Leonid Yakubovich died or something. Yakubovich: Fatal accident - truth or fiction of the media? Video: fiction about the death of Leonid Arkadyevich

Just recently, news headlines were filled with an alarming headline: “The people’s favorite, the permanent presenter of “Field of Miracles” Leonid Yakubovich has died.” A fatal road accident has allegedly claimed the life of one of the country's most recognizable faces. Is it true or fiction - main question, which worried the RuNet audience at that time.

Media virus: what is it?

At the very dawn of the Internet, many futurologists naively believed that the global information environment will be used exclusively for knowledge sharing. As a result, even the average person will have access to a vast ocean of information and will be able to reach the truth much faster than in previous eras.

It turned out almost exactly the opposite. People, of course, are faced with a huge amount of data stored on the World Wide Web, but the reliability of this data is questionable. If previously the publication of a newspaper issue required at least minimal checking and editing, now everyone is their own TV channel, radio station, and magazine.

Thanks to the tools of social media, any idea that cannot be verified can be spread. This phenomenon is called a “media virus.”

There are the following types of media viruses:

  • Artificial, created at the direction of an interested group of people;
  • Arose by chance, but was immediately picked up by unscrupulous PR people;
  • Having an absolutely natural nature of occurrence.

One of these media viruses is often news about the death of stars and other famous personalities that have no basis.

Is it true that Yakubovich died?

At the beginning of 2016, RuNet was shocked by the tragic news: popular presenter Leonid Yakubovich became a victim of an accident in which he received a fatal injury. As an investigation by Gazeta.ru showed, the news was first published by an anonymous person nicknamed vedeoo on a site whose main goal is to increase traffic with sharp headlines, in order to then “sell” another weight loss product.

The news was widely circulated by regional portals whose topics cover the lives of stars. Then this unconfirmed information hit social networks and began to accumulate details like a snowball. False witnesses and video recordings from the scene of the alleged tragedy began to appear. And the most cunning began to guess about the date of the upcoming funeral, which was about to take place.

Against the backdrop of all this information vinaigrette, Yakubovich himself gave an interview in which he made it clear that the rumors about his death were too exaggerated. Moreover, the TV presenter noted that this is not the first such case: he was “buried” this way several times.

Leonid Arkadyevich even made a joke on this topic: during a speech in Omsk, he said that he had already “died for 40 days,” which caused friendly laughter in the audience.

Is it true that Leonid Yakubovich crashed?

It must be said that the presenter really got into car accident, but only relatively long ago - in 2012. Newspapers at that time were also full of guesses about the condition of the famous TV star, but they were quickly put to an end. Yakubovich himself categorically stated that he was alive and well, and only the bumper of the car was damaged.

This event was brought to light five years later and replicated with much more energy. As a result, almost all third-rate information portals were infected with this fake.

Along with the news about the tragic accident, rumors began to spread about the celebrity's health problems. Information in different sources extremely contradictory:

  • Allegedly, after the accident, the elderly man’s heart could not stand it, and he died from nervous strain;
  • The TV presenter suddenly became very ill and needed to urgently fly to Germany for treatment;
  • It is also not clear what kind of illness caused his “death”: both a heart attack and a stroke were put forward as versions.

Yakubovich's current state of health

Today we can say with confidence that the popular TV presenter, father of two children and three times married man He's not going to die anytime soon. According to him, the rumors could have spread due to the fact that, due to his busy schedule, he was forced not to attend a number of important events.

He admitted that at his age (71 years old at the time of the interview), cardiovascular diseases are not uncommon, but he makes every effort to stay in shape.

Yakubovich’s excellent condition is confirmed by his relatives and colleagues. The hero of this story himself offers to visit the fitness club, where he is a regular, and see with his own eyes the excellent physical fitness presenter

In addition, he is regularly examined in one of the best private clinics in Moscow and constantly “keeps his finger on the pulse.”

Who benefits from this news?

There are several considerations about who could benefit from this newspaper “duck”:

  • To Leonid Arkadyevich himself. In 2016, the popular presenter began touring throughout the country, and the terrible news was able to warm up the audience’s interest in the star of the 90s;
  • This machinations of dishonest journalists, who cling to any news feed, even a fake one, in order to attract new visitors to dubious news portals. Other stars of domestic show business have suffered from such scribblers. The most resonant case is rumors about the death of the leading rap artist in Russia - Guf;
  • Human rumor itself is to blame, which seized on the event of an accident and made mountains out of molehills. Such an incident would hardly have been possible if thousands of social network users had not published the “shocking truth” on their pages.

But we can hardly blame people for such behavior: many wonderful cultural figures pass away, and it is not always possible to verify the authenticity of hot news.

In the digital era, technologies for manipulating mass consciousness have reached incredible heights. Thanks to the efforts of specialists in the field of black PR, in 2016, when typing the letter “I” in Yandex, the search prompt “Yakubovich - fatal accident” began to pop up. An information bomb, artificially created to boost traffic, caused a lot of noise in the RuNet.

Video: fiction about the death of Leonid Arkadyevich

This video proves that Leonid Yakubovich is not dead at all, and is even capable of causing a scandal in the airport building in Moscow:

Leonid Arkadyevich Yakubovich is a popular Russian showman, the permanent host of the capital show “Field of Miracles”, co-host of Alexander Strizhenov in the program “Star on Star”.

The childhood of Leonid Yakubovich

Amazing events have accompanied Leonid Arkadyevich Yakubovich literally since childhood. Why, take at least the story of how his parents met!

Rimma Semyonovna Shenker during the Great Patriotic War was engaged in sending parcels to the front. The girl collected warm clothes, knitted something herself, and sometimes got sweets and canned food. All parcels with gifts were sent in random order, that is, no addresses were indicated on them. One of them went to captain Arkady Solomonovich Yakubovich. The bundle contained knitted mittens, both for one hand. The officer was moved and wrote a response to the needlewoman, and a correspondence began. A little later, Rimma Semyonovna became his wife.

Immediately after the war, Leonid Yakubovich was born. The parents began to teach their son to be independent early childhood. Once Lenya asked his dad to check the diary, to which his father sternly replied: “I don’t need it, it’s up to you how to study. If there are problems, then contact me.”

However, special problems Leonid did not have one; the young man especially liked the lessons of history and literature. True, in the eighth grade he was expelled from school because he was absent for three whole months. Then, during the summer holidays, Yakubovich and a friend saw an advertisement on the street: young people were needed for an expedition to Eastern Siberia. I didn't have to think long. On the same day, Leonid told his parents that he was leaving for Siberia.

The work turned out to be quite strange - the guys worked as live bait. They sat on a stump in the taiga, wearing only shorts and a padded jacket, and wrote down at what time, who bit them and where: “10.50 – bite on the right leg. 10.55 – bite on the left leg.” The teenagers' feet were smeared with various mosquito repellents - their effectiveness was precisely tested during the expedition. Summer holidays came to an end, but the expedition did not. Leonid had to stay in the taiga forests, and upon returning to Moscow he learned that he had been expelled. Young Yakubovich had to go to evening school, and at the same time work part-time at the Tupolev plant as an electrician.

Having successfully completed evening school, Leonid Yakubovich unexpectedly passed the competition in three theater universities. But his father asked him to first get a “livable” specialty, and then go anywhere. Therefore, Leonid Arkadyevich decided to enter the capital’s Institute of Electronic Engineering. But he did not bury his talent and soon made his debut at the Theater of Student Miniatures. A little later, he transferred to the Kuibyshev Institute of Civil Engineering (modern MGSU), because there was an excellent KVN team there.

Vivid performances, true friends, traveling around the country, meeting with the soloist of the ensemble “Gorozhanki” Galina Antonova - Yakubovich always noted that these years were the happiest in his life.

The creative path of Leonid Yakubovich

In 1971, Yakubovich graduated from the institute, becoming a certified ventilation and air conditioning engineer. Until 1977, he worked at the Likhachev plant, after which until 1980 he was listed as an employee of the commissioning department.

Leonid Yakubovich in the program “Alone with Everyone”

But the soul of the future artist did not lie in “technical” work. Since his student days, Leonid has been interested in writing scripts with an emphasis on the humorous genre. In 1980, he was even accepted into the professional committee of Moscow playwrights. Since then, Yakubovich has written more than 300 works for pop performers. Vladimir Vinokur brilliantly performed “The Sergeant Major’s Monologue,” written with the participation of Leonid Arkadyevich (according to many, it was this humorous sketch that made him famous). The works of Leonid Arkadyevich were performed by many masters of domestic humor, in particular, Evgeny Petrosyan.

He also penned several plays for stage production (“The Gravity of the Earth”, “Wider Circle”, “Parade of Parodists”, “We need victory like air”, “Hotel with Haunted”, “Peek-a-boo, man!”, “ Tutti").

Also in 1980, he played minor role in the thoughtful drama by Yuri Egorov “Once Upon a Time Twenty Years Later” with Natalya Gundareva and Viktor Proskurin in the lead roles. According to the plot of the film, former classmates gather for a graduation party. Yakubovich played one of former comrades at school.

Leonid Yakubovich at the “Field of Miracles”

Real audience popularity came to Yakubovich after he began hosting the “Field of Miracles” program in 1991, replacing the first presenter, Vladislav Listyev.

Simple rules gambling programs are known, perhaps, to everyone to the Russian viewer: three stages, three winners and a fight in the super final. And at the end, the winner had a choice - to lose everything or choose a super prize. Yakubovich's charisma and charm helped the program win people's love. All his lines and actions were purely improvised without the help of writers and editors.

Leonid Yakubovich in the “Evening Urgant” program

A real legend of “Field of Miracles” has become the museum, which over the years of broadcasting has collected a truly countless number of exhibits donated to Yakubovich by the show’s players. Part of the collection was exhibited at VDNKh in Moscow, part - in Ostankino, and another part - in Tver.

Yakubovich’s mustache, following its owner, became a kind of symbol of the “Field of Miracles”. They were so inseparable from the image of Leonid Arkadyevich that even in his contract with Channel One there was a clause - not to shave off his mustache. However, the showman wore a mustache from the very beginning labor activity, he shaved them off only once, in 1971. Then he worked as an administrator at the Moscow Comedy Theater and, out of duty, went on tour with the troupe. Before an important meeting, he decided to clean up the mess and started shaving in the hotel room, but something didn’t work out: first one mustache was shorter, then another. “In the end, he turned into Hitler and shaved everything off,” the presenter joked. He was almost kicked out of the meeting - they simply didn’t recognize him.

Leonid Yakubovich's gushing energy knew no bounds. Therefore, the artist could not ignore the cinema, already being the star of the most popular entertainment show on Russian television. He showed his brilliant comedic talent in a number of significant films. Thus, the actor appeared in the role of a policeman in the film “Moscow Holidays”, played himself in the series “They Don’t Kill Clowns”, exposing reverse side alluring show business, repeatedly appeared on camera in Jumble. But it is worth noting that proposals to the presenter were received regularly and large volume, but Leonid Arkadyevich never accepted them if he didn’t like the role, although he liked the process of “acting” itself.

Leonid Yakubovich in "Jumble"

Leonid Arkadyevich was also the producer and screenwriter of the comedy “Grandfather of My Dreams,” which was released in 2014. He also appeared in cast, playing a magical grandfather and host of the show “Field of Miracles”. The film was awarded two awards at the festival “Smile, Russia!”; one went to Yakubovich himself for best actor, the second recognized the film as “the kindest, funniest and wisest film.”

In 2016, the Zvezda TV channel aired the talk show Zvezda on Zvezda with Yakubovich and Alexander Strizhenov as hosts. Every episode they invited me to the studio famous personalities: artists, artists, athletes, and had intimate conversations with them.

Personal life of Leonid Yakubovich. Hobbies and interests

Leonid Arkadyevich met his first wife, Galina Antonova, in student years. He performed in KVN, and she was a soloist in the ensemble “Gorozhanki”. The first meeting of the future spouses took place at an outdoor concert near Issyk-Kul. The wedding took place in the fifth year, and in 1973 Galina gave Leonid a son, Artem.

The son of Leonid Yakubovich graduated from the same Kuibyshev Institute as his father, received a higher degree in economics at the Academy of Foreign Trade, and then got a job in television.

When Leonid Yakubovich turned 50, another passion appeared in his life: he became interested in flying sports aircraft. Yuri Nikolaev brought the artist to the flying club, and after the first flight, Yakubovich caught fire and began to study the profession of a pilot. Later, Leonid Arkadyevich was accepted into the Russian national team and the TV presenter participated in the World Aerospace Olympic Games.

Among the artist’s other hobbies was billiards (he was also a member of the presidium of the Russian Billiard Sports Federation for a long time). Other hobbies include alpine skiing, preference, cooking, numismatics, collecting reference books, car racing on safari.

Leonid Yakubovich now

In 2016, Leonid Yakubovich still greeted guests of the Fields of Miracles studio and captivated the audience with a wide smile and his signature charm. However, in August 2016, alarming rumors appeared in the media: the press claimed that Yakubovich was seriously ill and was undergoing treatment in Germany. He had to refuse to participate in the play “The Last Aztec”, where the artist was invited to replace the deceased Albert Filozov. However, it turned out that everything was fine with the artist’s health, and information about his illness was nothing more than rumors from ill-wishers.

In 2017, Yakubovich became the host of the new show “I Can!”, in which anyone could demonstrate their unique talent in the studio and receive a cash prize for it if they beat their own record.


Every now and then news of death flashes on the Internet. Russian celebrities who are actually alive. We figured out how such ducks appear and who benefits from it. It turns out that dishonest people can make a lot of money from such news.

Yakubovich and a fatal accident

news peninsula

In 2016, low-quality media circulated the news that Leonid Yakubovich was in fatal accident. Some websites even reported that famous TV presenter Either he crashed his car or died of a heart attack. Where did this “news” come from and what does the permanent presenter of “Field of Miracles” have to do with it?

The media failed attentiveness: in fact, the host of the “Field of Miracles” program did have an accident, but this happened about four years ago. It is noteworthy that many years later, Yakubovich allegedly repeated word for word the very words that appeared in media materials after the actual incident.

Nothing bad happened, they caught the bumper, scratched it a little, and that’s all,” Yakubovich assured journalists then, and four years later a number of publications reprinted the same phrase. They all referred to a suspicious source. The resource, which looks like a regular blogging platform, contains three texts at once, directing the reader to news about accidents and heart attacks, which are attributed to Yakubovich. The posts were posted on April 15, 2016, and these posts even have an author.

A user under the pseudonym vedeoo, on whose behalf the posts were posted, turned out to be very prolific in the sensation. On his behalf, “intimate photographs of Natasha Koroleva”, “photos and videos of Larisa Guzeeva’s son” and other bright headlines were also published, promising to plunge the country into shock.

All entries are seasoned with a huge number of hashtags and keywords. Within the same contextual advertising, if a curious Internet user nevertheless clicks on a provocative headline, he ends up on resources literally full of similar materials and advertising.

So, on the way to the news about the fate of Yakubovich, the user may encounter miraculous methods of losing weight using kefir, ginger and an unknown third ingredient, magical ways to cure psoriasis and other garbage information that can never be reached, since it does not exist: task one is to artificially increase traffic.

Such fake news feeds take a very long time to prepare and are unlikely to be directed against (or in support of) a specific person. Probably, the people who spread the news relied on the experience of search engines four years ago in order to more effectively promote the resource and increase the desire of an inexperienced user to click on the banner and thereby earn precious traffic.

Analysis of media materials led to the fact that, in addition to a source in the form of a blog of an unknown person, the publications could not find official confirmation of the information. At the same time, data about the fictitious accident spread to social networks - except for numerous reposts, no one famous portals, users began to actively discuss the non-existent tragedy. At the time of writing, no refutations regarding the “accident with Yakubovich” were found, and false information continues to remain on the publications’ websites.

Rastorguev and the tragedy at the ski resort

The vocalist of the group “Lube” is constantly being buried by low-quality media. Most often they write that the tragedy happened at a ski resort. IN last time these rumors coincided with the death of the bass player of the same group. By the way, one of the reasons for the rumors is that several years ago the singer really became ill at a ski resort. Then he and his wife went to a Finnish ski resort. It was cold, pepper got very cold. Doctors diagnosed pneumonia, which caused complications to the kidneys.

As a result, the singer’s condition was quite critical, but not fatal. Even Wikipedia writes about this. At that time, the group’s tour was in jeopardy, and as a result, Rastorguev only went to cities where there was necessary equipment for hemodialysis. The procedure then had to be carried out almost every day.

In 2009, Nikolai had a kidney transplant, but still, in his condition, he has to be examined frequently in hospitals. Most likely, it is all these facts that allow journalists to declare him dead at every opportunity. The singer himself regards this with irony. In one interview, he even said that this means he will live a long time.

Mikhail Zhvanetsky and the fatal accident


To promote obscure sites and make money, Zhvanetsky was also buried. The famous comedian allegedly died in a terrible accident. Interestingly, the incident turned out to be partly true, because the star’s namesake actually died. This is, apparently, how they came up with this false news story. Many media outlets believed this news only because it was published on a Twitter account called gazetaru_news. But in the end, the myth about the death of the legendary comedian was quickly dispelled.

Valeria, anorexia and traffic accidents


Valeria was “killed” on the Internet in two ways. News periodically appears that the singer died of anorexia, and this is understandable. “Valeria died of anorexia” is a popular query in search engines, but its reason is not our singer Valeria, but Valeria Levitina. At 39 years old, she weighed only 25 kilograms, although her height was 171 centimeters. This Russian girl worked as a model in the USA.

For the second time on the Internet, Valeria died in a terrible accident near Smolensk. Many resources referred to a site registered in Hong Kong, which was called “Ukrainian News Portal.” When the news appeared, the singer and her husband were on tour in London. They immediately refuted the fake information.

It turned out that calling this resource “Ukrainian” can be very conditional. As Gazeta.Ru found out, this site was registered at the end of 2013, when the situation in Ukraine sharply worsened. political situation. The owner is the company Domain ID Shield Service CO., Limited, which specializes in providing intermediary services, thanks to which real owners of information resources have the opportunity to hide their name and location. The company acts as the owner of a number of resources with domains.com and others.

Thus, to say that this resource is somehow connected with Ukraine is, to say the least, incorrect. The name of the site and its subject matter in in this case rather indicate its anti-Ukrainian orientation: deliberately fake and inadequate news in the information space is perceived by the average Russian reader as coming not from a specific resource, but from “ Ukrainian media" This is exactly how Valeria and Joseph Prigogine perceived it. Such absurd falsehoods, which can be found on other supposedly Ukrainian sites, can significantly reduce the level of trust among Internet users in any information coming from Ukraine with an anti-Russian overtones, including those that have a basis in reality. It is noteworthy that a number of large Ukrainian online publications reported on the falsity of the information about the singer’s death on Wednesday.

Johnny Depp


By the way, not only Russian publications, but also their Western colleagues are guilty of using black methods of site promotion. Either Lady Gaga died in a hotel room, or Justin Bieber was found dead. One of the constant heroes of the ducks was the famous Johnny Depp.

Once even a very influential American news source talked about it. In 2010, there was news about tragic death Hollywood actor Johnny Depp in a car accident.

Journalists said that the accident occurred near French city Bordeaux. Police officers who arrived at the scene pulled the body of popular actor Johnny Depp out of the car. The article indicated possible reason tragedy - alcohol intoxication of the driver. It turned out that the article pointed to another site - angelfire.com, and the note itself was dated March 25, 2004.

Internet scammers posted news about the death of the Pirates star Caribbean Sea" on behalf of the American information portal. But in reality, the site turned out to be just a fake duplicate of the popular CNN channel. Upon learning of his “death,” Johnny Depp wrote to his friend: “Not dead, in France.”

Over the past few months, the Internet has been flooded with reports that the famous Russian TV presenter, actor, screenwriter and producer, 71-year-old Leonid Yakubovich, has died. At first, this news seriously frightened the showman's loyal fans, however, this was followed by a refutation of this pseudo-news. Moreover, when the absurdity reached its climax, Leonid Arkadyevich even decided to personally refute these ridiculous rumors and prove to everyone that he was alive and well.

Did Leonid Yakubovich die?

But let’s take a closer look at all the false news regarding Yakubovich’s health that has repeatedly agitated the network over the past few months alone. So, in August last year, a lot of messages appeared on the Internet that Leonid Yakubovich was dying in the studio, and a heart attack was named as the cause of death. It should be noted that then many took this “news” at face value, and this is not surprising, because the TV presenter is already in his eighties, and he has long had certain health problems, which, by the way, he does not even try to hide. So this news sounded unexpectedly plausible. At some point, even the TV presenter himself made fun of his own “death”, saying that this was not the first time he had “died”, so he was no stranger to it, and he was only pleased by the ironic circumstance that it was a “heart attack” that killed him every time. . And indeed, if you ask a search engine the query “did Leonid Yakubovich die”, then in the selection of news for recent years you can find that at least three times the showman died from a “heart attack” and several more times he died as a result of a “terrible accident”.

Leonid Yakubovich dies in the studio

It turned out that these are the most popular and widespread versions of the “death” of Leonid Arkadyevich. But, if the version about a heart attack sounds somewhat streamlined: they say, age, health problems, stress, then for some reason, when they talk about the death of an artist in a car accident, the articles look like reports from law enforcement officers. The accident is described in great detail, each author having his own: place, time, cause, who was in the car with him, and so on. To compose such a fable, and even paint it in colors, so that no one has any doubts that the accident took place - This is where the talent of a science fiction writer goes to waste. We can assure you that Leonid Arkadyevich is alive today, in good health, and continues to actively work on television.

False: Leonid Yakubovich died

Throwing false information onto the Internet is a fairly common phenomenon. lately Cases have become more frequent when hackers hack websites or celebrity accounts and post similar messages there, just for fun. However, sometimes the stars themselves, in their desire to attract public attention at any cost, resort to such strange “black PR”. By the way, when rumors about the death of Leonid Arkadyevich were refuted and dispelled, some even suggested that they arose on his initiative. “Leonid Yakubovich died” - what could attract attention if not such a headline in an article? But one should not lose sight of the fact that such rumors are often created for commercial purposes in order to attract more readers to certain Internet portals.

By choosing fame and glory, many celebrities doom themselves to ridiculous rumors and gossip. Today, Leonid Yakubovich is at the center of events - since August 2017, loyal fans have been wondering whether the man is alive or not.

  • Victim of evil tongues
  • What is the truth?

Victim of evil tongues

The Russian TV presenter has been appearing on TV screens for decades, participating in all kinds of shows and even acting as a judge in KVN. Perhaps this is why Leonid Arkadyevich became a victim of evil jokers who are not lazy to inform the public about his death.
At first, numerous reports appeared saying that Yakubovich’s health had deteriorated - almost all free time the man spends his time in hospitals and hopes only for a miracle.

Judging by the facts presented, the doctors themselves do not hope to save the TV presenter, but only extract money from him and advise friends and relatives to gradually collect money for the funeral.

Many fans believed the information presented, since 71 years is no joke and anything could happen. Especially considering Leonid Yakubovich’s difficult schedule, constant flights, concerts and all kinds of official receptions. Even a young body may not be able to withstand such a rhythm of life, let alone a person of respectable age.

After some period of time, sad news began to appear, accompanied by mourning photographs - the host of the famous television program “Field of Miracles” died in Germany after a severe stroke. Close people are grieving and are very worried about such a loss.

How many times has a famous TV presenter died?

IN social networks and news began to appear in the press not only about the famous artist’s stroke, but also about the fact that his soul had gone to another world due to a severe heart attack.

And if these two versions are at least somehow similar to each other, then it is not clear where the third one came from - it assures that Yakubovich was seriously injured in a car accident. Doctors who arrived at the scene stated that the man received injuries incompatible with life. And, if he had survived the accident, he would have remained disabled for the rest of his days.

It is unclear who to believe in such a situation. Probably, everyone had to choose a version to their liking and are preparing to say goodbye to Leonid Arkadyevich, who, after all these rumors appeared, really did not get in touch with the people for a long time. But soon everything changed.

What event made the artist speak

To begin with, it is worth noting that the press was already strewn with similar “tragic” headlines several years ago. Then Yakubovich remained silent and did not react in any way to the news of his death - he continued to do what he loved and appear on television screens.

But in 2017, things went so far that sad memories of the TV presenter, conversations about who he bequeathed his fortune and “obituaries” began to appear on social networks.
It was this fact that forced Leonid Arkadyevich to openly tell all his friends and foes reliable information about his state of health.

What is the truth?

According to the TV presenter himself, his health does not cause any concern and there is absolutely no reason for concern. Leonid Yakubovich claims that he had no heart attacks or strokes and, in principle, never had to complain about his heart in his entire life.

As for the car accident, it really happened, but a lot of time has passed since that moment, and the artist himself, one might say, escaped with only a slight fright. There were no negative consequences in the body after this incident.

The man also denied rumors about being treated in Germany, although he assured everyone that he undergoes periodic medical examinations and all the results show excellent results.

After everything that happened, Yakubovich asks his fans to trust the media less, since he is definitely not going to die in the near future. And, apparently, as proof, the artist performed at one of theater scenes Moscow - everyone was able to make sure that their idols were really all right.

By the way, Leonid Arkadyevich is a little amused by the fact that in most cases he dies due to a weak heart and sincerely does not understand where this opinion came from.

Also, the hosts of “Field of Miracles” often began to joke that in the event of a real death, probably no one would pay attention to this news. But let’s hope that this will never happen, and dear Leonid Yakubovich will delight us for many, many years to come.