Horse ointment for the treatment of joints. Cream for joints horsepower

A common way to relieve pain from radiculitis, joint injuries, arthrosis or arthritis is the drug Horsepower. The cream is inexpensive, the reviews for it are mostly positive. Compared to pharmaceutical drugs, it has almost no contraindications and side effects. But many people do not know the difference between a veterinary product for horses and a product that only bears the name “Horse Power”, but is made specifically for humans. Let's fill this gap.

Initially, the drug Horsepower was a gel for the treatment of joints and veins of adult horses. But some people dared to use this remedy to relieve their own pain. Many noted the immediate results, so word spread very quickly that the veterinary drug helps humans in the treatment of arthrosis hip joints, lower back pain due to radiculitis, back neuralgia.

But it is important to remember that manufacturers of veterinary drugs are not responsible if side effects occur in humans. And the risk of drug rejection by the human body is high (due to the increased concentration of active substances - after all, the gel is designed for large animals with massive joints). This is why doctors do not recommend using products made for animal joints. In addition, the pharmaceutical company “Beauty and Health” (Russia) has developed a series of special preparations with a set and dosage of ingredients that is safe for humans.

These ointments, gels and creams are also called “Horse Power” (or “Horse Form”). They have passed all the necessary studies and are approved by doctors. You can buy them at the pharmacy, use them according to the instructions and do not risk your health. The composition of gels and creams is natural. The only contraindications are allergies to components and open wounds on the skin. There are no side effects when used correctly.

Expert opinion


What's included

Each component of the Horsepower gel, even alone, can relieve pain and eliminate inflammation in the back and joints. But together they enhance each other's effect. The main ingredients in Horsepower are:

  • Vitamin E (tocopherol).
  • Peppermint essential oil.
  • Lavender oil.
  • Soybean oil.
  • Glycerol.
  • Menthol.

The product contains lavender oil.

In addition to pain relief and elimination of inflammation, the listed components can relieve muscle spasms, improve blood flow, prevent cramps, and stimulate tissue trophism. After just one application of the gel, the patient’s well-being improves and symptoms disappear. During the course of Horsepower treatment, joint tissues are filled with useful micro- and macroelements, which promotes recovery.

Features of use

The main contraindication for Horsepower is allergies. Doctors recommend applying very little gel for the first time (3 times less than indicated in the instructions). If redness, rashes, peeling or an unbearable burning sensation does not appear on the skin, then you can safely begin a course of treatment for the joints.

According to the instructions for use, the gel can be applied to the joints, lower back or neck 2 times a day with a break of 5-6 hours. A warming (due to the activation of blood microcirculation through the veins) and relaxing effect should occur within 15 minutes. Even if after the first sessions the pain has completely disappeared, you should still continue to apply the gel, since the drug affects the cause (not only helps get rid of symptoms, but also helps restore joints and veins).

Course of application Horsepower is 10-14 days. It is allowed to be extended up to 20 days in the case of treatment of complicated arthritis or arthrosis of degrees 2 and 3. The drug can also be used prophylactically (take a course of 7 days every six months - this will protect against relapses of exacerbations).

How much does it cost and where to buy

The price for Horsepower is 500–900 rubles. (tube 500 ml). In different retail outlets the cost may vary slightly. Before purchasing, it is important to make sure that you are purchasing real Horsepower for joints, and not a fake (unfortunately, cases of fakes have become more frequent).

The original product is produced in white plastic bottles and packaged in yellow and black cardboard boxes with a running horse on them. It is best to buy the ointment from a pharmacy or online store that is an official dealer of this product (certificates serve as confirmation).

Insatiable joint pain causes significant discomfort to many people suffering from chronic and acute diseases of the musculoskeletal system. Most of the gels invented by the pharmaceutical industry are actively advertised, but more and more often people complain that the effectiveness of their use is zero. Balm-gel for joints Horsepower, or rather, the effect of it, has become the object of discussion among doctors, veterinarians, as well as people who have seen its effectiveness from their own experience. In this article we will try to sort out all the questions and doubts.

Origin of the product

In the course of their practice, veterinarians noticed how quickly horse joint ointment relieves pain and swelling in horses. Gel Zoo VIP began to be used by people who despaired of finding an effective traditional remedy, intended for humans. This remedy, consisting of eucalyptus oil, mint and pepper extract, had a rapid anti-inflammatory effect. However, doubts arose regarding the safety of joint cream containing equine doses of active ingredients.

Later, Alezan cream, also used by veterinarians, gained popularity. Its complex natural composition of 13 herbs, supplemented with glucosamine, really had a healing effect on the joints, which was noted by people who tried the product on themselves. However, treatment with veterinary ointments still raised doubts regarding the safety of the concentrations used.

Balm Horsepower for joints was developed based on the components included in veterinary drugs. The dosage of these substances is adapted for human safety, therefore its use in humans is permitted. Balanced qualitatively and quantitatively, it provides tangible results with minimal risk of side effects or complications.

Composition of the balm

The bulk are natural ingredients that are selected taking into account the main problems that arise in the functioning of the musculoskeletal system. The selected excipients ensure full penetration of the gel into the site of inflammation for the fastest relief of pain. The gel contains the following components:

  • Vitamin E is a natural antioxidant that effectively neutralizes aggressive radicals. Restores tissue of joints and muscles at the cellular level, promoting their rejuvenation, regeneration, and also increasing their resistance to external influences. Effectively fights the formation of blood clots and has a positive effect on the condition of the epidermis.
  • Peppermint oil is a component that has an analgesic effect. Due to the content of a volatile substance - menthol - it ensures the transport of active substances directly to the injured tissue. It has a local irritant effect, thereby increasing the blood supply to damaged areas.
  • Lavender oil has been used by people since ancient times as a general tonic, anti-inflammatory, and local anesthetic. In addition, it quickly relieves swelling.

Balm for joints Horsepower has a pleasant consistency formed by a mixture of water, soybean oil and glycerin. These components effectively care for the skin. Methyl- and propylparaben are used to stabilize products. Natural oils give the product a characteristic but pleasant scent.

Product action

The instructions for use state that the indications for using the balm are as follows:

  • Inflammation of muscle tissue (myositis).
  • Tendon damage.
  • Sprains.
  • Joint diseases (arthritis, arthrosis, rheumatoid polyarthritis).
  • Salt deposition (osteochondrosis).
  • Preventive and caring measures.

Gel-like cream Horsepower is perfect for massage procedures, and also significantly increases its tonic effect. The use of the product is recommended after stress on the joints and muscles, and therefore it can be used by athletes as preparation for sporting events or during the rehabilitation period, as part of complex therapy for injuries.

Horsepower ointment works as follows:

  • Eliminates inflammation and swelling.
  • Promotes independent tissue regeneration due to active blood supply.
  • Relieves muscle and joint pain.
  • Activates impaired blood circulation.
  • Increases joint mobility.

Reviews of Horsepower give reason to believe that the active decongestant and anti-inflammatory effect promotes the use of the balm for the complex treatment of varicose veins.


Like any other herbal preparation, this gel can cause an allergic reaction in a person if there is individual sensitivity to one or more components. Reviews of German horse balm for joints say that such situations arise extremely rarely. However, before using the product, it is better to conduct a sensitivity test by applying the gel to a small area of ​​the skin of the wrist. If redness or burning sensation does not appear within 12 hours, the balm can be used.

Contraindications for use are tumor diseases, childhood, as well as the presence of damage to the surface of the skin in the painful area. Due to the local irritant effect, the drug cannot be used on wounds, abrasions, and scratches.

Reviews from doctors say that complex treatment of joint problems using the gel gives best results than without it. However, in case of serious degenerative pathologies of joint tissues, during pregnancy, as well as for athletes, the use of the product must be agreed with a doctor.

How to use

According to the instructions, joint gel Horsepower is applied for therapeutic purposes. light movements onto the affected area and rub until completely absorbed. Application should be repeated twice a day for two weeks. If during this time the acute pain does not go away, then the course is continued for up to four weeks. Due to the naturalness of the components, such an extension is not only appropriate, but also safe.

If the acute pain goes away, but inflammation remains with the risk of becoming chronic, then take a week's break and resume the two-week course. The opinion of doctors is that this approach makes it possible to repeat shock therapy, relieving the patient of the chronic course of the disease.

Horse joint gel is also used for lymphatic drainage wraps. A description of this method is in the manufacturer's recommendations. For this procedure, the balm is applied to the injured area in a thin layer and wrapped in cling film, and then insulated with a scarf or blanket. After an hour, the film is removed and the remaining gel is washed off with water. Such wraps will help with injuries or acute illness. The procedure is done once a day until the acute pain disappears.

Purchase nuances

Due to the increased interest of people in this product, there is a risk of buying a fake. To avoid this problem, the manufacturer recommends purchasing the product from authorized dealers via the Internet. It is also possible to purchase through retail pharmacy chains. The price at the pharmacy is 700-900 rubles. Dealers from time to time hold promotional events, providing the opportunity to purchase the gel at a cost of 500-700 rubles.

When purchasing, you should pay attention to the following points:

  • The country of origin is indicated on the packaging: Germany.
  • The volume of the gel balm is 500 ml.
  • The product is produced in plastic packaging with a dispenser.
  • The cardboard box and bottle must not be damaged.
  • Unreasonably low price speaks of a fake.

Horse Back Muscle and Joint Balm is intended for human use and is much safer than veterinary horse ointment. Careful study of the instructions, adherence to recommendations, as well as a reasonable approach to treatment guarantee its success and rapid onset of positive results.

Shampoo “Horsepower” appeared on the market recently, but has already proven itself to be excellent. Many buyers note that this product helps make hair thicker, more beautiful, and prevent hair loss. Is this product really that good, and does it have its drawbacks?

Shampoo Horsepower

Horsepower shampoo is produced in Russia, and only people take part in the advertising of this cosmetic product domestic stars. The shampoo manufacturer again and again assures customers that the product contains only natural ingredients. So, what are they components are contained in the product?

  • Collagen and lanolin help strengthen curls and give them volume.
  • Vitamins B5, which promote active nutrition of hair.
  • Elastin and Thiazolin, which help improve shine and accelerate growth.
  • Keratin, which helps accelerate hair growth.

The product line includes several shampoos, balms and masks, and each item has its own individual composition, developed by the country's leading cosmetologists. Almost all Horsepower shampoos contain keratin, which not only helps strengthen curls, but also has a positive effect on accelerating their growth.

The cost of such a shampoo can hardly be called affordable, because the average price for shampoo is 500-600 rubles. On the Internet you can find slightly more tempting prices (on average 450-480 rubles per package).

At the same time, Horsepower shampoo is sold not only in pharmacies, but also in specialized cosmetics stores.

Advantages and disadvantages of shampoo

Of course, many buyers are concerned about the advantages and disadvantages of Horsepower shampoo. Definitely, the main advantage of such a tool is proven effectiveness. For example, products for accelerating hair growth are exclusively positive reviews on the Internet. This shampoo strengthens and nourishes curls from the inside, and its unique composition promotes rapid growth. By the way, in the composition of the Horsepower shampoo for hair growth, there was a place for flax extract, avocado oil and panthenol.

Use of natural ingredients- another advantage of such products. For example, the effect of anti-hair loss shampoo is based on the naturalness of all components. The elastin contained in the composition helps nourish and strengthen curls, and collagen restores the hair structure from the inside.

The diversity of the product line helps each customer choose shampoo and conditioner in accordance with their hair type. Also, the Horsepower brand took special care to establish effective fight with major hair problems. The product list includes anti-dandruff shampoo, balms that help strengthen curls, and products that prevent excessive dryness. Special attention should be addressed dry shampoo from a line of a famous brand. This product instantly makes hair clean, eliminates sebum and has a positive effect on normalizing the PH balance of the skin. Dry shampoo is very easy to apply, which is why it is ideal for use when traveling, for example.

Disadvantages of Horsepower shampoo are also available, and buyers actively talk about them in their reviews. What are the most often mentioned disadvantages of such a product?

  • Overpriced.
  • Possibility of an allergic reaction due to individual intolerance.
  • Lack of everyday products that are suitable not for treating hair, but for maintaining good condition of curls.

The cost of the product does seem overpriced, but the effectiveness of the product is beyond any doubt.

Shampoo Horsepower - instructions

The method of using Horsepower shampoo is no different from the nuances of using products from any other brand.

You can use shampoo daily until the problem that bothers the person disappears. Typically, Horsepower shampoo begins to have a positive effect on curls within the first week of use.

The effect of such a product is very strong, but sometimes buyers still want to increase it. In this case, it is necessary to use not only shampoos from a certain line of the Horsepower brand, but also masks with balms. IN lately Restoring capsules have become popular, which will help restore curls in a few days even after the most serious damage.

Of course, the cost of such products is not very attractive to purchase, but the positive effect of using Horsepower shampoo will please even the most picky buyer.

Doctors' reviews about Horsepower

Horsepower shampoo has been tested by leading experts, and its positive effect on curls has long been proven. Calagen and elastin contained in shampoos make curls strong and beautiful without additional products. Alexander, cosmetologist

The positive effect of Horsepower shampoo is confirmed by many cosmetologists and dermatologists. The product helps fight dandruff and general hair weakness, and helps strengthen hair. To achieve the greatest effect, it is recommended to use shampoo together with hair conditioner from the same brand. Arsen, stylist, cosmetologist

I do not share everyone's enthusiasm for Horsepower shampoo. The product is really quite effective, but you can find much more affordable shampoos. The positive effect of using this product, in my opinion, is greatly overestimated. Maria, cosmetologist

When a person’s back or knee is so seized that he cannot walk even a few steps due to unbearable pain, he agrees to try out the most incredible methods of healing, if only they help at least for a while. Having tried horse joint gel on themselves, many Russians subsequently recommend it to all their friends and relatives.

The resulting effect turns out to be impressive: in a very short time the pain subsides and the person returns to the normal course of life. How is this really the case?

Can veterinary drugs be used by people without fear of complications? Will there be any allergic reactions from using horse cosmetics and medications?

Is horse gel and shampoo harmful to humans?

On the Internet for last year a lot of information has appeared about various drugs purchased by Russians in veterinary pharmacies not for pets, but for myself personally. Why was this possible? Is it possible that in our country the chemical industry is developing much better medicines for animals? People use at their own risk:

  • a special shampoo - a product for the mane of horses, but people appreciated it because it supposedly makes hair grow very well even in people with problems with baldness;
  • drugs to enhance immunity;
  • all kinds of antiseptics, including a cream used in milking cows to heal microcracks in the skin;
  • gels and balms for the treatment of joints.

No doctor will officially prescribe such treatment. In private conversations, you can hear different opinions from doctors regarding the use of such products by people. They are united in one thing, that they cannot do much harm.

Half of the experts believe that the Russians fell for marketing tricks and are wasting their money, while others are confident that the effect will really be from the use, since the horse gel for joints has the same composition as ordinary human medicines.

Why are horse medications popular? Maybe because all over the world they strive to use only natural products and means, and people think that everything for animals is produced only on a natural basis. This “craze” has led to the fact that, for example, Alezan horse joint gel is statistically more often purchased for people.

Who is responsible for applying horse gel?

From word of mouth, word of mouth reports that someone with such an ointment calmed radiculitis, neuralgia or arthrosis, and with lumbodynia, after use they were able to sleep well. A person independently makes a choice in favor of such treatment and only he is responsible for such actions, since all veterinary drugs clearly indicate that they should be used strictly according to the instructions.

Horse joint gel: the instructions say that this drug is intended exclusively for non-productive animals.

After reading the description of the product, it is very difficult to resist purchasing, since only this gel, as the unscrupulous advertising says, thanks to its unique formula, will help cope with an injured joint.

Along with the analgesic and anti-inflammatory effect, this drug has a healing antiseptic effect, improves metabolic processes, normalizes calcium deposition and reduces swelling. If you are ready to purchase such an ointment, then take care of purchasing a blanket, since the instructions indicate that after application the animal should be covered with a blanket.

Funny? Not really, because it’s a shame that modern man like the ignorant people of the Middle Ages, he agrees to be fooled in order to be cured.

Compare the size of the horse and your own: it is obvious that horse joint gel must have contraindications for humans. The concentration in this medicine is designed for a large animal: this is where, perhaps, a miracle occurs, and a person gets relief. But such an overdose is dangerous for humans with many unpleasant consequences in the form of allergies, burns, and skin irritations.

If you decide to experiment with your body and purchase horse gel for joints, people’s reviews say that you should start with the smallest doses. Apply the smallest amount of gel and wait at least 24 hours. During this time, a possible allergic reaction should appear.

New: Horsepower - gel for joints

Whether or not to use medicines and cosmetics intended for animals is a dilemma that a person will have to solve himself.

If his opinion that horses are delicate creatures and nothing bad will be created for them turns out to be a priority, then it is for such people that a new product has appeared - Horsepower gel.

It, like the entire series under the same name (shampoos for adults and children, balms), is designed exclusively for people, is sold in pharmacies and contains exclusively natural and hypoallergenic ingredients.

What is included in Horsepower Balm and Gel:

  • Vitamin E is the most famous, as it prevents skin aging, rejuvenates it, and in this case reduces the risk of scarring, helps in the treatment of lichen, herpes, eczema and ulcers. In addition, it prevents the formation of blood clots, since this powerful antioxidant resolves them and improves skin respiration.
  • Peppermint essential oil - active components penetrate deeper into the skin better thanks to menthol. All inflammatory processes that occur on the skin are treated with drugs that should contain this oil. It also helps restore strength and relieve nervous excitement.
  • Lavender essential oil has a wonderful tonic and softening effect. Balm Horsepower for joints has a pleasant consistency and smell thanks to this oil.
  • Other ingredients: water, glycerin, carbopol, soybean oil, triethanolamine, methylparaben, propylparaben - when comparing this medicine, developed by Russian chemists for humans, with a drug for horses, a similar composition becomes obvious.

The natural ingredients included in the composition contribute to:

  1. Prevention of muscle strain after intense physical activity;
  2. Reducing pain from injuries of the musculoskeletal system;
  3. Muscle relaxation;
  4. Therapeutic and preventive care for muscle pain.

How to use? Horsepower cream is applied to the skin and rubbed in using movements similar to a massage. Twice a day is enough. Do not allow the balm-gel to come into contact with mucous membranes or damaged areas of the skin.

Since this drug was created exclusively for people, although it has a provocative name (good move!), it can be recommended by your doctor, be sure to ask him about the appropriateness of its use in your particular case. Don't self-medicate!

One of the well-known remedies used to treat diseases of the musculoskeletal system is Horsepower gel for joints. The main advantage of this drug over others by similar means lies in its composition. Having natural base, this gel-balm effectively eliminates pain symptoms and is absolutely safe and does not cause discomfort when used.

Horsepower balm gained popularity quite a long time ago, as it showed good results of use. Its main effect is to relieve pain in a joint or muscle. In addition, the joint balm has other therapeutic effects, namely:

  • improves metabolic processes in skin tissues, joints, muscles and ligaments;
  • improves overall muscle tone;
  • increases the range of motion of the affected joints;
  • normalizes microcirculation in the affected area;
  • helps enhance the effect of other drugs used externally.

Such high efficiency of the drug makes it indispensable in many situations.

Composition of the drug

Gel-balm for joints Horsepower consists of natural ingredients, which makes it as effective and safe for use as possible. It has no side effects and very rarely causes allergies. This one has the following composition:

  • vitamin E;
  • mint oil;
  • lavender oil

Vitamin E, or tocopheryl acetate, is a universal antioxidant. It allows you to quickly remove harmful metabolic products - free radicals - from the body. This effect promotes overall rejuvenation of the body and reduces the likelihood of developing various diseases of organs and systems. This component also has a beneficial effect on the skin - it normalizes blood microcirculation and promotes healing. In addition, it reduces the likelihood of blood clots and improves blood formation.

Peppermint oil, which this horse gel contains, normalizes local blood circulation, increasing vascular tone. Thanks to this, the action of other active substances contained in this drug or in any others used is accelerated. All this becomes possible due to the menthol contained in mint oil.

The aromatic substances of lavender oil provide a relaxing effect. This component promotes pain relief and strengthening. Lavender oil effectively rejuvenates the skin.

Gel for joints, the composition of which leaves no doubt about its effectiveness, helps to cope with many skin diseases and pathologies of the musculoskeletal system and the consequences of injuries.

Its effectiveness and efficiency are confirmed by numerous reviews from people who have experienced the high quality of the drug.

Another significant advantage is that, thanks to natural composition Horse gel is inexpensive. It can be purchased without any problems in almost every pharmacy. This makes it accessible to all those who want to restore their health and regain their youth.

Indications for use

Balm-gel for joints is widely used as a medicinal and cosmetic product. It is used as an analgesic and tonic. Most often it is used in the following cases:

  • for diseases of the musculoskeletal system - arthritis, arthrosis, etc.;
  • with inflammation of the joints;
  • with osteochondrosis of different parts of the spine;
  • with inflammation of skeletal muscles - myositis;
  • after suffering injuries that led to damage to joints, muscles, tendons.

In all these cases, Horse Ointment effectively relieves pain and promotes speedy recovery.

Quite often, this joint cream is used after heavy physical exertion. It relaxes the muscles well, which leads to their rapid recovery and significantly reduces pain symptoms. This drug can also be used for massage, both therapeutic and restorative or relaxing.

It is known to use the product in cosmetology practice. Thanks to the unique selection of components, Horse Gel significantly improves skin tone, relieves inflammation, heals wounds and other damage to the upper layer of skin.

The instructions for using this gel-balm are very simple. It must be applied to the affected area in a small layer and slowly rubbed in with massage movements. In this case, it is necessary to avoid suppuration and inflamed areas. It cannot be applied to mucous membranes and used to treat malignant neoplasms.

Is it possible to replace the product with an analogue?

There are also gel analogs that can be quite effective. These are many pain-relieving ointments and gels, medicinal or developed on the basis of traditional medicine. They are also capable of giving good results, but such products do not have such a complex effect as horse balm. In contrast, Horse Force gel-balm (Horse Force) not only relieves the pain symptom, but also treats the main cause of its occurrence.

It is important to understand that Horsepower joint gel is not complete medicinal drug. It acts as an effective adjuvant. You can use it yourself only for preventive purposes or for cosmetic purposes. However, if we're talking about for the treatment of osteochondrosis and other serious diseases of the musculoskeletal system, Horse Balm should be supplemented with other medications. In addition, before starting to use it, you should definitely consult a doctor and make sure there are no allergic reactions to its components.