History of origin and interpretation of the name Yasmin. The meaning of the name Yasmin: not only a beauty

Short form of the name Yasmina. Yasminka, Minitsa, Minka, Mina, Yasma, Jelsa, Jelsina.
Synonyms for the name Yasmina. Yasmine, Yazmine, Jasmine, Jasmine, Gelsomina, Jasmine, Jesmine, Hasmine, Yasmine, Yasmiina, Yasmein, Yosuman, Yesuman.
Origin of the name Yasmina. The name Yasmina is Muslim.

The name Yasmina is one of the forms of the Muslim name Jasmina (Jasmine), translated from Persian meaning “jasmine”, “jasmine branch”, “jasmine flower”.

The name Yasmina is widespread not only in the East, but also in Europe. So in Asian countries, the name Jasmine is most often used, although among Tajiks you can hear the name Yosuman (Yesuman), which is an analogue of Jasmine and Yasmina. In England, the girl’s name will be Jasmine, Jesmine, in Spain - Hasmine, in Portugal - Zhazhmin, Jasmine, Zhazmina (Jasmina), in Italy - Jelsomina, Jesmi, Jesmi, Zhesmil, Jasmina, in Hungary - Yazmin, in Bulgaria - Jasmina, Jasmine , Yasmina, Yasmin, in the Netherlands - Yasmein, Yasmin, in Finland - Yasmin, Yasmin, Yasmiina.

The diminutive Mina is also an independent name. There is also a male name Yasmin.

Yasmina has a strong will, a lot of courage and ambition. She can often be short-tempered, especially when she has strong internal motivation or is very passionate about some activity that she does not want to break away from. Yasmina has a certain magnetism, it is believed that she is an original woman, which is emphasized by her appearance, the situation in the house, and her hobbies.

Yasmina values ​​material goods, money, and can turn out to be an excellent businesswoman. She has excellent intuition, so it is not so easy to abuse it. Yasmina has exceptional energy, and when she is infected with an idea, she becomes even stronger, and in passion she can even become aggressive. This girl knows very well what she wants to get. She will be an authority for other people.

Yasmina has many strengths that will perfectly prepare her for the realities of life. Once you meet such a girl in your life, you won’t forget her for a long time. One of the negative traits that the owner of this name has is irritability, intolerance towards others, and great sensitivity. Yasmina should instill respect for others from childhood, teach her to appreciate those people who are around her.

Yasmina loves to please others, to charm, to conquer. She values ​​the safety of her home, because this is the place where she feels comfortable and cozy. Yasmina is often very demanding in finding a life partner. It is important for her that he is rich, attractive, has a bright personality, is educated and appreciates her independence.

Yasmina chooses a profession related to something that will constantly maintain her interest. These can be areas of the artistic or aesthetic sphere; you can often find owners of this name among doctors. Yasmina is not averse to trying herself in the humanities (psychology, astrology, graphology, pedagogy). Yasmina prefers a family business or a job where she will receive not only pleasure from work, but also profit from her activities (business, finance, management).

Yasmina's birthday

Yasmina does not celebrate her name day.

Famous people named Yasmina

  • Yasmina Reza ((born 1959) famous French theater and film actress, playwright and prose writer, whose plays (“God of Carnage”, “Art”) have been staged in many theaters in Europe and America)
  • Jasmina Mihajlović ((born 1960) Serbian writer, literary scholar and literary critic. From 1989 to 1991 she was an employee of the Institute of Literature and a participant in the Serbian Book Criticism project. She wrote columns in the magazines Lisa, Grad, Jasmin, “Fame”. Mikhailovich’s works have been translated into English, Slovak, Ukrainian and Greek. The novels “Paris Kiss” and “Three Tables” have been translated into Russian.)
  • Yasmina Khadra ((born 1955) is the pseudonym of the Algerian writer Mohammed Moulesoul. In 1997, he began to engage in writing, taking a female pseudonym to avoid military censorship. Despite publishing many novels in Algeria, Moulesoul revealed his true identity only in 2001 After leaving the army, he planned to leave the country and seek solitude in France. His only option was to survive and avoid censorship during the Algerian civil war, The Swallows of Kabul. nominated for the Dublin International Literary Award in 2006, as well as The Attack in 2008. L'Attentat won the Prix des libraires in 2006, awarded on behalf of five thousand bookstores in France. , Belgium, Switzerland and Canada.)
  • Jasmin Woehr ((born 1980) German tennis player, best known for her performances in doubles. Winner of 4 WTA tournaments in doubles. Winner of 1 junior Grand Slam tournament in doubles (Australian Open-1997).)
  • Yasmin Wagner ((born 1980) multi-platinum singer, actress, model and TV presenter, better known under the name Blümchen (from German - “flower”), as a singer in a fusion of the genres of happy hardcore, pop, eurodance, trance. Yasmin Wagner starred in small roles in several films, the most famous of which is the film “Driven” with Sylvester Stallone in the title role (he is also one of the producers of this film). At the age of four she starred as a model for the children’s clothing catalog “Otto”. She began her career at the age of 14. TV presenter. In 2000, she became the host of the Disney Filmparade program. Since 2003, she has been a regular participant in various charity projects for the protection of animals, against cancer, and so on. In 2004, she took part in an event to raise funds for victims of the tsunami.)
  • Yasmin Levy ((born 1975) is an Israeli singer, known for performing traditional Sephardic songs in Ladino and her own compositions in Spanish, using flamenco elements with acoustic accompaniment of folk and modern instruments. Yasmin Levy's debut album “Romance and Yasmin” (2004) was nominated for the fRoots magazine and BBC Radio 3 World Music Award in 2005 (best debut) In addition to folk songs from the collections published by her father, Yasmin Levy performs songs of her own in Spanish, cover versions of Spanish and. Greek songs, compositions with poems translated from Hebrew into Spanish, including duets with Natasha Atlas and Amir Shahsar (Mano Suave, 2007), as well as modern songs in Hebrew.)
  • Yasmin Ghauri ((born 1971) Canadian top model. She began her modeling career at the age of 17. She worked on the catwalk for the world's leading fashion designers and brands (Yves Saint Laurent, Jean-Paul Gaultier, Versace, Valentino, Revlon, Donna Karen , Armani, Escado, Gucci and many, many others. Appeared on the covers of magazines such as Cleo, Marie Claire (Australia, France, Italy, Spain, UK), Shape, Photo Life, Flare. ", "ELLE" (France, Germany, Italy, Mexico, Singapore, UK, USA), "Vogue" (Germany, Spain and Italy) and "Cosmopolitan" (USA).)
  • Yasmine Blyth ((born 1968) American actress, fashion model. She gained the greatest fame after starring in the TV series “Baywatch”, “Detective Nash Bridges” and “Titans”, as well as in the film “BASEketball”.)
  • Romina Yazmin Sosa (Canadian TV presenter of the Naked News program)
  • Yazmin Carlin (English swimmer)
  • Yasmin Tatiana Annette Valentin, performing as Yasmin ((born 1976) Finnish singer, Gypsy-Roma by origin. Participant in the Eurovision Song Contest 1996.)

This attractive and unusual female name takes its origins directly from hot countries. The origin of the name goes back to Persia, inspired by images of mysterious oriental women. Initially, the name was widely popular in Muslim countries, but in the form of its interpretation - Jasmine.

Despite its widespread prevalence in Arab, Muslim and Persian cultures, girls are now increasingly being named after Yasmin in Europe. A characteristic feature is the fact that in each country the name sounds differently. For example, in Catalan - Jesmi, in Italian - Gelsomina, in Hungarian - Yazmin. There are no analogues in Chinese and Japanese.

The name stone is jasper. And since his name is not Orthodox, he does not have a name day. According to church customs, there is also no consonance with this name, therefore, at baptism, a girl, as a rule, is given an Orthodox name based on her date of birth.

The meaning and characteristics of the name Yasmina

If translated from Arabic, the name will have a meaning such as “jasmine flower” or “paradise flower”. There is another version, in a figurative sense - “a girl who will end up in heaven”, “a gift from the gods”. In other words, Muslim culture identifies the bearer of this ancient Persian name with an exquisite, magical and fragrant flower.

Yasmina is cheerful and unpredictable as a child. What she will do in the next minute is a surprise for everyone around her, not excluding the girl’s parents. She can be playful and affectionate one moment and become irritated the next second. Yasmina certainly doesn’t have the makings of a quiet person, although she will be cheerful and life-loving throughout her entire life. He will never let himself be offended.

In adolescence, a girl will have to restrain the passion burning in her soul: power and romance will constantly confront each other. Achieving success and gaining recognition will be the desired outcome of actions. The goal that Yasmina sets for herself will be achieved with one hundred percent accuracy, but she will not follow the principle “all means are fair in the fight.”

The matured owner of the name has not only will, but also ambitions. Temper goes hand in hand with masculinity. If some work hooks her, then, armed with powerful motivation, she will not leave it until she finishes it to the end. Along with masculinity, magnetism and charm will become her faithful companions. Originality will manifest itself in hobbies, appearance and statements.

Although Yasmina is unpredictable in childhood, in the future you should not expect sudden actions from her in love affairs. So, the girl is not one of those who will forget about everything and rush to meet her feelings. Not the type to get married unexpectedly. The owner of the name will first be firmly convinced of her chosen one, of the similarity of life views, and only then will she think about the future. Yasmina is extremely attentive and sensitive with her loved ones. A diligent housewife and caring mother, a good wife, but her companion may lack temperament or sensuality.

Yasmina's relationship with health is similar to her name - just as fragile. He practically doesn’t experience any physical illnesses, but he gets sick often.

The girl, named Yasmina, is smart and energetic, loves to communicate and is not afraid of anything. She often stands up for the weak. If such a need arises, then, without hesitation, he rushes into a fight. As a child, she will never contradict her parents, respects and honors them, but sometimes she can be capricious and stubborn.

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Having matured, the bearer of the name achieves success in everything. Religious upbringing greatly influences a girl’s character: for her, family and household are always a priority.

Origin and meaning

The name Yasmina is of Muslim origin and translates as “flower of paradise.” According to another version, it is derived from the Muslim name Jasmine.

Translated from Arabic, the meaning of the name Yasmina is “jasmine”, “jasmine flower”.

In Islam, such a name is associated with a woman who is beautiful, like a magic flower. Although it is widespread among Muslims, girls are increasingly called this name in Europe and Russia.

Name options and famous women

The name has the following forms:

  • Full - Yasmina.
  • Short forms (diminutive) - Yasminka, Minitsa, Jelsina, Jelsa, Yasma, Mina, Minka.

Celebrities bearing this name include:

  • Reza is a French actress.
  • Mihajlovic is a Serbian writer.
  • Wehr is a German tennis player.
  • Wagner is a singer, model, actress and TV presenter.
  • Levy is an Israeli singer.
  • Gauri is a Canadian top model.

Numerology and astrology

According to numerology, the lucky number of a name is two. Such people are distinguished by diplomacy, tact and honesty. They are respected at work because they can be relied upon in any situation. However, among them there are many hypocrites who strive to satisfy their vanity at any cost.

“Two” women can achieve a high position in society, but only if they organize their time correctly.

The astrological symbolism of the name is presented in the table:

Mascot Meaning
Talisman stones: rock crystal, topaz, amber
  • Rock crystal enhances creativity and makes a person more patient.
  • Topaz helps to find peace, relieve stress and bring joy.
  • Amber enhances a person’s energy, reveals his talent and potential, and allows him to make the right decisions.
Color: whiteSymbolizes freshness, sincerity, innocence, purity. A woman with a white name does not like injustice. She is open, wise and religious, often finding a calling in serving God
Patron Planet: MoonPeople who are patronized by this planet have developed intuition and entrepreneurship.
Spirit animal: seahorseSuch people easily adapt to different circumstances and strive for harmonious love relationships.
Amulet plant: jasmineJasmine has a beneficial effect on a woman named Yasmina, so it is advisable to plant the tree in front of the house or on a country plot

Character and destiny

The girl, whose name is Yasmina, is growing up as an unpredictable child. She has a rather interesting fate. She can be affectionate, but after a short period of time she becomes irritated. But mostly she grows up cheerful and does not cause her parents much trouble. She cannot be called a weak-willed quiet woman: since childhood, Yasmina has had a strong character. She is able to defend herself and defend her point of view with dignity.

Having matured, the girl changes in character -becomes more powerful and strives to achieve success in everything. If Yasmina sets a goal for herself, she will go towards it no matter what, but for the sake of achieving it she will not be able to sacrifice her moral principles.

Such a woman has a strong-willed character and a sharp mind. Material wealth means a lot to her; she knows her worth. She never considers other people's opinions and wants to get everything that life offers her.

Business and career

Yasmina strives to choose a profession that would give her the opportunity to show off in front of the public. She often achieves success as a singer or actress. He often chooses to work as a doctor and shows himself in the humanities (pedagogy, astrology, psychology).

A woman with this name can succeed in her own business or in a management position. This is facilitated by character traits such as stubbornness and aggressiveness.

Relationships with others

Yasmina is a rather noticeable and memorable person who strives with all her might to express herself. Thanks to her charisma, people around her love her. They like a woman’s determination, but can be put off by her intolerance that arises when solving various problems. Developed intuition helps Yasmina in a variety of life situations.

She is often irritated by people who are not active and energetic. With age, a woman learns to control her behavior. Yasmina is a loyal friend and often gives wise advice.

State of mind

A girl with this name has heightened sensuality. She is often exposed to emotional stress and has complexes that she does not tell anyone about.

Yasmina strives to keep everything under control, and when this does not work out, she begins to worry a lot about it.

Since a woman is too kind, many people take advantage of this for their own selfish purposes.

Romantic relationships and family

When choosing a partner, Yasmina is guided by her mind, not her heart.She often flirts and has many fans, but she chooses her soulmatefor a long time, strives to get married once and for life. Her chosen one must be as active as she is and be an accomplished person. The girl also pays attention to the beauty of the man. Yasmina's partner should not invade her personal space.

In marriage, a woman becomes a good housewife and a caring wife. Often her femininity is fully revealed after the birth of children, whom she loves very much.

The secret of the name is the excessive desire of its owner to make the family ideal. This can end in divorce, as the woman loses her ease in life and turns the relationship into fulfilling the “ideal family” plan.

The story of one of our readers Alina R.:

Money has always been my main problem. Because of this, I had a lot of complexes. I considered myself a failure, problems at work and in my personal life haunted me. However, I decided that I still needed personal help. Sometimes it seems that the problem is in you, all failures are just a consequence of bad energy, the evil eye or some other bad force.

Meaning of the name Yasmina: This girl name means "jasmine flower", "jasmine".

Origin of the name Yasmina: Persian.

Diminutive form of name: Yasminka, Minitsa, Minka, Mina, Yasma, Jelsa, Jelsina.

What does the name Yasmina mean? It is believed that Yasmina is one of the forms of the name Jasmina, which is of Muslim origin. Translated from Persian, the meaning of the name Yasmina is “jasmine flower”, “jasmine”. The name is very popular in Eastern countries, but recently it has become relevant in Europe. It can be pronounced differently: Jasmin (England), Yazmin (Hungary), Jasmin (Bulgaria), Zhazhmin (Portugal), Yasmin (Finland). There is a male name Yasin.

Yasmina's Angel Day: not celebrated, since Yasmina's name is not on the list of church holidays.


  • Planet - Moon.
  • Zodiac sign - Gemini.
  • Animal - Seahorse.
  • Color - White.
  • Tree - Lily.
  • Plant - Jasmine.
  • Stone - Garnet.

Characteristics of the name Yasmina

Positive features: Women, named after the sophisticated name of a princess from a famous cartoon, love to conquer and charm. They like to “bathe” in the rays of recognition and love. Yasmina highly values ​​coziness, comfort, and safety and is able to create them in her home. It is important for her that her loved ones also take care of the improvement of their home. Wants to be loved and independent at the same time.

Negative features: Among the negative traits that are characteristic of Yasmina, one can note imperiousness. She is capricious and too fixated on her desires. The desire to do everything according to one's own whims is rarely justified. He does not always choose acceptable ways to achieve his goals, especially if he wants to gain the respect of others and material wealth.

Characteristics of the name Yasmina: What does the name Yasmina mean? In numerology, it is determined by the number 2. It indicates a person with a changeable character, who is characterized by emotional restlessness. Sometimes this causes the appearance of a large number of complexes. It is very important that the name Yasmina learns not to worry about trifles and not to worry about what she cannot change. You should also try to avoid conflicts and disputes, and be able to accept some life circumstances as they are. A girl named Yasmina can sometimes be overly generous and kind to people who do not deserve it, and therefore it is worth learning to understand the qualities of others.

Yasmina and her personal life

Love and marriage: Yasmina has high demands on her future husband. It is important for her that the person is attractive, wealthy, educated and, of course, appreciates her as a person. Yasmina has some kind of inexplicable magnetism, with the help of which she is able to easily attract the attention of others and win their favor. The name Yasmina emphasizes all this with her style of clothing, unusual interior, etc.

Talents, business, career

Choice of profession: Yasmina cannot be a leader, and she is not recommended to be trusted with responsible work that must be done independently. But, together with a partner, co-author, companion, Yasmina, on the contrary, is capable of achieving brilliant results in completing any task. She can also become a good adviser, designer, but as a performer she loses... At the same time, it is worth noting the strong will of the name Yasmina and the presence of ambitions. These qualities are especially revealed in those moments when she is passionate about something.

Business and career: It is worth saying that Yasmina has well-developed intuition, and therefore she is well versed in people. If she gets excited about an idea, she can become overly stubborn and aggressive. But these qualities are perfect for running a business, in which Yasmina can definitely succeed. True, if the name Yasmina becomes a leader, then you will need to develop some tolerance towards others, realizing that each person has his own advantages and disadvantages.

Health and energy

Health and talents: The health of the representative of this name is simply excellent. Yasmina rarely gets sick, but if she suddenly gets infected, she tolerates the disease easily. Her natural beauty and health are maintained throughout her life without any effort, but you should not rely only on natural or genetic data. These women also need to take care of themselves and not forget about disease prevention, otherwise the consequences may be unfavorable.

Yasmina's fate in history

What does the name Yasmina mean for a woman's destiny?

  1. Yasmina Reza is a French film and theater actress, novelist and playwright. Her plays “Art”, “God of Carnage” were staged in many American and European theaters.
  2. Jasmina Mihajlovic is a writer of Serbian origin, literary critic and literary scholar, whose works have been translated into Ukrainian, Slovak, Greek, and English. The novels “Three Tables” and “The Passenger Kiss” can be read in Russian.
  3. Yasmina Khadra is the pseudonym of the Algerian-born writer Mohammed Moulesoul, which was taken to protect him from military censorship.
  4. Jasmin Woehr is a German tennis player who played in doubles.
  5. Yasmine Lafitte is a porn actress of Moroccan origin who worked in France.
  6. Yasmin Wagner is an actress, singer, model, TV presenter.
  7. Yasmin Levy is an Israeli performer.
  8. Yasmin Ghauri is a top model of Canadian origin who began her career at the age of 17.
  9. Yasmine Blyth is an American model and actress, known for the TV series “Baywatch” and “Detective Nash Bridges”.

Yasmina's birthstone is Garnet

The name Yasmina is of Muslim origin, and its translation meaning is “flower of paradise.” This is confirmed by another version of the origin of the name, according to which it was formed from the Muslim. From Persian, the name Yasmina is translated as “jasmine”, or “jasmine flower”, which denotes a very sublime and sophisticated nature.

We figured out what the name Yasmina means in Islam, but it is no less popular among Catholics and Christians. In European countries his pronunciation will be slightly different. In England the name is pronounced as Jasmine or Jesme, in Finland - Yasmine, Yasmine, in Spain - Hasmine, in the Netherlands - Yasmine, in Bulgaria - Jasmine, Jasmine, in Italy - Jesme, Gelsomina. In America and other English-speaking countries, the name is pronounced as Yasmine.

The meaning of the name Yasmina: choosing a name for a girl

The name accompanies a person throughout his life, but what does the name Yasmina mean for a girl or an adult woman?

Yasmina Wagner (actress, singer, TV presenter and model)

From childhood she characterized by cheerfulness, but, at the same time, grows calm and obedient. However, one should not consider her quiet. In certain situations, a girl can stand up for herself.

This is a very strong-willed and courageous person. Sometimes she can be hot-tempered, this is especially evident when the girl is very passionate about something or is in a state of internal struggle with herself. She is characterized by emotional anxiety, in particular due to her own complexes.

She is always successful in her studies, as she is endowed with perseverance and diligence. Girl grows up gifted and often enjoys dancing and music or goes to drama school.

It is very important to explain to your child that there is no need to worry and worry about trifles.

Character and personality traits

The girl who is influenced by the meaning of this name is extremely kind, calm, and distinguished from others by her good manners.

Yasmin Ghauri (famous Canadian top model)

She is charismatic, sociable and easily gets close to people. Since childhood, she has been instilled with respect for others and desire to do good.

She loves to please and charm. Having met such a girl at least once in your life, it is impossible to forget her. She's about has some special energy and magnetism, which is emphasized by her hobbies and appearance.

The girl has a well-developed intuition, so it will not be possible to manipulate her. She always knows what she wants and is an authority for other people.

At a more mature age, her character traits do not change radically. But it is worth noting that a woman thinks more broadly and does not get hung up on trifles. She makes a decision only after a thorough analysis of any situation.


The health of the representative of this name is simply excellent. She rarely gets sick, but if suddenly infected, the disease is easily transferred. Her natural beauty and health are maintained throughout her life without any effort, but you should not rely only on natural or genetic data. These women also need to take care of themselves and not forget about disease prevention, otherwise the consequences may be unfavorable.

Marriage and family

A woman named by this name attaches great importance to family and family values.

She makes high demands on her chosen one. The future spouse must appreciate, love and respect her as a person. Also, this person must be quite attractive and educated.

The girl has a lot of fans, so she chooses her companion long and carefully. In family relationships she is a wonderful mother and caring wife A. Very often her femininity is revealed after the birth of a child.

Famous blogger Yasmin Maya with her husband

Career and hobbies

This woman easily succumbs to new hobbies. If she gets excited about a new idea, she can become quite stubborn and aggressive. These qualities of her character are the best suitable for running your own business or working in a management position. She often chooses a profession that keeps her interested, but the girl definitely knows how to work. In this regard, Yasmina is very similar to the representative.

A woman who is influenced by the meaning of this name can become either a housewife or a successful banker or executive. Often she becomes a doctor or chooses professions related to psychology, astrology or pedagogy.

Name day

The name is not mentioned in the Orthodox calendar, so he does not celebrate his name day. At baptism, a girl can be given an Orthodox name or a Catholic name, which in Orthodoxy is pronounced like Savina.

Famous names bearers

  • Yasmin(Yasmin Tatiana Annette Valentin) is a Finnish singer of Roma gypsy origin. She began her musical career by performing at Eurovision in 1996.

Yasmina Reza

  • Yasmina Reza- famous actress, novelist and playwright of French origin. Her plays “God of Carnage” and “Art” were staged in many European and American theaters.
  • Yasmina Mikhailovich- Serbian writer and literary critic. Her works can be read in English, Greek, Slovak, Ukrainian and Russian.
  • Yasmina Wagner– actress, singer, TV presenter and model. She is best known for the film “Driven,” in which she starred with Sylvester Stallone.

Yasmina Blyth

  • Yasmina Blyth– actress and model originally from America. She gained her fame thanks to the series “Baywatch”. She also starred in the TV series Titans and Detective Nash Bridges.
  • Yasmin Ghauri is a famous Canadian top model who has worked for leading fashion designers and world famous brands such as Versace, Valentino, Armani, Gucci, Jean-Paul Gaultier.
  • Yasmin Levy- singer of Israeli origin. Performs his own compositions, as well as cover versions of Greek and Spanish songs with flamenco elements.