The office writes quotes. The meaning of things are going - the office is writing. There is one sentence in the dictionary, sayings. Things are going well and life is easy


One sentence, sayings. 2012

See also interpretations, synonyms, meanings of the word and what THINGS ARE GOING - THE OFFICE IS WRITING. in Russian in dictionaries, encyclopedias and reference books:

  • OFFICE in the Dictionary of Thieves' Slang:
    - 1) brothel, 2) prison, 3) police, 4) a gathering place for sharpers to discuss the game, 5) danger for a pickpocket in ...
  • OFFICE in the Dictionary of Economic Terms:
    - Office space, office, administrative part of the enterprise, ...
  • AFFAIRS in the Dictionary of Economic Terms:
  • AFFAIRS in the Dictionary of Economic Terms:
  • OFFICE V Encyclopedic Dictionary Brockhaus and Euphron.
  • OFFICE in the Encyclopedic Dictionary:
    y, w. Common name administrative and clerical departments of institutions and enterprises, as well as independent institutions, mainly economic, financial nature. K. timber trading base. ...
  • OFFICE in the Encyclopedic Dictionary:
    KOHTOPA, -y, w. The general name for the administrative and clerical departments of institutions and enterprises, as well as independent institutions, mainly. economic, financial nature. Technical department...
  • OFFICE in the Encyclopedia of Brockhaus and Efron.
  • OFFICE in the Complete Accented Paradigm according to Zaliznyak:
    konto"ra, konto"ry, konto"ry, konto"r, konto"re, konto"ram, konto"ru, konto"ry, konto"roy, konto"royu, konto"rami, konto"re, ...
  • OFFICE in the Dictionary of the Great Russian Language of Business Communication:
    organization. I'm going to the office. Our...
  • OFFICE in the Thesaurus of Russian Business Vocabulary:
  • OFFICE in the Russian Language Thesaurus:
    Syn: institution, office, ...
  • OFFICE in the Russian Synonyms dictionary:
    Syn: institution, office, ...
    and. 1) Small specialized administrative, economic, financial, etc. institution. 2) decomposition An untrustworthy institution, enterprise and...
  • AFFAIRS in the New Explanatory Dictionary of the Russian Language by Efremova:
    pl. decomposition 1) Important work, profitable profitable occupation. 2) State of affairs or...
  • OFFICE in Lopatin’s Dictionary of the Russian Language:
    office, ...
  • OFFICE in the Complete Spelling Dictionary of the Russian Language:
  • OFFICE in the Spelling Dictionary:
    office, ...
  • OFFICE in Ozhegov’s Dictionary of the Russian Language:
    ! General name of administrative and clerical departments of institutions and enterprises Technical Ph.D. railway. Post office (obsolete). office general name for administrative and clerical...
  • OFFICE in Dahl's Dictionary:
    wives , French place in charge of accounting and economic affairs. A specific office - a merchant's office, a shipping office, etc. A desk, a high desk, ...
  • OFFICE in Ushakov’s Explanatory Dictionary of the Russian Language:
    offices, w. (German: Kontor). 1. An institution with administrative and clerical functions under some. enterprise. Factory office. || Department of some kind institution, branch (official). ...
    office 1) Small specialized administrative, economic, financial, etc. institution. 2) decomposition An untrustworthy institution, enterprise and...
  • AFFAIRS in Ephraim's Explanatory Dictionary:
    affairs pl. decomposition 1) Important work, profitable profitable occupation. 2) State of affairs or...
    and. 1. Small specialized administrative, economic, financial, etc. institution. 2. decomposition An untrustworthy institution, enterprise and...
  • AFFAIRS in the New Dictionary of the Russian Language by Efremova:
    I 1. The general name for the administrative and clerical departments of institutions and enterprises, as well as independent institutions (usually of an economic or financial nature...
  • AFFAIRS in the Large Modern Explanatory Dictionary of the Russian Language:
    pl. decomposition 1. Important work, profitable profitable occupation. 2. State of affairs or...
    was established on January 8. 1725 and throughout its existence it was considered an institution affiliated with the Senate. From 1736 to...
  • CAMERA OFFICE in the Encyclopedic Dictionary of Brockhaus and Euphron:
    under this name, in 1733, a branch of the K. Collegium (q.v.) was opened in St. Petersburg due to the extensiveness of the latter’s office work. The K. office survived the Chamber Collegium...
  • CAMERA OFFICE in the Brockhaus and Efron Encyclopedia:
    ? under this name, in 1733, a branch of the K. Collegium (q.v.) was opened in St. Petersburg due to the extensiveness of the latter’s office work. K.-office experienced...
  • PHENOMENOLOGY OF PERCEPTION in the Dictionary of Postmodernism:
    (“Phénoménologie de la perception”. Paris, 1945) is the main work of Merleau-Ponty, which explores the problems of the specificity of the existence of existence (see Existence) and ...
  • in the Dictionary of Postmodernism:
    ("Totalitе et Infini. Essai sur l"Extеrioritе", 1961) - a monograph of Levinas's doctoral dissertation, published in The Hague. The publication of this book ...
  • CORPORITY in the Dictionary of Postmodernism:
    - the concept of non-classical philosophy, constituted in the context of tradition, overcoming the interpretation of the subject as transcendental and introducing into the field of philosophical problematics...
  • POWER AND MEANING in the Dictionary of Postmodernism:
    ("Force et signification") is one of Derrida's early works, published in Writing and Difference (1967). I identified several important topics at once...
  • MEANING in the Dictionary of Postmodernism.
  • IDIOGRAPHISM in the Dictionary of Postmodernism:
    - paradigmatic setting cultural tradition to see reality as non-unified and, accordingly, not subject to knowledge through the search for common...
  • GRAMMATOLOGY in the Dictionary of Postmodernism:
    - traditionally - a field of linguistics that establishes and studies the relationships between the letters of the alphabet and the sounds of speech. G. as a branch of linguistics...
  • BEING AND TIME in the Dictionary of Postmodernism:
    - Heidegger's main work ("Sein und Zeit", 1927). The creation of "B. and V.", as is traditionally believed, was influenced by two books: the work of Brentano ...
    Open Orthodox encyclopedia "THREE". Presentation of the Lord, holiday Orthodox Church, belongs to the twelve. Celebrated on February 2. IN …
  • SVENTSITSKY VALENTIN PAVLOVICH in the Orthodox Encyclopedia Tree:
    Open Orthodox encyclopedia "THREE". Sventsitsky Valentin Pavlovich, archpriest (1882 - 1931) - theologian, philosopher and spiritual writer. Was born …
  • ID 10 in the Orthodox Encyclopedia Tree:
    Open Orthodox encyclopedia "THREE". Bible. New Testament. Gospel of John. Chapter 10 Chapters: 1 2 3 4 …
  • THE LORD'S SEMBLE in the Orthodox Encyclopedia Tree:
    Open Orthodox encyclopedia "THREE". The Holy Sepulcher is a tomb in Jerusalem near Golgotha, where the body of Jesus Christ was laid after...
  • GREGORY THE WONDERWORKER in the Orthodox Encyclopedia Tree:
    Open Orthodox encyclopedia "THREE". Gregory the Wonderworker (Greek Grigorios ho Thaumatourgos) (+ 270 - 275), Bishop of Neocaesarea, saint. ...
  • LOMONOSOV MIKHAIL VASILIEVICH in the Brief Biographical Encyclopedia:
    Lomonosov, Mikhail Vasilievich - one of the greatest Russian poets and scientists (1711 - 1765). His best were already well aware of this...
  • GE NIKOLAY NIKOLAEVICH in the Brief Biographical Encyclopedia.
  • PARSNIP in the Literary Encyclopedia.
  • ITALIAN LITERATURE. in the Literary Encyclopedia.
  • DICKENS in the Literary Encyclopedia:
    Charles - English writer. The era when D. worked (it is usually called Victorian, named after the long reigning English...

Things are going well, the office writes

Razg. Joking. About someone's vigorous activity, unrelenting activity. Bug. 1991, 97.

Big dictionary Russian sayings. - M: Olma Media Group. V. M. Mokienko, T. G. Nikitina. 2007 .

See what “Things are going well, the office is writing” in other dictionaries:

    Noun, number of synonyms: 2 all as it should (4) all the way (11) ASIS Dictionary of Synonyms. V.N. Trishin. 2013… Dictionary of synonyms

    things are going well, the office writes- see: office... Dictionary of Russian argot

    things are going well, the office writes- joking. 1) Everything is going well, everything is fine. 2) About the visibility of activity, activity... Dictionary of many expressions

    The work goes on, the office writes, and the cash register gives out money.- A sentence that replaces a specific answer to the question of how things are going... Dictionary of folk phraseology

    office- OFFICE, s, f. 1. Police. 2. KGB (FSB). 3. Any dubious establishment. Things are going well, the office says everything is fine, everything is in order. See also: Sharashkin's office... Dictionary of Russian argot

    OFFICE, s, female. The general name for administrative clerical departments of institutions and enterprises, as well as independent institutions, mainly. economic, financial nature. Technical department on the railway. Brokerage office Postal office (obsolete... Dictionary Ozhegova

    Noun, g., used. often Morphology: (no) what? offices, why? office, (I see) what? office, what? office, about what? about the office; pl. What? office, (no) what? offices, why? offices, (I see) what? offices, what? offices, about what? about offices 1. Office... ... Dmitriev's Explanatory Dictionary

    office- s; and. (German: Kontor) see also. clerical 1) General name for administrative clerical departments of enterprises or independent institutions (mainly economic, financial); premises of such departments and institutions. Communications office.... ... Dictionary of many expressions

    Y; and. [German Kontor] 1. General name for the administrative clerical departments of enterprises or independent institutions (mainly economic, financial); premises of such departments and institutions. K. communications. K. collective farm. Alloy boat... ... Encyclopedic Dictionary

    How are you?- Things are going on, the office is writing, / but the clerk is barely breathing, // and the cash register is not giving money // but the foreman is giving out money (business is progressing from the line, the office is writing about vigorous activity) question; the answer is not to the point... Live speech. Dictionary of colloquial expressions

Who organized the illegal wiretapping of suspects and their lawyers at the FSIN?

This story is shocking to many because it clearly shows that we live in a police state where everyone can be spied on with impunity. The FSIN operates a department (formerly “L”), which, among other things, is involved in wiretapping conversations between defense lawyers and prisoners. The unit was not created at the whim of the jailers, but by a Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation.

A former employee of the Federal Penitentiary Service, now a lawyer, Alexei Sukhanov, appealed to all authorities with a demand to disband it. For one simple reason. The data obtained by Department “L” began to be used to conceal crimes committed with the participation of law enforcement officers.

About the everyday life of the mysterious unit and the people who use its “services” - in the MK investigation.

Drawing by Alexey Merinov

Secrets of the letter "L"

The investigative office in a pre-trial detention center or colony is an almost sacred place. This is where the lawyer and his client communicate. During their conversation, no one is present (the warden is on duty outside the door and periodically looks through the peephole to make sure that everything is in order). Confidentiality is guaranteed. The right of the accused and suspect to communicate with a lawyer without witnesses is stated in the Criminal Code, in the Law on Advocacy, and in a number of international covenants.

It’s difficult to say now whose head it was to install wiretapping in investigative offices and study the material received. But the Directorate of Operational-Technical Department and Search Activities “L” (UOTPM “L”) appeared when Mikhail Fradkov was Prime Minister, who signed Resolution No. 1331-s. Initially, his mission was quite noble - to protect personnel from crime. But, so to speak, as part of this, he is entrusted with a number of other tasks, including “espionage” ones. Not so long ago, by two orders of the department (dated December 23, 2010 and April 14, 2011), UOTPM “L” was renamed into UODOP, but the essence did not change.

Alexey Sukhanov intends to achieve the truth at any cost.

“Imagine an investigative office,” says lawyer Alexey Sukhanov. “There is always a table there, sitting at which the lawyer and the prisoner talk. There is a microphone built right into it. It is located approximately in the middle of the table, and every word spoken even in a whisper can be heard. Some lawyers guess about wiretapping, so the most important questions are not asked orally, but written on pieces of paper. But this is in vain. The offices also have high-resolution video cameras. There are also video cameras in the corners. So no matter where you stand, you will still be in the review... The written text is visible on the monitor, as if on a movie screen. The listening equipment turns on automatically as soon as the lawyer enters the office.

What can the accused tell the defense lawyer? And name your accomplices, and admit where you hid the stolen goods, and generally give a real picture of the incident. The police will only have to go to the place and detain the rest of the crooks. On the one hand, although such valuable information was obtained illegally, it can contribute to the triumph of truth. As Zheglov said, a thief should be in prison. On the other hand, why then do we need a legal profession system at all? A regulatory documents that allow a person to defend himself and not testify to himself? It turns out that they can also be safely scattered to the wind? After all, in fact, a conversation with a lawyer is the same interrogation with an investigator, only through a microphone...

Last year, Alexey Sukhanov appealed to the Federal Penitentiary Service with a demand to disband the “L” division, which states that it exercises “illegal control over the circumstances of providing legal assistance to lawyers in penal institutions.” Former acting Director of the Federal Penitentiary Service of Russia Marzhokhov refused. Then Sukhanov filed a lawsuit in the Zamoskvoretsky Court of Moscow to challenge this decision.

From the court decision:

“Since the UOTPM was created on the basis of a resolution of the Government of the Russian Federation, it cannot be disbanded on the basis of a decision of the Federal Penitentiary Service of Russia.”

Judge of the Zamoskvoretsky Court L. Lobova.”

The cassation court recently upheld this decision. However, Sukhanov wrote to the Commissioner for Human Rights, the Chairman of the Human Rights Commission under the President, and is planning to file a lawsuit in the Constitutional Court.

A reasonable question arises: why did Sukhanov decide to talk about the existence of this department and about the “bugs” in the offices of the pre-trial detention center? This story is amazing, sometimes incredible. But facts are stubborn things.

Looking for a woman

Commentary by member of the Expert Council of the Federal Penitentiary Service of Russia Evgeniy Parushin:

— There are video cameras in all investigative offices. But they are established to protect the lawyers themselves. And these same cameras saved dozens of lives. The prisoners attacked the lawyers, strangled them, beat them... As for listening devices, of course, according to the law, they should not be there. Listening is allowed only by court order. But in fact, today there are a lot of technical opportunities to eavesdrop without installing microphones in tables. There are, for example, devices that allow you to hear through two walls. You can quietly put a tiny “button” in the lawyer’s pocket at the entrance to the pre-trial detention center, and pick it up on the way out.

fight with the whole system a person may be forced by something special, and most often personal. A few words about Sukhanov: 40 years old, an honored veteran of the Ministry of Internal Affairs and the Federal Penitentiary Service - he served in the riot police, was a detective officer, headed investigative departments in the police, and headed the security department in one of the Magadan colonies. After Alexey retired, he became a lawyer. The prisoners trusted him. He was even able to get the court to have the order of the head of the Federal Penitentiary Service, Alexander Reimer, to transfer a number of convicts to colonies in other regions illegal. A rare case, by the way. One fine day he had the good fortune to become the protector of a charming woman named Zlata. Tall, athletic (skier), charming. And at the same time, she has a rare talent for ingratiating herself with trust, which is how she earned money. And she was accused of murder, and she faced a considerable sentence.

So, let's give the floor to him himself.

“My client Zlata Kulik told me in the pre-trial detention center that the murder of which she is accused was not committed by her, but by members of an active criminal group of “black realtors.” The organized crime group includes law enforcement officers, a notary, and a lawyer. According to Zlata, she was offered to meet old people and find out if they had relatives. The scheme was this: if a pensioner was lonely, then a nurse from the cardiology department would come, administer intravenous medications to them, and after his death, a notary would register the ownerless apartment in the name of strangers. Soon, my other client, Perkova, told a similar story. While she was on vacation, the notary re-registered her mother's apartment to another person. After which the mother died. In court it turned out that a nurse from the cardiology department came to see her and performed some procedures on her... The notary was later deprived of her license.

Alexey went to Moscow, to the Prosecutor General’s Office, and asked to check information about the presence of organized crime groups of “black realtors” in Magadan. His statements were sent to the law enforcement agencies of Magadan, but verification did not confirm this information. And then a gang of “black realtors”, which actually included a notary, a lawyer and former employees department for combating organized crime, detained and convicted. All Magadan newspapers wrote about this then.

- But Zlata told me that the detainees - minor members organized crime groups, and they are allegedly led by one of former leaders UFSB, a retired colonel, and his son, now an active employee of this department,” continues Alexey. “According to her, it turned out that her son seemed to have committed the murder that she was charged with. And allegedly it was his and his accomplice’s prints that were seized at the crime scene. I believed her. Firstly, there was an expert conclusion that the prints did not belong to Kulik. Even with the naked eye you can see that they are male. Secondly, in the criminal case there is a forensic report, which showed that Kulik does not know the direction of the knife strike. Neither my client nor the vast majority of people can deliver such a blow. It is owned by soldiers of special forces units, and even then not all of them. In riot police and SOBR, for example, the study and use of this technique is prohibited. But it is practiced in military intelligence and state security special forces. And, by the way, this is approximately how sheep are slaughtered in the Caucasus.

After these frank conversations between the lawyer and his client, two main events occurred. Firstly, Alexey wrote a letter to the director of the FSB: they say, my client told me about the involvement of your employees in the leadership of a criminal group. He asked for a check, including the fingerprints found at the crime scene, and the FSB officers. Secondly, FSB detective Batsaeva came to Alexey.

“She came to me and said that the reports from department “L” had reached her,” says Sukhanov. “Batsaeva stated that she is Zlata’s classmate, knows about her innocence and wants to help her. But I don’t think she was going to help her. And she began to often come to Kulik and have conversations with her. I brought her “deliveries.” And it is not surprising that Kulik soon retracted her words and wrote that she had not told me about any gang, and I had made it all up.

From the case materials:

“Information about Kulik’s visit to pre-trial detention center No. 1 Magadan region FSB officer Batsaeva, the transfer of things and food to her, your subsequent repeated conversations with Batsaeva in order to inform about an organized crime group carrying out criminal activities to take possession of apartments, were confirmed during the pre-investigation check. At the same time, the circumstances you described do not indicate the presence of signs of any crime in Batsayeva’s actions.”

Investigative Committee for the Magadan region.

Zlata also wrote a statement that I raped her in the investigative office throughout the entire time I visited. The check has begun. I contacted the Federal Penitentiary Service: there’s a microphone and cameras right there, if I raped her, pick up the recordings, let’s see? They refused on the grounds that these materials were classified. What nonsense? That is, you can eavesdrop on my conversations and pass them on to operatives, but you can’t check whether I raped you? I wrote to the prosecutor's office - they also refused.

By the way, Sukhanov treated Zlata, let’s say, in a special way. I learned about this by reading letters addressed to him. I quote: “You brought her everything she wanted. You fulfilled all her whims, felt sorry for her. And behind our backs, she told us all that this is how we should act with men. This, of course, is none of my business, but it’s offensive how she treated you.” The letters got into the case by accident, since in them the prisoners confirmed Zlata’s words about the gang.

Zlata wrote touching letters to Sukhanov.

Then, when the matter started to get worse, Zlata came from the colony to Alexey’s home. They released her so that she could be persuaded to retract all statements about the gang. It didn't work out. And what touching letters she wrote to him... She asked for forgiveness, talked about love.

It was not possible to prove that the lawyer raped his client. The initiation of a criminal case against Sukhanov was refused. But Kulik, probably for her zeal, received an award. She, convicted of murder, was soon released - the real sentence was replaced with a suspended one in connection with the birth of a child.

Hero or Slanderer

But Sukhanov was unlucky. The FSB forwarded his letter to the prosecutor's office of the Magadan region. From there the message fell into the hands of the very colonel about whom it was spoken. So what do you think? He went to court, demanding that Sukhanov be recognized as disseminating information that does not correspond to reality and discredits his honor and dignity. The court upheld the complaint.

— The judge recognized me as the person who disseminated defamatory information. I tried to explain that I did not walk along the street with banners, but wrote a statement and asked simply to check whether it was reliable or not. Let them tell me: the fingerprints do not belong to these employees. That's all.

Judging by the court decision, in his appeal to the director of the FSB, Sukhanov wrote quite confidently that the criminal group of “black realtors” may have been organized by the colonel and that he receives a share of the turnover of gold and drugs. Since there is no evidence of this, the offense seems quite understandable. By the way, the colonel also tried to bring Sukhanov to criminal liability for libel, but the Investigative Committee refused to initiate a case, having found no grounds. Sukhanov was only sentenced to pay a fine of 60 thousand rubles and sign a confession to the director of the FSB that he had slandered law enforcement officers. Alexey did not agree. Administrative penalties have already been imposed on him for failure to comply with a court decision.

In a couple of months he may be put in a cell with administrative prisoners. Sukhanov says that he was warned: “Your heart will fail there.” By the way, the operatives themselves are trying to make Sukhanov seem almost crazy. He took a certificate for this purpose... And when he sends requests, he encloses it.

Things are going well, the office writes

noun, number of synonyms: 2

Everything is as it should be (4)

All right (11)

  • - See JOY -...
  • - A sentence that replaces a specific answer to the question, how are things going...

    Dictionary of folk phraseology

  • - Wed. No matter how simply the priest behaves, he is still not his brother; the man will not go to him unless necessary. Stay at home, think your thoughts, don’t do anything, and don’t run away from business. Saltykov. Little nothings of life. In the lap of nature. 2...
  • - foreigner: asking about business or wandering around idle Wed. A sedate man goes about his business and looks at the business - he tortures the business, and does not get involved in the business. Leskov. Selected grain. 3...

    Mikhelson Explanatory and Phraseological Dictionary

  • - Don’t do business, don’t run away from business. Wed. No matter how simply the priest behaves, he is still not his brother; - The man will not go to him unless necessary. Stay at home, think your thoughts, don’t do business, and don’t run away from business. Saltykov...
  • - You’re torturing things, but you’re making monks out of business. - you ask about business, or you wander around with nothing to do. Wed. A sedate man goes about his business and watches the business; he tries to do business, and does not indulge in business. Leskov. Selected grain. 3...

    Michelson Explanatory and Phraseological Dictionary (orig. orf.)

  • - Simple. Region Regardless of the outcome, the case is still taken into account. - We've been fishing for ages, there's been enough fish for ages!....

    Phrasebook Russian literary language

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  • - See WORK -...

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  • - Things, things, as white as soot...

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  • - Razg. Joking. Regardless of the results, the matter still counts. F 1, 250...
  • - People's Disapproved About a slacker, a lazy person. Jig. 1969, 227...

    Large dictionary of Russian sayings

  • - ...

    Dictionary of Russian argot

  • - ...

    Dictionary of Russian argot

  • - noun, number of synonyms: 2 everything is as it should be, everything is done...

    Dictionary of synonyms

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