Martin Coleman. Communication with spirits: the magical practice of Necromancy. Contact with the spirits of ancestors. Magic and mysticism: how to talk to a dead person

You really want to talk to a loved one who has died or find out more about ancient ancestor? Perhaps you want to communicate with a spirit that seems to be living in your home? People have been talking to the dead for thousands of years using a variety of methods. Read on to learn how to contact invisible spirits yourself or through external sources.


Part 1

Direct conversation with the dead

    Shift your attention to sharpen your sixth sense. If simply concentrating on the image of the deceased loved one is not enough to create a connection, you can try a more structured method of shifting your attention to the higher world.

    • Be fully aware of yourself in the present moment. Note your location, time and sensations. Otherwise, it will be difficult for you to return to your sense of self.
    • Gradually bring your senses into “soft focus,” a state in which you are less aware of the physical details around you.
    • When your consciousness of the physical decreases, focus on the energy in the room. Don't look for it, just open up to the forces present in the room. If you sense someone's presence, try asking questions. Keep in mind that the responses you receive may not only be verbal, but also in the form of images or emotions.
  1. Try to talk using the power of thought. Some paranormal experts believe that the ability to speak with the dead is not only possessed by professional mediums, but that this ability lies within any of us who can enhance our spiritual awareness. It will take time and practice before you can contact a deceased loved one, but according to this theory, it is still possible.

    Ask for answers to simple questions. This technique is not as useful for contacting a deceased loved one, but it is a common practice used by paranormal investigators when attempting to contact spirits in places they (possibly) inhabit. Go to the room where there is paranormal activity. Ask basic yes/no questions and ask specific method answers. The two most common response methods are tapping and flashlight.

    Part 2

    Bringing in outside help
    1. Work with a medium. Mediums are well versed in contacting the souls of the dead. You can usually contact a medium by searching online or in the phone book. If you want to speak with a deceased loved one, the medium may ask to meet at your home or ask you to come to their place of work.

      • If you want a medium to speak to a spirit that you believe is present in your home, the medium will have to come to your home. Not every medium will agree to perform this service, but most of them will provide the previous one.
      • Be careful with the medium you choose. Even those who are not skeptical about the practice of communicating with the dead are ready to admit that not all mediums are professionals. As in all other areas, there are scammers among them. Find out more about the medium before you make an appointment with him, and try to make sure that he is not a scammer. When meeting with a medium, pay attention to whether he misleads you with questions and forces you to answer the way he wants.
    2. Try FEG or EMR technology. EVO, or electronic voice phenomenon, occurs when a voice that is inaudible to the naked human ear is digitally recorded. EMP, or electromagnetic pulse, can only be captured using an electromagnetic pulse meter. To try these options, you need to go to a room where there is high spiritual energy and ask questions there.

      Conduct a séance. A séance is a gathering of people who communicate with the dead using their collective energy. To conduct such a session, you need at least three people who are open to such an experience. This practice can be used to communicate with deceased loved ones or contact wandering spirits.

      • Create the necessary atmosphere by dimming the lights and lighting candles. Use three candles or a multiple of three. You can even light incense.
      • Participants should stand around the table, holding candles in their hands, to form a circle. Chant the words, calling upon the spirits.
      • Alternatively, you can also try summoning spirits using a Ouija board.
      • Wait for a response, repeating the chant if necessary.
      • Once you have established a connection, calmly ask your questions.
      • Interrupt the seance by breaking the circle and lighting candles.

    Part 3

    Using prayer and other practices
    1. Pray. Not all religions have practices that can be used to pray to or for the dead. But in some they still exist. There are two forms of such prayers.

      • In the first, you pray for the deceased loved one to find peace and joy in the afterlife, rather than addressing him specifically. But you know that he hears your prayers.
      • In the second, you pray to a deceased loved one. You are not asking for salvation from the spirit, but asking your loved one to care for or pray for you from the other side. Some believe that, as part of the spiritual realm, the spirit of a person whose faith was strong in life will be able to make a stronger request or prayer for you to a deity from another world.
    2. Peer into the mirror. Some people use the mirror method to talk to deceased loved ones. It is similar to the method of contacting spirit with thoughts, but in this practice you use a mirror to establish a clearer connection.

      • Calm your thoughts. Go to a quiet room where you can be alone and stand in front of a mirror. Close your eyes and relieve yourself of anxiety, tense emotions and rambling thoughts.
      • Focus your thoughts on the person you want to talk to. Create an image of this person in your mind. Make the image as clear as possible until you can practically see the features of the deceased person.
      • Slowly open your eyes and look in the mirror. Imagine that the image from your mind appears in the mirror. Even if the image is blurry or superimposed on your own reflection, you will be able to see the image of your deceased loved one in the mirror.
      • Ask your questions. Don't force answers, but be open to them. Also remember that answers may come in the form of emotions or images rather than words.
    3. Contact the deceased through a personal item. Some believe that items that belonged to a deceased person may still be connected to their spirit. A personal item can give you the energy to call upon the spirit of that person and the opportunity to communicate with them. If you want to talk to a deceased loved one, find an item of clothing, a book, or a friend's personal item that the person used. Bring it with you to the place where the person lived. Hold the object and try to start a conversation.

      Talk without asking for an answer. If you are hesitant or skeptical about talking to your deceased loved one through paranormal or supernatural means, you can always talk to the dead person without expecting a response. For those who believe in the existence of spirits, it is also a common belief that these spirits can observe living loved ones. You can talk to your deceased loved one in any place, or you can choose one that has special meaning, such as a grave, or a place where you experienced something important together. Tell the person everything that's on your mind. You can ask questions, but since you are not looking for answers, there is no need to limit the number of questions.

    • If you have any items that belonged to the person whose spirit you want to contact, or items that were given to you at his/her funeral, try holding them in your hands when you try to talk to the spirit.
    • Combine skepticism with an open mind. For any of the above practices to work, you need to open your mind to the experience. At the same time, it's easy to get carried away and fake answers if you're desperate for the practice to work.
    • You should be extremely be careful when trying to contact the dead, especially if you are still grieving, as you are more vulnerable to evil spirits. There are bad or evil spirits, if you even weakly believe in communicating with the dead, believe in it. They can short time take over you in such a way that you won’t even notice it. Believe this... be careful and, just in case, do not drive or pick up a weapon immediately after talking with the deceased!
    • Ask yourself why you want to talk to the deceased person. If the reason for this is just passing curiosity, you should reconsider it. This is not a matter to be taken lightly and should only be considered if you have strong feeling the need to establish communication.
    • Ask yourself whether you believe that the way you have chosen to communicate with the dead is correct. Some religions prohibit talking to the dead, and for good reason. Ask yourself if your own system beliefs, personal or organizational, attempts to contact the deceased.


    • Use extreme caution if you decide to try to talk to the deceased. When using any method that requires "summoning" a spirit, you run the risk of summoning something evil and dangerous. Many people who believe in the ability to speak with the dead also believe that evil spirits can become attached to a person, haunt them, or even possess them.

Spirits of the dead

Spirits of the Dead are a special class of Spirits that the Magician can interact with. Before diving into the heart of the matter, it is necessary to note the fact that this topic itself is not simple and needs some explanation. The difficulties in understanding the topic of interaction with the Spirits of the dead lie primarily in a misunderstanding of the theory of rebirth of the soul and in insufficient knowledge about the spiritual nature of man. Without going deeply into the details of these topics, let's say that after a person dies, his personality remains forever in the universe. It is possible to contact, consciously interact and evoke it; it is usually called the Spirit of the Dead. The other part, called the Metaspirit (the highest divine component), after the death of a person continues its cycle of rebirths. It is the Metaspirit that accumulates experience, each time creating an illusory free personality.

For the practice of interacting with the Spirits of the dead, it is the personality of the deceased that is of greater interest to the Magician, and not the Metaspirit, of which it is a part. Interaction with the Spirits of the dead can be very diverse, ranging from receiving any information from them, and ending with involving them in some kind of business in the form of guards or active forces.

There are two approaches to interacting with the Spirits of the dead:

  1. Interaction with the Spirits of the dead through entering a trance state. Such interaction is suitable for all cases in which it is necessary to obtain any information from the Spirits regarding the results of a case, a person’s condition, future or past events, and so on;
  2. Summoning the Spirit of the dead and manifesting it as an entity. This is done in the same way as calling any Spirit for the purpose of its materialization in our world. It is reasonable to practice such an approach only in cases where assistance in business or support is required, due to some complexity and energy consumption of the process.

A frequent case of manifestation of the Spirits of the dead in the form of independently materializing entities is ghosts . Although a ghost can be summoned intentionally, most of none of them were called. For some reason, they either return to our world or do not leave this world after death. Most often, ghosts are people killed using cruelty or Magic. Ghosts can be interacted with and contacted just like any other Spirits of the Dead.

Despite the fact that, as a rule, the Spirits of the dead are not eager to stay in our world, they can occasionally return on their own if their loved ones experience strong emotions associated with them for a long time. They can fully or partially materialize and come into contact with the living.

It is possible that the Spirits of the dead may show aggression towards the living, including their loved ones. In these cases, it is necessary to carry out rituals to appease the Spirits of the dead or expel them from our world (in the case of interaction with the dead - only expulsion).

Who are the Ancestor Spirits and why communicate with them?

As the ancient wisdom says, respect for the living begins with respect for the dead.

Relationships with ancestors - Spirits of the dead of a kind and their support have great importance in the life of any person and Magician. With strong support from ancestors, a person can achieve much greater success in life. The stronger the connection with the ancestors, the more actively they are able to manifest themselves in the life of a person and a Magician. And fulfilling its purpose and helping to protect the family in which the Spirits of the dead once lived, the Metaspirit, a manifestation of which is the personality of the ancestors, gets the opportunity to be born in this family again, but in more favorable conditions.

To maintain favorable relationships with the Spirits of the dead, with ancestors, it is necessary from time to time to carry out a ritual of feeding and honoring ancestors by presenting them with food, drinks and lighting fires in their honor.

Even in recent times, such rituals were widespread, but due to some change in worldview, the family began to be understood modern man, as a small community limited to a few people: it includes parents and children, with rare exceptions, people who are related to each other consider themselves to be one family. This point of view is due to the spread of ideas inherent in some world religions, which, due to their views, draw a boundary between the world of the dead and the world of the living, and thus cut off from a person the understanding of the single root of their kind. But this is not the only problem that appears with such a view of life. A person who cuts himself off from his kind by accepting a similar ideological position, not only limits his self-awareness, but also loses the help of his ancestors. In this situation, ancestors turn into a kind of amorphous and, for many, completely incomprehensible phenomenon.

How to establish a connection with your ancestors?

First and the most important step to establish relationships with ancestors - this is an expansion of the concept of family to a state where it can embrace two worlds at once - the world of the living (all relatives near and far) and world of the dead(all ancestors). Without this step, any actions to improve relationships with your ancestors will be insufficient. Good indicator transforming the idea of ​​family is creating an altar of ancestors in your home and regularly offering them food.

Meditation practice to maintain connection with ancestors

To strengthen the connection with the family, it is recommended to perform meditative practices aimed at establishing a connection with the ancestors. To do this, enter a meditative trance state using the techniques to which you are accustomed. Feel the connection with your parents - dad and mom, then with their parents - grandparents, and so on. Continue down the family tree until you reach its roots - the origins. At every stage, thank your ancestors and bless them. Having reached the origins of the family tree, take three deep breaths, visualize the entire family tree within yourself and feel how the wisdom of your ancestors fills you. Ask all your ancestors for guidance. One of your ancestors will definitely let you know about their consent, and he will accompany you throughout the near future, supporting you and helping you with advice. After receiving the sign of consent, thank the ancestors, take three deep breaths, and open your eyes.

Altar of Ancestors

Before you create an altar of your ancestors in your home, you need to start establishing connections and communicating with them.

For the altar of ancestors, you need to choose a place near the western wall of your home. The altar can look like a small table standing against the wall, or in the form of a wall shelf. The main thing is that the wall above the altar is free, since it is on it that photographs of ancestors are located. Of all the attributes of the ancestral altar, the most important are: a cup for offering food and an oil lamp. The cup with food is located closer to the northern edge of the altar, and the lamp is located closer to the southern edge. Candlesticks and an incense stand may also be present on the altar. If the Fire Magician actively practices communication with ancestors and spirits of the dead, then figurines of ancestors, parts of totem animals of the clan (teeth, claws, etc.) and quartz crystals may additionally be placed on the altar.

The rituals performed at the altar of the ancestors are fundamentally aimed at honoring the Spirits of the dead and establishing a favorable connection with them. However, rituals of feeding the Spirits of the dead and rituals of divination are carried out at the altar of the ancestors; in addition to those listed, there are many more rituals aimed at attracting the Spirits of the dead to participate in the affairs of the Magician.

You can ask questions about Fire Magic on the forum - “Questions about Fire Magic”
(registration is required to write messages).

Several witchcraft rituals for safe communication with the world of spirits

Why do I say test people and spirits with your heart? Because the human soul is in the heart, the soul gives a person the ability to love, compassion, feel and be happy. To learn how to check with your heart, just do this exercise several times:

Take and place two objects in front of you on the table: an edible berry and a non-edible one. (If there are no berries, use mushrooms) serve right hand to the heart chakra at a distance of 10 centimeters and think about something very pleasant to you, in response, feel the warmth coming from the heart. (if you don’t feel it the first time, then rub your hands until hot and try again) then take an edible berry and bring it to the heart chakra and focus on the sensations.

Place the berry, rub your hands until hot, take the inedible one and bring it to your heart and ask - can you eat this? In response, feel... Everyone can express the average unpleasant feeling differently.
Check plants, animals, creatures, people with your heart.

In the old days, each witch (witch) had a plot of land where he collected herbs.
The ritual of taming the field has survived to this day.
In the fall, we collect seeds from the area chosen for taming, from various types plants growing on the site.

In the spring in May we go out to the field and take a bottle of water with us. We plant the seeds, imagining that they will grow and transmit information about you to the rest of the plant, and water the planted water from the mouth. We constantly go to the field, talk to the plants, share our joys and troubles with them, and learn to hear them. At one moment there comes a feeling that they begin to understand, empathize with problems, and rejoice in joys. And when you stroke blades of grass with your hand, you feel that you are stroking an animal.

How to understand that taming has come? Herbs just start helping you find plant medicines to treat some disease. Just the main thing is not to rush, it usually takes 2 months with daily visits to the site for 20 minutes.

Warming the earth.

We go out onto the balcony or onto the street, spread our arms to the sides and hug the earth, giving all the love that is in our hearts, becoming warm and joyful. Thank you.
This action helps the earth to recycle negative energy, thereby signaling the end of the world.
It makes a person feel good and their energy potential gradually increases; You just have to give unselfishly.

Taming an animal. (The wilder the animal, the more time it takes)

We sit on the ground, cross-legged, and sway slightly. We turn to the living soul of nature, which unites all living beings (Gaya). We ask you to help us and allow..(depending on the purpose)

Then we call, pronouncing the true name of this creature mentally, until we feel a response. We reach out to this response with a ray of heart. Next, we look at whether this creature is ready to contact us: if yes, then it will be good, if not, then the heart will clench. If our hearts ache, then we stop, thank you and leave.

If it’s good, then we stroke it with a ray, we talk mentally good words and invite you to come, promising a treat. We say goodbye, thank you for your response and thank you to Gaia.

Somewhere in a few days this animal will appear nearby, contact it again and tell it where the treat will be. And then bond, caressing it with a ray, until one day it comes to caress itself alive (if the animal is crepuscular, then it will come at night).
(If you have ever harmed or killed a creature of the kind you want to tame, then there will be no result until the spirit of this kind of creature repents)

Vedic ritual of blessing the earth.

You need a bunch of thyme and a lock. A small fan of feathers, rainbow water and a plowed field.
Let your hair down, there should be no iron on your body.
Stands on the ground and reads an appeal to Lada (Lada is a deity in Slavic mythology, goddess of spring, spring plowing and sowing, patroness of marriage and love.)

“Oh, Mother Lada. You are the goddess of spring and the patroness of sowing. Take care of this watering, so that the seeds will germinate together, so that warm rain will water this field, so that the good sun will warm the borings. Bless Mother Lada, and so will I.”

Then we light the thyme and fan out the smoke around the perimeter of the area. (thyme - Lada herb - increases fertility)
Then we illuminate the seeds with rainbow water with the words:

“I bless you with warmth and growth, I conjure you with the power of Lada, to grow and bear fruit for the joy of people. So be it.”

After this, they sit down, then you should go around the perimeter with the lock unlocked, and when you finish going around, close the lock with the words:

“I lock you away from thieves, from pests, from sorcerers, I throw the keys into the well, just like you can’t find the key to a well, you can’t break my work.”

After this ritual you should eat.

Ways to communicate with spirits

On a small piece of paper, draw a circle with a diameter of 15–20 cm. Write the letters of the alphabet around the circle, inside the circle - numbers from 0 to 10 and the words “yes” and “no”. Thread a needle onto a thread 40 cm long and hang it over the center of the circle. When called, the needle will move towards letters and numbers, indicating the answers.

“Automatic writing” is a method of communication when a spirit writes with your hand, which contains a pencil or pen. Such communication is convenient because it allows you to write quickly large texts, drawings and drawings. Automatic writing is usually used by mediums who have extensive experience communicating with spirits. This happens in the following way - a person takes a pencil in his hand, puts his hand on the table, relaxes, and the hand begins to write the text itself.

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Even if you have not yet collected information about ten members of your family, including at least three deceased, with whom it would be convenient for you to work, you should not interrupt your reading and your studies. But in this case, you should try to find a teacher who would guide you in the process of learning to work with the spirits of the dead. If you fail to collect information about the required number of ancestral spirits, then you will not have enough friendly spirits to effectively assist you in your work. Do not ignore this warning, as you may be in real danger. If you are serious about this work, look for a teacher who can guide you.

By working with the spirit of the deceased, you are assisting in their spiritual evolution, as well as paving the way for your own. spiritual development. The spirit and you, as the necromancer, work for each other's mutual benefit. During training, when working with the spirits of the dead, this is your opportunity for growth, and when you work as a necromancer, it is a benefit for the spirit. You should keep this in mind when you begin your practices. Neither you nor the spirits are doing each other any favors. You are actually involved in mutually beneficial work, and as a business partners, you, working together, help each other in your own world.

It is necessary to establish warm and friendly relations with the spirits with whom you will work. This must be a business partnership or close colleague relationship. Like spirits, you must understand that your relationship is beneficial for both parties. Ideally, the benefits received by the parties are equal.

You don't have to create any forms sexual relations and connections with spirit. Usually this happens as if by itself, during colorful dreams, but this should be avoided. Sexual relations between a spirit and a living person are one of the many ways that negative or trickster spirits try to gain control over you. If you do not take this prohibition seriously, the spirit will manage to use you. It is absolutely necessary to avoid any form of sexual relations with any spirits of the deceased, regardless of the perceived relationship between you.

The idea that the necromancer and the spirit should form a friendly and positive relationship with each other is so important that some magical-religious schools that initiate initiations into the practice of Necromancy resort to a ritual in which the initiate is placed in the grave of the deceased (his remains), with in whose spirit he will then work. During such a “burial,” the initiate is provided with food and drink, which he shares with the spirit. He spends several days in the grave in order to get to know the spirit better and establish contact. The purpose of this burial is to build close and friendly relationships.

Despite the fact that this technique can be a good way to advance in the chosen direction of magic, it is easy to notice that in modern society it is quite difficult to implement. In societies that we classify as "primitive", this is especially true in rural areas South America and Africa, burial practices are still followed during initiation into the cult of the dead and into rituals that work with the dead. Creating warm, friendly relationships with the spirits of the deceased with whom you work is very important. You should become friends and colleagues with them, but not lovers.

We have discussed previously what spirits can do for a necromancer. Now we must discuss what goals the necromancer pursues in communicating with spirits. The necromancer trains spirits and gives them the opportunity to make decisions regarding their life in the kingdom of the dead. He controls and directs the spirit in all its actions among the world of the living, regulating its behavior. The necromancer is the one who feeds the spirit, because this is necessary to maintain his (the spirit’s) energy, and the one who gives him instructions. The necromancer must constantly, but unobtrusively and respectfully control the spirits with whom he works. He should never become dictatorial or overly picky. This is its function.

There is always a certain number of deceiving spirits who want to gain access to the body of a living person. In some cases, these spirits can actually take control physical bodies people who give them access and allow it. Spirits always desire to possess those who are interested in controlling them. Often these spirits take possession of passive people who worked with them carelessly.

The necromancer must constantly control the spirits to prevent a state of possession. If he loses control of the spirit he is working with, he can become either physically or mentally possessed by it. This is the main danger of the practices of Necromancy.

Ancestral spirits

You will begin your practice by working with the spirits of your ancestors. These spirits will generally treat you favorably, and most likely will not try to possess or gain control of you. To begin, set up a small altar for your ancestors, placing it in the corner of your living room, for example. This altar should not be hidden as you must attract your spirits to daily life as much as possible. Place photographs, souvenirs and other things on it that remind you of your ancestors. Each of your ancestors should have their own place on the altar. Surprisingly, most people believe that since their loved ones are dead, they do not want to know those with whom they spent their entire lives. Each photograph or memento should have its own strictly designated place on your altar. Therefore, it is better if you start working with the three spirits of your ancestors that were closest to you, placing only their items on the altar (since space on it is limited).

Now we will need the cups that I already mentioned and which you purchased. Place one of them in front of each place designated on the altar for a particular spirit. Each cup should be marked so that you know exactly which spirit it belongs to. This is done for you, since perfumes have their own own funds to distinguish objects belonging to them (astral perception). It is important that you yourself do not get confused with rearranging the cups, and do not quarrel with the spirits. The food left for each of the spirits will be placed in his own individual bowl.

If the ancestral spirits were nominally of the same religion, appropriate religious symbols may be added to the altar. If they were all Catholics, you can put, for example, a crucifix on the altar. For Protestants, a simple cross would be more appropriate. But if most of your family members were Catholics, and your Uncle Charlie, who was an anti-Papist and an atheist, was placed in the same temple (on the same altar) with your Aunt Mary, known as Maria Teresa, placing symbols of religion on the altar would not be a good idea. Because if you put a crucifix there, Uncle Charlie will insult him from the spiritual realms. If among your deceased relatives there are religious or anti-religious fanatics, then it is better to generally keep them separate.

Once you have set up your ancestral shrine, leave it for a week or so. Then you can start activating it. In the future, you will activate your ancestral temple daily by praying for your ancestors and lighting memorial candles.

To activate the altar for the first time, you must light a white memorial candle for your ancestors, making a sincere prayer to God to grant them peace and spiritual growth. Repeat this action daily for a week or so. After this week, invite the ancestral spirits to begin to take part in the daily life of your family. Invite them by name. You must approach each of them individually so that they become members of your family and can help you in your daily life.

This will be your first attempt to build proper positive interaction between yourself and the ancestral spirits. The first step in building such a relationship must be taken by you. After some time (usually a few weeks), the spirits, for their part, will begin to make efforts to build relationships. You must make it clear to the spirits that you are helping them and that your relationship will be beneficial to both parties, they must be convinced that you will continue this relationship. Most spirits are not interested in being involved in intimate relationships, since in this case they have to spend more energy than they receive from the person. Spirits always lose more energy by forming short-term contact with descendants or any other person than they receive back from them. Therefore, persistence in forming a stable relationship between you is vital.

The spirit of your ancestor represents a link in a chain of human beings that extends back in time into the dim past of human prehistory. It is unlikely that you will know anyone who is more than one or two generations away from you. immediate ancestors. Each person has his own chain, sequence, path of ancestors, which goes back to the time when human beings on this earth were only slightly more developed than animals. The ancestral chains go back to a time when humanity could not yet speak. All these ancestors, both known and unknown, form a chain human lives, in which you are its last link. If you have children, they will form the next link that will come after you. Regardless of this, you are an integral part of the entire family of humanity. This line of ancestors, stretching back into the dim past, is proof and symbol that you have a real connection with all of humanity. You must keep this long relationship in mind, realizing that each of your ancestors had relatives or friends who are unknown, perhaps to you, but may appear on your family altar.

If you quarreled with any of your ancestors while they were alive, and if bad feelings remain between you, it is very important to sincerely ask for their forgiveness. This must be done sincerely, honestly and immediately. If you find that you cannot forgive one of them, or conversely, that person cannot forgive you, you should not place his photo or mementos on your altar until the conflict between you is resolved.

Light a white candle daily on the altar in front of your ancestors. You should then ask God on their behalf (by naming those whose photos and memorabilia are on the altar) that they be given the opportunity to grow spiritually. After praying, talk a little with your ancestors. Tell us about your family's life, give information about your city, especially if it is the city in which they lived before. You should include them as much as possible in your life and the lives of your loved ones. You can read to them letters that you receive from your family members. If one of your family members is supposed to visit you, then tell your ancestors about it so that they know about the upcoming visit in advance. Introduce a visitor by showing a photo of him while saying something like, “This is a photo of my Uncle George.”

It is quite difficult to introduce visitors to your ancestors. After the visit, you should take time to speak with the spirits, explaining to them how your visitor fits into the family. It is especially necessary to do this if your ancestors, while they were alive, did not know it.

It is necessary to continue this procedure for at least six to eight weeks before moving on. You may find that one of your ancestors began talking to you before this period ended. Whether you hear spirits or not, you must nevertheless perform this ritual daily at all times. Six to eight weeks is the minimum amount of time you should spend on this task. You should be prepared to perform this ritual for several months if necessary.

Usually within a few weeks one of your ancestors will begin communicating with you. You should not expect any inspirational or intellectual conversation from him. IN best case scenario, you will hear only a few words. When the ancestor starts talking, respond to him and spend more time communicating with him.

After you have spoken with the ancestor spirit, pour a glass of cool water and offer it to the spirit. Explain to him that this water is for him and place it in front of him or in a cup on your family altar. This water is not a sacrifice, it is food and serves the spirit to restore strength.

It's unlikely that all of your ancestors will never get in touch, but one or two of them may never get back to you. If you were able to establish contact with one of the ancestors, and he regularly communicates with you, this is enough to continue the work.

If you suddenly have an active and inspired conversation with one of your ancestors, it is likely that you have attracted a trickster spirit to your shrine. This type of talk does not come from ancestors. Usually the deceiving spirits will try to convince you that he is the spirit of the ancestor. Even if one of your ancestors is a deceiver, he will still be a good guard at your altar. Trickster spirits may come to steal something for themselves from the altar. They must be expelled from your ancestral shrine as soon as you find out who you are dealing with.

Initially, conversations with ancestral spirits will likely be quite boring. Spirits tend to ask questions like, "What happened to Harry?" If you know which Harry they mean and what happened to that man, tell them, at least it's better than saying you don't know. Spirits may be unable to find other spirits in the realm of the dead. Some spirits do not know at all that they are dead, while others sit patiently and vainly around astral spaces waiting for religious promises such as resurrection to be fulfilled. Many spirits do not pay attention to the astral spaces until they themselves literally disappear due to a complete loss of vital energy.

It may also happen that you receive rather meaningless comments from ancestors whom you only know by hearsay. “How’s the weather down there?” - here is one of the typical ones. One day one of my ancestors asked me questions about one of their fraternal organizations in which he was active, as if I were a member. When I told him that I was not a member of this organization, three days passed before the spirit spoke to me again.

One woman set up a birth altar in her bedroom. Her grandfather's voice, very clearly the first time he spoke, told her to pray for her ancestors. He told her not to “run around naked” in front of him. He never spoke to her again. She later developed a very warm and complementary relationship with the spirit of her maternal grandmother. Now this spirit is very actively working, obtaining information for this woman.

Whenever the spirit of an ancestor speaks to you, you must answer it, talk to it. At a minimum, devote a few moments to this, taking “person to person” communication as a basis. After communication, be sure to offer the spirit a glass of cool water. First use this sentence as a closing phase of communication. Later you can water in the middle of communication. Simply place a glass of water in front of the spirit cup. In this case, say that this water is for him or her and that he or she can drink. This approach is one of the most important points to attract the spirit to the conversation. A glass of water is a pleasing offering to the spirit and serves as a simple reward for talking to you.

You can also ask the spirit what you could do for him. If you contact him with this question, be prepared to receive some strange requests. If a spirit asks you to do something, you must act honestly and answer whether it is within your power. For the most part, the requests of spirits are almost impossible to fulfill. Most of them are interested in obtaining information about some events that are unclear to you, which were important for the spirit at the end of its life. The simplest requests concern elections to public office. The most difficult of them are those that related to events in their personal lives, known only to them. Later these questions will become the most common. You must be careful when making promises to spirits. Avoid making promises whenever possible.

Always remember that there is no difference between when they were alive and now when they are dead. Spirits have the same prejudices and beliefs that they had during life. Discovering that they can talk to living people and be understood by them is usually a shock to them, just as it was to you when you first heard the spirit. If your ancestors, during their lifetime, already had some experience of communicating with the spirits of the dead, for example, through a medium, then it is unlikely that they thought that this was possible for them too.

The spirits of those who were religious fanatics during their lifetime are especially offended that after death they did not receive what they expected. They usually report feeling shock and disbelief. I find most of these spirits too disturbing to come to the altar to speak with the descendants, and they leave as quickly as possible. Once you realize that your spirits are of this type, it is best if you remove their photographs and memorabilia from the altar. These perfumes feel better in spiritual world without contact with people until they are willing to look at life without the veil of their religious prejudices.

My grandfather was a religious fanatic. He was a devout member of one of the small southern Protestant sects to which he belonged. When he first appeared at my family sanctuary, he tried to convince me that his religious beliefs were still true. I explained to him that the beliefs he held during his life had nothing to do with his experiences after his death. I suggested that he better look around the world of spirits and make sure of this.

My grandfather's spirit left me in anger. I removed his image from my altar and set it aside. A few months later he returned and asked me for help, and also that I return his image to the altar. I did so, after which we developed a friendship. I didn't know him very well when he was alive, he died when I was a child, but now he works for me.

Spirits are rarely able to find out anything about what happened after they died. Almost all of their knowledge and beliefs freeze at the moment of death and remain unchanged after it. It is possible to train some spirits, but it is a long and painstaking job. Only when the spirit is ready to make an effort to change itself is it worth trying. Sometimes it can happen like in the case of my grandfather, but this is a rare occurrence. If the opportunity arises, you must convince the spirit if he so desires, but you must stop trying if the spirit does not make an effort. You will already have enough problems raising your working spirits.

Sometimes peculiar smells and sounds are associated with perfumes. IN Ancient Greece noted that the voices of spirits are like chirping bats. This probably refers to the physical noises they make. Spirits that make physical noises can rarely communicate mentally with the necromancer. They must be released as soon as they appear. These perfumes are rarely used.

In the Middle Ages, it was noted that the appearance of perfume was accompanied by the “sulphurous smell of hell.” I noticed that there is more of a sandalwood scent, sometimes spices and floral aromas. I have never noticed any smell of sulfur or rotten eggs, that is, the smell of hydrogen sulfide. A friend of mine who has worked with perfumes for many years noted that their appearance brings with it the smell of roses. The appearance of odors is usually the exception rather than the rule.

You must always remember that spirits, including the spirits of ancestors, cannot give you miraculous insight. No matter how good your ancestors were while they were alive, it is unlikely that they will be able to find information after they have died. For the most part, they will still have the same relationship with you that you had when they were alive. It is unlikely that their level will change. I emphasize this so that you will not be disappointed when making contact and when further working with them.

The real task of your ancestral spirits is not to become performing spirits for you (to serve you), but to attract other performing spirits and subjugate them to you.

You will develop relationships with ancestral spirits, but as soon as the spirit begins to give you wonderful psychological advice, you should immediately suspect that you have acquired a deceiving spirit. It is more likely that you encountered a deceiver spirit than that a very powerful ancestor spirit responded. If you have an ancestor spirit that has quite great strength, he will know what to do to develop your spiritual abilities as a necromancer and will help you with this. Under no circumstances will he interfere with this. The stronger the spirit, the more patiently it will watch and wait as you develop your abilities in order to move on.

Time in the spirit world is only a dimension analogous to length, width and height, available to those who live and breathe on earth. Time is a fundamental aspect of the physical universe, as it is the dimension along which we move. The spirit in its world can see your development just as we can see an approaching car on the highway. So it's nothing for strong spirit, who waits patiently for you to develop, just like you wait for a friend to get into your car.

A strong spirit will see your development better than you can feel it yourself. You should not be afraid that you will lose a spirit with whom you want to work and who wants to work because he is too impatient. A living human being is always more impatient than any spirit.

The deceiving spirit wants to get everything from you right here and now! He does not want to wait for your development, because the further you go in your improvement, the faster you can recognize and expose him. The deceiver wants to get something from you immediately. Thus, the first signs of a deceiving spirit are greed and impatience.

Another sign of a deceiving spirit is that it will promise more than it can deliver. I will teach you how to deal with this problem in a few chapters. Meanwhile, you yourself should not be impatient. Continue to work with your ancestral spirits daily for at least three to six months before results appear.

Even if you feel that there are other spirits around you, you should only communicate with the spirits of your ancestors at this moment. Talk to them daily. Give them water when they come into contact with you. Involve spirits in the daily life of your home. Build and develop relationships with them. These relationships are important for your future work to be successful. The first three months, during which you work with the spirits of your ancestors, you are actually developing yourself. Concentrate on this work.

Ultimately, these ancestral spirits will attract others to you, which you will then use when starting to work in Necromancy. These spirits will watch you for a certain time, watch your work and evaluate your progress in the art of Necromancy. Your work with the ancestral spirits is a sincere devotion to them, and this will attract other spirits to your altar.

If you have been communicating with spirits for several months, you can expand the scope of your relationship. If you have been communicating with one particular spirit during this time, give it a piece of bread or some vegetables cooked without salt. You should also give a glass of water to the ancestral spirits every time you contact them. You can simply ask them what they would like to eat or drink. You can then make a list of each spirit's likes and dislikes. You'll need this list over time, so make it as you communicate.

Be careful if a spirit asks you for alcohol. First, find out from other sources whether the ancestor drank alcohol while he was alive. If the spirit has never drank alcohol in its lifetime, avoid giving it, even if it asks. If the spirit has had problems with drinking in life, avoid it, as you would anyone else asking for alcohol, and consider removing its attributes from your altar. Sometimes you can give spirits white wine or beer, but not hard liquor. Rum, whiskey or others alcoholic drinks too strong for most people.

If your ancestors drank too much during their lifetime or were alcoholics, you need to strictly limit the amount of alcohol you give them or remove them from your altar altogether. If you feel your urge to drink growing too, remove the overused spirits from the altar, along with their photographs and memorabilia. You should be careful as perfume can influence your desire to drink. Alcoholic drinks can lead a person to alcoholism. If you are confident that you can work with an alcoholic or drunken spirit, simply ask yourself how much benefit can be gained from communicating and working with a living drunkard. You will not be able to get even half the benefit from such work.

This is even more true for spirits who used drugs during their lifetime, despite the fact that you may think that the problem of drug addiction is a modern one. Opium and its derivatives have been used in the United States since the 1800s. Marijuana has been used in the United States since colonial times. The spirit of an addict is even less useful than the spirit of an alcoholic. You must expel such a spirit as soon as you realize that the spirit is addicted to drugs.

If the spirits of your ancestors smoked during their lifetime, you can put tobacco in their cup. Cigarettes, cigars, and pipe tobacco, depending on the choice of spirit, are equally good for them. If possible, provide them with the brands of tobacco they preferred when they were alive. Tobacco and candy are gifts for special occasions: Christmas, Easter, Spiritual Day and others religious holidays were always celebrated by giving gifts in the form of sweets and tobacco.

Sometimes the spirit will ask for something that cannot be given. Never offer meat to spirits. Vegetables, potatoes, rice, fruits are quite good for the spirit. He can draw energy from these foods. Also, you should never give a spirit anything cooked with salt, and you should never sprinkle it on any food you offer to a spirit. Spirits cannot draw energy from salty foods. It is better not to give any food at all than food with salt, since the spirit loses energy when trying to gain strength from such food.

As can be seen from the above, feeding spirits is a way to strengthen their powers. The stronger the spirits become, the more often they will communicate with you and feel better and more confident. They will ask you questions and ask you to do more and more for them. You must always be honest with spirits. Answer their questions truthfully. If you don't know the answer, please let us know. Based on your emotions in your answers, spirits will always determine whether you are telling the truth or not.

Spirits can independently find answers to many of the questions they ask you. But most of them still know that the answers can be found in the spirit kingdom. When you are asked a question that does not have an answer, explain that the spirit itself can ask other spirits for help in finding a solution. Tell them honestly that you don't know the answer to the question they are asking. But at the same time, explain that they can independently find the spirits who know the answer.

Most spirit questions are related to concerns about one's family. For the most part, they seem to be concerned about things that happened before you were born. In almost all cases, the spirits seem to think that these obscure family matters are quite interesting, and they should be as important to you as they are to them. As I said earlier, working with spirits can be quite boring.

Work with your spirits according to the directions described in this chapter for six months before moving on. Read the next chapter after you have set up your ancestral altar and read your prayers daily. Continue further only after you have communicated with at least one of your ancestors for three months.