Festival of Cossack culture in Kolomenskoye. Moscow State University of Technology and Management

This year, the eighth festival took place on September 15. Guests of the holiday were representatives of 44 regions. City, regional and farm Cossack societies from the central and southern parts Russia, as well as from Siberia, presented all the diversity of the way of life of the modern Cossacks. The festival is organized by the Department of National Policy and Interregional Relations of the city of Moscow together with the Presidential Council Russian Federation for Cossack Affairs and the military Cossack society "Central Cossack army».

On the banks of the Moscow River, spectators and participants of the festival “Cossack Village of Moscow” find themselves in the cycle of traditions, customs, and everyday life, and feel the atmosphere of Cossack life. By uniting various forms of Cossack culture, the celebration reflects the history of Russia, thereby awakening feelings of patriotism and pride for their country in all those present.

“We are very grateful to the atamans of the registered Cossack troops for helping to organize such a wonderful holiday every time. This year there are 11 thematic venues at the festival. This is more than in previous years"“, said Vitaly Suchkov, head of the capital’s department of national policy and interregional relations.

Cossack culture is closely connected with Orthodoxy, which is the spiritual basis of the Cossacks. That is why it is important that during the festival a camp temple was presented at one of the sites. The executive secretary of the Synodal Committee for Interaction with the Cossacks, Priest Timofey Chaikin, together with the military priest of the Central Cossack Army, the rector of the Church of St. equal to book Vladimir at MPKU named after. Sholokhov priest Mark Kravchenko performed a prayer service for the beginning of every undertaking and consecrated the iconostasis for the camp church. Father Mark also took part in the Council of Atamans of the East Kazakhstan Central Military District, which took place before the start of the festival.

The Cossacks are unthinkable without songs. Professional creative groups, folk and honored artists of Russia performed at the festival. The First Cossack University named after Kirill Razumovsky presented its choir, whose performance was one of the most highlights holiday. The guests of the festival also enjoyed the horse show performances, which were attended by: the team of the Metelitsa equestrian club from Penza, the Zemlyachestvo equestrian team Don Cossacks in Moscow, the military-historical riding group “Dovatortsy”, the team of the Voronezh Horse Riding Center and the Military-Patriotic Equestrian Club “Ermak”. A total of more than 40 riders showed their skills.

A championship in kazarle, the art of wielding a saber, was taking place on a nearby site. Participants demonstrated cutting techniques in motion and in place. The targets were wicker rods and water bottles.

Guests of the holiday also had access to: an exhibition of traditional Cossack kurens and craft buildings demonstrating the daily life of the Cossacks; master classes on traditional Cossack crafts; "stanitsa fair"; “an interactive playground”, where everyone could get acquainted with the techniques of handling weapons, elements of equipment, and traditional Cossack games. Not without cooking and tasting dishes national cuisine Cossacks Each festival participant was able to get to know the Cossacks better and discover something new in their rich culture.

On September 15, 2018, the VIII International festival"Cossack village Moscow". This year, this big holiday will once again open its doors to all Muscovites and guests of the capital to introduce them to the unique culture and traditions that the spirit of the Cossacks preserves.

Amateur and professional creative groups, including honored and folk artists Russia. Festival guests will be able to immerse themselves in the atmosphere Cossack holiday. Also on stage will be the combined choir of the First Cossack University and the winner of Cossack culture competitions vocal ensemble"Cossack village".

It will take place on a small stage creative competition in 4 categories:

The best authentic and ethnographic Cossack group;

Best folklore Cossack group;

Best folk stage group;

The best Cossack dance.

Collectives from more than thirty regions of Russia will take part in the competition. Spectators can expect all kinds of performances illustrating folk signs, proverbs, fairy tales and others folk traditions. In addition, everyone will be able to test their knowledge of Cossack history by participating in intellectual games.

Also on the small stage, numbers of student Cossack amateur performances of the First Cossack University will be performed.

Guests of the festival will be able to get acquainted with the history of the Cossacks, including the history of modern Russian military Cossack societies, at a specially prepared exhibition, including the screening of documentary and feature films, as well as a description of the exploits of the participating Cossacks Patriotic War 1812 and the Great Patriotic War.

At the festival site, in the center of the built Cossack village, according to tradition, a camp temple will be installed, personifying the religious consciousness of the Cossacks.

Also on the festival grounds will be an exhibition of the First Cossack University “House of the Ataman” (Cossack kuren). The exposition will include a demonstration of Cossack cuisine, Cossack costume, Cossack crafts, fun and rituals, and a presentation of the system of continuous Cossack education.

As part of the festival, there will be a parade of teams participating in the “Cossack Equestrian Art Festival”. The Penza group of the Metelitsa equestrian club will show the guests the ceremony of seeing off a Cossack for service. There will also be exciting sports competitions in the following categories:

Demonstration performances;

Overcoming obstacles;

Free horse riding;

Weapon ownership.

Master classes on traditional folk crafts will be held for guests: saddlery, coin minting, wicker weaving, pottery, making resin jewelry, carving and wood burning, knitting, etc.

The festival is held with the support of the Moscow Government for the eighth time and is one of the largest events telling about the traditions and culture of the Cossacks.

The head of the Department of National Policy and Interregional Relations of the City of Moscow will be the guests of honor of the festival Vitaly Ivanovich Suchkov, Deputy Ataman of the Military Cossack Society "Central Cossack Army" for cultural and educational activities Dmitry Leonidovich Ivanov, Rector of the First Cossack University Valentina Nikolaevna Ivanova, Executive Secretary of the Synodal Committee for Interaction with the Cossacks Father Timofey Chaykin, President of the All-Russian public organization development of traditional military art “Federation of saber cutting “Kazarla” Nikolai Evgenievich Eremichev.

Opening hours of the festival sites: from 11:00 to 20:00.

Grand opening ceremony: 14:00

On August 26, 2017, the VII International Festival dedicated to the unique culture and traditions of the Cossack people, “Cossack Village Moscow,” will be held at the Kolomenskoye Museum-Reserve in the area of ​​Yarmarochnaya Square (Kolomenskaya metro station).

Organized with the support of the Department of National Policy and Interregional Relations of the city of Moscow, the Festival is held with the aim of presenting to residents and guests of the capital the diversity of the cultural and folklore heritage of the Cossacks. Representatives from more than 30 regions of Russia will take part in the Festival.

The Cossacks are an integral part Russian history, the legacy of a Great Power. The Festival is aimed at strengthening interethnic relationships in a multinational metropolis, developing cultural traditions and family values.

10 festival sites will fully reveal all facets of the life and culture of the Cossacks. The Cossack Village Moscow festival will present activities that immerse event guests in the atmosphere of a Cossack village. All those who come to Kolomenskoye on August 26 will be treated to demonstration performances by Cossacks demonstrating mastery of weapons, sports competitions and traditional cuisine, a competition of kurens and a village fair.

The Festival program includes lessons and master classes demonstrating traditional Cossack crafts. Traditional games and fun await little visitors. Adult visitors will be able to try their hand at competitions in tug-of-war, saber cutting, archery, etc. Thus, Festival visitors will be able to get to know the culture and tradition of the Cossack class closely and comprehensively.

From 11.00 Kolomenskoye will become a kind of Cossack village, where guests will be able to get acquainted with various aspects of life, traditions and customs of the Cossacks.

Cossack songs and melodies will be played on the main stage all day long, performed by:

People's Artist Russia Alexandra Permyakova and the State Academic Russian folk choir them. M. E. Pyatnitsky;

– State Dance Ensemble “Cossacks of Russia”

– Moscow Cossack choir

- laureate of the All-Russian and international competitions Anna Sizova and the winner of the show “The VOICE. CHILDREN" by Danila Pluzhnikov.

Performances will take place on the additional stage creative teams from all over Russia, participants folklore competition.“The best Cossack creative team” in two categories “adult” and “children”. 69 children's and adult ensembles and groups from 28 constituent entities of the Russian Federation were selected to participate in the competition. The names of the winners will be announced on the main stage on the same day.

New to the festival this year will be an unprecedented song flash mob, which will unite the Cossacks from different regions and troops in general Cossack choir. With the participation of the Moscow Cossack Choir, the soloists will perform a kind of unifying anthem - the song “Snowballs”, dedicated to the difficult lot of the Cossacks, for whom duty and discipline have always come first.

The most important event of the Festival will be the illumination of the Cossack camp church by Metropolitan Kirill of Stavropol and Nevinnomyssk, Chairman of the Synodal Committee for Interaction with the Cossacks, and its transfer to the Moscow District Cossack Society.

The Cossack Village Moscow festival promises to become a landmark event at the end of the Moscow summer. All thematic platforms and programs are aimed at increasing attention to original traditions Cossacks, to a deep understanding of culture, moral values and patriotism.

Museum-Reserve "Kolomenskoye"

The international festival “Cossack Village Moscow” is an event that represents the original culture and history of the Russian Cossacks in the most large-scale and diverse manner. This year the organizers have planned an interesting and extensive program. The Festival will feature various activity sites that will immerse guests in the atmosphere of a Cossack village. Everyone who comes on this day will be treated to performances by Cossack musical groups, demonstrations by Cossacks and their mastery of weapons, sports competitions and traditional cuisine.

The Festival will include master classes demonstrating traditional Cossack crafts, as well as a multimedia exhibition on the history of the Cossacks. Guests of the Festival will be able to visit an exhibition of traditional Cossack kurens and craft buildings, a village fair that will bring together manufacturers of souvenirs and arts and crafts in the Cossack style from different regions Russia. For younger guests there will be a children's playground with animation program and traditional Cossack games.

Visitors to the Festival will be able to closely and comprehensively get acquainted with the culture and tradition of the Cossack class. It will be a real holiday Cossacks for all residents and guests of the capital.

This year the festival will feature 11 thematic venues.

Venue No. 1/ Main stage

At this site, all guests of the Festival will enjoy performances by professional creative groups, people's and honored artists of Russia, the official opening and closing ceremonies of the Festival, as well as the awarding of the winners of various competitions that will be held as part of the Festival.

Venue No. 2/ “Cossack history: traditions and customs”

There will be a competition of creative teams from different regions of Russia, mind games on historical topics, short lectures about the culture and history of the Cossacks, theatrical sketches illustrating folk signs and customs of the Cossacks.

Venue No. 3/ “Multimedia exhibition on the history of the Cossacks”

Everyone will be able to plunge into the history of the Cossacks, the history of modern Russian and foreign military Cossack societies. At this site, a screening of historical documentaries about the culture, traditions and life of the Cossacks of various regions will be organized.

Venue No. 4/ “Solemn prayer service”

A camp temple will be installed on the site, which will operate continuously during the event. The solemn prayer service will be performed by Metropolitan Kirill of Stavropol and Nevinnomyssk, Chairman of the Synodal Committee of the Russian Orthodox Church for interaction with the Cossacks.

Playground No. 5/ “Children’s Playground”

Little guests of the Festival are waiting for entertainment program with animators who will transform into Cossack heroes folk tales. For guests of the playground, a screening of domestic cartoons based on folk tales will be organized throughout the day, and everyone will be able to take part in interesting Cossack games.

Venue No. 6/ “Equestrian program”

The site will host a demonstration of the traditional Cossack equestrian martial art - horse riding. Guests will be able to see exciting performances and competitions of equestrian groups.

Ground No. 7/ “Sports ground”

The site is intended for holding sports competitions, including Cossack competitions:
1. "Archery."

  1. "Chopping with a saber."
  2. "Tug of War."
  3. “Electronic shooting gallery”, etc.

All competition winners will be awarded memorable souvenirs with the symbols of the Festival.

Venue No. 8/ “Cossack Compound”

Guests of the Festival will be able to visit an exhibition of traditional Cossack kurens and craft buildings demonstrating the everyday life of the Cossacks. There will also be a kuren competition, where a special jury will inspect the exhibition for expert assessment and subsequent awarding of the winners at the end of the Festival at Main stage.

All the secrets of preparing dishes of national Cossack cuisine will be revealed to the audience of the Festival, followed by tasting. Craftsmen will work on the site folk arts and arts and crafts. Everyone will be able to join the creative process.

Playground No. 9/ “Interactive playground”

All guests of the playground will be introduced to the techniques of handling weapons, traditional elements of Cossack equipment, and traditional Cossack games.

Venue No. 10/ “Stanichnaya Fair”

The fair will bring together manufacturers of souvenirs and arts and crafts in the Cossack style from different regions of Russia.

Venue No. 11/ “Master classes”

The site will have five zones where master classes on traditional Cossack crafts will be held. Spectators will be able to make their own memorable souvenirs.

Free admission.

On September 15, 2018, the Kolomenskoye Museum-Reserve hosted
VIII International Festival “Cossack Village Moscow”.

The event was organized by the Department of National Policy and Interregional Relations of the city of Moscow, the Council under the President of the Russian Federation for Cossack Affairs, the Military Cossack Society “Central Cossack Army” and the Synodal Committee for Interaction with the Cossacks.

On this day, representatives of the Russian Cossacks from 44 regions of Russia, as well as from the Republic of Belarus, arrived at Kolomenskoye Park, which is a record figure in the entire history of the event. Thus, for the first time, Cossack communities from Kaliningrad, North Ossetia, Primorsky and Kamchatka Territories came to the holiday.

In an atmosphere of joy, daring, and spiritual harmony, the Cossacks communicated with each other and demonstrated to the guests Cossack rituals, types of weapons of the registered Cossack troops, as well as sports skills in freestyle horseback riding, knife throwing, and archery. Of particular interest to the audience was the Cossack Equestrian Art Festival, organized for the first time, in which more than 40 riders from equestrian clubs of Penza, Voronezh, Moscow and the Moscow region took part. The equestrian tournament, which included mandatory authentic complex tricks and techniques, became one of the main events of the Cossack holiday.

In total, 11 thematic platforms were used at the event. Thus, guests of the holiday were able to get acquainted with a multimedia exhibition about the history of the Cossacks, modern Cossack societies in Russia and abroad. The village fair was full of souvenirs self made, products of decorative and applied art in the Cossack style, culinary achievements. Guests and participants of the Festival were offered holiday cards, handicrafts in the form of, for example, house shoes made from dried and sheep's wool or children's dolls. National cuisine dishes were a great success.

The “Cossack Compound” site was remembered by the guests for the exhibition of traditional Cossack kurens and craft buildings, which clearly demonstrated the daily life of the Cossacks. According to the results of the competition between kurens, the kuren of the Kursk District Cossack Society was recognized as the best.

Professional craftsmen and animators worked at the “Children’s Playground”, entertaining children with ancient Cossack games “Unravel the Circle” and “Running in Reverse,” and also taught them how to make dolls and paint gingerbread cookies. There were also master classes for adults: in the “Craft Town” anyone could learn wood carving, beadwork, cross stitch, knitting and other crafts under the guidance of experienced craftsmen.

And, of course, visitors to the event were pleased with the bright concert program on the Main Stage, which started at 11:00 and ended after 20:00 with a bright laser show. During the day, 77 creative groups performed at the Festival venues, including the State Academic Russian folk choir them. M.E. Pyatnitsky, Moscow Cossack Choir and State Ensemble dance "Cossacks of Russia".

A creative competition was held on the small stage, in which artists from different cities and regions of Russia took part. Based on the results competitive program The Exemplary Ensemble became the winner of the 1st degree in the nomination “Best folk stage Cossack group” folk dance"Spring" ( Krasnodar region). The Exemplary Ensemble became the 1st degree laureate in the nomination “Best Folklore Cossack Group” folk song“Kvitok” (Krasnodar region, Kanevskaya village). The 1st degree laureate in the nomination “Best Authentic and Ethnographic Cossack Collective” was the team of the State Budgetary Educational Institution JSC “Astrakhan Regional Scientific and Methodological Center” folk culture"Ensemble traditional song Astrakhan Cossacks."

In addition, a memorable feature of the Festival this year was the performance of the combined choir of MSUTU. K.G. Razumovsky (First Cossack University), which was held for the first time as part of the event.

As part of the Festival, a camp temple was also consecrated, which was then donated to one of the departments of the registered Cossack army, which is one of the main traditions of the holiday. In 2018, the camp church in the form of a large tent with an installed iconostasis will be transferred to the Bryansk department of the Central Cossack Army. The rite of consecration of the temple, which was performed by the executive secretary of the Synodal Committee, Priest Timofey Chaikin and the military priest, Priest Mark Kravchenko, was preceded by a prayer service.

At 14:00 took place grand opening Festival. The official ceremony was attended by the head of the Department of National Policy and Interregional Relations of the city of Moscow Vitaly Suchkov, assistant to the Plenipotentiary Representative of the President in the Northwestern Federal District Andrei Tsarkov, executive secretary of the Synodal Committee for Interaction with the Cossacks Priest Timofey Chaikin and deputy ataman of the East Kazakhstan region "Central Cossack Army" for cultural and educational activities Dmitry Ivanov.

Vitaly Suchkov warmly congratulated the Cossacks of Russia, participants and guests of the event and noted one of the main features of this year’s festival: “The difference between today’s festival is that representatives of 44 regions of our country came to us. “I would like to thank the leaders of these regions, military chieftains, and all those who took part in organizing this festival.” He also read out a greeting from the Deputy Mayor of Moscow in the Moscow Government, Alexander Gorbenko. “Cossack Village Moscow is not only a memorable cultural event with a completely unique atmosphere, but also a platform for communication between like-minded people, people who care about the fate of the Cossacks,” the greeting says.

Andrei Tsarkov announced a congratulatory text on the occasion of the Festival, sent from the Plenipotentiary Representative of the President of the Russian Federation in the Northwestern Federal District, Chairman of the Council under the President of Russia for Cossack Affairs, Alexander Beglov. During the event, a greeting from the Minister of Culture of the Russian Federation, Vladimir Medinsky, was also announced.

Addressing the Festival participants, priest Timofey Chaikin noted: “My heart rejoices that the Cossacks are becoming stronger and stronger in the spirit of brotherly love. This means that the life of the Cossacks themselves becomes stronger, more moral, more elevated, and the entire people and our country become blessed and happy.”

Metropolitan Kirill of Stavropol and Nevinnomyssk, Chairman of the Synodal Committee for Interaction with the Cossacks, addressed the participants in a video message. His Eminence, in particular, emphasized: “We respect the achievements of the Russian Cossacks in the past, we are confident in the good future of the glorious Cossacks. I ask you to never forget about the Church and prayer. Only by protecting spiritual and moral traditions - faith, service, strong family, the Cossacks can become what they were several decades ago.”

The Cossack Village Moscow festival has become a highlight in cultural life capital, introduced the guests of the holiday to the unique and original spirit of the Cossacks, its carefully preserved traditions and soulful songs.

In total, this year's event was attended by about 85,000 people.