Horoscope Monkey Leo on. Monkey - Sagittarius

All last year, the Rooster spoiled the Monkey with his attention. Under his patronage, she made a lot of noise. Both know how to take everything from life. The 2018 horoscope for Monkey warns: representatives of this sign, accustomed to basking in the glory of the previous period, will be forced to start over in many areas of life. This is the price to pay for pleasure. Looking around, you will realize that your colleagues have long been one step ahead, and your friends are busy with their own affairs.

But being sad and hanging your head is not typical for those born under this sign. The accumulated experience and developed intuition will tell you what to do in 2018, and the ability to think logically will help you plan your life strategy in the coming time.

The new stage is productive for starting a major overhaul, establishing new relationships, family planning, and changing activities. The key to success will be finding a source of inspiration and getting rid of laziness. Proceed to action and remember that water does not flow under a lying stone. Your adventurism will allow you to avoid all the pitfalls.

Love Horoscope

In the first quarter of 2018, the stars urge the Monkey not to give in to feelings of passion. The instinctive principle will prevail over reason. Impulsivity is a bad advisor at this time. Everything will fade against the background of the object of your desires. If you fail to stop at the right moment, then blind passion will lead to negative consequences. Already in the second quarter, the rose-colored glasses will fall off. You will accept reality as it is and learn from the mistakes you have made. The future of the Monkeys in the next few years will depend on difficult choices.

The horoscope recommends that unmarried representatives of this sign take a closer look at the environment of the opposite sex. Your emotionality and changeability, as well as an irregular work schedule, simply do not allow you to discern the other half. You yourself recently noticed that all attempts to start a relationship turned out to be meaningless and burdensome.

If you still decide to tie the knot with Hymen, then plan the wedding date for the second ten days of November. Marriages concluded at this time will be strong and happy for the Monkeys. And in order for the relationship to become stronger, hone the skill of giving compliments to a loved one.

Career (finance) horoscope

Excessive self-confidence and high self-esteem can play a cruel joke on those born under the sign of the Monkey in the coming year. By letting everything take its course, you will make many mistakes in the first working month. It is important to repeatedly check completed tasks during this period.

Don't worry or rush if things don't work out. Just be patient and remember: those who do nothing make no mistakes! Your efforts will not be in vain. By spring, the boss will appreciate your perseverance and professionalism. In order not to lose your acquired authority in the future, attend advanced training courses, show more initiative and take on complex, painstaking projects. By observing your diligence, management will understand that the team needs such a player. Then it will become appropriate to start a conversation about raising wages and apply for a senior-level vacancy.

Health horoscope

You spent a lot of time on your health last year, for which you will be generously rewarded by the Yellow Dog. Intensive training in gyms, swimming in pools, mastering yoga techniques, strictly following the recommendations of the attending physician - all this had a positive impact on the well-being of the Monkeys. Now the motto for your lifestyle is: do no harm! The horoscope for the year of the Dog advises you to slow down.

To keep your body in good shape, it is better to alternate between active training and passive rest. Include walks in the fresh air in your health prevention plan! Learn to snowboard or ski. In the summer, go cycling through the forest listening to the birds singing, or go fishing. A charge of positive emotions will be provided to you.

In 2018, take care of preserving your vision. Lack of sleep, overwork at work, and infectious diseases have a negative impact on the normal functioning of the eyes. Introduce into your diet foods containing vitamins A, C, E, omega-3 and omega-6 (unsaturated fatty acids). Steam food, bake in the oven. Don't get carried away with flour and fatty foods.

Horoscope for Monkey men

In 2018, the stars advise Monkey men not to overestimate their capabilities. Don't promise what you can't deliver. Otherwise, you will lose the trust of people important to you.
In relationships with women there will be a series of thaws and cold spells. You categorically do not want to take into account the wishes of the lady of your heart and listen to her opinion. This approach will crack sooner or later. It will be quite difficult to keep the situation under control. Therefore, it is important to learn not only to take, but also to give. Perhaps the development of your novel will follow a different scenario.

In the middle of the year, ex-girlfriends may make themselves known. Think about it, have you clarified all the questions with them? There is a high probability of intrigue and secret conspiracies. If you don’t want problems, wisely say goodbye to the past.

Unmarried representatives of the Monkey sign will have fateful acquaintances in the Year of the Dog. Take your time and be polite in your courtship. Rushing may result in your person ending up with someone else. Learn to be friends and become a support for the girl of your dreams. Let her know how important she is in your life. Enjoy the candy-bouquet period, and the likelihood of hearing a positive response will increase.

In July - August, the horoscope invites Monkey men to pay off their debts! This will provide an influx of new sources of financing and improve the cash flow component. By the end of the year, a tidy sum may have accumulated that can be put to good use.

In November - December, be more careful on the road. Astrologers warn about increased accident rates. Review the rules of the road, sign up for extreme driving courses, and check the technical condition of the car. These measures will minimize risks.

Horoscope for Monkey women

Monkey women have a well-developed mind and ingenuity. And the ability to be flexible in relationships makes you an ideal woman in the eyes of men. You know how to guess at a glance the mood and desires of your loved one. In 2018, it is necessary to direct the data from the nature of quality in the right direction.

Many representatives of the sign, without realizing it, will turn relationships with representatives of the stronger sex into a game in the first ten days of the year. In order to get what she wants from her partner, the representative of this sign will go to great lengths. The favorite phrase will be: you don’t love me! Perhaps the man will fall for the bait at first. You can easily get a new fur coat, a beautiful expensive ring, and a trip to the sea. But the increased appetite will quickly sober up the other half. Be prepared for the fact that putting your own interests first will lead to a quarrel. If such a moment has come, then you should remember that you are a woman, and, in addition to a scandal out of nothing, you are also capable of making a salad and a hairstyle. And this is enough for a romantic evening that you will arrange to soften the heart of your loved one. Act immediately, otherwise the moment will be missed.

In the second decade, the distance of your children will become an alarm bell. You spent too much time on your career, friends and yourself in the past year. It's time to reap the benefits. To establish a spiritual connection with your child, you need to find out what he likes to do most. When the survey is completed, sketch out a plan for spending time together, taking into account the child's wishes. During the walk, find out what is bothering him today, support him with advice, and share your experience. Let your baby know that he is not indifferent to you. Let him feel parental care and affection!

The horoscope recommends that unmarried Monkeys get rid of resentment, jealousy and anger. You need to harmonize the world around you, begin to radiate warmth and love. Choose a hobby that brings not only pleasure, but also income. Start taking care of yourself. Learn to enjoy the little things. This set of measures will make you truly happy and attractive to the opposite sex.
Pay attention to acquaintances that fall in July - August. Meetings during this period will not be accidental. Fate itself gives you a chance to start a happy life from scratch. Don't miss this rare opportunity. Make the right choice and you will be richly rewarded.

The protracted events of last year will be safely resolved thanks to the Yellow Earth Pig. The next twelve months will be full of great deals and pleasant surprises. The stars promise the Monkeys drastic changes in business and advise them to be on the alert so as not to miss opportunities. Natural charm will allow you to minimize negative aspects in your personal life, and in your work you will have to make efforts to prove your professionalism to management. At the same time, the horoscope for the Monkey for 2019 of the Pig promises a lot of interesting things.

Some representatives of the sign will decide to change jobs, having anticipated disagreements with management in time. This will force you to look for an application for your abilities, undergo retraining or get a new education. A profitable offer of cooperation will arrive after the New Year holidays. Don't miss the opportunity to demonstrate diligence, creativity and friendliness. This will help you adapt to your new place of work, make useful connections and earn the respect of your team.

The Year of the Yellow Earth Pig promises a lot of new impressions and the fulfillment of all innermost hopes

Love horoscope: relationships with a partner and in the family

Astrologers agreed that the main problem in family life will be personal ambitions. The selfishness of Monkeys will not allow them to accept help from loved ones, which will entail difficulties in material terms. Disagreements and lack of money will cause serious conflicts for most couples.

Everyday routine will consume your significant other, and she will stop noticing your efforts to transform everyday life. Attempts to renew the relationship will end in emotional outbursts and washing of dirty linen in public. The stars advise not to be led by circumstances, but to take decisive action. Take on any job - this will allow you to stay afloat until a lucrative offer of cooperation arrives.

The difficulties experienced will show the true face of your chosen one. If a lack of money causes a divorce, without regret, help the ex-couple pack their bags and start life with a clean slate. Fill your spiritual emptiness with communication with loved ones, self-education and sports. This will increase your own importance and help you find harmony with the outside world.

Replace your anger with mercy, learn to hear and listen to your loved one, and you will never regret making a choice in his favor

Pay attention to your close circle - among your new acquaintances there will be a person who will help prove that there is a place for true love in life.


The first half of the year is unlikely to bring big profits, but will provide every chance for full business development. Take advantage of the opportunities and you can achieve sustainable results. Moderate your tendency to senseless spending - this prevents you from accumulating start-up capital for further investments. The second half of the year will be a successful period for family business owners. An offer from foreign partners awaits you, which will help you reach a new level of material security. You will strengthen your status and prove to your competitors that you are able to conduct business using honest methods.

The stars promise a new position with a high salary by the fall, provided that the representatives of the sign make efforts to realize their dreams.

Work, career, business

Sociability, generosity and high professional qualities will help Monkeys earn recognition from the team. If you are aiming for a promotion, you will have to prove your skills in working on complex projects. There will come a time when engaging in vigorous debate will require demonstrating real results.

Family business owners must develop a financial strategy for the year ahead. Decent behavior and professionalism will help you earn a reputation among your employees and leave your competitors behind. If problems arise at work, use the advice of experienced colleagues and you will be able to achieve stable results. The stars recommend improving relationships in the team. Be open and complacent, but respect the chain of command. This will create a favorable environment in the office and lay the foundation for fruitful activities.

The Year of the Yellow Pig is a favorable period for personal growth if the Monkeys work tirelessly

Representatives of intellectual professions will receive special favor from the Yellow Pig. Hard work and non-standard methods of solving problems will help Monkeys achieve maximum results on the way to their own Olympus.


Stress at work and emotional stress will make you think about your health. The stars advise sticking to proper nutrition, maintaining a daily routine, and promptly contacting specialists at the first signs of illness. Train yourself to get proper sleep, otherwise you cannot avoid chronic fatigue and depression. Lead an active lifestyle: do not forget about physical exercise and breathing exercises. Give preference to those sports that take place in the fresh air. Yoga and auto-training will help relieve emotional stress, and spa treatments are suitable for restoring the body.

Get rid of food addiction and bad habits. Give preference to healthy food. Complete proteins and light carbohydrates diversify the diet and fill the body with energy.

2019 is the year of the Monkey woman

Don't be afraid to act contrary to your own principles. Pig will like your audacity, and he will support you in all your endeavors. Monkey women, tired of loneliness, will receive a royal gift from the mistress of the year. His easy-going character and natural charm will attract the attention of new fans. A chance acquaintance will develop into a bright, long-lasting romance with the prospect of creating a family union. The Pig does not advise Monkeys to rush things: enjoy every moment and take care of real feelings.

The stars advise family Monkeys to avoid stress and heavy physical activity. By spring you will receive news of a new addition to the family, and the possible birth of twins will make the surprise doubly pleasant. Your relatives will take an active part in remodeling the apartment, repairing and purchasing children's supplies. Your home will be filled with joy, harmony and pleasant moments while waiting for your babies.

Monkeys who want to add variety to their daily lives must learn to overcome fears and delicately overcome obstacles

The second half of the year will be marked by meeting a person who will earn your favor. You will accept courtship and after a short romance you will become the owner of the hand and heart of your chosen one.

What awaits men of this sign?

The Yellow Earth Pig will provide maximum patronage to those Monkeys who are thirsty for change. Try to evaluate your chances, and act only when you are sure of victory. The first half of the year does not promise cash receipts, but at the end of autumn you will receive unexpected news about an inheritance or winning the lottery. The Pig will provide an opportunity to strengthen your financial position, but to do this you will have to resort to the advice of a close relative. The stars advise purchasing commercial real estate, starting a hotel business, or founding an advertising agency. Any type of activity that involves communication and creativity is suitable for you.

The most important truths of life are learned through communication with loved ones

Predictions depending on the year of birth of the Monkey

The Year of the Yellow Earth Pig will be successful for career, business and personal relationships. If you are looking for fame, change and self-realization, take action. Fate will make its own adjustments to the lives of ambitious Monkeys, but this will be to the benefit of the tireless sign.

Water (1992)

A modest financial situation will force the Water Monkey to look for additional income. The first half of the year will be full of searches, and only at the end of spring will luck smile. The charm and sociability inherent in the Monkey will not be enough. The pig will require compliance with conventions: you will have to endure a probationary period. Demonstrate organizational skills, and management will appreciate your qualities.

Fiery (1956, 2016)

Fire Monkeys find it difficult to sit still. Astrologers recommend channeling irrepressible energy into creative channels. Your enthusiasm is enough for the most risky undertakings. Organize a travel agency, art gallery or early childhood development school. The stars will patronize projects related to the development of abilities. This way you can realize your ambitions and benefit people.

The babies will have a great year, and their parents will have to take care of ensuring good protection for the young Monkey’s immunity.

Earthen (1968)

The Yellow Earth Pig will write you down as one of its favorites, but you should not boast about your luck, otherwise Fortune will demonstrate her character. Any business that you organize this year will have success and development. So feel free to draw up a business plan: study demand, evaluate competitors and start acting. Your communication skills, boundless energy and natural charisma will lead to complete success. In the middle of the year, paperwork related to paperwork is possible, which you will overcome with extraordinary ease. The main thing is to be patient and not give up at the first difficulties.

Metal (1980)

Representatives of this sign begin a favorable period in their personal lives. For free Monkeys, the stars promise an unexpected meeting that will bring many surprises and pleasant moments. Get ready for changes: a marriage proposal and news of a new addition to the family await you. A rapid change of events can throw you off balance. Try to maintain inner calm and control your emotions. A loved one will provide support in all matters, but will devote most of their time to providing for the family.

Horoscope for different zodiac signs in the year of the Pig


It is important for Aries to avoid unwanted behavior, which the hostess of 2019 will certainly not appreciate: do not be cunning, do not lie to yourself and others, and do not try to escape from unresolved problems. As for money, there are noticeable trends in prosperity and stability; the budget will noticeably strengthen. It is in your power not to squander your finances, but instead organize a major renovation, purchase high-quality furniture and necessary household appliances, and please your loved ones with necessary and valuable gifts. Another favorable financial investment is personal or family travel.


Success in the professional field of activity is guaranteed for Taurus-Monkeys this year. The only caveat is - do not forget about tact, and also refrain from familiar jokes when communicating with your superiors and potential partners, otherwise there may not be the most pleasant consequences for you. For family people, Pig will give peace and understanding with their significant other and household members. And single people will have to take the initiative to say goodbye to single life.


2019 will pamper the Monkeys with favorable opportunities and rare chances, however, the period will not be easy. Try not to grab everything at once, otherwise you will quickly become exhausted and lose your grip. Do not ignore the health sector; the Pig (Boar) advises paying special attention to the gastrointestinal tract. In love, passions and countless admirers are expected, and this applies not only to free people.


In general, a favorable time awaits Cancers, of course, if you don’t ruin everything for yourself. The key to your success in the year of the Pig will be increased activity and sincere interest; as soon as you direct your energy in one direction or another, everything will work out in your favor. The stars predict useful acquaintances and a new job, but securities are not to be joked about, so read all documents carefully. In addition, this is not the best time for investment. And in your personal life, everything will depend solely on you: get rid of capriciousness and immaturity, then problems will not arise.


Interesting events await Leo. Provides an opportunity to demonstrate creativity and internal reserves. Many Monkeys will discover their literary talent. Show persistence - declare yourself to the world, you are worthy of recognition. You'll have to change your look, update your wardrobe, but the game will be worth the candle. Do not rush to tie the knot, another opportunity will come up for this. Now think about your career.


Virgo-Monkey is one of the brightest representatives of the zodiac circle. She is incredibly active, cheerful, unpredictable and sexy. She is fussy at times, but she gets away with it because she can charm you with her charm and resourcefulness. As always, a lot of different ideas and incredible plans will appear in your head, but there will not be enough time, desire and hard work to implement them.


Next year comes the time to show your craftiness. Without these qualities it will not be possible to achieve the desired result. By showing ingenuity and resourcefulness, Libra will be able to make a number of promising transactions, and then there will be enough money to open their own business. Thus, colleagues will have a reason for envy and gossip. Leave your prejudices aside, people discuss and gossip about everyone, but for some reason each of them would like to be in your place. After finishing important things, allow yourself to relax. Go on a trip with your family, pay attention to your family and friends.


The horoscope predicts a favorable period for Scorpios, but prudence and restraint will not hinder you. Single people will find themselves in the very center of attention from the opposite sex; you will be presented with gifts and invited to various meetings, events and dates. Try not to brag, otherwise you will provoke ill-wishers and envious people. In business and in the professional arena you will have to take risks: show courage, but do not cut from the shoulder, then you will achieve your goal without negative consequences.


The horoscope promises you a joyful and successful year, it seems that the yellow Pig is crazy about you. Your most cherished dreams will begin to come true without any effort on your part. True, in the financial sphere one should exercise prudence and caution. And in your relationships with loved ones and family, be more caring and compliant.


The symbol of the year will give you the opportunity to implement bold plans, establish business contacts with future partners, and conduct a large-scale advertising campaign. Show determination and don’t miss your finest hour. In 2019, you have a chance not only to make a career, but also to arrange your personal life. Astrologers advise choosing a person from your circle with whom you will communicate on the same wavelength and live by common interests. Only in this case does the Pig guarantee a long-term, promising relationship.


The Year of the Pig will give Aquarius a lot of opportunities for career growth and improvement of their financial situation. True, success will come only to honest and hardworking people. The stars recommend avoiding adventurers and not participating in any fraud. Some representatives of the combination are recommended to engage in political activities; it is in this area that you will be able to realize your potential. Bachelors will finally decide to start a family, and married couples will think about replenishment.


In the year of the Pig, Pisces will begin to have great luck, however, not everyone will want to take advantage of the opportunities offered. Fortune will smile on you in love, in creativity, in profession, and in money. The main thing is to set a specific goal, take an active position, and send frivolity and laziness away.

Monkeys will enjoy the favor of the Pig throughout the year. Their optimism and professional qualities will attract the attention of new business partners. The Pig advises not to flaunt your wealth, but to invest in the family business. For lonely Monkeys, the stars promise an unexpected acquaintance with the prospect of creating a strong union, and family representatives can expect the acquisition of real estate and a new addition to the family.

2018, the Year of the Yellow Earth Dog, will be a time of change for Monkeys. Throughout the entire period, there will be reasons for concern along their path. Those born under the sign of this animal will find themselves behind their colleagues and friends. The horoscope advises not to make sharp decisions and not to try to make up for lost time in a short period of time. You will need to draw up an action plan and consistently move towards the goal.

The year will be full of business trips and business meetings. It is recommended to be careful when traveling due to the high risk of being deceived by scammers.

Creative individuals will have the opportunity to self-realize. They will be visited by original ideas that will serve as an impetus for starting their own business. To turn ideas into reality, you will have to put aside laziness and work hard.

Horoscope for 2018 for the Monkey woman

Monkey women will find themselves in a whirlpool of fateful events. Significant turns and meetings will take place in their lives. During the year, it is recommended to take a wait-and-see attitude and not take active actions. Calmness and observation will bear fruit. It is important to remain reasonable and make responsible decisions.

Lovers of criticism and gossip should be careful with their words. A careless statement can offend a person from your close circle, who will put your friends in a negative mood. People around you will appreciate your tact and respectful attitude. This approach will allow you to gather reliable friends and like-minded people around you.

Horoscope for 2018 for the Monkey man

For Monkey men, 2018 will be an unstable and unpredictable period. They will have to moderate their ambition. There is no need to look for adventures and take active actions once again. This year, modesty and perseverance will bring more benefits.

It is worth reconsidering your attitude towards others. You should not brag about your achievements and put yourself above others. Old friends and colleagues will not like this position. Honesty and sincerity will attract new acquaintances who will help in your endeavors.

In the Year of the Dog, these men will have a high probability of suffering losses due to inattention. You should not accept offers of easy money from dubious people and make risky investments. Patience and conscientious work will bring material rewards at the end of the year.

Love horoscope

2018 has prepared unpleasant surprises for Monkeys in the love sphere. Single men and women are advised to be attentive with new acquaintances and carefully accept signs of attention. A dizzying affair may turn out to be a planned ploy of swindlers and result in a major financial loss.

Family individuals will experience a crisis in communicating with their life partner. The reason for this will be workload. The other half will feel a lack of attention. Family picnics, walks and shared hobbies will help improve the situation.

Monkey Woman. The horoscope advises free Monkey women not to open up to the first man they meet. When flirting and accepting advances from fans, you need to maintain a sober mind. You shouldn’t be distracted by fleeting feelings, trust strangers and make far-sighted plans for the future. A short romance can end in heartbreak. A realistic look at the situation will help you avoid a disastrous ending. In the middle of the year, these ladies will meet a person who in the future will become their other half or a reliable friend.

Married women will devote a lot of time to household issues and raising children. They will give up personal ambitions for the benefit of their household.

Monkey Man. Free Monkey men are advised not to be led by fleeting feelings and instincts. You need to take a close look at your chosen one. Over time, the romantic atmosphere will dissipate, and the relationship will turn out to be burdensome. Men who are confident in their choice will want to propose to their other half. Marriages concluded at the end of autumn will be the strongest. To prevent feelings from fading away over time, it is necessary to give your beloved compliments and attention.

Married men will have to find a compromise between work and home. Due to constant workload and business trips, relationships with household members will suffer. In the middle of the year, they will reconsider their life values ​​and begin to devote more time to their family.

Business horoscope

In 2018, Monkeys will face difficulties in the professional sphere. The reason for this will be excessive self-confidence and a disdainful attitude towards colleagues. The work team will not like their arrogance and ambition. This will affect joint projects and slow down career growth. To get a chance for promotion, you will have to work hard and win the favor of your superiors.

Businessmen will not face any serious difficulties. The year will pass without sharp ups and downs. Relations with business partners will develop in favor of the Monkeys.

Money horoscope

In the Year of the Dog, the financial situation of the Monkeys will be unstable. The horoscope advises to approach waste carefully. You should not make purchases unless absolutely necessary and spend large sums on entertainment.

Throughout the year, you will receive tempting offers of profitable loans, investments or alternative types of income. Don't chase easy money. Before making financial transactions, it is better to consult with specialists. A profitable deal can turn into a trick of fraudsters, which will lead to losses and a damaged reputation.

Health horoscope

In 2018, Monkeys will have to devote time to their health. It is recommended to undergo a preventive examination to identify and prevent serious diseases in the future. This period threatens increased traumatism. Persons whose work involves cutting objects, high temperatures and electricity should strictly adhere to safety rules. Professional athletes can get injured, followed by a long recovery period. People who are overweight should think about changing their diet and exercising. Their efforts will yield good results.

The horoscope for 2021 for the Monkey has prepared a lot of a wide variety of events and impressions. They can interest and amaze even the most restless and curious Monkey.

If you are interested in the topic of forecasts, as well as drawing up different plans and the nature of relationships for the future, then you should definitely familiarize yourself with the horoscope for 2021 for the Monkey, which includes separate forecasts for men and women, predictions regarding amorous affairs, as well as career and financial horoscope.

Character of the sign

It has been noticed that all representatives of this beautiful sign are distinguished by an unusually inquisitive mind. They are always interested in the environment and those people who interact with them, so they invariably delve into all nearby conversations and events.

People born under this sign are distinguished by excellent memory from birth. Mother Nature has endowed them with a phenomenal ability to remember events and dates, as well as a desire to explore the world, read and, of course, learn.

They are also persuasive and powerful speakers, which definitely helps in winning any arguments and winning over listeners, winning them over to their side during debates.

Although these representatives of the Eastern horoscope love to mentally elevate their personality above others, as far as behavior in real life is concerned, they are very welcoming, friendly and friendly. Actually, this helps them make new acquaintances so easily and simply and attract the attention of others to their person.

Interesting! Thanks to the innate and well-developed instinct of self-preservation, as well as excellent intuition, these representatives of the Monkey sign easily overcome life's obstacles and difficult situations. Also, such people are helped throughout their entire life by an optimistic attitude, which teaches them to “hold their tail with a gun” in any situation.

Horoscope for Monkey

The horoscope for the Monkey for 2021 says that Monkeys should calm down and control their ardor and temper. At this time, the restless representatives of this wayward sign need to calm down a little and spend as much time as possible in a quiet, family environment.

You should forget about your temperament and ambitions, giving preference and paying due attention to your family and friends.

Carefully! The Monkey should be extremely attentive during upcoming business trips and trips, since it is at this time that they have a high probability of meeting with various types of scammers and deceivers.

There is also a chance of getting seriously burned while building a new love relationship, because here too there is a high probability of choosing a real deceiver who will test your patience and nerves for many years.

In the summer, representatives of this sign have a chance to experience passionate feelings somewhere at a resort. This will be a pure, mutual and passionate relationship, which, unfortunately, will end in August, as is customary with all holiday romances.

Important! For people who have creative potential, the year of the Golden Ox promises great prospects and growth, both personal and professional. Perhaps it is at this time that your hobby or hobby will develop into a real business, which will become an excellent source of income and will help to significantly increase your capital in the future.

Horoscope for 2021 for the Monkey woman

The beautiful and weak half of humanity should put their temper and ardor as far into a dark box as possible. The horoscope for the coming year 2021 for the female Monkey states that you should avoid forcing events, and instead, relax, calm down and float on the quiet waves of the flow of life.

You should not make hasty conclusions and make responsible decisions in advance. It’s better to wait and see what life has in store for you, and then think about what to do next and in which direction it is preferable to follow.

Love relationships will most likely be fleeting and selfish on the part of the partner, so you should maintain a sober mind. A correct and judicious approach to feelings and future relationships will help you meet your soulmate or make a reliable and loyal friend.

The horoscope for 2021 for the Monkey, a male carrier, promises a lot of all kinds of problems and troubles. If these restless and characteristic representatives of the symbol do not stop running into problems themselves and looking for eternal adventures, then this entire coming year will turn against them.

The Golden Ox will definitely not like the usual behavior and character characteristic of the above-mentioned sign, when dishonesty, rudeness, defiant behavior and manners, and disgusting attitude towards other people come to the fore.

The owner of the new period promises to punish and instruct all “upstarts”, arranging intrigues for them at every turn. If the Monkey man calms down and becomes prudent, the ruling Ox will begin to treat this person favorably, helping out in some situations and helping in all his endeavors.

The modest and confident strong half of humanity will also be successful in the financial sphere. In matters that concern money and methods of increasing it, you should maintain a competent and proven approach, as well as prudence and a cool mind, because you can quickly lose all your savings.

Working and diligent men who have worked all year, sparing no effort and health, will receive a pleasant reward, expressed in monetary terms, at the end of the period of the Ox government.

Love horoscope 2021 for Monkey

On the love front and in amorous affairs, you should be extremely judicious, careful and selective, because this is the time that is the most unfavorable and dangerous in terms of building relationships.

Often love plays a cruel joke on these representatives of the Eastern horoscope, which ends in undesirable and unpleasant consequences.

Passionate and ardent individuals who plunge headlong into the pool of feelings should be extremely careful, because all year they are in danger in the form of all kinds of scammers and deceivers, into whose networks Monkeys so easily fall.

Family Monkeys, namely people who are already married and have children, need to spend as much time as possible with their loved ones. After all, the Ox, first of all, values ​​​​family values ​​and attitude towards home, and frequent and long trips, lack of participation in the life and development of children, constant meetings with friends - all this can negatively affect family relationships.

Money horoscope

It is best to avoid risk and thoughtless investments. It is also worth paying attention to purchases, not being led by low prices and goods marked “on sale”, because in this case, the chances of making a low-quality or stupid investment are much greater than purchasing at an average cost, because, as they say: “The miser pays twice "

Attention! This period is extremely undesirable for obtaining loans or borrowing money, because in order to pay them off, you will have to stock up on enormous patience, calmness and a lot of time.

This is a favorable year for creative individuals, as it will open up the opportunity for representatives of the symbol to earn good money from their own and favorite work - creativity and hobbies.

Calm and unambitious individuals will receive nothing from their superiors other than gaining gratitude and good attitude. Driven and confident leaders will be able to achieve a promotion or salary increase.

Those people who have their own small business or life’s work can sleep peacefully, as business should go uphill, finances should increase, and activities should expand their scope.

For risky Monkeys who are confident in themselves and their own strengths, this period can be successful in terms of changing jobs or quitting to start their own business.

Health horoscope for 2021

In order for your health to remain normal and allow you to fully enjoy life, you should not forget that you need to monitor it. It is worth giving preference to a healthy lifestyle, starting to exercise and eating right, relegating entertainment and alcoholic drinks to the background.

For those who have been suffering from extra pounds for a long time, the time has come to put an end to this difficult war with excess weight, since it is during this period that such people will be able to become slim and fit.

Celebrities born in the year of the Monkey

Famous and successful people born in the year of the Monkey include:

  • Edward Kennedy;
  • famous writer Charles Dickens;
  • Tom Hanks;
  • Leonardo da Vinci;
  • Will Smith;
  • Anton Chekhov, as well as many others.

People born under the sign of the Monkey are not deprived of good luck. The horoscope for 2018 for the Monkey says that a wave of happiness with fun and dancing will just cover you completely. Life without any worries is wonderful, but your abilities will beg to be unleashed. You will have to work hard and surprise your colleagues with success, to the envy of your competitors. There is no way to avoid the hustle and bustle of work - that’s just the way it is, the business environment. But don’t be upset, the Earth Dog will reward you for your efforts and get everything you love.

Detailed forecast for the coming year for those born under the sign of the Monkey according to the eastern calendar.

  • The Yellow Dog will not deprive you of finances. There will be no shortage of funds, you just need to manage them wisely. For example, it is reasonable to put a large amount of money into a bank account - you don’t need to worry about it again, and interest will also accrue.
  • The horoscope for 2018, Monkey, says that you have enough finances to make a couple of significant expenses - material or not, it’s up to you to decide. Just don’t forget to visit this year’s patrons, preferably bringing them something in gratitude.
  • Full of charm, Monkeys will be able to negotiate with outright scammers. They will not want to fool you, but, on the contrary, they will offer their help in promotion and enrichment. Just remember to smile and wink and you'll be fine.
  • As the horoscope for Monkey for 2018 says, a woman of this sign will not lack admirers. Just be careful - among them there will be sycophants, pretenders and revelers.
  • Drive all unwanted people out of your life without hesitation; there are still many decent and charming gentlemen around you. But, if anything happens, the Dog will help and bite the ill-wishers.
  • Particularly ardent Monkeys will be able to get into the registry office, just be more serious, leave the fun and tricks for later. Besides, you won’t be bored at all with kids (and they will appear in your life very soon).

Individual predictions for 2018

If you look at the eastern horoscope in detail, you will find that it contains 60 signs, not 12. The fact is that in addition to the correspondence of certain years to animals, the Chinese calendar contains a correspondence of years to the elements. According to Asians, there are 5 of them:

  • Fire;
  • Water;
  • Tree;
  • Earth;
  • Metal.

The year of each animal necessarily corresponds to one of these elements. To get a personalized prediction for next year, find your birth year in the list below. If you didn't know which element you belong to according to the Chinese calendar, now you can find out.

Horoscope for Fire Monkey (born 1956 and 2016)

Everyone loves Fire Monkeys, and the Yellow Earth Dog is no exception. The patroness of the New Year will give you pleasant surprises, just don’t miss out on profitable offers and new opportunities. One of the distinctive features of your sign is the ability to start and properly run your own business. So successful that the most experienced representatives of your field will want to work with you. However, do not rush to refuse them, they may still be useful to you.

In the year of the Dog 2018, the horoscope for the Monkey says that the personal lives of representatives of this sign will be eventful. Admirers will appear everywhere and will actively show their attention. Cupid, looking at all this, rejoices and hopes to receive additional gratitude for a job well done.

True, the other halves of the Monkeys will not approve of such increased attention. They have learned firsthand what jealousy is, and may even insist on moving in order to hide from annoying fans. Moving is not such a bad thing, it diversifies family life and changes the landscape outside the window. If the prospect of moving is scary, then you can get by with a longer vacation or a second honeymoon.

Where does the money come from for all these vacations and travel? The Yellow Earth Dog slyly winks at you and with its wet nose encourages you to buy a lottery ticket.

Suddenly, this particular ticket will become your cherished pass to Ali Baba’s cave. And there, as we all know, untold riches await, just have time to line your pockets. Fire Monkeys absolutely love a beautiful life, so don’t deny yourself. Just don’t get arrogant and turn your nose up too high - money doesn’t like it when people talk about it on every corner.

Horoscope for the Water Monkey (born 1932 and 1992)

The Yellow Dog is sure that Water Monkeys have an amazing character, so she will be happy to help you in a variety of ways: with successful acquaintances and connections that open new roads.

The horoscope for Monkey for 2018, a man of this sign, warns that you will be required to be diplomatic and more flexible. Study the weaknesses and habits of your partners, and you will easily find the right approach to them. If the Water Monkeys stop being lazy and reveal their talents, then the year will be simply wonderful, and the Earth Dog will take care of it.

As you know, dreaming is not harmful, and for Water Monkeys, all dreams and plans, even the most daring and incredible, can easily come true:

  • Why not try your hand at casting for a new TV show? New experiences and opportunities will be guaranteed to you there. For example, the opportunity to win a million.
  • Intriguing, right? The most important thing in any such event is self-confidence. But with this, everything is perfect for the Water Monkeys; others can only envy them for this.
  • The Yellow Dog has dug up a lot of treasures for you this year, and don’t worry, there will be enough for every day. Just don't be greedy - luck doesn't like stingy people.

Fans of Aquatic Monkeys have a hard time - they try in every way to win your attention. But stop being so categorical and give them a chance. In fact, they are crazy about you and are looking for a way to prove it to you.

Those Monkeys who have already eaten a ton of salt in their family life will be able to relax a little, life will soon improve, and the sweet life will begin. There will be enough sweets for everyone, and even for children who love to appear in families in the year of the Yellow Earth Dog.

Horoscope for the Wood Monkey (born 1944 and 2004)

The new year has many surprises and pleasant surprises in store for you. And they are all rightfully deserved. Your restraint and composure are the subject of discussion and admiration among others, but this year you can relax and relax to the fullest.

If the most successful people in the world relax and have fun, then you are definitely no worse than them. With your abilities, you can easily surpass everyone around you, you just have to decide on the direction that you like. Write, stories or paintings - it doesn’t matter, the main thing is to try new things.

As the horoscope for 2018 predicts, the Monkey may not be timid in his personal life. For admirers to fall at your feet, you just have to dress up. Fortunately, the stores have already delivered everything you need and can’t wait for you to choose them. And in a new outfit you can flirt with your significant other - add a touch of romance and passion to your routine family life. By the way, relationships with loved ones in the New Year of the Yellow Dog will become simply wonderful. You will not be bothered by trifles, and your family will solve many problems on their own.

Scammers love to take advantage of your good nature and gullibility, but this year the Yellow Dog will come to your defense and scare away all ill-wishers with a menacing roar. She will also support you in financial matters and push you to the right door, behind which all the wealth is hidden.

Horoscope for Earth Monkey (born 1968)

The Yellow Earth Dog will lick you for good luck and scare away all troubles with a loud bark. So for Earth Monkeys, 2018 will be fun and carefree. The dog will constantly bring you new opportunities in its teeth.

Just don’t forget about responsibility - to achieve success, you will have to work hard. If you want to reach new heights, you will have to learn to be a team player; fortunately, with your professionalism, enlisting the support of your colleagues will be easier than ever. Even your rivals will look at you with respect and stop plotting and putting up barriers.

With new career successes will come financial successes. Just don’t rush headlong into the pool, soberly assess the situation and don’t let others lead you astray. To start living in a new way, it is enough to start thinking differently. Before you know it, money will flow to you like a river, and fortune will settle on your shoulder for a long time. Trust the Earth Dog's sense of smell, and she will lead you out of the dark forest of failures along the paths known to her.

Everyone knows the power of Earth Monkey intuition. She won't let you down this year either. Listen to her tips, not only in your business life, but also in your personal life. Among your fans there may be those who hide bad intentions behind their attractive appearance.

Don't stay at home, attend a party or any other social event. Take your significant other with you, he or she will be very happy about it. Are you ready to decide on something more serious? Leave the children with their grandmother, and buy a tour for a week or two to where it is warm, sea and snow-white sand.

Horoscope for the Metal Monkey (born 1920 and 1980)

Known for your creative nature, the Year of the Earth Dog will bring many opportunities to show off your talents and show your best side. Just don’t grab onto everything - soberly assess your strengths and discard inappropriate options. You deserve only the best.

The Dog will not deprive you of the necessary acquaintances. Take a closer look at your surroundings; there are many who are ready to lend their strong shoulders and help you achieve new heights. Not all acquaintances will be purely business. Among them there is a place for romantic meetings.

Open your heart a little, and your fans will not miss a single opportunity to give you joy and happiness. Romantic success is coming for both single and married Metal Monkeys. Remember your relatives more often and delight them with unexpected visits and pleasant surprises.

In the new year, the Yellow Dog will illuminate you with its light and turn them into the most Golden Monkeys. Wealth and fame are already waiting for you, but be careful and do not take risks without a good reason. Otherwise, there is a chance of falling into the snare of cheaters and deceivers.