How Andrei Sokolov found Vanyusha. What do the destinies of Vanyusha and Andrei Sokolov have in common? How did they find each other? From the story"судьба человека". Жизнь до войны!}

At the very beginning of 1957, Sholokhov published the story “The Fate of a Man” on the pages of Pravda. In it, he spoke about the life of an ordinary, ordinary Russian man, Andrei Sokolov, full of hardships and ordeals. Before the war, he lived in peace and prosperity, sharing with his people their joys and sorrows. This is how he talks about his pre-war life: “I worked day and night for these ten years. He earned good money, and we didn’t live worse than people. And the children were happy: all three studied with excellent marks, and the eldest, Anatoly, turned out to be so capable of mathematics that even central newspaper they wrote... In ten years we saved up a little money and before the war we built ourselves a little house with two rooms, a storage room and a corridor. Irina bought two goats. What more do you need? The children eat porridge with milk, have a roof over their heads, are dressed, have shoes, so everything is in order.”

The war destroyed the happiness of his family, as it destroyed the happiness of many other families. The horrors of fascist captivity far from his homeland, the death of his closest and dearest people, weighed heavily on the soul of soldier Sokolov. Remembering difficult years during the war, Andrei Sokolov says: “It’s hard for me, brother, to remember, and even harder to talk about what I experienced in captivity. As you remember the inhuman torments that you had to endure there in Germany, as you remember all the friends and comrades who died, tortured there in the camps - your heart is no longer in your chest, but in your throat, and it becomes difficult to breathe... They beat you for the fact that you are Russian, for the fact that you white light You still look at the fact that you work for them, the bastards... They beat you easily, in order to someday kill you to death, so that you would choke on your last blood and die from the beatings..."

Andrei Sokolov endured everything, because one faith supported him: the war would end, and he would return to his loved ones and family, because Irina and her children were waiting for him. From a letter from a neighbor, Andrei Sokolov learns that Irina and her daughters died during a bombing when the Germans bombed an aircraft factory. “A deep crater filled with rusty water, waist-deep weeds all around,” this is what remains of the family’s former prosperity. One hope is the son Anatoly, who fought successfully and received six orders and medals. “And I began to have old man’s dreams at night: how the war would end, how I would marry my son, and how I would live with the young people, work as a carpenter and nurse my grandchildren...” says Andrei. But these dreams of Andrei Sokolov were not destined to come true. On May 9, Victory Day, a German sniper killed Anatoly. “So I buried my last joy and hope in a foreign, German land, my son’s battery struck, seeing off his commander on a long journey, and it was as if something broke in me...” says Andrei Sokolov.

He was left completely alone in the whole wide world. A heavy, inescapable grief seemed to settle in his heart forever. Sholokhov, having met Andrei Sokolov, please! attention to his eyes: “Have you ever seen eyes, as if sprinkled with ashes, filled with such an inescapable, mortal melancholy that it is difficult to look into them? These were the eyes of my random interlocutor.” So he looks at the world around us Sokolov with eyes “as if sprinkled with ashes.” The words escape his lips: “Why have you, life, maimed me so much? Why did you distort it? I don’t have an answer, either in the dark or in the clear sun... There isn’t and I can’t wait!”

Sokolov’s story about the event that turned his whole life upside down - a meeting with a lonely, unhappy boy at the door of a teahouse - is imbued with deep lyricism: “Such a little ragamuffin: his face is all in watermelon juice, covered with dust, dirty as dust, unkempt, and his eyes are like stars. at night after the rain! And when Sokolov finds out that the boy’s father was killed at the front, his mother was killed during a bombing and he has no one and nowhere to live, his soul began to boil and he decided: “It’s impossible for us to disappear separately! I will take him as my child. And immediately my soul felt light and somehow light.”

This is how two lonely, unhappy, war-crippled people found each other. They began to need each other. When Andrei Sokolov told the boy that he was his father, he threw himself at his neck, began kissing him on the cheeks, on the lips, on the forehead, shouting loudly and subtly: “Dad, dear! I knew it! I knew you would find me! You'll find it anyway! I’ve been waiting so long for you to find me!” Taking care of the boy became the most important thing in his life. The heart, which had hardened with grief, became softer. The boy changed before our eyes: clean, trimmed, dressed in clean and new clothes, he pleased the eyes of not only Sokolov, but also those around him. Vanyushka tried to be constantly with his father, did not leave him for a minute. Ardent love for his adopted son filled Sokolov’s heart: “I wake up, and he’s nestled under my arm, like a sparrow under cover, quietly snoring, and my soul becomes so joyful that you can’t even put it into words!”

The meeting of Andrei Sokolov and Vanyusha revived them to a new life, saved them from loneliness and melancholy, and filled Andrei’s life deep meaning. It seemed that after the losses he had suffered, his life was over. Life “distorted” a person, but couldn’t break him, kill him living soul. Already at the beginning of the story, Sholokhov makes us feel that we have met a kind and open, modest and gentle person. A simple worker and soldier, Andrei Sokolov embodies the best human traits, displays deep intelligence, subtle observation, wisdom and humanity.

The story evokes not only sympathy and compassion, but also pride in the Russian man, admiration for his strength, the beauty of his soul, faith in the immense possibilities of man, if this real person. This is exactly how Andrei Sokolov appears, and the author gives him his love, respect, and courageous pride when, with faith in the justice and reason of history, he says: “And I would like to think that this Russian man, a man of unbending will, will endure and near his father’s shoulder will grow one who, having matured, will be able to endure everything, overcome everything on his way, if his Motherland calls him to do so.”

At the very beginning of 1957, Sholokhov published the story “The Fate of a Man” on the pages of Pravda. In it, he spoke about the life of an ordinary, ordinary Russian man, Andrei Sokolov, full of hardships and ordeals. Before the war, he lived in peace and prosperity, sharing with his people their joys and sorrows. This is how he talks about his pre-war life: “I worked day and night for these ten years. I made good money, and we lived no worse than other people. And the children were happy: all three studied with excellent marks, and the eldest, Anatoly, turned out to be so capable of mathematics,

What they even wrote about him in the central newspaper... Over ten years we saved up a little money and before the war we built ourselves a house with two rooms, a storage room and a corridor. Irina bought two goats. What more do you need? The children eat porridge with milk, have a roof over their heads, are dressed, have shoes, so everything is in order.”

The war destroyed the happiness of his family, as it destroyed the happiness of many other families. The horrors of fascist captivity far from his homeland, the death of his nearest and dearest people weighed heavily on the soul of soldier Sokolov. Remembering the difficult years during the war, Andrei Sokolov says: “It’s hard for me, brother, to remember, and even harder

Talk about what you experienced in captivity. When you remember the inhuman torment that you had to endure there, in Germany, when you remember all the friends and comrades who died, tortured there, in the camps, your heart is no longer beating in your chest, but in your throat, and it becomes difficult to breathe... They beat you because that you are Russian, for the fact that you still look at the world, for the fact that you work for them, bastards... They beat you easily, in order to someday kill you to death, so that you would choke on your last blood and die from the beatings..."

Andrei Sokolov withstood everything, because one faith supported him: the war would end, and he would return to his loved ones and family, because Irina and her children were waiting for him. From a letter from a neighbor, Andrei Sokolov learns that Irina and her daughters died during a bombing when the Germans bombed an aircraft factory. “A deep crater filled with rusty water, waist-deep weeds all around,” this is what remains of the family’s former prosperity. One hope remained - son Anatoly, who fought successfully, received six orders and medals. “And I began to have old man’s dreams at night: how the war would end, how I would marry my son, and how I would live with the young people, work as a carpenter and nurse my grandchildren...” says Andrei. But these dreams of Andrei Sokolov were not destined to come true. On May 9, Victory Day, a German sniper killed Anatoly. “So I buried my last joy and hope in a foreign, German land, my son’s battery struck, seeing off his commander on a long journey, and it was as if something broke in me...” says Andrei Sokolov.

He was left completely alone in the whole wide world. A heavy, inescapable grief seemed to settle in his heart forever. Sholokhov, having met Andrei Sokolov, draws attention to his eyes: “Have you ever seen eyes as if sprinkled with ashes, filled with such an inescapable, mortal melancholy that it is difficult to look into them? These were the eyes of my random interlocutor.” This is how Sokolov looks at the world around him with eyes “as if sprinkled with ashes.” The words escape his lips: “Why have you, life, maimed me so much? Why did you distort it? I don’t have an answer, either in the dark or in the clear sun... There isn’t and I can’t wait!”

Sokolov’s story about the event that turned his whole life upside down - a meeting with a lonely, unhappy boy at the door of a teahouse - is imbued with deep lyricism: “Such a little ragamuffin: his face is covered in watermelon juice, covered with dust, dirty as dust, unkempt, and his eyes are like stars. at night after the rain! And when Sokolov finds out that the boy’s father died at the front, his mother was killed during a bombing, and he has no one and nowhere to live, his soul began to boil and he decided: “It’s not possible for us to disappear separately! I will take him as my child. And immediately my soul felt light and somehow light.”

This is how two lonely, unhappy, war-crippled people found each other. They began to need each other. When Andrei Sokolov tells the boy that he is his father, he rushed to his neck, began kissing him on the cheeks, on the lips, on the forehead, shouting loudly and subtly: “Folder, dear! I knew it! I knew you would find me! You'll find it anyway! I’ve been waiting so long for you to find me!” Taking care of the boy became the most important thing in his life. The heart, which had hardened with grief, became softer. The boy changed before our eyes: clean, trimmed, dressed in clean and new clothes, he pleased the eyes of not only Sokolov, but also those around him. Vanyushka tried to be constantly with his father, did not leave him for a minute. Ardent love for his adopted son filled Sokolov’s heart: “I wake up, and he’s nestled under my arm, like a sparrow under cover, quietly snoring, and my soul becomes so joyful that you can’t even put it into words!”

The meeting of Andrei Sokolov and Vanyusha revived them to a new life, saved them from loneliness and melancholy, and filled Andrei’s life with deep meaning. It seemed that after the losses he had suffered, his life was over. But life “distorted” a person, but could not break him, kill the living soul in him. Already at the beginning of the story, Sholokhov makes us feel that we have met a kind and open, modest and gentle person. A simple worker and soldier, Andrei Sokolov embodies the best human traits, displays a deep mind, subtle observation, wisdom and humanity.

The story evokes not only sympathy and compassion, but also pride in the Russian person, admiration for his strength, the beauty of his soul, faith in the immense possibilities of a person, if he is a real person. This is exactly how Andrei Sokolov appears, and the author gives him his love, respect, and courageous pride when, with faith in the justice and reason of history, he says: “And I would like to think that this Russian man, a man of unbending will, will endure and near his father’s shoulder will grow one who, having matured, will be able to endure everything, overcome everything on his way, if his Motherland calls him to do so.”

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Sections: Literature

Lesson objectives:

  • discuss the special vulnerability of children in situations of armed conflict and the need for humane treatment of them;
  • pay attention to the emotional and semantic load carried by the image of the main character;
  • develop skills comprehensive analysis artistic image(in the unity of portrait and speech behavioral characteristics).

Lesson progress

“The years of childhood are, first of all, the education of the heart”

V.A. Sukhomlinsky

Childhood is a time to which a mature person returns mentally more than once. Everyone has their own memories and associations associated with this period of life. What associations do you have with the word childhood?

Let's create a cluster

At the end of the lesson we will return to the cluster and discuss it.

We live in peacetime, but what about those guys whose childhood was during the war? What did they have to endure? What mark did the war leave on their souls? Could their suffering be alleviated?

During the war years it was hard for everyone, but children became especially defenseless and vulnerable. We read the passage using the insertion method. At home we made notes in the margins. And now, in order to delve deeper into the content of the text, we will answer questions about the story.

Who would you call the main one? actor in this passage?

Andrei Sokolov remains the main character of the entire story, but in this episode Vanyushka comes to the fore.

Pay attention to the board, in the center of which the word “Vanyushka” is written.

  1. What do you think is the main feature noticed in the boy’s appearance?
  2. A little ragamuffin: his face is covered in watermelon juice, covered with dust, dirty as dust, unkempt, and his eyes are like stars after the rain.

  3. Re-read the first dialogue between the boy and the “uncle driver”. What did you learn about Vanyushka from his remarks? What did he experience at the time of his meeting with Andrei Sokolov?
  4. The boy was left an orphan: his mother died during the bombing of a train, his father did not return from the front, he has no home, he is starving.

    What feature in the image of Vanyushka is emphasized by the information about what he experienced during the war?
    Vanyushka is unprotected, vulnerable.

  5. What else can the reader learn about Van from the way he answers questions?
  6. This is not the first time Vanyushka has answered such questions. The words “I don’t know”, “I don’t remember”, “never”, where necessary, increase the feeling of the severity of what the boy suffered.

  7. Why do you think the boy so quickly and recklessly believed that his father had found him? How does Vanya’s speech convey his emotional state at the moment?
  8. Repeated exclamation sentences syntactic constructions, the thrice repeated word “you will find” testify to how this child yearned for warmth and care, how bad he felt, how great the hope was in him.

    What other words help describe the boy’s condition?
    “He speaks so quietly,” “whispers,” “he asked how he exhaled,” “he screams loudly and thinly, which is even muffled.”

  9. We imagine what the little hero looks like and how he speaks. What else in the text allows us to complement our understanding of it?
  10. Pay attention to the description of the behavior of the boy's actions: at the tea shop, in Andrei Sokolov's car at the moment of the decisive explanation, where Sokolov lived, left alone in the care of the hostess - at the time of the evening conversation.

  11. So, let's summarize. What leading role in the image of Vanya is emphasized by his appearance, experiences, speech, actions.
  12. The boy’s appearance, experiences, speech, and actions emphasize his defenselessness, insecurity, vulnerability, vulnerability. Let's write this trait down in our notebook.

  13. Through whose eyes do we see Vanyushka for the first time?
  14. Through the eyes of Andrei Sokolov.

    Why do you think Andrei Sokolov fell in love with the boy so much?
    (The boy is also lonely, like A.S.)

    How A.S. reacts to his story? Why?
    A burning tear began to boil within him, and he decided: “...”

    What artistic means Is the excited state of the characters conveyed after the explanation?
    Comparison: “like a blade of grass in the wind,” “like a waxwing,” exclamation: “My God, what happened here! It’s amazing how I didn’t lose control of the steering wheel then! What kind of elevator do I need..."

  15. How do you think Andrei Sokolov made his decision? How long did the boy and Andrei Sokolov meet before the decisive conversation?
  16. Three days, on the fourth day a decisive event occurred.

    Find the moment in the text where you can say with confidence that Andrei Sokolov decided to adopt the boy.

  17. What is Andrei Sokolov going through when he told the boy the “holy truth”?
  18. His soul felt light and somehow bright when he decided to adopt an orphan, and the boy’s joy completely warmed Sokolov’s heart. “And there’s fog in my eyes...” says the hero. Maybe this fog is those very unshed tears that finally appeared in the eyes and relieved the soul.

  19. What could the war not take away from Sokolov?
  20. The war, which seemingly took everything from the hero, could not take away the most important thing from him - humanity, the desire for family unity with people.

  21. “But with him it’s a different matter...” How do these words characterize Sokolov?
  22. Sokolov has a boy who needs care, affection, love.

    How does his concern for the boy manifest itself?

  23. Is Sokolov alone in his ability to compassion?
  24. And Sokolov is not alone in this: the owner and hostess with whom Andrei settled after the war understood everything without words when their guest brought his adopted son into the house, and began to help Sokolov look after Vanyushka.

  25. Who else of the characters emphasizes special insecurity, vulnerability, vulnerability? little boy?

  26. (Mistress).

Let's conclude:

What do you think is the role of the image of Vanyushka in this passage?

This image helps to better understand the character of the main character of the story - Andrei Sokolov. With the appearance of this character, it becomes possible to discuss the vulnerable situation of children during the war.

Now let's go back to the beginning of our lesson. Why do you think, when preparing to discuss the fragment, we selected associations for the word CHILDHOOD? Imagine and write down what associations Vanyushka might have with the word CHILDHOOD?

Why might he have such associations?

The impressions and associations are completely opposite.


  • Have you ever encountered a defenseless, vulnerable creature?
  • Describe the feelings you experience in this situation.
  • Would you do anything to help him ease his suffering?

Answer these questions in writing.


Comments on essays

2.1. What brings together the images of “little people” - Akaki Akakievich and the tailor Petrovich? (Based on the story “The Overcoat” by N.V. Gogol.)

Both Akaki Akakievich and Petrovich are “little people”, humiliated and insulted. Their life is worthless, they are like guests in this life, having neither their place nor a certain meaning in it. The overcoat is an image with which all the heroes of the story are connected in one way or another: Bashmachkin, tailor Petrovich, Bashmachkin’s colleagues, night robbers and “ significant person" So, for both Akaki Akakievich and Petrovich the appearance new overcoat- a turning point in life. Petrovich “felt to the full that he had done a considerable job and that he had suddenly shown himself the abyss separating the tailors who only add linings and forward them from those who sew again.” The brand new overcoat in which Bashmachkin dresses symbolically means both the gospel “robe of salvation”, “light clothes”, and the female hypostasis of his personality, making up for his incompleteness: the overcoat is the “eternal idea”, “friend of life”, “bright guest”.

2.2. How does it appear lyrical hero in the poetry of A. A. Fet?

Poetry A.A. Feta reflects the world of “volatile moods”. There is no place for political or civic motives in it. The main themes are nature, love, art.

The lyrical hero Feta subtly senses the overflows and transitions of the states of nature (“Whisper, timid breathing”, “Learn from them - from the oak, from the birch”, “Swallows”).

In thinking about the harmony and contradictions of man and nature, the lyrical hero finds his purpose - to serve beauty, which only the “initiated” understand (“With one push, drive away a living boat”, “How poor is our language!..”, “Melody”, “Diana” )… Contradictions are also the main feature love lyrics. Love is “an unequal struggle between two hearts”, an eternal clash of individualities, it is “bliss and hopelessness” (“She was sitting on the floor”, “ Last love", "With what bliss, with what melancholy in love"),

2.3. What is the role female images in the novel by M. Yu. Lermontov “Hero of Our Time”?

The female images of the novel, bright and original, serve, first of all, to “shade” Pechorin’s nature. Bela, Vera, Princess Mary... On different stages in the hero's life they played an important role for him. These are completely different women in character. But they have one common feature: the fate of all these heroines was tragic. In Pechorin's life there was a woman whom he truly loved. This is Vera. By the way, it’s worth thinking about the symbolism of her name. She was his faith in life and in himself. This woman understood Pechorin completely and accepted him entirely. Although her love, deep and serious, brought Vera only suffering: “... I sacrificed myself, hoping that someday you would appreciate my sacrifice... I was convinced that it was a vain hope. I was sad!”

And what about Pechorin? He loves Vera as best he can, as his crippled soul allows him. But Pechorin’s attempt to catch up and stop his beloved woman speaks most eloquently of all the words about Pechorin’s love. Having driven the horse in this pursuit, the hero falls next to its corpse and begins to sob uncontrollably: “... I thought my chest would burst; all my firmness, all my composure, disappeared like smoke.”

Each of the female characters in the novel is unique and inimitable in its own way. But they all have something in common - a destructive passion for the mysterious, the unknown - for Pechorin. And only one girl did not succumb to the charm of the hero of the novel. This is the undine from the story “Taman”.

All the women in the novel “A Hero of Our Time” just wanted to be happy. But happiness is a relative concept, today it exists, but tomorrow...

2.4. What was the significance of the meeting with Vanya for Andrei Sokolov? (Based on the story “The Fate of a Man” by M. A. Sholokhov.)

Andrei Sokolov has amazing courage and spiritual strength; the horrors he experienced do not make him embittered. Main character leads a continuous struggle within himself and emerges victorious. This man, who lost people close to him during the Great Patriotic War, finds the meaning of life in Vanyusha, who was also an orphan: “Such a little ragamuffin: his face is covered in watermelon juice, covered with dust, dirty as dust, unkempt, and his eyes are like stars at night after the rain!” It is this boy with “eyes as bright as the sky” who becomes new life main character.

Vanyusha’s meeting with Sokolov was significant for both. The boy, whose father died at the front and whose mother was killed on the train, still hopes that he will be found: “Dad, dear! I know that you will find me! You'll find it anyway! I've waited so long for you to find me." Andrei Sokolov’s fatherly feelings for someone else’s child awaken: “He pressed himself close to me and trembles all over, like a blade of grass in the wind. And there’s fog in my eyes and I’m also shaking all over, and my hands are shaking...” The glorious hero of the story again performs some kind of spiritual, and perhaps moral, feat when he takes the boy for himself. He helps him get back on his feet and feel needed. This child became a kind of “medicine” for Andrei’s crippled soul.

Vanyushka is an orphan boy of five or six years old from the story “The Fate of a Man” by M. A. Sholokhov. The author does not immediately give portrait characteristic this character. He completely unexpectedly appears in the life of Andrei Sokolov, a man who went through the entire war and lost all his relatives. You wouldn’t even notice him right away: “he was lying quietly on the ground, snuggling under the angular matting.” Then individual details of his appearance are gradually revealed: “fair-haired curly head”, “pink cold little hand”, “eyes as light as the sky”. Vanyushka is an “angelic soul”. He is trusting, inquisitive and kind. This small child I have already experienced a lot, I have learned to sigh. He is an orphan. Vanyushka’s mother died during the evacuation, was killed by a bomb on a train, and her father died at the front.

Andrei Sokolov told him that he was his father, which Vanya immediately believed and was incredibly happy about. He knew how to sincerely enjoy even the little things. He compares the beauty of the starry sky to a swarm of bees. This child, dispossessed by the war, early developed a courageous and compassionate character. At the same time, the author emphasizes that he is just a small, vulnerable child who, after the death of his parents, spends the night anywhere, lying around covered in dust and dirt. His sincere joy and exclamation sentences indicate that he yearned for human warmth. Despite the fact that he almost does not participate in the conversation between the “father” and the narrator, he listens carefully to everything and looks closely. The image of Vanyushka and his appearance help to better understand the essence of the main character - Andrei Sokolov.