How to correctly propose a commercial proposal. Common mistakes when writing text for business proposals. Rules for drawing up a commercial proposal

A commercial proposal is a document that contains an invitation to a transaction. It can be addressed to one person or a larger group. Compreds, as they are called in professional jargon, are used for various marketing purposes: to sell goods, advertise information products, search for employers, etc.

Examples of commercial proposals

There is an opinion that preparing commercial proposals is entirely the task of copywriters. This is not entirely true. The CP is made up of directors, marketers, and sales managers. And you can too, fortunately you don’t need to graduate from the Faculty of Philology or go through a dozen journalistic trainings. It is enough to know your project from A to Z and understand it strengths. If you are an author who expects to make CP to order, you will have to find out information about the company and products from clients in advance. To avoid spending a lot of time on discussion, draw up a brief. In it, ask a series of questions, the answers to which may be useful. For example, many people ask about advantages, disadvantages, competitors, etc.

However, having information is not everything. For the CP to work, you need to know how to compose it correctly. We will devote the next 15–20 minutes to explaining this.

Types of commercial offers

In almost all specialized literature, compreds are divided into two types: “cold” and “hot”. It is important to differentiate between them because they have different target audiences. And, as you know, people are different from each other, and everyone needs their own approach.

  • "Cold" CP is essentially a letter for those who are seeing your brand for the first time. But no, this does not mean that you should send the document to just anyone. It is necessary to first prepare a sample of people who may potentially be interested in the offer. For example, you want to write texts for money, so the first thing you do is send out mailings to digital agencies, copywriting studios and SEO companies. You know that in these places there may be a recruitment of writers, and that some part will definitely respond to your message.
  • "Hot" CP is sending a letter to a public that has already been prepared. Let’s say the manager of a company talked to a person on the phone and intrigued him with favorable conditions or affordable price. The next thing to do is to send your potential client a killer commercial offer. There is more room for imagination here. If in a “cold” CP you need to do everything to keep the reader’s attention and, God forbid, not overload it with unnecessary information, then in a “hot” one you can go all out. After all, if a certain person is interested in your brand, it is logical to assume that she wants to learn more about it.

There are also additional options compr. For example, the popular copywriter Daniil Shardakov mentioned an offer - a more complex type of business text, closely related to legal subtleties. However, we will not focus on this. In order to successfully communicate with clients, at first it will be enough to know about two types of CP.

How to structure a commercial proposal

The compr has a lot in common with an ordinary selling text. If you have experience writing similar materials, it will not be difficult for you to master a similar direction. And the first thing you need to start with is getting to know the structure.

Another useful post:

The structure of the CP is simple, clear and unambiguous. This is the moment when it is better not to reinvent the wheel. Practice shows that compliance simple rules helps to collect more responses than unrestrained creativity. Therefore, let's look at how to make a commercial proposal as complete and effective as possible.

1. Heading.

The importance of the title cannot be overstated. It creates the first impression of any text. A person, looking at the title, immediately decides what to do next - read with interest, or click the red cross in the right top corner. Therefore, you should add the best you have in store to this short phrase.

Experienced copywriters advise indicating benefits in the headline. This applies not only to comps, but also to other marketing texts. Another idea is to add an intrigue to the name that will immediately hook you and not let go until the end. However, this is not suitable for everyone. If you feel that your creativity or you don’t have enough sense of humor, it’s better to stick with the first option.

2. Lead (first paragraph).

World-renowned copywriter Joseph Sugarman taught us the Slippery Slide Method. Its essence is to instantly arouse the reader's interest, and then maintain it until he begins to literally fly through the text. Based on this principle, the first line should be the strongest, and the remaining sentences should accompany it.

A sales lead is a great way to practice creating a “slippery slide.” Start with the most strong argument, and then throw in less significant, but no less interesting phrases.

Most often, a lead starts with:

  • descriptions of the problem (“Have you tried a dozen shampoos, but your dandruff still hasn’t gone away?”);
  • a direct indication of the solution to the problem (“Our technique helped 200 new IT specialists find a job in two weeks!”);

Sometimes the first paragraph is based on an answer to some objection, but most often this point is left for last. It’s also rare that leads begin with emotional passages. To use the last technique to its full potential, you need to very sensitively sense the mood of the audience. If you have little experience yet, use more proven and stable options.

3. Offer.

The most important, but at the same time, the most difficult part of the compr. An offer or is literally an offer for a client. The response to the control panel depends on how well it hits the target.

Most often, the offer focuses on the following things:

  • favorable price-quality ratio;
  • additional free service;
  • discount or gift that comes with the purchase

It would seem much more banal. However, finding out the pains of your target audience is not such an easy task. First, you will need to create an image of an average customer. What is his gender? How old is he? How much does he earn? What are your hobbies? What does he want to get from cooperation? Don't skimp on details. Like psychological portrait will help you understand what could hypothetically arouse this person's interest, and how you can move forward. For example, you would not seduce a top manager with the most low prices in the city, and a simple housewife - with the elitism of the brand.

By the way, here you can connect real people. For example, if the average representative of your target audience is a woman aged 45+, talk about the advertised product with your mother. Believe me, you will learn a lot of interesting information first-hand.

If you want to go deeper into the topic, read:

4. Benefits.

For that matter, some copywriters do not allocate a separate block for benefits. They casually mention them in the headline, lead, offer - and this is enough to captivate the client. However, if you feel that you didn’t say everything you wanted to, put it in a separate paragraph. You can just title it: “Benefits from cooperation.” Or: “What do you get from working with us?” And then write the statement in a numbered or bulleted list.

5. Handling objections.

Every client wants to know that their money was not wasted. Alas, only a few of them have the time to meticulously check every fact from the life of a particular company. Most will close the link at the first sign of distrust. To prevent this from happening, give readers what they want.

Handling objections usually involves:

  • listing of regalia;
  • availability of documentary evidence of success (diplomas, diplomas, certificates, etc.);
  • answers to burning questions that may arise;
  • justifying the reasons why people should take advantage of your offer

To correctly answer all questions, rely only on facts. Don’t fantasize, don’t sing your own praises, and don’t “yak”—it’s a deterrent.

6. Call to action.

As a rule, there is nothing special contained in a call to action. Just offer to call you back, write by e-mail, or contact us in another convenient way. Don’t insist on ordering or purchasing – it’s not time yet. KP is just a step towards business communication, so don’t demand much from the client at first.

By the way, since you encourage a person to do something, do it boldly. Forget about the words “may”, “should” and “perhaps”. Such weak constructions show that you yourself are not sure that you are worth contacting. Write “call the number back”, not “you can call back.”

Commercial offer for the supply of goods - important document to promote products. It combines two functions: presentation of product characteristics and informing potential customers about the conditions for its sale. A well-drafted document will allow you to establish a sales area and find new partners.

What is a commercial offer: its functions and types

A commercial proposal is a type of business documentation. It contains technical description, competitive characteristics of the product and conditions for its sale. It is in writing and calls for cooperation.

A well-written document performs 3 functions:

  • advertising of products sold;
  • expansion of the sales market;
  • maintaining partnerships with existing customers.
After sending the document, it is worth checking with the potential client the time within which a response will be given

There are 2 types of commercial offers:

  • Cold (mass). This message is not identified because it is intended for a wide range of people. Mainly used to inform potential buyers about a new product or improve the characteristics of an existing one. An email from a mass mailing may be considered spam, which reduces the chances of closing a deal.
  • Warm (personalized). It is compiled for a specific target audience, the needs of which have been thoroughly studied. The document must indicate the name of the company and full name of the recipient. Such a business letter receives more responses than a non-personalized one. The sales or sales manager is responsible for its development. The text of the document is agreed upon with the manager.

Basic rules for developing a business letter

Development of a commercial proposal does not require financial investments. A business letter is a powerful tool for promoting a product. Only a well-drafted document can encourage business representatives to enter into economic relations with a potential supplier.

The document should contain only information that is of value to the potential client. Before developing a commercial proposal, it is important to study the details of the addressee’s business: needs, problems that he can solve when purchasing products, and others.

Particular attention should be paid to the title, as it attracts attention and generates interest in the offer.

The commercial proposal must focus on the following parameters:

  • favorable pricing system;
  • wide range of products;
  • possibility of payment in installments;
  • short delivery times;
  • warranty support;
  • availability of a discount system;
  • line of additional services.

Important Details

A dry description of the characteristics of products sold is a useless job that will not receive positive feedback from customers. It is important to reflect the buyer’s benefit when purchasing a product, taking into account his real needs and difficulties. In other words, a business letter should tell what problems the client can solve by purchasing a specific product.

The lack of a price list and a price setting algorithm can be considered a drawback of the commercial offer. The client must understand what factors make up the cost of the presented product.

Obviously, it is impossible to reflect all technical and organizational issues in one document, therefore, at the end of the offer, contact information (telephone number, email address, fax) must be indicated.

7 parts business letter, increasing its effectiveness:

  • results of the research;
  • specific information in digital format;
  • confirmation of additional benefits for the client;
  • availability of graphs and tables to reflect dynamics;
  • the presence of unique pictures and photos for clarity;
  • information about major partners (increases the reputation of the supplier);
  • information about successful cooperation or reviews from major clients (work for the image).


No need to try to reach a large audience at once

A business letter should not be too long or short, describing only superficially the benefits of the product. Ideally, a commercial proposal is 1–2 pages long. The document has 4 main parts:

  • information about the addressee (name of organization, full name of recipient);
  • title - calls for studying the proposal;
  • the main part (description of the product, advantages, benefits from cooperation);
  • contact details.

A business letter must contain the following points:

  • name of the organization and its logo;
  • Full name of the addressee of the business letter;
  • title of the document;
  • date of dispatch and registration number;
  • specific delivery dates for products;
  • installment terms and methods of payment for goods;
  • detailed description of products with photos;
  • description and argumentation of tangible benefits;
  • price formulation;
  • offer validity period;
  • contact details;
  • Full name and signature of the employee.


If the document is sent in paper form, then the paper must be good quality. Letterheads demonstrate the solidity of the company. When designing, it is better to choose a single font that is as easy to read as possible. For clarity, headings can be highlighted in bold.

The design of the document does not have a serious impact on the promotion of the commercial proposal. But there is a risk that potential clients will not like it.

An important element of the offer are tables and calculations. When registering them, you must be guided by the following rules:

  • The table must be placed on one sheet. Complex calculations are inappropriate as they make it difficult to study the proposal.
  • The final results of calculations should be placed at the beginning of the table. The client is primarily interested in the volume of potential costs, and only then the items from which it is composed.
  • A column must use only one unit of measurement.
  • When writing a business letter in electronic form It is advisable to add built-in formulas. This will allow the recipient to independently calculate the cost of the product.
  • The text in the table should be easy to read.

Mistakes that hinder the progress of a business letter

A business letter will not receive a response if it contains the following errors:

  • the document was developed without prior study of the demand of the target audience;
  • the letter was sent to companies that are not interested in the product being sold;
  • the terms of cooperation are non-competitive;
  • the document contains only a description of the technical characteristics of the product, the “Benefit Argumentation” block and the pricing algorithm are omitted, there is no call for cooperation, and no contact information is provided;
  • the letter contains cliched phrases that make it uninteresting;
  • there are spelling and grammatical errors;
  • defiant design;
  • presence of slang.

The document cannot indicate the loss of the client’s competitive position in case of refusal to cooperate.

5 successful commercial offers for the supply of goods

Examples of effective commercial proposals:

  • fashionable clothes for teenagers, clear and concise;
You should not include information about the company’s achievements in your commercial proposal.
  • construction board: nothing superfluous, good photos and detailed contact information;

Welcome to the magazine about business and finance “Rabota-Tam”.

The popularity of business commercial proposals (CP) is not without reason, if we take into account the effectiveness indicators of such documents. In addition, today search services are simply bursting with requests from users of the format: “How to make a commercial proposal correctly?” In fact, no way.

Yes, because the commercial offer is a kind of Olivier salad, which has various variations preparations: from sausage with peas to hazel grouse with capers. And it’s hard to call each of these recipes “wrong”.

However, now we will still dot the i’s so that you can write an impeccable business proposal in accordance with the high standards of modern marketing art!

So, a commercial offer is one of the many types of advertising text, which is drawn up in the form of a business letter or official appeal. Due to its simplicity and effectiveness, it is certainly the most popular way to attract a target audience of potential consumers. And also an equally common tool for interacting with regular customers.

There are several types of business proposals:

  • "cold";
  • "hot";
  • standardized.

It is worth understanding that each of these CP options must be written taking into account the form, structure of the letterhead template, as well as the circumstances and goals that can be set not only by the writer of the letter, but also by the receiving party.

Cold offer

“Cold” commercial offers are sent impromptu. Therefore, the recipients of such letters are unprepared clients who perceive the CP as spam. But even it can have a response, although the likelihood of reflection on the part of the recipient is quite small.

Let's simulate the situation. For example, the organizers of the regional sports competition did not bother to purchase sports uniforms for the participants. There are only a few hours left before the start of the event. And then, out of nowhere, a letter arrives with the title: “Express delivery of sports uniforms at prices from the manufacturer.” This is where the potential client will probably carefully study the life-saving CP, and then place an order.

But this is just an exception to the rule. Everywhere, the fundamental functions of “cold” advertising come down to the distribution of interactive advertising. In view of this, you have to arouse the consumer’s interest in reading of this document. How to do it:

  1. Come up with a catchy and catchy title.
  2. Emphasize the attractiveness of the commercial proposal by correctly composing the offer.
  3. Motivate the recipient to take action towards mutually beneficial cooperation using marketing techniques.

We will examine each of these elements a little later.

Important! Perfect example a “cold” type commercial offer should not exceed 1 A4 page of printed text only and 2 pages of an illustrated template.

If you have additional information, it is better to state it in a cover letter. And under no circumstances write “novels” in the style of Leo Tolstoy; business people simply do not have enough time to read them.

“Hot” – personal commercial offer

A personalized commercial offer differs from a “cold” one in that the client receives such a document only after an official request or preliminary verbal contact. Those. the guarantee of reading a personal letter is prohibitively high, so the main semantic load should fall on the offer and motivational component, and the title may be of secondary importance.

In turn, the complexity of drawing up “hot” commercial proposals is burdened by the need to adjust the text to the individual needs of each customer.

For example, if during a conversation the client was interested in the advantages of your organization over competitor firms, write about the advantages, allocating the lion's share of the CP form to this structural element.

Standardized commercial offer

In essence, a standardized business proposal is one of the types of “hot” proposals. However, due to its strictly regulated structure and methods of influencing the customer, it falls under separate species business letter.

The thing is that the client can attach a standard form to the official request, which limits the compiler in terms of describing goods and services, principles of cooperation, advantages over competitors, etc.

In standardized CPs, dry numbers play a decisive role: price-quality ratio, warranty service and contractor experience.

Write something on own initiative It won’t work, because the attached sample form is designed to filter out information for marketing purposes that is unnecessary for market monitoring.

In such cases, the only thing you can do is offer the lowest price. It is enough to even make a 1-5% discount in order to have a significant chance of winning the competitive selection.

Cover letter

We have already touched on the topic of the cover letter above. It serves as a complement to the business proposal, pursuing the following goals:

  • familiarization with the main document;
  • proportional distribution of large amounts of information.

Moreover, cover letter may contain attachments: price lists, descriptions of terms of cooperation, invitations to trade shows or any other marketing events.

Secondly, with the help of an accompanying notice, you can also remind yourself and indirectly encourage the recipient to study the template of the original document.

Commercial proposal samples and templates

It's better to see once than to hear a hundred times. You can't argue with that. Therefore, you can’t do without samples and templates. However, never repeat the classic mistakes of irresponsible authors of commercial proposals - 100% copying of information or 50% compilation from two sources. After all, if stolen content is exposed, who will then want to cooperate with a company that has proven itself in this way?

The main task at the beginning of any business, and even when expanding one, is to know about the fact of your existence in principle and about the nature of the services provided, the work performed, and so on.

In this case, it is difficult to do without using commercial offers. How to competently and effectively compose such an appeal, how and when to apply them is far from an idle question.

How to present your capabilities to a client

Let us conditionally divide the types of commercial offers into two types - primary and final.

Primary proposal - from the term itself it is clear that we're talking about about the first contact with a potential client. Depending on the results of the initial submission, the final submission is formulated. Of course, the fact of sending such a document implies some kind of reaction from the potential partner to the initial appeal. This could be an initiative telephone conversation, a face-to-face meeting, or a written response to a proposal expressing a certain interest in the subject of communication.

Initial contact with a potential client

By the time of mailing, samples of commercial proposals for each appeal option should be thought out and developed. An initial proposal is a written analogue of initial communication with a potential client, when something is known about him, but he knows nothing about your capabilities. The task is to interest the future consumer of services in a brief and unobtrusive form.

Such a commercial offer to clients is the subject of a mass mailing. are sent out to a wide circle potential consumers of the company's services with the initial presentation of services or works.

Primary appeals are characterized by a number of advantages:

  • Commercial proposals are developed according to a single template designed for the target audience. This approach provides advertising without spending a lot of money and time.
  • Wide coverage of potential customers is quickly achieved - quick notification of a wide segment of consumers about the emergence of a new service or a new service provider in the market.
  • It is possible to establish direct contacts with many clients in the shortest possible time thanks to personal telephone contact. The right to such contact is given by the initial appeal.

However, primary proposals also have a number of disadvantages:

  • The impossibility of a specific offer to the client, which can only be generated from an awareness of his personal needs and preferences.
  • Most of the messages sent out will not even be read by clients and will be thrown into the trash. This is wasted money and time.

If out of fifty emails sent, connections are made with five clients, consider your actions successful. Sooner or later they will become effective.

Final offer

Such a proposal differs from the primary one in that it has the character of a strictly specific document sent to a specific person. Usually the direction of the second appeal is preceded by:

  • personal one-on-one negotiations;
  • initial telephone conversation.

This in itself is important advantage. “Warming up” the client becomes optional; the discussion can already proceed on specific issues and clarification of mutual further actions.

Several rules have been developed to make the preparation of a commercial proposal as effective as possible:

  1. Sample commercial proposals are developed based on the collected information about the potential client, his need for services or work. Therefore, during the first communication, you should find out, at least as a first approximation, what goods or services the client needs, what prompts him to accept the offer of cooperation, what goals he pursues by accepting the offer, what kind of information he expects to receive.
  2. The proposal for the text of the appeal should have the most specific content; it is better to work out several solution options to choose from.

Mixed commercial offer

This is the most perfect form of initial contact with a potential client. It requires a more scrupulous approach and involves preliminary preparation. It is necessary to collect primary information about the client’s company:

  • determining the person for the first person of the organization is not always effective; it is necessary to identify the person interested in the proposals of your activity profile);
  • collect information about the main activities of the enterprise, make it clear to the client about their interest in cooperation;
  • if possible, determine problematic issues future client, sort out those that suit your specialization profile and first work out several options for possible mutually beneficial cooperation.

Developed of this type will not be used at random, they will demonstrate seriousness of intentions and interest. It would be wise to think through and draft sample proposals for each type of proposal in advance.

Knowing how to sell a product or service is an art. The ability to correctly draw up a commercial proposal for the performance of work or the provision of services is an assessment of the ability of a manager at any level to be successful.

It must be remembered that the human brain is capable of storing no more than a tenth of the information received during the day. This tenth part contains the chance to interest the client. A poorly written commercial proposal will result in loss of time, money and the client.

Ten principles for writing a successful business proposal

  1. Statement of benefits. When drawing up an offer, you need to start by indicating the benefits that the client will receive by purchasing a product or service. To do this, you need to understand what problems concern the client and pay attention to the possibility of eliminating or smoothing out their impact.
  2. Determine the benefits that the client will gain from cooperation. Formulate 6-8 advantages, even if they seem fantastic, and arrange them in a sentence in descending order of importance.
  3. Indication of uniqueness. A potential client must immediately understand that only the proposed service can solve all his problems, that is, the proposed service or product is unique.
  4. Not you for us, but we for you. You should not praise yourself, pay attention to your usefulness to the client - he is not interested in your advantages, but in his own problems.
  5. You need to sell the result. Relatively speaking, what is sold is not a fishing rod, but the pleasure of fishing and outdoor recreation.
  6. Your client is the best. It is necessary to convince your partner of its importance and significance.
  7. Evidence. The most persuasive thing in advertising is positive reviews other clients.
  8. Build algorithm of actions. The client needs to know exactly the sequence of actions to purchase. There is no “cloudiness” or ambiguity.
  9. push. Three days after your conversation, the client will completely forget about you, so you need to unobtrusively encourage him to take immediate action.
  10. Ease of perception. Think about how to correctly compose a commercial proposal so that it is brief, extremely informative and specific.

Commercial proposal samples

Strictly speaking, giving specific samples is more harmful than beneficial. When writing an appeal to a potential client, you need to take into account his problems and needs and your capabilities.

A commercial proposal for the performance of work or the provision of services should not contain some typical errors.

The first mistake is that you cannot be sure that the client will not read a long letter. If you managed to interest him in the first few sentences, he will finish reading. The footnote “P.S.” will also help. at the end of the text, oddly enough, it is also read first and should also be interesting.

The second mistake is to slavishly follow grammatical rules. The text of the letter is best written in a conversational style, but without jargon.

Mistake four - claiming that your product is the best, do not provide evidence of this in the form of reviews and recommendations.


The importance of a properly compiled and executed commercial proposal cannot be underestimated. The success of the organization largely depends on this step, especially at the beginning of the journey. Commercial proposal samples are easy to find, but remember: they must be personalized and specific to the client. Good luck to you!

There are the most different ways promote your business: these include advertising campaigns and active promotion on social media. networks, and various gift and bonus programs for their clients, and creating their own websites describing services and products, and influencing people’s opinions about the company through various sources information. Constant promotions and incentives to buy this or that product can in fact be called marketing moves that allow you to create a customer base, collect the necessary data and develop the company, meeting the requirements of its customers. In all areas of any business providing services, there is a need to somehow advertise your product and declare yourself as a good manufacturer. And in these matters, aggressive marketing is not the best way out. Each client is interested in a specific list of services, which can be outlined in in full only in a well-drafted commercial proposal, on the basis of which subsequent contracts are concluded.

What is a commercial offer

Every sales manager of any company has encountered in his life the preparation of a commercial proposal and knows firsthand what a hassle it really is.

In fact, commercial proposals are certain documents that need to be sent to your partners. If everything in the document is stated correctly and correctly, then the company is guaranteed a profitable contract. If not, then all the blame falls on the manager who drew up the specific proposal, because because of it the company loses valuable customers.

IN lately It is widely believed that commercial proposals are a type of modern selling text, which clearly and in detail describes all the services provided by the company, the conditions for receiving bonuses, discounts and special offers. Well, due to the fact that there is no specific framework for drawing up a commercial proposal as such, it is quite possible that it can be drawn up in free form and have different structures. The main thing is that it brings results, namely the company’s profit.

Types of commercial offers

Any manager working in a large company knows how to draw up a commercial proposal. Just like any copywriter can write the appropriate “selling text”. So is there a difference in the first and second cases? Of course there is! And it really is huge. As mentioned earlier, in one case it is a standard document, in another it is a well-written text calling for the purchase of a particular product.

There are basically two types of commercial offers - personalized and non-personalized. From these names it is quite easy to guess how exactly the commercial proposal drawn up in both cases differs. A sample of a well-written document will help you avoid mistakes in the main points.

Personification of the offer

A personalized commercial offer is prepared by company representatives specifically for one client. At the same time, it is important for the document to satisfy his individual needs. If a commercial proposal is successfully drawn up, the company will have a satisfied client and a good reputation.

Let's look at an example big business. Before concluding any contract, partners tend to meet with each other and discuss the details. If one of them is satisfied with the terms of the other party, then he sends a request for a commercial proposal, which describes the type of services provided, the individual terms of the transaction and the amount of payment for certain services. Both parties remain satisfied. And if one of the parties does not fulfill the terms of such a “contract,” then the deal is terminated.

Non-personalized offers

Unlike the first case, non-personalized commercial offers are a way to attract the attention of a new audience. This is the type of those very selling texts, which describe in detail the various advantages of the company and express an incentive to buy the product.

A non-personalized commercial offer, a sample of which, no doubt, everyone has seen, is also called “cold”.

A characteristic feature of this proposal is the lack of appeal specifically to the potential client. The text is aimed at a wide audience of people, often of different age categories. It is only needed to attract a new customer base. Doesn't have much uniqueness. It may describe the company's advantages and one or two conditions for receiving a discount, but nothing more than that. As a rule, such proposals, written by skilled specialists, attract people.

Quote functions

From what is written above it is clear that commercial offers are an integral part advertising campaign. But what exactly is their function? What should a person feel when reading about a particular company on the Internet or on flyers?

Here are a few criteria that a written commercial proposal must meet:

  • attract attention;
  • interest potential consumers;
  • encourage a person to buy a product;
  • push to purchase using bonuses, exclusive offers, etc.

Based on these requirements, a commercial proposal is subsequently drawn up. It is very important to know exactly what audience this document is aimed at, because for different generations characterized by different needs.

Therefore, it is stupid to advertise dentures, for example, using tools that are relevant to modern youth. To attract a truly desired audience, a commercial proposal must be correctly drawn up. It's not difficult to find a sample.

Drawing up a commercial proposal, its structure

Any commercial proposal form must include:

  1. Heading: logo of the company providing the services. This will attract the client's attention.
  2. Subtitle: describes the product or service provided by the company.
  3. Brief advertising of services and conditions.
  4. The advantages of choosing your company, the terms of cooperation, a description of the benefits of cooperation.
  5. Sender's contacts: phone, email, company address.
  6. Trademarks.

At the same time, in order not to tire the potential client, you should make a commercial proposal, the template of which is described above, no longer than 1-2 pages. This way, there is a greater chance that the potential client will read the proposal received to the end, and not throw it in the trash on the first lines.

What marketing tactics are best to use?

When drawing up a commercial proposal, it is important to pay attention to the problems of the population and target audience. If you competently convince a person that your services are exactly what he needs, the advertising can be considered successful.

It is customary to distribute commercial offers either by mail or on the Internet via email, one-page sites also work well, where the provision of the necessary services is described in detail.

When printing a commercial proposal for the provision of services on paper, you should special attention give:

  • the quality of the paper on which it is printed;
  • color scheme;
  • absence of errors;
  • clearly defined conditions;
  • watermarks as an indicator of the seriousness of the company.

Most people judge by the cover. So design plays an important role in attracting clients and their response to the commercial proposal, the form of which he will hold in his hands.

  1. In the eyes of a potential client, you are reduced to a dull spammer.
  2. Your letter may end up in the spam folder, and people simply won’t read it.
  3. An ugly and illiterately designed electronic offer will clearly not benefit your reputation.

Cold sales work much better in the case of phone calls rather than sending unwanted text to other people's email addresses.

Often, a company’s reputation due to aggressive marketing turns out to be lower than expected results, and therefore such companies, as a rule, do not have a client base, or people treat all offers with some distrust, so you should carefully monitor the activities of employees, study the market and purchasing power your clients and learn about their wants and needs. It is important not only to attract, but also to give attention to other people, expressing this through flexible commercial offers.

Provision of services

There is a common belief that a commercial offer is a kind of marketing ploy that is just as useless as other advertising leaflets, but this is not the case. A well-drafted commercial proposal for the provision of services (see the example in the picture) is almost a full-fledged contract, which only remains to be signed.

It is quite stupid to aggressively encourage people to purchase a particular product without calling or first familiarizing themselves with the company’s services. It is important to understand what problems the client is experiencing and how you can present your services to him in the most favorable light.

There is no formula for an ideal commercial offer due to the fact that, after all, companies and services are very different, and for one circle of consumers some aspects are most relevant and important, while for another, other problems are in the foreground.

Gross errors in drawing up a commercial proposal

Many marketers abuse the fact that they make a commercial offer oversaturated with information, which is why many clients are perplexed, and ultimately the meaning of the message becomes not entirely clear to them. Or it happens that the text is replete with beautiful speech patterns and “praise” of clients, which leads to certain suspicions.

To understand all these mistakes, you need to approach the situation more practically. Let's say there is a need to make a commercial offer for a product. This product is computer chairs and chairs. And we need a way to sell them.

What should not be written in a commercial proposal form:

  • history of the company and its leader;
  • long stories about how painstakingly and carefully you take the production of chairs;
  • even longer stories about how comfortable the chairs are to sit on;
  • various “serenades” to clients and the promise of mountains of gold and a cure for all diseases.

Write briefly about the company’s experience in the market, you can add 1-2 reviews from satisfied customers, focus directly on the customer’s needs, the main need for in this case- this is convenience and practicality, as well as maintaining health.

Commercial proposal for supply, a sample of which is available in open access, is also easy to compose. The scheme is absolutely the same - you should not be scattered about some abstract topics. The main thing in delivery is efficiency and quality, and this should be emphasized. Many companies often need prompt delivery of raw materials for their production. The proposal form itself may look rather modest, but here the quality of execution comes to the fore.

But there are identified patterns that state that:

  1. Most people notice the title first, and if it interests them, they read on.
  2. Particular attention should be paid to “special” words that attract attention, such as “free”, “new”, “amazing”, “best”, “top quality” and so on.
  3. The text must be structured and divided into paragraphs so as not to “overwhelm the reader.”
  4. It’s even better if the document contains illustrations. This allows you to hold your gaze longer.

Modern technologies make it possible to create bright forms that attract attention, and to sufficiently, broadly and openly describe all types of services provided. All that remains for a person in this case is to write a literate text, the machines will do the rest.

Drawing up a commercial proposal online using a template

Not all managers are able to cope with this task, and therefore often resort to the help of the Internet. Yes, nowadays it’s enough to just download a ready-made form or, even better, make a commercial proposal (a sample for services below) online. Of course, such an offer will not be ideal and is unlikely to interest a large audience. But for a new company ready-made templates with modern graphic solutions will be just right.

The visual component should be pleasant, and by and large it doesn’t matter whether it is very similar to others, but as the company develops, you should still pay attention great attention registration of your services.

A commercial offer is best way announce yourself in modern world where every second person dreams of successful business, and few achieve dizzying success. However, if you sell your services correctly and know how to interest your clients and treat them humanely, then even the most small business will flourish.