What kind of fortune-telling are there on a piece of paper. Fortune-telling on paper for a date. Fortune-telling “Loves or dislikes” by strokes

Probably the easiest way to find out how another person feels is to tell love fortunes on paper. There is no need to carry out any serious rituals, prepare special attributes and tune in to the process of divination. Just take a piece of paper and a pen or pencil to get answers to your questions.

Fortune telling on paper with a pen

Fortune telling with paper has always been popular. For example, there are many methods, and so on. This method of divination will give you the opportunity to find out whether your partner really likes you and whether you should trust him.

You will need a piece of paper and a pen or pencil. Imagine in front of you a person who cares, and start drawing strokes. You will understand when you need to stop. Not counting the resulting number of sticks, cross out 2 at a time.

  • If, as a result, everyone turns out to be shaded, then this indicates that the partner is experiencing really strong feelings, is ready to develop the relationship, and there will be harmony in the couple.
  • One is left uncrossed, this indicates that in fact the guy does not have sincere feelings for you and has selfish intentions.

If you like this method, use another one, which will reveal the future.

If you are interested in getting answers to any questions that you cannot directly ask the boy you like, then use just such fortune-telling for your betrothed on paper. First of all, come up with a simple and clear question. The clarity of the answer depends on its brevity and conciseness. For example:

Pasha loves me?

In this case, the full name is not needed. Write the question down on paper. Now count the number of letters, punctuation marks are not taken into account. In our case it turned out to be 13.

If the result is a two-digit number, then the first and second digits are added. In our case it is four. All that remains is to decipher the result:

  • 1 - you already know the answer, there is no need to doubt this information;
  • 2 - yes;
  • 3 - No;
  • 4 - Maybe;
  • 5 - cannot give an exact answer, use the technique;
  • 6 - too shy to tell you the truth;
  • 7 - it is possible, but there are certain obstacles;
  • 8 - yes, everything will become known soon;
  • 9 - No.

If you are looking for a more detailed but simple way of fortune telling, use this. It will give you the opportunity to find out exactly what the young man feels towards you at the moment. Do not look into the decoding of the fortune-telling ahead of time. Write at random any combination of numbers 1, 2, 3, 4.

Use the help of friends so that you are not tempted to immediately look at the results until you write a four-digit number. When everything is ready, see the transcript:

1234 slight sympathy, flirting possible
1243 very jealous
1342 antipathy, does not consider you a suitable candidate, lack of attraction
1324 If you make every effort, you will be together. However, there are many obstacles on the path to happiness.
1423 great friends, nothing more
1432 strong attraction, sincere feelings not for you
2143 will invite you on a date in the near future
2134 is offended by something
2341 strong feeling, but afraid and embarrassed to admit it
2314 the guy doesn’t feel anything for you, is preoccupied with other things and is not interested in relationships
2431 liking another girl
2413 strong feeling, love
3124 wants to talk seriously, but what is currently unknown
3142 romance, tender feelings
3241 the young man admires your beauty, but believes that you are not an interesting conversationalist
3412 breakup, betrayal
3421 sudden pleasant meeting
4123 admired by your beauty, but a serious relationship is not for him. You can only hope for light flirting
4132 respects
4231 doesn't feel anything for you
4213 very strong love, serious relationship possible
4321 no sympathy, respect, wants to hurt your feelings, offend
4312 very soon he confesses his love.

Every girl knows. However, what to do if there is no flower at hand? You can try chamomile fortune telling online or using a piece of paper and a pen.

You need to write your first and last name, as well as the guy you like. You need to use the well-known counting rhyme: “loves, no, hugs, kisses, presses to your heart, tells you to go to hell”. Each word falls on one letter. For example:

Izotova Olga, Patricha Ivan.

To get an answer to the question you are interested in, write it with a pen on paper in any form, for example: - “Does (name) love me?” Now count the number of letters in your question (no need to count commas, question marks). If there are 10 or more letters, add them up to a single digit number. Example: “Will I marry Ivan?” There are 20 letters in the question, add 2+0, we get the fortune telling result - 2. Now look what this or that number means.

  • 1 - you yourself know the answer to your question.
  • 2 - yes, your wish will come true.
  • 3 - no, it’s not destined to come true.
  • 4 - of course it will come true!
  • 5 - maybe yes, maybe no.
  • 6 - in order for your wish to come true, you will have to put in a lot of effort.
  • 7 - you will succeed, but not soon.
  • 8 - the wish will come true in the near future.
  • 9 - no, don’t even hope.

Fortune telling for the day

This simple method of fortune telling with pen and paper will tell you what surprises to expect from a particular day. The fortune-telling technique is as follows: on a blank sheet of paper, write the day of the week on which you are going to fortune-tell, and then your first, middle and last name. Write down all the same letters that you come across in the appropriate column.

After this, you will need to cross out all the paired letters and count how many unpaired letters remain. Depending on the number of letters remaining after crossing out, you can judge the day for which you are fortune-telling. If there are 10 or more remaining unpaired letters, add the numbers together. If you come across a letter that you have already written, put it under the one you wrote first.

Interpretation of the obtained values:

  • 0 - you shouldn’t expect anything special from the day you are fortune-telling;
  • 1 - portends receiving good news;
  • 2 - you will be disappointed;
  • 3 - predicts a trip or journey;
  • 4 - fate will intervene in your plans and force them to change;
  • 5 - a favorable day for a romantic date;
  • 6 - an unexpected meeting with a pleasant person awaits you;
  • 7 - you will spend the day in melancholy and despondency;
  • 8 - love adventure;
  • 9 - day will not bring you anything good.

Fortune telling for love

Using this fortune telling with paper and pen, you can find out about the fate of your relationship with your partner. Just as in the previous fortune telling, write down your partner’s last name, first name and patronymic on a blank sheet of paper. Arrange identical letters that you come across in columns.

Count how many pairs of identical letters you have and see what fortune telling predicts for your relationship.

  • 1 - your partner thinks only about himself, he is not interested in you;
  • 2 - future relationships will disappoint you. Consider whether you need them;
  • 3 - love, peace and mutual understanding will always reign in your couple;
  • 4 - constant quarrels over trifles are possible in your union;
  • 5 - if you are not ready to indulge your partner in everything, then it would be better to break off the relationship;
  • 6 - in your couple you are the strong link;
  • 7 - a good couple who can live for many years in love and harmony;
  • 8 - you understand each other perfectly and that’s great;
  • 9 - fortune telling promises you a long and happy family life.

Fortune telling by wish

With the help of this fortune telling, you can get a definite answer as to whether your wish will come true. Take a blank piece of paper and a pen and focus on your desire. Next, randomly, without counting, draw a lot of vertical strokes. After this, draw horizontal lines through each pair of strokes. You should end up with the letters "H".

Now look at the result of your fortune telling - if all your strokes turn out to be paired, then your wish will come true in the very near future. If you still have an unpaired stick, then, alas, your expectations are in vain.

Relationship fortune telling

To find out how the person you like treats you, you will need a piece of squared paper and a pen. If you are right-handed, draw a heart on a checkered piece of paper with your left hand. If you are left-handed, you need to draw the heart with your right hand. Now cross out squares of four whole cells inside the outline of the heart. Depending on how many cells you have left that cannot be crossed out, you can judge your lover’s attitude towards you.

  • If all the whole cells were crossed out, he loves you more than life itself.
  • If there is only one cell left, he has not yet decided on his attitude towards you.
  • There are two cells left - only friendship is possible between you.
  • There are three cells left - he is afraid to confess his love to you.
  • If there are four cells left, he is jealous.
  • There are five cells left - you occupy all his thoughts.
  • There are six cells left - he is completely indifferent to you.

The future is a mystery that everyone so wanted to get a glimpse of, and doing so was not such an easy task.

If you ask a person on the street: “What can you use to tell fortunes?” There is a ninety-nine percent chance that he will answer, “With the help of cards.” However, what to do if there are simply no cards? It turns out that fortune telling without cards is quite possible: with the help of a simple piece of paper and a pen. You can extract a lot of useful information from paper!

With one sheet of paper and a pen you can find out your future!

Fortune telling on paper is very simple and does not require special skills, but it gives a reliable answer to many important questions: from love affairs to success in life.

Fortune telling about your betrothed: does he love you?

This is a special fortune telling with a piece of it.

The difference between fortune telling and similar ones is that it gives an answer only from the series yes or no, and the question must certainly contain this tricky particle.

This fortune telling in some sources is also presented as Fortune telling with a sheet and with a pen for a guy and for love. As already mentioned, the question must be asked strictly with the particle whether.

Fortune telling method

To carry out fortune telling for your betrothed, write your question on a piece of paper, to the right of it your date of birth in the format: “dd.mm.yyyy”. Cross out all the same letters and count the number of remaining characters in the question. Remember or write down this number. Calculate your number.

To do this, add the numbers of the month to the numbers of the birthday, and the numbers of the year to the resulting amount. Remember this number, it will be useful in many other fortune tellings. Add these two numbers. If the number is two digits (ten or more), sum the digits of the resulting number. Repeat this action until you get a number from one to nine.

For example, you asked the question: “Does guy (name) love me?” Your date of birth: 05/12/1998. Having crossed out the same letters, we get: “Yubt me par?” The number of letters in the phrase is nine. Your number: 1+2+0+5+1+9+9+8=35=3+5=8.

After calculation, use the table to see the answer:

  • 1 – yes;
  • 2 – no;
  • 3 – more likely yes than no;
  • 4 – more likely no than yes;
  • 5 – intuition will tell you;
  • 6 – some person is interfering;
  • 7 – yes, but now;
  • 8 – unlikely;
  • 9 – everything is in your hands.

Number 9 says - relationships are in your hands. Take action!

Fortune telling for the betrothed

With the help of fortune telling on a sheet, you can find out the name of the guy you are destined for; it is with him that you will find happiness and be able to create family comfort.

The method of fortune telling for a betrothed is somewhat reminiscent of the previous one, but provides more information. You don’t have to guess the attitude of a particular guy towards you; you will immediately know your fate. Before you begin, remember a very important rule: no one should know about fortune telling for your betrothed, not even your closest people.

The ritual of fortune telling for girls will require some mathematical calculations. To tell fortunes about your betrothed, do the following:

  1. Write down your name, surname and patronymic on a piece of paper.
  2. Count the number of letters in your full name (CH).
  3. Count the number of letters in the full name (h).
  4. Remember these numbers.
  5. Count the number of each letter.
  6. Remember at least two numbers (ch1, ch2, ch3,..., chn).
  7. Carry out the following mathematical operation: Ch- (ch+ch1+ch2+ch3+..chn).
  8. Use the table to interpret the results.

For example, your name is Victoria Valerievna Petrova. There are twenty-five letters in the full name, that is, H = 25. The name has eight letters: h=8. Accordingly, ch1=3 (number of letters E), ch2=2 (number of letters T), ch3=3 (number of letters P), ch4=2 (number of letters O), ch5=4 (number of letters B), ch6=3 (number of letters A), ch7=2 (number of letters I). Thus, we get the number │25-(8+3+2+3+2+4+3+2)│= │-2 │=2.

To find out the name of your betrothed, use the list below:

  • One - Adam, Dmitry, Evgeny, Nikita, Sergey.
  • Two - Alexey, German, Denis, Nikolay, Semyon.
  • Three - Anton, Gennady, Egor, Nazariy, Said.
  • Four - Andrey, Vasily, Ilya, Oleg, Timur.
  • Five - Arkady, Vladimir, Ivan, Omar, Fedor.
  • Six - Antip, Bogdan, Cyril, Pavel, Philip.
  • Seven - Anatoly, Victor, Mikhail, Peter, Edward.
  • Eight – Arthur, Vitaly, Mark, Ruslan, Yuri.
  • Nine - Arseny, Boris, Matvey, Rustem, Yaroslav.

Now you know how to guess a boy's name on paper with a pen.

Fortune telling about a guy and his attitude

The easiest way to find out a guy's feelings towards you is to tell fortunes in a notebook about your loved one by name and date of birth. Write down your name and date of birth on the left on a blank sheet of paper, and the same data about your passion on the right.

Using a notepad and pen, you can find out a guy's true attitude

For example, you are Ioanna, born on March 12, 1997, and your boyfriend is Vlad, born on February 14, 1998. Your name has six letters, your loved one has four. The nominal number of your relationship: 6+4=10=1+0=1.

You can get a prediction and determine the main characteristics of your relationship using the list:

  • One - you are suitable for each other only for a temporary relationship, you should not expect anything serious.
  • Two - you are made for each other, you will easily get along together, create a strong family, despite all the hardships and problems.
  • Three - in a relationship, he is unlikely to respect you and fulfill any of your whims, the relationship will be difficult and will not bring anything good, you should not even try.
  • Four - your heart and the heart of the young man beat in the same rhythm, in marriage you will understand each other perfectly, and your parents will get along well with the groom’s parents.
  • Five - you do not sit still, you are looking for adventure and the opportunity to have a great time, you have a lot in common and it is easy for you to find a common language, but your relationship is too flighty and can easily be destroyed by betrayal.
  • Six - you prefer to stand firmly on your feet and be confident in the future, but neither you nor your lover are deprived of imagination, which will help you create a strong marriage.
  • Seven - life together will be easy and comfortable, your mutual love will help you avoid any difficulties, create home comfort and warmth.
  • Eight - you are both highly intelligent and comprehensively developed people, but together you will be bored - you will not have enough passionate feelings and a little romance.
  • Nine - a spark of passion will always be between you, you will never be bored, although you will often encounter quarrels and jealousy, this will only improve your relationship.

Number 9 suggests that there is a constant spark of passion running between you

Fortune telling on a sheet of paper with a pen also involves working with dates of birth.

Add up all the numbers included in the birth dates of both partners. In your example it will be like this: 1+2+0+3+1+9+9+7+1+4+0+2+1+9+9+8= 66=6+6=12=1+2 =3.

We are looking for an interpretation:

  • One is the final stage of your relationship, then there are two options: marriage or separation.
  • Two - don’t expect a simple development of events; both partners will have to try hard to not only maintain, but also take them to a new level.
  • Three - all responsibility for your relationship will fall on your betrothed, the outcome of your relationship depends on him;
  • Four - you will probably become a mother very soon.
  • Five - very soon your partner may make you happy with a proposal; an alliance with this person promises you only happiness.
  • Six - not everything is as smooth as we would like, fight for your lover and beware of betrayal.
  • Seven is just what the doctor ordered; success awaits you not only in family matters, but also in career and financial matters.
  • Eight - in such a relationship you will lose yourself and remain unhappy.
  • Nine - your partner loves gambling, and this can ruin your relationship, try not to get involved with gambling.

Interpretation 9? Partner Is Committed To Gambling, Which Will Ruin Your Relationship

Fortune telling for love on paper gives not only truthful, but also accurate results.

Fortune telling with a piece of paper and a pen for a guy

A simple fortune telling on a guy for girls, allowing you to find out the real attitude of a person dear to your heart.

Take a piece of paper in the box and write the guy's name on the right. If you are right-handed, then do this and subsequent actions with your left hand; if you are left-handed, do the opposite. Cut out a heart from paper.

Count the number of cells inside the heart. Divide them by six and write the remainder of the division on the left. For example, you have 34 cells in your heart, then when divided by six you get 5 (the rest is 4).

Using the resulting number, you can quickly find out how the young man treats you:

  • 0 – loves;
  • 1 – respects;
  • 2 – does not notice;
  • 3 – thinks about you;
  • 4 – jealous;
  • 5 – indifferent to you.

Fortune telling on a piece of paper

In addition to love, you can also tell fortunes about the fulfillment of a wish. In order to perform fortune telling on a wish, you will need a piece of paper in a cage.

The principle of fortune telling is the same as in the first fortune telling: write down the question, underline the same letters and count the number of remaining ones.

Using the received number, “read” the results:

  • One, eight - the wish will come true.
  • Two, six – it won’t come true.
  • Three, five - you should make an effort to implement it.
  • Four, nine - you will need help.
  • Seven - you will be disappointed in your desire.

Number 7 says that you will be disappointed in your desire

Fortune telling for the day and the future

Fortune telling with pen and paper allows you to find out what awaits you in the distant and not so distant future.

To know what to expect from the day, write your name and date of birth in letters on a piece of paper. Cross out the repeated letters and count the number of remaining ones. If it is two-valued, reduce it to one-valued using the methods described earlier. Such fortune-telling for the day of the meeting can be easily combined with other methods of prediction; such a ritual and ritual fortune-telling in the name of the betrothed will go well together.


  • 0 – acquaintance;
  • 1 – laughter;
  • 2 – disappointment;
  • 3 – road;
  • 4 – news;
  • 5 – surprise;
  • 6 – success;
  • 7 – despondency;
  • 8 – insult;
  • 9 – love.


Since guys don’t care much about “magical affairs,” the article mainly offers fortune telling for girls: they are simple and help answer a lot of important questions, such as finding out your betrothed’s name by full name and date of birth, predicting the future and finding out whether your wish will come true. Indeed, you can extract answers to any question from paper.

Fortune telling for love, including fortune telling for your future husband, is quite accurate and tested by several generations.

It should be remembered that the best fortune-telling period is late evening and night, therefore, when conducting fortune-telling on paper at home, choose the right time for the sacrament.

We wish you success!

There are a huge number of different fortune telling, but for some reason we prefer the simplest ones, those that do not require special skills and do not cause mystical horror. Fortune telling on paper and a pen is suitable for anyone who wants to diversify their leisure time and get ahead of time by finding out about some events that are yet to come.

Fortune telling on paper with a pen is suitable for any age; they can be considered as an interesting option for organizing evening leisure activities “between us girls”, and with the involvement of younger sisters and daughters! Such magical continuity of generations will make the relationship with your teenage daughter more trusting and will give new impetus to the development of good relationships in a difficult transitional age.

Fortune telling on paper and a pen can also be a wonderful way to create a magical atmosphere for Christmas evenings or just a “hen party” for any occasion! So, for fortune telling we only need sheets of paper, a pen, a candle, matches and an ashtray (you can also take an ordinary saucer).

The good thing about this version of fortune telling on paper is that the whole company can “guess” one by one. Take a sheet of paper, write your deepest wish on it and, without showing anyone, crumple the sheet and set it on fire on a pre-lit candle (to create a magical atmosphere, you need to put out the regular light and light the candles).

Ask everyone to remain completely silent - while the paper is burning, look at the wall where the shadow should fall. By the way the outlines of the shadow change, you can judge the changes in your destiny! Extinguish the fire as soon as the flame reaches your fingers, and look again at the final version, using all the power of your own imagination, of course.

A similar method can be called New Year's - shortly before midnight, write your wish, and as soon as the clock starts striking midnight, light the piece of paper and watch it burn. If it burns strongly and quickly and burns out before the end of the clock, then nothing will prevent the fulfillment of your desires, but if the piece of paper goes out, it’s clear that it’s not fate...

"Fortune telling for love"

In order to predict the development of a relationship with a loved one, you need to write your first and last name and his first and last name. In names you need to cross out paired letters, then do the same with surnames. Now build a kind of graph for each name: if the letter is not crossed out, you need to draw a horizontal line to the right, and if it is crossed out, then draw a line up diagonally. Each graph needs its own color, and you need to start drawing them from the bottom point. Ready? Now try to analyze the graphs.

Fortune telling for wish fulfillment

In order to get an answer to your question, you must first ask it! For example, it will sound like this: “Will the one I love confess his love to me?” Count the letters of each written word and add them 10+2+3+1+5+3+4+1+5 = 34, now add 3+4=7 and see the answer according to the predictions:

  1. If the number is 1, “Everything is already clear to you.”
  2. If the number turns out to be 2, “Of course, yes.”
  3. If the number turns out to be 3, “Alas, no.”
  4. If the number turns out to be 4, “Of course.”
  5. If the number turns out to be 5, “Everything is possible.”
  6. If the number turns out to be 6, “We’ll have to work hard.”
  7. If the number turns out to be 7 - “Hope and happiness will come.”
  8. If the number turns out to be 8, “Everything will work out soon.”
  9. If the number turns out to be 9, “You will be disappointed.”

As children, we all loved to play the simple game “tic-tac-toe,” but we didn’t know that the usual field for the game could also indicate changes in life! In order to find out whether a wish will come true, you just need to make it with a cross or a zero, and start by “intuition”, entering a kind of trance, filling the field with crosses and zeros. Then see if it is possible to draw a line from the signs you have planned, if so, then your wish will come true!

And finally, a very old way of telling fortunes using sticks drawn on paper. This way you can find out whether your wish will come true. Make a secret wish, concentrate and begin to detachly place vertical sticks on the paper, stopping only when you feel the internal “stop” signal. Start crossing out the nearby sticks so that they form the letters H, if at the end of the fortune telling all the letters are paired, that is, H, then the wish will come true, if there is only one line left without a pair, then no.

Thus, you can spend the whole evening interestingly and variedly questioning fate, receiving answers through the simplest objects!

You can predict your future regarding what awaits you soon in love in different ways. It is possible to find out how a guy feels if you use cards, numbers, knowledge of numerology and various mathematical systems, and other mystical rituals. But among them there is one that may only require a piece of paper and a regular pen. This prediction is called - fortune telling for love on paper. And today we will tell you how this version of the prophecy will help girls find out about the feelings of a particular guy.

Love fortune telling, which is carried out using the most common materials at hand, enjoys incredible success. And it is not surprising, because such rituals can be performed at any convenient time, in any place, by performing simple calculation manipulations.

Despite the fact that love fortune telling on paper is very simple to perform, there are also basic rules for them. Knowing them, the girls’ interest in the reciprocity of the guys’ feelings will be satisfied with the most reliable answer.

So, in order for the answer to fortune telling for love using a pen and a piece of paper to be truthful, it is necessary:

  • Clear your thoughts from other matters and focus completely on your desire. You need to fill your thoughts with positive energy for the ritual to be effective. It is also advisable to think only about your beloved while performing magical actions on a piece of paper with a pen;
  • Work only to achieve results and do not use love fortune telling as a toy;
  • Repeat if the prediction results are questionable. Possible repetition should be done after a few days. When repeating fortune telling, you must strictly follow the first two rules.

Intended not only for girls, but also for boys, fortune telling with a pen and a piece of paper allows you to find out the attitude of a particular person if you follow exactly the basic recommendations for performing rituals.

And exactly how they are carried out is described below.

Rituals technique

Fortune telling on love on a piece of paper with a regular pen is very simple. It’s worth stocking up on the necessary tools and, sitting down at the table, focusing on the issue that worries you. It is important to formulate it correctly. You need to compose an interrogative sentence in such a way that the answer to it can only be answered unambiguously (“no” or “yes”).

Once you have decided what you want to know about a particular guy, write it down on a piece of paper. Then, it needs to be translated into numbers by counting the number of letters in the resulting sentence. For example, the question will sound like this: “Matvey loves me?” This sentence consists of 15 letters. And, since you will need a single digit number, the numbers will need to be added. Thus, you should get: 1 + 5 = 6. The number obtained as a result of simple manipulations will be the fortune telling key. Next, the decoding of this prediction for love is applied to it.

How to decrypt the key?

As a result of manipulating a pen on a blank sheet of paper, certain numbers are obtained:

1 - you know the answer to this question yourself;

2 – negative answer;

3 – positive answer;

4 – affirmative-positive answer (of course!);

5 – maybe yes, maybe no;

6 – there are obstacles on the way to receiving the question;

7 – you need to hope to get the answer you want;

8 – the answer is positive, but it will come true after some time;

9 – most likely, the answer to your question will be negative.

As you can see, this love fortune telling on a piece of paper is very simple. Thanks to him, fortune-telling girls have a clearer idea of ​​the feelings of a particular guy.

Predicting from a drawn heart

This fortune telling is also one of the simple ones. To make it, you also need to use a regular pen, drawing a heart shape on a sheet of paper. For the prophecy to be effective, you only need to prepare a blank sheet of paper in a square (not in a line).

Before you start guessing about a specific guy, you need to sit down and concentrate. Next, armed with a pen, begin to draw a heart on the sheet, saying the name of your lover. When the figure is ready, you will need to circle with a pen only the entire cells that are inside the closed line of the heart. Then, a square of 4 cells with 1 point of contact is shaded. As a result of such manipulations, only those cells in the middle of the figure will remain, the integrity of which is broken by the heart line and not shaded. The number of the latter will be the key to the prophecy of love. By counting (if the value is two-digit) and converting these cells into numbers, you can decipher it.

How is the heart deciphered?

  • If there are no unshaded cells, it means there is mutual love between you and this guy.
  • If there is only 1 cell, he respects and honors you.
  • There are 2 cells left - the guy will show sympathy.
  • 3 cells – there is only friendship between you.
  • 4 – someone is jealous of someone.
  • 5 – the guy wants to be alone with you.
  • 6 – the subject likes you very much.
  • 7 – a date is possible soon;
  • 8 – he doesn’t like you at all;
  • 9 – expects the first step from you.

Dash sticks

As one of the varieties of fortune telling on paper with a pen, there is a procedure with writing dashes. Among others, it is the simplest and provides a fairly reliable answer.

The essence of this love prediction is as follows: you need to draw dashes on a piece of paper while simultaneously asking a question that interests you in order to get an unambiguous answer (“yes” or “no”). Once you finish saying the sentence, you should stop drawing. The resulting combination of lines must be counted by connecting two sticks with jumpers. If at the end there is a stick left without a pair, then the answer will be negative. If all the sticks are connected in pairs, you get a positive answer to your question about a guy’s love.