Igor Krutoy is sick: what is he sick with, diagnosis, health status, family, career, latest news. Igor Krutoy Igor Krutoy looks bad health

The name of Igor Krutoy does not require any explanation, reports comandir.com. It already lives separately from its owner. This is a brand, a sign of quality. The composer's health worries many fans. He himself claims that such a terrible disease, which fans suspect he has, actually does not exist.

Igor Krutoy is not just a famous person, but a legendary one. He is a whole era in the history of the national stage. It is not surprising that thousands of eyes are focused on his life and health.

Igor Krutoy appeared at one of the many events, pictures from which were leaked online. Fans of the composer immediately noticed that he not only lost weight, he became terribly haggard. His whole appearance was very painful.
Naturally, all sorts of rumors began to spread. Fans suspected the worst thing: cancer. And everything seemed to only confirm their fears.

First it became known that for health reasons Krutoy would not be able to take part in the filming of the project “You are Super!”
Then everyone learned that the composer had undergone surgery, which would be followed by a long course of rehabilitation. The diagnosis immediately appeared: pancreatic cancer.

Igor Krutoy does not say anything specific about the state of his health. Moreover, he does not voice any diagnoses. However, he admitted that he actually had a serious operation, which was followed by a long recovery.
This period gave him the opportunity to take a different look at his own life, at what was happening in it. The composer saw how much his loved ones worried about him.
Representatives of Krutoy also do not confirm rumors about the disease, although they acknowledge the fact of the operation and rehabilitation.

Rumors about Igor Krutoy’s illness appeared quite a long time ago, back in 2009. And then data about the operation appears. The fans are simply panicking. However, it later turned out that the operation was related to the removal of a pancreatic cyst.
People close to the composer also pay attention to his changed appearance, which indicates serious health problems. No wonder there were all these rumors about cancer.
The composer does not admit anything, he greatly needs the support of his fans.
Now the composer is already recovering after three operations. It is no longer possible to deny that he has health problems. Moreover, in 2011 he lost consciousness right in front of football fans, of whom he counts himself. The composer flew to the game directly from Moscow. He still felt unwell on the way. And the ambulance that was called determined that Krutoy had a fever.
Fans can't find a place for themselves. Igor Krutoy says that after he got home from the hospital, there were many calls clarifying the time of the funeral.

In the spring of 2017, it became known about Igor Krutoy’s serious illness. When the composer last time appeared in front of the cameras, he looked very tired. Many fans also noticed that he had lost a lot of weight. In addition, for lately Igor Krutoy refused to participate in many television projects.

Fans are concerned about the composer's condition, as he is latest photos looks weak and emaciated.

Not long ago it became known that Igor Krutoy was sick and slowly dying. When the composer found out about the disease, he went to America for treatment and was forced to refuse to participate in the television project “You are Super.”

On at the moment Igor is undergoing a recovery course after surgery.

What is sick with composer Igor Krutoy: diagnosis

Rumors that Igor Krutoy is ill have appeared for a very long time. Many suspected that he had been diagnosed with a malignant tumor, and also that the composer had his first operation several years ago, the website reports. But as it turned out, there was medical intervention, but the star had a cyst removed from the pancreas.

Rumors about the composer's health problems first began back in 2009.

But not so long ago, Igor underwent surgery in the USA. The fact that the composer is in last minute refused to participate in the show “You are Super.” The show's organizers warned viewers that the star would not take part in the television project "for personal reasons."

Close circles of the 63-year-old producer confirm that he is ill. But, at the same time, they do not provide accurate information.

If we take into account the fact that Igor himself is silent about his condition and at the same time there is no improvement in appearance with each appearance, then we can assume that the disease is serious.

What is sick about composer Igor Krutoy: official data

The composer does not say anything officially to the public. It is now obvious that Igor Krutoy has health problems. Moreover, the producer lost consciousness in front of football fans in 2011.

Recently, the composer has undergone three operations. At the moment, Igor is in recovery.

But there is still no information that Igor Krutoy has cancer. Basically all this is just fans' suspicions social networks who react with different comments to the producer’s photo.

Maybe the fans are worrying for nothing. Igor continues to work, despite the fact that he had previously abandoned several television projects.

You can also take into account the fact that the star has an apartment in America, and perhaps he goes there not for treatment at all, but, for example, for vacation.

Igor Krutoy works a lot, so he very rarely spends time with his loved ones. But he celebrated his 63rd birthday by throwing a party on the Cote d'Azur, where he invited many friends and family.

Friends noticed that the star's appearance had deteriorated. But considering that Igor is already 63 years old, this may be related to this.

Fans have long been convinced that the producer is sick. And in this regard, we wish him a speedy recovery.

Fans of Igor Krutoy are seriously worried about the health of their favorite artist. The reason for their concern lies in the fact that recently the composer has lost a lot of weight and, in their opinion, began to look sickly.

Due to health problems, Igor Krutoy was unable to film for the program. As journalists found out, the famous composer underwent surgery in the USA.

Literally on the eve of the start of filming the program “You are Super,” Igor Krutoy canceled his participation in the project (analogous to the program “The Voice. Children”). Journalists found out that the reason was the health problems of the 62-year-old composer. Moreover, he underwent surgery in Los Angeles.

Igor Krutoy is sick: what is sick, diagnosis, health status

The channel's press service said: "A week before the premiere, we made changes in the composition of the judges. Due to personal circumstances, Igor Krutoy will become a mentor to the contestants only at the next stage."

According to Igor Krutoy’s official representative, the composer had planned a meeting with doctors a long time ago. “I know that he is undergoing treatment, I talked to him, I know that there is nothing wrong. He needs to undergo some procedures,” said the composer’s representative.

Netizens suspect that Igor’s weight loss may be associated with a serious illness. “Is cool sick? He doesn’t look good”, “Oh, how exhausted he was... Age or health problems?”, “Something Igor has suffered greatly...”, “Good health to you!” - fans address the artist on social networks. In February of this year, Igor underwent an operation in America, but the musician’s representatives assured that it was planned.

However, perhaps the fans are not sounding the alarm in vain. Igor continues to work at full capacity, which definitely indicates the absence of life-threatening diseases. The final took place in early June. international competition“Children's New Wave”, hosted by Krutoy himself. By the way, he served as a jury member at the competition. Oleg Gazmanov, Lev Leshchenko, Yulianna Karaulova and others judged with him. By the way, this year two participants became winners of this competition. Anaid Adamyan from Armenia and Arina Petrova from Russia shared first place.

Note that Krutoy has his own apartments in the USA, C-ib has learned. They say that the composer paid 48 million dollars for square meters. The housing is located on the 12th floor of the iconic Plaza skyscraper, which is a stone's throw from Central Park New York. The American press wrote about this event on the front pages.

Igor Krutoy is ill: family, career, latest news

In 2011, Krutoy was already hospitalized. Then the composer felt unwell during the football match “Shakhtar” - “Roma” in Donetsk, where he flew from Moscow. As it turned out, Igor arrived in Donetsk already with a fever. And when he was taken to the hospital, the thermometer showed more than 38 degrees. Krutoy was put on an IV and prescribed antibiotics.

Igor Krutoy celebrated his 63rd birthday on the Cote d'Azur with family and friends. The luxurious establishment in Monaco with a picturesque view of the coast was decorated with fresh flowers and a variety of illumination.

Read also: Krutoy will hold an analogue of the “Children’s New Wave” in Kazan

Igor Yakovlevich rarely meets with his family, but he always spends the summer with his wife and daughters together. Elegantly, luxuriously and tastefully dressed up in honor of the holiday maestro's wife Olga and Krutoy’s daughters - Alexandra and Victoria. The event was hosted by Timur Rodriguez, who specially flew in from Baku, where the Heat festival is taking place. “I held and played a concert yesterday at the Maestro’s birthday! Igor Yakovlevich, dear, happy new year! See you in September at New Wave!” - Rodriguez wrote on social networks.

However, in the photographs from the holiday, Igor Yakovlevich’s sickly appearance, as well as his thinness, is noticeable. We previously reported that Krutoy refused to take part in the recording of the first programs of the NTV project “You are Super!” back in February. According to media reports, the maestro is ill and is being treated in the USA, where he has long had property and where his wife Olga, eldest daughter Victoria and her husband live younger Alexandra. There were reports that he had undergone surgery.

Igor Krutoy celebrated his 63rd birthday on July 29. The composer organized a holiday in one of the resort towns on the seashore in France, inviting many relatives, friends and colleagues. The birthday boy’s wife, Olga, as well as his beautiful daughter Victoria, took pride of place at the celebration.

It was the signing of a cooperation agreement with his production center that led to the fact that not only programs with Krutoy’s participation disappeared from the central channels for a long time, but they also stopped showing performers whose repertoire included songs by the owner of Muz-TV.

The famous composer Igor Krutoy is sick with cancer. All information summary.

As OrelGrad learned, during the trial of the claim of entrepreneur Igor Krutoy against Zerich Bank and the Deposit Insurance Agency (DIA), the issue of transfer of the case to another court. This request was made by the DIA. It believed that the claim should be considered at the place of its registration in Moscow.

Filming was canceled due to need to carry out surgery and rehabilitation after surgery. The circumstances of the operation performed by the famous composer are not disclosed to this day. Igor Krutoy went through three operations, so he requires special attention and support.

Then the composer greatly disturbed his loyal fans during the football match “Shakhtar” - “Roma” in Donetsk. There he felt uneasy right during the match, and a little later it turned out that the author had kidney problems.

According to some reports, the composer has been battling cancer for many years. Recently, 63-year-old Igor Krutoy underwent emergency surgery in Los Angeles. Because of her, he was even forced to suddenly refuse to participate in the “You’re Super!” program.

Literally on the eve of the start of filming the program “You are Super,” Igor Krutoy canceled his participation in the project (analogous to the program “The Voice. Children”). Journalists found out that the reason was the health problems of the 62-year-old composer. Moreover, he underwent surgery in Los Angeles, Life.ru competently reports.

Fans of composer Igor Krutoy are concerned about their health famous person. Recently, Igor Krutoy has lost significant weight and now looks very sickly. Igor Krutoy looks sickly after losing several kilograms.

After Igor Krutoy canceled his participation in the popular Russian television program “You are Super!”, rumors spread across the network that the famous composer was suffering from cancer. In addition, in the photo from 2017, the man looks thinner and haggard, despite the optimistic news about his health that the press secretary told reporters.

Igor's Cool cancer 4 stages. Detailed information.

The first result was presented in Riga - it was a perfume for women and a fragrance for the stronger half of humanity called “Opus”. The brand was given the name OKKI - after the initial letters of the names of both spouses. As one would expect, the beauty dedicated her first product to her beloved and incredibly talented husband.

Her wife’s financial education also helped her in household matters - in the absence of her husband, she was used to solving all problems with housekeeping on her own. Olga devotes a lot of time to the education of her daughters - both girls studied a lot foreign languages, music, dancing and other matters important for their future well-being.

The author noticed health problems 8 years ago, in 2009. It’s all about a pancreatic cyst. Author of unique musical compositions underwent a very difficult and lengthy operation, which caused a flurry of thoughts and realizations in him and his family. So Igor Yakovlevich admitted that after the operation he reconsidered a lot of things, and, in principle, his views on life. He also noted the experiences of family and friends during the operation.

Igor Krutoy is seriously ill; the composer’s condition as of 03/02/2018. Latest material as of 03/02/2018.

His incident with Central Television did not add to the health of Igor Krutoy (see photo below). As the Sobesednik newspaper said after an interview with the composer, latest news At that time, there were headlines about a media tycoon with cancer who came into conflict with Konstantin Ernst. Igor Krutoy refused to share the programs “Song of the Year” and “New Wave” with his partner in the ownership of television.

Rumors about Igor Krutoy’s illness appeared several years ago. Information appeared that he was diagnosed with a malignant tumor. They said that it was then that he experienced his first cancer surgery, although it later turned out that it was an operation to remove a cyst from the pancreas.

Now Igor Krutoy is happily married to Olga, an American of Russian origin. It is she who remains his hope and support at all times and under all circumstances. Krutoy accepted her daughter from her first marriage. The girl has grown up a long time ago and gave birth to her the new dad has a beautiful granddaughter, considering Igor Lvovich his real father, who has long taken responsibility for the fate of someone else’s child.

Igor Krutoy Wikipedia. Breaking news.

Recently information appeared that Igor Krutoy survived a serious operation that was performed on him abroad, therussiantimes.com reports. This was followed by a rehabilitation course, readweb.org reports. To make time for treatment, the composer had to cancel many concerts. Representatives of Krutoy claim that this is a planned operation and nothing bad happened to the composer.

Fans, tracking the life of their idol through photographs, immediately drew attention to his alarming thinness. And their fears were confirmed. It turned out that famous composer malignant tumor, and he underwent surgery.

Igor Krutoy’s close circle also says that his appearance has really changed not in better side. So it is quite understandable to think about a malignant tumor. However, the composer himself information does not confirm.

The treatment procedures were planned long ago, so all operations took place as usual. Igor Yakovlevich does not feel any serious problems due to his illness. Filming was forced to be canceled for the period of the operation, as well as the post-operative rehabilitation period.

Igor Krutoy actually took on a sickly appearance and lost several kilograms. Concerns for the health of the idol arose after a photo published by Igor Nikolaev appeared online. The composer actually lost a lot of weight.

It is no longer possible to deny that he has health problems. He was hospitalized in 2011 right in front of his fans. The composer became ill during the Shakhtar - Roma football match. He specially flew straight from Moscow to this game. True, even on the way he did not feel the best. in the best possible way. He already had a fever. When the ambulance took him from the match, the thermometer showed more than 38 degrees. The composer was put on IVs and prescribed antibiotics.

Note that Krutoy has his own apartments in the USA. They say that the composer paid 48 million dollars for square meters. The housing is located on the 12th floor of the iconic Plaza skyscraper, which is a stone's throw from New York's Central Park. The American press wrote about this event on the front pages.

The composer himself says that, having already left the hospital, he was faced with the fact that his relatives began to call asking when the funeral would take place. This made Igor Krutoy think about his life, about how he lives and where he will ultimately end up.

– Back in 2009, a rumor appeared that Krutoy had pancreatic cancer. He then also underwent a serious operation. But then they said that they simply removed a cyst from his pancreas. And in 2011 he had another emergency operation. There's already something wrong with the kidneys. And now, due to surgery, he suddenly canceled filming. So, it looks like the matter may be much more serious after all,” one of the members of the “You’re Super!” film crew told us.

Fans of Igor Krutoy, a famous Russian composer, are concerned about the health of their idol and want to know the latest news. The maestro himself spoke about the fact that he had cancer several years ago in one of the programs dedicated to his work and personal life. Today he can often be seen as a member of the jury of the “You are Super” project, broadcast on NTV.

The subject of discussion was the artist’s appearance; recently he has become noticeably haggard and thinner. All concerned citizens are concerned about the question: is the disease progressing and how is Igor Yakovlevich Krutoy feeling today?

Igor Krutoy has cancer: latest news 2018

Admirers of Igor Yakovlevich’s talent were concerned not only by his tired appearance, but also by his absence from the jury of the “You’re Super” project. Talk about Krutoy’s serious illness appeared several years ago, and in May 2017 this topic began to be discussed with new strength. Information appeared in the press about an operation performed on him in Los Angeles.

The first alarm bells appeared in 2011. Then, in Donetsk there was football match. Cool, like a true fan couldn't miss it important event and arrived there especially for this occasion.

The composer felt unwell while on the road. But at the stadium the situation became more complicated and the artist was urgently hospitalized. As it turned out later, he arrived in Ukraine with a high temperature.

At the local clinic, where Igor was taken by ambulance, the doctors decided that he had an acute respiratory infection (all the symptoms indicated this) and prescribed antibiotics. A day later, Krutoy was discharged and returned to Moscow for further treatment.

It is difficult to say exactly when the disease began and what caused it. It is known that Igor Krutoy underwent pancreatic surgery in 2001. And since 2009, there have been rumors that he has cancer. These rumors were fueled by the news that there was supposedly another kidney operation in 2010. These events are already in the past, everyone is interested in the latest news.

Personal life of the composer

Igor Krutoy’s relationship with his first wife did not work out. There is a son from his first marriage who has already given him grandchildren. In 1995, Krutoy married again. His chosen one has a daughter from his first marriage. Igor Yakovlevich found an approach to the child, quickly making friends with Victoria. Igor’s wife has nothing to do with creativity, she has her own business in the USA, and in connection with this the family most of time living abroad. They have property overseas.

In 2003, the couple once again became parents, and their joint daughter Alexandra was born. The youngest daughter tried her hand at creativity, starring in a video for singer Dima Bilan. And the eldest does not want to connect her life in any way with show business, saying that she will have to keep the brand, since the surname obliges her. The girl dreams of becoming a good lawyer.

As soon as they have free time from work, Igor and Olga arrange a vacation for themselves, giving preference to Europe.

Information regarding Krutoy’s health is not complete, because most of the time he lives in the USA, where he undergoes treatment. Official representatives of the artist claim that all operations performed are planned and do not pose a threat to his life.

But the business of Igor Yakovlevich himself, the head of the ARS company, was built here in Russia, so he lives in two houses.

How old is Olga Krutoy, the wife of Igor Krutoy

Olga turned 54 this year. Olga gave birth to her beloved daughter Sasha, in whom the maestro dotes and pampers her in every possible way. The composer's wife is raising the children, since she does not want to return to her homeland; having American citizenship, she is happily engaged in own business in New York.

Here the Krutykh couple recently purchased their own apartment in a prestigious high-rise building near Central Park. The ubiquitous reporters told fans of the musician’s work that such an acquisition of real estate in the center of the US capital cost the producer “ New wave"at 4 million dollars.


Her wife’s financial education also helped her in household matters - in the absence of her husband, she was used to solving all problems with housekeeping on her own. Olga devotes a lot of time to the education of her daughters - both girls studied a lot of foreign languages, music, dancing and other things important for their future well-being.

She also keeps records of real estate owned by her star husband:

  • apartments in New York;
  • houses in Miami;
  • luxury apartments in Monaco.

Among other things, on the advice of an old friend, famous perfumer Nezhla Barbir in France, Olga Krutaya created her own collection of perfumes.

The first result was presented in Riga - it was a perfume for women and a fragrance for the stronger half of humanity called “Opus”. The brand was given the name OKKI - after the initial letters of the names of both spouses. As one would expect, the beauty dedicated her first product to her beloved and incredibly talented husband.

What caused the rumors about Krutoy’s serious illness?

Fans closely follow everything that happens in the life of their idol. They know about surgery, but don't know the real reason. Concern is growing with renewed vigor, because Igor Yakovlevich himself does not comment on the information leaked online and does not refute it, hiding the diagnosis from everyone. Whether he has cancer is known only to those close to him and to himself. And the latest news is:

As it became known, Igor Krutoy signed an agreement to participate in the “You are Super” project. Of course, he was aware of the timing of the releases. Consequently, everything happened unexpectedly for him. He was forced to withdraw from the program due to deteriorating health. But, according to the artist’s representatives, the viewer will very soon see the master again on the jury.

Friends of Igor Yakovlevich told everyone that Krutoy had been suffering from diabetes for a long time; the disease led to a sharp weight loss for the artist.

Today the artist’s well-being is not a cause for concern, but he is forced to go on a diet. This somewhat upsets him, given that his wife is an excellent cook. Famous composer leads healthy image life, plays sports and loves life in all its manifestations.

Quarrel with Channel One

His incident with Central Television did not add to the health of Igor Krutoy (see photo below). As the Sobesednik newspaper said after an interview with the composer, the latest news of that time was full of headlines about a media tycoon with cancer who came into conflict with Konstantin Ernst. refused to share the “Song of the Year” and “New Wave” programs with his partner in television ownership.

Increased emotions between two giants Russian television and graduates of “Star Factory-4”, who unanimously moved to Igor Krutoy at the end of the competition.

It was the signing of a cooperation agreement with his production center that led to the fact that not only programs with Krutoy’s participation disappeared from the central channels for a long time, but they also stopped showing performers whose repertoire included songs by the owner of Muz-TV.

Konstantin Lvovich himself was outraged by the violation of the terms of the contract, according to which the right to the creativity of young performers belonged to his company. However, Krutoy’s wards claimed in numerous interviews of that time that they had not heard anything about any papers. And no one offered them cooperation with the all-powerful general director of Central Television.

A little later, the owner of the Russian Media Group became involved in the scandal (“ Russian radio", "Russian News Service", etc.), Sergei Kozhevnikov. He stood up for the disgraced composer and songs began to appear on the air famous musician, the green light was given to performers of his works.

Creativity of Igor Krutoy

Igor's musical abilities manifested themselves from childhood. First he learned to play the button accordion and took part in all the matinees. As an adult, Igor Yakovlevich played at discos. Creativity overwhelmed him, and he decided to continue music education, having entered Kirovograd music school, graduating in 1974.

Public recognition did not come to Krutoy right away. At first he taught music at the institute, then he made his dream come true by entering the conservatory. Igor Yakovlevich's career began in 1979, when he was invited to work in the Moscow Orchestra. Then there was the Blue Guitars ensemble and meeting Valentina Tolkunova. The song “Madonna,” performed by Alexander Serov, made musician Igor Krutoy truly popular.

This was followed by other hits and collaborations with famous performers, among which:

  • Irina Allegrova;
  • Igor Nikolaev;
  • Alla Pugacheva;
  • Laima Vaikule and many others.

Today, Igor Krutoy is not just a recognizable figure in the world of show business, but a very influential one. He acts not only as a composer, but is also actively involved in production activities. Krutoy discovers new names, giving them a start in life.

Now Igor Yakovlevich can be seen on the judging panel of the “You are Super” project. He is strict but fair towards the contestants. A true professional in his field cannot afford to slack and evaluates impartially.