Why do you dream about a crane according to the dream book. Why do you dream about a Crane (lifting) according to the dream book

A crane is a mechanism without which it is impossible to carry out large-scale construction. It serves to move loads and lift them to the required height, and the profession of a crane operator requires good qualifications and self-confidence. If the rules are not followed, the crane can also be a source of increased danger.

A dream in which you see tower crane, speaks, first of all, about some creative processes in your life, and the features of its work speak about their success. As a rule, the symbolism of climbing to a height and moving a load is favorable - but it all depends on how confidently you handle it.

Dream book of the 21st century. The meaning of the dream “Construction crane”

If you dreamed of a crane, this indicates that the affairs and tasks assigned to you are too complex to solve on your own. You should take help from colleagues or close friends.

Dream book of Sigmund Freud. How to interpret the dream “Tower Crane”?

A crane is characterized by a long boom, so in a dream it most often symbolizes the male genital organ. If you dreamed of a working tower crane, your health, including your sexual health, is in perfect order. If the tap stops, this is a harbinger that your sexual partner will disappoint you.

However, the situation is not hopeless. try having a frank, heartfelt conversation. A dream about a broken or overturned tap speaks of a disease of the genital organs or some kind of sexual disorder.

Modern dream book. Tower crane - what does such a dream mean?

A dream about a construction site where a tower crane is working is a good harbinger that promises complete approval of your actions and the authority of your judgments. To dream about a crane falling or that it has already been overturned is a bad sign. you won't get support even from those. who was unconditionally loyal to you, and if you applied for a high position, you will be refused.

Dream Interpretation from A to Z. What does a dream about a (tower) crane mean?

If you dreamed. that you are climbing a tower crane, this suggests that at any difficult moment you can count on friends who will help you out of trouble and share your hardships with you.


A crane in a dream indicates that a period of active action is currently taking place in your life. Seeing yourself in the role of a crane operator is a symbol of the fact that very soon you will have to prove yourself in a completely new type of activity for you, and if you are progressing successfully on the crane, this is a sign of career growth.

Successfully move loads - cope with your responsibilities, lift them to a height - receive a monetary reward. A stopped tap means your plans for the future will not come true. Falling from a crane is a work disaster. Climbing into the crane cabin means moving slowly towards the intended goal. If someone else is working on the crane, you will need an assistant in your affairs.

Why do you dream about a crane?

Freud's Dream Book

A crane, as a complex mechanism and a long object, is a symbol of the penis.

A running faucet symbolizes your normal health and good sexual tone.

A stopped tap symbolizes your disappointment in your regular sexual partner. But all is not lost. Maybe just a heart-to-heart talk is enough.

An overturned or broken tap symbolizes diseases or functional disorders in the activity of the genital organs.

Why do you dream about a crane?

The newest dream book of G. Ivanov

Tower crane - for a quick salary increase (bonus); career growth.

Jib crane - you will meet a very influential person.

Why do you dream about a crane?

Dream Interpretation from A to Z

Climbing onto a crane in a dream portends the help of friends who will come to the rescue at a difficult moment in your life and share your heavy grief.

Why do you dream about a crane?

Dream Interpretation of Fedorovskaya

Dreaming of a crane portends an urgent need for powerful patrons.

Why do you dream about a crane?

Modern dream book

Seeing a working crane at a construction site means that your actions will be approved and your opinion will be listened to.

If you dreamed that a construction crane was falling or fell, do not expect support even from your most devoted supporters. If you apply for a leadership position, you will not get it.

Why do you dream about a crane?

Dream book of the 21st century

Seeing a crane in a dream is a sign that you are not able to cope with the responsibilities assigned to you or the task assigned to you alone, and it is better for you not to refuse the help of friends and colleagues.

Lifting a load on a hoist in a dream means that your lack of self-confidence or dissatisfaction with the situation will spoil a lot of your nerves, so you should not reproach yourself for something that does not depend on you.

The reality and meaning of dreams

Sleep from Thursday to Friday

The dream has to do with emotions, hidden talents, unfulfilled dreams and needs of a sleeping person. Picture with good meaning promises the fulfillment of a cherished desire. An expressionless dream promises routine. The embodiment of a dream takes from one day to three years.

25 lunar day

Sleep rarely gives you the opportunity to enjoy light and colorful images. Most often, his paintings are nightmarish and unpleasant for the sleeper. It is not recommended to start anything new in the near future. Go to church and pray for yourself and your loved ones: troubles and troubles are possible.

Seeing a water tap in a dream foretells family quarrels and domestic troubles. A fire hydrant seen in a dream means the awkwardness that you will experience from your own ignorance of the subject discussed in the company of erudite people.

Climbing onto a crane in a dream foreshadows the help of friends who will come to the rescue at a difficult moment in your life and share your grave grief.

Interpretation of dreams from the Dream Interpretation alphabetically

Dream Interpretation - Falls and flights

If you fall from tall building or into the abyss - this is a symbolic warning that evil fate can play a dangerous joke on you. You will lose status, fortune, honor.

Falling from a height is failure, exposure of your secret.

Falling into a pit means illness, deterioration in social status.

Awakening when falling, horror is neurotic anxiety, crisis, transition to recovery.

Falling in a dream usually reflects the dreamer's internal uncertainty in some area.

But sometimes a fall, for example into an abyss, turns into a flight. This is a very favorable plot development.

But more often than not, when we fall, we wake up in fear.

Falling in a dream is often a reminder of a symbolic “fall” in life.

But in my practice, I have almost never encountered stories about dreams of falling in people who have already “fallen” in life.

An unemployed, low-income, seriously ill person is no longer afraid of falling. But people in a period of relative prosperity often see themselves in their dreams falling into an abyss, from the window of a high-rise building.

Some dreams of falling cannot be interpreted at all, as they are associated with physiological reasons, a sharp change in heart rhythm. This happens in sick people, adolescents and during menopause.

Sometimes the dreamer's deep intuition actually foreshadows a bad situation for the one he sees falling. But often falling people symbolize the loss of certain qualities in the dreamer that were previously inherent in him.

Often such dreams occur in teenagers whose character changes in a short period of time.

Although dreams with falls are not pleasant, you can benefit from them. Especially if the dreamer manages to get rid of fear. Then the fall can turn into a pleasant flight.

Flying in a dream often reflects sexuality or a desire for liberation. More often, young people have such dreams.

At an older age, dreams about flying can occur during a period of creative growth or in cases when reality does not allow a person to realize his creative potential.

In addition, in the flights of an older dreamer there are often some symbols of restriction.

Not only falls, but also flights can serve as a warning against excessive carelessness.

And yet, flying in a dream is a source of joy and good mood, and therefore, fly to your health!

Flying in a dream portends joy and good mood.

Falling is a warning sign.

Think about it: is everything okay in your life? Are you walking on the edge of an abyss?

The main meaning of a dream with flying is associated with the liberation of a person from shackles and burdens. The roots of this interpretation go back centuries, when man, fundamentally, before the invention of the airplane, could not take to the air and overcome gravity.

Dreams of flying begin childhood when the child is simply entangled in a web of all sorts of “don’ts.”

Flights in adults reflect human ways of dealing with the difficulties of life:

1. Liberation from external prohibition.

2. Overcoming internal uncertainty.

3. Escaping reality with the help of fantasies and alcohol.
4. Liberation from external prohibition

Based on the nature of dreams involving flights, one can also make prophecies for the near future.

Interpretation of dreams from

If you look in the dream book, the tap is interpreted there as a symbol of the help that will be provided to you, or, on the contrary, the people around you will expect from you. Today, while traveling through the land of dreams, did you dream about a crane?

As a rule, such a structure is a symbol of achieving large and overwhelming goals. Dreams of this kind indicate that something favorable and successful will happen in your life soon. Perhaps you will be valued more than usual at work or promoted one step higher on the career ladder.

If in a dream you worked on such a machine, it means that dramatic changes will happen soon - be prepared for them, they will bring with them a lot of pleasant fuss.

Construction dreams

If you dreamed of a tap located on a large one, it means that one of your work colleagues needs your help. professional help and support. If in such a dream you also control the apparatus, it means that you will provide the necessary assistance and will receive a worthy reward and praise from your superiors.

Seeing in your dreams how a construction machine makes incredible turns promises you an acquaintance with an influential and very active person. Don't miss your chance: such an event will be very useful in the near future. The presence of any signs on the tap indicates that your loved ones need help and support, pay attention to them - what if something really important happened?

The dream book interprets a construction crane as a symbol of the fact that you are an authority in your field of work. You can expect a quick salary increase and strong friendly support from your workforce.

If in your dream you are climbing, trying to climb a tower crane, the dream book says the following about this: “You really have in your life not only close relatives, reliable people, but also true friends, which is a rarity in our time.” In general, any dream about a tower or construction crane means that fate may give you a chance to implement long-conceived ideas or cope with global problems everyday life

If such a car is broken in your dream, it means that you have taken on an overwhelming burden of responsibilities; do not refuse the help offered to you by others. A tightly locked door of a high-rise car, which you are trying in vain to open, indicates that you may have unexpected expenses on pleasant and expensive little things.

A source of water is a source of life

The dream book interprets a water tap as a situation in real life with a huge amount everyday problems, which will lead to active disputes with family members. If the tap in your dream is old and not working well, your subconscious will soon plunge into the abyss of emotions and push you to commit impulsive, unpredictable actions.

A water supply in a dream, from which clean, transparent flows, means large expenses associated with family problems. If in a dream a faucet is leaking and you hear the sound of falling drops, your distant relatives will soon show interest in you.

Why dream of a water tap that has no water? This indicates that some goals you set in life will bring more stability to your life. financial matters than you expected.

The dream book interprets a broken faucet as follows: the emotions that you once held back will spill out, which will delight those people who value you. When in a dream you are drawing water from the tap for cooking, you will soon be overwhelmed by the desire to pay as much attention as possible to your family and especially your children.

For a young girl to see in her dreams a water tap that, no matter how hard she tries, she cannot close is a clear indication that she will meet a person who will become her husband, and this event will happen very soon.

If a tap burst in a dream, then the interpretation of such a dream indicates a change in activity or simply place of work. If you dreamed that boiling water was pouring out of a tap, be careful - do not let others in on your plans.

A dream in which water that tastes salty comes out of a tap speaks of an imminent trip, such as a cruise. If the tap water is carbonated, well, get ready: it’s all yours. free time will be dedicated to carefree, fun and the most favorable moments in life. In general, if you saw a water tap while traveling around the land of dreams, we advise you to be prepared for:

  • Pleasant surprises of fate.
  • Long trips.
  • Joyful chores in family life.

All this will bring a lot of positivity and add energy in the fight against difficulties that sometimes occur in life. life path. Well, if in a dream you filled a glass glass with water and drank the water, expect the arrival of a rich guest. His visit will help you overcome problems, thanks to which your life will be filled with happiness, success and prosperity.

Crane - what do you dream about in a dream (Dream Book of the 21st century)

Crane - Seeing a crane in a dream means that you are not able to cope with the responsibilities assigned to you or the task assigned to you alone, and it is better for you not to refuse the help of friends and colleagues. Lifting a load on a hoist in a dream means that your lack of self-confidence or dissatisfaction with the situation will spoil a lot of your nerves, so you should not reproach yourself for something that does not depend on you.

Why dream about a water tap - - Seeing a water tap in a dream is a harbinger of everyday problems, family conflicts over apartment renovations, cleaning, putting things in order, etc.

Crane according to O. Adaskina’s dream book

If you dreamed of a crane, then in reality you will not be able to cope with your problems and implement your plans. Why do you dream about a crane - You will have to look for allies, partners, sponsors. A water tap symbolizes household chores. You open the water tap, and it only makes moaning sounds, predicting troubles and deprivations for you. Why do you dream about a faucet - To dream that your faucet is leaking means you are facing serious expenses that can deprive you of everything that you have managed to accumulate before.

Why do you dream about a Crane according to the Housewife's dream book?

Crane – the ability to manage your emotions. It is ineffective to operate the tap, or there is no water in it - do not control yourself; even the simplest things go very wrong; not being able to use the tap is a dependent position on others, causing discomfort.

Why do you dream about the Crane (dream book of Catherine the Great)

Faucet (water tap) - You saw in a dream that a water tap is leaking - the dream suggests that your business is leaking somewhere; drop by drop your profit goes to the side; It's time to check your subordinates; maybe dishonest business partner. A girl dreams of a leaking faucet - this girl will marry for love, but the marriage will not be successful; is not successful marriage if the spouse is a spendthrift and spender; the young husband, in search of pleasure, will squander his entire dowry loving wife. You dream that blood is dripping from a tap - a very bad dream.

I dreamed about a Crane, what is it for (lifting) - You saw in a dream how a crane lifts loads - your ideas will be adopted, your opinion will be approved, your actions will be supported. If you dream that a crane is falling, you will find neither sympathy nor support even from your most reliable friends.

What does it mean to see a Crane in a dream (Psychoanalytic dream book)

Tap. 1. Access to universal resources is provided through the tap. If in a dream we cannot turn the tap to turn the water on or off, this illuminates our ability or impossibility to control those things that are rightfully considered ours. 2. Water is a symbol of emotions, so the tap represents our ability to use them or not to use them. Turning emotions on and off is also determined by self-control. 3. Spiritual flow.

I dreamed about Crane, what is this for. Crane. 1. If a construction crane appears in a dream, it means that we have often been told about the need to raise our level of awareness on a specific issue. We need to make an attempt to understand everything from beginning to end or the universal meanings hidden in our actions. 2. We have the opportunity to take control of the situation in order to build it with a clear advantage for ourselves. 3. If you dream of a crane, then this is a message from the gods. It allows you to communicate with the gods and makes it possible to enter the highest states of the Conscious.