Girls don’t notice how to become stronger. Strength is different

How to become strong spirit ? This dilemma worries many individuals, because most people dream of powerful inner strength. Inner strength is a difficult quality to develop, the achievement of which requires a strong desire and internal reserves that will change the quality of life.

How to become a strong-willed person if you are overcome by everyday difficulties, give up, and have no strength to overcome life’s obstacles, to realize your desired plans and achieve your goals. First, it is necessary to define what fortitude is and who is a strong-willed person. So, fortitude is the harmony of the psychological and physical components of an individual. Therefore, it is important, when a person develops physically, not to forget about the development of intellectual and psychological factors.

A person with a strong spirit is able to independently resolve issues that arise in his life, unlike weak individuals who live at the expense of the strong. If a weak person uses negative experience to weaken himself, turning into an unfortunate victim, then a person who is strong in spirit and character will come out of any unpleasant situation with dignity. Strong personalities have many plans and desires, while weak ones have many needs.

A strong-willed person always has own opinion. But the way of life of a weak person is to always need protection. A strong person is able to protect himself and his way of life is cooperation and influence on other individuals. Most individuals live according to patterns. A person endowed with spirit is above all patterns and will not react to any contradictory, traumatic situation with a conflict pattern.

A person with a strong spirit is not a coward and turns out to be stronger than his fear. This does not mean that such individuals are not afraid, they just know how to be stronger than their phobias and prejudices.

The stronger a person’s spirit, the more significant the burden of negative experience he is able to perceive and survive troubles with dignity. The weaker the person, the smaller the dose of troubles she can normally perceive.

How to become strong in spirit and character

In Iceland there is a wonderful proverb about this: “Everyone who did not stand firmly on their feet has long been blown away into the ocean.” Therefore, by developing yourself physically and psychologically, you can answer the question of how to become a mentally strong person.

Below are specific tips on how to become a strong-willed person:

- it is necessary to surround yourself with individuals with a positive attitude towards life, since long-term communication with, contributes to becoming the same as them;

— it is important to maintain relationships with spiritually developed and competent people who have a positive charge of energy;

- you need to gain faith in yourself, this will give you strength and confidence in your actions, and clearly follow the principles you define for yourself. Without clear ideas about life, it will be difficult to create a specific strategy of action, which in turn will bring chaos into life;

- should study personal experience from your own life, because this is the only way to master significant experience and acquire knowledge;

— it is important not to be afraid, but to learn from your mistakes; To do this, you need to analyze your actions more. Learning from one's experiences will make one more careful and smarter in the future;

- you need to be able to withstand adversity, since mental stability is important in stressful situations, predetermined by fate, therefore in unpleasant situations you should learn to be flexible;

- you need to be prepared for negative options for the outcome of events and not fall into confusion over this, losing your mind and common sense, and even if something goes wrong, you cannot waste the time that is needed to solve the problem;

- it is required to be able to look fears in the eye, since they subconsciously influence life, even if the individual does not think about them;

— by spending time on introspection, figuring out why the fear arose, you can get rid of it; this requires doing what you are afraid of until the fear finally disappears. This is how most individuals get rid of many phobias. If a person cannot do what he is afraid of, he should try to think about fear more often, and then it will go away on its own;

- you need to become a doer, not a thinker. Personalities with strong character They don’t wait for events to happen in their lives, they actively act themselves. You should proactively participate in events, and not passively react to everything that happens. It is necessary to work and try to do more every day than the previous day;

- you should start living today and not think about the future; thinking a lot about the future, a person puts off a lot of things until tomorrow, this applies to both relaxation and important matters;

- you need to understand that tomorrow is already today, so it’s time to put your plans into action. Only strong personalities live for today;

— it is important for a person to realize that the world is not ideal, this will allow him to do more for himself and not be distracted by unimportant things; Often people have very different ideas about life, so there is no point in retraining or re-educating other individuals, but it is worth treating their weaknesses condescendingly.

Only a strong-willed person can realistically overcome life’s trials: dangerous and difficult. A strong spirit is cultivated over the years and all the efforts aimed at it are worth achieving - this is a rare and valuable quality.

So, the main rule on how to become strong in spirit and character is not to run away from what an individual is afraid of, but to look his fear in the eye, directing his gaze to what he fears most. And when an individual begins to overcome his fear, it will disappear, and the person will become stronger in spirit.

An example of how to become mentally strong. Consider this case: a person is about to part with his loved one. He is so afraid of this that mentally, replaying the breakup in his head, he is horrified by it and subconsciously tries to avoid those worries that he is very afraid of. And in order to become a strong-willed person, it is necessary, without interrupting the imaginary picture of the separation, to imagine the entire scene of the separation in all details. Initially, the horror of what is happening will come, the person will suffer at that moment, but after that the horror will disappear, and with it the fear. A person will no longer be afraid of separation in reality, since in his head he has already lived it. This will increase his fortitude and he will be ready for anything.

Another example of how a person can become strong in spirit. It is very important in life not to allow yourself to feel sorry for yourself. When an individual, being in a difficult situation, feels sorry for himself, angers those around him and fate, blames them for what happened, then he is wasting his energy on a thankless task that only increases negative energy. Therefore, you should not feel sorry for yourself, but direct all your energy and strength to solving the problem.

There is no need to cling to the past, but rather to live in the present. By accepting what is happening in life only now, an individual is able to live, no matter what. For example, a person is overtaken by a disease that is difficult to cure. It is necessary not to think about how good it was without her. You need to accept the illness and learn to live with it. This is precisely what requires fortitude, which is cultivated due to the fact that a person understands the need to decide to live in the present time “here and now.” You should “accumulate” positive memories, good life moments, impressions. This will save you in any critical situations, even if there is no improvement. Only joyful memories give an individual hope that they will happen in the near future and for this it is worth believing in it.

It is important for a person to learn to forgive and then he can become strong personality Yu. By forgiving, a person is able to move forward. Strength of spirit doubles after every brave, honest act and helps to cope with upcoming and subsequent difficulties, so it is important to grasp this simple logic and start helping yourself now.

- Our theme is the power of the human spirit. In your line of work, you deal with people who have to be strong, because a weak person cannot win competitions. Can you first define what spirituality is? strong man?

I would divide all strong people into simply strong and spiritually strong. There are many strong people. For example, in sports. It's interesting to look at sports from this side. Any sport highest achievements- this is not a sport weak people. Because a person needs to learn to endure. Endure the stress of training, endure a coach who sometimes insults you, endure a life system to which you need to give yourself completely every day, endure some kind of adversity, financial in particular. You are training, and your neighbors, comrades or friends are already successful in business, have good income, and you don’t have the strength to go and do anything else after training. The only time left is to recover for the next workout. And so on from year to year. I believe that these people are courageous and purposeful, they have the will, they have patience, they can achieve great heights.

But these are not always spiritual people. Not all of them are morally stable. They may not know how to act in some difficult situations. In situations where they are faced with brute force, where some kind of aggression is shown against them, everything is clear. But what should you do if the aggression is directed against other people or some other unusual situation has occurred that does not directly concern you? They don't have ready-made solutions here.

- What do you mean by a spiritually strong person?

In my understanding, a spiritually strong person is a person who has an inner core - the will and readiness to sacrifice himself for the sake of his neighbor. I think this is the most important thing. When they say that a strong person is one who is not afraid of anything, I will never believe it. A man who is not afraid of anything is crazy. We have an instinct for self-preservation, given by God, and with the help of this instinct we survive, we understand, evaluate the situation, sometimes we don’t get into trouble, sometimes we take risks, but the instinct still works. That is, fear should always be in us.

- They say that a brave person is not one who is not afraid, but one who knows how to act despite fear.

Right. Let's say a situation arises when a person needs to make a decision for himself - to run away or sacrifice himself for the sake of loved ones. Two people make different decisions in this situation. One ran away, the other sacrificed himself. One remained intact, and the other was crippled, and, perhaps, also forced to deal with problems with the law.

Who did the right thing? We consider one of them a coward, the one who ran away. The other is a brave person. But they were both afraid. The ability to own and manage fear is very important.

Our soldiers who are fighting now and fought in our previous wars, which led our people to victories, for the most part were brave and strong-willed people. The person may not have known that he had such a core, he had simply not been in such a stressful situation before, but now it came, and he made a decision.

I also noticed this thing: the same person accepts in seemingly similar situations, in different times different solutions. Let’s say that one time he ran away, the next time this “coward” will defend himself and make very difficult decisions.

And he will be a brave man. Imagine, everything can change! Each of us can do brave deeds. Every. There are no weak people. There is a process of upbringing, of the environment around you, which either weakens you or lifts you up. But in each of us there is, in my opinion, a predisposition to great deeds. Some people need to stress less, others need to work on themselves more, but they too can become strong and courageous.

- Is self-sacrifice an innate human quality? Or, perhaps, there is a certain worldview, having accepted which, a person is more willing to undertake heroic deeds and sacrifice himself for the sake of others?

I repeat - each of us has it. How there is a soul in a person. The question is in upbringing, in the environment in which a person grew up - this is the first thing. The second is what environment he is in now. But the main thing is a person’s spiritual values, the principles by which he lives. I believe that it is natural for an Orthodox person to be courageous, because he has such protection that no one else has. He loves his homeland and his family, and knows that no matter what suffering awaits him, if he does everything according to his conscience, he will receive the jewel that we all strive for. The point is in our justification before our Creator and in a meal with Him, for this we can sacrifice anything. Now, if a person understands this, then everything else becomes miserable and insignificant... We must train ourselves. Just as we train our bodies, so must we train our souls, so that we always remember where we strive, where we are going.

Once upon a time I was in one convent. It was late and I was taken to the kitchen. It was the Borisoglebsky Anosinsky Monastery, not far from Moscow, Pavlovskaya Sloboda. An elderly nun, about sixty years old, sat me down at the table in the kitchen. I’m sitting, waiting for dinner, she’s working at the stove, she’s cooking something in a large saucepan. And suddenly she turns sharply to me and asks so demandingly: “Why do you live so shamelessly, why don’t you value your precious soul so much?”

I was taken aback. I asked the question: “What makes you think that we live so carelessly?” She says: “Look at the pan!” And opens the lid. Steam is coming from the pan. She tells me: "Look at the steam!" I looked, and she closed the lid on the pan and said: “Count how long you saw this steam.” I said: “Well, two seconds.”

She answers: “People exchange their spiritual life, the Kingdom of Heaven, for worldly life, and worldly life compared to eternity is this vapor, just two seconds. And you, in a moment that costs nothing, invest everything, give your time. And preparation for future life you are exchanging for this emptiness. Well, how long will you live? One hundred years. This steam in two seconds is like a hundred years compared to eternity.”

Why did you remember? Because our whole life is vanity, a cockroach race. Each of us is called for something. The Lord will one day call each of us and ask. What have we done in life? What have we done that could justify us? It's getting scary.

In addition to extreme events, there are situations that happen to us every day, and we either run away from them, or accept spiritual battle, make some sacrifices. Most often, this concerns relationships with people. We are not currently involved in military battles, but there is spiritual warfare. Someone insulted us, and in response we begin to fight with this person. And perhaps we will even “win”, thinking that this will demonstrate our willpower. But in fact, we are weak - weak against criticism, we have no humility. I say this about myself in particular. Then you come to your senses and realize: “What have I done? What benefit have I brought to my soul today? No. I lost it, I lost money today.”

And we will be able to deal with little things successfully, and even in dangerous cases, when we are dealing with obvious aggression, we will emerge victorious if we look at things soberly and avoid brain paralysis.

I would say this: most people are not ready to make themselves strong on their own; they need mentors, unfortunately. That is, you need people who could force you to do what you don’t want. But in order for this to happen, you must consciously come and put yourself in their hands.

For example, an athlete is training in martial arts. What do we do during training? We prepare a person to think, reason, and make calm decisions, despite the fact that he is scared. The likelihood of getting injured is high, the fear of an opponent, especially a famous, titled one, whom you know well, is also high. Whoever can suppress such elemental fear will increase the likelihood that he will conduct his fight with dignity and with a minimum number of injuries. Whether he wins or loses is another matter.

- If a person does not have a healthy spiritual foundation, how can you help him overcome this fear?

You can win competitions with pride. But if the trainer has spiritual roots, I mean, first of all, if the person is Orthodox, such a trainer educates warriors in humility.

- That is, two fighters can fight: one uses pride, the other uses humility. And what are the chances for each of them?

Both can be equally strong. Maybe the proud one is stronger. When the fight starts, they will soon both be in a borderline state, if we talk about our sport, where the fight goes on at a very high pace. Within a few minutes, people quickly get tired, lactic acid accumulates in them, their blood pressure drops, a lack of oxygen begins, as a result they become lethargic, dizzy, and almost lose consciousness. In this state, the one who has the highest strength of spirit and will wins. And, as a rule, the strength and will of a proud person turns out to be lower than that of a person who treats everything with faith.

I noticed that Orthodox warriors do not want to mutilate their opponents and show off in front of the public, they are different. They go out, I would say, to some extent test their will. They do not try to destroy their enemy. The same cannot be said about the proud man. On the contrary, he tries to inflict maximum quantity mutilation, and gets pleasure from it. Can you imagine? Moreover, if he succeeds in fulfilling his plans, then he hears the exclamations of his colleagues shouting: “Finish him off! Break it!”

Is it possible to say that? Orthodox person? No. To the Orthodox you are talking about something else. And when the Orthodox come out, they pray and ask for God’s help. And so that this fight would benefit them. If he loses, he leaves humbly. He does not have such deep disappointment as the proud one.

There are many nuances, although it is impossible to say that all proud, non-spiritual people are weak. There are also strong ones.

- What can you say to that person who wants to become spiritually strong? I heard advice in your words: somehow think about eternity, the spiritual basis of your existence. Moreover, this may not necessarily be Orthodox spirituality; any religiosity or spiritual understanding of life helps to one degree or another?

Yes, I think this applies to everyone. People have different religions. Some people don’t believe in anything at all, they believe in a person, in themselves, but this is funny. However, there is something of the Creator in each of us. And this is something the Lord gave to each of us equal amount. I mean the Divine soul that the Lord gave to each of us. And then who went which way...

Therefore, I believe that in order to be strong, a person must believe in something. And it's best that he believes in the right things.

As for Muslims, we can learn a lot from them. Orthodox Christians used to live to some extent as zealously as Muslims in some Muslim countries Today. There were foundations: they respected elders, parents, understood their responsibility to their family, spouse, and if it didn’t exist yet, then they prepared for family life. The wife understood that her husband was responsible for her before the Creator, and was preparing to build her relationship with her future husband both as an assistant and as a subordinate. Today we see this hierarchy to a greater extent in Muslim families. We observe respect for elders.

You know, I was in Chechnya. We spent international competitions in Gudermes in 2004, when the second Chechen campaign was ending. So this is what I saw in the Chechen village. In every house they have a division into female and male halves. If an older person enters the room, everyone stands as a sign of respect for the elder. He gestures that everyone can sit down. The elder sits down and everyone talks. If someone older comes in, everyone gets up again. If, say, grandpa comes in, everyone there generally stands in line. The same respect is given to the eldest woman in the family. She has the right to enter men's territory. Also, a boy enters a room where there are girls (even if they are all related) - all the girls and women stand up.

What is this for? In order for young children to learn order and respect. There is continuity of traditions. There is order. When they grow up, some decisions will be implemented according to a certain structure, and even if someone makes the wrong decision, there are older people who can stop the person who has gone too far. Are we seeing this? No. And these are Muslims, these are people who live their lives among us, and we can learn from them and draw conclusions.

- If a person has been taught to respect others since childhood, does this also contribute to self-respect?

Undoubtedly. Individual will can be cultivated, but it is best to be educated in a society where everything is subject to internal laws. Unfortunately, over the past decades, the family has suffered greatly - and this main basis states. Everything is mixed up, everything is upside down. Now we men are protected by a woman. The man was grinding. The man has become like the woman in the old days; he doesn’t want to bear responsibility. Where is our will?

- The second thing I heard from you is attention to detail. It is very difficult to discipline yourself in small things. For this you need will, and little things build will. Through little things we slide down and climb up. Is this true?

It is impossible to build a strong-willed person without passing certain small tests. Speaking about our structure, in our Federation it is structured in such a way that a person who gets into our club is trained by coaches for a survival test. Let’s say they tore a child away from his family and took him to training. He is yours, for 1.5-2 hours, homemade, plush, caressed, not showing any masculinity. We begin the process, and then he understands that his personal success will depend on the success of the entire team. Suppose one or two people in the group violate the discipline that the coach is cultivating. Everyone, the whole group, will be punished. Once, twice, three times - then you look - everything is corrected. A person becomes ashamed in front of his comrades, with whom he is here O Tom is washing his face.

Plus there is physical “pumping”. The man is punished, but he is not beaten with sticks. He does push-ups, pumps his abs, and does other exercises that shape his body. But this creates a situation where he feels bad. The coach who punishes the group makes it difficult for the group to perform this exercise. Let's say everyone can do 20 push-ups, the coach will not ask you to do 10 push-ups, but will ask you to do 30 push-ups, so that the group tries the last 10 times. And then he will say that they were punished for such a violation and in the future they should be more careful.

But this is not the first test. The first test is the first student belt that the child will take. The child must demonstrate technique, flexibility and physical fitness. The program creates conditions under which it is difficult, very difficult for a person to complete it entirely. But the coach must get him out of this crisis situation, not give him the opportunity to run away, become cowardly, break down, say: “That’s it, I won’t do it again, I don’t want to.” Having created this extreme situation, the coach helps him emerge victorious and pass this test. And then the person rises morally to new level. He is already beginning to rethink himself, beginning to take shape. This is how they prepare both a five-year-old child and a forty-year-old man.

The coach does this at every training session: he creates a situation and pulls his student out of it. Of course, the coach does this to comprehend something, to understand. And then gradually (and there are many such tests), a person, overcoming some small obstacles, becomes a person. And as it develops, the coach must also develop it spiritually. This is extremely important: either he will grow up to be a strong, powerful, but proud person who will despise, in his opinion, weak people, or he will grow up to be strong, powerful, humble, able to achieve goals in life, but at the same time loving people. And I want to say that not everything works out for us in terms of spiritual education. We raise strong people, but not always spiritual ones.

- It is probably difficult for proud people to comply with the regime? Or does it still work? Still, passions prevail.

There are people who endure the regime for great goals. They have set a goal for themselves and are moving towards it. But they are driven not by humility, not by love for people, but by self-love and pride.

- It seems to me that a humble person is still stronger. For example, Fedor Emelianenko

The humble are always stronger, always. In a borderline situation he is stronger. When the proud one lies without strength, the humble one will rise up and finish everything to the end, for the sake of his Motherland. The same Fedor Emelianenko does not perform in order to fill his wallet. He knows that the people are behind him, he knows that with his performance he is raising up his Motherland, his people. They will focus on him, understanding whose representative he is. It seems to me that this is how he understands his speeches, his mission on the international stage.

- This man is spiritually strong.

I think so

- Based on the theoretical part, you can give some practical advice How can I encourage someone who feels not strong enough?

The main thing is to love God. Remember about God, when you feel bad, remember, and the Lord will give you both thought and help. As they say, “without God there is no way to reach the threshold.” This is the very first wish.

A practical wish - do not allow brain paralysis in a difficult situation. There is no need to be afraid of current events. I saw something scary running out. Everything has turned to stone. Do not rush to react immediately to the situation. Don't twitch or show anything outwardly. The main thing is to extinguish the wave of fear that will grow. Calm down. Assess the situation. When the brain is cold it gives birth good solutions. And then there will be a solution, and you will be able to jump over the fence, figuratively speaking, to do something else.

- How to learn this?

This, of course, needs to be developed in training. We have this test: if we have a serious fight, and one of the opponents shows that he is in pain, then the victory is taken away from him and given to another. That is, you cannot show that you are in pain and that it affects you: you will lose. It's the same in life. This can also be extrapolated to your life. You cannot show your inner feelings to anyone. They are only for you and the Almighty.

- Psychologists advise expressing your negative emotions after a stressful situation and not accumulating them within yourself.

If you are in a stressful situation, then you cannot show your inner state. Then go to your loved ones, communicate, show what your mood is. And now, while you are stressed, you cannot show your weakness. You can't show your thoughts.

I once saw a Japanese man who was beaten in a competition just terribly. It was such a brutal fight. Our fighter beat him mercilessly. The Japanese had no expression of emotion on his face. Three minutes passed. Our fighter is completely surprised that he could not defeat him. They gave us extra time. Our guy started to panic: no matter where he hits the Japanese, he doesn’t react, he doesn’t have any emotions on his face. As a result, the Japanese won because he was patient. Our fighter was very tired, and based on his activity at the end of the second time, or the third, I don’t remember, the Japanese were given the victory. True, then ours left on his own, and the Japanese were carried away. He was completely beaten, and, in my opinion, did not come out for the next fight. What does this mean? About the fact that a person was able to mobilize inside and not show his internal state to the opponent. By this he caused panic among the enemy and spiritually defeated him.

It's the same on the street. The aggressor begins to attack you and put psychological pressure on you. If you react calmly, the attacker collapses. He has questions about why you are reacting outside the box? He will figure out everything for you - that you have a gun or something else. And you will have time to think and make a decision in these seconds. The main thing is to be calm and not show what is happening inside. Try to rationally, calmly convince, stop the aggression. Don't be provocative. You must behave outwardly confidently, but at the same time show that you are not seeking conflict. If you show that you want aggression, but are also afraid, this will provoke a further attack. There is no need to do this.

We teach our people to certain situations attack first. When the enemy has a clear advantage in strength, numbers, when there is no way to leave, if the aggressor has a weapon, or in a situation where aggression occurs against your loved ones, women, children, you must attack. But without internal anger. If there are many attackers, you need to remove the main one in order to destroy the structure. They may move away from you on their own, seeing that you are a strong-willed person. You have to look into the eyes.

But we are talking about athletes. It is better, of course, to try not to create such situations; it is better to avoid them altogether.

- How to become such that you are able to look into the eyes of a person who is going to attack you without fear?

I have two types of experience in this regard: sports and spiritual. They are different. I talked about how a person is brought up through sports training. In the spiritual sphere, this is prayer, this is reading spiritual literature. You need to read the holy fathers, there you will find the answer for yourself on how you acted in a given situation Orthodox people. Compared to what happened in ancient times, what deeds Christians performed, the situations that happen in our lives are such a trifle. From time immemorial, the Fathers of the Church give us an example of how to behave, with whom and how to communicate, and from whom to ask for help. I'm talking about God: if you ask Him, you always receive.

- If a person constantly does more exercises than he can, does that also help strengthen his will?

Well, yes. Let's say you can do three pull-ups today. Set yourself the task of adding one more every week. To add once, you need to approach this horizontal bar three times every day, try to do it once plus another half time. You have to set yourself difficult tasks and implement them systematically. To strengthen your will, you always need to set some goals that lead to constant improvement.

- It turns out that sport is the only way to develop willpower?

Well, this is the easiest and most accessible way. Moreover, that sport in which there is the maximum element of testing a person’s physical and moral endurance. In some species this is not visible. And there are types that, in my opinion, have a very strong influence on people educationally. I think karate is very suitable in this regard. I'm not just talking about those who become masters, but about ordinary people, even with various diseases, disabilities or mental trauma. Our sport is very successful in strengthening people.

But sport is sport, after all, I believe that spiritual life should be at its highest in each of us. I’ll tell you another incident: I once came to visit my elder at the Trinity-Sergius Lavra. I tell him: “I’m tired of sports, there’s a lot to do, I don’t see any prospects.” And he asked me a question: “How many people do you have? Who are you raising?" At that time there were twenty thousand in the federation. I didn't understand the question. “You train a lot of people. You’re probably raising warriors, right?” - "Well, yes". - “So strong and strong, right?” - “Yes.” - “What kind of warriors are you raising? Proudestov, perhaps? Who are you raising them for - for gangs? So that they live as selfish people? You must raise Orthodox warriors. Therefore, there is no blessing for you to leave sports, so go and work. Just as you attracted people to yourself, continue to guide them.”

And then I thought: who are we really educating? We must educate people who will benefit the state and society. And the proud - what will they bring to us? We must treat what we do with understanding. Great meaning there must be in all our actions.

A distance (online) course helps to get rid of fears and anxieties: “ Overcoming fears and anxieties"

I don’t know about you, but I am completely convinced that the phrase “The best man wins” will be relevant at all times. Only if before everything came down to physical characteristics, That modern reality forces a person to improve on all fronts. Therefore, it is not surprising that people began to think more often about how to become stronger. Of course we're talking about about the context of life...

First of all, you need to set yourself up for positive success. It is not enough to just think: “I want to become stronger.” You need to firmly and confidently say: “I will become stronger” and put as much emotion into this phrase as your heart is capable of. This kind of setup, despite its absurdity, allows you to achieve good results. Try it, just don't be a hack.

So, for those who want to know how to become a strong person, I have prepared 17 tips that can bring amazing results. They make up only a small fraction of the entire journey, but do you remember where the journey of a thousand miles begins? You can apply them all at once, or one at a time. You can implement one thing every month or every week. You can completely score. Remember that everything depends on your choice.

1. Form your view of things.

It is very important to learn to formulate your own thoughts on any issue. In our century, people themselves become slaves to other people's opinions, so it is very difficult to maintain individuality of thinking. I brought this point to the first place precisely because of its complexity. Learn to get rid of other people's opinions and form your own objective judgment. Perhaps the post “How to Find Freedom” will help you.

2. Do physical exercise.

It is also important to know how to become physically stronger. A truly strong person is strong not only in spirit and mind, but also in body. Therefore, it is very important to monitor your physical norm. You don't have to sign up for a gym. You can start running or doing morning exercises. Usually this is enough. If you want something more exciting, you can try some sports. I bet you'll like it.

3. Set goals.

It's important to know where you're going. The best guide is a dream or goal. But if a dream is something vague, then a goal is a real finishing line that can be torn off. In fact, setting and achieving goals brings unprecedented personal growth.

4. Survive falls.

Failure is the best mentor. Believe me, nothing brings as much life experience as falling. Only by experiencing real difficulties can we become stronger. Therefore, there is no need to be afraid of failures, just do what you set out to do. You can never truly taste success if it comes too easily. Treat falls as good teacher who is sincerely interested in your knowledge.

5. Love yourself.

It is important to understand one thing - you have incredible potential hidden within you, thanks to which you can achieve anything you want. It doesn’t matter how grandiose your plans are. If you can truly love yourself, then no obstacles will prevent you from achieving your results.

6. Read more.

Did you know that our brain perceives information projected in the imagination as real? But, unlike animals, we are able to independently control the flow of our thoughts. So we can lose a lot difficult situations that we may have in the future. Books are a real treasure trove of such situations. We literally play every scene live and draw the necessary conclusions. It's not for nothing that all successful people read a lot.

7. Learn to lose.

It is important to understand that you are responsible for your life. It doesn’t matter who exactly is to blame for the current situation. If this has somehow affected your life, YOU ARE TO BLAME. If a girl leaves you, don’t complain about her, but look for the reason in yourself. If you were fired from your job, don’t insult your boss, but become a better person. That's the only way.

8. Finally, start learning for real.

Education is actually a very useful thing. Many underestimate it, citing as an argument phrases like: “I will never need this.” Yes, we never use most of the knowledge we acquire at school or university, but it helps us develop. For example, geometry develops very well logical thinking and can teach you how to correctly justify your answer. By getting to know different areas of philosophy, we can find answers to some questions in the future.

9. Give free rein to your imagination.

In the most ordinary affairs You can achieve an unusual result if you use your imagination. Try doing everything with your left hand the next time you have to clean the house. It will turn out quite funny, and you will probably remember this cleaning for a long time. But fantasy can also be used in other situations, for example, you can learn a passage or formula and do push-ups at the same time. Oh yes, I already wrote about this in the material “How to develop memory.” Fantasy can open up unprecedented boundaries for you and find ways even in the most difficult situations.

10. Find something you love to do.

Nothing gives such a powerful impetus to action as doing what you love. These could be some true goals or just a hobby. Such activities will give you strength and make your heart beat joyfully in anticipation of future activities. It is much better if your favorite activity is yours. life goal. Together, such actions will not only make you stronger, but will bring real greatness.

11. Learn to say no.

And we are not just talking about some requests. It is very important to learn to focus on one thing and discard everything. external factors. If you look at all the things you did today, you will probably notice that most of them do not have any practical benefit. They just destroy you. Give them up in favor of truly important things!

12. Give up unnecessary connections.

We often surround ourselves with people who negatively influence us. We feel awkward around them and want to leave the company as soon as possible. Or maybe we're just annoyed by their endless whining and complaining. Remember what they say: “Tell me who your friend is and I will tell you who you are.” We often adopt our behavior from those around us, so it won’t be surprising if you soon start complaining too. Surround yourself with people you truly enjoy spending time with and you will immediately notice the difference.

13. Start realizing your dreams.

You can become a truly strong person when you realize your dreams and help realize the dreams of others. Every day, devote at least five minutes to getting closer to your desires and then success is guaranteed to you.

14. Throw away all negativity.

This does not mean that you need to put on rose-colored glasses and rejoice at every leaf (although this option will also work). You just need to treat the world not as a firing line, but as a sea of ​​opportunities that you can realize. If you constantly think about the negative, then sooner or later depression will begin to strangle you with its huge hands. Believe in a positive result and it will definitely come.

15. Ask for forgiveness.

Have you ever had situations that you still regret and constantly remember? Perhaps this is one of the effective ways how to become stronger spiritually. Ask for forgiveness from everyone you've ever bullied. Especially if your conscience constantly reminds you of these cases. In this day and age, it is very rare to hear a sincere “Sorry,” so you can become a role model for other people.

16. Get rid of all debt.

You can't continue to grow stronger if you're saddled with debt. It's like ballast, constantly dragging you to the bottom. First, deal with your financial debts. Then follow through on all your promises. Only if nothing is holding you back can you move forward truly quickly.

17. Help others.

Just like that, without any hidden intentions. You can sign up to volunteer or help your neighbor-grandmother lift bags of groceries. You can even do something more: plant trees or organize a holiday. Such actions fill our lives with meaning and completely kill us. bad traits character.

The article could be supplemented with a bunch more points, but I decided to focus on these 17. If you have anything to add or ask, write in the comments.

10 amazing tips to help you become strong woman and finally stop being a mumble in a dressing gown!

Weaker sex…

We received this nickname from men many centuries ago.

At first it was about physical strength - most women really cannot boast of having it.

Then this definition meant the complete financial dependence of ladies on gentlemen: first from the father, then from the husband.

But times changed, more and more ladies refused to wear weak clothes and thought about how to become a strong woman.

Today, it is a shame to pretend to be a helpless amoeba, completely dependent on her husband.

To be honest, I feel sorry for women who actually end up in slavery to men, devoting their entire lives to their husbands, often enduring neglect and even bullying.

And there is no need to be vehemently indignant here: “Oh, this is all envy of us married people.”

What envy?

I have nothing against marriage, but it’s time to eradicate female slavery a long time ago.

And the sooner you, “happily married” people, understand this, the better for you.

How to become a strong woman: is it too late to learn?

If you have houseplants, then you understand how much time and effort you need to put into making them look beautiful and feel good.

Proper watering, light, fertilizing, spraying, replanting, loosening the soil, etc.

Now imagine that you have stopped watering them.

What will happen to the plants? They will die!

Now remember the vitality of the grass, which breaks through the asphalt, searches for at least some areas of soil, reaches for the sun, despite unfavorable conditions.

The same thing happens with people, especially with ladies!

“If a girl is incredibly beautiful in her youth, but is absent-minded and does not complete anything, her beauty will quickly go away.
If she has very modest external data, but a strong character, her charm will increase over the years.”
Sophia Loren.

While courageous gardeners create greenhouse conditions for them in the form of money watering and protection from adversity, they are in no hurry to learn how to become a strong woman.

But, if today you don’t need anything, then who can guarantee that tomorrow will be the same?

If the man you are hiding behind today is like stone wall, tomorrow he will leave, find another... or, God forbid, something bad will happen to him!

In whom will you trust?

What if you have to be responsible not only for your life, but also for the lives of your children?

Isn't it better to learn to stand confidently on your feet in advance so that you don't have to do it in a hurry?

How did you become such a strong woman?

One Friday, I was at a bachelorette party, in the company of two of my friends: Anya and Lesya.

Both got married early, and it seemed quite happily. They chatted about their personal lives, complained about their men, in general - everything was as always.

And then Lesya and Anya actually had a dialogue, which I followed with interest.

Lesya: Last weekend Seryozha and I made sushi at home, it turned out so delicious.

Anya: And my Slavik comes to the kitchen only for a plate of food.

Lesya: Tomorrow we’ll get some sleep, and then we’ll do the cleaning to completely free up Sunday.

Anya: I do the cleaning on Wednesday or Thursday, otherwise Slavik gets angry if you put it off until the weekend. He says: “Can I ever rest?”

Lesya: And on Sunday we agreed with friends to go to the forest while the last warm days last.

Anya: And mine will go fishing again for two days, and I’ll hang around at home.

Lesya: I saw such amazing boots, though they are a little expensive, but Seryozha reassures: “If you like it, buy it. We will always make money."

Anya: I saw such a stunning skirt, but mine says: “What for do you need new rags - you’re still sitting at home.”

“Damn, I kept convincing myself that I got married successfully, but now I understand what a relationship can be like. He doesn't care about me at all. After graduating from college, he didn’t allow me to go to work, and now he reproaches me with every penny. That's how you were able to become such a strong woman?».

We tried to reassure my friend, convincing her that everything could be changed if there was a desire.

They gave Anya a lot of advice. I have chosen the 10 best for you.

10 secrets that will help you become a strong woman

    Look after yourself.

    I read a phrase from one of the great ladies: “The greater my problems, the higher my heels.”

    Neither sitting at home, nor having children, nor any troubles is a reason to turn into something fat and unkempt!

    It is better to meet any difficulties in full dress.

    Train your body.

    Your muscles should be obedient to you.

    Not only the spirit, but also the body must be strong, so do not forget about regular exercise.

    Live life to the fullest.

    Even if you are, you shouldn’t limit your existence to four walls - you’re not a hamster!

    Your husband should know that you do not wait for him for days, inventing new dishes, but live life to the fullest.

    Learn from others' experiences.

    Let there be at least one strong woman among your friends, from her you can learn many secrets on how to become the same.

    What makes a woman strong and self-confident?

    Important for everyone to know!

    Before become a strong woman, there are many obstacles to overcome.

    If you retreat before the first, you will remain the weaker sex.

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    Hi all. Today I will answer one very interesting question, which worries many.

    How to become a strong-willed man, and also how to become a strong-willed woman.

    Why not just strong, but specifically strong in spirit. Why do we need this strength of spirit, why it is not necessary to just be strong, and where does this spirit come from? Well, read it carefully. I assure you that what you will learn from this article today, you have not seen anywhere else.

    But we'll start with this.

    Surely, many women will say with confidence that today it is difficult to meet a real man on whom you can rely, connect your destiny with him, and shift the burden of worries onto strong shoulders. Men are degenerating. Is this true?

    In some ways they are right. Of course, there are many real men, but the fact that there are fewer and fewer of them is the absolute truth. Why is this happening? I'll explain now.

    The modern pace of life and the overabundance of information that has fallen on our heads requires a person to mobilize all the forces of the body. If previously for a normal family life all that was required from a man was physical strength, then today's realities dictate their conditions. Nowadays, at least some mental abilities are also required, the ability to quickly make decisions in stressful situations, the ability to digest a larger volume of information than before, but also not to get stuck on it. Be flexible, sometimes cunning, have at least a little entrepreneurial ability, as well as other modern skills. If all this does not happen, the man will simply fall behind in life, and the family will live in poverty. But where can you get all these character traits if they don’t exist? Today you will find out.

    Of course, everything I said is conditional. There are life circumstances in which great heroism is not needed from a man, and many families live happily ever after. But I think you get my point. If before a man If only physical strength was really needed, now you can practically do without it.

    Today, what is more in demand is the overall strength of our entire being, which includes mental, psychic and spiritual strength, and today we will talk about it.

    Modern life, filled with love, leads to a loss of strength and a man gives up.

    Stress constantly accumulates, a person breaks down, and since you can’t show your emotions at work, the family suffers. Because of them, health decreases and energy decreases. As a result, the man does not have time to do anything, and his potency decreases. In bed he is no longer the same as before. The wife begins to complain about the bad life in the family, relationships at work do not work out, and as a result, health and energy decline even more. This creates a vicious circle of failure, leading to bad life, to , to the loss of the meaning of life.

    What does a man do to clear his head of negative emotions, take a break from the everyday madhouse and close himself off from this nightmare world. Of course, he starts drinking.

    But as we have already found out by reading articles about and about that, alcohol deceives a person.

    It only gives relief for short time, and subsequently leads to the opposite effects. Alcohol is a terrible poison that leads to physical and mental degradation. It only makes a man dumber, undermines his health, and no longer fully fulfills his responsibilities in the family.

    Alcohol and everyday stress burn people out, take away their strength, and therefore there are fewer and fewer real men.

    A man today needs to be strong to remain one.

    But not physically strong. Then strong than? What kind of power do people need? I think you understand what I'm talking about. But how to express this? What is the name of that strength when a person is able to withstand the hardships of life, not lower his head in the face of the difficulties of life, and not be subject to stress. Be flexible, have mental strength, emotional or mental strength. How to combine all these forces and call it all in one word.

    This is called fortitude.

    This is what people are missing right now.

    Today I’ll tell you what it is and how to buy it.

    Everyone needs fortitude

    But first, let's think about something else. Is it really only men who lack it and do women need it at all?

    I’ll tell you right away, it’s necessary. To live fully, happily and enjoy life, everyone needs it. And having acquired it, following my recommendations, you, one might say, will be born again, because life before and after acquiring the strength of spirit differs in quality a thousand times.

    Today, those women who are left without male support can be divided into two types. Those whom the difficulties of life made even stronger and those who gave up and became even weaker. Why did some give up, while others, despite everything, came out of trouble and even became stronger?

    It's very simple. For some, fortitude was initially there, perhaps even in small quantities, but after the difficulties they endured, it strengthened and became even greater.

    Others had none, or very little. And if there is no fortitude at all, then any stress can unsettle you or even send you to a mental hospital.

    How to gain strength?

    I think you understand that everyone needs fortitude. But what is it and how to buy it?

    Just for fun, I tried to find the answer to this question on the Internet. Everywhere general psychological recommendations are given such as try not to pay attention to difficulties, stop being nervous and all that kind of stuff. No one says, in fact, or explains where this strength of spirit comes from, and why it is called that way. I'll try to fill this gap.

    From the name it is clear that this power is precisely the spirit or, in other words, our soul. It's not for nothing that they called her that. The soul is the highest part of our consciousness, which commands all the lower parts. You can read more about this in my article about.

    By strengthening the higher part of consciousness, all lower layers are automatically strengthened.

    This is why when we gain soul power, we gain mental and emotional or psychic strength. Mental is expressed in the ability to think productively, think quickly, remember better, without forgetting anything. Mental is when lighter feelings appear in us, such as love, compassion, understanding of one’s neighbor, and when lower animal feelings do not dominate us, we are able to control them and put them in their place. All this manifests itself in the fact that negative feelings and emotions, for example, fear, anger, envy and others do not completely absorb us, as happens with a weak soul. They don’t narrow our consciousness when the whole world seems angry or when depression hits. Do not gradually lead to physical and mental illness. And they are put in their place and controlled. This is the starting point from which strength begins to build. Soon you will understand everything.

    Only then will we be able to withstand stress. After all, stress is, first of all, an incorrect reaction of our ego to life circumstances, which are expressed by fear or other bad feelings. But now with strong soul we are able to control them. Control becomes possible from the fact that with a strong soul, our self-awareness, our point of Self, shifts more towards the soul. And since it is the highest part of consciousness, then we seem to look down on the manifestations of lower consciousness, or they say ego. We adopt the position of a detached observer in relation to all negative feelings and emotions. How does this happen in life?

    Let's say we experienced severe stress due to fear of an unknown event or difficult test. With a weakened soul, this fear completely absorbs us, which is expressed by a narrowing of consciousness. What is narrowing of consciousness?

    This is when, with a strong manifestation of fear, the entire internal energy the body is devoured by this feeling. We see nothing but this fear, the world we observe narrows down to a narrow tunnel, it seems that the whole world is smeared with dark, heavy colors. Everyone knows this. We just don’t have enough mental energy right now to look at everything around us differently. Fear took everything away. This happens with any strong manifestation of emotion or feeling. For example, some person offended us in some way. That’s it, now we see him only as an offender, we cannot understand him, we cannot figure out why he did this. Resentment has settled in us, taking all our strength. And what stronger feeling, the more consciousness narrows. In a state of passion, a person does not see anything at all, stops thinking, and loses control over himself. In this case, he generally acts unconsciously, lower emotions have swallowed him up, and his soul has been pushed further away.

    And then, when he comes to his senses, when the emotion has receded, returning energy and the ability to think, the person grabs his head and tells himself why I did this, where I was, what happened to me. Here is a vivid example of how energy and awareness leave us. Or rather, there is energy, but it is focused on one feeling. This is how nature made a person in the process of evolution, when in order to perform one action in the process of releasing emotion, all energy must be directed in one direction. When you are afraid, you need to quickly either run away or, on the contrary, quickly attack, using all the reserve forces of the body.

    But when a person realizes what he has done in a state of passion, it is already too late. All is lost. This is how destinies are broken. All a person’s problems come from the fact that he cannot control his ego. This is further aggravated by the fact that, as a rule, after the cause of an emotion, say fear, has already passed, we still unconsciously experience it. There are many such feelings and emotions that settle deep within us, preventing us from living in peace. The entire subconscious consists of such dirt. For example, it’s high time to forgive the old offender, but no, we still, usually unconsciously, hold a grudge against him. All this gradually leads to mental and physical illnesses.

    How to avoid all this?

    How to become a healthy and happy person?

    Of course, gain strength of spirit.

    With a strong soul, when fear comes upon us during stress, it no longer consumes us as much. Fear manifests itself for some time, because... This is a natural reaction of the body, the fight for survival. Fear is needed to save us from danger. But it does not get stuck in us; after fulfilling its role, it gradually dissolves and disappears. If we have a highly developed ability to observe the content of our psyche, we can even calmly trace how the feeling arose, how it was localized in the body, and then disappeared. During the manifestation of fear, we do not lose our heads, because... most Our energy is in the soul, which means we perform the right and appropriate actions in any situation. All this leads to an improvement in life, to a change in fate, to finding happiness. You still doubt why you should gain spiritual strength.

    Some people already have it, albeit in small quantities.

    What about those who don’t have it?

    It turns out everything is very simple.

    There is no need to instill any psychological attitudes. You only use the power of thought to replace one part of the psyche with another. In fact, you need to stop the entire psyche altogether. Only in this case will energy accumulate in us.

    As I already said in the article about, in order to gain strength you need to practice. And for beginners, just 20-30 minutes twice a day is enough.

    That's it. There is nothing to describe here.

    Meditate and strength will come to you.

    But it's also difficult. It’s difficult because not everyone understands this process. They don’t understand, as they say, the physics of the process, where the force comes from. They don't believe in meditation. And they don’t understand that power accumulates gradually. You can’t just sit down in meditation and at one time regain all the energy that you have been losing for many years. They simply do not have the patience to wait for the first results from their classes and feel the bliss of the first glimpses of strength.

    Why does meditation give strength of spirit? It's very simple.

    It is with its help that we stop the entire psyche, ego and move into a position of detached observation of the contents of all lower consciousness. Remember a simple rule: the ego, the psyche takes away our strength. And stopping it gradually returns energy to us and strength accumulates. During meditation, such incredible processes occur in our consciousness, most of which are still unknown to man. We can talk a lot about this, this is the topic of a separate article, what about an article, an entire book, and more than one.

    Let me just say briefly that there is a process of rebooting the entire system of consciousness (matrix reboot), after which the soul is freed from the shackles of the ego and the Force enters us. Be sure to read about this in the article about the benefits of meditation.

    It is an incredible feeling when we are filled with energy and gain strength. You will understand this only when you experience this process yourself.

    So, through meditation we gradually gain spiritual strength.

    But that's not all. The power accumulated through the practice of meditation is maintained and even strengthened only if it is applied in life. A person is given trials, and the stronger he is, the more difficult trials life throws at him. And having emerged victorious from the next battle of everyday troubles (and he will emerge victorious because he has gained strength through meditation), he will become smarter, wiser, in a word, he will become even stronger.

    But this is still not enough. You need to not only accumulate strength within yourself, but also be able to spend it correctly. For this there is awareness in everyday life. But that's another story, which I'll tell another time.

    In the meantime, let’s summarize how to become a person with a strong spirit.

    Bottom line

    How to become stronger morally and psychologically, how to gain spiritual strength?

    You need to do meditation.

    The work of the ego takes away our strength. Stopping and controlling it during meditation, as well as in everyday life, gradually returns our energy. When we gain strength, we gain happiness and health. That's why everyone needs it. After all, we were born to live happily, and not to be sick and miserable, drinking alcohol and wasting our lives on stupid things.

    And that's all for now.

    Good luck in your hunt for power.

    And watch this short video, you won’t regret it. It clearly states that the one who can control the animal instincts, in my ego terminology, is strong in spirit. Who do you want to be like from this video? To be an animal or a human?