The Master and Margarita fidelity arguments. Essay on the topic: Fidelity in the novel The Master and Margarita, Bulgakov. Faithful and eternal love of the Master and Margarita

Beautiful Margarita is an integral part of the grandiose work “The Master and Margarita”. Her image is associated with freedom, with true love, with true creativity. Therefore, M. Bulgakov paid special attention to her person.

The reader does not immediately become acquainted with her. At the beginning of the work we observe melancholy and boredom, he is looking for and waiting for the appearance true love. And this happens precisely with the appearance of the enchanting Margarita. The author told us a story about old life heroines. At first glance, the girl is absolutely happy. Her husband loves her, he provides Margarina with all the benefits. Those around me envied such a life. In fact, the girl was looking for love and warmth, she was sorely lacking in understanding and the meaning of life. Margarita was constantly waiting for a turn of events, changes that should make her happier. And so it happened.

A chance meeting with the Master filled the girl’s life with new breath. She became a muse for him. At their first meeting, they fell in love with each other. The man, inspired by such an acquaintance, began writing his magnificent novel with renewed vigor. It was Margarita who first called him Master after reading the first lines.

The main character of the novel was very similar to Bulgakov’s real muse – his wife. It was she who inspired the writer to create such interesting creative works, it was she who was with him until the last.

Margarita is identified with a symbol of fidelity and devotion. Despite the fact that she cheated on her lawful husband, the girl never betrayed true love and faith in creativity beloved. It was Margarita who helped the Master find the editors, who published several chapters of the novel with caution.

After this, ridicule of the creator, persecution and ridicule of his work began. This reaction from society drives the Master crazy, and he renounces his work. He is sent to a mental hospital. He does not even recognize Margarita, so as not to drag his beloved into even greater trouble. The girl is in despair, she is unhappy, she keeps the remains of the novel as a memory of her beloved.

In the chapter of the novel "Flight", Margarita becomes a witch. After meeting the mystical Woland, she decides to gain freedom and leave the confines of reality. The girl makes a deal with Satan, she becomes his queen, and all just to find out at least a little news about her beloved Master, in order to free him from the clinic.

After such an act, the reader really understands how much she loved the Master, how devoted and true she was to her feelings. This act surprised Satan himself. He rewards Margarita for her courage and brings life back to the Master’s burnt novel. Woland gave the author of the novel eternal peace, but Margarita deserved only the Light. It was her image that became a symbol of devotion and fidelity to her feelings. And he passed through the centuries, he was transported to modern times.

“He who loves must share the fate of the one he loves”

Most famous novel Bulgakov "The Master and Margarita" - multi-layered work, which contains several plans (including temporary ones), many themes, rich problems and a bitter satire on society under the yoke of the Stalinist regime. Writers who expose the vices of society, individual citizens or a political regime always want to ask: “Who is to blame - have we already understood what to do?” Unlike many of them, Mikhail Bulgakov gives the answer: salvation is in love. Not in religion, not in any other political system, not in hermitage and oblivion, but precisely in all-consuming, courageous, selfless love.

The relationship between the Master and Margarita is forbidden from the point of view of public morality. She is the wife successful person, he is lonely. The disgraced writer could not fit into Soviet life; it was dangerous to even greet him. In the repressive Stalinist times, government officials spared no one: the victims of unprecedented genocide (when a ruler exterminates his own people) number in the millions. It is not surprising that the Master wanted to protect Margarita from the fate of a criminal’s wife, and perhaps a widow, an exile, and a prisoner. They took whole families. He could not offer his chosen one a tenth of what her husband provided her.

Margarita, in turn, could not just up and leave the family. With such a rash act, she would not leave her beloved a choice, he would be forced to earn money, that is, he would have to strangle the creator within himself, thinking man, an honest and free man. Could Margarita kill the Master in her lover? No. Therefore, they remained lovers and were acutely aware of their humiliating, servile position; living in a lie oppressed these sincere people. Thus, their union from the very beginning was doomed to martyrdom, even if they were legally married.

But what is legal marriage? Is it the society ridiculed by Bulgakov that decides what is legal? Or a cruel government mired in vices? Probably, marriage can only be called a civil union, that is, a relationship between citizens. People are citizens in relation to the state. But what right does the state have to teach us morality? Is this the state that exterminates, persecutes and humiliates us? Nobody but themselves loving people, cannot judge whether their feeling is moral. How many virtuous wives will share any fate with their husband? Unfortunately no. Their oaths are empty formalities. And Margarita, without promises or promises, made a deal with the devil, just to find out what happened to the Master. She sacrificed not only her body, but also her soul. These two are bound by an indissoluble bond.

The Master also sacrificed. When he was arrested and then sent to an insane asylum, he did not look for a way to inform Margot about his trouble. She, using her husband’s connections and money, could do something for her lover or at least brighten up his leisure time. But he, on the contrary, tried to erase her from his memory, hoping that she would forget him and would at least live in safety and comfort. For the good of his beloved woman, the Master wanted to leave her heart, to free her, because without him Margarita could count on a calm, prosperous existence. Higher Power this love in complete self-denial. The same silent feat was accomplished, for example, by Zheltkov in “ Garnet bracelet» Kuprina.

Margarita’s love lies not only in sacrifice, but also in the fact that she accepted and understood the Creator in her beloved. She loved his novel, perceived his fate as her own. Destroying the apartment of the critic Latunsky, Margot took revenge for the insulted, unaccepted work of the Master, took revenge for everything rejected and forgotten free arts. In this fragment she is the vengeful Clio - the muse of history. Under its blows, the deceitful opportunism that portrays culture before the dictator perishes. Not many women can share their husband's calling, his divine destiny. Margo understands everything, and therefore takes care of and protects the Master, who is less adapted to practical life.

Political realities, it must be said, depend little on society. Society also depends little on the individual. He comes to society and either accepts its charter, or brings his own and pays for it. If the situation in the surrounding world squeezes a person out of a slave, then how can one accept it? The only way to maintain identity and mental health is to love so much that best qualities prevailed over the worst, and outside world faded into the background and could not take away freedom from the individual. Today no one takes away anything, we ourselves give up our independence for illusory benefits, a career, ostentatious success and pseudo-happiness, indistinguishable from comfort. Bulgakov foresaw this and wanted to warn the reader. The most important thing is harmony in inner world, it depends only on us and on our ability to accept love “like a killer from around the corner.”

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Novel by Mikhail Bulgakov " The Master and Margarita“made an indelible impression on me back in childhood, when I first opened this philosophically strong and completely incomprehensible book to me. Third, and I hope not last time, I had to read this book quite recently.
So, in the novel “The Master and Margarita” the author uses the writing technique of “a book within a book”, where there are very clearly, but at the same time smoothly, two parallel storylines past and present time. Almost all earthly feelings and topics for thought are touched upon here: What is religion? How do we actually perceive justice? What is the meaning of love and is it worthy of sacrifice?
Most of all, as a girl, I was, of course, affected by the theme of the love of the Master and Margarita. They recognized each other through deep loneliness, and their lives changed from the moment when Margarita visited the Master. Refusing luxurious life with a rich husband and prosperity, she forever, according to the author, left unhappy life. Because she only needed him to be happy. Master. Margarita’s loyalty lay in those hours and moments of loneliness and languor without the opportunity to receive at least some news about the Master; in the second part of the book, in addition, fearlessness for life and death awoke from love in the heroine’s life. The apogee of their love was the Master’s novel, a work that was dear to both himself and Margarita. She promised to protect him, to save him from destruction. It is interesting that Bulgakov himself once burned the first version of the novel, and only two years later sat down to write it again. This is how the author gives his hero a thread of his own experiences. As for sacrifice, here, Bulgakov, thanks to Margarita’s act, reveals its concept to us through the same love - when the time comes to ask, Margarita asks not for herself, I, filled with a new sense of philanthropy, asks for Frida. After all, the heroine herself needs nothing more than to be close to the Master, “to take care of his sleep.”
The tragedy of this love is that the Master and Margarita were incomprehensible to those around them, they challenged the world, and were rewarded by Bulgakov. He sent them not to heaven, they didn’t deserve it, not to Hell, the wonderful feelings in their souls were too strong, but “to rest.”
In my opinion, this is a work for people of all ages. Everyone can find something interesting for themselves in it, touch mysterious and mystical circumstances, feel experiences, think about philosophy and religion. This is a reusable piece. With each new reading, it shines with other, previously unseen facets.

>Essays based on the work The Master and Margarita


Mikhail Bulgakov worked on the novel “The Master and Margarita” before last day of your life. It was this work that brought him a posthumous world fame. In it, the author introduces us to sincerely loving heroes, ready to go through many sacrifices just to be together forever. Margarita is a beautiful, young woman who is married to a worthy man who gives her both prosperity and peace of mind. But the heroine does not love her husband. From the very first minute he fell in love with the modest and nothing outstanding writer named Master.

During the course of the novel, we learn that the heroine is ready to live in a closet, endure material deprivation, but only so that the Master she loves will always be there. This is what he represents perfect love M.A. Bulgakov, who endowed his heroes with extraordinary characters and inclinations. The phrase has forever entered the world of Russian literature: “Follow me, reader! Who told you that there is no true, faithful, eternal love in the world? Let them cut out the liar’s vile tongue!” Poetic love, earthly love, heroic love - this is the force that drives all the events in the novel “The Master and Margarita”.

However, the lovers are replaced by a bitter separation. Then the author sends the professor of black magic and the “prince of darkness”, the almighty Woland, to help them. The question arises: How could the author send dark forces to help such a bright feeling? Bulgakov had a special approach to love. He did not divide this feeling into light or dark, and did not attribute it to any category at all. Love is a feeling that could be considered on a par with life or death. She could be either vicious or divine. The author also uses the following epithets in relation to her: faithful, real, eternal, all-forgiving, redeeming.

This was exactly the kind of love the Master and Margarita had, for which Woland gave them eternal happiness and eternal peace. For this, however, a heavy price was paid. Concerned about the disappearance of her lover, Margarita agrees to everything that Woland’s accomplices offer her. She turns into a witch and the queen of a satanic ball, and drinks a blood drink from the head glass of the late Berlioz, and causes destruction in the house of the critic Latunsky, because of which the Master began to have problems. The key scene in the novel is Satan's ball, during which Margarita acts not only as the queen of the celebration, but also as a direct participant in the reception of former sinners: murderers, executioners, robbers.

During the ball, her attention is attracted by one sad guest, whose name is Frida. Her sin is too great. She is a child killer, who has been offered the same handkerchief with which she strangled her own child for thirty years. Margarita sincerely feels sorry for her and, in response to her only desire, asks Woland to free this unfortunate woman from further suffering. At the same time, Messire understands that she is sacrificing her personal happiness for the sake of a stranger, so he still returns the Master to her. The power of true love is great and can work miracles. As a reward for their loyalty and love, Bulgakov's heroes at the end of the novel received well-deserved peace.

The image of Margarita, the Master’s lover and muse, occupies an important place in M. Bulgakov’s novel “The Master and Margarita.” The theme in the work is connected with this heroine true love, creativity, freedom. Big role This character also plays in the development of the plot of the work.

Margarita does not immediately enter the novel. Bulgakov describes the Master's ordeal and his longing for true love. And now it finally happens fateful meeting– the hero meets his muse.

All her life before meeting the Master, Margarita was unhappy. And this despite the fact that outwardly her life was quite prosperous, many envied the heroine. Margarita had loving husband - wonderful person holding a high position and able to fully provide for his wife. The heroine did not need anything financially. But she lacked love, warmth, meaning that would make life worth living.

It seems to me that this woman felt that she was destined for a different fate - the fate of a muse and inspiration. Margarita's meeting with the Master had some kind of mystical character. They met in a deserted alley and immediately realized that they loved each other: “She, however, later claimed that this was not so, that we, of course, loved each other a long time ago, without knowing each other, without ever seeing ..."

Margarita became a muse for the hero. It was she who, after reading the first pages of his novel, named her lover a master. Thanks to her, he wrote a magnificent novel of great artistic value.

It is important to note that for Bulgakov the theme of the muse was especially relevant. After all, the prototype of Margarita turned out to be last wife writer - Elena Sergeevna Bulgakova. It was she who was with Bulgakov to the end, experienced all the persecutions with him and always instilled faith and hope in her husband.

The theme of devotion and fidelity is associated with the image of Margarita in the novel. The heroine was always faithful to her love. Precisely love, so it seems to me impossible to consider it secret life with the Master as betrayal of her husband. And Margarita was faithful to the great creation of her Master to the end.

Even the hero himself did not have such willpower and endurance! When the novel was ready and reprinted, the Master published it. Many publishing houses refused to publish such a “seditious” work. It was Margarita who helped the novel “see the light.” She found one editor who dared to publish several chapters of the work in their magazine. This is where the persecution of the Master began. Each newspaper considered it its duty to ridicule the hero and his work.

Unable to withstand such aggression and rejection, the Master begins to go crazy. He renounces his creation, burns the novel in the oven and goes to a mental hospital on his own. In the clinic, the Master even renounces his beloved, believing that in such a terrible mental state capable of bringing Margarita only misfortunes.

All this time the heroine felt unhappy, she did not live, but existed. But Margarita remained faithful to her beloved to the end. Not only to him, but also to his brainchild, his novel. For a long time, Margarita kept the little that she had left as a memory of her beloved: “... an old brown leather album in which there was a photograph of the master, a savings bank book with a deposit of ten thousand in his name, dried rose petals spread between sheets of tissue paper and part of the notebook in whole sheet, written on a typewriter and with a burnt bottom edge.”

Freedom and love are returned to the heroine by evil spirits in the person of Woland and his retinue. Having rubbed herself with the magic Azazello cream, Margarita becomes a witch. Now she can leave the reality she hates and stop being a prisoner of the framework and prohibitions of the society around her. The chapter “Flight” begins with words symbolizing the state of the newly-minted witch: “Invisible and free! Invisible and free!

Thus, for the sake of just one opportunity to find out something about the fate of her Master, Margarita goes to Satan himself and agrees to be the queen at his ball. For the sake of love, the heroine becomes a witch, gets involved with evil spirits, throwing away all fears and concerns. It was only thanks to Margarita that the Master was rescued from the clinic.

Even Satan could not help but admire and appreciate Margarita. Woland decides to generously reward the heroine for her devotion and fidelity. It is only thanks to Margarita that Woland brings the novel back from the dust, saying the most important phrase in the entire work: “Manuscripts don’t burn.”

The Master betrayed his romance, renounced his beliefs and his beloved, so he did not deserve the Light. Only Satan could reward him, giving the Master eternal peace. And Margarita, faithful in everything and always following her lover, shared his fate with the hero from beginning to end. It was this image that became the embodiment true devotion, love, femininity, inspiration in Russian literature of the 20th century.