How to understand that a guy has bewitched you. How can a girl understand that she has been bewitched and how to protect herself. How to find out if there is a love spell in church

A love spell is a magical effect, as a result of which the object develops feelings and emotions for another person that were not characteristic of him. Even strong relationships can suffer as a result of witchcraft. It is important to understand and know how a bewitched person behaves. A problem recognized in time will help save a relationship or marriage. There are many ways to determine a love spell, as well as methods for eliminating it using various magical attributes.

How does a person who has been bewitched behave?

The stronger the induced love spell, the brighter the changes in the person. He has a fixation in the emotional sphere. This is especially pronounced in relation to a person to whom feelings and emotions have not previously been shown. A person becomes apathetic towards his work, hobbies and communication. When trying to find out, sort out or discuss the situation, the person denies the presence of a love spell and creates scandals.

Important! The behavior of a bewitched person depends on his character and temperament.

You can recognize the effect of a love spell from a photograph by a change in a person’s appearance: he loses weight, his facial features become sharp. At work, failures follow, gloominess and isolation from the outside world appear.

You can recognize attraction to blood by uncontrollable outbursts of jealousy and aggression. It all depends on the temperament of the victim (for a choleric person it is expressed in emotional moments, while a melancholic person experiences everything inside and can become seriously ill).

A sexual love spell is recognized by changes in the target’s personal life. Sexual life does not bring pleasure, but only causes dissatisfaction and disgust. And, despite the hostility towards the person who performed the drying, the bewitched person craves sexual intimacy with him, but the attitude towards the permanent partner cools and sexual satisfaction disappears.

Important! With the most powerful love spells (cemetery ones, with a Voodoo doll), a person becomes a puppet: the will is suppressed, depression and a passion for alcohol appear. When drinking alcohol, a person becomes uncontrollable, aggressive and provokes scandals and fights, a self-destruction program is launched, and the risk of suicide and accidental death increases.

Obvious signs of a love spell

When determining that a person has one or more of the symptoms described above, it is necessary to examine him in more detail for the presence of negativity.

The main signs and symptoms by which one can understand that a love spell has begun to affect a person:

  1. The appearance of irritability or aggression, apathy, indifference in behavior.
  2. A state of loss and inconsistency in actions.
  3. Lack of character, lack of initiative.
  4. Confused thoughts and a blank look.
  5. Constant feeling of anxiety, lack of confidence and security.
  6. Sentimentality, self-pity.
  7. Loss of self-esteem.
  8. Complete or partial impotence.
  9. Exacerbation of chronic diseases, insomnia, nightmares, frequent illnesses and injuries, pressure surges, sometimes pain in the genital area.
  10. All a person's conversations come down to the one who bewitched him.
  11. After sexual contact with a bewitcher, instead of joy, a person experiences fatigue, guilt and tries to leave quickly.
  12. Categorical denial of the possibility of a love spell directed at oneself.
  13. A series of failures in life and at work.
  14. The emergence of bad habits.
  15. The appearance of foreign objects: hair, needles, nails, pins, earth, scraps of wool, etc. These magical attributes can be found in front of the threshold of the house, in doorposts, corners.
  16. A person’s desire for an “object of love” that has made a dent.
  17. With a prolonged love spell, mental disorders, attempts to commit suicide, and accidental death are possible.

The most reliable way to understand that a person has been bewitched is to conduct a diagnosis yourself or contact a specialist in this field.

How to find out if a person has a love spell

If there are suspicions or signs that you or a loved one have been bewitched, you should conduct a diagnosis. The presence or absence of negativity on a person can be determined using various magical attributes.

How to find out whether a person has been bewitched or not using salt

You can find out if a person has negativity using salt. To do this, take spring or holy water and pour it into a container, add a pinch of salt. Remove the wax with a knife and melt it in a metal container, asking an exciting question. If the person being asked about is not present, a recent full-length photograph of him or her will be needed. The melted wax is drawn clockwise three times around the photograph or above the head. Then, with a sharp movement, pour the wax into the water and wait until it cools.

Find out and analyze the results obtained. If after cooling the wax is smooth and the water is clean, there is no love spell. If there are growths on it that sink to the bottom, then the person has a love spell.

How to recognize a love spell with an egg

In order to understand that a person is bewitched, they take a fresh egg from a chicken fertilized by a rooster. The egg is passed over the person’s head in a clockwise direction around the back of the head for several minutes (you can use his photograph). Then carefully break the egg into a container with spring or holy water.

In five minutes you can find out about the presence of a love spell. Particular care is taken to remove the integrity of the yolk and white. The presence of strands or scraps of protein means that a person is under a love spell.

To finally check for the presence of a love spell, leave the container with the egg in a dark place. If after a day the condition of the egg worsens, then the person is under a love spell.

How to determine a love spell with church candles

You can find out about a love spell on yourself using a church candle, water and a silver item.

Take a lit church candle in your right hand and hold it at heart level. Silver jewelry (ring, chain, earring) is placed in the left hand. Keep this for 10 minutes. To learn about a love spell, you need to observe the behavior of the candle. The presence is indicated by the turbulent state of the candle (smoking, shooting sparks, molten mass of a dark shade).

How to find out if you've been bewitched using wax

You can find out about a love spell using wax. The patient is seated on a chair nearby or a full-length photograph is taken. The wax is crushed with a grater or knife and transferred to a metal container. Melt the wax over the fire for 3-4 minutes. Then quickly pour it into a glass container with spring or holy water. By analyzing the wax, you can find out about the presence of negativity. If it has an even, whole shape, there is no love spell. If the wax has various branches, is clumsy, or the water is colored, then a love spell is taking place.

How to find out if there is a love spell in church

In order to understand that you are under a love spell, you need to attend the entire morning service in church. They buy a candle and place it near any icon for the health of the bewitched person. They read the “Our Father” to themselves seven times and by the way the candle behaves, they find out whether there is a love spell. If it smokes and smokes, it means there is a love spell.

How to find out whether you have been bewitched or not using blood

To determine a love spell on yourself, add a pinch of sea salt and a drop of blood to spring water, and leave the vessel near the bed overnight.

In the morning they find out and analyze the result:

  1. There is a pink sediment at the bottom or the water is cloudy but light - the person is healthy.
  2. A bright pink or red precipitate is a strong love spell on a person.
  3. The contents are purple, possibly with fibers - a love spell that can completely subjugate a person.
  4. Green sediment in the contents means damage has been caused.

After the ritual, the contents of the container are poured into the sewer.

What to do if a person is bewitched

Having learned about the presence of a love spell on a person, it is important to remove it immediately. There are several methods to solve this issue:

  1. On one's own. Experts do not recommend performing the ceremony in person and taking revenge on the offender.
  2. You can contact the church, where they will perform a cleansing ceremony and give advice on what to do next.
  3. A psychotherapist helps to overcome stress and lifts a person out of depression.
  4. Sorcerers, witches. They must be handled with care. A real specialist will immediately analyze the aura, find out how the person was bewitched, and offer a solution to eliminate the negativity.

Independent methods of removing a love spell

There are many ways to remove a love spell yourself.

By transferring onto an egg

They perform a ritual for the waning moon. To do this, take a fresh homemade egg and roll it over the body of a bewitched person with the words:

The egg is then wrapped in white cloth and burned in a place where it will no longer be walked on. They light a fire and immediately leave without looking back.

If the bewitched person does not agree to cleansing, a photograph can be used. Depending on gender, cleansing is carried out on women's or men's days.

At sunset

The ritual is suitable for both female and male representatives. They go outside at sunset. They look at the sun and say:

With salt

The ritual is performed early in the morning. Pour salt into a frying pan and heat over low heat, pronouncing the words of the conspiracy:

When the salt begins to darken, remove the pan and pour the contents into a saucer. They place a photograph of the bewitched person under the saucer. After sunset, the photo is placed in a plate and a little salt is poured with the words of the conspiracy given above. The ritual is repeated for four days. On the last day after the ceremony, the salt is washed off from the photograph with running water.

With the help of candles

Take a blank sheet of paper and write on it:

“I remove the love spell from (full name), burn it in candles.”

Light seven church candles and place them around the sheet. They mentally imagine the image of a bewitched person and say the words of prayer:

After reading the prayer, the sheet is burned with a candle. The ceremony is carried out over three days. The cinders and ashes from the leaf are thrown out on Monday at an intersection and leave without looking back.

Removing a love spell on the lining

You can find out about the presence of a love spell by finding magical attributes (earth, salt) in the house, on the threshold or in your pockets. If they are identified, you should never touch them. For disposal, use tweezers, a broom, pliers or other objects.

To find out the person who made the lining, contact a specialist in this field, who will make the lapel. The found lining is buried in a deserted place, preferably under a poplar tree. At the same time, the words “Psalm 90” are said, prayers “to Jesus Christ from the evil eye and corruption” and “to the Life-giving Cross”.

Then they carry out energy cleansing of the home and cleansing of the bewitched person for 9 days.

Removing a love spell on drinking, food and blood

These types of love spells are potent, so the cleaning should be done by a specialist. The ritual is carried out in three cycles: 9 days each with breaks of three days.

Before removing a love spell, a person undergoes a seven-day fast and drinks the charmed water three times during the day. In between cycles, you should also drink charmed water and attend church.

Removing a love spell on a doll

The removal of a love spell is carried out on the day of the waning moon. They take the doll on which the love spell was cast, salt and a shoe box. They take these items to the field and make a fire. The doll is placed in a shoebox, salt is poured on top and the magic words are read:

Salt, help me protect myself from magic,

Absorb everything dark

Scatter it all over the world,

Promise me peace.

The box is closed with a lid and thrown into the fire, after waiting for complete combustion, they go home.

Elimination of drying

Sexual love spell (dryness) can be eliminated with bread and herbs. You need to grind chamomile, mint and plantain, knead the dough and add a pinch of herbs. The following words are said seven times: “I throw away the chamomile, I get rid of the dryness! Plantain - from the left paths, I add mint - I protect it from an envious glance.”

This bread is constantly fed to a bewitched person.

How to find out who cast a love spell

In order to independently recognize and identify the person who made the love spell, you need to think about whom you feel a constant attraction, craving, especially if there was previously indifference or hatred towards him.

They try to find out the person who cast the love spell with leading questions. you need to ask your significant other what he is dreaming about, who he is thinking about. You should pay attention to who a person often talks about, who he persistently and thoughtlessly defends.


It is not always easy to identify a love spell and remove it. Often the process is accompanied by minor changes in character and behavior. Attentive attention to intra-family problems will allow you to find out about the love spell in a timely manner and carry out a ritual to eliminate it.

A person cannot be alone. We all need a mate. This is how the world works - “every creature in pairs.” Love is the very feeling that makes us rejoice, create and develop: he loves me, I love him. Having found our other half, we become complete and begin to build our family.

But how do you know if your feelings are genuine? Perhaps you are a bewitched person. If you feel out of place and doubt the sincerity of your feelings, analyze your behavior. How to recognize a love spell? What are the symptoms of a love spell? What leads to harmful consequences? How does this disease manifest itself?

A love spell is a ritual that contains magical attributes

The main signs that you have been bewitched

How to understand that you have been bewitched? First, watch your sleep. The consequences of a love spell manifest themselves in sleep disturbances. Insomnia begins, but even if a person can fall asleep, he is overcome by terrible nightmares. It is possible to understand how to determine a love spell. Therefore, it is worth familiarizing yourself with the characteristic signs of magical intervention.

There are the most common signs of a love spell.

  • Dramatic change in behavior. The bewitched person abruptly abandons his favorite habits, behaves negligently at work and forgets about his family. It seems to him that there is nothing more important in life than his new love.
  • Indifference. A person loses interest in everything that surrounds him. Become lethargic, without initiative and apathetic to the attempts of others to help.
  • Suggestibility. The bewitched one looks like a zombie. Becomes an obedient slave of the bewitcher. The desire to serve and please his beloved overcomes the feeling of disgust and hatred that he secretly experiences.
  • Material adversity. Problems at work cannot be avoided. Interest in her disappears, which leads to trouble. At the same time, you forget about your family - money does not appear in the house - it goes to your loved one.
  • Attachment. A love spell does not manifest itself in passion, but in an obsessive desire to be with your new idol. There is no interest in communication, more of a feeling of guilt.
  • Illogicality. The desire to be with a person who has bewitched seems ridiculous. If a person tries to resist this, it leads to the opposite. Every day the love spell only intensifies.
  • I have no problems. Everything that others have long begun to notice becomes too obvious. The person deliberately keeps himself aloof. An attempt to find out what is happening or an offer of help is instantly rejected.
  • Mental disturbance is a clear symptom of a love spell. A possible psychological disorder caused by increasing depression leads to temporary confusion and sometimes insanity.
  • Problems in intimate life. The bewitched person loses interest in the opposite sex. The spouses do not spend time together, but if it comes to intimacy, then sexual intercourse does not bring pleasure. This intervention is called egylet.

The consequences of a love spell manifest themselves in sleep disturbances

Do not forget that a love spell is a ritual that contains magical attributes. How to determine a love spell based on ritual signs? It can be done provided that traces remain on the threshold of the house or near his home. It is possible to find them in the pockets and shoes of the bewitched. In these places there may be needles, soil, feathers, pins, melted candles, matches, nails.

There are different signs of a love spell in men and women. Let's try to figure out what the difference is between them.

Bewitched men: behavioral characteristics

Women have long resorted to small magical rituals to determine their destiny. They tell fortunes about love, ask their betrothed to dream on holiday evenings, or look for his face in the mirror. What if love came and turned out to be non-reciprocal? There is a possibility that she will want to bewitch her lover. You can’t build happiness on someone else’s misfortune, but in war all means are good.

It is easy to identify a bewitched person if you know the signs of a love spell in men. The consequences of a love spell are visible to the naked eye. A person changes in habits, habits and preferences. Is this enough to answer the question: “How to understand that you have been bewitched?” Let's look at the most harmful signs.

  • Impotence. The object of desire for him can only be a new beloved. There is no point in trying with the others. It is alarming that the effect of artificial stimulation can be very short-lived.
  • Alcoholism or other forms of drug addiction. A love spell affects the emotional component. The feeling of internal conflict with oneself pushes into bad habits.
  • Loss of status. The person becomes aggressive.

    “Don't touch me again! I'm fine"

    - this is how a man begins to push society away from himself and isolate himself from everyone except his beloved. There is no doubt - only she makes his life complete.

How to understand that you have been bewitched and find out whether there are other manifestations of a love spell can only be helped by a careful analysis of a person’s behavior. They may be individual in nature for a particular man.

Alcoholism is one of the signs of a love spell

Women as victims of a love spell

It has long been accepted that when it comes to a love spell, the scenario is this: women bewitch men. What if women are victims? Signs of a love spell in women manifest themselves in the physical and moral state of a woman. Symptoms of a love spell will help you find out about the presence of intervention.

Signs of a love spell in women can be easily identified.

  1. The family is collapsing. Women forget about their husbands and children. A mother can abandon her children. It all depends on the degree of intervention.
  2. Menstrual irregularities. First of all, the emotional component suffers. The consequences disrupt the normal functioning of the chakras, and therefore the internal organs and psyche. You feel disruptions in your body. The reproductive organs of women suffer the most: diseases, tumors, and cycle disruptions occur.
  3. Change in taste. Many people think they are pregnant. The reaction to a love spell is similar to toxicosis and a change in receptor sensations. Women are overwhelmed with a sense of loss and begin to eat a lot. Often, changes in hormonal levels lead to obesity.
  4. Self-isolation, apathy, suicide. It is important not to take an irreversible step. Depression, loneliness and stress are dangerous conditions for thoughts of suicide. The woman's behavior becomes illogical. The main thing is to have time to help her.

The consequences of a love spell are detrimental, as they can be passed on through the family. As the price for intervention, not only the bewitched person suffers, but also the bewitcher. People performing the ritual have the ability to protect themselves from what they have done. The payoff falls on the participants.

If you feel like you have all the symptoms of a love spell, it is recommended that you seek help immediately. It is important to realize your condition yourself, which indicates that your energy field is resisting the love spell. If there is a possibility that you have been bewitched, you need to make an effort on yourself. To help yourself, seek help from a specialist. Inaction leads to consequences: health problems, mental destruction and disruption of the fate of descendants.

A love spell is a type of popular, widespread household magic, which is not surprising. Many men and women in love resort to the services of fortune tellers and magicians when they are unable to arouse sympathy or attract the attention of the object of inspiration. A bewitched person does not always realize that intense changes in his behavior are entirely related to magical actions. But if you know how to determine that you have been bewitched, you can easily determine that a magical love spell has been cast on you, or on your loved one.

How to find out whether a person has a love spell or not

A love spell is characterized by the fact that a person falls into a state of fixation on the person who ordered the love spell.

A love spell enhances the body's bad tendencies: if there was a tendency to gluttony, the bewitched person will get fat, if there was a habit of drinking, he will fall into alcoholism.

The first signs of a love spell:

  • The first sign that allows you to identify a love spell is a sharp, and to some extent, unnatural desire for a person of the opposite sex, for whom you previously had no feelings. Also, during the action of a love spell, the bewitched person completely loses interest in other people of the opposite sex, the attraction extends only to the person who cast the love spell;
  • After a love spell, a person experiences addiction rather than passion. You experience such signs of a love spell as an obsessive feeling that you cannot live without the person who cast the love spell on you, but, despite this, from this attraction you experience neither happiness nor joy, all contacts with this person cause only a feeling of guilt;
  • A person who is under the influence of a love spell is in an apathetic state, experiences lethargy, completely loses interest in things previously familiar to him, and does not enjoy life. This inappropriate behavior is noticed by everyone around the person, but the bewitched person himself does not understand this. A man or woman who has been bewitched acquires a large number of problems at work, does not complete obligatory tasks, is constantly in a depressed state, and grows cold toward his family members.
  • The very desire for this person will seem illogical and meaningless, but it will still increase every day.
  • Another way to determine that you have been bewitched is to watch your sleep. If a love spell has been cast on you, most likely you will begin to suffer from insomnia, you will be constantly tired during the day, and at night you will not be able to sleep due to nightmares. You can simply chalk up your condition to a streak of bad luck in your life.
  • All past interests of a person disappear, now he faces only one task - sympathy for the object and the fear of losing this person. This situation leads to humiliation, loss of dignity, simultaneous feelings of hatred and love for the person who bewitched him, and, as a result, a feeling of self-pity.
  • The main evidence of the ritual can be the earth that is scattered at your doorstep, or the earth with salt and poppy seeds in your shoes and clothing pockets. Try looking for ritual objects near your home - pins, melted candles, needles in door frames, matches, nails and much more. All these factors indicate that someone wants to bewitch you. If you discover or feel something, you must urgently contact a specialist who will help remove the consequences of the ritual, otherwise a love spell can simply destroy not only your life, but also the lives of people close to you.

How is a love spell diagnosed?

Possible options for determining a love spell are:

  • Diagnosis of love spell with egg. In this case, you will also need clean spring water and a photo of the person on whom the love spell may have been cast. First, hold the egg in your hands, transfer your warmth and energy to it, then move it over the person’s photo for a couple of minutes so that it absorbs his energy. After this, break the egg and place it in a glass of water. If the yolk at the same time lost its integrity, and the white formed small flagella, indicating the intervention of foreign energy, it is quite possible that they tried to bewitch the person. To make sure of this, place the egg in a dark place for a day. If it looks even worse, this confirms the love spell theory;
  • To diagnose a love spell on a loved one, try performing a ritual using a church candle. Take the silver chain and candle. Light a candle and take it with your right hand, then place it at the level of your heart. At this moment you need to hold the chain in your left hand. Close your eyes, concentrate and sit there for 10 minutes. If at this time the candle crackles, smokes, and black spots appear on it, it means that a magical effect was exerted on you;
  • If they tried to bewitch a person, he becomes nervous, more absent-minded, his eyes often dart, and his speech may become incoherent. He constantly talks only about the one who ordered the love spell, and follows him everywhere. The behavior of a bewitched person becomes unpredictable, he may fall into hysterics, laugh or cry at random. When trying to speak negatively about someone he has been bewitched by, he may show aggression; in his absence, he falls into an apathetic state and melancholy.

How to find out if there is a love spell on your husband or wife

Hot Red Pepper goes well with Thursday Salt, all natural amulets and any church attributes. The properties of red pepper also interact perfectly with incense and other incense with magical effects.

Red Pepper is completely incompatible with synthetic detergents and soaps. If you use Red Pepper even just for food, wash it only with water, otherwise it will stop “working”.

In order to find out whether your husband or wife has a love spell, you need to cut off a small piece about the size of a match head from a bunch of Red Peppers, from one of the pods. This piece should be added to the teapot when you start brewing tea. You need to do everything as usual, and brew the tea as always, just add pepper. When you do this, be sure to say:

Pepper, show yourself, turn to the truth!

And then pour this tea for your spouse. If he doesn’t notice anything, then there is no love spell on him, and if he says that there is something wrong with the tea, then there is a love spell, and it needs to be removed.

Remember that trying to get rid of a love spell yourself is dangerous, so it is better to contact a specialist magician who has experience in such matters.

Help for the bewitched

How to determine a love spell? Here are the obvious signs of a love spell: the bewitched person behaves strangely: he does not hear the words spoken to him, although he has no hearing problems. He does not see - although he is sighted. Looks through a person, as if the person does not exist.

  • It is believed that reading the psalter for six hours helps to get rid of magical influences. But this method only helps 50%.
  • Do not impose the point of view that a love spell was cast on him. This will make him furious. The victim of a love spell realizes late that he is a victim.
  • If your partner leaves, hold him with all your might, but so that it doesn’t lead to hand-to-hand combat. Let the things remain so he can return. As soon as the effect of the love spell ends, he will have no desire to leave home.

If such a misfortune has happened to someone you know, who has shown signs of a magical love spell, the most important thing is to calm down. It happens!

How to remove the signs of a love spell

  • Attending any trainings helps a lot: dance, painting, psychology, shamanism. Any training knocks you out of a cycle, and the goal of a love spell program is to get you into a cycle.
  • Removing damage using a candle can be effective. Light a candle, pour wax so that the candle makes circles counterclockwise. At the same time, cast any spell against damage. The wax should form a circle. Then this circle needs to be wrapped in paper and thrown away.
  • One of the methods for casting a hard love spell involves creating a doll-double of the love spell victim and reciting spells on this doll. Each chakra has its own conspiracy. At the same time, the words are pronounced: “Your thoughts are obedient to me, your eyes see me, your ears hear.” To destroy the action, you need to do the ritual in reverse order. You can read the plot in reverse: “My thoughts do not obey you, my eyes do not see you, my ears do not hear, and so on.”
  • To get rid of a love spell, you need to ask for protection from higher powers.
  • If you were able to identify a love spell, then an effective way to remove it is therapeutic fasting or a strict diet selected by a specialist.
  • The best way to help in such cases is to escape from those places where the person who ordered the love spell appears. A love spell, even a very strong one, lasts for a maximum of six months.

To determine the presence of a love spell on yourself, it is not necessary to have psychic abilities or be a professional magician. It is believed that every person has psychic abilities in one form or another. It is important to be able to use them at critical moments in your life.

A bewitched person does not always realize that someone is deliberately influencing him. The meaning of any love spell comes down to making the victim think that the choice of a partner was made by herself. However, family and friends may notice strange behavior.

Please pay attention to the following:
  • The bewitched person often distances himself from those whom he trusted unconditionally just recently. A love spell often includes words that a person should love only the one who cast the love spell on him. In addition, the ritual can also cause distrust in others;
  • The bewitched person fiercely defends his right to be close to the one who “dried” him. If love was aroused naturally, a person is usually ready for a constructive dialogue with relatives and other close people. However, the bewitched man categorically rejects any attempts to dissuade him from a new relationship. If relatives try to reason with a person “poisoned” by a love spell, he immediately begins to see them as enemies who have set themselves the goal of separating him from his loved one;
  • The bewitched person does not pay attention to the physical defects of the one with whom he is “in love.” This does not mean that a person who, for example, is missing limbs, cannot be loved. However, not everyone is capable of this.

Do I have a love spell? How to test yourself?

If you catch yourself thinking that you are in love with someone, you cannot live without this person, you are seriously starting to think about suicide, etc., it is worth thinking about. You were probably bewitched.

It is quite difficult to determine the presence of a love spell “by eye”. Sometimes people choose unworthy or outwardly unpleasant partners as life partners. It seems to others that it is simply impossible to love such a rude, cruel, sloppy person. However, for some it becomes the only joy in life. And this does not necessarily have to indicate the magical effect that the bewitcher has on his victim.

Esotericists believe that if an unworthy partner appears in a person’s life, without whom he cannot live, this may be associated with some karmic debts of the person who received the unsuitable life partner. Perhaps in your past incarnation you overly condemned alcoholics, not realizing how serious this disease is. In your current incarnation, you are forced to live with a drinking person, to whom you are attached with love.

However, it is still possible to identify some signs of a love spell. Love for a girl (boyfriend), which arose without outside intervention, does not cause the disappearance of previously formed attachments, for example, to parents, a child, brothers, sisters. The painful need to be close to a person for whom, deep down in your soul, you do not even feel sympathy, cannot be called love. You constantly think about those you truly love, but some inexplicable force forces you to be close to the person you hate.

Magical techniques for diagnosing love spells

It is not always possible to determine the presence of someone else’s interference in your life on your own the first time, performing only one ritual.

To do this, try a few simple magical techniques:
  • Bring holy water from the church and pour it into a glass. Then light a torch (or an ordinary match), hold it for a while with two fingers, and then throw it into a glass of holy water. Pay attention to how the splinter will behave. If it stays on the surface of the water for some time and burns, no one has any magical effects on you. However, if the torch quickly went out and sank, it is likely that you became a victim of the ritual. In this way, you can determine not only the presence of a love spell, but any other negative magical effect, for example, damage;
  • Take any item from the person who allegedly bewitched you and go to church with it. If at the moment you already live with this person and have access to many of his things, choose clothes, in particular, underwear. In all other cases, even a ballpoint pen, which has been used for a long time by the person who fell in love with you, will do. The item must be hidden so that it is not visible to others. You need to stay in church as much as possible. To have a reason for this, attend a service or come to church on a holy holiday.
  • Say in your mind several times:

    “For the innocent - a crown, for the guilty - the end!”

  • After these actions, quietly return the item to its owner and observe how this person behaves. If he didn't cause you any harm, his behavior won't change. However, the one who made the love spell should feel severe discomfort. He may begin to complain of feeling unwell and depressed. The person who made the love spell usually ends up in big trouble, for example, he loses the keys to his apartment, breaks his arm, or gets robbed.

In addition to magical diagnostics, try to find confirmation that you have been bewitched. If you live together, this is easy to do. Check your partner's personal belongings, look on the shelves in the closet. Perhaps you will find a doll that resembles you. This is a Voodoo doll, with the help of which a person can be subjected to various influences: damage, love spell and even complete destruction. Watch how your partner (especially if it is a woman) prepares your food: does he add anything to your food or drink?

First of all, you should not have a frank conversation with the person who has bewitched you. Don't try to get him to admit what he did. Most likely, you won't succeed. You may even make the situation worse. The person whose victim you have become will try to use an even stronger love spell. The consequences can be unpredictable.

The inability to simply get rid of a love spell is due to the fact that you do not know exactly how you were bewitched. Contact a specialist you can trust (he was really able to help your relatives or friends, and he was recommended to you). But if you are afraid of fraud, try to fight on your own. Attend church, pray to your saint, Jesus Christ, the Mother of God, ask them for help and believe that your request will be heard.

Use a trick and become inconvenient for your partner, change your behavior, be different. Men are often attracted to wealth. Start providing your “other half” with money much worse and less often. Soon your partner will think about finding a new victim.

Not only a wealthy businessman, but also a person with average or low income can become the object of a love spell. Be careful when choosing your social circle.

How does a bewitched man behave? what are the signs of a love spell in a woman, what to do when you are bewitched, and how to find out if your husband has a love spell - we will try to answer these questions in this article.

In the article:

Love spell, what is it

A love spell is a conscious energetic influence on the biofield of another person in order to awaken reciprocal feelings in him.

D. Raven “Love spell: essence and impact.”

What emotions the bewitched person will show is subsequently decided by the client, when the love spell ritual is performed on order, or by the bewitcher himself, when the attraction of the person is carried out independently.

The range of feelings is wide: from light love to animal passion and an inexplicable craving to be close.
Depending on the degree of complexity and quality of the love spell, the object will experience different sensations. Any, and refers to black magic, essentially it is a violent act against another person.

Each magical tradition has its own love magic rituals. On the territory of the countries of the former USSR there are various prisushki and conspiracies, where they turn to both the forces of nature and Orthodox saints.

“Pure” conspiracies are also read, but more often they are accompanied by rituals using needles, eggs, etc. Depending on the required force of influence, conspiracies are made over food: wine, sweets. And then it is easy to understand that a person has been bewitched: symptoms arise after eating the enchanted food. Such a love spell has a strong negative impact on the physical health of the target.

When turning to love spells

More often they want to bewitch a person with whom they were in a relationship. The less time has passed since the breakup, the more effective and faster the result will be.

When the ritual is performed in the first months after a breakup, the result will become noticeable after a couple of weeks. And six months is a period, although with this option the love spells work, but they will require other forces. When more than a year has passed, months are waiting for results.

When you order a love spell from a specialist or decide to do it yourself, remember that the result is influenced by the following factors:

  • moon phase;
  • partner compatibility;
  • break time;
  • frequency of meetings.

Interesting nuance- the better and more serious the love spell, the more expensive it costs. The magician sets such a price for a love spell not because he doesn’t have enough money, but to make her think once again whether she really needs it.

Let us separately mention rollback – energetic return of witchcraft from the object of the love spell to the customer. Why does the customer receive a kickback when the ritual is performed by a witch, and he only pays her money, you ask.

The fact is that in magic not everything is so simple. Witches and sorcerers who perform such “dirty” work for a customer take care of their own protection in advance. Not all magicians offer it to their clients. And the customer receives the kickback. At the emotional level, it is expressed in the form of apathy, negative mood, drowsiness, nervous tension, and aggression. When a serious love spell was cast or the bewitched person turned to the magician, and the magical effect was removed, the backlash was expressed in the form of sudden illnesses, subsequent failures in his personal life, or a long streak of bad luck.

"L light love spell acts gently - stimulates feelings of tenderness and love in the object. When you appear next to the person who has bewitched you, you will feel a state of trance, which is similar to the first, pleasant stage of alcoholic intoxication.

The behavior of a bewitched man using black magic tricks different. Instead of euphoria, a person feels when meeting a woman who has bewitched him.

To the question of how to understand that you have been bewitched with the help of black magic, the answer is simple: the feeling that without the object of passion it is bad, and next to it it is even worse - the first indicator of a serious love spell.

The stronger the dark influence, the deeper its physical results appear. The bewitched person experiences frequent causeless apathy, unmotivated irritation, and physical deterioration in health (frequent colds, hair loss). Not understanding what is happening to him, a person begins to drink, stops interacting with society, and tries to spend time with the object of passion.
However, before you run, make sure that what is happening to a loved one is really a love spell, and not ordinary seasonal depression.

When you decide to resort to extreme measures and try to bewitch a person using black magic, remember that the bewitched person will constantly feel that something strange is happening. Subconsciously he will understand who caused this. It is naive to think that you will build an alliance.

With the help of love magic, you can “prepare” a relationship when the client has unrequited love. Such a love spell is determined by the unreasonable increase in attention to an indifferent person.

How to behave when you are bewitched

When you notice the symptoms of a love spell in yourself, first try a free, but also effective option - go to church or undergo a cleansing ritual.

Another effective way is visit a psychotherapist. It is important to understand that going to a psychologist does not mean that a person is mentally ill, it is an indicator that there is a problem that he cannot cope with on his own.