What documents are needed to become the wife of an Egyptian. Marrying an Egyptian citizen. Step-by-step plan for those who want to marry an Egyptian

Mysterious Egypt with mysterious pyramids, the incredible beauty of the Red Sea, where eternal summer reigns - this country, like a magnet, attracts Russian girls.

It’s not uncommon for our compatriots to simply go on vacation, find love there, and then decide to move for permanent residence by marrying an Egyptian.

Official marriage in Egypt with an Egyptian

International marriages in Egypt, according to the law, cannot be concluded with a guest visa; you will need a so-called “fiancee visa”. Obtaining this document is perhaps the most difficult procedure when preparing to register a marriage with an Egyptian.

You can apply for a “fiancé visa” in Egypt, at the consular section of the Russian Embassy.

To obtain the document, you will have to go to Cairo for a certificate of no obstacles to marriage, taking with you the following documents:

  1. Foreign passport;
  2. Photo for consular registration;
  3. Divorce certificate (for those who were previously married).

The next point is Gawazet (that’s what the passport office is called in Egypt). There you fill out a special form to obtain a “fiancé visa”.

The last “test” you will have to pass is the interview. It is necessary to check how well the bride and groom know each other.

Expert opinion

Irina Vasilyeva

Civil law expert

The review may take up to forty days. After which a “fiancé visa” is issued, now you can marry an Egyptian in the next six months.

Then you need to undergo a medical examination in any Egyptian hospital. Collect the package of the following documents:

  1. Purchase a “tabe zavag” stamp at the post office;
  2. Make several copies of your foreign and internal passport;
  3. ID of the Egyptian citizen entering into marriage;
  4. 8 photos of the newlyweds.

Wedding in Egypt

Next, together with two witnesses, you will need to go to Cairo, directly to the Ministry of Justice of Egypt (visaret el adil). Only Egyptian citizens can act as witnesses. Here the bride and groom must draw up a marriage contract, which is also an official document of marriage.

The wedding procedure, when the bride is Egyptian and the groom is Russian, is no different. The Russian citizen also provides a certificate stating that he is not married. But in order to marry an Egyptian citizen, a foreign man must profess Islam.

Any foreigner has the right to obtain a fiancé visa in Egypt only once. Therefore, if the bride changes her mind, then there will be no second chance. But you can find a way out of the situation, for example, apply for a work visa or come by private invitation.

Ancient traditions and attitudes towards marriage in Egypt

According to tradition, the family unit of society in the country of the pyramids is built not by love, but by agreement of the parents.

In Egypt, girls get married early - at 14-15 years old, and always as virgins. Meeting your future husband takes place in the presence of your parents.

Betrothal in Egypt is accompanied by the presentation of gifts. The groom puts four wedding rings on the bride's finger and gives jewelry.

The wedding, called "nikah" in Egypt, takes place in a mosque. After the official ceremony, the newlyweds go to a restaurant or wedding hall.

The newlyweds must perform “shemodan” for the guests - a dance with a candelabra on their heads. With such a load, surrounded by ritual candles, the bride dances a belly dance for half an hour, and the groom insures his beloved from falling.

How to legalize an international marriage

The question of how to formalize official relations, what documents are needed to get married in Egypt, is asked with enviable regularity. Maghreb chickens, who, apparently, are tired of repeating this valuable information, which they are losing on the forum due to constant flooding, mostly their own angry tweeting like “I wrote a hundred times, where are you looking!” Therefore, I will describe the entire marriage algorithm. I’ll give you a list of documents, tell you what pitfalls await you and what to tell the bureaucrats. Everything seems complicated, but in reality, those who are warned will not be afraid.

Preparation: fiancé visa

The first thing you need to start the marriage registration procedure is a fiancé visa. Perhaps this is the most difficult procedure in the whole tedium. The fact is that international marriages cannot be concluded on a tourist visa. And in order to avoid unnecessary hassle with issuing an invitation and other nonsense, a fiancé visa was invented. You can arrange it directly in Egypt. To do this, you need to go to the consular department of the Russian Embassy and get a certificate stating that there are no marriage marks in your internal passport.

At the same time, prepare three kilograms of copies of your passport, both foreign and domestic, the ID of your future husband, a certificate from the army, and a formal contract, which you should already have by then. Take ten photos each for yourself and your future spouse. Buy a Tabe ZAVAG stamp at the post office.

If there are marks in this passport, then you need to provide documents about divorce or widowhood. Based on these documents or in the absence of them, if you were not married, you will receive a certificate from the consul that you do not have any signs of having a family. With this certificate you need to go to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Arab Republic, Visaret Kharegiya. There, for 11 pounds, they will affix a stamp confirming that the consul’s signature is correct. This is such a strange bureaucracy.

Now with this certificate you need to go to GawazEt, the Egyptian passport office. Gavazet must be chosen according to the place of residence of the spouse. That is, if your future husband is from Luxor, then you will receive a visa in Luxor. Even if you formally live in Hurghada. This must be kept in mind too. It’s also worth making allowances for the local bullshit that applies to everything, and to bureaucratic procedures in particular.

And one more thing. When applying for a visa, you will be interviewed at the local FSB. You need to know the names of your other half’s relatives (they will ask him and then you), he should also have a rough idea of ​​the names of your parents and siblings, if there are any. It is also worth making sure that you have the same testimony regarding dating. Do not under any circumstances say that you worked in Egypt. This cannot be done with a tourist or even a resident visa. Yes, everyone is working, but the FSB is clearly not worth reminding about the eternal omission to which the whole country turns a blind eye. We met in the city. You're not working. Housewife. All.

Twice into the same river

A fiancé visa can be given or received once. That is, if you were already married or planned to, but ran away as Julia Roberts, right from under the altar, sparkling with sneakers, or your MFA already had extensive experience of getting out of the army by marrying a foreigner, you cannot get a fiancee visa again. Only if the system suddenly suddenly glitches, and you are terribly lucky to run into another careless inspector who should look through your dossier, and he will look through the prism of a cup of tea. But there is no need to count on luck again.

You can get any non-tourist visa. For example, to come to Egypt by private invitation. Apply for a work visa. Anything, the main thing is that there is no tourist status. And that’s it – go get married right now!

If the groom is Copt

For Christians, of whom only ten percent of Egyptians are already, and they are very reluctant to marry Russians, the procedure looks somewhat different. To obtain a visa and subsequent permission, you must take a church certificate from Russia that you are baptized. This certificate must be translated into Arabic and certified. Next, you need another certificate, which states that you visit such and such a temple, actively participate in church sacraments and the life of the parish, and all this must be accompanied by the seal and signature of the clergyman.

The groom must obtain a certificate of family composition (kid fArdi). Then both need to go to the Coptic Patriarchate in Cairo and get permission to get married there.

If the bride and groom are Muslims
For a Muslim lady, it is advisable to obtain a certificate from the Al Azhar Mosque in Cairo. There is nothing complicated there, say the shehadah in Arabic (the groom will teach you), wait half an hour, and receive the document in your hands.

If you have an interfaith marriage, then the religious affiliation of the bride is included in the certificate of unmarriage in the context of “according to the owner of the certificate.”

Our house is a hospital - let's go get some treatment!

Another preparatory procedure is visiting the hospital and obtaining health certificates for the bride and groom. They will take tests from you, wash all parts of your body to look for a condom with a coconut in your ass. In fact, formally this procedure involves testing for fertility, but it looks very funny. It looked especially funny in our context: I was dragged to an ultrasound, and the doctor asked in surprise if I knew that I was pregnant. Yeah, in the fourth month and I don’t know.

So, at the hospital you will receive another certificate that you are healthy and fit for marriage. You will spend a couple of hours of time and one photo from the collection. From three kilograms of document copies, only one and a half kilograms will remain.

Checking combat readiness

Before the wedding, you must collect the following set of documents:

Fiancé visa obtained from Gawazeta
Certificates from the hospital
Certificate of family status (if the groom is Copt)
Certificate of unmarriage (regardless of the bride’s religious affiliation), certified by the Egyptian Ministry of Foreign Affairs
Certificates from the church for Christian weddings
Certificate from Al Azhar Mosque for Muslim wedding
Brand tabe zavag
Certificate from the army for the groom (does not owe anything to anyone)
Photos (8 pieces regular, for documents)
Original and copies of foreign and Russian passports, groom’s ID (kilogram copies)

Marriage procedure

For Copts separately: you need to get married in a church, that is, go through a wedding ceremony. Then the church contract must be certified by the vizaret kharegiya, and then by the shara akari (notary office of Cairo).

For everyone else: the marriage takes place at the Egyptian Ministry of Justice, Visaret El Adil, Lazogli Street (emphasis on the letter o). Have two male witnesses with you, if you have an ID and free time (it will cost money). There, witnesses will cost a lot of money on the spot.

Exchange twenty pounds for about 200, and distribute as needed to offices, otherwise they will lose your documents, waffle your procedures and spend a long time murmuring in the smoky corridor.

Along with all the certificates and photographs, you go to the Department of Internal Affairs, answer a couple of questions, sign an agreement, and put your fingerprints. Take wet wipes and an alcohol solution with you, because otherwise you won’t be able to wipe off this ink. And in the heat they get terribly dirty.

You go to have your completed marriage contract certified again at the charegia’s visaret. Give 100 pounds to a runaway boy, and he will run to stamp you in five minutes; in the general queue you will wait half an hour. Next, immediately go to the Akari shara (if the time is not two or more), and there you put a round, triangular and square seal. No, well, which one will they put in?

Legal nuance!

Dear ladies, there is such a trick: this contract is valid only in Egypt until you have legalized it at the consular department of the Russian Embassy. That is, if you want to be officially married in Egypt, but not experience grief at all in Russia, then do not legalize it. Getting a divorce later, of course, will be very problematic, since you will have to go through legalization, and it is advisable that you are not married to a Russian by this time. Otherwise it will turn out funny, Garik Kharlamov will laugh.

On the other hand, if you just want to be officially married, then you need to go through the legalization procedure. That is, this contract must be translated and certified at the consular department of the Russian Embassy in Cairo. After it is accepted and legalized, you will be considered a married lady.

Another nuance is the FMS stamp in the internal passport. Your document-sheet, even legalized at the consulate, will look like an “official marriage contract”; this is the requirement for document translation. The ladies from the Federal Migration Service love to snort at this piece of paper and refuse to put a stamp on your passport. You have two options - insist on your own, write a complaint to the head of the passport office or even higher, the second option is to calmly wait six months. In six months you will be able to receive an electronic marriage certificate in Sigel el MidAni. And it will be written there that it is the realest evidence.

It also must first be certified by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, and then transferred and taken to the consulate for legalization. But the FMS will not have any complaints regarding the wording of the title of this document.

That's all, actually.

Don't be surprised, marriage with an Egyptian has a lot to do with real estate in Hurghada. Love for dark-eyed resort machos encourages purchase real estate in Hurghada not so few women. Everyone wants to build a “nest of love” in their own apartments, and not rented rooms. Process buying real estate in Hurghada, even if you are driven precisely by these goals, is no different from the standard one, which is what we wrote about earlier.

Today we’ll talk about something else, how to marry an Egyptian. The purpose of this article is to reach the entire audience interested in this issue and to save Akar Real Estate employees from lengthy conversations on a given topic, because after all, our main task is to sell real estate in Hurghada, and not to advise on “matters of the heart.”

In this article we will talk about how to marry an Egyptian citizen, what documents are needed for this and where is the best way to communicate.

This article was recorded from the words of an experienced Russian resident of Hurghada, Galina M., who shared with our readers her experience of legalizing relations with an Egyptian citizen.

Taking into account Egyptian laws, you need to draw up a so-called ORFI contract. Without this document, in Egypt you cannot live together with an Egyptian in the same apartment and even go somewhere in the same taxi or private car. Any police officer can stop your vehicle and ask for documents confirming your marriage relationship. If there is no such document, your lover may even face a 3-month prison sentence. In resort towns, such situations occur very rarely; in large cities, a loving couple “walking” or living together in the same apartment in Egypt will be questioned to the fullest extent of the law. In addition, without this document it is impossible to formalize an official legalized international marriage in Egypt.
What is an ORFI contract? This is a document confirming the fact that you and your chosen one are in a family relationship. It says that you are the wife of an Egyptian citizen and he is recognized as your husband. The drawing up and certification of this document, in the presence of two male Egyptian witnesses, takes place in a lawyer’s office. If there are no two male witnesses, the fact of registering your marriage can be certified by four women with their signatures on this document. After which the lawyer congratulates you that you have become husband and wife, stamps it, and gives you this priceless document.
It is important that the ORFI contract, while recognizing family relationships, does not give the right to obtain an Egyptian resident visa, much less the right to work. Based on it, you can extend your current tourist visa, which you received at Hurghada Airport upon entering Egypt. Tourists have the right to extend such a visa for a period of no more than 6 months. After this, the foreigner is required to leave the country. At the same time, in order to extend your visa, you need to justify on what basis you are living in Egypt: in connection with marriage with an Egyptian citizen. Attach a copy of your ORFI contract to the application form at Gauzet (“Passport Control”) in Hurghada.
If you are serious about starting a family, you need to legalize the specified ORFI contract in the Egyptian court. To do this, you can hire a lawyer (my husband and I, at his insistence, did so; I’ll tell you below how it turned out). Or collect all the certificates and register yourself. In order for you to legalize the marriage of an Egyptian citizen and a Russian woman, you need to collect the following documents for subsequent presentation to the Consular Section of the Russian Embassy in Cairo, Doki district, Egypt:
From you:
1. A certificate from the civil registry office in Russia at your place of residence, signed and stamped by the boss, stating that you are not married in Russia.
If you have not been married in Russia before, this closes the question. But if you were divorced: additionally provide a Certificate of Divorce in Russia.
You can go and get these documents yourself in Russia or ask your relatives, for example, your parents, they can get this document and send it to you by mail in Egypt.
2. The bride must also obtain consent from her parents to marry an Egyptian citizen. This document is prepared by your parents at any notary office in Russia. The text of the “permission” includes information that “they, the parents of Russian citizen X, confirm their consent to register the marriage with Egyptian citizen X. They have no material or other claims against you.”
Please note: This document is required for the subsequent legalization of marriage if you are between 18 and... years old. And even if you are 50 years old and above. Our Russian embassy in Egypt is apparently convinced that a woman’s age does not make her smarter. Therefore, if your parents are divorced and you do not know about your father’s whereabouts and cannot obtain the specified paper from him (there are different situations in life), write to the Russian Embassy in Cairo the specified circumstances. They should take your application into account and will not send you to INTERPOL for a wanted certificate. If either parent is deceased, a copy of the Death Certificate is provided.
3. It is also advisable to have with you: a copy of your birth certificate. Since only this document in the Russian Federation confirms that you are the daughter of your parents. There is no such data in the passport.
4. In addition to the foreign passport, you must also present an original civil passport.
The following documents are required from your spouse:
1. Certificate of good conduct. He receives it independently at the place of registration (reflected in the Egyptian ID card).
2. Certificate of family composition. It should indicate that he is not married! According to Egyptian law, an Egyptian "prince" can have 4 wives. But according to Russian laws, a woman can only marry a “free man” and nothing else!
Having collected all these documents, you and your friend go to the Consular Section of the Russian Embassy in Cairo. There you hand over your passports, certificates, pay a state fee of 60 pounds, and receive a document in Arabic stating that the Russian Embassy approves the marriage of a Russian citizen with an Egyptian citizen. Place Egyptian postage stamps on this document (who came up with this rule and what it means is unknown, but stamps are placed on all official documents in Egypt). You assure it at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Egypt (the matter takes 5 minutes, your husband can complete it independently, without your presence).
And more about the innovation of the Egyptian authorities: a new rule has been introduced since January 2012. To register a marriage, it is necessary to provide certificates about the health status of the spouses. They are issued only in two clinics in Egypt. And not only for registering a marriage with a foreigner, but also for engaged Egyptians. Everyone is also there in line. No examinations or tests. You will be asked about the presence of hereditary diseases, weight, height. Carefully write down this information on the form. Bring a photo for you and your husband in advance. 30 pounds each, an hour of waiting and your certificates are in your hands.
But that's not all. Before, after or while going through these bureaucratic procedures, you need to get a fiancé visa!
To do this, take permission from your parents, a certificate that you are “single” from the Russian registry office, make a copy of the ORFI contract, and take these documents to Gauset to receive a fiancée guest visa! They don't deal with tourists in Egypt! Visa processing takes about two weeks. Without it, the Ministry of Justice (court) of Egypt will not accept you to legalize the contract! The visa is issued for a period from 1 day to 6 months. Nobody knows exactly how much, the mood of the passport control officer is difficult to predict.
Important: The fiancé visa is issued only once and cannot be renewed. If you missed the deadline specified in your passport, you can only restore it in connection with your departure to your homeland! So immediately prepare money for unforeseen expenses: round-trip tickets. After you have all the above documents in your hands, come to the court office hours, they will sign you in there. You put signatures and fingerprints on each page of the already legalized contract. In a week, your contract is ready, you can pick it up. Register this contract with the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Egypt (Muhandessin district of Cairo), and at the Russian Embassy in Egypt. Congratulations! You are now official husband and wife! Upon arrival in Hurghada, a copy of the specified certified contract is submitted to the Passport Control of Hurghada to obtain a wife's visa for 1 year. After this, its validity period is extended for 5 years. You can then apply for a second Egyptian citizenship or an Egyptian passport.

Difficult! Who said it would be easy?! But we know that the more difficult it is to get what you want, the more expensive it is!

You, of course, can “simplify” your life and hire a lawyer to resolve the issue of legalizing your marriage. But keep in mind that your representative will be Egyptian, with all the ensuing consequences. I heard stories that someone was very lucky, and they only came to the court hearing to sign the contract. Or even fascinating stories about how they just hired a lawyer and even had the finished contract brought home to them for certification by the spouses.
My husband and I also hired a lawyer, or he hired us, but we still couldn’t make a final decision. After we received the contract, we realized that in fact we did not need a lawyer at all. Yes, we did, essentially, everything on our own.
Let's start with the fact that the lawyer asked us for 5,000 pounds for the provision of marriage registration services. At the exchange rate of that time, this is about 1000 dollars. What did he do for this money:
1. Sent us to independently draw up powers of attorney at the Egyptian Notary Chamber (“Shahr El-Akari”). Each power of attorney costs approximately £250.
2. He told us to make a translation of documents (at a certain linguistic bureau) from Russia stating that I was single and permission from my parents, for subsequent submission to Gauset. Price: 350 pounds ($70). My friends, who had already undergone all these procedures a long time ago, laughed for a long time, why such formalities and for such money.
3. He made an appointment for us near the migration control of Hurghada at 9-30 in the morning to obtain a fiancée visa. We gave all the documents to the Gauzet employees ourselves, paid the state fee, and waited until 12:55 (they had lunch at one o’clock). He still, by some miracle, arrived! He gave me the folder again with some powers of attorney. The visa application was not included in the cost of registering the marriage.
4. We previously paid 5,000 pounds for representation by a lawyer in court on the eve of our trip to Cairo. He said he would pick us up from the Tahrir Square stop at 8am and we would go straight to court. We will complete all the documents and by the evening we can return to Hurghada and go to work the next day. We ended up waiting for him until 12:30! Sometimes he even answered phone calls, once an hour, with the words “I’m coming.” When he arrived, his face, of course, shone with a smile. I would also be happy if the air conditioner had been blowing on me all this time. We finally arrived at the court. And there they say: “Where are the health certificates? New rule from January 2012.” Comrades, half a year has already passed. I swear at that moment I already wanted to strangle our “miracle lawyer” Mustafa Muhamed. It’s good that my husband was nearby; he restrained my emotional intensity. If not for him, there would have been one more victim in Tahrir.
5. In general, we made these certificates at the hospital. And the day is Friday. There are two days of weekend ahead. We took a bus ride back and forth to Hurghada, which cost 800 pounds for two. And all because of this: our lawyer is not aware of the laws.
6. In court later, everything went well and quickly, this is because 200 pounds had to be left in each office. And there were about 5 of them. We quickly paid the money, anticipating the minutes of parting with our kind lawyer. But that was not the case. We wrote out powers of attorney.
7. A week passes. The calico man is calling: the contract has arrived from the court, take it. In general, I don’t know what they were talking about with my husband. It turned out that we still owed him for his services. He worked too hard in Cairo with us, poor fellow. He said he wouldn’t take much from us, everything was within the framework of the agreements. Another 5,000 pounds and a two-sheet piece of paper called a marriage contract in our hands.
8. More to come! The money was paid and the paper was taken away. For some reason this would-be lawyer took my passport and gave it to my wife to get a resident visa (we could have done this without him, scientists already). This simple operation cost us £500.
9. Then it turned out that there should be a second copy of the contract, which was miraculously lost in Cairo. But we need to pick him up (where the truth is, I still don’t understand). In general, he still has it somewhere in his closet, probably waiting for another 5 thousand. My husband is not coming. One copy is enough to say. Apparently, meetings with lawyer Mukhamed in the evenings are expensive for him. So, given our experience in registering documents in court, I advise everyone who needs to formalize a marriage or a real estate purchase and sale agreement in Egypt to contact REALLY proven Egyptian lawyers (by the way, our friends also recommended Bashu Mohamed). And for questions regarding judicial certification of a purchase and sale agreement or a Green Contract in Egypt, it is better to contact an officially registered, professional, Russian real estate agency in Hurghada with extensive experience. They are responsible for their work, and most importantly, they value their reputation!

Some time ago, a fairly common way to start a relationship was to enter into an orphi contract. This paper, by and large, serves only to legitimize living together in the same apartment without causing problems for the young man. But not even a single hotel in Egypt will allow you to stay in one room on the basis of an orphi contract.

In the distant past, even the entry into an official marriage of an Egyptian with a foreign woman necessarily began with just such a document. But these times have sunk into the past, now an orfi-contract is not needed to conclude a real marriage contract, and, moreover, an orfi-husband is not perceived as such even in the gauzet (the migration service of Hurghada), today even the extension of a tourist visa is impossible on the basis orphi-contract. Until now, some naive young ladies are sure that an orphy contract is practically a certificate of marriage, although, in fairness, it should be noted that a young man can have such orphy wives almost indefinitely and with almost impunity.

How can you enter into a marriage relationship with an Egyptian? Only by concluding an official marriage contract at the Ministry of Justice. But before this last stage there are several steps to go through. Since the system for concluding a marriage contract and the documents that need to be submitted to various authorities change periodically, you should clarify the relevance of the information before collecting documents.

A woman should begin the preparatory stage of marriage in Russia. To do this, she needs to obtain a certificate stating that she is not currently married. If there was a previous marriage that ended in divorce, you need to confirm the absence of obligations with a divorce certificate. If the husband died, then a death certificate.

Then you should go to the consular department of the Russian Embassy in Egypt, which is located in Cairo, in the Dokki area, to obtain a paper on the possibility of marriage. Currently, the following package of documents is provided on the bride’s side; no documents are currently required on the groom’s side:

Certificate stating that the bride is not currently married;

The original and a copy of the divorce certificate or the death certificate of the husband, if the girl was previously married;

Original passport and a copy of the first page with a photograph and the page with a valid (this is important!) Egyptian visa;

Original Russian internal passport and a copy of the page with photo, registration and stamps about marital status.

After receiving this paper from the consular department of the Russian Embassy in Egypt, you need to go to the migration department (gauset) to obtain a visa for marriage, since marriage is not registered with a tourist visa. A visa for marriage is obtained once in a lifetime for six months without extension or the possibility of re-obtaining. As a rule, residents of Hurghada apply for a visa at the Hurghada newspaper office, if the tourist visa was previously extended there, and, consequently, the registration file is kept in the migration department of Hurghada.

To obtain a visa, you need to fill out an application form, bring 2 color photographs 3.5 * 4.5 cm, the original passport and copies of the first page with the photo and the page with the last visa issued at the airport upon arrival, and a valid visa if a tourist visa was extended, as well as a certificate received from the consular department of the Russian Embassy in Egypt and legalized by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Egypt, in which case you must present the original and a copy.

After submitting documents for a marriage visa, you should be patient, since the visa will not be issued immediately, and you will also have to undergo an interview with a special police department.

During the waiting period, you need to obtain medical certificates for marriage, which must be obtained only in a public hospital. This takes about 2 days and payment of tax, the amount of which is constantly changing.

At the ARE post office you need to purchase a stamp worth 50 pounds “Tabe Zeweg” or “Ta-min Igtimaei”.

After receiving the long-awaited visa for marriage, you should go to Cairo again, this time to the Ministry of Justice of Egypt (notary office), which is located at: Cairo, Abdin, Lazougli Square, 4th floor. There you need to provide the following package of documents:

2 copies of the bride’s foreign passport with a valid marriage visa, as well as the foreign passport itself;

Certificate from the consular department of the Russian Embassy in Egypt, legalized by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Egypt;

Medical certificates of future spouses regarding their state of health, issued in the state. ARE Hospital;

A £50 Tabe Zeweg stamp bought from the Post Office;

Eight photographs of 3.5*4.5 cm of future spouses (colored);

2 copies of the groom’s ID and the ID itself;

It is better to check the current package of documents. To conclude a marriage contract, you will also need two witnesses - men, who must take with them the originals and copies of the ID. For a foreigner who does not speak Arabic, the presence of a licensed translator may also be required. It is also better to clarify this point in advance.

After submitting the documents, you will again have to wait to receive the official marriage contract; as a rule, this takes about two weeks.

A marriage contract is an official document in Egypt, with it you can get a resident visa, first for 1 year, then for 3 years, and then for 5 years. After receiving a resident visa for 3 years, you can apply for Egyptian citizenship.

In order for a marriage to be recognized on the territory of the Russian Federation, the marriage contract must be legalized. Information about legalization can be obtained from the consular department of the Russian Embassy in Egypt.

Every woman wants to get married more than anything in the world. And more than that, the woman wants to marry a foreigner; in the recent past this was considered very prestigious. Nowadays, marriages between representatives of different states are quite common. But you need to know some pitfalls that may arise on the path to a happy family life, especially when the husband has Egyptian citizenship.

The scorching sun, a good mood, a romantic atmosphere on a beautiful beach, you want to continue such holiday romances outside of vacation. Egypt can rightly be called the country of holiday romances. Persistent handsome men invite you to return back to the land of pharaohs and pyramids, but not as a tourist, but as a legal wife. And Russian girls fly to a foreign country towards women's happiness. They are captivated by the emotional activity of Egyptian citizens.

This is not surprising: the Egyptian mentality does not allow simply offering sex to a woman - this is not accepted in this country. Therefore, immediately after meeting, compliments fly from the mouth of the tanned handsome man, loud phrases akin to: “You are the best woman on the planet”, “I have never met one like this, it’s love at first sight.” And then comes the coveted marriage proposal. Egyptians are very romantic men; there is almost no local man who would not have an affair with a tourist. Why is this happening?

Firstly, the atmosphere itself is conducive to holiday romances. Also the notorious desire for physical satisfaction, since seducers, as a rule, work in large resort cities, and their wives are far from them. It is not possible to have a fleeting romance with a local girl - religion does not allow this, neither Egyptian women nor men. But this does not upset the Egyptians - after all, beauties from all over the world fly to the resort every year, unspoiled by the compliments and promises of the men there.

How much does love cost?
In addition to ardent love, as a rule, a good dowry is attached; in other words, Egyptians are not averse to receiving an expensive gift from tourists, which they do not skimp on, or to go to a restaurant at their expense. They cannot afford this themselves - there are no high salaries in Egypt.

You don’t need much for this: it’s enough to bombard the girl with messages with promises of eternal love, and offers to come soon, because separation is unbearable for a lover without the memory of his heart. If you come across a wealthier admirer, you can even get an apartment as a gift. Hearing that this will be a joint nest, where a devoted man will look forward to “the woman of his life” and raise many beautiful children.

Well, it’s such a trifle to pay a considerable amount for a love nest, especially since the “groom” can pay the rest. And the apartment will be registered in the name of an Egyptian, but that doesn’t matter, because they will be together all their lives and nothing can destroy their love. If a more successful mistress comes across, then the “future husband” will be lucky enough to get a business, which, of course, will be registered in his name. And he, in turn, will brag to his real wife about his new car, expensive watch, and show photographs of “his” business.

Of course, sometimes there are wealthy men who received all of the above thanks to their efforts, but this is rather an exception: mostly money that a man sends so that a girl can buy , and flew to him, received by him from some rich foreign lady. And, of course, the messages do not stop, filled with promises of eternal love, marriage proposals. Well, how can we resist here?

Egyptians are very religious about marriage. Marriage with an Egyptian begins with the conclusion of an orphi contract, which is drawn up in two copies - one for each party. This document is signed by the parties in the presence of two men; women may also be present during signing, but then two women will be equated to one man. By the way, in Egypt, all transactions taking place in court require the presence of a lawyer.

However, this contract is not registered anywhere and, accordingly, does not impose any obligations on the newlyweds. This is the so-called “civil marriage” among the Egyptians. And, one must assume, the husband may have more than one such contract. You can “dissolve” it simply by breaking it if the marriage ends.

However, in Egypt, this document is required. Why? It’s all very simple: without an orfi contract, you can’t invite a woman to your home, and accordingly visit her, and what’s more, you can’t even hold hands – the police will immediately take the man away. For Egyptian men, the Orphi contract - no matter how loud it may sound - is the only opportunity to conduct any kind of love relationship. In Egyptian houses there are male concierges who check for the existence of a contract. And in his absence, the couple simply will not be allowed into the building - after all, Egypt is a Muslim . It is believed that those who can do this without the notorious paper have connections with the police.

But an orphi contract can be legalized if there is a desire to enter into a legal marriage. This procedure is carried out in court in the presence of a lawyer, by affixing a huge number of signatures and seals. After about three months, the newlyweds receive a document confirming that from now on they are husband and wife. Officially. With this contract, the wife can obtain a visa, first for six months, then for a year, and finally for five years. Later you can receive a passport. After receiving this paper, it will be possible to purchase tickets at the prices provided to Egyptians - for foreigners, they are much more expensive. However, the orfi contract is legal only in Egypt. On the territory of other states, it will not have any power. To resolve this issue, there are two ways - to get married in the bride’s homeland, or at the embassy of that of which she is a subject.

Sometimes it seems that if the marriage is finally officially concluded, then all the hardest things are over. This is, of course, not true. All issues related to money when marrying an Egyptian must be monitored very carefully. Many couples enter into a prenuptial agreement. This treaty is somewhat different from the treaty we know. No matter how it is concluded, upon divorce, all controversial issues will be resolved in accordance with Egyptian law.

But Egyptian lawyers do not consider it necessary to explain this to the wife. Therefore, it would be a good idea to state in the contract that the wife will be entitled to compensation in the event of a divorce. To do this, a certain amount is deposited in the bank into an open account, from which the husband pays tax. You can use this money even if things don’t come to the extreme of divorce. Since an Egyptian may well have more than one wife, you need to play it safe and open an account to which the amount of money specified in the contract will be transferred monthly.

Divorce is carried out in court, in the presence of a lawyer. During a divorce, all property remains with the spouse who owns it. In this case, it does not matter with whose funds they were purchased or donated; the wife may not know that what was given to her may be registered in the name of the spouse. In order for the divorce process to be completed faster, it is better that it be carried out with the husband’s application: it will be considered much faster than if the application was filed by the wife, a month in the first case, and at least six months in the second. A marriage in Egypt can also be declared void if a party is incapacitated. But, alas, love fever does not apply to this circumstance.

There are many pitfalls in a love union with an Egyptian citizen. And you need to know them when trying to connect your life with an Egyptian. Especially our Russian girls who so unconditionally believe in burning and passionate handsome men.