Notes on visual activities (non-traditional drawing techniques) in the middle group on the topic"Дерево осенью". Конспект ООД по художественному развитию (рисование) в средней группе «Осеннее дерево» Рисование в средней группе осенний лес ладошками!}

Lyudmila Basova

Subject: Autumn has come to visit us.

Target: Introduce children to a new way of choosing a plot - looking at the view from the window. Keep learning draw a tree. Strengthen children's ability to distinguish and name parts tree. Develop children's imagination and memory. Cultivate curiosity, interest in understanding your immediate environment and its reflection in the drawing.

(IN group Tchaikovsky's music sounds quietly "Seasons". At this time, the children, together with the teacher, stand at the window)

Guys, do you like to look out the window? What do you see outside the window? They stand sadly trees... Why do you think? What's the weather like? (cloudy, rainy, windy.)

Empty fields

The ground gets wet

The rain is falling...

When does this happen?

Indeed, guys, it has arrived. autumn! The sky is overcast with gray clouds, the wind is blowing and wants to tear tree leaves, and the rain waters them, as if washing them before bed, preparing them for winter!

Why trees in autumn

Are they shedding leaves?

Why by winter trees

Are they undressing all around?

A trees need it too

Undress before bed! V. Orlov

Standing in front of our window beautiful linden. Its branches reach towards the sun (I show along with children: hands up)

The branches have small twigs and these leaves hold the leaves. The leaves on the linden tree are green and the first yellow ones have already appeared. Today we will be with you draw trees. For this purpose, three types are prepared on your tables gouaches: brown, green and yellow. Look what beautiful tree I painted with these colors! Guys, what do you have? tree? (trunk, branches, leaves) What color will we draw the trunk? Which we will paint the branches with paint?. What about the leaves?

I'll take a brush and gently dip it in brown paint and I'll draw a line from top to bottom. Trunk the top of the tree is pointed, towards the bottom it becomes thicker. (I show in the picture) Now we paint over trunk: we move the brush from top to bottom, our brush slides and dances from top to bottom. (I accompany the words with a show) Now we will draw the branches. Branches trees reaching for the sun... The branches are long at the bottom, shorter at the top. (I draw on a sheet of paper) And on these branches there are small twigs, and the leaves are held on them. Leaves on the trees are still green, only yellow leaves rarely appear. (I touch it with a brush on the paper). The breeze flies and carries away the leaves... Stand, guys, near your chairs and together show how it blows wind: (physical training is carried out just a minute:

The wind blows in our faces

Loaded tree.

The wind is getting quieter, quieter,

The tree is getting higher,higher.

Guys, where do you start? draw a tree?. What will you do? paint with brown paint?. green?. yellow?.

(Independent work children. At this time, Tchaikovsky's music sounds "Seasons")

You did a wonderful job! (Showing a number of completed works) What kind of work did you like? Why? (I involve children in analyzing the work) Well done! When our works dry, we will make an exhibition autumn trees!

Abstract of OOD on artistic development(drawing) in middle group « Autumn tree»

Maria Klimacheva

Program tasks:

A) educational objectives : continue to introduce children to brushes and paints, teach them how to hold a brush and use paint carefully. Exercise skill draw a tree, trunk, thin branches. Strengthen technical skills. Lead children to figurative transmission of phenomena. Cultivate independence creation.

b) developmental tasks: develop fine motor skills fingers, memory, imagination, logical thinking;

c) educational tasks: cultivate an emotionally positive attitude towards drawing, ability to work independently. Treats natural objects with care and attention.

Integration of educational regions: « Artistic creativity » , "Music", "Communication", "Cognition".

Preliminary work:

  1. Observations of changes in nature;
  2. Conversation on the topic: « Autumn» ;
  3. Looking at paintings;
  4. Reading poems;

Material: for each child, a landscape sheet, gouache paints, jars of clean water, soft brushes, napkins.

Progress of the lesson:


Listen to the riddle and determine what time of year it is about. it says:

Came without paints

B without brush

And repainted all the leaves.

Children: - Autumn!


Right. What changes are taking place in nature? in autumn?


The leaves are turning yellow, it's raining, it's getting cold, the birds are flying away warm regions etc.


Look guys autumn- a very beautiful time of year. Many artists love to paint forests, park in clear autumn days. They choose bright colors for their paintings. Drawing blue sky, dark trunks trees, next to which yellow, orange and red leaves seem especially bright. The pictures turn out to be joyful.

Guys, do you want to become artists?




Take a seat at the tables. We will draw an autumn tree with you.

Showing the teacher with explanation:

Watch me be draw a tree. First let's draw the trunk tree. We draw the trunk from the top of the head, using the tip of the brush, because the top is thin; and downwards the trunk thickens, we go down and gradually press on the brush. Next we will draw the branches. From the trunk tree large branches are moving away, they all look up. And from large branches there are many small branches. we will have them paint with the tip of a brush, the more small branches, the tree it will be more spreading and beautiful.

Show finished tree.

Pull the sheets of paper towards you.

Get to work.

Children start drawing. The teacher reminds about the techniques when depicting trees. Monitors the use of various techniques brush painting(whole brush, end, etc.).


Well done guys, how beautiful you turned out! trees but is something missing?




Right. While the paint dries, we will play with you. Come to me and take the leaves.

Physical education minute.

We are leaves autumn,

We are sitting on the branches.

The wind blew and they flew.

We were flying, we were flying

And they sat down quietly on the ground.

The wind came again

And he picked up all the leaves.

Twisted them, twisted them

And he lowered it to the ground.

(Children accompany poem with appropriate movements. Repeat 2 times)

Finger gymnastics « We're going to autumn forest»

We are going to the autumn forest. - marching in place

And the forest is full of miracles! - we spread our arms to the sides, “we are surprised”

It rained in the forest yesterday - shake the palms of both hands

This is very good. - clap our hands

We will look for mushrooms - we put our palm to our forehead, look first in one direction, then in the other

And collect it in a basket. - bring your hands together in front of you into a “basket”


Are your fingers rested? (Children's response)

Then take your seats. Tell me, please, what colors do I need? draw autumn leaves?


Yellow, red, orange, green.


Watch me be draw leaves. I pick up yellow paint and apply it. The leaves may be on the branches, or maybe the wind has already blown them away and they have fallen to the ground. Now I rinse the brush well, pick up red paint and apply it, I get red leaves. Guys, get to work.

During the work, the teacher encourages children to use different colors for image autumn foliage.

Painting lesson for preschoolers of the middle group “Tree in autumn.”

Target: development creativity children.
- instill the ability to see beauty in the surrounding reality;
- create a desire to learn new things;
- develop the ability to work with a brush and paints, to see the shape of an object.
Materials for the lesson: watercolor or gouache, brushes of different sizes, album sheets, jars of water, cloth and paper napkins, unfinished drawings made by the teacher to demonstrate drawing techniques. Reproduction of a painting by I. Levitan, I. Shishkin.
Preliminary work: targeted walks to the park, viewing different trees, foliage (shape, color), acquaintance with the paintings of I. Levitan, I. Shishkin, V. Vasnetsov.
Progress of the lesson:
(paintings by I. Levitan and I. Shishkin are located on the easels)

The world around us amazes with its beauty in every manifestation. The most striking embodiment of the beauty of nature is a forest, park, or forest. Look at these paintings, how brightly, accurately the artists depicted all the variety of autumn trees, how accurately the most small details(twigs, leaves, curls).
Poem by G. Sorenkov “Autumn Beauty”

The sun is shining from the sky.
The day says goodbye to summer.
We're going to wonderland
To the beautiful autumn.
Autumn in fabulous beauty
Meet us soon:
Yellow ribbon in a braid
The birch tree is glowing,
Bunches of berries near rowan trees -
Bright lanterns.
There's a ruby ​​in every berry
Precious little one.
And among the thin aspens
Autumn is a paint store.
Miracle colors are different.

Some artists loved to paint nature, they chose very beautiful interesting places, admired it yourself and shared such beauty with us. Now these paintings are in galleries, everyone can come and look at them, do you like these paintings? (Yes). So, today we will try to draw a tree. Children, tell me, what time of year is it now? (autumn) That's right! You and I will draw a “Tree in Autumn.” What paint colors will we use? (brown, yellow, red, green) Well done!
Now let's play and stretch our fingers.

Finger game:
I'll rub my palms hard.
I'll twist each finger.
I'll say hello to him
And I'll start pulling out.
Then I will wash my hands...
I'll put my finger in your finger,
I'll lock them up
And I’ll take care of the warmth!

To begin with, we will define the main component of any tree, without exception - the presence of branches of different sizes and, naturally, a trunk, which is the basis. Its thickest side is located near the ground, the thinnest is at the upper end. All branches are on the trunk, along it, and are directed upward. Long branches are located at the bottom of the tree, short ones are located towards the top.

First, we begin to draw the main part of the tree - the trunk, since the image of almost every tree begins with the trunk. As we already know, the upper part of the trunk is thinner, the lower part is thicker.

When using a brush, we begin to draw the trunk from above and the branches, which are depicted similarly to the trunk - at the top they are quite thin, and closer to the trunk they are more massive. Thin part always points upward. During the work, it is important to remember that all branches should be located at different distances.
Next, we make a crown for our tree, consisting of small branches extending from large ones, and even smaller ones on them. There should be a lot of small branches in the picture and they all have the same diameter. Despite the fact that they are very thin, all the branches, just like the large ones, are directed upward.

Now rinse the brush and dissolve it well brown paint, paint over the trunk. After that, we dip the brush in red paint and apply it to the branches, these are our red leaves, then in yellow paint we have yellow leaves and green ones, we show how the leaves fall to the ground.

Well done!!!

The tree is ready!

After the lesson, the children show their drawings.
Exhibition of works.

Summary of a drawing lesson in the middle group.

Topic: Sad autumn.

Software tasks: To develop in children the ability to convey in a drawing a gloomy day of late autumn through the color of a sheet of paper and the color of paints, to practice drawing with the end of a brush, to consolidate the ability to place homogeneous objects on a sheet of paper next to each other on a narrow strip of land.

Materials and equipment: schematic representation of cheerful and sad facial expressions, reproductions of paintings about autumn, d/i “Find out the mood of paint”, album sheets tinted with gray and blue paint, gouache paints (brown, black, gray, dark green), brushes of different sizes.

Progress of the lesson.

1. Introductory conversation

Educator: - Hello, guys! You have today good mood?

Children's answers.

V.: - When we are in a good mood, we are having fun, then we smile. When do you have fun?

V.: -Do you ever feel sad?

When are you sad?

Q: - Do you know that autumn can also be happy and sad?

The teacher shows two illustrations depicting autumn.

Q: - Which of these paintings would the poem fit into?

All the trees have flown over,

Only spruce trees turn green.

The forests became bare.

It rains day and night,

Dirt and puddles at the gate.

Children's answers

Q: - This depicts a sad, rainy autumn. The sky is gray and heavy. It's drizzling cold rain. The wind blew the last leaves from the trees. Here are the trees with bare, wet branches. There are puddles on the ground, wet dark grass. To paint a sad autumn, you need sad colors - dull, dark.

D/i “Find out the mood of paint”

The teacher displays “paints” of different colors and shades on the easel, back side which depict a mood pictogram (cheerful, sad) in accordance with the color of the “paint”.

The teacher asks the children to determine the mood of the paint. For comparison, you can use the signs of sad autumn (dark green, like wet grass; gray, like clouds, puddles; brown, like mud on the roads; black, like wet branches).

To check, the child turns the “paint” over.

2. Statement of the problem

IN: - Joyful autumn we have already drawn. Let's try to draw a sad autumn.

Q: - The sky and earth are already drawn on these pieces of paper.

Q: - Which leaf is more suitable for depicting sad autumn? Why?

Children's answers.

3. Management of the task.

Q: - What can you draw on a piece of paper to make a picture of a sad autumn?

D: - Streams of rain, wet trees, puddles, dark withered grass, clouds...

(teacher's recommendations: trickles of rain can be drawn in blue or blue pencil, wet trees look dark - they can be painted with black paint, puddles are like small mirrors reflecting the color of the sky - they can be painted with gray paint)

4. Independent work of children

Children draw to quiet, calm music.

5. Summary of the lesson.

Educator: - Today in class we learned that autumn can be sad. To paint it, we used only “sad” colors. How did your drawings turn out?

Children: - Sad.

Educator: - This means that colors can convey not only the weather, but also the mood. But we won’t take the sad mood with us into the group; we’ll leave it here along with the drawings. We will build in a cheerful mood.

Teacher of MBDOU d/s "Birch" Marysheva N.A. Ostrov

Goal: Development of children's creative abilities through acquaintance with in unconventional ways drawing; introduce children to new things unconventional method drawing - printmaking.


  • Develop interest in unconventional depictions of objects (leaves) on paper
  • Promote interest in experimentation
  • Strengthen the ability to recognize and name colors
  • Develop fine motor skills and hand-to-hand coordination
  • To develop responsiveness, goodwill, accuracy, independence, the ability to understand a learning task and carry it out independently.

Tasks educational areas in integration ( « Cognitive development» , « Speech development» , "Music" , "Physical development"

  • form ideas about the features of nature in autumn
  • Develop grammatically correct speech, enrich the active vocabulary
  • music perception
  • to form and improve motor skills, development of motor qualities and abilities.

Type of children's activity: cognitive, communicative, productive, playful.

Methods and techniques: surprise moment, game techniques, demonstration of actions.

Materials for the lesson:

  • Landscape sheet, size A4, with an image of a tree without foliage.
  • gouache 4 colors yellow, red, orange, green.
  • jars of water.
  • brushes
  • leaves.
  • container for used leaves.
  • oilcloth.
  • dummies of mushrooms,
  • knitted clouds.
  • leaves cut for did. games "Get it right"
  • musical compositions.
  • wet wipes.

Preliminary work:

Observing autumn nature, looking at trees, learning poems about autumn, reading works of art. Looking at a reproduction of a painting by Levatan « Golden autumn» , as well as sketches and illustrations depicting various trees in autumn, collecting leaves on a walk.

Guys, let's warm up a little and say hello to our guests. Communication game "Hello"

Hello palms: Clap-clap-clap!

Hello legs: Top-top-top!

Hello cheeks: Plop-plop-plop!!

Chubby cheeks: Plop-plop-plop!

Hello my little nose: beep-beep-beep!

Hello lips: smack-smack-smack!

Hello guests! /children turn to the guests and hold out their hands, palms up/

Guys, we received a letter in our group, but I don’t know who sent it, let’s open it and maybe find out who it’s from.

The teacher opens the envelope and takes out small envelopes.

Oh, but the letter is not simple, but with riddles. To find out who it is from, you need to complete several tasks.

Open the envelopes and see what's there (autumn leaves cut into 4 parts in envelopes)

A didactic game is being played "Get it right" / music by P. Tchaikovsky sounds "Autumn Song" /

Guys, what did you do? /leaves/

What color are the leaves? /yellow, red, orange/

How can you say it in one word? /multi-colored/

When do such leaves appear? /Autumn/

This means that autumn sent us a letter.

And for the second task, autumn prepared a game for us "Call me kindly"

  • Rain-rain
  • Wind - breeze
  • Sun-
  • Sheet-
  • Umbrella-
  • Cloud-
  • Puddle-

Well done guys, you completed this task.

There is another letter here.

“Dear children, I invite you to visit my autumn forest. Autumn.

Well guys, let's go visit Autumn? Then have a good trip!

In the autumn forest for a walk

I invite you to go.

You guys won't find a more interesting adventure.

But you look at your feet

Don't step on mushrooms.

Let's go through the stream.

We'll get to the clearing.

/Children walk among the mushrooms, jump over a stream. They stop in a clearing. /

It’s so nice in the autumn forest, only the leaves are rustling on the trees.

How they rustle - sh-sh-sh-sh /Children's answers/

The sound of strong wind and rain sounds.

What happened, what's that noise? Run quickly to me, hide under the umbrella.

This evil cloud doesn’t want us to visit Autumn.

Let's drive it away, take the small clouds and turn them into rain.

Let's say these words:

“Cloud, cloud go away,

You guys are not wet” /Children are blowing small clouds. a song sounds "The sun was shining in the blue sky" /

Once again it became quiet and the sun came out into the forest, only the puddles from the clouds remained.

Along a winding path, we came to the Autumn Forest!

Look, look

There are so many miracles around!

Hello Autumn! Hello forest!

Now the mistress, the sorceress Autumn, is in the forest! Yes, there she is!

/Autumn comes out to the song “Dear autumn rustles” /

Autumn. Hello my dear children!

How big you have become over the summer!

You are welcome to come to our clearing,

Autumn awaits you for a visit!


Guys, how do we know that Autumn has arrived?

What signs of autumn do we know?

  • the leaves have turned yellow
  • it got cold outside

It rains often.

And when it blows strong wind and a lot of leaves are flying, what is it called? /leaf fall/

Name three autumn months? /September, October, November/

Look how beautiful it is around, Autumn has done its best to decorate the trees.

They approach the birch tree and examine it. What is this tree called?

What kind of trunk does a birch tree have?

Are the leaves large or small?

What color?

They approach the maple tree and examine it.

What is this tree called?

What kind of trunk does a maple tree have?

What leaves? /large, carved/

What color?/red, yellow, orange, green/

Compare birch and maple leaves.

Let's relax a little and play with Autumn.

Physical education minute:

“Autumn will come to visit us / children walk in place /

She will lead us to the forest.

How mushrooms grow will show/squat and slowly stand up/

The rain will sing a song for us / fingers tap on one palm, then on the other / Drip-drip-drip, drip-drip-drip.

The wind will blow on us, / blow in front of us /

Leaves rustle/smoothly wave in front of you/

Will send migratory birds south/flapping their arms like wings/

And he will put all the bugs to sleep, / palms under the cheeks are asleep /

Autumn. Guys, I may be a sorceress, but I have a lot of work. Please help me dress the trees in autumn outfits. To do this, I will give you my favorite colors.

Educator. What are your favorite Autumn colors? /red, yellow, orange/

To turn into magical artists, you need to say magic words

Once, twice, three times I’ll turn around, I’ll turn into an artist.

We will decorate the trees in an unusual way, we will draw with leaves, this method of drawing is called printmaking.

This is the imprinting of leaves on paper.

We place the leaf on the oilcloth, cover it with paint using a brush, then place the painted side on a tree branch and press it with a napkin, and then carefully remove it.

Take another leaf and paint it with a different color. /During the story, the teacher shows drawing techniques. /

Music sounds / Autumn, autumn 1,2, 3 you give us colors, music by Tchaikovsky Autumn song” /

What a great fellow you are! How many trees you helped me decorate! How beautiful they are!

Educator. You now have a real autumn forest, through which you want to walk, listen to the rustling of leaves, and admire the wonderful autumn colors.

But the time has come to say goodbye to Autumn and return to kindergarten. Goodbye Autumn! We are always glad when you come to us.

I not only bring colorful leaves and rain, but also treats, so I prepared delicious treats for you - mushrooms, nuts, everything that the forest is rich in! /Autumn brings out treats/

The children return home to the music.

Well, we are back at kindergarten. Did you enjoy the trip? Where have we been today? Who stopped us from going to visit? Who met us in the forest? How did we help Autumn? What new way of drawing have we met? Did you know that you can draw with leaves?