Magical tattoos. The meaning of a witch tattoo. Tattoo of a witch on a broom with a cat

This is a fairly popular image, carrying a centuries-old history, filled with legends, myths and secrets.

History of the symbol

Like everything otherworldly and unknown, the image of witches has always attracted and attracted. People with connections to the other world were feared and downright afraid. It was believed that a woman becomes a witch when she makes a pact with the devil. They were also credited with the ability to control the weather, send curses and diseases, and generally ruin the lives of ordinary citizens. Starting from the end of the 15th century and until the mid-17th, there was a massive persecution of witches - they were executed, burned and subjected to all sorts of punishments. Moreover, no one was interested in strong arguments and evidence of the involvement of this or that girl in the witch community. It was enough for someone to simply tell about their suspicion or for a girl to be born too beautiful - she was literally immediately considered a dangerous servant of the devil for society.

Subsequently, the superstition of peoples subsided and in times close to modern times, images of witches increasingly appeared in literature, cinematography and even cartoons. Only the external incarnation has been somewhat transformed - from a beautiful, mysterious maiden, capable of conquering and subjugating the heart of any man with one look, a standard, one might say average, witch has turned into a terrible, evil old woman. In Russian folklore, a direct analogue is Baba Yaga. A hunched, dry figure, hands furrowed with wrinkles and small “buckwheat”, a hooked nose (and if there are warts, then in general you can safely give an Oscar for such an image). An excellent performance is presented in Soviet fairy tales, when the aforementioned “beauty” cast magic in the house over a cauldron of potions, ran through the forest and made friends with evil spirits. Another interesting character in a similar style is the Evil Queen, from the well-known Snow White. She could be an alluring beautiful young woman, and transform into that same old woman with a hooked nose.

Like the dualistic image of the witch itself, the meaning of the tattoo is similarly dual. The main meaning is the forces of evil, magic, kinship with the other world. The image of the evil old woman, even in the Japanese style, found its analogue - the spirit of Yuki-onno. This is an ugly-looking old woman who deprives travelers of vital energy and strength by drinking blood or freezing them.

And at the same time, let’s not forget at least about the etymology - “witch” from the word “to know”, i.e. "to know, to have knowledge." It is also an associative meaning of wisdom. As a rule, such a positive meaning is depicted in the form of a young beautiful girl. But if the main style is erotic, for example, a naked maiden, then the witch tattoo changes its meaning to frivolity. Which speaks of a certain frivolity inherent in its owner.

If a tattoo with a witch is applied within the prison walls, then, as a rule, it is depicted on a fire, and the number of burning logs corresponds to the prisoner’s term. This tattoo signifies the desire to take revenge on the once beloved lady of the heart and is applied to the thigh.

Unisex tattoo

Both girls and men prefer to get such a tattoo. The sacred meaning is individual for everyone, just like the image itself. Some choose a tattoo of a witch on a broom, using her main means of transportation in the design, someone gets a lady in an extravagant witch’s hat, and someone wants to take into account all the folklore paraphernalia and chooses the option of a tattoo of a witch on a broom with a cat. Of course, black. Or it depicts a witch flying against the backdrop of the full moon, but this is rather for romantics.

Where does it look better?

Since the image is usually plot-based, you should also choose places on the body that can fit the entire picture. These are shoulders, forearms, legs, hips. But if you choose the contour option, then a small image can even be applied to the wrist or collarbone.

The good thing about a witch tattoo is that there are variations in execution - you can choose a b/w or color version. In terms of styles, there is also room to roam - from conservative, traditional graphics to comic images in the new school style.

Magical tattoos are tattoos that can have an impact on the life of their owner. They are quite varied. Before you get such a tattoo, you need to carefully study their true meaning. These are not things to joke about.

Sorcerer with long claws

Features of magical tattoos

Most of the modern tattoos that have magical properties originated in ancient times. The ancient Aztecs and Celts applied such images to their bodies. This category also includes images of zodiac signs, Buddhist symbols, and Slavic symbols. Such images are applied for the purpose of protection and help from higher powers. This is a kind of mark and amulet. Magic tattoos, photos of which you will find in any tattoo parlor, are very popular among representatives of informal associations.

Did you know? The most “tattooed” person lives in Scotland. Almost the entire surface of his body is tattooed in the form of a leopard skin. The only free space left is inside the ears and between the fingers.

Can magical tattoos, the meaning of which is often discussed on esoteric forums, really greatly influence a person’s life? Such cases do occur in real life. Therefore, you cannot put an unknown inscription or hieroglyph on your body. First you need to know their real meaning. Each image has its own energy, so you need to be very careful when choosing them. However, most experts are inclined to believe that any tattoo can affect the life of its owner only if he himself believes in its magical properties.

For a very long time I doubted whether to put a rune tattoo on my body. But then I consulted with a local shaman, and he selected a suitable drawing for me. My life has changed for the better.

Svetlana, Lyubertsy

In the modern world, magical tattoos are extremely popular. However, psychics do not advise getting too carried away with applying such drawings to your body.

Bird, eye mountain in a magic tattoo

Types of magical tattoos

The most popular magical tattoos are:

  • mandala
  • pentagram

Infinity sign

The infinity sign is both simple and ingenious. On the one hand, it is a mathematical symbol, and on the other, a symbol with deep magical meaning. This sign means innumerability and eternity of existence. Strangely enough, these images are endowed with magical properties by people working in the field of science. At the same time, the infinity sign has far from mathematical roots.

Magic sign of infinity

This symbol was first used in Tibetan prints. It symbolized a snake that bites its own tail. According to legend, the snake tried to eat itself. But due to the fact that he was growing up, he was unable to do this. This process went on forever. Over time, it was used as a symbol of the natural connection of beginning and end.

As a rule, young boys and girls apply the infinity sign to themselves. Sometimes it is used by lovers to emphasize that their love is endless. The best place to get such a tattoo is the wrist. This is where it looks most harmonious.

I've been eyeing an infinity tattoo for a long time. I did it a month ago. I was very pleased.

Olga, Krasnoyarsk.


Runes represent the magical alphabet of Northern and Central Europe. They contain a special symbolic meaning, which is why scientists have been studying them for several centuries in a row. Each rune consists of three elements: sign (form), sound (song) and rune (mysterious law). The components of each symbol cannot exist on their own. They complement each other. By the way, magical tattoos, sketches of which can be made by magicians and sorcerers, are often applied to the wrist, shoulders or back.

Variant of the image of magic runes on the back

Another variation of the image of runes on the leg

Today, runes have exclusively magical functions:

  • divination
  • witchcraft
  • creation of amulets and talismans

For this purpose, tattoos in the form of runes are applied.

Tattoos in the form of runes are a very powerful talisman and amulet.


A mandala is a diagram composed of iconographic images and highly complex patterns. It originated in Buddhist mythology. Buddhists considered it a sacred symbol, since all the Buddhist saints were depicted on it.

Magic mandala made on the leg

The mandala on the calf is of a different shape, but the magical meaning of this tattoo does not change

Advice. Before applying any magical tattoo, consult with a person who is directly related to magic.

The most popular place to get a pentagram tattoo is the wrist.


Pentagram made on the back of a girl

The pentagram is one of the most mysterious symbols that arose in Mesopotamia 4000 years ago. It represents an image in the form of a five-pointed star. There is an opinion that this is a kind of movement pattern for Venus. The pentagram can bring its owner both positive and negative changes in life. This will depend on how you position the top of the five-pointed star. Today, the pentagram symbolizes leadership, prosperity, superiority, youth, health, and spirituality of nature.

Video: master gets a mandala tattoo

Sketches of magical tattoos

Tattoos and their meaning: 4 main types with explanations + 3 life stories + opinion of psychologists.

Have you looked through three hundred sketches, fifteen Instagram profiles and a couple of dozen videos to choose the right tattoo for yourself? And rightly so, because tattoos and their meanings can significantly affect your life.

No, we are not talking about the fact that your employer may refuse you because of your half-back domes if you came to get a job as a children's swimming coach. We are talking about the magical meaning of patterns on the skin.

Tattoos: the meaning of 4 main types of esoteric designs on the body

You can delve into it endlessly, but why if experts combine them into 4 groups for convenience?

1. “I figured out the infinity sign: the meaning of the tattoo.

“Infinity” is one of the most popular tattoos among those who want to attach sacred meaning to signs on the body.

Magicians claim that the meaning of this tattoo is as follows:

  • First of all, it helps its owner to feel people and processes more deeply and subtly, to delve into their essence.
    It will be difficult to fool you, as you will literally begin to “read” your interlocutors;
  • This tattoo is also suitable for those people who have a complex relationship with time: they either grab onto everything and never get anything done, or, on the contrary, they are obsessed with planning and deadlines.
    It is the “infinity sign” tattoo that will help in this case to find harmony with time.

2. Pentagrams: the meaning of the tattoo.

The pentogram (outlined five-pointed star) is one of the richest tattoos in terms of magical meaning:

  • protects the owner from the influence of evil forces, no matter in what guise they are - your neighbor Aunt Valya or a spirit from the cemetery. Now you don’t have to be afraid of damage, the evil eye and other negative magical influences;
  • such a tattoo will also activate your luck. It is about people with her that they say: “What a lucky guy!”;
  • helps maintain health for many years. Therefore, very often magicians recommend this tattoo to be applied to people over 40 years old.;
  • The pentogram will also help you master the art of attentive listening. That is, very soon you will acquire a reputation as a wonderful conversationalist.

3. Mandalas: the meaning of a tattoo.

Mandalas are circular figures into which many geometric objects are inscribed. They have long symbolized harmony, integrity of man, his unity with the Universe.

Tattoos in the form of mandalas will help bring lightness and uniform development to your destiny in all areas.

Let’s say if you are a typical representative of the “office plankton,” then such a drawing may push you to find a creative hobby. Don't be surprised if you suddenly develop a passion for painting or acting.

4. Runes: the meaning of the 6 main runes.

Those who decide to get ancient Scandinavian letters need to know the meanings of such tattoos, because sometimes they are completely different:

So all the “iron ladies” who dream of a prince on a white horse will only benefit from such a tattoo. It will teach you to leave your commanding habits at work.

The meaning of this tattoo foretells renewal for the owner in all areas of life - from career to personal relationships.
Therefore, such a tattoo is suitable for those who realized that they are living in a real “Groundhog Day” - no novelty, no pleasure. Drawing will help you discover new facets in life.

Such a tattoo is a real find for men, as it gives its owner courage, the ability to withstand the blows of fate, and reduces the machinations of opponents.

In a word, what is needed in today’s cruel world: you will deal with your business rival, and you will take away a worthy young lady from other men.

The meaning of this pattern is positive for harsh, hot-tempered people, because the rune gives its owner not only good health, but also composure, the ability to control oneself, and build long-term, stable relationships.

Beautiful rune, beautiful tattoo meaning:

  • justice will always be on your side;
  • reasonable desires with the help of such a sign will be easily fulfilled.
  • your home will always be nourishing and cozy.

  • Such an elegant tattoo will help both a woman and a man to reveal themselves 100%: at work, in love relationships, and in creativity you will shine.
  • In addition, this tattoo will provide you with the support of other people, even in situations in which you did not count on it.

Esotericists remind us that there are many more runes, but the 6 given are ideal for applying to the body in the form of a tattoo.

Fatal tattoos: meanings that you definitely won’t like, or 3 stories about how drawings on the skin influenced your life

Every more or less experienced tattoo artist will tell you not only about tattoos and their meanings, but also a couple of chilling stories of how an inappropriate design ruined a person’s life.
  1. “Once a girl came to me in tears: she asked me to remove a hieroglyph from her buttock or change it to something else.

    She got this tattoo a year ago, since then she has given birth to a stillborn, premature baby, her husband left her, and she was kicked out of work.

    After a series of these troubles, the idea finally occurred to her to ask knowledgeable people what it was that she had tattooed on her butt.

    It turned out that the meaning of the tattoo in Japanese is “demon.” Question: where was she looking before? Don’t repeat her mistakes, don’t get a tattoo if it has a negative meaning!”

    - asks tattoo artist Vladimir from Kyiv.
  2. He is fully supported by his colleague Kirill from Krasnodar: “And I had to cover up a tattoo. Guess who got this: a paratrooper!

    The one who risks his life almost every day! He said that after getting this tattoo he had no luck and he seriously feared for his career. And if I were him, I would fear not only for her.”

  3. “It would seem that a harmless butterfly tattoo should decorate the shoulder of a cute 16-year-old young lady. But I myself witnessed how a girl, after getting a tattoo, “went from one man to another…

    This is very scary and sad. Moreover, not a single guy treated her with respect. Before getting this tattoo, the girl couldn’t not only get married, but even just have a serious relationship

    For those who are “not in the know: many interpret the butterfly as a sign of a prostitute who makes a living with her body”

    “- shares tattoo artist Alexander from St. Petersburg.

What power lies in magical tattoos?

Watch the video:

Tattoos and their meanings: the opinion of psychologists...

Professional psychologists explain the magical effect of tattoos on people in their own way: they say that by inflicting something evil, a person positions himself that way, and since a tattoo is forever, this condition only gets worse over time.

For example, seeing the face of a wolf on his forearm every morning, a guy will be aggressive before leaving the house, people will respond in kind, and then this pattern of behavior will only become entrenched.

Also, the butterfly tattoo provoked the girl from story No. 3 to behave frivolously.

The same applies to the positive meaning of a tattoo: if a person is sure that some sign helps him in life, then why not?

Whatever it is, without thoroughly studying tattoos and their meanings, do not rush to run to a tattoo parlor. You don’t want to get a sign that carries negativity instead of a beautiful symbol, do you?

In addition, you should not completely rely on the all-knowing Google; consult an experienced specialist.

Quite often online I come across forum discussions about tattoos. It is possible or impossible to get this or that tattoo, what consequences can result from applying runes or some other symbols of magic to the body, how the application of this or that design will affect a person’s life, etc. The topic is quite common, the questions and arguments of the parties are quite typical, repeated from time to time. Actually, after another such online conversation, I had a desire to speak on this matter in more detail and detail.

People often assume that ANY tattoo applied to the body can itself somehow influence its wearer. In fact, this is not entirely true. All tattoos from the point of view of magical effects can be divided into three large groups: directly magical tattoos, decorative ones that have nothing to do with magic, and symbolic (semi-magical) tattoos.

Under magical tattoos mean those made by magicians and for magicians. They really have power and constantly influence the wearer.

Decorative tattoos play an exclusively aesthetic role and are applied in any tattoo parlor at will.

Well symbolic Tattoos are a specially selected design consisting of magical symbols or images, applied to the body in the usual way (in a tattoo parlor, for example). Typically, such a creation reflects the wearer’s sympathy for certain magical traditions, or his desire to change something in himself and his life.

Only the magical a tattoo, which not everyone has the opportunity and need to apply. The influence of symbolic and decorative tattoos is, to put it mildly, exaggerated.

Let me explain a little about what a magical tattoo is, how and why it is applied. Although I’ll make a reservation right away that I don’t promise any special details about this, simply because I don’t have enough detailed information on this matter, much less personal experience in applying it. So let's use general concepts. Magical tattoos are found in many living traditions around the world. They are used everywhere from Africa and South America to Asia, and various old northern schools, like the same runic ones, did not neglect this. Magical tattoos are made by magicians and for magicians. Usually their application occurs during some very specific ritual and has not so much an aesthetic as a magical meaning. Applying a tattoo can be part of a ritual of initiation, when some energies are “implanted” as deeply as possible, and become not only part of a person’s energy, but also part of his physical body, skin, bones, etc. Sometimes in this way a person is “introduced” to some powerful spirit and placed under its protection (this one is now his own, he must also be taken care of), in this case tattoos serve as part of a certain “identification mark” for the spirit, helping to separate who is his and who is a stranger. But in all these procedures, the drawing itself is only a small part of everything that happens. In addition to applying a tattoo, there is also contact with a spirit or some other external force, a transformation and change in the energy of the practitioner occurs, etc. As a result, a certain external force becomes part of a person, and a tattoo becomes an external manifestation of this force, a kind of “window” into the material world. From the point of view of extrasensory energy perception, such a tattoo constantly emits a certain energy and affects its wearer. Even if you “interrupt” or “tear off” the original drawing, the influence of the energies will not change. Already invisible to the external eye, the tattoo will continue to work and influence its wearer. In this case, tattooing itself is not the main goal or even a means, but simply part of the whole ritual. From the point of view of an outsider, such tattoos are not beautiful, they hurt like hell, and the average person who does not belong to the corresponding magical tradition would not give in. This is general information regarding magical tattoos, which are applied for purely utilitarian magical purposes.

In any other conditions, printing all kinds of designs on the body (including various magical symbols) in itself does not have any effect. This is a purely aesthetic action, dictated by personal taste preferences and show-off. A decorative/symbolic tattoo can only have some impact on an ordinary person. They told him that the fehu rune/mysterious hieroglyph/fish on the heel would bring him luck and prosperity, he was hooked by attention - and attracted all this into his life. I decided that a new tattoo could bring drastic changes to my life, so I did it and got the desired changes. This works in the same way as with all kinds of amulets made from trinkets, “treasure maps” and other methods of working in techniques such as transurfing. Instead of a picture or a positive slide, a tattoo appears, to which attention clings, directing intention in one direction or another.

Symbolic tattoos, in fact, are not far removed from decorative ones. They often depict the correct symbols of a school or tradition/religion, but . In order for this influence to appear, they must be magically applied (see above) and their bearer must possess the powers of magic that they symbolize. But then these would already be magical tattoos. Symbolic tattoos work in exactly the same way as decorative ones, with the only difference being that they can, in principle, acquire magical powers for a while with the help of a competent magician. For a symbol to work, it must be activate, connect with the energy it represents. After all, it’s energy that works, not an icon or an image, I’ve written about this more than once. Such tattoos do not have “independent” power and require periodic attention and activation from the master of the school to which they belong. Activated symbolic tattoos emit real magic for some time (from several days to several months). Add to this the power of the personal intention of the bearer - and this is already much more powerful and effective; it cannot be compared with “naked” personal intention. And “faded” symbols can always be reactivated if there is such a specialist.

I repeat that even when activated, symbolic tattoos cannot be compared with magical tattoos, in their true sense. Magical tattoos applied during initiation into runes in the old schools had “independent” power; their action and influence could not be stopped (well, perhaps with the death of the master). The person was constantly under the energies of the rune circle and had a denser and more powerful “contact” with the force than with modern initiation methods. True, such an initiation procedure itself is quite complex and difficult; not everyone could withstand it in the old days, let alone modern people. Modern “city magicians,” even if they put some tattoos on their bodies, are not constantly under the influence of the corresponding energies, and are forced to periodically activate their symbols. It is not the symbols that influence and strengthen them, but they influence the symbols and trigger the necessary mechanisms, which means that these are rather symbolic tattoos, rather than magical ones.

So, here is the most important thing that I would like to convey to readers: Simply by applying any set of any magical symbols to your body, you will not receive ANY magical help - for this, symbols alone are not enough, no matter how “powerful” and “ancient” you consider them. The very fact of having some magical images on your body (even if related to real magicians) will not call ANY power into your life, it will only help you focus on the task at hand. Anyone who wants to receive magical help can do this by contacting a magician, or by undergoing appropriate training. There is NO third option with “magic” tattoos, it is a myth.

How can we summarize the entire review? For most people, tattoos have a purely decorative meaning and influence life solely within the framework of intention and subjective perception. Such things do not and cannot carry any REAL power. And all the numerous questions like “how will that hieroglyph affect me” are initially meaningless - in no way, only you can influence yourself with the help of the power of your intention. And it doesn’t matter what this intention is caught on - a freshly typed hieroglyph or a pebble found on the road. As for trained and motivated practitioners of various traditions, I think they themselves will figure out what to write and where, or, in extreme cases, they will ask their mentor.