza. Then he still used his real name.

Under stage name DJ Bobo achieved his first success in his native Switzerland with the super hit "Somebody dance with me", which in November 1992 was No. 1 in the Swiss charts, and in several other countries it hit the TOP10 and was gold in Switzerland, Austria, Germany, Israel and Sweden. The second hit "Keep on dancing" was No. 1 in Finland, entered the TOP10 in almost all European countries and went gold in Germany. After this success, DJ Bobo released his debut album "Dance with me", which entered the European charts, and the best song from this album, "Take control", also received gold in Germany.

In 1994, DJ Bobo reached number two on the German charts with the slow reggae song "Everybody", which eventually went platinum. And in the fall of the same year, his second, most famous album “There is a party” was released, the perky composition “Let the dream come true” from which it went gold. In January 1995, the single "Love is all around" hits the TOP10 in several countries and goes gold six times in Germany. Then the artist goes on tour South America. In May, at the Monaco festival, he receives the prize as the best-selling Swiss artist of the year. Then follow tours in Asia (including South Korea and Thailand) and Australia. Everywhere his performances are accompanied by grandiose shows with professional choreography, giant fireworks and fantastic lighting effects.

At the end of 1995, DJ Bobo's third album, "Just for you", was released, containing remixes already famous songs, the Christmas hit "It's time for Christmas" and the single "Love is the price". And in January 1996, the singer was awarded a prestigious award in Davos, Switzerland for the album "There is a party", and he was recognized as the best European singer of 1995 year among men.

“...Legends continue to exist. We will never die, we will forever be young! These defiantly daring words are sung in the song by DJ Bobo, which he performed at the Eurovision Song Contest 2007. He wrote these words about himself, about his faithful musician friends, about his generation.

Singer, actor, dancer, composer, producer. He is still called the king of Eurodance, the king of dance, the only one on stage.

But he could have become an athlete - as a child he was fond of football, an artist - as a teenager he enthusiastically painted graffiti on walls, a renowned pastry chef, and finally - after school he began studying at a culinary college. But he soon abandoned it and took up music.

Peter Rene Sipiriano Baumann was born in 1968 in the Swiss town of Kölliquen. His parents, a Swiss and an Italian, divorced when the boy was two years old, so he was deprived of a male upbringing. However, his businesslike and efficient mother managed to build their life so that they never needed anything. By the way, she still works for pleasure in a small flower shop in her hometown. It was not her habit to contradict her son, so she took his decision to take up music calmly.

At the age of 17, Rene got a job as a DJ at the Don Paco club. There he met a certain Oliver Ilfeld, who became his older friend and manager. In 1986, young Rene went to the Swiss championship among disc jockeys, where he became second, and in 1988 he represented his country at the Disco Queen competition in Memmingham (Germany), where he received the Grand Prix, thanks to which he participated in the prestigious Top-10 Disco King in Ibiza. There - an honorable 3rd place in three categories: dance, image, style. This success marked the beginning of his professional career. And it was a very successful start. However, the luck soon ran out.

DJ Bobo recruits a group of dancers and backing vocalists, releases the first single with the simple name “I Love You”, which was released in a meager circulation of 400 copies and was not included in any charts. DJ Bobo's group was also not successful. To somehow stand out, he begins performing under the pseudonym DJ Bobo. Why is this so? "Bobo is comical fairy tale hero, explains the musician. “He is imprisoned, but he constantly escapes from there. This character is very close to my spirit." Under this name, he offered his music to various studios, but, alas, no one was interested in it. DJ Bobo's music was not successful, but Rene did not back down. In 1991, he presented his first professional single, “Lets Groove On,” but due to lack of a contract, the idea failed again.

But a year later, his already “contractual” hit “Somebody Dance With Me” became platinum in the Swiss charts (Rene became the first musician in 16 years to top the ratings of his native country), gold in Germany and, having overtaken all competitors, was sold out. 500,000 thousand copies. DJ Bobo's songs are becoming famous throughout Europe! Video clips of DJ Bobo fill all music channels in all countries of the old world.

Inspired by success, in 1994 DJ Bobo released an even more hit disc “There is a Party” - his songs are still considered Eurodance classics to this day.

Then there was a big tour of Europe and South America, after which Bobo won a lot of gold awards in the categories “Best Dance Performance” and “Best Show”. There are sold-out houses, excitement and applause everywhere. Album after album follows, one better than the other. DJ Bobo's style is called a mixture of dance rap, Italian house style with his own original plasticity.

The 90s saw the peak of DJ Bobo's popularity. Awards, recognition. He is the best-selling Swiss artist in the world. Received the MTV Europa Music Awords ten times! He is so confident in himself that he applies to participate in Eurovision 2007. And... he doesn’t even make it to the finals, finishing only 20th. Many spiteful critics are already writing him off. Yes, it was a blow for the musician! He even leaves music for a while. DJ Bobo's concerts are temporarily suspended. But as in the song: “We will never die, we will forever be young.”

Today DJ Bobo is still vigorous, fresh and full creative ideas. His new rap is top notch. The quality of the arrangements is getting better and better. The latest show “CIRCUS” features new hits from DJ Bobo’s latest album “Welcome to My Crazy Circus”, where he skillfully played with the circus theme, turning it into a single composition.

A number of DJ Bobo’s songs are already included in lists with the prefixes “most” and “best.” For example, DJ Bobo’s composition “Fiesta Loka”. However, DJ Bobo’s singles “Freedom” and “Jungle” are no less popular.

DJ Bobo is not only a talented musician, but also an actor. Rene Baumann took part in 9 films, where he played himself. Maybe because it is convenient for him, comfortable to be in his own image? He likes to be natural. Simple and courteous in life. He enjoys spending time with his fans, signing autographs and taking pictures with them.

He has no bodyguards and prefers to travel by bus when on tour. He is faithful: for many years the composition of his creative team has hardly changed. The entire team strictly adheres to a healthy lifestyle: no cigarettes, alcohol, drugs! Rene, as before, loves to play football, badminton, and skiing. But music still gives him the greatest pleasure. Likes to listen to Michael Jackson, Elton John, Stevie Wonder.

He has a friendly family. His second wife, Nancy Wrench, with whom he has lived for 15 years, works with him on the same team - dancing and singing. Jamiro-René's son is 12 years old. Kaylee-Nancy's daughter is 8. That's how he is happy man, DJ Bobo!

Video clip for DJ Bobo's song “Fiesta Loka”

What makes him the most successful Swiss artist. More than 14 million copies of the artist's albums have been sold worldwide.

DJ BoBo's style is defined as dance rap of the Italian house direction, and he borrows the plasticity of movements from rap artists, combining it with his performance technique.


Peter Rene Baumann was born on January 5, 1968. Two years after his birth, his mother Ruth (originally from Switzerland) and Italian father Luigi Cipriano divorced. Rene loved to play football as a child and was fond of breakdancing and hip-hop.

Beginning of a professional career

In 1989, Rene began performing under the pseudonym DJ BoBo. In the same year, the musician’s first single, “I Love You,” was released, with a circulation of 400 copies.

Soon, DJ BoBo assembled a group of dancers and backing vocalists and in 1991 produced his first official single, “Let’s Groove On.” The hit "Somebody Dance With Me" (female vocals - Emel Aykanat), released in November 1992, goes gold in Germany and reaches number one in the Swiss charts. DJ BoBo became the first Swiss artist to top the chart in his home country in 16 years. In other countries, the single hits the top ten.

DJ BoBo's first album, Dance With Me, was certified gold thanks to the gold singles “Keep On Dancing”, “Take Control”, and the single “Everybody” was certified platinum. In the fall of 1994, the second gold album went on sale. There Is a Party, best songs from which “Let the Dream Come True”, “Love Is All Around”, “There Is a Party” and “Freedom” became gold.

On October 6, in the foyer of the Central Stadium of Zurich, after the concert, Rene presented a special album at a press conference Just for You with remixes best songs from "There Is a Party" and three new songs: "It's Time For Christmas", "Love Is the Price" and "Let's Come Together". The album went gold and "Love Is the Price" was named best single. At the end of the year, DJ BoBo becomes the most famous Swiss musician in the world. Every year he goes to Monte Carlo to present the gold awards for the most successful sale their discs all over the world.

The album was released in the fall of 1996 World In Motion with the acclaimed singles "Pray" (which went gold), "Respect Yourself" and "Shadows of the Night". It is noteworthy that the single “Shadows of the Night” was recorded together with the Vienna Symphony Orchestra, which is atypical for the performer electronic music. The composition was performed live only once - in Berlin at show The Dome III. The album is certified three times platinum and is re-released with the additional track “Can You Hear Me?”.

The tour in support of the album started on September 14 on Red Square in Moscow. DJ BoBo gave his first concert at Dynamo Stadium before Michael Jackson's performance. Joint concerts were also given in Prague, Budapest, Bucharest and Warsaw. During the performance, DJ BoBo changed his image up to 8 times.

In 2002, Baumann celebrated a decade of successful creative activity with a collection Celebration, which included duets with Irene Cara, Melanie Thornton, Emilia Rydberg, ATC, as well as reworked hits from past years. The anniversary is celebrated with a grand show-concert released on DVD called Celebration - The 10th Anniversary Show.

In the same year, having signed a contract with the Coca-Cola concern, Rene undertook to create an anthem for a new commercial in 10 days. The new composition was called "Chihuahua". They immediately took first place in the charts in Spain and Mexico, and at the same time, Rene announced a new show “Visions” and released an album of the same name, which included “Chihuahua”. Nobody expected high sales of this single, but in 2003 this composition became the best-selling, which was noted at the next World Music Awards. This award was Rene's 8th. The album received gold status in Italy and Belgium, and platinum status in France and Switzerland. In total, more than 1.7 million copies were sold.

Album released in 2005 Pirates Of Dance.

Eurovision Song Contest 2007

Our time

Shortly after Eurovision, in 2007 it was released new album Rene Vampires, which reached number two in the Swiss charts. First single Vampires Are Alive peaked at number three in the charts in Switzerland and number seven in Finland.

On February 26, 2010, Rene released his tenth album Fantasy, again reaching second place in the Swiss charts and receiving gold status.

On March 11, 2011, the single “Volare” was released, and in the fall of 2011, a full-length album Dancing Las Vegas. However, this album became less successful: in its first week it peaked at number four in the Swiss charts, but by the end of sales it had fallen to the 60s.

A remix album was released on September 20, 2013 Reloaded, consisting of time-tested hits in a new arrangement with the participation of Mike Candys, Inna, Manu-L, Remade and others. On September 5, the video for the new version of “Take Control” was released.

The twelfth studio album was released on January 10, 2014 Circus, which became more successful than its predecessor, starting at third place in the Swiss charts.

In 2016, it became known that Rene was preparing a new studio album Mystorial, which was released on September 23, 2016. The album had a more familiar sound to fans than the previous two, but at the same time it contained more compositions performed by Rene alone.

Personal life

From 1989 to 1994, Rene was married to Danielle Bock. In 1993, he met Nancy Wrench, who joined his team two years later. They got married on August 9, 2001, and have two children: son Jamiro-René (born October 8, 2002) and daughter Kaylee-Nancy (born September 29, 2006). In 2008 the family moved to Lucerne.


Studio albums:

  • Dance with Me (1993)
  • There Is a Party (1994)
  • World in Motion (1996)
  • Magic (1998)
  • Level 6 (1999)
  • Planet Colors (2001)
  • Visions (2003)
  • Pirates of Dance (2005)
  • Vampires (2007)
  • Fantasy (2010)
  • Dancing Las Vegas (2011)
  • Circus (2014)
  • Mystorial (2016)

Live albums:

  • Live in Concert (2003)

Collections and remixes:


  • "I Love You" (1989)
  • "Ladies in the House" (1991)
  • "Let's Groove On" (1991)
  • "Somebody Dance with Me" (1992)
  • "Keep on Dancing" (1993)
  • "Take Control" (1994)
  • "Love Is All Around" (1995)
  • "There Is a Party" (1995)
  • "Freedom" (1995)
  • "Love Is the Price" (1996)
  • "Pray" (1996)
  • "Respect Yourself" (1996)
  • "It's My Life" (1997)
  • "Shadows of the Night" (1997)
  • "Where Is Your Love" (1998)
  • "Around the World"(1998)
  • "Celebrate" (1998)
  • "Together" (1999)
  • "Lies" (1999)
  • "Hard to Say I'm Sorry" (2001)
  • "Colors of Life" (2001)
  • "Celebration" (2002)
  • "I Believe" (2003)
  • "Chihuahua" (2003)
  • "Pirates of Dance" (2005)
  • "Amazing Life" (2005)
  • "Pura Passion" (2005)
  • "Vampires Are Alive" (2007)
  • "We Gotta Hold On" (2007)
  • "Because Of You" (2007)
  • "Ole Ole" (2008)
  • "Superstar" (2010)
  • "This Is My Time" (2010)
  • "Everybody's Gonna Dance" (2012)
  • "La Vida Es" (2012)
  • "Angel" (2012)
  • "Somebody Dance with Me (Remady 2013 Mix)" (feat. Manu-L) (2013)
  • "Take Control" (feat. Mike Candys) (2013)
  • "Fiesta Loca" (2014)
  • "Everybody" (Mike Candys remix) (feat. Nina) (2015)

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with a song If We All Give A Little
Switzerland at the Eurovision Song Contest
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with a song Era Stupendo

An excerpt characterizing DJ BoBo

The famous flank march consisted only of Russian army, retreating straight back in the opposite direction of the offensive, after the French offensive had ceased, he deviated from the initially accepted direct direction and, not seeing pursuit behind him, naturally moved in the direction where the abundance of food attracted him.
If we were to imagine not brilliant commanders at the head of the Russian army, but simply one army without leaders, then this army could not do anything other than move back to Moscow, describing an arc from the side on which there was more food and the edge was more abundantly.
This movement from the Nizhny Novgorod to the Ryazan, Tula and Kaluga roads was so natural that the marauders of the Russian army ran away in this very direction and that in this very direction it was required from St. Petersburg that Kutuzov move his army. In Tarutino, Kutuzov received almost a reprimand from the sovereign for withdrawing the army to Ryazan road, and the same position against Kaluga was pointed out to him, in which he was already at the time he received the sovereign’s letter.
Rolling back in the direction of the push given to it during the entire campaign and in the Battle of Borodino, the ball of the Russian army, having destroyed the force of the push and not receiving new shocks, took the position that was natural to it.
Kutuzov's merit did not lie in some brilliant, as they call it, strategic maneuver, but in the fact that he alone understood the significance of the event that was taking place. He alone understood even then the meaning of the inaction of the French army, he alone continued to assert that Battle of Borodino there was a victory; he alone - the one who, it would seem, due to his position as commander-in-chief, should have been called to an offensive - he alone used all his strength to keep the Russian army from useless battles.
The killed animal near Borodino lay somewhere where the hunter who ran away had left it; but whether he was alive, whether he was strong, or whether he was just hiding, the hunter did not know. Suddenly the groan of this beast was heard.
The groan of this wounded beast, the French army, which exposed its destruction, was the sending of Lauriston to Kutuzov’s camp with a request for peace.
Napoleon, with his confidence that it is not only good that is good, but what came into his head that is good, wrote to Kutuzov the words that first came to his mind and had no meaning. He wrote:

“Monsieur le prince Koutouzov,” he wrote, “j"envoie pres de vous un de mes aides de camps generaux pour vous entretenir de plusieurs objets interessants. Je desire que Votre Altesse ajoute foi a ce qu"il lui dira, surtout lorsqu" il exprimera les sentiments d"estime et de particuliere consideration que j"ai depuis longtemps pour sa personne... Cette lettre n"etant a autre fin, je prie Dieu, Monsieur le prince Koutouzov, qu"il vous ait en sa sainte et digne garde ,
Moscou, le 3 Octobre, 1812. Signe:
[Prince Kutuzov, I am sending you one of my general adjutants to negotiate with you on many important subjects. I ask Your Lordship to believe everything that he tells you, especially when he begins to express to you the feelings of respect and special reverence that I have had for you for a long time. Therefore, I pray to God to keep you under his sacred roof.
Moscow, October 3, 1812.
Napoleon. ]

“Je serais maudit par la posterite si l"on me regardait comme le premier moteur d"un accommodation quelconque. Tel est l "esprit actuel de ma nation", [I would be damned if they looked at me as the first instigator of any deal; such is the will of our people.] - answered Kutuzov and continued to use all his strength to do so to keep troops from advancing.
In the month of the robbery of the French army in Moscow and the quiet stop of the Russian army near Tarutin, a change occurred in the strength of both troops (spirit and number), as a result of which the advantage of strength was on the side of the Russians. Despite the fact that the position of the French army and its strength were unknown to the Russians, how soon the attitude changed, the need for an offensive was immediately expressed in countless signs. These signs were: the sending of Lauriston, and the abundance of provisions in Tarutino, and information coming from all sides about the inaction and disorder of the French, and the recruitment of our regiments with recruits, and good weather, and the long rest of Russian soldiers, and the rest that usually arises in the troops as a result of rest. impatience to carry out the task for which everyone was gathered, and curiosity about what was happening in the French army, so long lost from sight, and the courage with which the Russian outposts were now snooping around the French stationed in Tarutino, and news of the easy victories of the peasants over the French and the partisans, and the envy aroused by this, and the feeling of revenge that lay in the soul of every person as long as the French were in Moscow, and (most importantly) the unclear, but arose in the soul of every soldier, consciousness that the relationship of force had now changed and the advantage is on our side. The essential balance of forces changed, and an offensive became necessary. And immediately, just as surely as the chimes begin to strike and play in a clock, when the hand has made a full circle, in the higher spheres, in accordance with a significant change in forces, the increased movement, hissing and play of the chimes was reflected.

The Russian army was controlled by Kutuzov with his headquarters and the sovereign from St. Petersburg. In St. Petersburg, even before receiving news of the abandonment of Moscow, a detailed plan for the entire war was drawn up and sent to Kutuzov for guidance. Despite the fact that this plan was drawn up on the assumption that Moscow was still in our hands, this plan was approved by headquarters and accepted for execution. Kutuzov only wrote that long-range sabotage is always difficult to carry out. And to resolve the difficulties encountered, new instructions and persons were sent who were supposed to monitor his actions and report on them.
In addition, now the entire headquarters in the Russian army has been transformed. The places of the murdered Bagration and the offended, retired Barclay were replaced. They thought very seriously about what would be better: to place A. in B.’s place, and B. in D.’s place, or, on the contrary, D. in A.’s place, etc., as if anything other than the pleasure of A. and B., it could depend on this.
At the army headquarters, on the occasion of Kutuzov’s hostility with his chief of staff, Bennigsen, and the presence of the sovereign’s trusted representatives and these movements, a more than usual complex game of parties was going on: A. undermined B., D. under S., etc. ., in all possible movements and combinations. With all this digging up the subject of intrigue mostly there was that military matter that all these people thought to lead; but this military matter went on independently of them, exactly as it should have gone, that is, never coinciding with what people came up with, but flowing from the essence of the attitude of the masses. All these inventions, crossing and intertwining, represented in the higher spheres only a true reflection of what was about to happen.
“Prince Mikhail Ilarionovich! – the sovereign wrote on October 2 in a letter received after the Battle of Tarutino. – Since September 2, Moscow has been in enemy hands. Your last reports are from the 20th; and during this entire time, not only has nothing been done to act against the enemy and liberate the capital, but even, according to your latest reports, you have retreated back. Serpukhov is already occupied by an enemy detachment, and Tula, with its famous and so necessary for the army factory, is in danger. From reports from General Wintzingerode, I see that the enemy 10,000th Corps is moving along the St. Petersburg road. Another, in several thousand, is also being submitted to Dmitrov. The third moved forward along the Vladimir road. The fourth, quite significant, stands between Ruza and Mozhaisk. Napoleon himself was in Moscow on the 25th. According to all this information, when the enemy fragmented his forces with strong detachments, when Napoleon himself was still in Moscow, with his guards, is it possible that the enemy forces in front of you were significant and did not allow you to act offensively? With probability, on the contrary, you should believe that he is pursuing you with detachments, or at least a corps, much weaker than the army entrusted to you. It seemed that, taking advantage of these circumstances, you could profitably attack an enemy weaker than you and destroy him or, at least, forcing him to retreat, retain in our hands a noble part of the provinces now occupied by the enemy, and thereby avert the danger from Tula and our other internal cities. It will remain your responsibility if the enemy is able to send a significant corps to St. Petersburg to threaten this capital, in which there could not be many troops left, for with the army entrusted to you, acting with determination and activity, you have all the means to avert this new misfortune. Remember that you still owe a response to the offended fatherland for the loss of Moscow. You have experienced my readiness to reward you. This readiness will not weaken in me, but I and Russia have the right to expect on your part all the zeal, firmness and success that your mind, your military talents and the courage of the troops led by you foretell to us.”
But while this letter, proving that a significant relationship of forces was already reflected in St. Petersburg, was on the way, Kutuzov could no longer keep the army he commanded from attacking, and the battle had already been given.
On October 2, Cossack Shapovalov, while traveling, killed one hare with a gun and shot another. Chasing a shot hare, Shapovalov wandered far into the forest and came across the left flank of Murat’s army, standing without any precautions. The Cossack, laughing, told his comrades how he almost got caught by the French. The cornet, having heard this story, reported it to the commander.
The Cossack was called and questioned; The Cossack commanders wanted to take this opportunity to recapture the horses, but one of the commanders, familiar with the highest ranks of the army, reported this fact to the staff general. IN lately The situation at army headquarters was extremely tense. Ermolov, a few days before, having come to Bennigsen, begged him to use his influence on the commander-in-chief in order for an offensive to be made.
“If I didn’t know you, I would think that you don’t want what you’re asking for.” “As soon as I advise one thing, His Serene Highness will probably do the opposite,” Bennigsen answered.
The news of the Cossacks, confirmed by the sent patrols, proved the final maturity of the event. The stretched string jumped, and the clock hissed and the chimes began to play. Despite all his imaginary power, his intelligence, experience, knowledge of people, Kutuzov, taking into account the note from Bennigsen, who personally sent reports to the sovereign, the same desire expressed by all the generals, the desire of the sovereign assumed by him and the bringing together of the Cossacks, could no longer restrain inevitable movement and gave orders for what he considered useless and harmful - he blessed the accomplished fact.

The note submitted by Bennigsen about the need for an offensive, and the information from the Cossacks about the uncovered left flank of the French were only the last signs of the need to order an offensive, and the offensive was scheduled for October 5th.
On the morning of October 4, Kutuzov signed the disposition. Tol read it to Yermolov, inviting him to take care of further orders.
“Okay, okay, I don’t have time now,” said Ermolov and left the hut. The disposition compiled by Tol was very good. Just like in the Austerlitz disposition, it was written, although not in German:
“Die erste Colonne marschiert [The first column goes (German)] this way and that, die zweite Colonne marschiert [the second column goes (German)] this way and that way,” etc. And all these columns on paper they came to their place at the appointed time and destroyed the enemy. Everything was, as in all dispositions, perfectly thought out, and, as in all dispositions, not a single column arrived at its time and in its place.
When the disposition was ready in the required number of copies, an officer was called and sent to Ermolov to hand over the papers to him for execution. A young cavalry officer, Kutuzov’s orderly, pleased with the importance of the assignment given to him, went to Ermolov’s apartment.
“We’ve left,” answered Yermolov’s orderly. The cavalry officer went to the general, who often visited Ermolov.

Peter Rene Baumann, known to the world music community as DJ Bobo, is a Swiss singer, producer and composer, one of the most successful musicians in his country. Participant in the Eurovision Song Contest in 2007.

Peter was born on January 5, 1968 in Kepliken, Switzerland. The guy has been interested in football, breakdancing and hip-hop since childhood. After school, Baumann enters a culinary college, but soon drops out and gets a job at the Don Paco club as a DJ. It was in this establishment that Peter met Oliver Imfeld, his future manager. The DJ's career begins to gain momentum and two years later Rene takes 2nd place in the disc jockey competition. In 1988, Peter even presented his hometown at the Disco Queen/King Corporation festival in Memmingham. Having won the qualifying stage, Baumann received the right to participate in the Top 10 Disco King, which took place in Ibiza. In the final stage the guy took 3rd place.

In 1989, Rene took the pseudonym DJ Bobo and released his first single called “I Love You” with a circulation of 400 copies.

In 1991, DJ Bobo tried himself as a producer and assembled his own team of dancers, backing vocalists and released “Let`s Groove On”. The next creation, entitled “Somebody Dance With Me” with female vocals, occupies high positions in the charts in Switzerland and Germany. It was an absolute success as DJ Bobo reached number one on the charts in his country for the first time in his 16 year career.

The debut collection “Dance With Me” received gold album status thanks to the songs “Keep On Dancing” and “Take Control”, and the single “Everybody” received platinum status.

The second album also received gold status thanks to several successful songs that later became hits.

Next, DJ Bobo goes on two world tours, European countries and to South America.

In October, the presentation of the album “Just For You” with remixes from previous collections took place in Zurich.

In 1996, the third major album, World In Motion, was released. Distinctive feature The records became songs recorded together with the Vienna Symphony Orchestra. At the end of the year, DJ Bobo receives the award for the best Swiss performer in Monte Carlo.

Over the next 10 years, the performer tours, releases new gold albums and platinum singles. DJ Bobo is rightfully considered the best Swiss performer. You can plunge into surprisingly light and memorable music right on our website. Here you can download and listen online to DJ Bobo mp3 songs completely free of charge. We have collected the best compositions of famous artists.

Rene Baumann. Rene was born into an international family. His mother, Ruth Baumann (originally from Switzerland), married an Italian, Luigi Cipriano, but before their baby had time to get rid of the bad habit of demanding money every day for diapers, the father disappeared. Ruth was left alone since 2 summer child in your arms. She raised her child well and in the future could be proud of her son’s achievements. By the way, she still works in a flower shop in the city where her son was born.

Difficulties did not frighten young Baumann. Despite his small stature, as a teenager he played for the farm club of his city’s football team. In 1984, together with friends, Baumann became interested in fashionable breakdancing, demonstrated a passion for painting walls and a love for the American lifestyle. After graduating from school, Rene entered a culinary college, which promised him a “butter” career in the future as a pastry chef or baker in a private shop. But soon a new, as it turned out, more significant hobby for the young man loomed on the horizon. He became a DJ at the Don Paco club. There he also met his future manager Oliver Imfeld, with whom they struck up a friendly relationship based on breakdancing. In 1988, Baumann, as one of the leaders of the club movement in his city, was sent to a festival-competition popular in Europe called “Disco Queen / King Corporation”, which since 1979 has been held annually in the Tropic discotheque in the German city of Memmingham.

He was awarded the Grand Prix of that competition and received the right to participate in a similar event of a higher rank "Top 10 Disco King" in Ibiza. And here the talented Swiss DJ did not disappoint. He took third place (out of ten) in three categories: dance, external image and style. Let us remember that at this time our hero was still performing under his real name.

In 1989, after an unsuccessful search for a label interested in his music, under the pseudonym DJ Bobo, Rene recorded his first single, “I Love You,” which sold a paltry 400 copies and, naturally, did not even make it onto the charts. For reference: Bobo is a comic character from fairy tales who, being a prisoner, constantly escaped. According to Rene Baumann, the comical, but at the same time very personal image of Bobo suits him perfectly. At the same time, he gathered under his leadership a group of dancers and backing vocalists, the composition of which remained virtually unchanged.

In 1991, Bobo produced his first truly professional single, “Let’s Groove On,” but again he was a commercial failure, again due to the lack of a contract with DJ Bobo.

Dreams come true... And only at the end of 1992, Bobo’s first “contractual” single “Somebody Dance With Me” made its author and performer famous throughout almost all of Europe. In November 1992, “Somebody Dance With Me” solemnly climbed to the top of the Swiss charts, while in other European charts it was expected to reach at least the top ten, and in some countries it managed to displace even Whitney Houston’s famous love anthem from 1st place.” “I"ll Always Love You.” In Germany alone, this single sold more than 250,000 copies, which looked fantastic for a Eurodance recording, and golden discs poured into the residence of the future dance king.

Very little time passed, and DJ Bobo's debut album "Dance With Me" was born, which, in its hit line-up, eclipsed all its competitors in style. In 1993, when DJs at discos played "Keep On Dancing", "Everybody" and "Take Control" four or five times a night and the audience went crazy and demanded more. In the early 90s, BoBo was unique on the dance scene.

In the fall of 1994, Bobo's second and most hit disc "There Is A Party" appeared on sale with a huge bouquet of rhythmic songs, the sounds of which were difficult to resist. "Let The Dream Come True", "Love Is All Around" and "There A Party" became dance music classics.

Bobo went on his first European tour, which was always sold out. But his fans could only wait until next year when their idol puts on a stunning show that will take him to twice as many countries, including the exotic South American region.

On October 6, in the foyer of the Central Stadium of Zurich, after the concert, DJ Bobo and his team of nine dancers and backing vocalists gathered journalists for a press conference, where DJ Bobo’s special album “Just For You” was presented with even more danceable remixes of Bobo’s best songs plus two new compositions: the Christmas song "It's Time For Christmas" and the romantic ballad "Love Is The Price". DJ Bobo's style is defined as dance rap of the Italian house style, and he clearly borrows the plasticity of movements from rap artists, combining it with his unique technology. At the end of the year, DJ Bobo becomes the best-selling Swiss musician in the world. He managed to assemble a team of real workaholics. Bobo and his team try to lead healthy image life: no cigarettes, alcohol, drugs. This time, in short breaks between exhausting tours, the guys recorded new songs, shot videos and participated in television programs.

The new album "World In Motion" was released in the fall of 1996. And again, our hero’s new songs captivate the listener. The singles "Pray", "Respect Yourself", "It"s My Life" and "Shadows Of The Night" storm the European dance charts every 2-3 months, and Bobo once again puts on the royal armor.
In September 1997, the “winter version” of the album “World In Motion” was released, which makes the initiative laid down by the disc “Just For You” a tradition. New songs include the track "Can You Hear Me" or the QUEEN cover "Radio Ga Ga". Natural success is consolidated by even more grandiose tours with amazing pyrotechnics and lighting effects. In one evening, Bobo changes no less than eight costumes.

In the summer of 1998, his new, and to date, last album, “Magic,” was released.