In Russian language classes. How to build a system of exercises in Russian language classes as a foreign language: methodological recommendations. ICT in Russian language and literature classes




“Neither the bare hand nor the mind are worth much in themselves; perfection is achieved with the help of tools and devices.” In the 21st century, these devices are the computer and the Internet. It is no coincidence that the UNESCO Paris Conference on June 21-22, 2007 recognized the urgent need to consolidate the international community for the dissemination of media education.

Competent teacher - stated in the “ICT Competency Standards for Teachers”, - must “with the help of information and computer technologies, promote the development of students’ knowledge creation and critical thinking skills; contribute to the continuous process of analytical cognition".

Develop the creative abilities of schoolchildren;

It also contributes to the formation of competencies related to the mastery of information technology.

The use of ICT is especially important due to the intensive growth in the volume of scientific and technical information and the rapid updating of knowledge. Justifying the need to introduce a competency-based approach into the practice of teaching the Russian language, L.V. Farisenkova and A.A. Solomonova name the methods that are involved in the implementation of a competency-based approach to teaching: communicative, cognitive, project method, heuristic, laboratory, etc. Let's add: Internet - technologies deserve their personal place in this series and, in our opinion, are already adding irreplaceable color to the palette of modern ideas about education in general and teaching the Russian language and literature in particular.


1. Bruner J. Psychology of cognition. Beyond immediate information / Transl. from English - M.: Progress, 1977. - 413 p.

2. Experience of students’ project activities to create the disk “Poems and Songs of the Great Patriotic War” // Materials of the III International Scientific and Practical Internet Conference Russian Language@Literature@Culture: current problems of studying and teaching in Russia and abroad: // URL: http ://www. Russianforall. ru/

3. Dumitrash of information and computer technologies in the organization of project research in the Russian language // Collection of scientific and methodological articles on the problems of teaching Russian language and literature in a multicultural environment / Under the general editorship. T.M. Balykhina. - Moscow-Chisinau, 2011. - 40 pp. - pp. 14-20.

4. Dumitrash of information technologies in the organization of educational philological projects // Russian language and literature in the international educational space: current state and prospects: Materials of the II International. conf.: Granada, 8 - September 10, 2010: in 2 volumes - 2154 p. - Granada, 2010. - T. 2. - P. 1515 - 1520.

5. Criteria for assessing schoolchildren’s knowledge of the Russian language as a linguodidactic component of the modern educational environment // Russian language abroad. - 2011, No. 3. - P. 41-46.

6. Cultural and linguistic competence in the environment of new information technologies // Materials of the XII regional scientific and technical conference “University science - the North Caucasus region”. Volume one. Natural and exact sciences. Technology. - Stavropol: SevKavGTU, 2008: // URL: http://abiturient. ncstu. ru/Science/conf/past/2008/12region/1...

7. ICT Competency Standards for Teachers: Competency Standards Modules. - Published in 2008 by UN Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization / Transl. from English - M.: Commission of the Russian Federation for UNESCO, Russian Committee of the UNESCO Program “Information for All”, ICBC, 2009. - 16 p.

8. H. Russian phraseology. Semantic, pragmatic and linguocultural aspects. - M.: School: Languages ​​of Russian Culture, 1996. - 288 p.

9. On the agenda - competency-based approach to teaching the Russian language to foreigners // Materials of the III International Scientific and Practical Internet Conference Russian Language@Literature@Culture: current problems of studying and teaching in Russia and abroad November 22-29, 2010: // URL: http:// www. Russianforall. ru/

10. Shchukin or competence: A methodologist’s view on the current problem of linguodidactics// Russian language abroad. - 2008, No. 5. - pp. 14-20.

Game technologies in Russian language classes.

Dmitry T.A. – teacher of Russian language and literature

The changes taking place in modern education force us to look for and use new teaching technologies. The teacher has the opportunity to choose teaching methods and technologies that are most suitable for building and designing the educational process.

The main task of the teacher is to reveal the abilities of each student, to educate a decent and patriotic personality, ready for life in a high-tech, competitive country. Teaching the subject should be structured so that graduates can independently set and achieve serious goals and skillfully respond to different life situations. Thus, the current state of education poses the need to find new and unconventional ways to improve the quality of their theoretical training, readiness for independent creative work, and most importantly - means and methods, including means and methods of teaching within the framework of Russian language lessons.

Play is one of the ways to transfer knowledge from generation to generation. Through play, students understand the world, the laws of relationships, and acquire new knowledge in various fields of life and science. The game gives you the opportunity to evaluate yourself against the background of other guys, while putting forward other evaluation criteria. The game contributes to the development of key competencies of students, the development of creative thinking and the activation of independent work. In the process of didactic play, purposefulness, activity, dynamism and productivity of thinking, strength and efficiency of memory, the desire for perfection and faith in one’s abilities develop. From a didactic point of view, game learning is promising in that it does not oppose modern pedagogical technologies and is one of the forms of learning. During didactic games or elements of any game, cognitive activity develops in Russian language classes. Game technologies are one of the forms of organizing cognitive activity in Russian language lessons.

It is intended to use gaming technologies in classes at the secondary level, but some didactic games and tasks can also be used in high school, therefore, first-year students in colleges of technical and vocational education should devote some time to gaming technologies in Russian language classes.

Since in the 1st and 2nd year students repeat and consolidate everything they have learned in the Russian language at school, remember a large number of spellings, repeat phonetics, morphology, syntax, such classes need to be diversified so that they are not boring and ordinary. This is where gaming technologies come to the rescue, captivating children and thereby creating the basis for better perception of large and complex material. In such classes, students work more actively. It is especially gratifying that those students who are reluctant to study work with great enthusiasm in such classes. Of course, preparing such a lesson requires a lot of time from the teacher. But this will be justified when the teacher sees with what passion the students work.
Game as a teaching method, gaming activity is used in the following cases: as independent technologies for mastering a concept, topic, and even a section of an academic subject; as elements (sometimes very significant) of a broader technology; as a lesson (lesson) or part of it (introduction, explanation, reinforcement, exercise, control); as technologies for extracurricular activities.
The concept of “game pedagogical technologies” includes a fairly extensive group of methods and techniques for organizing the pedagogical process in the form of various pedagogical games. A pedagogical game has an essential feature - a clearly defined learning goal and a corresponding pedagogical result, which can be justified and characterized by an educational-cognitive orientation. The game form of classes is created in lessons with the help of game techniques and situations that act as a means of motivation and stimulation for learning activities.

The implementation of gaming techniques and situations in training sessions occurs in several directions:

The didactic goal is set for students in the form of a game task;
- educational activities are subject to the rules of the game;
- educational material is used as its means, an element of competition is introduced into educational activities, which transforms the didactic task into a game one;
- successful completion of a didactic task is associated with the game result.
Pedagogical games have the following classification:

1) By type of activity: physical, intellectual, labor, social and psychological;
2) By the nature of the pedagogical process:

Educational, training, controlling and generalizing;
- cognitive, educational, developmental;
- reproductive, productive, creative;
- communication, diagnostic, career guidance, etc.;
3)_By the nature of the gaming methodology: subject-based, role-playing, simulation, etc.;
4) By gaming environment: with objects, without objects, computer and with TSO, etc.
A didactic game presupposes the presence of a clearly defined learning goal and corresponding pedagogical results. A didactic game consists of the following main components: game concept, game actions, cognitive content or didactic tasks, equipment, game results.
The game idea is in the name of the game. It is embedded in the didactic task that must be solved in the lesson, and gives the game an educational character and makes certain demands on its participants in terms of knowledge.

The rules determine the order of actions and behavior of students during the games. They are developed taking into account the purpose of the lesson and the capabilities of the students. The rules create conditions for the development of students’ skills to manage their behavior.
Games regulated by rules contribute to the cognitive activity of students. The basis of the didactic game is innovative content. It consists in mastering the knowledge and skills that are used in solving a learning problem. The game equipment includes lesson equipment: visual aids, TSO, didactic handouts, etc.
A didactic game has a certain result, which appears in the form of solving a given task and evaluating the actions of students. The structural elements of a didactic game are interconnected and interdependent.

The appropriateness of using didactic games at different stages of the lesson is different. Therefore, they are more often used to test learning outcomes and develop skills and abilities. In this regard, a distinction is made between educational, controlling and generalizing didactic games.

A characteristic feature of a lesson with a didactic game is the inclusion of a game in its design as one of the structural elements of the lesson. There are certain requirements for organizing didactic games.

1. Game is a form of student activity that opens up scope for personal activity and creativity.

2. The game should be based on interest, the participants should enjoy the game.

3. An element of competition between the participants in the game is required.
The following types of didactic games are distinguished.
1. Exercise games. They improve students’ cognitive abilities, help consolidate educational material, and develop the ability to apply it in new conditions. Examples of exercise games: crosswords, puzzles, quizzes.
2. Travel games. These games promote comprehension and consolidation of educational material. The activity of students in these games can be expressed in the form of stories, discussions, creative tasks, and the expression of hypotheses.
3. Competition games. Such games include all types of educational games. Students compete, divided into teams.
When using gaming technologies in the classroom, the following conditions must be met:
1) compliance of the game with the educational goals of the lesson;
2) accessibility for a given age;
3) moderation in the use of games in the classroom.
We can distinguish the following types of lessons using gaming technologies:
1) role-playing games in class;
2) game organization of the educational process using game tasks (lesson - competition, lesson - competition, lesson - travel, lesson - KVN);
3) game-based organization of the educational process using tasks that are usually offered in a traditional lesson (find a spelling, perform one of the types of analysis, etc.);
4) use of the game at a certain stage of the lesson (beginning, middle, end; acquaintance with new material, consolidation of knowledge, skills, repetition and systematization of what has been learned);
5) various types of extracurricular work in the Russian language (linguistic KVN, excursions, evenings, olympiads, etc.).
Gaming technologies occupy an important place in the educational process, as they contribute to the development of cognitive interests and the activation of students’ activities, and also perform a number of other functions:
1) a game properly organized taking into account the specifics of the material trains memory, helps students develop speech skills;
2) the game stimulates mental activity, develops attention and cognitive interest in the subject;
3) the game is one of the methods for overcoming the passivity of students.

It's not easy to play seriously in class. Elements of the game can be introduced at different moments of the lesson: as a reinforcement of new material, as an increase in the development of thinking, etc. An error in the game is natural and is perceived without negative emotions (or they are minimal). Psychologists say that a decrease in psychological stress and emotional involvement in the process of activity itself has a noticeable effect on its results: the work is interesting, the sense of success is more significant. The psychological mechanisms of gaming activity are based on the fundamental needs of the individual for self-expression, self-affirmation, self-determination, self-regulation, and self-realization. Features of the game in high school are students' focus on self-affirmation in front of society, humorous coloring, desire for practical jokes, and focus on speech activity. Therefore, at this age, pedagogical games in classes on any subject are especially interesting.

Gaming technologies are used to solve complex problems of mastering new material and consolidating it, developing creative abilities, developing educational skills, and allows students to understand and study educational material from different perspectives. Game forms can be used as an element of the lesson; they are easily selected according to the thematic principle for each section of the school course. Games can become a convenient form of updating knowledge (at the beginning of a lesson or before starting to study a new topic); “warm-up” necessary during the lesson, control at the end of the lesson. An entire lesson can be taught in a game form (you can call your lessons differently: conference lessons, auctions, debates, travel, KVNs, exams, etc.).

Game forms in the Russian language lesson.

Game tasks aimed at practicing spelling norms. Learning the Russian language involves not only mastering written speech, but also pronunciation standards. That is why it is advisable to find an opportunity to practice pronunciation standards in every lesson. This could be a warm-up minute under the general title “Speak Russian correctly.” In what forms can tasks be suggested for children? Here are just some of the possible options for how to diversify the tasks: “Compose a text and voice it”; “Invite me to lunch”; “On Air News”; "Announcers' Competition".

Lexico-phraseological games: “Collect phraseological units”; "Guess"; “Collect a proverb”; "Translator"; “Who is faster?”; “Explain the meaning”; "Direct and figurative"; "Auction"; “Replace with phraseological units”; “Choose synonyms”; "Geographical names"; "Proper names"; "Who is more"; “Finish the phraseological unit”; “Guess the profession”; "Guess"; "Translators"; "Curious".

Game tasks aimed at practicing spelling and punctuation standards: “The third odd one”; "Vocabulary dictation"; "Dictation joke"; “Silent Dictation”; "Linguistic Football"; "Digital dictation"; "Find a Pair"; "Smart Editor"; “Take away the letter”; “Insert letter”: “What verb is intended?”; “Who is bigger?”; “According to supporting words”; "Homophones"; “Verbs-paradoxes”; “Choose synonyms”; “Catch a mistake” - repetition of the type; "Replace the letter"; “Put emphasis”; "Auction"; "Chain"; "Who's Last"; "Double stress"; "Alternations"; “Add soft sign”; “Name the part of speech”; "Add a letter."

Non-standard tasks also include: dictations for backfilling; terminological or linguistic dictations. It is also possible to use crosswords, chainwords, and puzzles in many Russian language classes. A crossword puzzle can be offered either at the beginning of a lesson in order to update knowledge or pose a problem for a new lesson, or at the end of a lesson, which can become a kind of summation of the work in the lesson. Crosswords, chainwords and other puzzles are indispensable in cases where you need to give a kind of moment of rest: switching attention, the opportunity to look at linguistic phenomena from a different angle is a good opportunity to maintain mental activity in class. In addition, crosswords can become a form of control at any stage of learning. In this case, it can not only be offered in finished form, but also the students themselves can create a crossword puzzle on the topic being studied (studied). These are puzzles and crosswords such as “Do you know proverbs”; “Words with a hissing consonant sound”; "Verbal tests"; “Raz - races”, dedicated to any studied section, terminological crosswords, etc.

It is impossible to list the variety of elements of gaming technologies used in Russian language lessons. One thing is indisputable: using them allows students to deepen their knowledge acquired in the classroom, develop skills in using the richness of the Russian language, which instills a love for it and arouses interest in its further study. The development of interest in a subject is deeply linked to the development of students' individual abilities. Interest is the basis for learning the Russian language. In games, the student receives various knowledge and information freely. Therefore, often what seemed difficult, even unattainable, for the student during the lesson is easily learned during the game. Interest and pleasure are important psychological effects of play. This is why, by using game elements in lessons, the teacher arouses interest. The game has an inherent property - it organizes learning itself. The game gives birth to the living reality of free learning, creative, joyful, effective. The use of modern educational technologies provides flexibility in the educational process, increases the cognitive interest of students, and helps correct their learning deficiencies and creative activity. The development of cognitive activity is one of the most important requirements of the modern learning process; it is a requirement of life.

List of used literature.

1. Ptashkina V.N., Vinogradova K.E., Game technologies in Russian language lessons. Volgograd: Teacher, 2009.
2. Shkatova L.A. Think and answer: Entertaining problems in the Russian language: M.: Prosveshchenie, 1989.
3. Bulgakova I.V. Non-standard Russian language lessons. Rostov n/a: “Phoenix”, 2002.
4. Anikeeva N.P. Education by playing. - M., 1987.

5. Letrusinsky V.V. Games - education, training, leisure... / Ed. - M., 1994


Examples of didactic games

1. “Meet the relatives.”

Choose derivative words for the proposed root, and the more, the better.


2. “Don’t let your row down.”

The 1st row records feminine verbs, the 2nd - masculine. 3rd - average.

It flew in, came running, thought about it, closed it, took it away, came, shone, wrote, drew, brought it in, read it, came up with it, dreamed, left, ran out, shone, took it down.

3. Encrypted number.

When studying numerals in the 6th grade, I used the following: I had to decipher the intended word: Smor1a, po2l, elek3k, me3ka, 100l, vi3na, pa3ot, o5, 100rona, 100yanka, pi100let, 40a, 100p, 100n

4. "He and She".

For a masculine noun, quickly name a feminine noun that belongs to the same thematic series. Pairs of words: magazine - newspaper, air - earth, pond - river, teapot - cup, son - daughter, etc.

5. "Nonsense"

Find twin words.

Comfort, chimera, dressmaker, absurdity, relapse, greedy, illusion, repetition, nonsense, greedy, milliner, starry, bacillus, balloon, microbe, red tape, astral, comfort, categorical, rigmarole, hot air balloon, twins, peremptory.

6. Boomerang.

The teacher offers the student a word for which he needs to find a synonym or antonym.

1. Find a synonym.

A simple man (guileless), a simple task (easy), a simple truth (capital); restless person (restless). restless look (anxious);

strong friendship (reliable), strong sole (durable).

2. Find an antonym.

Near shore (distant), close person (stranger); funny comedy (boring), cheerful mood (sad); deep well (shallow), deep knowledge (superficial); small fish (large), shallow river (deep).

3. Replace the adjective with a word so that it not only names the attribute, but also gives a vivid, figurative idea of ​​the subject.

Tall birch (curly, slender, thin, etc.); green grass (velvety, young, tender, affectionate, silent, etc.); February blizzard (angry, wild, angry, raging, mad, etc.); thundercloud (ominous, gloomy, thundering, etc.); Russian language (rich, powerful, bright, figurative, etc.); magpie motley (chatty, fussy, lively, cunning, etc.); thin aspen (quivering, trembling, fiery, babbling, etc.).

7.Acrostic poem.

Composing a poem so that the first letters of the lines form a word

8. Game "Confusion"

Unscramble the words

GONVA, ZDEVE, OKZAVL, ENNESERKSOV, STOKVO, PEREDVI, CHVREA (car, everywhere, station, Sunday, east, ahead, yesterday)


(vaseline, cornflower, close, deep, suddenly)

G...R...Y, D...R...G...,D...K...B...B, G...T...V, G...RY...I..., TO S...I...A...IA

(hero, hot, ready, December, road, goodbye.)

AB...IKO..., AV...OGRA..., AK...AREL..., AK...ARIU... .

(Apricot, autograph, watercolor, aquarium.)

KONBAL, NABAN, REHRAB, ATOBN (balcony, banana, barrier, loaf)

KARKAMOR, LEYAKO, ZYREKKO, MOUSE (closet, track, canopy, reed)

9. “Who is faster?”

1. How do day and night end? (b)

2. What stands in the middle of the earth? (M)

3.How does summer end and autumn begin? (ABOUT)

4. Can a word have 100 identical letters? (Sto-l, sto-g, sto-p, sto-k)

10. “Be careful!”

Form: a) plural - from singular:

arc - arcs, hand - hands, flour - ..., man - ...;

b) singular - from plural:

singers - singer, crowns - crown, tongs - ..., ponies - ...;

c) feminine – from masculine:

cook - cook, tailor - dressmaker, brave man -...

11. "Who is more"

(Make a phrase from a sentence, indicate the type of connection - subordinating and coordinating).

A small fluffy kitten was walking on the roof and meowing loudly.

Little kitten

Fluffy kitten,

Walked on the roof

Meowed loudly

Walked and meowed.

12. "Translator"

I. Who will quickly replace all the words in a sentence (except for service ones) with synonyms?

1) The doctor prescribed injections for the patient. 2) An angry blizzard swept away the paths. 3) The driver again began to peer carefully into the darkness. 4) The guard hid from the rain under the roof of the building.

II. Who will find foreign words and replace them with Russian ones?

1) During the inspection, many defects were revealed. 2) He is writing memoirs. 3) Your arguments are convincing. 4) Everyone worked with enthusiasm. 5) We are proud of our goalkeeper. 6) Information about a football match appeared in the newspaper. 7) A tiny amount of copper was found in the alloy.

III. Who can find Old Church Slavonic (by origin) words and replace them with Russian ones:

1) Fresh cheeks glow with a blush. 2) The old man frowned. 3) A great city was built over the Neva.

13. “The investigation is being conducted by experts”

You are asked to guess what profession we are talking about and prove the validity of your point of view. The game is usually played when studying the topic “Professional vocabulary”.

1) He showed me his watercolors and still lifes. The impression from still lifes is a bright, motley carpet of colors, shimmering and sparkling with all the colors of the palette.

2) He [Rimsky-Korsakov] came up with two leitmotifs for Leshy. One assigned stringed instruments. The second is played by four horns and cymbals. The leitmotif of Santa Claus sounds stern and sad. The timbre of woodwind instruments conveys the feeling of the winter stiffness of nature.

3) - Last name? Istomin Valery Sergeevich.

What's wrong with him?

Infiltration in the left lung under the collarbone.

How many grams of streptomycin have you already injected into this young man?

Fifty two. Roman Borisovich.

Schedule a consultation with Zatsepina. (According to V. Vladimirov).

14. “Find a word by its signs”

This is a verb: its synonym is rushed.

I walked along the swamp in winter

In galoshes, a hat and glasses.

Suddenly someone rushed along the river

On metal hooks.

(D. Harms).

15. "Hawkeye"

1) Who will find more obsolete words in the text?

Svyatoslav had a vague dream

In the capital city in a high tower.

And, having gathered the boyars, he said,

What I saw in the darkness with my prophetic eye.

(N. Rylenkov).

2) Who will find the most words in the text used in a figurative sense?

Good Wind.

I woke up in the morning.

The sun dances in the wind.

All the fields are having fun without me.

And the poplars frolic without me.

And the whole earth laughs,

And the bumblebees scurry about, ringing.

Everything in the world without me, without me!

And then I jumped up

He quickly grabbed his shoes.

I need the Wind, the Wind, the Wind

Told me where to go.

And my good Wind

Played with me on the way.

(E. Moshkovskaya).

16. "Erudite"

This game not only activates mental activity, but also helps to broaden the horizons of students.

1. Guess the word based on the interpretation of its lexical meaning.

1) A vessel of a special device that protects the product placed in it from cooling or heating. (Thermos.) 2) The initial moment of a sports competition to overcome any distance at speed. (Start.) 3) Urban surface electric railway. (Tram.) 4) Red line, indent at the beginning of the line. (Paragraph) 5) A device that allows a person to breathe under water. (Scuba.) 6) He who loves his fatherland is devoted to his people. Homeland. (Patriot.) 7) Verbatim excerpt from any text. (Quote.)

2. Explain the difference in the meaning of words:

addressee - addressee, diplomat - diploma holder, typo - unsubscribe, well-fed - well-fed, deed - misdemeanor, typo - imprint, absorb - swallow.

3. For words that are outdated and not used in modern Russian, choose related words that are actively used today.

Fingers (thimble, gloves), shelom (to stun), kika - headdress (to flaunt), kolo - circle, circumference (about, ring, chain mail, outskirts, wheel), expect - expect (unintentional), diligence - diligence (thorough) .

4. Who will give the most accurate and complete information about the word?

Schoolchildren can be offered the following words, for example: work, friend, courage, Motherland, peace, knowledge, modesty, etc. In addition to information on lexical analysis, students are asked to give examples of proverbs, aphorisms, quotes from poems known to them, which included would be a given word.

17. "Line"

Arrange the synonyms in ascending order of the attribute.

Fierce, tough, fierce, merciless, heartless", evil (enemy).

Insulting, offensive, harsh, rude, tactless (act).

18. “A Lesson in Mistakes”

“Hello, Olya! It's good in the village. Here I will flutter and curl up in the sun, turning from tank to tank. Vasya will fish for me early in the morning. It's good to sit on the shore with a fishing rod. And I also offended the fox here. Now I’m off to pick mushrooms.”

The sister sent a letter back to her brother and asked him to answer a few questions.

“How will you, Vanya, flutter? You're not a flag, are you? Of course, you were joking when you wrote that you would shoot yourself. Why are you turning from tank to tank? It's very uncomfortable to lie on the tank. And why will Vasya fish, but won’t you? I was completely upset when I read that you turned gray while fishing. Yes, why did you offend the fox? You have always advocated for animals. So I have some questions. This is because I didn't understand anything from your letter. I know the rules of the Russian language well. But do you know them?

19. “Subject” dictations (terminological).

Condition: replace dictated phrases with words.

Linguistic dictation.

The branch of language science that studies the composition of words - morphemics; a minor member of a sentence that answers questions about indirect cases - addition, etc.

Mathematical dictation.

1000 meters is a kilometer, an equilateral rectangle is a square, non-intersecting lines are parallel, etc.

Literary dictation.

A figurative definition is an epithet, a short saying is an aphorism, an allegory is an allegory, an artistic understatement is litotes, etc.

20. “Collect phraseological units”
How; Makar; whistles; on the tongue; wind; spins; in pockets; Where; wearing mittens; sunk; calves; into the water; didn't drive; hedgehogs.
- Where did Makar drive the calves?
- Like he sank into the water.
- The wind whistles in your pockets.
- It’s on the tip of my tongue.
- With a tight grip.
21. “Guess”

Find out about whom they say “shot sparrow”, “fingered goose”, “ate the dog”

"Collect a proverb"
Restore proverbs, both parts of which are connected incorrectly, re-arrange punctuation marks.
1) The craft is not a rocker: - you won’t learn (?) it.
2) A good (?) gardener - you will collect (?) a penny’s worth of bread (?).
3) If you don’t torture(?) yourself, if you don’t sow(?) - they won’t sprout.
4) If you don’t fertilize(?) the face(?), it won’t tighten the shoulders(?).
5) Beans are not mushrooms, gooseberries are good(?) too.
Key: correct - 1 + 4; 2 + 5; 3 + 1; 4 + 2; 5 + 3.
22. “Linguistic football”

One student from each team is invited to the board - he “stands on the gate.” The opposing team has in its arsenal 5 words for the desired spelling, they “score” five word goals to the goalkeeper. How many “goals” the goalkeeper saved was the score he received (each team can come up with words or phrases themselves).
1. Camp Location 1. Make an Effort
2. Compose songs 2. Postpone celebration
3. Offer coffee 3. Raise hopes
4. Put things away 4. Offer pancakes
5. Express your thoughts out loud 5. Sit by the fire
23. Riddles on the topic “oh-and in the roots of the lag-lodge”
Assignment: write down words using the given spelling, highlight the root. Underline the letters o-a.
1) An armless, legless old man built a bridge across the river. (Frost, ice on the river)
2) In the hut there is a lip, on the lip there is a pipe, I lit a splinter, put it on the threshold, there was a noise in the hut, there was a hum in the pipe. (bake)
3) I’ll swing my long neck, I’ll grab a heavy load where they tell me to put it - I serve a man. (crane)
4) I’ll invest it, fold it up, send it overseas, and there he’ll speak. (letter)
5) Funny poem:
At the edge of a hut
The old women settled down.
Every old lady has a basket,
Each basket contains a cat.
Cats in baskets
They sew boots for old women.
24. "Funny Alphabet"

Each participant in the game must, within a certain time, compose an original alphabet, coming up with a phrase for each letter (except й,ь,ъ) in such a way that all the words in it begin with the same letter. If children find it difficult to compose sentences, you can limit yourself to composing phrases.

25. "Charades"

We are a stand for sawyers,

We are the coachman's seat.

But try it, put it on

We have a different emphasis.

Be careful with us:

We gore with our horns.

(Goats are goats)

I am a herbaceous plant

With a lilac flower,

But change the emphasis

And I turn into candy

(Iris - iris)

I am a collection of cards; from stress

My two values ​​depend.

I want - I will transform into a name

Shiny, silky fabric.

(Atlas - atlas)

The primary goals of teaching the Russian language in institutions of primary and secondary vocational education are to repeat what has been learned at school and deepen knowledge of the basics of the science of the Russian language and, on this basis, improve relevant skills in the field of phonetics, spelling, graphics, word formation, vocabulary, phraseology , grammar; consolidate and expand students' knowledge in the field of speech science; activate speech skills related to the analysis and creation of texts of different styles of speech; develop basic skills in linguistic analysis of literary text.

As a rule, first-year students are poorly prepared in the Russian language, they make spelling and syntactic errors, which is due to the different levels of training in schools. Already the first introductory testing or diagnostic dictation in groups of first-year students shows rather low results in the Russian language.

In the curricula of primary and secondary vocational education institutions, unfortunately, the Russian language is given an insufficient number of hours compared to other subjects, and professional vocabulary is not at all highlighted as a separate aspect.

Practice shows that students simply need to know, understand and use professional vocabulary in their future practical activities. A special role belongs to vocabulary work here. In his book “Vocabulary work in Russian language lessons” L.K. Skorokhod emphasizes: “Well-done vocabulary work, firstly, ensures the timely mental and speech development of children; secondly, it promotes deep assimilation of program material; thirdly, it serves as a means of ideological and moral education of students.” We should emphasize that, in addition to all of the above, vocabulary work allows students to form positive motivation for future professional activities, introduce professional words (terms) into students’ active speech reserve, and teach them to use them correctly. These particular methodological tasks often coincide with general didactic requirements and serve the implementation of new content in both general and vocational education, since “the analyzed linguistic means are considered from the point of view of their practical use in speech, with special attention paid to the formation of skills in the correct and appropriate use of linguistic means in different conditions of communication."

Let us dwell in more detail on the types, forms and methods that take place in the classroom. In working on professional vocabulary, non-traditional lessons and extracurricular activities are widely used. These activities go beyond the traditional lesson. They contain elements of something new and are designed for joint, mutually enriching work between teachers and students. In non-traditional lessons, extracurricular material is also used, and the topic is considered in depth. Much attention is paid to organizing collective activities in combination with individual creativity, both students and the teacher himself, creativity aimed not at the success of entertainment, but at the idea of ​​cognition in the most pleasant and easy form. Situations of emotional upliftment of students, situations of success are created for each student, taking into account his personal abilities, interests, etc. Written homework is given for independent work and searching for additional material, self-control is carried out using dictionaries, reference guides, tables, notes in a separate notebook, on the board, using screen and sound recording equipment. Work is also checked using dictation, work is done in the classroom similar to homework, random checking, mutual checking, etc. etc.

Forms of checking the quality of mastering theoretical material in conjunction with practical skills are carried out. When organizing the educational process of working on professional vocabulary, the teacher determines the content of training, methods and forms of teaching, which dictate the behavior of the teacher during the lesson. In the classroom, the leading principles of learning are used, such as: the principle of purposefulness, the principle of scientificity, the connection of learning with life, the principle of systematicity and consistency, the principle of consciousness and activity, the principle of clarity, the principle of accessibility, the principle of developmental learning, the principle of strength, etc.

These principles are not only listed, but also show how their requirements are implemented. What are the requirements for organizing modern pedagogical technologies, and how are they implemented in the classroom? Let's take a closer look at some of them. The integrity of educational work is possible only when the goals of society or the “social order” are transformed into the goals and objectives of training and education, expressed in the language of the content of educational material and educational work.

The vocabulary of modern society, unfortunately, is very small. And students, as a rule, have a very limited vocabulary, especially in the first year. In order to enrich your vocabulary, as well as to master new material from modern textbooks and manuals, you simply need to know, understand and be able to use scientific terms, special and professional vocabulary in your future specialty in oral and written forms. So principle of purposefulness is implemented in the content of educational material in Russian language lessons and extracurricular work, on specific vocabulary, in accordance with the main objectives of the institution of primary vocational education.

In parallel with it, it is also being implemented scientific principle, when students have a system of theoretical knowledge, the reliability of facts, phenomena, patterns, scientific argumentation of practical conclusions and actions. And also the principle of connecting learning with life. Professional orientation in this case is undeniable in order to obtain an answer to the question: “Where, when and how can you use the acquired knowledge in life and in practice?”

The principle of systematicity and consistency is implemented, firstly, in a strict, logical arrangement of educational material both in the curriculum, calendar and thematic plan, and in methods of transferring knowledge to students. Secondly, in the consistent acquisition by students of knowledge in their future specialty, abilities, skills and their simultaneous application in practice.

Getting to know your future profession is possible through the implementation of a large part of the educational material. For example, to analyze linguistic units it is advisable to use professional words; when repeating functional styles of speech, scientific and official business texts related to the future professional activities of first-year students should be selected for analysis. An in-class essay can be devoted to the topic of your future profession, which is recommended to be completed in various genres: essays, essays, etc.

Reflections on the future profession .

(excerpt from a student’s essay)

Just fifteen years ago, the profession of a cook was not considered prestigious and was not paid very well. But since the late eighties of the last century, cooperative cafes, bars, and since the mid-nineties restaurants, snack bars, and pizzerias began to appear in the capital and other cities, like mushrooms after rain. Not all of them could withstand the competition and closed, but despite this, there are more than five thousand public catering establishments operating in Moscow. And chefs are needed everywhere.

What it takes to become a good cook. First of all, talent. How many dishes are known to humanity? Ten thousand? Twenty? No one has been able to calculate this until now. Yes, this is impossible. After all, how many dishes can be prepared from ordinary potatoes if you approach the matter creatively. Can a chef work without imagination and be an uncreative person? Of course not!He always has a chance to come up with his own original recipe for some new dish that the world has not yet tasted! Can everyone be a chef? Unfortunately no. The cook needs something given by nature. This “something” is subtle taste sensations and a well-developed sense of smell. In addition, a cook must be fast, dexterous, collected, feel shape, line, color... But those who have chosen this profession as a friend should also be aware of its difficult nature. Our mothers and grandmothers know this better than anyone: every day they have to feed their families. Imagine feeding an entire plant?! institute?! school?! People come to this profession in different ways. Some graduate from secondary specialized institutions, others learn the basics right on the job.

Depending on where the chef works, his responsibilities may include serving a huge number of people. Some workers at large catering establishments feed more than five hundred people a day. Of course, he doesn't do this alone. Yes, there are enough mechanisms and semi-finished products today, but the load is still very high. And without love for your work, without experience and skill, this is impossible.

The cook needs to know the cuisines of the world, technologies for preparing hot and cold dishes, as well as the ability to work with meat, fish and seafood. A person with such baggage can count on an “average seat” in a restaurant. You'll have to start by peeling vegetables and washing pots. But with effort and the ability to learn from experienced “comrades”, in a couple of years you can rise to the rank of deputy chef...

Working with linguistic and encyclopedic dictionaries is an essential element of students’ educational activities. They turn to this activity throughout the study of the subject “Russian Language”, searching for information to solve many educational problems. The ability to find information in a dictionary, transfer it to your workbook, analyze, remember, and use it in the future in various areas of your activity is the most important component of the cognitive process. Turning to explanatory dictionaries of the Russian language, students see before them examples of accurate and optimal naming of objects and phenomena of the surrounding world. Having received scientifically processed information, they themselves learn to construct their speech activity briefly and, at the same time, completely, clearly, and vividly. The ability to search for information, work with its sources, and use it effectively in one’s practical activities is one of the important key competencies of a modern specialist.

For example, let's take the term « cooking ». Firstly, attention is focused on the spelling of this word and the norm of stress (cooking). Secondly, its origin (from the Latin culina - kitchen). Attention is drawn to the versatility of the interpretation of its meanings.

  • The art of cooking.
  • Food.
  • A store or special department at a restaurant, canteen, selling semi-finished and ready-made foods.

You can also conduct a morphological analysis of words related to professional activities. For example,

Cook- noun, animate, masculine, 2nd declension, nominative case, singular.

At the next stage of work on these words, lexical and syntactic (in context) analysis of these words and their derivatives is carried out.

The work of compiling dictionaries of professional terms is becoming increasingly important. This work interests them, and they compete in a quantitative and qualitative search for professional vocabulary. By compiling such dictionaries, already in the first year, students work with scientific and educational literature on their chosen specialty. Properly organized vocabulary work is a process of constant research activity by students. By researching specialized terms, first-year students are already exploring the world of their chosen profession.

As an introduction to their future profession, the children are given a task - a competition to find professional vocabulary and explain its lexical meaning. Below is the result of one of the students' work.

Professional vocabulary in the subject “Cooking” and “Organization of production of public catering enterprises”

Dish 1. A food product or a combination of products and semi-finished products, brought to culinary readiness, portioned and decorated.
2. One of the main dishes for lunch, breakfast or dinner.
Bruising Poaching the product in the oven with broth and then frying.
Blanching Short-term exposure of the product to boiling water or steam to facilitate subsequent mechanical cooking, prevent darkening of products under the influence of enzymes and remove bitterness.
Baking Bringing the product in the oven until cooked and crispy.
Cafe A small restaurant serving coffee, tea, soft drinks, snacks.
Catering English Method of catering for restaurants.
Confectioner [latin. conditor, from Arabic. kandi - sweets].One who makes sweets, sweets.
Cooking [from Latin. culina - kitchen]
1. The art of cooking.
2. collection Food.
Kulebyaka An oblong large pie (with meat, fish, cabbage, etc.).
Cleaning Removing inedible, damaged parts by hand or machine.
Semi-finished product A food product or combination of products that has gone through one or more stages of cooking without being cooked.
Acceptance An operation in which the weight of a batch of vegetables is checked and compliance with standard requirements.
Screening The process to which flour and cereals are subjected to remove impurities.
Restaurant [fr. restaurant] A catering establishment that operates primarily in the evening or at night, where you can order expensive meals, snacks, and drinks.
Sorting A mechanical processing method that removes foreign impurities and poor quality products.
Raw materials Initial food products intended for further industrial processing, production of a semi-finished product or dish.
Temperature control Maintaining the set temperature of food during distribution or delivery to the place of consumption.
Molding Giving a product a certain shape manually or using machines.

Since our time is the time of transition to the Unified State Exam, it is advisable to work on compiling tests for knowledge of vocabulary, including professional ones. Tests can be created based on dictionaries compiled by students.

Example of knowledge test itemsprofessional vocabulary.

Al. In which word is the letter denoting the stressed vowel highlighted incorrectly?

  • CookingAria
  • Loosening
  • Catering

A2. Set the meaning of the word

I am glad that the use of professional vocabulary is used in students’ oral folk art: ditties, jokes, rhymes, sayings, which often help them win various competitions and KVN.

The main task of the teacher here is the process of continuous improvement of students’ speech activity. Various assignment options are possible. For example, in the words: restaurant, cafe, canteen- find a common semantic component, show the “shades” of the meanings of each word, compose sentences taking into account these “shades”, etc. In addition, students may be tasked with interviewing a representative of their chosen profession, recording it, and providing commentary.

In modern conditions of training specialists, the teacher faces many tasks: this includes teaching independent work skills and developing creative abilities and communication skills. All this is possible, first of all, with the constant active work of the teacher himself, because only by being passionate yourself will you be able to truly interest and captivate the students.

List of literature

  1. Baranov M.T. Methods of vocabulary and phraseology in Russian language lessons. - M.: Education, 1998.
  2. Efremova T.F. New dictionary of the Russian language. Explanatory - word-forming. - M.: “Russian language”, 2000.
  3. Zarva M.V. Russian word stress. Dictionary of common nouns. - M.: ENAS, 2001.
  4. Kozlova S.N., Fedinishina E.Yu. Culinary characteristics of dishes: textbook. guide for beginners prof. education. - M.: Academy, 2006.
  5. Potikha Z.A., Rosenthal D.E. Linguistic dictionaries and working with them at school. - M.: Education, 1987.
  6. Skorokhod L.K. Vocabulary work in Russian lessons: A book for teachers. - M.: Education, 1998.
  7. Ushakov D.N. Large explanatory dictionary of modern Russian language. - M.: “Alta-Print”, 2005.

Exercises: what types are there, in what context are they used, how to correctly build a system of exercises in the Russian as a foreign language course.

Any language can be learned from two perspectives:

  1. how it works;
  2. how to practically use it.

How to competently organize the first (introductory) lesson on RFL for students? Webinar – registration via the link.

Foreign language educational material is divided into three levels:

  • individual linguistic units and rules for their formation;
  • typical phrases and speech samples;
  • coherent material: text, communication situation, topic.

To organize the educational material into a single whole, exercises are used, which are divided into:

  • orienting
  • performing
  • aimed at control.

Learning should be based on principles situational and thematic, as well as the principle of taking into account the student’s native language.

The comparative method allows us to identify difficulties associated with the discrepancy between the systems of the native and studied languages, and facilitates the practical acquisition of a second language.

In didactics under exercise training is understood, that is, a regularly repeated action aimed at mastering any method of action.

Exercises: what to pay attention to

Having completed numerous exercises that comprehensively “play out” several typical samples, students will later “recognize” this phenomenon in a variety of conditions, since it has no longer become “received knowledge”, but an organic part of consciousness, a sense of language, an internal sense of correct and incorrect, understandable and incomprehensible.

For students, difficult exercises are those that reinforce one or another construction when changing the endings of parts of speech, especially those taken from the context of phrases or individual words.

For example, tasks like: put these words in the plural; put these phrases in the past and then in the future, determine the type of verb; form the imperative mood from these verbs (this exercise is quite difficult, since infinitives are usually given, and the imperative is formed in Russian from the basis of the present tense, which, as is known, cannot always be obtained from the infinitive), etc.; tasks of this type do not perform the communicative function of language.

Let's try changing the exercise to introduce a contextual element.

For example, the analysis of verb types can take place in a certain sequence. Types of verb – perfect (SV) and imperfect (NSV)– are used to characterize the course of an action over time and to convey its internal, qualitative features.

However, these characteristics are conveyed not only by verb types. The conditions for the action can also be learned from the situation. Some characteristics of action are expressed by contextual means. The shades of lexical meanings of verbs are also close to the species characteristics. The choice of type is influenced by the purpose of the utterance: in accordance with it, the speaker gives the action one or another characteristic.

To determine verb types, you can use the following plan:

1) consider the situations in which the speaker used this type, for example, the situation or conditions that prepared changes in the course of events. An action that makes a change in such a situation is transferred to the SV:
There was tense silence in the audience.
The question was too difficult, no one could
went to answer him. Lilya raised her hand.
This was a complete surprise to the pre-

In oral communication, the situation may not be indicated verbally, since it is enough for the participants in the speech to see and be aware of the environment in which the statements are made. In written communication, the situation is described verbally.

2) further, the purpose of the utterance is analyzed - the need for the sake of which the interlocutors enter into verbal communication. The purpose of an utterance is usually determined by the situation. Thus, in a situation where the presence of an action is noted, the purpose of the utterance may be that the speaker wants to draw the interlocutor’s attention to the presence of the result of the action:
- You can bring me a journal tomorrow
cash? - I already brought it, take it,

When attracting the interlocutor to the result of an action, the speaker uses SV to convey this action.

3) having considered the situation and the purpose of the statement, one should turn to an analysis of the context. The nature of the action can be indicated by contextual indicators, i.e. words that contain aspectual features in their meaning. For example, the words suddenly, unexpectedly, finally, etc. indicate a turning point in the course of events. The SV of the verb performs the same function:

Victor suddenly made up his mind and approached the board.

The words long, long, persistent, like NSV verbs, characterize the duration of an action in time.

4) often the aspectual shades of the lexical meanings of the verb come to the fore. So, for example, verbs of unwanted, random action in the form of NSV convey repetitive actions.
Saying: He lost his things means that he lost his things more than once.

Thus, the complex characteristics of the course of action are formed through the interaction of situational information, contextual indicators, lexical meanings of verbs, aspectual meaning of verbs and are determined by the purpose of the utterance.

To work on these questions, you can use the following exercise, task:

  1. Answer the questions according to the sample.
    Determine the tense and type of verbs.

-Can you answer already? (prepare – prepare). Student answer:- Yes, I have already prepared.

Example exercise:
1. Can the board be erased? (copy - copy words). 2. Can I collect textbooks? (solve – solve a problem). 3. Have you prepared anything for New Year's Eve? (write - write a humorous story). 4. Do you have something to show your teachers? (bring – bring a textbook, dictionary, essay). 5. Where is your dictionary? (leave, leave in the Russian language classroom). 6. Have you already freed yourself? (translate – translate the article).

2. Creative tasks.

  • In this text, the author mixed up the hero, where instead of Masha he wrote Misha. Please fix this error.
  • At an advanced stage of learning, when studying and repeating participles instead of a task: Replace passive constructions with active ones, students are asked the following: Read this text, pay attention to the inexpressiveness of the text using the same passive construction. Eliminate this monotony of style.

These situational exercises force students to pay attention to the conditionality of each form and structure by its function and tasks of communication; Using the “wrong form” destroys the situation, complicates understanding, and distorts communication.

3. When working with Chinese students, special tasks should be provided on the use of methods of the European system: logic (analysis, synthesis, generalization, proof).

For example, formulate questions and tasks of this type: Why? How? For what? Explain! Prove it! Express your opinion! Express disagreement with the author's opinion! – must be asked with certain comments.

It is advisable to present them with tasks that require them to express their own opinion and express their attitude to the problem.

System of exercises for working with vocabulary

When building a system of vocabulary exercises, it is necessary to take into account a number of interrelated factors:

  • learning objectives;
  • learning conditions,
  • types of speech activity related to the goals and conditions of learning,
  • personal characteristics of the student,
  • specificity of language material (vocabulary).

Language exercises

They cover all the essential characteristics of the content of the word, including its stylistic features.

Language exercises include exercises for observation, analysis, and problem-based exercises of various types.


  1. Read the text and title it. Determine the meaning of the highlighted words, find antonyms, indicate their stylistic coloring.

Do you know what words are? There are different words: funny and sad, small and big. There are also polite words: thank you, please, hello. There are dear, dear words: mother, homeland, peace, happiness (S. Prokofiev).
(You can use poetic text).
The sun laughs tenderly,
Shines brighter, hotter,
And it pours loudly from the hillock
Talkative stream (Ya. Kolas).
2. Read and compare the sentences. Indicate which of the highlighted verbs means “to come to a conclusion about the need for some action,” and which one means “to overcome fear or hesitation by taking some action.”
A. We decided to go to the cinema. B. No one dared to object to him.

Conditional speech or pre-speech

This type of exercise includes exercises on writing, adding sentences, paraphrasing, question-and-answer tasks, etc.


1. Replace these sentences with similar ones in meaning, use the words understanding, representation. You understand this text perfectly. – He understands this article differently.

2. Insert these statements into the appropriate context for each of them. I can't work in this environment. – I can’t work in such conditions.

Speech (communication) exercises.

These include situational exercises.


1. You are a master, you trained young workers. Using the words given in brackets, report on your work (study in detail, understand safety rules, master the machine).

2. Ask permission to do something, using the adverb possible.

3. Using the adverb finally to mean “finally,” briefly retell the contents of a book, article, lecture you listened to, or a report you know.

4. Express agreement with your interlocutor’s statement using the adverb really, in fact.

5. Express your attitude to the statement: “A language cannot be taught, a language can be learned.” The final exercise can also be a story based on drawings, paintings, etc.

Thus, setting speech tasks when teaching the language is important in the methodology of teaching Russian as a foreign language.

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The terms have enormous scientific significance. Accurate knowledge of a particular phenomenon of nature or society requires the same exact knowledge of its name - term.

If an accurate understanding of terms helps us penetrate deeper into a particular specialized area of ​​knowledge, then the incorrect use of terms or a pile of unnecessary terms only removes us from science and blocks access to knowledge.

At all stages of the lesson, students must deal with exemplary speech teacher, distinguished by accuracy, expressiveness, purity, richness. But especially acute in the situation of educational and scientific communication the question arises about the teacher’s mastery of such communicative quality of speech as accuracy, which is refracted into terminological accuracy.

The terminological accuracy of the teacher’s speech contributes to the formation of the terminological culture of students.

Terminological culture– this is mastery of the conceptual and terminological apparatus at a level that allows the use of knowledge taking into account the development of the audience’s competencies, the ability to explain using simplified or complicated definitions without changing the content, thus making knowledge accessible to any interlocutor, the ability to accurately and freely use terms in the field of scientific, professional and everyday communication.

Currently, the question of methods for forming the terminological culture of specialists is debatable. Work on terms in methodological literature is considered only in conceptual terms, and the methodology for updating terms in speech is at the development stage.

Leiner method

German scientist Ebbinghaus conducted experiments in the field of psychology. He conducted observations of human perception and memory. He is responsible for such discoveries as the “rule of 7”, the illusion of the moon (the moon appears larger at sunrise than when it is high in the sky).

One of his discoveries was that when forgetting, a person’s memory loses 75% of all learned information within a day or two (48 hours). Within 20 minutes after studying foreign words, 42% are forgotten. And after 8 days, only 20% of the initial information remains in memory, but this small percentage allows a person not to forget all the information as a whole and is the key to erased knowledge.

Another scientist, Sebastian Leitner, studied Ebbinghaus's work and concluded that memory does not store information at the same rate of forgetting. Some things are easier to remember, some are more difficult. Based on this conclusion, Leitner developed a system flash cards for effective memorization words This method not only reduces the effort of human memory, but also saves time on studying.

How to work with cards

Students are offered three envelopes/files/card holders.

In the first envelope Cards with new and difficult terms are placed.

In the second envelope cards are added up in which mistakes were made during repetition.

In the third envelope There are cards with terms that students remember very well.

We repeat the terms from the first envelope every day for 3-5 minutes.

We repeat the terms from the second envelope every other day.

If the terms from the first and second envelopes are learned well, then they go to envelope 3. If the terms from the second envelope are forgotten, then they go to envelope 2.


An example of self-made cards on fire-technical terminology for foreign students studying the Russian language. The picture shows the front and back of the card.

In distance learning mode, you can create flash cards that students can work with either individually or in a group.

  • Quizlet - you can create your own flashcards, attach audio-video to them, embed them on your website and share them on social networks. There is a collection of cards from other teachers. Some functions are available with a subscription.
  • Barabuk is a very convenient Russian-language service. You can create your own cards, edit them, and share them. There is a set of ready-made materials. Cards are stored in the cloud. Statistics are available to the teacher: you can see which cards are being studied and which ones have already been studied.

Terminology map method

Terminology map is a dictionary of concepts and terms related to the course, indicating scientific sources of information. Unlike a dictionary, a map indicates the connections and relationships (schematically or descriptively) between concepts and terms.

Compiling terminology maps optimizes students' terminological search.

Students learn to select terminology that is adequate to the topic under consideration.

Compilation algorithm

  1. The topic, term, grammatical characteristic (for coordination in your own text), definition, term in context (indicating the source and page), synonyms are highlighted.
  2. The terminological map can be changed, supplemented, and clarified as further information and reference searches take place.
  3. It is better to create in electronic form, with the ability to print.

Algorithm for working with ready-made terminology maps

  1. You can work in pairs.
  2. It is advisable to use no more than 7 terminology cards in one lesson.
  3. For 10-15 minutes we work with the proposed (ready-made) terminology maps: it is necessary to highlight the distinctive features of each term.
  4. We give our partner an exam: answers to questions (clarifying, supplementing, paraphrasing, summarizing).
  5. We compose our own coherent text, which will be assessed according to the following criteria: the number of terms used from term maps, the accuracy of use in the context, and performance skills.

It is better to listen to student messages twice while recording the speech.