Summary of an integrated lesson on speech development and applications based on the fairy tale by V. Suteev “Under the Mushroom.” Summary of direct educational activities with children of the senior group. Game-dramatization of the fairy tale by V. Suteev “Under the Mushroom”. Outline of the lesson on ra

Target: Make a “Mushroom” applique. Introduce the method of tearing paper.


Teach children to make a semi-oval from a rectangle by tearing upper corners, tear off the corners of the square, getting a circle; continue to learn how to cut a square into straight strips, fold them in half and glue them partially by the tip, imitating raindrops. Continue learning how to compose a plot composition.


To clarify and enrich children’s understanding of the author’s fairy tales, to react emotionally to literary work, develop creativity children, develop oral speech children, visual memory, figurative and logical thinking, ability to analyze and generalize, draw conclusions.

- To instill in children a sense of kindness, responsiveness, readiness to help anyone who is in trouble, and the ability to make friends.

Integration educational areas:

“Communication”, “Socialization”, “Reading” fiction», « Artistic creativity- application".

Technologies used: health-saving ( finger gymnastics, physical education, relaxation setting), gaming, dialogical.

Methods and techniques: illustration method, emotional stimulation method, practical method, finger gymnastics, conversation method.

Preliminary work: reading the fairy tale by V. Suteev “Under the Mushroom”.

Materials for the lesson:

Images of the heroes of the fairy tale “Under the Mushroom”, umbrella, scissors, PVA glue, napkin, oilcloth, glue brush, half a landscape sheet, rectangle 8*4 (mushroom cap), brown or red; square 5*5 (leg) white or gray, strip of green paper 15*5, square 6*6 blue(raindrops).

Progress of the lesson

Greetings: Hello, you tell the person.

Hello - he will smile back.

And he probably won’t go to the pharmacy,

And you will be healthy for many years.

Greetings to guests.

Friends, do you like fairy tales?

There are many fairy tales in the world

Sad and funny

We won't survive in the world

Without favorite books.

A fairy tale came to visit us today... - Guys! Probably many of you have been to autumn forest? You come to the forest, and it seems that the forest becomes alive. Leaves rustle in the wind, trees sway. All forest inhabitants have their own affairs and concerns: from the big bear to little ant. After all, the forest is their home and everyone in this house lives in their own way... Let's look into the fairy tale *Under the Mushroom* and remember what happens there? Maybe someone knows the author of this fairy tale? Wrote a fairy tale - V. Suteev. He illustrated his works himself ( what did he illustrate?). V. Suteev also had a secret: he wrote right hand, and drew with his left hand. Show your right hand, now show your left hand. Artist and writer rolled into one - this is a real wizard.

On the board there are pictures of *mushrooms* with fairy tale characters. Children, as they ask questions, place the heroes of the fairy tale under the mushroom.

Remember where the fairy tale begins?

Who asked to see the ant under the fungus? (butterfly, mouse, sparrow, hare).

What happened to the hare?

What surprised the ant when the rain stopped and they all got out from under the mushroom?

Who did our heroes see on the mushroom cap? (frog).

How did it happen that at first it was cramped for just one person under the mushroom, but then there was room for all five?

What does a fairy tale teach us? (friendship, care, respect).

Oh, it looks like it's starting to rain.

Physical education lesson “Rain”.

To us on a thin long leg

The rain is bouncing along the path. (Jumping on one leg in a circle.)

In a puddle - look, look! –

He blows bubbles. (Children stand facing in a circle; rhythmic squats.)

The bushes have become wet, (Hands up, shaking hands.)

The flowers became wet. (Tilt, hands to the floor, shaking hands.)

Wet gray sparrow

Dries the feathers quickly. (Stand up, arms along the body, shaking hands.)

The teacher opens the umbrella. “It started raining.” Children are hiding under an umbrella.

Look what our umbrella looks like? Looks like a fungus under which the heroes of a fairy tale hid! What is the name of the rain after which mushrooms grow? (mushroom). We have a clearing where there are no mushrooms. Do you want mushrooms to grow in your meadow? The teacher shows and tells techniques for tearing off paper for caps, mushroom stems and grass.

Consider what parts the mushroom consists of: cap and stem. Demonstration: we learn to make a semi-oval (mushroom cap) from a rectangle by cutting off only the upper corners. For the mushroom stem of the square, we cut off the corners to get a circle.

Tear a strip of green paper on one side horizontally to create grass. Distribute the parts on a sheet of cardboard. The order of gluing: first glue the stem of the mushroom, then the cap, slightly covering the stem, then glue the grass, covering part of the stem, so that the fungus is in the grass.

Finger gymnastics:

I’m taking a basket to the forest, I’ll pick all the mushrooms.

My friend is surprised how many mushrooms there are around here!

Boletus, oiler, boletus, honey fungus,

Boletus, chanterelle, milk mushroom - let them not play hide and seek!

I will find saffron milk caps and waves at the edge of the forest. (Fold all fingers in turn.)

I won’t carry the fly agaric - let it stay in the forest! (thumbs down).

Make raindrops from strips cut from a square. Fold each strip in half in the form of a loop, and glue only the ends together, and then glue the same ends onto a sheet of cardboard so that the loop hangs and creates a voluminous droplet.

Lesson reflection. That's how many wonderful mushrooms grew in the clearings. What a great fellow you are! Analysis creative works children: Children look at the exhibition of applications and discuss which works they liked and why.


V. Suteev “Under the mushroom”.

1. Organizational moment(2 min.)

o Say hello to the class;

o Fill out the log;

o Check that all students are properly prepared for the lesson.

2. Conversation (10 min.)

Today we will get acquainted with Suteev’s fairy tale “Under the Mushroom” and draw illustrations for it. In order to draw good illustration, you need to create images of the main characters: artistic images. Can anyone tell me what it is artistic image?

(If the students find it difficult to answer, the teacher asks an easier question: “What is just an “image”? That’s right, it’s a kind of image, a picture that appears in our minds. And who creates an artistic image? An artist.) An artistic image is not just a representation about some object, but an artistically reinterpreted image, in the creation of which not only our perception, but also our imagination can help us.

Let's remember what a representation is from the general psychology course.

Performance is the process of mentally recreating images of objects and phenomena that are at the moment do not affect human senses (as well as the reconstructed images themselves).

And what concept is closely related to the concept of representation? See the board.

Perception- a holistic reflection of objects and phenomena in the totality of their properties and parts with their direct impact on the senses.

And when creating an artistic image, such a psychological process as imagination is involved. What is imagination?

Imagination is a process of creative transformation of ideas that reflect reality, and the creation on this basis of new ideas that were not previously available.

An artistic image of a hero is a representation of a character, the creation of which involves not only our perception, but also our imagination.]

So today we will create such images. Famous Russian illustrators coped brilliantly with this task (shows on the left side of the board): Ivan Bilibin, Nikolai Kocherhymn and the author of our today's fairy tale, Vladimir Suteev. Suteev -- children's writer and illustrator. He himself wrote fairy tales and drew illustrations for them.

Pay attention to Bilibin's "Red Horseman". This is a character from the fairy tale “Vasilisa the Beautiful”, symbolizing the Sun. The artist managed to skillfully convey this image in his work: the horse and rider are painted in red, the horse’s mane resembles the rays of the sun.

Kochergin and Suteev create artistic images of their characters in their own way. Their heroes are much more like people than animals: they wear clothes, walk on their hind legs, use different things (for example, a box behind Mishka’s back). There is a simple explanation for this: after all, in a fairy tale, animals talk, think, take care of each other, in a word, behave absolutely humanly. Notice how the bunny wrapped his paws around the mushroom; I doubt they do this in nature! And in fairy tales and, therefore, in our illustrations, they can express their emotions.

Now I will read you this fairy tale. Listen carefully and try to imagine your characters well.

Vladimir Grigorievich Suteev


One day Ant was caught in heavy rain.

Where to hide?

The Ant saw a small fungus in the clearing, ran to it and

hid under his hat.

He sits under a mushroom, waiting out the rain.

And the rain is falling harder and harder...

A wet butterfly crawls towards the mushroom:

Ant, Ant, let me go under the fungus! I'm wet - I can't fly

Where will I take you? - says Ant. - I'm the only one here somehow


Nothing! In cramped conditions, but not in offence.

The Ant let the Butterfly under the fungus.

And the rain is falling even harder...

Mouse runs past:

Let me go under the fungus! Water flows from me like a stream.

Where will we let you go? There's no room here.

Make room a little!

They made room and let the Mouse under the fungus.

And the rain keeps pouring and doesn't stop...

Sparrow jumps past the mushroom and cries:

The feathers are wet, the wings are tired! Let me go under the fungus

dry off, relax, wait out the rain!

There's no room here.

Move over please!

We moved and Sparrow found a place.

And then the Hare jumped out into the clearing and saw a mushroom.

Hide, - he shouts, - save! Fox is chasing me!..

I feel sorry for the Hare, says the Ant. - Let's make some room.

As soon as they hid the Hare, the Fox came running.

Have you seen the hare? - asks.

Didn't see it.

The Fox came closer and sniffed:

Is this where he hid?

Where can he hide here?

The Fox waved her tail and left.

By that time the rain had passed and the sun came out. Everyone got out

from under the mushroom - they rejoice.

The ant thought about it and said:

How so? Previously, I felt cramped under the mushroom alone, but now

There was a place for all five of us!

Kwa-ha-ha! Kwa-ha-ha! - someone laughed.

Everyone looked: a Frog was sitting on a mushroom cap and laughing:

Eh, you! Mushroom...

She didn’t finish saying it and galloped away.

We all looked at the mushroom and then guessed why, first, one under

It was crowded with mushrooms, and then there was room for five.

Have you guessed it?

The teacher places special emphasis on the phrase “And you guessed it”; when pronouncing it, he addresses the class directly. The children scream: “The mushroom has grown!”

3. Exercise (5 min.)

Now let’s practice drawing fairy tale characters. Now we will draw a bunny together, and then, using the instructions on the board, you can draw the rest of the characters using the same principle.

The teacher explains the technique of drawing a hare, walks through the rows and checks that everyone is doing everything correctly, if necessary, gives someone advice and helps them overcome difficulties.

4. Collaboration (25 min.)

Look carefully at the board; here are the stages of completing the illustration. Please note that the first three of them are done in pencil. Put your brushes and paints aside for a while and prepare a pencil and eraser.

Execution steps:

1. General search for a composition;

2. Elaboration of the main volumes of forms, clarification of the composition;

3. Work on details;

4. Paint the background;

5. Paint over the main characters;

6. Using a thin brush, draw the details.

The teacher explains each stage of the work, then performs the drawing in parallel with the students. Makes sure everyone keeps up with the lesson.

5. Summing up (3 min.)

The drawings are hung on the board, the teacher notices and voices the students’ successful discoveries and solutions, and praises them. Gently talks about common mistakes and asks you to take them into account in the future. You can ask students whose work they like best (besides their own). In this way, you can give grades, taking into account own opinion students.

What did we learn today? What is an artistic image of a character? Who can tell me how to create it?

Everyone did a good job today. Lesson is over, goodbye!

drawing artistic image character

List of used literature

1. Kuzin V.S. Programs of general education institutions. fine arts. 1-9 grades / Kuzin V.S., Rostovtsev N.N., Shorokhov E.V., Shpikalova T.Ya. and others - M.: Agar, 1996

2. Kuzin V.S. Fine arts. 1st grade / Kuzin V.S., Kubyshkina E.I. -M.: Bustard, 2009

3. Kunin V.N. Learning to draw / Kunin V.N. -M.: Egmont Russia, 2000

4. Shcherbatykh Yu.V. General psychology. Tomorrow is the exam. -- St. Petersburg: Peter, 2008

Educator: Bilyukova T.Yu.
Topic: “Drawing illustrations for V. Suteev’s fairy tale “Under the Mushroom.”
Goal: continue to teach children to listen work of art, develop attention, memory, draw illustrations for a fairy tale under the impression of what you read.
Objectives: be able to maintain a conversation, express your point of view, answer questions fully, emotionally perceive V. Suteev’s fairy tale “Under the Mushroom” and express your attitude towards the characters, develop the creative abilities of children.
Educational area:
2. Artistic and aesthetic.
3.Socially - communicative.
Materials and equipment: album sheets, felt-tip pens, V. Suteev’s book “Under the Mushroom”, flat figures for the fairy tale.
Previous work: looking at albums and postcards with children. Modeling mushrooms. Reading poems, proverbs, riddles, singing songs, outdoor games.
Move O.D:
Educator: Children, I have prepared for you V. Suteev’s fairy tale “Under the Mushroom”, would you like me to read it to you?
The children's answer is (yes).
Reading V. Suteev’s fairy tale “Under the mushroom?”
-Where did the Ant hide from the rain?
- Who else was hiding under the mushroom?
- Why at first it was cramped for Ant alone, and then there was room for five?
- Why did the Hare hide under the mushroom?
- Why didn’t the Fox look for the Hare under the mushroom?
Educator: Children, now draw illustrations for the fairy tale.
But first, let's train our fingers.
Finger gymnastics
Between soft spruce paws
Rain drip - drip - drip.
Where the twig has dried up long ago
Gray moss - moss - moss.
Where the leaf stuck to the leaf
A mushroom has grown.
- Take album sheets, markers, pencils and get to work.
(Children independently, impressed by what they read, draw illustrations for the fairy tale).
- Children who finished drawing,
neatly place pencils or markers in a box.
- What wonderful illustrations you drew for the fairy tale.
- Let's choose the best works.
- Will Kirill and Polina choose the works that they liked the most and why?
(Children analyze the work)
Physical education minute:
Green oak in the clearing
He reached out to the sky with his crown.
He is on the branches in the forest
He hung the acorns generously.
And mushrooms grow below
There are so many of them here now!
Don't be lazy and don't be shy
Lean over for mushrooms
Now let's walk a little
Raise your leg higher!
We walked around and frolicked
And they sat down on the grass.
Educator: Who wants to show the fairy tale “Under the Mushroom” themselves?
Children show a fairy tale on a flannelgraph using flat figures - the characters of the work.
- What did we do today?
- What did you like most?
All the children did very well, well done!

Fairy tale

"Under the mushroom" based on the fairy tale by V. Suteev

1 music

The sun hid behind a cloud,
The wind raised a whole storm,
There's a storm here,
Like a lively goat.
When the rain passed,
The mushroom has grown so big...
The rain has stopped. Hurry
An ant comes out.

2 music
He was lying under the leaf
And he was shaking all over with fear.
And his trouble is -
I didn’t end up in my birthplace.
A strong wind blew
The ant didn't have time
Run into an anthill
I began to wait out the storm.
Here he is wandering along the path,
He sees - on a huge leg,
Who would you have thought?
The forest giant is a fungus.

ANANT (walks around the mushroom)

Oh, you handsome forest man!
You are not a mushroom, but a daredevil.
You have such a hat
As if you are not a mushroom - a palace!
The thunder is roaring again, can you hear?
Hide me under your roof.
I'll wait out the rain here
And then I'll go home.


Okay, okay, ant,
Get in quickly.
So be it, I will
I'll hide it, hide it from the rain.

Then a mosquito appeared
And he addressed them with a speech.

3 music

KOMARIK (asks)

Oh you, dear friends!
Don't leave me
Getting wet here, in the rain.
The three of us will have more fun.


You, little mosquito,
Enough space for you and me.


So be it, we will
Let's hide it, hide it from the rain.

A fly appears here
Gilded belly.
All wet from the rain,
She said quietly.

4 music


Oh you dear friends,
I'm wet from the rain
I won’t raise my wings,
I can't fly away.


What to do? How can this be?
Where can I get a place?
Things have become a bit cramped
There's not enough room for all of us.


So be it, from the rain
We will hide, we will hide you,
Somehow we'll make room,
Maybe we can all fit in!

Then suddenly a mouse runs out
And the mushroom notices.

5 music

MOUSE (asks)

I am a field mouse
Don't leave me.
I won’t reach the mink -
I'll drown in these puddles.


What to do? How can this be?
Where can I get a place?
Things have become a bit cramped
There's not enough room for all of us.


So be it, from the rain
We will hide, we will hide you,
Somehow we'll make room,
Maybe we can all fit in!

(The mouse goes under the fungus)

The people calmed down.
They see a butterfly wandering.

6 music


All my wings are wet,
And I got wet myself.
I tried to fly away
You just can't do it in the rain
I need to rise to the skies
And get to the house.


What to do? How can this be?
Where can I get a place?
Things have become a bit cramped
There's not enough room for all of us.

ALL (in unison)

So be it, from the rain
We will hide, we will hide you,
Somehow we'll make room,
Maybe we can all fit in!

(The butterfly goes under the fungus)

They see a frog wandering towards them,
He can barely drag his belly.

7 music

FROG (complaining)

Trouble has happened - here it is,
My stomach hurts.
I sat in the rain for a long time
And she probably got sick.
Won't you cover me -
So I'll die from the rain.


What to do? How can this be?
Where can I get a place?
Things have become a bit cramped
There's not enough room for all of us.


Here's what I want to say:
The frog needs to be saved!
Even though she is an enemy to flies,
But I won't leave her like that.

ALL (in unison)

So be it, from the rain
We will hide, we will hide you,
Somehow we'll make room,
Maybe we can all fit in!


Well, I'll tell you out loud:
I didn't like flies before
But now I must say -
Let's be friends with flies.

(Goes under the fungus)

The little animals are standing, surprised -
How are they all placed?
Under just one mushroom,
Like under a big umbrella?

MOUSE (moving everyone away)

Come on, let me take a look!
Oh, the bunny runs like an arrow!

He flattened his ears
His tail was shaking.

8 music

BUNNY (asks)

Oh, save me, my beast...
My life is bad
A fox is chasing me
She'll be here soon.
She's been chasing me all day,
Just scared me terribly
Promised right here
Catch up with me and eat me right away!


Oh! We need to save him!
Get closer soon!
Don't be afraid, oblique, you -
Let's hide it, hide it from the fox.
(The hare hides behind the animals)

Here she appears -
Red-tailed fox.

(He comes up and looks at everyone)

9 music

FOX (important, proud)

Hello my friends!
You know who I am, right?
Well, beast, answer me:
Didn't a hare run through here?
It's time for me to have lunch.
Is he hiding among you?
He is here, I know that for sure!
Now I'll have a snack for everyone!

ANANT (comes forward)

And you, little fox, don’t be angry,
You fight me first!

MOUSE (comes forward)

There are many of us here, you are alone!
You can handle us - then
You will see a bunny
The standard of your dreams.

FOX (advancing on the animal To)

Oh, oh, oh! I'm afraid of you!
I'll deal with everyone!

Their battle began here.
Ant like a razor
Hit the fox in the nose
The mosquito brought a stick here
And hit her on the paw -
"Don't paw the bunnies ahead!"
And the frog, the frog
Hit the fox in the belly with his paw.
The mouse got the hang of it too
And she bit the fox.
Then the bunny ran up
And he kicked the fox.
The butterfly flies higher than everyone else,
And the fox is already giving up.


Oh, what is this, friends!
Don't hit me!
You all forgive me,
Let go quickly.
I definitely promise -
The hare and I will be friends.
I'll be a hare, so be it,


Well, the question is already clear to us.
Go away.
Just know with us now -
Don't you dare offend the hare!

The little fox tucked her tail,
She ran away.
The rain has stopped, and now
Our forest people crawled out.
They all stood side by side
Under the handsome fungus.


Amazing question...
And the fungus grew and grew...


From mushroom from rain
I'm growing very quickly!


You, me, and you and I (2 times)

I porcini mushroom, I am a white mushroom,
Without you, I would have died too.
Let's all spin around
Let's all be friends.
I'm white, not a toadstool
Oh, my life, tin!
And I have to save, now I have to save
We want to save everyone, everyone!

Everyone in the world loves fairy tales
Adults and children love it!
Fairy tales teach us good things
And diligent work,
They tell you how to live
To be friends with everyone around you!

Theatrical activities with middle school children preschool age. Dramatization of V. Suteev’s fairy tale “Under the Mushroom”

Integration of educational areas: reading fiction, music, socialization, cognition.
1. Teach children to clearly pronounce the text, using different emotional colors (joy, sadness), convey different states and characters of the characters, and use intonational speech.
2. Develop children’s psychophysical abilities (facial expressions, gestures);
3. Educate cognitive interest to theatrical activities; be an attentive, friendly viewer, react to what is happening on stage, respond to requests and gratitude from the artists.
4. Encourage children to actively participate in theatrical games.
Preliminary work: Reading a fairy tale, looking at pictures,
Equipment: hero Parsley. A ball of thread, a chest with riddles. Hero masks: (fox, hare, ant, mouse, frog, butterfly, sparrow, mushroom);
Tape recorder. (music of rain and thunder, sound of the forest: owl, wolf); Educator: Guys, look what I have in my hands? (the teacher shows the children a ball of thread)
- That's right, only this is not a simple ball, but a magical one that will lead us into a fairy tale.
- How can you get acquainted with a fairy tale? (read in a book, watch a cartoon - a fairy tale, go with your parents to puppet theater, listen to a fairy tale told by your mother or grandmother). Let's all go together to where the ball will roll.
- Do you hear, it seems like it’s starting to rain, thunder is thundering (rain music starts, thunder) Look at the house, let’s hide there from the rain (we approach a corner of nature, Parsley comes out from there.)
Parsley: I hear, I hear someone’s voices, who is it here?
Educator: Hello Parsley, this is us. A magical ball of thread was supposed to lead us into a fairy tale, but for some reason it led us into the forest and we got caught in the rain.
Parsley: I know where there is such a theater, but before you get to it you need to get into the land of riddles, if you guess the riddles, you will get to the theater, the arrow will show you the way.
Educator: We have come to the land of riddles, it seems that here in a magic chest, listen carefully to the riddles.
She is more cunning than all the animals,
She is wearing a red fur coat.
A fluffy tail is her beauty.
This forest animal is…. (Fox)

There is a hat and there is a leg,
There is no boot on my foot!
And the leg and the hat -
Delicious soup guys!
An alder leaf stuck to the hat...
Well, of course it is. ! (Mushroom)

Lives in a hole

Gnawing on crusts.
Short legs;
afraid of cats. (Mouse)

He's dragging a straw
To a small house.
He is stronger than all the insects
Our hard worker... (ant.)

Where will you find it?
Well, of course, in the swamp!
Green like grass
He says: “KVA, KVA, KVA!” (Frog)

Morning... All in the flowers of the meadow...
But look: one flower
Suddenly he took off and flew,
And he sat down on a bush again!
Amazing flower:
Legs, eyes, stem,
There is a fold between the wings
But this is... (Butterfly).
He is afraid of everyone in the forest:
Wolf, eagle owl, fox.
Runs from them, escaping,
With long ears... (hare).
Everyone knows this bird
IN warm region doesn't fly away
This bird is all year round
Lives in our yard
And she tweets
Loudly from the very morning:
- Wake up quickly. -
Everyone is in a hurry (Sparrow)
(Pictures depicting heroes are hung on an easel)
Parsley: Well done on how quickly and correctly you guess.
Educator: Guys, what fairy tale are these heroes from? (children’s answers) V. Suteev “Under the mushroom”
Parsley: I think that's where I see magic theater, do you want me to turn you into the heroes of this fairy tale and you will show it to us in the theater? (children's answers)
Here I'll take the wand
I'll wave over the guys
I will turn them into heroes.
Here I will wave my wand
Children into a hare, ant, fox, butterfly,
I'll turn the mouse and the storyteller.
(The characters and the narrator go get ready, the audience takes their seats)

Dramatization of the fairy tale “Under the Mushroom” by V. Suteev. At the end of the tale, the heroes bow down and the audience gives flowers.

Educator: While we were watching the theater, the rain in the forest stopped. We can go back.
Parsley: Be sure to come again
Educator: Of course, we will come, only when we return back, when it is dark in the forest and there is nothing to see (the sound of an Owl and a wolf)
Parsley: Yes, it’s dangerous in the forest at night, I forgot I have a magic wand. Goodbye guys. Come again, I will be waiting for you. Close your eyes. (Children close their eyes Parsley says magic)
Here I will wave my wand -
I will help all the guys
I'll send them home quickly
The wand is a miracle worker,
Magical sorceress
You will quickly find yourself in kindergarten.
Educator: Guys, here we are kindergarten, where were we with you?
-What hero did we meet in the forest?
- Did you like the fairy tale?
- Why was there enough space for all the animals?
-Which hero did you like best?