Evgeny Bazarov, hero or anti-hero? Plan. Bazarov and his imaginary like-minded people Positive qualities of Evgeny

Fashion and beliefs are not very simple concepts. Fashion is not just the dominance of certain rules and tastes in a certain environment at one time or another. The main thing is that these rules and tastes manifest themselves in external forms that do not affect the deep processes of life. That's why fashion passes rather quickly. Fashion is not always harmless; it often goes against moral principles society. This has happened more than once in the history of our country.

In the tenths and twenties years XIX centuries - when Decembrist ideas and beliefs took shape, they became

Secret societies emerged, and among the noble youth there was a fashion for “secret unions”, the members of which did not have any Political beliefs. And therefore Griboyedov’s Chatsky, a man of strong convictions that led him, as Gerden believed, “on the straight road to hard labor,” we sharply throw at Repetilov: “Are you making noise, that’s all?” Yes, people went through difficult trials and even death for their beliefs. Convictions led to selfless actions of such heroes as Insarov, Rakhmetov, Bazarov.

Against the background of the noble environment depicted in the novel “Fathers and Sons,” the figure of Bazarov takes on special relief. Turgenevsky

The hero is convinced of the need to radically break the existing system. “At the present time, denial is most useful,” he says, and he follows this conviction to the end. The all-destructive force of negation of Turgenev’s hero, imbued with maximalist pathos, directed beyond all and any limits, cannot be imagined separately from his inner freedom, from his inability to somehow limit, console or deceive himself. Having fallen in love with Odintsova, but realizing that there is an abyss between them, Bazarov leaves her, although he will retain the feeling of love until his death. He will show loyalty to his convictions as an atheist scientist even before his death.

In love, in friendship, in life, Bazarov is tragically alone. And this loneliness is emphasized by the images of his “disciples,” for whom Bazarov’s hard-won beliefs become simply fashion. As natural as Bazarov is with his merciless harshness and directness, so unnatural are Sitnikov and Kukshina. Sitnikov really wants to be known as a person close to Bazarov, he flaunts the sharpness of his views, but he is a man without convictions, ready, succumbing to fashion, to become a nihilist. Turgenev portrays Kukshina sharply as a caricature, using her example to show the ugly forms of female emancipation. This is an insignificant woman who is confused in her head and has no convictions of her own.

Sitnikov and Kukshina seem to emphasize Bazarov’s originality, greatness, loyalty to his convictions, and his tragic loneliness more strongly.

Bazarov did not leave followers, did not complete the enormous task he had set for himself. But this does not mean that Russia did not need him. Heroes do not die without a trace: their lives, their aspirations and failures, and their death itself have historical significance.

Yes, people who have their own convictions, faithful to them to the end, are the “engines of history,” and perhaps our tragic troubles recent years occur because for some, unfortunately for many, it is fashionable for others to have become hard-won beliefs.

I. S. Turgenev’s novel “Fathers and Sons” was published in 1862. And since then he continues to delight readers with his artistic merit, A political problems, raised by the writer on his pages, all continue to arouse undoubted interest. The reason for the latter is that Turgenev, as a great artist, managed to capture in “Fathers and Sons” several striking episodes of the ideological struggle between the main by social forces in Russia at the end of the 50s of the 19th century. At that time, the most pressing issue was the abolition of serfdom. And the spokesman for this struggle in the novel is precisely Yevgeny Bazarov, a democrat commoner. So what makes it different from others? What about him attracts our attention and what repels us?

First, let's look at the positive qualities of the “young nihilist”... Firstly, as soon as Yevgeny Bazarov appears in the novel, my attention is immediately attracted by his simplicity and sincerity. Let's look at his clothes - they are simple, “a long robe, with tassels,” and there is no pomp and over elegance in it. And isn’t “sand-colored hanging sideburns” a sign of simplicity?! And what about Bazarov’s speech? She is pure and "straightforward". Bazarov is not used to flattery; he always says what he thinks. And this honesty makes you sincerely respect him. Turgenev Bazarov nihilist

In addition, Evgeniy is very hardworking, he is not used to sitting with his hands folded. “Bazarov usually gets up early and goes somewhere”: on the very first day he “in a few minutes ran around all the paths of the garden, went to the barnyard, to the stable, found two yard boys, with whom he immediately made acquaintance, and went with them to a small swamp, ... for frogs.” Bazarov spends his entire stay at the Kirsanov estate in constant work. He does not understand other life; he is characterized by movement.

Therefore, Bazarov does not understand and cannot understand the lazy life of aristocrats. Their base addiction to luxury is alien to him; their cynical attitude towards life Bazarov cannot understand how these “aristocrats” can take care of their own appearance, sit with folded hands, and at the same time consider themselves socially useful. And in this, I believe, Bazarov is right, because in the society of that period, indeed, there were many “aristocrats” who did not bring any benefit, but only, like yellow leaves, held tightly to the branches of the tree. The tree no longer needs these dry, lifeless leaves, but they still continue to slowly and greedily take away its strength. But you shouldn’t compare aristocrats with “aristocrats”: these are two completely different categories of people. Not all aristocrats are insignificant and pathetic, like those whom Bazarov calls “aristocrats,” because our great poets were also aristocrats. But the young nihilist does not understand this, and this was the destructiveness of his judgments.

Bazarov always strives to prove everything in his own way. He is an ardent fan of science, especially medicine. Evgeniy conducts experiments on frogs to see “what is going on inside them, because we are the same frogs, we just walk on our feet.” This indicates his curiosity, that he is drawn to everything unknown. And this makes you bow to this person.

Bazarov is also distinguished by his great diligence and ability to bring everything to the end. His life moral is the proverb: “If you take up the tug, don’t say it’s not strong.”

Among these positive qualities, it is necessary to highlight loyalty to one’s ideas and principles. After all, when Bazarov meets Odintsova and falls in love with her, he still remains true to his nihilism, his complete denial of everything. Bazarov courageously withstands the “test of love,” although Arkady gives in to her. Eugene prefers public welfare to personal happiness and therefore truly deserves attention.

But the author does not idealize his hero, so Bazarov also has negative qualities. One of them and the most significant is the egoism and pride of the young nihilist. After all, how does Evgeniy feel about helping ordinary men? Bazarov says: “I have to bend over backwards, but he won’t even say thank you to me... and why should I thank him? Well, he will live in a white hut, and a burdock will grow out of me; Well, what next?” Yes, our hero lacks spiritual warmth, he is used to being a “lord” in whose hands are the Sitnikov puppets and other “boobies”, because as Evgeniy says, “it’s really not for the gods to burn pots.” Perhaps Bazarov is a “god” in his own eyes, but is it really allowed for such a “god” to insult the dignity of others, especially friends. Such shocking words: “You gentle soul, you weakling, how can I hate you?” - they hurt more than bullets, because “the word heals, the word also cripples.” But Arkady is a romantic, indeed, a “tender soul” - what is it like for him to hear all this from best friend and a teacher for whom even “honesty is a feeling”?! In addition, Bazarov takes nihilism too seriously: he denies what cannot be denied in any way, that is, art, poetry, culture. He completely denies romanticism: for him there is no mysterious view, it is all “nonsense, rottenness, art,” and Pushkin’s poems are simply “nonsense.” But is that possible?? After all, people’s morality is formed under the influence, to a greater extent, of literature, poetry, and romance. What will happen if everyone begins to deny art and literature?! Humanity will degrade and turn into primitive monkeys.

And Bazarov’s attitude towards nature is not the best: for him, “nature is not a temple, but a workshop and a person in it is a worker.” Bazarov is not capable of loving nature; In my opinion, he is not capable of love at all. Obsessed with science and his ideas, Eugene does not realize that love is a holy feeling, a state of mind, and not some kind of physiological process.

At the end of the novel, Eugene dies with dignity. He says goodbye to life like a giant: “he dies decently, without wagging his tail.” Bazarov doubts whether Russia needs him, and comes to the conclusion that he doesn’t! I don’t know if he’s right, but Bazarov couldn’t stay alive. He couldn't understand human soul, for him she did not exist at all. His ideas are high scientific direction, but they cannot be used to improve the social system, to provide Russia with the help that it so needed. Bazarov was not a patriot of his Fatherland, moreover, he denied all the Russian achievements of past years, he despised the Russian people, because “our peasant is happy to rob himself, just to get drunk on dope in a tavern.” And therefore, I believe, he could not become a practically useful person who would fiercely fight for the freedom of the serfs and “break through” the injustice and prejudices of the social system. He “cleared the place”, but, alas, it was not possible to build yet...

Bazarov is a very controversial character, so there is not and cannot be the same attitude towards him. On the one hand, this is a man not just of ideas, but also of actions. He is prudent and honest, but on the other hand, he is too proud and devoted to his ideas. I even have a “cheater” - Katerina evokes more sympathy than Bazarov, because Katerina’s death was not fruitless: she, like a “ray”, momentarily dispelled the darkness of the kingdom of the Wild and Boars, and Bazarov died without having done anything for society except spreading out the frog, cynical speeches and insults.

“To be authentic is to be true to yourself,” wrote Osho. One cannot but agree with this statement. A person who remains true to his principles and convictions, ideals and beliefs is authentic. He is honest towards himself and other people, does not pretend, is not a hypocrite, and even more so never bends to the opinion of the surrounding society. Such a person retains his uniqueness, originality and individuality in any situation.

Let us remember the hero of I. S. Turgenev’s novel “Fathers and Sons”. In the image of Evgeny Bazarov we see a strong and strong-willed person. Bazarov is a nihilist who denies any authority, feelings and emotions and is critical of everything. This negation was of a revolutionary nature, consisting in the fight against the nobility and the ruling class. Bazarov managed to remain faithful to his nihilistic views in the society of the liberal Kirsanovs.

Most of all, he is opposed by the aristocrat Pavel Petrovich, who enters into an ideological dispute with Eugene and expresses disdain for nihilism and experiments in the natural sciences. Despite this, Bazarov defends his point of view to the end, speaks directly and frankly, remaining true and authentic.

However, over the course of a person's life, a person's beliefs and views can change. As a person grows up and develops as an individual, ideas about the world and life values ​​undergo changes. But this does not mean betrayal of oneself, if it does not lead to the moral destruction of a person. Reassessment of values ​​is sometimes simply necessary for a person to realize his true purpose.

We find confirmation of this in L.N. Tolstoy’s novel “War and Peace.” Andrei Bolkonsky is in search of his destiny. His principles and beliefs are not the same different stages life path. For example, at the beginning of the novel he dreams of glory and sees Napoleon as his idol, but after Battle of Austerlitz he becomes disillusioned with his ideals and changes his point of view regarding life values. Similar changes occur in Pierre Bezukhov, who is first disappointed in social life, and then in Freemasonry, realizing their emptiness and worthlessness. However, this is not the spiritual degradation of the heroes; on the contrary, they evolve, become stronger in spirit, strive for true values and moral guidelines.

Thus, loyalty to oneself and one’s ideals means the authenticity of a person and characterizes him as strong personality and bright personality. However, if he changes his views and beliefs in better side, then this makes him even stronger, strengthens his faith in himself and his own capabilities.

Below is an example of a final essay for grade 11 on the topic “Loyalty and betrayal of one’s convictions” with arguments from literature.

"Loyalty and betrayal of one's beliefs"


Loyalty and betrayal are abstract concepts applicable to various areas of human life. Everyone decides for himself whether to be loyal to his state, friends, loved ones, himself.


In my opinion, the most extreme degree of betrayal is betrayal of oneself, betrayal of one’s principles and beliefs. If a person commits such betrayal, you can expect anything from him: strong people may break down, get sick from a sense of guilt, and weak people may not even understand what they have done.

Thesis No. 1

People are divided into two categories. You can rely on some in any situation; under pain of death, they will not betray themselves, their loved ones, or their country. Others, at the slightest danger, are ready to frame anyone, slander, slander, just to get away with it.


So in the story by A.S. Pushkin " Captain's daughter“The heroes face radically opposite views on life. Petya Grinev - strong-willed, true to himself and his word, a fearless person. In any situation, he is ready to sacrifice himself for the sake of saving those around him, and is not afraid to talk on equal terms with the leader of the robbers, Pugachev. Under pain of death, he does not betray his convictions and remains true to his word and his Motherland.

Shvabrin, close to Grinev in age and upbringing, does not disdain cunning, blackmail and betrayal in order to achieve Masha’s love and save his miserable life. As a result, Petya Grinev appears before the readers as a real hero, rewarded for his fortitude with the love of a wonderful girl, Masha Mironova, who later saved him from execution. Shvabrin, despite his machinations, finds only death.


Only a person who is true to himself and his word is able to achieve a lot and be happy in life. Fate will sooner or later punish those who were weak and betrayed the laws of morality.

Thesis No. 2

It is especially touching and valuable when people, despite their feelings and desires, follow the beliefs that they have formed over many years.


We encounter such power of self-devotion in the novel by A.S. Pushkin "Eugene Onegin". Main character The novel is so endowed with will that she refused her loved one, Eugene Onegin, not wanting to hurt her husband. She says: “But I was given to someone else and I will be faithful to him forever.” Such self-loyalty surprised even Pushkin when he was finishing the novel and realized that the heroine could not do otherwise. If Tatyana had acted differently, she would no longer be the girl Onegin fell in love with.


Being true to yourself is the key to the respect and admiration of others. This is what makes us whole, strong. Only a person who respects himself can command the respect of others.

Thesis No. 3

Sometimes a person does not immediately find himself. He can remain in search for a long time, changing his outlook on life.


In the novel by I.S. Turgenev's "Fathers and Sons" the friendship of two young people - Arkady Kirsanov and Evgeny Bazarov - was built on common interests and beliefs. They were real nihilists, denying family, love, nature, art... But when Arkady fell in love, he realized that it was impossible to deny the feelings that overwhelmed him. He got married and became a real family man, gradually forgetting his friendship with Eugene. I think that in this case Arkady did not betray himself; on the contrary, he found his true self.


Sometimes it takes time to figure out who you really are and what really matters to you.

Conclusion (general conclusion)

Being true to yourself most important quality, making a person harmonious, complete, capable of correct actions in any situation. You cannot change your views, otherwise you will not be able to survive in life.