Characteristics of a Taurus woman by zodiac sign: a magnificent and sophisticated lady. Taurus woman

Taurus woman horoscope

Taurus woman: appearance

Taurus women, as a rule, have curvaceous and attractive feminine figures; they have a thin waist, rounded hips, and large breasts. Even if they are overweight (and this is what most often happens), this does not spoil them at all. They are always charming and fresh, their movements are smooth and graceful, their soft, calm gaze is attractive. Taurus women have a well-developed sense of smell, they do not like to smoke, and they know how to choose the most suitable perfumes and cosmetics for their individual image.

Taurus woman - behavior characteristics

It is pleasant to communicate with women of this zodiac sign, they are smart, pleasant and subtle interlocutors, grateful listeners, who do not allow themselves to speak rudely and categorically about anyone, they behave calmly, without showing unnecessary emotions. But if people start objecting to them, such ladies can quickly lose their peace of mind. They respond adequately to reasoned claims and comments, but, as the horoscope warns, the Taurus woman is capable of transforming into a real fury if someone allows herself to be nagged over trifles or without any reason at all.

The greatest joys in the lives of women born under this sign are home, children and their favorite work. They strive for nature with all their souls, and if there is no opportunity for this in everyday life, they try to compensate for this circumstance by growing indoor plants. The lifestyle of Taurus women cannot be called active; they were born for something completely different.

Zodiac sign Taurus - woman in work and career

It would be unfair to imagine these incredibly feminine creatures as white-handed and sissies. Taurus women love and know how to work, they are ready to devote a lot of effort and time to their favorite business. Strong will, incredible patience and excellent self-control help them achieve success. Taurus women strive to be well-off financially, so they try to choose activities that would bring them good income. At the same time, they choose what they really like, otherwise they simply will not be able to force themselves to work at full capacity and achieve the desired results. Taurus do not work “just like that”, serving their working hours: they certainly need to feel satisfaction from the results of their activities.

Taurus woman in love

Most Taurus women are polygamous by nature and can have several partners at the same time. It is noteworthy that each of them can be equally dear to them, and they are afraid of losing each one. But, if a woman of this sign truly falls in love, the other half will have no reason to doubt her marital fidelity; she becomes a reliable and incredibly devoted friend.

Taurus woman in sex

Taurus women are famous for their femininity; tactile sensations and physical contact are extremely important to them. They do not like primitive sex - as well as any manifestations of artlessness. The ladies of this sign are very demanding in this delicate matter and can “drive” a man in bed to the point of a squeezed lemon, but at the same time, the partner will experience maximum pleasure and will not regret one bit that he got such a tireless girlfriend. The Taurus woman herself experiences no less range of sensations in bed.

Taurus woman in marriage

Many men dream of such life partners as Taurus women are in marriage. Many representatives of this zodiac sign see their life mission in arranging their family nest. The character of a Taurus woman does not allow her to marry just anyone; she places high demands on her future husband, but she herself becomes a reliable partner for him, an excellent mother of his children and a skillful, zealous housewife. Such a wife will never encroach on her husband’s self-esteem and will readily concede to him the right to be the head of the family. At the same time, she behaves with great dignity and does not allow anyone to humiliate the woman and person in her.

Zodiac signs: Taurus woman - mistress of the house

For the most part, Taurus women are excellent housewives; there are few of them in the Zodiac. Their house is always literally licked clean, but that’s not all: being the owners of a delicate taste, Taurus are able to skillfully beat the most unprofitable layout, create a beautiful and cozy interior, being limited by very modest financial resources. Their home always smells nice and there will most likely be a lot of flowers in it. These women are thrifty, do not allow themselves to waste money and manage to turn the house into a full cup, making sure that their loved ones do not need anything. They are always happy to receive dear guests, who will certainly be treated generously and tasty - but only if they came at their invitation.

Characteristics of a Taurus woman - mother

The importance of motherhood for Taurus women is difficult to overestimate. It is to children that such a mother tends to devote all her free time. Children can always count on her help - business, advice, moral support. The closeness of the relationship between mothers and children continues when they grow up. At the same time, the Taurus woman can be very, very demanding and even turn into a loving tyrant. However, what cannot be taken away from her is that she will show children by personal example what love and selfless devotion to family is.

Who is suitable for a Taurus woman according to the horoscope to start a family?

If the woman is Taurus, compatibility promises to be very good with representatives of such zodiac signs as Virgo - an excellent gift for a Taurus woman, but in this case it is better not to even think about jewelry. A win-win option - any beautiful objects that have aesthetic value that decorate your home or workplace; for example, beautiful dishes, cute flower pots. People of the Taurus zodiac sign are very sensual, and if a gift is pleasant to the touch or emits a subtle aroma, then it will delight you doubly. It is difficult to make a mistake when presenting a Taurus woman with an original sweet gift, for example, a chocolate bouquet - she will certainly appreciate such an offering.

The Taurus woman is generously gifted by nature. This is one of the most beautiful women among all the zodiac signs. She is distinguished by powerful sexual energy and a desire to be the center of attention. Quite deservedly, she has always been the subject of male dreams.

Basic character traits

The Taurus woman, whose characteristics can be summed up in the words “real woman,” has a lively mind and is an attentive and pleasant conversationalist. She is calm, reserved and behaves with great dignity, never allowing harsh or rude statements towards anyone and never allowing this to happen to herself. This sign combines external beauty with iron will, strength and patience.

Thanks to her great self-control, such a woman rarely loses her temper, but she does not like it at all when people object to her. Therefore, others should not abuse her patience. Any groundless criticism or claims may cause offense and lead to a violent reaction. And, if this happens again, the Taurus woman can turn into an unbearable and vindictive creature. With age, she becomes more domineering, difficult to climb, pathologically loving luxury.

Appearance Features

The Taurus girl is always fresh, beautiful and graceful. She is distinguished by her natural charm, smooth movements, calm soft voice and gaze. She has soft, glowing skin and an elegant bust. Her company can evoke the most pleasant feelings and simply has a calming effect.

Thanks to her good taste, she skillfully chooses cosmetics and perfumes and dresses well. At the same time, she knows how to stay within the budget. Her weak point is jewelry and luxury items. Furs and diamonds simply hypnotize this zodiac sign in female form.

Taurus ladies have curvy figures and a thin waist, and are prone to being overweight. Usually slim in their youth, after getting married, finding their other half and relaxing, they stop closely monitoring their weight and often gain weight, which does not spoil them at all.

Attitude to work

Despite extreme femininity, the sign of Taurus knows how to work well. Women are helped in this by patience, self-control, and willpower. Everything they have to do, they do with pleasure, striving to gain satisfaction from the final result.

Women who are associated with this zodiac sign want to be well-off financially, so they are sensitive to the choice of their main activity. But out of all the activities that can bring good income, they choose the one that they really love. After all, it is difficult for them to simply sit through working hours without receiving satisfaction from work.

The work of a psychologist, secretary, social worker, pharmacist is well suited for such women.. The profession of a seller is less suitable, but it can also bring pleasure if something related to land is being sold.

Features of behavior in love

A Taurus woman in love looks for her own partner. Overly annoying gentlemen will not receive favor from her. She doesn't need a teacher to master the art of flirting.

She gives off non-verbal sexual signals spontaneously; she does it as naturally as breathing. The powerful attractive force of her charm and sexuality causes the appearance of a whole stream of men seeking closer communication with her. The well-developed intuition characteristic of such ladies helps to immediately weed out unsuitable applicants and somehow organize acquaintances.

A characteristic feature that this zodiac sign imposes on women is jealousy.

Taurus are possessive by nature and they are very familiar with the feeling of jealousy. For some time she turns a blind eye to her suspicions, but when the cup overflows, she has to bitterly regret the culprit, since she is terrible in anger.

This zodiac sign prefers wealthy partners who are also generously gifted by nature. Beauty and impeccability are mandatory requirements for them, but a thick wallet is also highly desirable. Such ladies prefer exquisite signs of attention, and the best way to court them is the classic one - expensive gifts, restaurants, vacations in the best places, etc.

A man who could not interest her in bed cannot hope for a long-term relationship. The Taurus woman treats primitive sex with contempt. She herself is capable of giving her partners the widest possible range of sexual pleasures.

The best zodiac sign for her as a partner is Virgo.

Family behavior

The Taurus girl will be a wonderful life partner. She will be able to respect her man and not claim leadership in the family. She sees her life purpose in being a good support for her stronger half, an exemplary mother and housewife. The ability to run a home well is a distinctive feature that characterizes this zodiac sign. Their home is always cozy and tidy, they are extremely hospitable, which, however, only applies to those guests who came by invitation.

Children are of particular importance in the life of a Taurus woman. She devotes most of her free time, all her love and care to them. Her children see their mother as reliable protection, realizing that she is always ready to come to their aid. She maintains good and trusting relationships with both her daughters and sons throughout her life, remaining for them a model of love and fidelity.

By nature, alas, Taurus is prone to polygamy. She can easily have several lovers at once and, not wanting to lose any of them, bestow her feelings on everyone. In this regard, the family life of representatives of this zodiac sign can be unstable. But a truly loving Taurus woman rarely cheats on her spouse.

To create a family, besides Virgo, Cancer and Capricorn are well suited for her.

Famous Taurus women

The Taurus woman walks through life with confidence - she knows that she is strong and smart enough to achieve her goals. You can learn everything from her!

When our heroine was a little girl, she knew exactly what she wanted from life. She studied hard so that in the future this would allow her to master a good profession. I helped my mother in the kitchen - since every woman who hopes for a happy marriage should be able to cook. She put aside the money she saved on school lunches - after all, every self-respecting person should have some savings. Now she is an adult - and has already managed to achieve much of what she dreamed of. However, the Taurus girl never uses such a vulgar word as “dream”. She sets goals and achieves them truly brilliantly, as she is an extremely intelligent woman.

A lady with a steely character

What is commonly understood by the definition of “reasonable woman”? First of all, our heroine always acts expediently, guided by the dictates of the head, not the heart. She doesn’t hesitate: she just knows how to do it and does exactly that. And if she doesn’t have enough information to make a final decision, she will study tons of reference literature and slowly find the only correct answer. Intuition is not about Taurus; their weapon is iron logic.

Solidity is felt in everything that surrounds the Taurus woman. She wears very high-quality clothes and shoes - albeit not too brightly colored, not ultra-fashionable and certainly not provocative, but undoubtedly expensive and of good quality. Representatives of this sign treat costume jewelry with contempt, considering jewelry made from plastic beads and base alloys to be the prerogative of teenage girls: an adult, respectable woman should wear gold and silver. Her home and workplace are always in perfect order. And she can fix a dripping faucet or a fallen shelf herself, without expecting help from men.

In general, she extremely rarely asks for any help. Taurus people become independent early and hate causing inconvenience to others. Even though this woman is not an expert in all areas at once, she is able to cope with her problems. And not only with her own people: our heroine, without reproach, helps her family and less fortunate friends, and is able to provide support to her loved one. You just don’t need to abuse the good nature of the Taurus woman: if she considers that you are shamelessly taking advantage of her mercy, it will be uncompromisingly denied to you.

You and I have a serious relationship!

What some other signs would call an easy love relationship is a waste of time for the Taurus woman. No, she won't carelessly flirt with every cute guy. With her fans (and, as a rule, our heroine has no shortage of them), she behaves like a strict boss interviewing candidates for the vacant position of her future husband. “Where do you see yourself in ten years? How much do you plan to earn? What do you prefer to spend your money on? Thank you, I will inform you personally about the date of the next meeting.” After all, choosing a life partner is a very responsible task, and you need to approach it with all seriousness, without haste. It is important for Taurus to have a truly reliable person next to her. Without reliability there can be no stability - and this is exactly what this girl strives for. Not to romantic experiences, not to sentimental manifestations of feelings - she is too rational to appreciate such nonsense.

Conquering a Taurus woman is not easy - but the one who succeeds will get the most exemplary wife in the world. Representatives of this sign are distinguished by homeliness, loyalty and caring. But they resolutely demand the same from their partners. If you are in doubt whether this girl is right for you, find out about the prospects for your relationship by looking at the compatibility horoscope.

About the most important thing - in a couple of lines

However, our heroine is unlikely to be satisfied with the role of a professional housewife - she is too independent to sit on her man’s neck. Having decided to combine the roles of a married and a working woman, she will cope with both of them brilliantly. Moreover, a Taurus girl often achieves greater success in business than her husband - but she is still smart enough not to reproach him for this circumstance if she knows that his failures do not stem from idleness. She will forgive her partner for his weak character, but never for laziness. Laziness in her understanding is the most shameful of all vices. Hard work is sacred for Taurus, because it is what leads to prosperity and well-being.

What influence does a strong and stable zodiac sign have on the character of representatives of the fair half of humanity? A woman whose personality characteristics represent a combination of rare magnetism, beauty and strong-willed character is rightfully considered one of the most interesting figures in the zodiac horoscope.

Description of character

Taurus is an amazing woman who combines true femininity, sensuality and gentleness with pragmatism and the ability to see things in their true light. They are real materialists and prefer stability and well-being, so they lead a rather measured lifestyle, trying to create a comfortable environment around them.

Women born under the sign of Taurus are conservative and do not like shocks and changes. They are responsible, decent, and their word of honor can be trusted. In difficult situations, they always show their best side, demonstrating amazing endurance and self-control.

Outwardly, Taurus women may give the impression of being strong and unbending, but in reality this is not the case. They are vulnerable and sensitive, but never show their vulnerability to others. Taurus are very forgiving and patient, but you should not abuse their generosity. Representatives of this sign are proud and do not allow their best intentions to be played, and the angry Taurus lady is truly terrible in showing her offended feelings.

Modesty is not inherent in Taurus; they do not like to be content with little and adore luxury, glitz, social events, gourmet food, and the company of smart and rich people. However, with all their love for a beautiful life, they are not one of those who spend money left and right. They are prudent and know how to manage money wisely.

Main positive qualities:

  • patience;
  • friendliness and optimism;
  • reliability and stability.

Main negative qualities:

  • laziness;
  • complacency and selfishness;
  • stubbornness.

Taurus are under the protection of Venus, so they know how to appreciate and, what is especially valuable, build relationships. This applies to both friendship and love. Taurus are always attentive to their loved ones and show concern for them, rather through real actions than through advice and heart-to-heart conversations.

In love relationships, Taurus women are passionate, sexy, liberated and temperamental. Sex is very important to them, and they know a lot about it. Men are often fascinated by representatives of this zodiac sign, because such a sensual and charming partner, who also has all the qualities of an ideal wife, is not so easy to find.

Taurus women are wonderful housewives who know how to create home comfort. A patient and indulgent beautiful wife, well-groomed children, a beautiful home and an invariably delicious dinner - this is what awaits the man who is lucky enough to put a wedding ring on a Taurus finger.

But winning her heart is not easy. Such a woman wants to see a strong man next to her. She is able to forgive many shortcomings, but she will never forgive betrayal, lies and cowardice, since she herself is a devoted and faithful nature and will never leave her husband in trouble.

Career and finance

Capable and diligent, Taurus women are excellent workers. They may seem too slow, but you should come to terms with this feature, because their reliability and responsibility more than compensate for other shortcomings. They are excellent analysts and know how to find a common language with people, which helps them in their career growth.

A rational attitude towards money and perseverance towards the goal makes them successful businesswomen with an iron grip and business sense. Taurus women in leadership positions are distinguished by stability, balanced decisions and excellent relationships with their subordinates.

Women of this sign often choose creative professions and tend to work in areas related to aesthetics - the beauty industry, fashion, floristry, and publishing.

Taurus women have excellent compatibility with men born under the signs of Virgo and Capricorn. Such unions are ideal in all respects, thanks to similar moral values ​​and the same rhythm of life. This is a wonderful example of a family in which people complement each other perfectly and build a family based on mutual understanding and mutual respect.

A Taurus woman and a Cancer man, as well as a Taurus woman and a Cancer man, have a good chance of happiness. If spouses can understand each other’s characteristics and come to terms with some shortcomings, then they will be able to avoid conflicts and disagreements.

The Taurus-Taurus couple is very harmonious, but it will be difficult for them to develop relationships because of their laziness and fear of change.

But the combinations Taurus - Sagittarius and Taurus - Aquarius are definitely doomed to failure. The Taurus woman, with her love of calm and serenity, will not be able to tolerate the changeability and independence of Sagittarius and the unbridled fantasy of Aquarius, who has his head in the clouds.

Taurus is a zodiac sign in which a woman and her characteristics are influenced by two opposing forces: the craving for beauty and spirituality and the desire for material well-being. In order to find happiness and harmony, a woman born under this constellation needs to bring these aspects of her life into balance. The forces of nature will help her in this, which will help overcome materialism and fill her soul with beauty.

According to the horoscope, the Taurus woman is a balanced, intelligent and strong person, but she will not demonstrate these qualities to a man. She combines unbending strength of character with tenderness and understanding. In life, she will cope with any role: a caring wife, a loving mother or a responsible employee.

Description of the woman sign - Taurus

Female Taurus women have a luxurious figure; one can only envy their shape. Even completeness is beautiful for the representatives of this sign. They attract others with their soft and smooth movements, poise and grace.

According to the horoscope, Maria de Medici was a Taurus woman. Charlotte Bronte, Elizabeth II, and Lyubov Polishchuk were born under this sign.

In communication, these are quite tactful interlocutors; they are unlikely to allow themselves to say too much. Taurus loves and knows how to listen, they are always reasonable. These ladies avoid arguments, as they quickly lose peace of mind and can give free rein to their emotions. They do not like empty cavils addressed to them; if they are criticized in vain, they defend themselves in all possible ways.

The Taurus woman is an ideal for a man who wants to have a strong family. She cannot imagine her existence without home and family, but she will not leave her favorite job. Although he will try to do everything to be with his loved ones more. These ladies prefer to live in a country house with a large family, they love the land and solitude with nature. If this is not possible, then in the apartment they will create a paradise with flowers, the cultivation of which is an outlet for them.

Naturally feminine Taurus cannot be called white-handed. These are workaholics who know how to work and enjoy doing what they love.

Their willpower, patience and desire to achieve results will allow them to make a good career. According to the horoscope, female Taurus women are quite wealthy ladies; they achieve everything through their own labor.

Love horoscope of a Taurus woman

In their youth, these ladies are polygamous, often having several partners, whom they value equally. But short relationships do not appeal to them; rather, they are long-term relationships. It takes a long time to choose the other half, but if they truly love, they remain faithful to their spouse until the end. In love, they look for stability and security; the chosen one must constantly show his feelings and the seriousness of his intentions. Only in this case will Taurus calm down and become happy.

The chosen one under the sign of Taurus is open, does not flirt with strangers, does not play other people’s roles, and remains herself.

The Taurus woman is an owner and refuses to share her man even with her mother-in-law, which is why they have a strained relationship.

In bed they prefer caresses and long foreplay, and cannot stand hasty sex. They are demanding of their lover, but they themselves give no less. A man will never regret being in bed with this lady; he is guaranteed a range of feelings.

Who is suitable for a Taurus woman to start a family?

Taurus choose their life partner carefully, looking for a man worthy in every sense. A true family man will win their heart. In marriage, they are ready to give the reins of power to their husband, but they behave with dignity and pride, and will not allow themselves to be humiliated as a woman, wife or mother.

To create a strong union, the following are suitable:

  • Virgo. This partner is able to give the chosen one what she is looking for. Relationships are developing smoothly and calmly, the family is happy. For the sake of his beloved spouse, Virgo is able to restrain his impulsiveness.
  • Cancer. A union that is comfortable for both, partners rarely sort things out, especially in the presence of strangers. Free rein for any emotions is given only in private. When surrounded by strangers, they behave aloofly and are often mistaken for friends. The marriage will last long and bring joy.
  • Fish. The spouses fit each other perfectly, they are comfortable together, nothing overshadows their peace of mind. If contradictions arise in everyday life, they try to find a compromise. Spouse - Pisces sometimes suffers from a lack of understanding and support from the chosen one, withdraws into himself, and becomes secretive. The wife does not like these qualities, conflicts arise.
  • Capricorn. An ideal couple to start a family, the partners have a lot in common, the same goals, aspirations and hobbies. They always act together, do not strive for leadership, and for the sake of happiness, the halves are ready to restrain their emotions. This couple rarely has disagreements.

In most cases, a Taurus woman is a good wife and housewife. She has the talent to smooth out rough edges in relationships and rarely crosses boundaries. He treats money sparingly, so disagreements on financial matters are excluded.

Which zodiac signs are not suitable for a Taurus woman?

The impulsive Scorpio and the Taurus wife are unlikely to have a harmonious union. The signs are too different, constant scandals and quarrels cannot be avoided.

Unsuccessful combination of a Taurus woman with her chosen one – Libra. This union can only be viewed from the point of view of business relations. Partners can teach each other a lot, but it is difficult for them to solve everyday problems together.

Feelings that arise between a Gemini and a Taurus woman end at the courtship stage and rarely develop into a long-term relationship. If the marriage takes place, then long separations, love experiences and separations cannot be avoided.

Taurus woman is an amazing and sexy lady, she can be different, but she rarely shows her character. How her personal life will turn out directly depends on her.