Meditation to attract happy events. Meditation to attract love and happy events

If you want to attract love, you must radiate love.

Give love to people you meet as you walk. Enjoy it. Spread the vibration of love into the surrounding space.

You shouldn't walk on the street and hug every other passerby and ask them to hug you too. But you can walk the streets and send love in your mind. You can give back to the world - give coins to those in need, pay attention to a stray cat, or simply give a smile or a kind word.

Interesting video from meditation technique about attracting love:

Positivity is contagious

All positive things come in many forms and require no effort on your part, but goodness has a powerful boomerang effect that brings love back to you with a vengeance.

The Universe returns love, it rewards volunteers and those who do good. Your compassion for people, animals and nature may be invisible to others, and your own activities may seem modest, but your kindness is in tune with the Universe, and the love you put out into the world will come back to you.

Everything is connected and everything you give into the universe will be returned to you at the most unexpected moment and in the most unexpected form.

When you give someone your energy of participation, it strengthens their self-esteem. In return, they send back loving energy that goes straight to your heart chakra, which helps you generate and radiate even more love.

Many people yearn for love but have blocks in their hearts and find it difficult to accept love from others and to love themselves.

Many people close to love relationship, because they are afraid of making mistakes and feeling pain. They didn't receive love when they needed it most. Thus, they put a block on their feelings.

If you want to attract new relationships, you need to study unconditional love, which involves simply accepting everyone in their unique nature. You can’t imagine what a magical effect this has on removing blocks and creating beautiful relationships between people.

If luck seems to smile on you in the end, it means that you have found someone you love and who loves you. It could be anyone - a person, a dog or a tree.

Love in whatever form you may receive will come to you in unexpected ways.

Visualization for meeting your loved one

This visualization should be given for 3 minutes every day for 1 month.

Imagine yourself sitting in a comfortable summer cafe on the coast. You look at the sea and enjoy the surrounding beauty and the delicious aroma of tea or coffee.

You drink this blissful drink and see how they approach you different men and women give you gifts and compliments. You're welcome. You express your gratitude to them.

Here again a group of people comes up to you, and a man or woman comes up with them, and you feel that this is another gift for which you are sincerely grateful. Are you happy. Now you have a loved one...

Meditation on love

After reaching the alpha state (relaxation), imagine that you are standing surrounded by your loved ones, acquaintances and strangers. You are among people. They are nearby and they feel good and calm, and so do you.

Feel that these people want the same thing as you - peace, harmony, happiness. Give it to them!

See (or feel) them happy!!! At the same time, feel the love in your heart for these people. Imagine how the energy of love comes out of your heart in the form of a ray of light that you direct to the group of people that surrounds you. Send this light first to your loved ones, and then to strangers. And even those with whom you once had problems good relationship. They deserve positive vibes too. And you will give them to them with all your heart.

Stay in this exercise as long as you want, and then open your eyes...

And finally, a video meditation for meeting love.

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Every person living on the planet strives to be happy, successful, rich, loved, have a family and a good job.

Meditation is one of the most effective ways, thanks to which almost anyone can have everything they dream of.

The main thing is to understand the essence of this important part of the spiritual techniques of the East, since the basis of all yoga exercises is the concentration of a person’s mind on the object that he wants to attract into his life.

The most increased interest is observed in meditations aimed at truly spiritual values, in particular, at attracting love and a loved one. Because very often people who have achieved significant heights in work, career, business, successful and rich, beautiful in appearance, remain lonely and unhappy, not understanding why this is happening to them.

It is meditation, from the point of view of its founders - yogis, that can help a person get what he wants - love and a loved one. To do this, you need a little knowledge about meditation itself, existing practices and a willingness to do it at least 2 times a week.

What is the essence of meditation

Any meditation involves focusing a person on an object that he wants to see in his life. If we want to attract love, we must therefore concentrate on this feeling.

Yogis say that a feeling cannot arise on its own. For it to appear, you need to open your heart to Universal Love, because love is an energy that a person is not able to create on his own.

Only people can help here higher powers. A person can only accept the fact that this energy exists in the Universe, and he can only be its conductor.

On the other hand, for love to enter a person’s life, you need to radiate it yourself, and not just ask someone specific. It may happen that this is not your soul mate at all, and instead of joy and happiness, disappointment will come.

Therefore, in order for your desires to become material, you must, first of all, sincerely open your heart so that love enters it and fills the entire human essence.

If you don’t strive for this, your desire will remain an unfulfilled dream.

We create conditions

Before you begin the meditation process itself, we recommend making some preparations that will make it easier and faster to understand the meditation procedure itself, namely:

  • Try to choose a time when you are sure that no one can disturb you.
  • Find a place that will be most comfortable for you and will allow you to quickly relax. It is advisable that during the exercises there should be twilight or diffused light.
  • Turn off all phones, smartphones, computers, laptops, in general, everything that can suddenly interfere with the meditation process and, thus, throw you off the desired mood.
  • Choose appropriate music. This could be the sounds of nature, the sound of rain, or special music for meditation. It is not recommended to play popular songs or music with sharp changes in key - it will more likely interfere with concentration than contribute to it.
  • Light the candles, choosing pleasant, non-pungent scents.
  • If something is bothering you and you can't relax, try simply breathing deeply for 2-3 minutes or soaking in a bath using essential oils.

Vessel Cleansing Technique

This spiritual technique is practiced by yogis almost before all meditations, since it is a kind of door that allows one to open the heart and soul of a person to perceive the messages of the Universe.

Our life is mostly filled with disappointments, resentments, fears, anger, which is one of the main reasons why pure feelings, such as love, bypass us.

It is the “Cleansing the Vessel” meditation that allows you to spiritually cleanse yourself of accumulated negativity and let true true love into your heart. To do this you need:

  • Take a few deep breaths and then close your eyes.
  • Imagine that you are near a stream with clear clear water, holding a vessel that resembles your heart in shape, and you see that your vessel is covered in dust, and this dust symbolizes your accumulated fears, pain, suffering, anger that constantly poison your life. You take a clean white handkerchief from your pocket, wet it in the crystal clean water stream and begin to wash the vessel. Gradually it becomes cleaner, all negative feelings gradually leave your imaginary vessel.
  • And now your vessel is clean and empty. Mentally fill it with love and light.
  • Take a deep breath and exhale.
  • Open your eyes.

“Breath of Love” technique

Breathing is one of the main elements of any meditation, as it helps to tune in to the desired frequency of waves sent by the Universe.

It is breathing that is the main component when performing the “Breath of Love” meditation.

  • Close your eyes.
  • Mentally imagine that the Divine Mother herself sends you a ray of love, which, passing through your entire being, hits straight into your heart.
  • Breathe in and feel the love flowing through you while repeating the mantra, “I am love itself.”
  • Exhale, thereby releasing love from yourself, saying: “I love.” Feel how this feeling penetrates every cell of your being and bursts out, illuminating everything around you.
  • Tell yourself, “I love you,” and repeat until you feel filled with love.
  • Inhale and exhale slowly again.
  • Open your eyes.

This meditation involves not only attracting love and a loved one into your life, but also the opportunity to accept the world around us with his shortcomings and suffering.

Techniques for attracting love

This technique will help open and fill your heart with a feeling of true love, get rid of accumulated negativity, and thanks to it, exactly the person you have been waiting for will appear in your life.

  • Take a position in which you feel most comfortable. This can be the traditional yoga lotus pose, or you can lie on the floor with your arms spread out at random.
  • Close your eyes.
  • Inhale and exhale deeply and slowly, trying to completely relax.
  • Focus on a point slightly above your eyebrows.
  • Banish all thoughts and concentrate completely.
  • Imagine that you are in a crowd of friends and strangers. Among them you see relatives, friends, people you have met only once, complete strangers, people with whom you do not have a very pleasant relationship. They, just like you, are in complete silence.

  • Realize that every person in this crowd is worthy of happiness, love, and prosperity.
  • Understand that if all people live in goodness and peace. Then they will be absolutely happy.
  • Thanks to such visualization, warmth will begin to arise in your heart, which, increasing, will turn into a ray of light.
  • Give this ray to all the people around you without exception, wishing them peace, love, and happiness from the bottom of your heart.
  • Taking a deep breath and exhaling, open your eyes.

Technique “Energy of Love”

This technique can change your life dramatically if you practice it every day. Your perseverance will be more than rewarded: new horizons for activity will open, new interesting acquaintances will appear, your life will be filled with happiness and love.

  • Sit in a position that is comfortable for you.
  • Take a deep breath and exhale.
  • Close your eyes.
  • Concentrate on a point on your forehead.
  • Imagine that you are in front of a tight closed door, which opens the way to your heart.

It is closed because you yourself locked it, having once experienced pain, suffering, disappointment.

  • But then you slowly open the door and see a huge shiny diamond inside. Huge rays of love energy emanate from him. These rays, falling on you, penetrate every cell of your body, filling them with light. Having been saturated with this energy, your body begins to give it to the world around you, exiting through your fingers. Everything around becomes golden from your touch. You continue to radiate the energy of love, directing it to loved ones, acquaintances, strangers and less pleasant people. Remember that the more you are able to give, the more you will receive in the future.
  • Take a deep breath and exhale.
  • Open your eyes.

Technique “Child - adult”

This meditation in yoga is considered one of the most powerful and effective. It is aimed at preparing the perception of love, removing subconscious blocks that impede concentration and readiness to accept a loved one into your life.

  • Relax and take a position that is comfortable for you.
  • Close your eyes and focus on a point on your forehead.
  • Immerse yourself in yourself, listening to your inner feelings, blocking any thoughts.
  • Imagine that you have just been born, you are a child, you are the purest creature that appeared in this life to be happy, to radiate joy, to receive and give love.
  • Now imagine that you are a young boy (girl). Your body is filled with love, it is beautiful, it radiates love, transmits it to others, and this light of love begins to attract people. Feel this light inside yourself, be filled with this love, love yourself like this.
  • Now you are being transformed again. You are an adult, self-sufficient person. Look at yourself from all sides. Mentally correct all the shortcomings in your opinion. Make your body perfect. Throw away all the complexes that prevent you from enjoying life. Breathe youth, joy, love into your body. Let it sparkle and glow.

It is this kind of body that is most attractive to the opposite sex; it is ready to meet true love, it is capable of giving and receiving love.

  • Imagine that rays emanate from the heart and connect with other hearts. Feel how they strive to get closer to you, your light attracts them. Stay in this state for as long as possible so that your body is completely filled with love and light.
  • Take a deep breath and exhale, gradually returning to reality.
  • Open your eyes.

“Two Halves” Technique

This meditation will allow you to gain confidence in the fact that every person has their own soul mate. And if you haven’t found it yet, then the “Two Halves” practice will most likely be able to help you with this.

  • Turn on pleasant music and take a pose for the most comfortable feeling during meditation.
  • Close your eyes and try to relax as much as possible.
  • Imagine that you are on the shore of your favorite sea, completely alone. You lie down comfortably on the yellow hot sand and watch the clouds, warming your body in the sun. All your grievances, fears, worries and everyday worries remain where you came from. You feel bliss and oneness with the Universe. The soul is filled with light, warmth, love.
  • But then a man appears on the shore. He slowly moves towards you and you understand that this is the one destined by fate. Don’t try to imagine this person, let the one who is destined for you come, because very often your perfect image, compiled by the mind, rarely coincides with reality. Accept the person who comes unquestioningly and over time you will understand that this is really yours.

  • Finally, your significant other approached you. Think about what you would like to do with her (him): wander along the shore, lie on the sand, swim, dance, etc. Do what you want and as much as you want.
  • But now it’s time for you to part. You let your soulmate go without sadness - you are sure that she will come to you again.
  • Slowly bring your consciousness back to reality by doing breathing exercises and opening your eyes.



For modern man meditation to attract love is one of the options for acquiring inner balance, peace, and harmony with the outside world. It helps to attract into a person’s life those things that he needs, and many, thanks to this meditation, finally find the happiness of being loved and happy. Meditation – best way develop a positive attitude towards the world around you, as well as tune in and open your heart to new feelings.

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We are all familiar with the term meditation. Moreover, every person, without realizing it, can be in a state of meditation for some time. For example, this is a period when we are very focused on something, or when the heart skips a beat for a few moments during tremulous moments. All this is a kind of meditation.

But for a person who would purposefully want to learn to meditate, it is important to understand what meditation is and why it is needed, what techniques exist and how to do it correctly. This will be discussed in the article.

What is meditation

So, meditation is a special technique of concentration and relaxation at the same time. A state when thoughts are directed towards one goal or the mind is completely cleared of thoughts. It depends on the technique used and its purpose. Of course, this is spiritual work on oneself. Many people consider meditation to be a supernatural process because it can manifest unusual abilities, such as levitation or mind reading. Such cases were recorded back in ancient times, but whether it is fact or fiction, there is no direct evidence.

During meditation, a person turns off his mind, becomes unconscious, and at this moment the body rests without action or thoughts. Or we set ourselves up for a certain state - happiness, spiritual and physical health, inner joy and much more, direct our thoughts in one direction and concentrate on this. Agree, quite often our mind and various aggravating thoughts prevent us from relaxing.

Science says that meditation is a process in which, due to a special breathing technique, the actions in the cerebral cortex slow down. When a person performs meditation, the whole body relaxes, the consciousness “floats” and the brain enters a state between sleep and reality. At such moments, various new sensations and emotions may arise. Of course, scientists deny the supernatural nature of this process, since all phenomena are explained by slow brain function, a state of half-asleep.

Why is meditation needed?

Many people who practice meditation use it to bring their consciousness into balance and restore inner harmony. Meditation helps in mastering various practices, as well as some martial arts.

In other words, if a person is worried about something, he is worried about some life situation or a problem, he is experiencing stress for one reason or another, then meditation will be an excellent way to combat these factors that upset the personality. This will help you calm down and relax; moreover, breathing techniques will also be beneficial to the body.

If we talk again about the scientific point of view on meditation, this is probably one of the most simple ways learn to manage your psychophysiological state, emotions, restrain anger and other negative emotions, let go and not hold evil within yourself, strengthen your creativity and labor efficiency.

A Brief History of Meditation

Meditation dates back to ancient times and can be traced in parallel with religion. In past centuries, people used chants, repetition of the same words, and other means to communicate with the gods.

The first mention of this process appeared in India around the 15th century BC in the tradition of Hindu Vedantism. It is the Vedas that describe the technique of meditation.

Later, in the period from the 6th to 5th centuries BC, other forms of meditation appear (in Indian Buddhism and Chinese Taoism). In the 20s BC there are records of a religious thinker who describes “spiritual exercises”, the essence of which is concentration and attention. Three centuries later, meditation techniques were developed by the philosopher Plotinus (one of the first philosophers of Ancient Greece).

Buddhist scriptures say that Indian Buddhist meditation is a kind of step towards liberation. The religion spreads in China, where references to the use of meditation go back to the Zen school (100 BC).

Meditation began to spread from India thanks to the movement of caravans across Silk Road, which connected East Asia and the Mediterranean. This process became increasingly popular, and all more people adopted this practice.

Later, in the 60s of the 20th century, meditation spread in the West and became the object of scientific study, during which it was possible to find out exactly how it affects the body and what processes occur or, conversely, do not occur in a state of meditative trance.

Today, meditation techniques are used in psychotherapy as a means of neutralizing negative emotions, stress and developing positive thinking and inner peace.

Osho Meditation

Chandra Mohan Rajneesh, or Osho, is an Indian philosopher who became the author of more than 140 different meditation techniques. It was Osho who developed the techniques of not only “sedentary” meditations, but also moving ones.

The main goal of meditation according to Osho is to put the mind aside and make yourself an empty vessel; get rid of your ego while gaining enlightenment. Osho believed that in order to get to your soul, you need the ability to turn off the mind, since the main obstacle in life for a person is himself. The main paradox of Osho’s teachings is “when a person is empty, he is filled.”

You cannot call a specific technique “the best meditation.” Everyone chooses what they like. Some people prefer static meditations, others prefer dynamic ones. It is important to find a technique that allows you to achieve the main goals of meditation - harmony. Here are some of Osho's meditation techniques: Vipassana, dynamic meditation Osho and Kundalini.

These are just a few examples of this guru's varied meditation techniques. Osho meditation, as the philosopher himself and supporters of his teachings believed, helps to find inner harmony, peace and joy, and the ability to be oneself.

Vipassana technique

This type of meditation should be done in absolute silence. Need to find convenient place, where you can sit for 45-60 minutes and meditate every day in the same place and at the same time.

Vipassana is not practiced for the purpose of concentration. This technique is characterized by relaxation. Your back should be straight, your eyes should be closed, you should breathe naturally and listen to your breathing.

Dynamic Meditation

As already noted, meditation can be moving and lively. That is, it is not necessary to take a comfortable position and stay in it for a long period. For people who cannot meditate still, dynamic meditation is suitable. The energy that is released at the moment of the second stage allows the body to relax and free itself from excess tension.

Performed over an hour in 5 stages. Eyes must be closed or blindfolded. It is better to meditate using this technique on an empty stomach in comfortable clothes. You can keep track of time using a timer. If you can’t make noise in the room, let it be a body meditation, and you can recite the mantra mentally.

The first stage lasts 10 minutes. You need to breathe through your nose and deeply, concentrating on exhalation.

The second stage is also 10 minutes. It is necessary to release energy - jump, scream, shake, dance, sing, laugh, move your whole body. You need to be “crazy” and not involve your mind in this process. Just move.

At the third stage, for 10 minutes you need to jump with your arms raised up and repeat the mantra “Hu! Hoo! Hu!” You need to land on your entire foot.

The fourth stage lasts 15 minutes. You need to freeze in the position you were in at the time of the signal. You just need to be in this state, don’t cough, don’t sneeze, don’t talk, freeze.

The last, fifth, stage also lasts 15 minutes. You need to dance and rejoice, fill yourself with happiness, expressing gratitude to everything.

Kundalini technique

Meditation that is performed at sunset for an hour. The first three stages are performed to music, and the last stage is performed in silence.

In the first stage, you need to start shaking the whole body in a standing position for 15 minutes. Need to shake in preparation internal energy to liberation.

In the second stage, you need to start dancing freely for 15 minutes. Dance can be anything you want: you can jump, run, move the way your body wants it.

At the third stage, you need to freeze, remain motionless for 15 minutes, feeling what is happening outside and inside. You have freed yourself from energy, a large flow of it, and now just contemplate how something new flows in your veins. Feel this state.

At the fourth stage, you need to take a lying position and eyes closed lie motionless (15 minutes).

Cleansing with Meditation

6 repetitions on the heart chakra;

6 reps, throat chakra;

6 repetitions of the mantra;

6 reps;

Once for the right eye chakra, once for the left;

Once for each hemisphere of the brain;

Once for each ear;

Once for each nostril;

And one repetition at a time, concentrating on the chakras of the mouth and tongue.

Thus, the mantra will have to resonate throughout the body.

Meditation technique to attract a loved one for women

Meditation to attract a loved one and happy events for women is to present themselves in a comfortable, heavenly place, among flowers or on the seashore. You need to be in a relaxed state and imagine the sounds of the surf, the sound of waves, pleasant sand and sun.

Imagine that rays of energy are emanating from you. This is the energy of love that you are willing to give and receive. Then you need to imagine that a person is approaching you. You don't have to focus on a specific image, maybe it's just a silhouette. It is necessary to feel the exchange of energies and the opening of the soul. The point is to remove blocks and fears of not meeting your love.

You may not realize that this is hindering your happiness. Meditation helps you clear yourself of doubts and direct your energy towards happiness and love. Happy events and love will begin to come into your life as soon as you fully open up to your willingness to accept these events. This is very important. Meditation to attract happiness, a loved one into your life, will not have much success correct technique, eliminating errors. If a person is not ready to gratefully accept even small joys, due to the fact that he simply could not consider them, then he is not ready for happiness.

Meditation is the path to self-knowledge, self-improvement, spiritual development. IN in this case The saying “thoughts are material” is true. The best meditation is one that is done with an understanding of the essence of this process. You need to believe with all your heart that love will come, the main thing is that you are ready for it.

Meditation to attract love is suitable even for those who have never dealt with meditative practices and do not believe in their power. After all, these are psychophysical exercises designed to balance your psyche and prepare you to accept love. Because often the problem is inner world who is not yet ready to let anyone else in.

Look inside yourself and find the image ideal man. Almost every woman has it. Now try to get rid of this image, because this is the most basic problem why you still haven’t found your loved one. For every person on Earth there is another, and they will not look like the face you pictured. This person will be uniquely suited only to your soul and will not be at all like your dreams.

During meditation on attracting love, different images of men will often come to you. It is very important to accept them all. Your soul, yours psychological state, if you like, is closed at the initial stage.

By accepting various images of love, you will gradually open up towards you, remove deep-seated blocks, become a shining beacon in the mental world, then your other half will quickly find its way to you.

Meditation “Secret Marriage”

The music should be quiet and melodic. Lie down and take the most comfortable and relaxed position. Breathe evenly and calmly, think about breathing. Then imagine how billions of your cells open up towards the sun, like flowers at dawn, and your meditation to attract love begins.

Remember how you once were at sea or imagine a beach on the shore of a huge ocean. You are basking in the warm sun, there is no one around, only the singing of birds and the sound of the surf. This whole world is the embodiment of beauty, harmony and peace, an endless possibility of creativity. All worries remained there, somewhere beyond the edge of the universe. Stay in this state for a while.

Gradually start looking at the beach. Somewhere in the distance a human figure begins to be seen. Do not try on him the features of your ideal - his image should appear spontaneously. After all, your loved one’s appearance is unlikely to coincide with mental expectations.

So he came up and hugged you - feel his warmth, energy, his body. Then your actions should be spontaneous - you can swim among the waves and beautiful fish, build sand castles, explore the island or make love - whatever your heart tells you. He will be with you as long as you need, but not a second more. Part with him without sadness, because he will appear when the need comes.

Meditation “Flame of Love”

It is more suitable for those who have problems with their existing love life, when you feel that the flame of your love is wavering, or want to attract more happy moments into your life.

The technique is the same - you should take the most comfortable and relaxed position.

Imagine that a spark is quietly smoldering in the middle of your chest. A small, golden-red spark of your love. Gently send rays of energy and food into it so that it begins to grow. Your chest becomes warmer as the flame begins to flare up. Be completely filled with this pleasant warmth. Then hold the air in your chest for a few moments and gradually exhale. Now this energy will remain inside you for the whole day, those around you will feel it too, you can share this warmth with them.

This meditation of attracting love is done every day, and you will soon see the result in the form of happy events.

Meditation “Overcoming Loneliness”

If everyone around you has spring in their hearts, you suffer from the sight of couples in love and passionately desire to feel the same excitement in your chest, then meditation on attracting love is what you need and it’s time to do it.

The absence of this magical feeling in your life can lead to problems in other areas of life, even physical problems.

This mental ritual will summon an angel who will fill your life with meaning and attract your other half.

You must sit in front of the mirror and begin to tell yourself mentally how wonderful, beautiful, kind you are, how well you cook, think about your merits and be filled with love and respect for your person. Because without this, no one will be able to love you, just feel sorry for you.

I want to live without loneliness.
I want to find my beloved.
I wish to find myself an ideal couple who will complement me and harmonize with me.
I want to be a woman who is loved, given tenderness and care.
I want us to never get tired of each other.
I want to give him my affection, love and tenderness.
I promise to do everything to give happiness to my loved one.
I want to wake up and see my loved one.
I want our relationship to be built on mutual understanding and respect.
I want to be happy and content.

If these words do not seem to fully reflect your aspirations, or you want to supplement them, please do so. The main thing is that the changes concern only you, because relationships are something where both partners take part and they should receive from each other as much as they give.

The main goal of meditation is to get rid of all worries from your head and relax. Remember that you should always strive for the best, be optimistic, enjoy life.

Be more tolerant of other people's shortcomings. Perhaps your life is wonderful and everything is going as well as possible, and you will live happily ever after, but with meditation you can improve all this several times over.

Love meditation will help you open up to attracting new feelings. After all, it happens that you don’t even realize that you yourself have built a barrier that has fenced you off from the perception of love.

This practice will help you find your loved one

  • First you need to put on relaxing, pleasant music. It doesn't matter that you like her, because you may end up focusing only on her.
  • Sit in a position that is comfortable for you and relax, concentrate on a point in the forehead (above the eyebrows). Do not be distracted by extraneous thoughts or irritants. When you are ready, imagine harmony around you, a dream world in which you feel comfortable. Perhaps it will be a beach, a sea of ​​palm trees, a meadow with beautiful daisies.... The main thing is that you should be happy.
  • Imagine that happiness fills you and you fly. You won't be bothered gray everyday life, everyday life, all this city bustle, you are not in a hurry, but just enjoying relaxation.
  • Make a wish, previously thought up, it should bring only positive things. Do not wish for evil and it will not visit you. After you make a wish, imagine the person you are ready to love.

Soon he will appear in your life, you just have to open up.

This person is like a ball of fire that you accept into your world, let him dissolve in you. Then you can slowly come out of meditation. Are you ready to receive love, you are open.

With this technique you will be filled with the energy of love. Soon she will attract others to you.

Time: 2-3 times a week, from 15 minutes to an hour a day.

Meditation for women

Women's Harm oniya – this is the unity of 4 elements (fire, water, earth, air). This allows the female function to be performed more harmoniously. A woman creates beauty and love around her.

The greatest purpose of a woman is to do good, to bring life into this world. The harmonization of a woman makes her an ancestor.

It is better to practice on a waxing moon to release stagnant energy. If you meditate in the summer, it is better to do it in nature.

Meditation practice

  1. Sit upright, back straight, breathing deep and measured. Feel the light around the heart chakra, direct this flow of light to the core - the egg.
  2. Ask the Earth for more energy and strength. Take into yourself everything that you are able to realize and feel.
  3. Open your third eye, look at the hitherto unknown. Direct the flow of energy into the sky, feel the power of the wind. Ask the fire for strength and support.
  4. Feel the connection with the 4 elements together.

Time: practice 2 times a month.

Let's summarize, to overcome daily problems, there is meditation.

A constant regime will over time overcome any laziness and speed up your progress; you will not replace it as you grow above yourself. Once you realize how wonderful daily meditation is, nothing can distract you from it.

A daily ritual will make meditation a part of your life, just like eating, brushing your teeth, etc. After studying various forms and techniques of meditation, you can determine one or two that are most attractive and practice them daily, alternating.

Changes in your inner world, improved self-control, and overall benefits from meditation will become noticeable over time. After all, there are no quick results in this practice.

In truth, you will learn to understand not only outside world, but also internal spaces. Expand your understanding of your mind, emotions, body.

Your world will become wider, more complete. You will work better and more efficiently, because the ability to concentrate on a specific object will protect you from external stimuli.

While meditating, tune your subconscious to peace and tranquility. Relax, the worries that fill you every day should not consume you completely.

Listen and meditate online

We invite you to start practicing right now by turning on meditation music.