Kuprin"Слон" методическая разработка по чтению (3 класс) на тему. Технологическая карта урока по литературному чтению "А. Куприн "Слон" методическая разработка по чтению (3 класс) на тему Презентация по литературному чтению а куприн слон!}

Slide 1

Slide 2

Speech warm-up 1.Read syllable by syllable. 2.Read at speed. 3.Read, starting quickly and then slowing down. 4.Read quickly. Working on a tongue twister. Pavka on the bench Weaves bast shoes for Klavka. Bast shoes are not suitable for Klavka's feet, But bast shoes are suitable for a cat's paw.

Slide 3

Childhood is a golden time; he eats and drinks and sleeps in peace. Lost money - lost nothing; lost time - lost a lot; I lost my health - I lost everything. Health comes in days and goes away in hours.

Slide 4

Read the proverbs and sayings again. Think about whether they can be attributed to our story “Elephant”. Childhood is a golden time; he eats and drinks and sleeps in peace. 2) Lost money - lost nothing; lost time - lost a lot; I lost my health - I lost everything. 3) Health comes in days and goes away in hours. They approach the story "Elephant". 1. The first says that a child is looked after and taken care of during childhood. 2. The story shows caring parents who are ready to do even the impossible for their daughter. 3. More about health: health goes away in hours, that is, very quickly. Here the girl “faded away” every day. She was getting worse and worse.

Slide 5

A.I. Kuprin in the book divided this story into six parts. Let's see if they match our parts. We will immediately draw up a plan. Open page 41 of the textbook. Read what the plan is. The outline conveys the main content of the work in a concise form. The plan will help you remember and retell the content without disturbing the sequence of events. What is the plan?

Slide 6

Dividing text into parts. brief expanded detailed Read what is needed to draw up a plan?

Slide 7

Dividing the text into parts First part: up to the words “Dear Nadya, my dear girl...”. Second part: before the words “But one morning the girl wakes up...”. Third part: before the words “In two hours he sits in the menagerie...”. Fourth part: up to the words “At night an elephant is taken to visit a sick girl...”. Fifth part: before the words “The next day the girl wakes up at dawn...”. Part six: to the end.

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Equipment for the lesson: audio m/m presentation; multimedia installation; screen; exhibition of books by A. I. Kuprin; Textbook “Native speech” 3rd grade, part 2. Compiled by: L.F. Klimanova, V.G. Goretsky, M.V. Golovanov. Enlightenment, - M., 2010.

Lesson progress

Organizational moment

Call stage

(Slide 2). “Do you believe it”

Teacher: Do you believe that each of you is talented and unique?

Teacher: Do you believe that a horse can sleep in one room with a person?

Teacher: Do you believe that an animal can become a member of the family?

Teacher: Do you believe that parents are capable of doing anything for the sake of their child?

Teacher: Do you believe that today we will discover the “simple truth”?

(Slide 3).

Teacher: Guys, look at the screen, does anyone recognize this man? What can you say about him? Please describe it.

Teacher: What can you say about this person's character? Is this a good person or an evil one? Does he love nature and animals? Why did they decide this?

Teacher: Who might he be by profession? (writer, we met his work in the last lesson).

Teacher: What did Alexander Ivanovich Kuprin write about? Children's answers

Teacher: Guys, what do you think can push a person to start writing about animals?

Teacher: What kind of person should be who can accurately convey the habits of an animal, its character? (observant).

Teacher: A story about A. Kuprin. (Slide 4). Alexander Ivanovich loved life, loved the circus, animals, wrote a lot about them, and for this he studied their habits and character. He especially loved horses. A friend of Alexander Ivanovich recalled how once in the village they were returning on horseback from some trip to their neighbors. Approaching the estate, we noticed that someone’s horse had climbed into the oats. A friend wanted to drive this horse away, but Alexander Ivanovich grabbed it by the bangs and brought it into the house. He sat astride her, forced her up the steps of the balcony and, like a capricious child, insisted that she be left to spend the night in the house, and tied her near his bed. “I want to know when and how a horse sleeps,” he said, “I want to be with it.” The next day the same story was repeated, but another horse was brought. Alexander Ivanovich looked after her, fed her, gave her water and decided to stop his experiments only when his bedroom was saturated with the smell of the stable.

Teacher: What character traits of Kuprin does this behavior of Alexander Ivanovich indicate? What were animals to him? Children's answers

(Slide 5).

Teacher: When the Kuprins lived in Gatchina in their own green house with a garden, they had dogs, cats, horses, fighting cocks, a bear cub, and a monkey.

(Slide 6).

Teacher: Many favorite animals will be included in Kuprin’s stories, such as, for example, “Peregrine Falcon”, “Maria Ivanovna”, “Goat’s Life”, “Barbos and Zhulka”, etc. You see these books on the screen. If you want to read them, where can you get the books? Children's answers

Teacher: I brought several books for you, you can get acquainted with them during breaks. Book exhibition

(Slide 7).

Teacher: The Kuprins were hospitable, and there were always a lot of people in their house: writers, poets, famous actors, artists, acrobats, composers and musicians. But not all of Alexander Ivanovich’s friends knew what his childhood and youth were like.

(Slide 8). Portrait of A.I. Kuprina

Teacher: Alexander Ivanovich Kuprin was born in 1870, i.e. 140 years ago, his father died a year after his birth. From the age of 6 he was brought up in an orphan school. He lived in this school around the clock, I didn’t see my mother for a long time, so I felt a great need for parental affection and love.

Teacher: Guys, why did I suggest you listen to this particular information about the author? Why are they important?

Teacher: What do you think, when Alexander Ivanovich became a writer, what did he start writing about? (About animals as family members; about family, about parental love. In his stories, animals unite the family.)

Teacher: Which work by A. Kuprin did we start working with in the last lesson? Children's answers.

Teacher: What do you know about elephants? Where do elephants live? Children's answers.

Working on the topic.

Teacher: You said that the elephant does not live in our country, but where in Russia can you find an elephant? (At the zoo or at the circus).

Teacher: Do you like the circus? When in last time did you go to the circus? Who saw the elephant? Where did you see him? Children's answers

Teacher: Where did the girl Nadya from the story first see the Elephant? (In a dream.) Let's remember how the story about Nadya began. I will accompany your retelling with illustrations by German Mazurin for this work. By clicking on Slide 8, an illustration by G. Mazurin appears

Teacher: Who can briefly retell the beginning of the story? Children retell the story to the place where Nadya’s father went to the menagerie; the story is accompanied by Slides 9, 10.

Teacher: How did you feel while reading the text? Children's answers.

(Slide 11).Physical education minute.

Teacher: We have to difficult work, let's relax a little with a good song “ Pink elephant”. (slides with an elephant accompanied by a song)

(Slide 12). Problem Analysis. Work in groups.

Selection of the captain, stenographer and speaker of the group.

Teacher: Guys, I suggest you analyze the text by answering 5 questions. Questions on the screen, a printout of the question for each team indicating the pages in the textbook.

Teacher: By conferring in a group, you find the answer to my question and write a story-answer.

1st group. What is the girl's illness? Describe her condition.

2nd group. What are Nadya’s loved ones experiencing? What does their behavior say?

3rd group. How does Nadya see a living elephant? Describe it.

4th group. What feelings does Nadya have for the elephant?

5th group. Which one is the best main question Can you ask based on the content of the work? How do you answer this question?

Children work to the music of Slide 12. Before students answer, the music turns off by clicking.

Teacher: Let's hear from the first group. What is wrong with the girl? Let's listen to the answers.

Teacher: The girl is sick. What is the condition of her parents? Second group answer.

Teacher: Did they bring the girl an elephant?

Teacher: The girl achieved her goal - she has an elephant. Why do they choose the biggest elephant for her: after all, there are two more small ones?

(Slide 13). (Sounds of an elephant clicking.)

Teacher: Listen, these are the sounds a living elephant makes. Look at the photographs, does the elephant really look like the elephant from the story?

(Slide 14).

Teacher: Group 3 will remind us how Nadya sees an elephant. A slide accompanies the group's response.

Teacher: What feelings does Nadya have for the elephant? Maybe it was just a whim? What does the next group think? We listen to the answer from group 4.

Teacher: It will be very interesting to know what question group 5 prepared for us. Why do you think it is important? How can you answer it yourself? We listen to the group's response.

Teacher: What consequences could Nadya’s illness have had if her parents had not fulfilled her request?

(Slide 15). Homework(optional).

Teacher: Figure out how you can get the elephant out of the house.

Teacher: Come up with a continuation of the story.

Teacher: Watch the cartoon “The Girl and the Elephant”. What is the difference between a story and a cartoon?

(Slide 16). Exercise for the eyes.

(Slide 17). Photo of the writer.

Teacher: It remains to answer the main question of the lesson: Why did the writer Kuprin come up with such a story “Elephant”? Children's answers.

Animation on click.

Teacher: Alexander Ivanovich Kuprin is exactly the author who, according to K.G. Paustovsky, “...with each of his stories he calls for humanity. He looked everywhere for that power that could raise a person to a state of inner perfection and give him happiness.”

Teacher: In the story by Alexander Ivanovich Kuprin, did Nadya feel happy? Thanks to whom? (Thanks to parents, family.)

Teacher: Family is the most valuable thing. For the sake of happiness and health of children, parents are not afraid of any difficulties. I suggest looking at your family photos. One student talks about his family.

– (Slide 18). On the slide, the teacher places photographs of the students’ families and accompanies them with his story about strength parental love. Then follow the questions:

Teacher: How do you feel about your parents? How should you respond to their feelings, to their love for you? (also love, cherish, care)

Teacher: The lesson is coming to an end. What “simple truth” have we discovered today? (you must love and take care of your loved ones, your family)

(Slide 19). Reflection.

Teacher: I suggest making a syncwine. What theme of syncwine will we take so that it reflects the most main idea our lesson. Remember what we talked about today. (Theme: Family) Students compose a syncwine (as an example, use the syncwine in the presentation).

Teacher: Did you like our syncwine? What mark will we give ourselves for compiling it?

(Slide 20).Self-assessment of participation in group work.

Teacher: Now each of you will evaluate your work.

Teacher: Read what you should grade on the paper and circle the score you think you deserved in class. Each job characteristic is rated on a five-point scale.

I offered ideas for composing the text - 1 2 3 4 5.
I asked clarifying questions - 1 2 3 4 5.
I listened carefully to all group members - 1 2 3 4 5.
He worked best in the group...
My group worked – 1 2 3 4 5

The captains collect the leaves and put them in an envelope.

– (Slide 21).

Teacher: I also want to appreciate your work. You were really smart today, you worked very well and actively in class. I want to say “Thank you for the lesson” and give you these cute elephants as a souvenir. <Рисунок1>

Application. Musical fragments.


  1. Internet.
  2. Information from the site: http://history-gatchina.ru/town/kuprin/kuprin3.htm
  3. Kuprina K.A. Kuprin is my father. Fiction, – M., 1979
  4. L.F. Klimanova, V.G. Goretsky"Literary reading lessons. Native speech. 3rd grade." Book for teachers. – M., Education, 2009.
  5. Textbook “Native speech” 3rd grade, part 2. Compiled by: L.F. Klimanova, V.G. Goretsky, M.V. Golovanov. Enlightenment, - M., 2010.

Drinks water with his nose

Like a hose and a pump.

Place umbrellas as a barrier:

Everyone is about to be doused...

  • You can't even notice the elephant.
  • Elephant in china shop.
  • Making a mountain out of a molehill.
  • Like an elephant.

  • You can’t even notice the elephant - miss the main point.
  • Elephant in a china shop - about a large, awkward man who finds himself in cramped conditions, among fragile things.
  • Making a mountain out of a molehill - give something small great value .
  • Like an elephant - clumsy, clumsy.

Alexander Ivanovich Kuprin (1870-1934)

The outstanding Russian writer Alexander Ivanovich Kuprin loved animals very much and dedicated many of his works to them. Seventeen dogs, several cats, a kid goat and a monkey Marya Ivanovna lived in his house. The writer studied the habits of animals, took care of them, treated and saved those in trouble. All his heroes - the elephant, the white poodle, Barbos, and Zhulka - actually lived. The story "Yu-yu" describes the cat of Kuprin's little daughter. “I would like to become a horse, a plant or a fish for a few days,” wrote Alexander Ivanovich. In stories about animals this is for him amazingly succeeded.

Dictionary of text interpretations

Living room – room for receiving guests.

A maid is a worker in a private home who cleans rooms.

A young lady is a girl from a noble family or an intelligent environment.

Blanket - a blanket that covers the back or torso.

Publikum, or public, are people who are spectators or listeners.

Latches are a type of door lock; metal plates with a lever.

Pistachio is a greenish edible nut.

summary of other presentations

“Quiz on children’s works” - Let’s remember the works of the section “About children and for children.” Guess the work from the passage. Find a pair. Let's remember the genres of works. Crossword. Which fairy tale is this illustration from? Tongue twisters. Whom did Katya sculpt from the snow? Test yourself. Literary reading. V. Suteev. What did the artist get wrong? Illustrations.

““Marshak’s Poems” 3rd grade” - What words does the author use most often. Test. The poet wrote his first children's poems about the little ones. "Vezha" - polite. Individual work in the texts. Poetic lines. Independent creative work. Poem by the poet S.Ya.Marshak. Work in groups. What does it mean “he has become polite in appearance.” If you are polite. Books by S.Ya. Marshak. Union, obsolete word. Title of the poem. Vocabulary work. Let's check.

“Yesenin “Sparrows”” - Sergey Yesenin. Sparrows. Sparrow's day. Blizzard. Opposition. Gorgeous. Sergei Alexandrovich Yesenin. Spring. Feed the birds. Knocking on the hanging shutters. Knocking on the shutters. Metaphor. House with blue shutters. Autumn. Picture of life. Sound recording. S. Yesenin. “Sparrows” S.A. Yesenin. Comparison. The birds are cold. Blizzard. Personification. Alexander Nikitich. Gray clouds. Mood. Village of Konstantinovo. The author's intention.

“Platonov’s “Flower on Earth”” - This flower is the hardest worker, it works life out of death. Andrey Platonov was never bored. When a flower fades, it produces a seed. And old age is not scary if the young help. Andrey Platonovich Klimentov. For Platonov, thought is especially dear. Monument to the writer Andrei Platonovich Platonov, a native of Voronezh. Plan. I would like A.P. Platonov to be remembered by you. “Afonushka is bored on someone else’s side.”

“Story “Elephant”” - The daughter is sick with indifference to life. Mom crosses herself joyfully. Toys. Big gray elephant. Fantastic events. Retell the story on behalf of your mother. The plan in a condensed form. Dr. B. Retell the story from the girl's perspective. Physical education minute. Test work to the story. Huge animals. Test yourself. "Elephant". New friends start having lunch. Tommy. Retell the story on behalf of dad. An elephant is taken to visit a sick girl.

"Ancient Greek Myths" - Ares. Demeter. The main gods of Olympus. Medusa Gorgon. Athens Acropolis. Caravaggio. Athena. Perseus freeing Andromeda. Parthenon. Poseidon. Sculpture by Bernini. Ruins of a temple in the ancient Greek city of Selinunte. Ruins of an ancient Greek temple. Big trouble. New life theater gave myths. Ancient Greek myths. Hestia. Ancient Greek theater. Ruins of the ancient Greek city of Chersonesos. Plots of myths. Wandering singers.

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Slide captions:

DO YOU BELIEVE... Do you believe that each of you is talented and unique? Do you believe that a horse can sleep in the same room as a person? Do you believe that an animal can become a member of the family? Do you believe that parents are capable of doing anything for the sake of their child? Do you believe that today we will discover the “simple truth”?

They love you for no particular reason; For the fact that you are a grandson, For the fact that you are a son, For the fact that you are a baby, For the fact that you are growing up, For the fact that you look like mom and dad... And this love will remain your secret support until the end of your days. V. Berestov

Restore chronological sequence events

Dad is in the menagerie The girl is sick The girl refuses everything Nadya's dream The elephant's night journey The elephant is visiting Nadya

APATHY is a state of complete indifference, indifference

1 group. What are Nadya’s loved ones experiencing? What does their behavior say? 2nd group. Who's in difficult moment does he take full responsibility? What was his decision? 3rd group. How does Nadya see a living elephant? What feelings does Nadya have for the elephant?

“...with each story he calls for humanity. He looked everywhere for that power that could raise a person to a state of inner perfection and give him happiness.” K.G. Paustovsky Alexander Ivanovich Kuprin

Physical education minute

Childhood is a golden time; he eats and drinks and sleeps in peace. Health comes in days and goes away in hours.

Maurice Carême A Belgian French-speaking poet, Carême's poems have been translated into more than 100 different languages. Maurice wrote mainly children's poems.

P. Picasso “Mother and Child”


The girl is sick. The girl refuses everything.

Nadya's dream. Night journey of an elephant.

The elephant is visiting Nadya. Dad in the menagerie.

They love you for no particular reason; For the fact that you are a grandson, For the fact that you are a son, For the fact that you are a baby, For the fact that you are growing up, For the fact that you look like mom and dad... And this love will remain your secret support until the end of your days. V. Berestov

The donkey walked along the path,

And a burdock grabbed my back.

And this donkey asked his mother:

Mom, mom, tell me, is it really possible for me too?

You will need to carry luggage behind your luggage

And, rattling bells, ride along the beach

Those who wear only a tan on their back?

What are you doing, dear! - answered the donkey mother.

You will go to study first.

And then you will find such meadows,

Where no one has gone before,

And you will drown in dew from ears to horseshoes

Among daisies, and clovers, and cornflowers...

And only the sun and the full moon will be allowed

To touch your precious back.

All mothers are alike

All mothers are alike

Even mothers in donkey skin!

Who have long ears

And such kind souls...

1 group.

What are Nadya’s loved ones experiencing?

What does their behavior say?

What is the condition of her parents?

Describe the parents' experiences using verbs from the text.

2nd group.

Who takes full responsibility in difficult times?

What was his decision?

Find and read the dialogue between Nadya’s dad and the owner of the menagerie.

What helped dad convince the German?

3rd group.

How does Nadya see a living elephant?

Read the description of the elephant.

What feelings does Nadya have for the elephant?

Is the little girl Nadya’s desire to see an elephant a whim or a dream? Prove your opinion by referring to the text.