Marmalade from currants and gelatin. Homemade marmalade from currants with photo recipes Marmalade from red currant juice with gelatin

If suddenly your mood has been ruined or you feel unwell, for some reason sad or sad, then the best panacea for you is blackcurrant marmalade . Believe me, if life is not sugar, then this mistake must be corrected. How? Naturally with the help. As soon as I realized that the toothache was beginning to subside, I immediately decided to prepare myself a sweet “pill.” Extraordinarily tasty marmalade can be made not only from black currants, but also from any other berry. Try it and your mood will improve, I promise!

For cooking blackcurrant marmalade you will need:

1 kg. berries,
-1 kg. Sahara.

1. Wash and sort the berries.

2. Sprinkle the berries with sugar and let them brew. It is best to leave the berries overnight, they should release juice. If there is not enough juice, add a little water.

3. Beat the berries in the syrup using a blender and place on low heat. If necessary, remove the foam. Cook for at least 40 minutes. To check the readiness of the marmalade, drop it into a glass of cold water. If the drop thickens, then it’s time to remove the marmalade from the heat. If the berry syrup does not thicken, then add 1 tablespoon of gelatin soaked and dissolved in a water bath.

4. The cooled marmalade must be placed on a mold greased with a small amount of vegetable oil.

5. Place in the refrigerator until hardened. Cut the marmalade into arbitrary pieces and roll in sugar. ready!

Bon appetit!

It is difficult to call currants a delicacy berry because they grow everywhere, and you will rarely find a summer cottage where there are no bushes of this amazingly healthy berry. Therefore, blackcurrant preparations are very popular, especially among our Russian housewives.

This year at our dacha, the harvest of black currant berries was better than ever, all the bushes were simply strewn with large beaded berries, we had to distribute the currants among the neighbors, and, of course, look for interesting preparations. -)

In addition to traditional jam, I decided to make marmalade and, looking ahead, I will say that it turned out tasty and sweet, but it took a very long time to dry out, probably three days.

Recipe for blackcurrant marmalade for tea.

  • Ripe berry – 1 kg
  • Sugar – 600 g
  • A few tablespoons of water

Mash the currants a little, add sugar, add water and cook over low heat. The mixture needs to be stirred and removed from the stove when it begins to move away from the walls and bottom of the pan.

Moisten a baking sheet with water, transfer the hot mass onto it, level it, and dry it in the oven at the lowest temperature or in the room.

When the mass becomes dense enough, cut it into pieces and sprinkle with granulated sugar. By the way, many people sprinkle it with powder, but we liked the marmalade with sugar.

Preparations from black currant are not limited to just jams and marmalades; you can make syrup from it for the winter.

Pour berries and sugar into large jars in layers, tie with gauze and leave for 2 weeks, during which the currants will release juice.

Next, pour the contents of the jars into a basin, boil a little and remove from the heat. Remove the berries with a slotted spoon, return the remaining syrup to the stove and boil for 5 - 7 minutes. Pour into bottles or small jars and roll up.

Advice: when packing, there should be no air left in the container, so you need to pour the syrup so that it overflows a little over the edge.

The third recipe will allow you to bake delicious pies with the aroma of summer in winter and cook jelly and compotes.

An option for harvesting blackcurrants in their own juice.

Fill clean, necessarily sterilized 0.7 liter jars with berries up to the shoulders. Pour boiling water over, put on sterilization and after 15 minutes roll up the lids. Turn the jars over to cool. In winter, berries are used as fillings, and syrup is used as the base of drinks.

By the way, yesterday I looked at our local market and was surprised to see strawberries, they are already gone, so I can offer the following preparations from this berry:

All your recipes will be on this page.

Blackcurrant contains a large amount of its own pectin, which allows you to make sweet jelly-like desserts from it without additional additives to keep its shape. Such delicacies include marmalade. However, it needs to be dried using an oven or electric dryer for vegetables and fruits. There are also express methods for preparing currant marmalade based on agar-agar and gelatin. We will talk about all these methods in more detail in this article.

Collected blackcurrants can be stored in the refrigerator for up to 3 days, but still, to preserve the maximum amount of vitamins and nutrients, it is better to start cooking as quickly as possible.

To make homemade marmalade, it is better to use slightly brown berries - they contain much more of their own pectin, which means the marmalade will hold its shape better. But even if your fruits are fully ripe, don’t despair, the marmalade will still turn out great. Moreover, if gelatin or agagr-agar is used as a gelling agent.

Before cooking, remove debris and twigs from the berries, rinse them in plenty of cool water, and dry them to remove excess moisture on paper towels or a sieve.

The best currant marmalade recipes

Blackcurrant marmalade in the oven

  • currant berries – 1 kilogram;
  • water – 50 milliliters;
  • sugar – 600 grams.

Pour water over the berries and blanch over low heat for 2 minutes. After that, put them on a sieve and grind them using a wooden spoon. Mix the homogeneous currant puree with sugar and put it back on the fire. Boil the mixture until thickened, stirring continuously with a spatula.

Checking the readiness of the berry mass: drop a small amount of liquid onto a cold, dry saucer; if the drop does not spread, then turn off the heat.

Place the berry mass on a baking sheet covered with parchment in a layer of 1.5 centimeters. We will dry the marmalade on the top shelf of the oven, with minimal heating power and the door slightly open. Good air circulation will significantly speed up the drying process.

We determine the readiness of the marmalade by the dried out top crust. Remove the dried layer from the paper and cut into portions.

The Pokashevarim channel will be happy to share with you a recipe for homemade black and red currant marmalade

Recipe for currant marmalade with gelatin

  • fresh or frozen black currants – 400 grams;
  • water – 200 milliliters;
  • granulated sugar – 300 grams;
  • gelatin – 30 grams.

Soak gelatin in 100 milliliters of water. Add the rest of the liquid to the clean and sorted berries.

Place the bowl over medium heat and blanch the currants for a few minutes. After this procedure, the berries will soften and the skin on them will burst. In this form, puree the currants using an immersion blender and pass through a metal sieve.

Return the saucepan with the homogeneous currant mass to the heat and add granulated sugar. Constantly stirring the mass with a wooden spatula, wait until the sugar is completely dissolved.

At this point, the gelatin has already swollen well and can be added to the hot mass. Attention: the liquid should not boil! Therefore, after we have combined gelatin with berry puree, turn off the heat and stir the mass until smooth.

At this stage, the finished marmalade is still liquid, so in order to give it the required shape, the mass is poured into suitable molds. This could be silicone ice cube trays or a large flat plate.

Blackcurrant juice marmalade on agar-agar

  • black currant – 400 grams;
  • water – 80 milliliters;
  • sugar – 150 grams;
  • agar-agar – 1 tablespoon.

First, prepare agar-agar. To make it swell, fill it with water and let it brew for 15 minutes.

In the meantime, let's take care of the currants. We pass clean berries through a juicer or punch them with a blender and filter through cheesecloth. If you really don’t want to bother with processing the berries, then take ready-made currant juice. Last year's supplies are perfect for this.

Pour the juice into a saucepan and mix with sugar. Cook the syrup for 5 - 7 minutes. During this time, the crystals will completely dissolve. Add the gelling agent and cook the marmalade for another 5 minutes.

Pour the finished berry mass into molds and let it harden at room temperature for 2 – 3 hours. There is no strength to wait: put the containers in the refrigerator, and in half an hour the dessert is ready!

Cooking tricks

  • To ensure that the finished marmalade easily “pops” out of the molds, large containers can be covered with cellophane or cling film, and small containers can be greased with a thin layer of vegetable oil.
  • When drying the marmalade in the oven, also grease the paper on which the layer will be located.
  • Additions in the form of cinnamon, vanilla sugar or star anise will help change and complement the taste of marmalade.
  • The finished marmalade, at your discretion, can be sprinkled with granulated sugar or powder.

Currant marmalade. A delicate, soft, tasty dessert that can become your favorite sweet dish. We bring to your attention a refreshing vegetarian and vegan sweet from

Recipe Currant marmalade


Black currant Salt 100 g (frozen can be used)
Sugar 50 gr
Drinking water 100 ml
Agar agar (vegetable gelatin) 1 g (1/2 teaspoon)
Vanillin 1.5 g

Step 1 Preparing the currants

Rinse the blackcurrants well. Mix the currants with half the water and grind in a blender

Step 2 Prepare agar agar

Dissolve the agar agar in the remaining half of the cold water and let the agar agar sit for 10 minutes. Place Agar Agar on the fire, bring to a boil and simmer over low heat for 5 minutes.

ATTENTION!!! Agar Agar can burn, so it is necessary to constantly stir and simmer over low heat.

Step 3 Prepare currant marmalade

Place the chopped currants on the fire, bring to a boil and cook for 5-7 minutes. Add sugar, vanillin and agar agar

Cooking MArmelade
Step 4 Finish cooking

Remove marmalade from heat. Pass through a sieve to remove blackcurrant skins and seeds. Pour into molds and refrigerate for 2-3 hours

After 2-3 hours, remove the marmalade, transfer to a serving bowl, and garnish with a sprig of fresh mint and black currants. If desired, you can sprinkle with powdered sugar.

The favorite among berries for the presence of nutrients and vitamins, black currant is recognized as one of the healthiest berries in the world. Supporters of traditional medicine called it “the well of health.” And for good reason. Its fruits rank second after rose hips in vitamin C content. They are also rich in magnesium, phosphorus, potassium, calcium, iron and pectin, a natural thickener.

Currants are widely used in cooking. Aromatic sweet jams, preserves, juices, compotes, jellies and marmalade are prepared from it. Beautiful, spicy blackcurrant marmalade with pectin is a favorite dessert among adults and children. There is enough natural thickener in the berries, so the delicacy turns out dense.

If you have a rich harvest of red or black currants this year, it’s time to think about homemade preparations. In order to indulge in sugary sweetness in winter, currants are often frozen. And as soon as the snowy season comes into its own, the berries are thawed and jam or rich, sweet candies are prepared.

Homemade products are always distinguished by their naturalness, freshness and high quality, unlike store-bought ones. Today you can find many simple recipes with photos on how to make currant marmalade at home.

Advice: dessert is prepared in different ways: without additives, with pectin, with gelatin, with agar-agar. Using the last three ingredients, you will get a stronger and more durable treat. These natural thickeners will not harm your health, and will give the marmalade an elastic, beautiful shape.

Currant marmalade recipe


Servings: – +

  • black currant1 kg
  • granulated sugar 2 tbsp.
  • water ½ l

Per serving

Calories: 59 kcal

Proteins: 1.0 g

Fats: 0.4 g

Carbohydrates: 11.3 g

1 hour 20 min. Video recipe Print

    The first thing you need to do is wash the berries, clear them of stems, dry leaves, twigs and other debris. It is more convenient to do this in a colander.

    Let the water drain.

    Place the currants in a saucepan, add water, and put on the stove to cook.

    After the contents boil, turn the heat down and leave to simmer for 15 minutes.

    Once the berries are boiled, turn off the heat. Beat the mixture in a saucepan thoroughly with a blender or mash with a masher.

    Add sugar to the currant puree and place on the stove. Boil the sweet mass until thick. Turn off the fire. Set aside to cool for 20 minutes.

    Pour into molds. Leave at room temperature until completely cooled. Then transfer to the refrigerator for 1 hour. Serve by first rolling the candies in powdered sugar or coconut flakes.

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Recipe for currant marmalade with agar-agar

Agar-agar is a natural thickener obtained from red algae growing in the Black Sea. In cooking, it is used instead of gelatin, which makes desserts such as jams, preserves, marmalade and candies denser in consistency.

Number of servings: 5

Cooking time: 3 hours

Energy value

  • calorie content - 48.3 kcal;
  • proteins - 1.0 g;
  • fats - 0.4 g;
  • carbohydrates - 8.4 g.


  • sugar - 120 g;
  • black currant - 0.5 kg;
  • agar-agar - 5 g;
  • water - 70 ml.

Step-by-step preparation

  1. Sort out the currants. Discard rotten or green berries. Clear the fruits of branches, tails, and leaves.
  2. Grind using a blender. You can use a masher or a fine sieve.
  3. Pour the red puree into a saucepan, add sugar. Put on fire. After boiling, stir thoroughly and simmer for 15 minutes.
  4. While the currant mass is boiling, dilute agar-agar in 70 ml of warm water. Leave the mixture to swell.
  5. After simmering, add the swollen thickener to the puree. Stirring, cook for another 10 minutes.
  6. Turn off the fire. Let the mixture cool for 20 minutes.
  7. Pour into molds. Leave in the kitchen until completely cool. There is no need to place dessert in the refrigerator. Thanks to agar-agar, the delicacy will harden even without cold.

Currant marmalade is a delicious sweet and sour dessert that goes harmoniously with a cup of aromatic herbal tea, milk soups, and porridges. This is a nourishing, sweet, and most importantly, very healthy delicacy. It can also be used to decorate cakes, pastries and cupcakes. Juicy berry marmalades will add spice and originality to any dish.

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