Tbilisi Art Museum. National Museum of Georgia. Tbilisi Art Gallery

National Museum Georgia, in present moment is a system of several museums, and this building (Rustaveli, building 3) is only part of it, the Simon Janashia Museum. Inside you can see gold from Vanya, hominid bones from Dmanisi and one of the world's largest collections of Urartian inscriptions. Closed on Mondays. Entrance costs 5 lari, the ticket allows you to see the entire museum. Only the Gold Fund really works and famous museum Soviet occupation.

The spacious, austere building is discreetly stylized as Old Georgian architecture. Previously, the Caucasian Museum, which has existed since 1825, was located here. The museum is a unique repository of objects of Caucasian culture. The pearl of the museum is the Golden Fund - materials from excavations on the Trialeti mound (2nd century BC). This included gold and silver vessels and ceramics. Gold cup decorated precious stones and its geometric pattern became famous all over the world. The museum's collection includes jewelry from the 5th-4th centuries. BC BC, collections of coins and weapons from the countries of the Middle East, handicrafts, textiles, carpets, clothing, magnificent wood carvings.

Ethnographic Museum in Tbilisi

The most active creator of the Ethnographic Museum in Tbilisi was academician Georgiy Chitaya, a prominent scientist, head and founder of the Georgian ethnographic school.

Despite the fact that the idea of ​​​​creating a museum was at the end of the 30s of the last century, it was possible to open the museum only in 1966.

This was due to political pressure on the independent academician; it was often such that he was sharply criticized at meetings. He was not awarded, he only had a medal: “Friendship of Peoples,”

The museum occupies almost 50 hectares, on which there are about 70 residential and commercial buildings brought from different parts Georgia.

Every home has a huge number of things that people used several centuries ago.

The museum is located within the city limits near Turtle Lake, entrance cost is approximately 2 GEL (10 UAH), opening hours daily, except Mondays, 11.00-16.00.

State Museum of Art of Georgia

The State Museum of Art of Georgia is a collection of paintings not only from Georgia, but also from the East, Russia and Europe. The collection fund is about 140,000 unique works art.

At the beginning of the 20th century there was a National art gallery, but thanks to the demand for the conceived idea, its scale increased, and the addition of new exhibits, which included not only historical paintings, but also manuscripts, metal products, and jewelry, one of the most important museums in Georgia appeared here. The museum itself moved several times and for some time its exhibits were even in the church, thus all the collections remained untouched even in the most turbulent times of the country.

At the present time, the desire to look at the national treasures of the nation has been demonstrated so large number person that the Museum began to frequently hold temporary exhibitions in other museums in Georgia and abroad. Among the treasures of the museum are priceless masterpieces of medieval coinage of the 8th-13th centuries, the golden cup of Bagrat III (999), the golden breast cross of Queen Tamar, decorated with emeralds, rubies, and pearls, with the inscription “King and Queen Tamar.” This cross was made in last quarter XII century

The museum houses the oldest in Georgia, dating back to the 6th century, the Anchi Icon of the Savior Not Made by Hands (Anchiskhati). Here you can see works of Chinese and Japanese art, monuments of Egyptian, Iranian and Indian art, shawls from India, Turkey, Iran, Persian carpets.

Fine art is represented by paintings by European masters, Russian artists- I. Repin, V. Surikov, V. Serov, I. Aivazovsky, A. Vasnetsov.

Sights of Tbilisi

Georgia is rich in attractions and occupies one of the leading places in the region in terms of the number of museums. National Museum of Georgia is a network uniting more than a dozen of the most big museums. The initiator of the creation was Corresponding Member and Professor D. Lordkipanidze, and today he manages an association of thirteen museums, eight of which are located in Tbilisi.

Reasons and purpose of founding the association National Museum of Georgia

In the early 2000s, great changes took place in the country; a huge number of reforms changed the country. Cultural institutions were not left behind, the launch of legal and institutional reforms led to the formation of a united National Museum. On December 30, 2004, Mikheil Saakashvili, President of Georgia, signed a decree establishing largest association, scientific, educational and cultural centers. The purpose of creation is to bring the country's national heritage to the world level.

State Museum of History - one of the oldest museums in the country

State Museum of History is one of the oldest museums in the country, founded in 1852 back in Russian Empire. After 15 years, it was renamed the Caucasian Museum at the insistence of the Russian geographer, corresponding member of the St. Petersburg Academy of Sciences Radde Gustav Ivanovich. And in 1919, after gaining independence from the Russian Empire, the name was given to the Museum of Georgia. But after the October coup, the Bolsheviks captured Georgian territory, and the bulk of the exhibits were evacuated to Europe.And only after the victory in the Great Patriotic War, the entire collection was returned to the museum named after Simon Janashia, an outstanding historian and academician of the Academy of Sciences of the Georgian SSR, Doctor of Historical Sciences and professor. The museum has retained this name to this day, but was unable to preserve all of its collections. During a military coup in the early 90s, a fire partially destroyed some of the exhibits; the state of weightlessness persisted until 2004, when a unified network of museums was created.

It is located in the center of the old city on Rustaveli Ave., and occupies several buildings in which a huge number of exhibits are collected. The exhibition demonstrates folk ethnographic and archaeological finds different centuries, ranging from the Bronze Age to the beginning of the twentieth century. Most importantly, all finds are posted in chronological order and demonstrate the culture and history of the people over a vast period of time.

Valuable exhibits:

- The most large collection ancient coins, mostly minted in the Caucasus
- Ancient icons made of metal by forging
- Lots of gold items and various jewelry
- The remains of hominids, the extinct ancestors of the most advanced apes, which were found during the excavations of Dminasi

The exhibition includes one of the first works by the outstanding Russian painter, one of the founders of abstract art, Wassily Kandinsky

The only art museum that is part of the Georgian National Association

Exhibition fine arts located in Tbilisi near Freedom Square, contains more than 150,000 works by artists from all over the world. The date of foundation falls on August 1923, but before that it had already existed for three years as an art gallery. Reminiscent of the history of the Simon Janashia Museum, the bulk of the exhibits were taken to Europe in the 1920s and returned to Georgia only in 1945, at the insistence of Soviet government. The museum's property includes historical manuscripts, various metal items of historical value, and gold items from different centuries. Main collection - various paintings collected in different years, demonstrating the development artistic culture in the country for many centuries. The gallery also contains a collection of oriental works made by Persian artists.
Of particular interest to visitors is the world's largest collection of enamels from the 10th to 12th centuries. The works of medieval master minters, the golden cup of King Bagrat III and the cross of Queen Tamara with precious stones, are stunning. And the most expensive exhibit is the holy icon of the Savior Not Made by Hands, made in the 15th century, its price is about two million dollars.
A special place is occupied by exhibits related to oriental culture, antique and very expensive Persian carpets, as well as paintings by Repin, Surikov, Aivazovsky and others.

Received fame as the most scandalous with political overtones Museum of Soviet Occupation- dedicated to the nation during Soviet times. Don't be confused Soviet power with the Russian one, although many politicians, and not only Russians, condemned his education, linking his activities with political life. One day in 2006, during business meeting In St. Petersburg, Russian President Vladimir Putin spoke unsatisfactorily about its emergence, citing the fact that the main Soviet characters, Stalin and Beria, were Georgians by nationality.
Today it contains historical documents confirming the facts of repression by the Soviet regime from 1921 to 1991.

Tbilisi Art Gallery

Picture gallery located in the center of the capital, it is very convenient for tourists. The building is a prototype of the exhibition palace in Rome, designed by the German city planner Albert Seltzmann. Founded in 1885 historical department Headquarters of the Caucasian Military District. In addition to paintings, there are exhibits dedicated to events during Caucasian War, these are clothing samples, documents and weapons.
But before today not a single collection survived except the paintings. In the 1920s, the exhibits left Georgia and were evacuated to Krasnodar Region, and did not return home. Only the paintings remained, which are still stored today.

The Historical Museum is the most popular among tourists

Most popular among tourists historical museum , is located near the Zion Cathedral in a huge building. Mainly various exhibitions are held, most space is rented out to entrepreneurs for souvenir shops. Tourists simply adore them, the range of souvenirs is replenished regularly, and every second tourist who visits Tbilisi will definitely stop by here.

Address: Tbilisi, Sioni street, no.8.
Opening hours: every day except Monday, from 9:00 to 18:00.
Ticket price: - 3 GEL, for students - 1 GEL.

Or from the embankment or from the Shardeni quarter. This big building three floors, which is supposed to tell about the history of the city, but in reality its exhibition is very, very modest and the area is used mainly for exhibitions and souvenir shops.


The museum building itself is a large piece of the city’s history. As many people know, in 1795 Tbilisi was burned to the ground by the Iranians. After this, the city gradually begins to recover: houses and shops are built, and over time they begin to build what would now be called " shopping center". These were caravanserai. Almost the first was the caravanserai of the Armenian Artsruni family, built in 1818. It was built on the foundation of an older caravanserai and it seems that the first floor (which is not visible now) is almost XV century.

The building contained 33 hotel rooms, 24 shops and warehouses. At that time, one of the facades of the building faced the river; now it faces the embankment.

The finest hour of this caravanserai came in 1850, when the heir Alexander (the future Alexander II) visited Tbilisi. On the evening of September 28, the Tiflis Armenians gave him a ceremonial reception in the caravanserai building. A garden with a fountain and fish was then built in the courtyard, and in the evening this garden was decorated with Chinese lanterns. Alexander walked along the “dark rows” (where the Sherdeni quarter is now), returned to the caravanserai, and from his balcony watched the Tiflis residents dance on rafts on the Kura. All this fun lasted until midnight, after which Alexander returned to the newly built Vorontsov Palace. And the people walked for another three hours.

In those years, the caravanserai looked something like this:

The main façade was rebuilt in the Art Nouveau style at the beginning of the 20th century, and the courtyard was decorated with metal gratings a little earlier.

In Soviet times, a highway was laid in front of this facade, and the river level was raised. They say that part of the building's basements were flooded at that time, and they are still filled with water.

If you're interested, you can walk around the building and look at its rear façade. Previously, this was an embankment.


The museum building has three floors. The entire bottom (-1) is occupied by small shops that sell souvenirs at inflated prices. The first floor is occupied by the museum's exhibition itself, and the third floor is reserved for temporary exhibitions. Usually contemporary artists exhibit there.

We must immediately bear in mind that there is very little history as such in the museum. You will learn nothing about the founding of the city, the Emirate of Tbilisi, the Khorezmian invasion, or the Persian invasion of 1795. The main theme of the exhibition is Tbilisi in the 19th century. Here you will see models of old houses, all sorts of old typewriters and plates, a copy of a Tbilisi restaurant of that time and a carriage. All this is very modest and does not cost 3 lari. It happens that a museum is of interest only to specialists, but this case is more complex.

The third floor is always empty. Paintings and graphics are located here, and as a rule, they exhibit contemporary artists. There is little interest in them in Georgia, and the artists themselves are far from Malevichs.

One of the halls on the third floor

Example of painting of the third floor:

Formal data

Cost: 3 GEL

Students: 1 GEL

Working hours: 10:00 - 18:00

Working days: Tuesday-Sunday

Address: Old town, Sioni street, building 8

museums of Georgia

There are many museums in Tbilisi on different topics. Let's focus on the most interesting ones. It is advisable to take a local guide for an additional fee. They tell stories interestingly and with enthusiasm.

Some museums rely on the sheer enthusiasm of modest employees, such as the Museum of Underground Printing.

Other museums are scared away by the names of sections like “Museum of the Soviet Occupation”, on the organization of which huge amounts of money were spent.

Unfortunately, information about Tbilisi museums in Russian is scarce, so I will try to describe these museums in general terms.

If you don’t know where to hide from the sultry summer heat or nasty winter rain, feel free to head to Rustaveli Avenue, where the “property of the Republic” is stored in three museums.

By the way, now the leading museums of the country are united under a single name: “Georgian National Museum”. Because of this, there is always confusion about which museum to go to and what to see. Be careful.

A must visit for history and art lovers. For guests with children, we recommend visiting the Ethnographic Museum in Vake near Turtle Lake.


All museums in Tbilisi are closed on Mondays.

Museum under open air, on the mountainside, not far from the center, near Turtle Lake in Vake Park.
The cost of a taxi from the center is 7-8 GEL. The exhibits are original houses, outbuildings, household items, etc., transported from all regions of Georgia.

The exhibition of the Museum of Ethnography makes it possible, without leaving Tbilisi, to get acquainted with the numerous nationalities of Georgia and their customs.
Address: road to Turtle Lake.


In a strict classical building a stone's throw from Freedom Square, part of the gold fund of the Christian era is kept.

To maintain chronology, it is worth visiting this Tbilisi museum after visiting the State Historical Museum, where the first part of the collection of the pre-Christian period is kept.

The significance of this section is priceless, because... in addition to medieval jewelry, cloisonne enamels and church utensils, the museum stores miraculous icons, starting from the 9th century.

Unfortunately, this is the only section available for dating. The museum requires restoration, the rest of the collection is hidden in the funds and is inaccessible. The Gold Fund is visited in the obligatory company of a full-time guide.

The entrance fee is 5 GEL, the cost of a mandatory excursion is 10 GEL. The duration of the excursion is 45-60 minutes. There is no such collection in any museum in Europe.

Address: st. Gudiashvili, 1 (square named after A.S. Pushkin near Freedom Square)


The State Historical Museum is located on the main street of the Georgian capital, Rustaveli Avenue, 3. It is considered the oldest in the country and unites dozens of smaller Tbilisi museums.

The exhibition in the museum changes periodically. Persistent character have departments for “Soviet occupation” and “gold fund”.

The museum's funds contain objects of Caucasian culture - utensils, weapons, jewelry, costumes, instruments. Individual itemsdate back to the 4th millennium BC. e.
A rich section is devoted archaeological excavations since ancient times. Ticket price is 5 GEL.
Address: Rustaveli Avenue, 3


The historical name of the museum is “Blue Gallery”. Today the façade of the building is painted faceless gray, but the value of this Tbilisi museum was not affected.


Same as ethnographic museum, it certainly deserves attention. The oldest museum in the country, it miraculously survived and preserved a unique exhibition describing all stages of silk production, because in Soviet times In Georgia, silk was produced on an industrial scale.

Silkworm caterpillars will look at you from glass jars, and you will remember once and for all where silk comes from and how it is produced.

The cost of the entrance ticket, including a tour in Russian, is 1-3 GEL.

It is recommended to combine it with a walk along Agmashenebeli (David the Builder) Avenue from the Dry Bridge to the Dynamo Stadium, to the left of which the museum is located in a rich mansion. Monday is a day off.
Read more about the silk museum.


Unique exhibits of the Soviet automobile industry are in excellent shape and are displayed in a special pavilion in the not-so-attractive area of ​​Tbilisi called “Africa.”

AutoMuseum Street #7 next to Grigol Lortkipanidze str, and here is the phone number to call when you get lost in the search +995 599 54 56 28.

Where to go in Tbilisi with a child

Amusement park for children in Tbilisi Mushtaid and amusement park Mtatsminda.

The capital of Georgia is famous for its huge number of attractions, among which the museums of Tbilisi occupy a place of honor. A large flow of tourists visit them every year, spending more than one day to see as much as possible. There are situations when there is not much time to walk around the city, but you want to look at Georgian life, ancient canvases, exhibits, paintings and artifacts. Below is a list of popular places in the city, a visit to which will bring aesthetic pleasure.

National museum of Tbilisi

It is part of one single network that unites many historical institutions of the country, which is called the Georgian National Museum (Georgian national museum). The merger occurred relatively recently in 2004 due to the reforms taking place at that time. For simplified management, it was decided to create a network of largest museums, on at the moment their number reaches 13 pieces.

The Georgian National Museum is the oldest representative of the art corner, founded in 1825 and has experienced several unpleasant events. In 1921, it was taken to Europe, and the return took place in 1945. In 1991, during the change of government, the building received multiple damages, and a year later there was a fire. Currently this is the best state museum, dedicated to history Caucasus.

On the ground floor there are halls that contain museum exhibition 2nd century era BC - coins, tools, dishes, jewelry. The most interesting exhibit, tourists find fossilized remains ancient man, who lived 2 million years ago. They belong to representatives of a species that lived off the coast of Africa.

The second and third floors are dedicated to the period of Soviet occupation.

Museum of Soviet occupation (The museum of Soviet occupation)

The opening took place in 2006, but it lasted only a short time due to closure for renovations necessary for the old part of the building. The restoration was completed in 2011, presenting renovated halls that create a striking contrast with the Soviet symbolism related to historical period Georgia 1921-1991 Modern interior, lighting, musical accompaniment in the hall, the museum stands out among similar institutions in the country.

At the entrance there is a fragment of the carriage in which the revolutionaries were shot in 1924. Further movement through the hall occurs clockwise, where you can see historical documents and photographs of victims of political repression in Georgia. The exhibits from 1920-1930 are of particular interest. In the center of the hall there is a commissar's table, where you can sit. Despite its historical value describing the harshness of the Soviet regime, the opening of the museum was condemned by certain Russian politicians, indicating the propaganda of nationalism in Georgia.

Ethnographic Museum of Georgia

A very unusual adventure will be a visit to an ethnographic corner in Tbilisi, located in the open air, which was given life by historian Georgiy Chitaya in 1966. Stored on site best exhibits, brought from different corners all 14 ethnographic regions of the country. The exhibition is divided into the same number of parts.

The museum complex resembles a village, in which, in addition to buildings, there are additionally:

  1. Barns;
  2. Stables;
  3. Kitchens;
  4. Hunting lodges;
  5. Cellars for storing wine.

It is very interesting to visit buildings intended for housing. Everything looks the same inside historical times. Each room corresponds to a specific region and includes its furniture, dishes, clothing, and tools.

Among household items, a very interesting and popular one is a deep goblet, inside of which a ring was placed at the bottom. The vessel was filled with wine, which a person must drink in one gulp. The test was passed when the sound of the ring hitting the empty cup was heard.

Tbilisi museum of Pirosmani

Founded in 1984 The museum is entirely dedicated to the life and work of the famous Georgian artist Niko Pirosmani (Pirosamishvili). The master's biography is filled interesting facts, surprising and deserving of admiration for this person.

It is known that Niko is a native Georgian who became a self-taught artist. IN early childhood he lost his parents, so he had to learn to read and write on his own. Having changed many auxiliary jobs, the artist decided to make a living by his favorite pastime, painting signs and gradually revealing his talent. At this time, popularity came to him, which never brought the long-awaited financial profit. A couple of years later, Niko dies in poverty.

One of the halls is a small room under the stairs, in which Niko Pirosmani spent recent years life. Hundreds of works by the master are presented to the viewer, among which paintings on oilcloths and copies of famous masterpieces are of interest.

The remaining halls of the museum contain Pirosmani’s personal belongings, his bed, his desk and his mother’s designer carpet.

Doll museum

This is one of the most popular places to visit not only for adults, but also for young children. The founder was teacher Tinatin Tumanishvili in 1933. Initially, only a couple of rooms were allocated for the collection kindergarten Tbilisi. Later, as new items were replenished, the museum moved to the House of Pioneers. In the early 90s, there was a robbery, 24 unique dolls were stolen, which have not yet been found.

Currently, 3,000 exhibits have been collected, including best works How folk craftsmen, as well as representatives from different parts of the world, such as China, India, Europe, etc. The dolls belong to the era of the 19th-21st centuries and are made of different possible materials. The following works received the most popularity:

  • Russian dancing doll named Svetlana;
  • Puppet holding a pearl;
  • Doll blowing soap bubbles;
  • An ensemble of playing dolls.

For those interested in the culture of the Caucasus, the National Museum of Georgia in Tbilisi will be an excellent guide to better experience the history of this country. For other visitors, this will be a new and educational pastime and discovery.