Games and competitions for discos and parties. Games and competitions for discos and parties Cool competitions for February 23 at school

Very soon we will be seeing off winter. But first we will celebrate with the whole country wonderful holiday- Defender of the Fatherland Day. Are you ready for the holiday? Check out the new competitions for February 23rd for boys for 6th grade. Funny and interesting competitions, which can be played at school and on the street. Among the competitions there are team, sports and logic competitions. So everyone will be interested.

Competition 1.
In the first competition, the boys will have to show all their skills. After all, they will make paper crafts. Namely: every boy must make his own army! That is, in the allotted time, the boys must make one paper airplane, one paper tank and one paper boat.
But that's not all! then they will have to paint them all in their own colors. That is, come up with your own coat of arms and your own symbols. After the jury, and these are girls with teachers, they evaluate the boys’ creativity.
Each jury member gives his ratings to each boy. And whoever has the most ratings in the end wins this competition.

Competition 2.
The second competition “follows” from the first. That is, now the boys must show their troops in “battle”!
The airplanes are shown first. To do this, first all the boys send their airplanes forward. Whoever's airplane flew the furthest gets 1 point.
Next, you need to put a hoop on the floor. And each boy launches his airplane again, and it must land in the hoop. Whoever's airplane lands in the hoop again gets 1 point.
And the next stage of this competition is with tanks. All paper tanks are placed on the floor, in one line. At the leader's command, all the boys blow on their tanks. Whoever's tank went the furthest gets 1 point.
Afterwards, the points are counted and whoever has the most wins the competition.

Competition 3.
In this competition we divide all the boys into 2 teams. First, they need to take turns naming things and objects that belong to the army. For example, a pistol, boots, a machine gun, a grenade, an overcoat, and so on. You are given only 5 seconds to think. If a team does not name an object or thing in turn, then it loses.

Competition 4.
Teams remain in this competition as well. There will be a quiz with questions. The question is asked which team was the first to press the button 9 and blow the whistle), which is the first to answer. If the answer is correct, then this is 1 point. If the answer is not correct, then the second team can answer. And if he answers correctly, he will immediately receive 2 points! This is done in order to eliminate cases when teams, after a question, simply whistle to be first, even if they don’t know the answer.
Quiz questions.
1. Where is the vest worn? (on the body)
2. Do tank crews wear a cap, a Panama hat or a cap? (all answers are incorrect. The correct answer is helmet)
3. What do you need to know to answer a call sign? (password)
4. Warlord with one eye? (Kutuzov)
5. What is the name of the room on the ship? (cabin)
6. What is the name of the ghost ship? (Flying Dutchman)
7. The most famous pirates? (Pirates of the Caribbean)

Competition 5.
The next competition will reveal the most dexterous one. In this competition you can play in teams, or everyone can play for themselves.
For the competition, you need to lay out paper trails on the floor. Lay them out so that you can step from step to step. Participants also need to place a sheet of paper on their palm. At the command of the leader, participants must follow the paper trail and at the same time carry a sheet of paper in their palm. You can only step on paper trails. If they stepped past, they walked into a mine! You also need to hold a sheet of paper on your palms. If the leaf fell and fell on the floor, then it also hit a mine!

The entertainment program will class hour, dedicated to the holiday Defender of the Fatherland Day, fun and interesting. Thematic competitions and games at school on February 23 will help identify the strongest, most dexterous and attentive students. Exciting quizzes will allow schoolchildren to learn a lot of new things and express themselves.

    Word Search Game

    Students are divided into 2 teams. The presenter announces to each of them one word with the same number of letters, and the letters should not be repeated. The participants’ task is to find cards with letters from the announced words, hidden in advance by the leader, within 5 minutes. If a player finds a letter from his word, the team is awarded 1 point. If the opponent's letter is found, the team receives 2 points. After the time has elapsed, points are calculated. The team that scores the most points wins.

    All interested girls participate in this competition. To carry it out you will need a small box with cut cards in it. On each card, you must write a letter in advance (the letters must be selected in such a way that the name of some guy in the class begins with it).

    The first participant approaches the box and pulls out a card with a letter. Her task is to choose a classmate whose name begins with this letter and within 3 minutes give him as many compliments as possible with this letter. Then the next participant starts the competition and pulls new card etc. The girl who gives the most compliments wins.

    “S” (Sergey) - brave, strong, sexy, handsome, nice, stylish, bright, independent, modest, savvy, smart, quick-witted, compassionate, diligent, slender

    Guys take part in the competition. They are divided equally into 2 teams. Each chooses a captain. Then the competition judge gives each captain an envelope with a secret task (the same for both teams).

    The team leader must carefully read the task and show (perform) all the exercises indicated on the sheet to the second participant. Then the second player passes the task to the third. The competition lasts until all members of both teams complete the secret task. The team whose members complete the task faster wins. They are given the title "Secret Agent Number One".

    Example of a secret task: 2 push-ups, 3 jumping jacks, 4 squats.

    Game “Complete the Beast”

    4 “hunter” boys compete in the game. In this competition, future men must show courage and bravery, demonstrate their fearlessness. After all, every real hunter is not afraid of obstacles and terrible animals when hunting.

    Each player is given a piece of paper and a colored marker. The organizer of the competition must draw incomprehensible hooks, lines, curls, dots, circles on a sheet of paper in advance. The task of each player is to complete the drawing of any scary animal (even a fictional one) and give it a name. You have 5 minutes to complete the task. The winner is chosen by the audience.

    Examples of drawings

    Two teams of boys of 7 people each participate in the competition. Each participant takes off one shoe, boot or sneaker. All removed shoes are mixed and placed in 1 pile.

The last winter holiday is Defender of the Fatherland Day. In schools, this holiday is taken very seriously. The girls are preparing a holiday for their boys, coming up with a script and competitions. It’s difficult to do this, because every year you have to come up with more and more new competitions. To make it easier for you, we have new competitions for February 23rd for 5th grade boys. Funny, table and active competitions are best option for the holiday.

Assembling and disassembling the machine.
In this competition, your boys will be able to assemble a machine against the clock. But don't think he's not real.
First, find a picture of the machine. Then you print it on a printer and cut it into 9-12 parts. Mix all the parts and place them on the table. At the leader's command, the boys must connect their parts to create a picture of a machine gun. Whoever finishes it first wins.

Competition - who knows best.
Divide the boys into teams. Possible for three teams. Give each team a whistle. The presenter reads out the question, and if any team has the answer, then it blows the whistle. If the answer is correct. That's a point. If the answer is incorrect, then the team skips the next question. This is to ensure that teams do not simply whistle and respond constantly without thinking.

Fell, did push-ups, got up.
Everyone knows these three magic words. So the boys will get to know them. Only girls will help them. Each boy has two girls on his team. There are 5 inflated balloons nearby. At the leader's command, the girls help the boys put the ball under their shirt. Afterwards the boy must fall to the floor and do push-ups so that the ball bursts. Then he gets up and again they put the ball under his shirt. And so on until someone bursts all five balloons. And whoever bursts wins the competition and thanks the girls for their help.

And there will be no real bow in this competition. From which they shoot. You need onions that grow in the garden. You also need large potato bags. There are 2 people in the team. One has 5 onions, and the other has a bag in his hands. We make two lines and the participants disperse behind them. At the command of the leader, the time is noted and the first throws the bow to the second, and the second catches it immediately in the bag. When all five bulbs are in the bag, time stops. For each onion not caught there is a penalty of 5 seconds. When all teams have played, that team wins. Which one took the least amount of time to get the bulbs into the bag.

Gifts for boys.
It's time to give gifts. They can be distributed to all the boys at once, or they can be played with. To do this, each girl takes one of any gifts and holds it behind her back. They take turns asking riddles. First, the first girl asks her riddle. Which of the boys guessed right? This girl comes up to him and gives him a gift. And so on, everyone makes gifts and gives gifts.

A game for boys dedicated to

Defender of the Fatherland Day


Give boys the opportunity to show their knowledge and skills in to a wide circle questions;

Cultivate curiosity and ingenuity;

Instill knowledge on healthy image life.

Teacher primary classes: Chistyakova L.I.

Leading. Good afternoon, guys and guests of our competition! We have gathered here to compete in strength and agility, speed and endurance. But this is not the main thing in our meeting today. Of course, we will not set records or determine a champion. Our goal is different. We have gathered to become stronger friends with each other. And it doesn’t matter who wins this rather comic competition. The main thing is that we all feel the festive atmosphere, the atmosphere of goodwill, mutual respect and understanding. Let this meeting be truly friendly. I encourage everyone to fight fairly in sports and wish success to everyone. May the strongest win, and may our friendship and unity remain the winners!

To hold a competition,

You need an experienced judge.

This, apparently, is a calling -

Of course, I will be the judge!

And I also want to add

And introduce the arbitrators to you.

Jury presentation(girls in the role of jury).

Leading. So, are you ready? But to begin our competition, everyone needs to take an oath. Please get ready.

We solemnly swear to participate in these competitions, observing the rules by which they are held and respecting our opponents...

We swear!

We swear to run only in the direction indicated by the judge - step to the left,

a step to the right is considered an attempt to escape...

We swear!

We swear to move only on those limbs that the rules allow...

We swear!

We swear to abide by the Olympic motto: “Faster, higher, stronger!”...

We swear!

Leading. So, everything is ready! We're starting a competition for big guys!

1 competition: “Waiters”

Participants must carry balloon on a tray and a towel on a bent arm to the landmark and back.

2nd competition: “Pyramid”

Each participant must build a pyramid of cubes in 1 minute. Who has it higher?

Competition 3: “Strong Men”

Who can lift two one and a half liter bottles filled with water the most (instead of weights).

Competition 4: “Swamp”

Students must walk over the “bumps” and not fall into the “swamp”.

Competition 5: “Pantomime”

On pre-written cards the words: goose, ballerina, soldier. Participants take a card and must imitate the gait the person concerned or animal.

6th competition "Cat"

Boys blindfolded on the floor draw a cat. Who got the cat more accurately?

Competition 7: “Hit the Target”

Participants throw 10 “snowballs” at the snowman. Who has more hits?

8th competition: “Smartness”

Question to the first participant; if he does not answer the question, the question goes to the second participant.

What do wood and a rifle have in common? (trunk)

Who said: “It’s hard to learn, easy to fight”? (A.V. Suvorov)

What do you call a teenager who studies maritime affairs? (cabin boy)

Competition 9: “Find a Pair”

All participants' shoes are collected and placed in a common bag. Participants must assemble pairs in 1 minute, blindfolded.

Competition 10: “Clear the minefield”

Checkers are scattered on the floor, participants have 15 seconds. Must collect as many checkers as possible.

Leading. Our last competition of big guys has come to an end.

(The jury sums up the results)

Today everyone received a charge of vigor and joy, and this is the most important thing in order to be healthy person. We congratulate the winner and ask the losers not to be discouraged. After all, the most important thing is not victory, but participation and the fact that you and I were together! We congratulate all the boys on the Defender of the Fatherland Day and wish them health, success in studies and sports, and all the best! Grow up strong, brave, dexterous and honest!

(Awarding the winner and prize-winners of the competition).

Scenario extracurricular activity by February 23 for schoolchildren in grades 6-7 “Boys, go ahead!”

Celebration progress:

Our holiday today is dedicated to Defender of the Fatherland Day. This holiday was established in 1919 as Red Army Day. Since 1946 it began to be called the Day Soviet army and the Navy. Currently, February 23 is celebrated as Defender of the Fatherland Day in accordance with Federal law Russian Federation"About the days military glory Russia”, adopted on February 10, 1995. By decision of the State Duma of the Russian Federation, since 2002, February 23 is a non-working day.
Defender of the Fatherland Day is professional holiday military. However, this holiday has long ceased to be just professional. It turned into a holiday for all men and boys. A man should always be strong, courageous, capable of protecting his family and Motherland, regardless of whether he is a military man or not.
Today, two teams of boys are participating in the “Boys Forward” competition.
Team names.
Now let's listen to their mottos.
The jury of our competitions:
Let's start the competition.
1. Load ammo.
One person from the team extends his arms forward. You need to put as many corks as possible on his hands from plastic bottles. This is not an easy task, traffic jams are constantly falling. But fun is guaranteed.
2. Fishing.
Each participant is given a fishing rod - a stick, to the end of which a pencil or pen is attached. Blindfolded participants must hit a jar of water with a fishing rod. Friends of the participants help them and tell them where to point the “fishing rod”.
3.Replace the phrase.
Now let's test your erudition. You need to replace the phrase with one word that ends in - ets.
1. School bag. (Knapsack.)
2. Bitter plant. (Pepper.)
3. Left without a wife. (Widower.)
4. Smart man. (Sage.)
5. Not a female. (Male.)
6. Hiding from persecution. (Fugitive.)
7. Traded in Rus'. (Merchant.)
8. Makes horseshoes. (Blacksmith)
9. Crowns the case. (Crown.)
10.Reads poetry (Reader)

4.Make a proverb.
Each team receives two envelopes. In one envelope is the beginning of the proverb, in the other is the ending. Your task is to create a proverb using military theme:
1. The law of a fighter is endurance to the end
2. The banner of the unit is a shrine
3. I went on reconnaissance – take note of everything
4. Heroes are born in battle
5. Scared - half broken
6. What is the regiment, such is the meaning of it
7. An officer is an example to soldiers
8. Only those who are afraid are beaten
9. Clean boots walk faster
10. The enemy is prowling - looking for a loophole in the soul

Congratulations to 5th grade girls (dance “Gypsy”)
5. Assistant.
Imagine this is your little sister. Mom went to work, and you need to braid your sister’s hair and tie a bow.
Each participant is given a bow, hair bands, and combs. And they braid their classmates’ hair.
6. Competition “The stock is too much for your pocket”
Presenter. By participating in this competition you can bring the team 1 point, even without doing anything.
Why do boys need pockets?
Well, how can you not know!
Boys wear them all the time
Must keep half the kingdom:
Coin, gum, toffee
And also someone's note,
Which has a terrible secret!
What's in our boys' pockets? Let's see...
Everyone puts out everything they have in their pockets, and the team with the most items wins.
7. Providing first aid.
Presenter: Everyone should be able to provide first aid. We have a turning point. It is necessary to apply a splint and move the patient to a safe place.
8. Tug of War
9. Gas mask.
In the army, every soldier must be able to quickly put on a gas mask if necessary to save his life. One person per team is invited. Who can do it faster?
Congratulations to 6th grade girls.
10. Horse riding.
Leading. A knight is, first of all, a professional warrior. The most important and important thing for him was his weapons and horse. Often he himself made sure that the weapon was in order, not rusty, and the horse was fed and watered. Let's see how you know how to care for your horse and weapon.
Horses are sticks. Helmets are disposable plates. A spear is a gymnastic stick. The knights put a helmet on their head, hold a spear with one hand, and a horse with the other. Sitting on a horse, they must race a certain distance. It is advisable that the horse does not lose its spirit, the helmet and spear are not lost. The winner is the one who is the first to complete the distance without losses.
11. Weapon ownership
Leading. Let's see how our knights learned to wield weapons.
Players are given plastic one and a half liter bottles half filled with water. The players take them by the lid with one hand and fight with each other, as if with swords. Your task is to knock the bottle out of your hands. The winner is the one whose bottle does not fall.
12. Hunting.
In front of the players, two assistants horizontally hold a stretched rope, to which they are tied balloons(one ball for each participant). Your task is to hit any ball with a dart. If you hit it, it means the team gets one point.
13. By seniority.
Distribute military ranks by seniority.
junior sergeant
senior sergeant
senior warrant officer
senior lieutenant
lieutenant colonel
major general
lieutenant general
Colonel General

Congratulations to 7th grade girls
14. Gather your will
Children are informed in advance that in the next competition they will need to muster their will. After this, each participant is given a sheet of newspaper. You need to crumple this sheet into a fist with one hand. The first one to complete the task wins.
15. Difficult situation
Soldiers often have to find themselves in difficult situations and get out of them. A player from each team has his hands tied behind his back. A box of matches is poured onto the floor in front of each person. The participants' task is to collect matches as quickly as possible.
16. Shoulder straps
Shoulder straps are pre-cut from thick paper. The participants’ task is to put their shoulder straps on their shoulders, run to the commander, salute him and return back.
Congratulations from 8th grade (sketch “How parents wanted to get their son out of the army”)
Summing up