Spruce branches interpretation of the dream book. Dream book spruce branches on the ground

Seeing a branch in a dream foretells changes for the worse, failure. A broken branch means trouble and shame.

A dry, leafless branch means sad news about friends and acquaintances who are far away. A branch with leaves and fruits portends wealth and good leisure time among like-minded people.

A branch with ripe berries means success in your undertaking and happiness. Willow branch - to joy.

Break a branch - men will avoid you. Breaking pine branches - children will show kindness and care for you.

Holding a branch in your hands means a change in business.

Branches brought into the house do not bode well, and most importantly, they mean your confusion in a situation that is extremely important to you.

Interpretation of dreams from the Dream Interpretation alphabetically

Dream Interpretation - Branch

A green or blooming branch: a symbol of friendship and success in new endeavors. Such a dream foreshadows good friends and success in implementing new plans.

A dry, broken branch: a sign of failure, discord with loved ones and difficult experiences.

Interpretation of dreams from

Dream interpretation spruce

Spruce is the decoration of any forest. This tree pleases the eye throughout the year, maintaining its freshness and pristine appearance. It is not always possible to understand why a spruce tree is dreamed of, since each dreamer has his own feeling. If we talk about different interpretations, then the dreamed tree sign will be associated not only with various emotions, but also with a number of other factors that you must try to remember.

What do dream books say?

According to the dream book, spruce is a symbol of joy, wealth and peace. However, every dream interpreter considers it his duty to expand the picture of what he saw.

Miller's Dream Book

If a felled spruce tree stands in the house, then in reality fun and joy will await you. A tree cut down on your own can symbolize an illness that will change your usual way of life.


I dreamed of a decorated Christmas tree

A Christmas tree lit up with festive lights will mark a stage in life that will be filled with new goals. Achieving them will require new knowledge, and therefore you should have patience and faith in yourself.


If you dream that you are removing toys from a green beauty, it means that in reality your joy will be eclipsed by sudden grief. If needles begin to fall from a pine tree, you can expect events that will significantly spoil the traditional way of life.

Freud's Dream Interpreter

As the dream book states, no matter what you dream about pine, you should not worry ahead of time. Freud strongly recommends paying attention to the personality of the sleeping person. It is she who will play a key role for correct interpretation. The dream of a tree image will symbolize the romanticism of nature, for which intimacy is impossible without real feelings.

The newest dream interpreter

As the dream book writes, spruce and pine are a favorable symbol that can be used by everyone to implement their cherished plans. The main thing is not to rely entirely on luck alone, since it can turn around at any moment.

Solomon's Dream Book

Dreaming of a beautiful branch with pine cones

Solomon will help you understand why spruce trees are dreamed of, who believes that they only dream of those people who are waiting for an increase in income and strong family ties. If you had to cut down a tree, then success in business will await you. A fluffy spruce branch with cones is dreamed of by those who expect positive changes.

If pine trees begin to burn in front of your eyes, but the snowfall quickly extinguishes them, then in reality unprecedented enrichment will await you, but in this case big role business acumen will play a role, without which success is simply impossible.

What did you see?

Many dream interpreters focus their attention on which parts of the spruce tree they were able to see.


You may dream of amazingly beautiful spruce branches, which will mean acquaintance with a very interesting person. The only problem is that you will need to treat it with the utmost care, since it can bring grief and anxiety. In the current situation, it makes sense to think several times before letting someone close to you.

Seeing a funeral wreath in a dream


It will help to understand why a spruce tree is dreamed of in a dream. General dream book, which connects this image with negative events. As a rule, a self-woven pine wreath is meant for attending a funeral. If you had to hide from someone behind a wreath, it means that loyal friends will not appear in your life for a long time.

Intimate and only intimate

Turning to Erotic dream book, you can see that a dressed up green beauty will symbolize the imminent arrival of pleasure and blossoming of feelings. Very soon you will be able to appreciate the burning gaze of your partner, who only wants to give you incomparable pleasure.

A walk in a spruce forest is an alarming sign that will symbolize a loss of interest in your partner. You constantly want something new, some kind of experimentation, but this simply cannot be given in return. To solve such a problem, you must at least once decide to do something that you would never expect from yourself. A series of extraordinary actions will take the relationship to a different level.

It should also be noted that purchasing an evergreen tree in real life may lead to health problems. To restore not only your physical, but also your moral state, you need to work on your thinking.

Typical details

To form big picture It makes sense to analyze typical dream scenarios:

  • planting a tree in the yard of your house means rapid movement up the career ladder;
  • plant pine forest– a sign of home comfort and family privacy;
  • cutting down a spruce is a sign of a dreamy nature;
  • buy - to health problems.

The Christmas tree brings many people together under one roof. At this holy time, many grievances and conflicts that weighed on everyone throughout the year are forgotten.

The branch is a symbol of connection with relatives.

Branches in a dream can be flowering, fruit-bearing, green, branchy, dry. All of them, one way or another, foreshadow events and changes associated with loved ones. A green branch indicates that your relationships with family and friends will improve. Flowers and fruits on such a branch are a sign of the fulfillment of a cherished dream.

What if you dream about a branch?

If you collect fruits or flowers from branches, it means that you are destined to reunite with your loved one after separation, perhaps a long-extinct relationship will flare up again.

Why do you dream about a branch? If this is a birch branch, then you are guaranteed a long and happy life.

In general, a tree in a dream is considered good sign. If it is branched and green, then expect improved living conditions, large profits, and wealth.

If the tree has branches, but they are dry, it means difficulties will arise, you will give people a reason for gossip. To see branches of a thorny bush in a dream that cling to clothes is a sign of ill will. Moreover, the people who “put a spoke in our wheels” are in the work environment.

What does it portend?

Spruce branches in a dream - to well-being. If in a dream you break coniferous branches, it means that you should expect the care of loved ones. Dry branches are a sign of sad news about friends or relatives. Cut off spruce paws - to the tragic news of the death of a loved one.

If you hold a branch in your hands in a dream, it means that your affairs will soon change.

If in a dream you are standing under a spruce tree, then on your way you will meet a patron who will help you in difficult times.

A spruce with roots is a sign of changes for the better; all of them will come true thanks to relatives.

Lush branches are the key to material wealth.

Be careful if they are dry or cut from coniferous trees. You shouldn’t worry or take it to heart, but it’s not a bad idea to ask your loved ones about their well-being.

A dream about a tree branch promises great luck. The more magnificent the branch was, the more prosperous and prosperous your life will be. Only ahead happy events, wealth, luck.

Don't miss your chance to change your life for the better. Take advantage of the favorable period to translate important plans, large-scale ideas and grandiose projects into reality.

I dreamed of a green branch

Why do you dream of a green branch? A vision of such content portends the receipt of a gift. Blooming branch, covered with green shoots and flowers, symbolizes friendship and the success of new beginnings. You have reliable and loyal comrades who are always ready to help.

Feel free to take on new projects. Luck will be on your side. Treasure true friends, their loyalty is worth its weight in gold.

Breaking branches in a dream

According to the Oracle's dream book, breaking branches means a future quarrel with one of your loved ones or relatives. If you saw a broken branch, you will have to suspend business for a while and forget about the possibility of career growth.

Show patience and tact when communicating with loved ones. Try to compromise in a dispute; do not prove your own rightness at the cost of future relationships.

I dreamed about young branches

Young branches in a dream foretell the birth of a baby if there were fruits on it. If you had a chance to taste the fruits, worries and worries about the future will be in vain: your children will take care of you in old age, providing you with everything you need.

Set yourself in a positive mood, throwing aside unnecessary doubts and worries. Rejoice at the opportunity to change your own life for the better; now is the best time for change.

Seeing falling branches in a dream

Dreaming of falling branches means difficulties will arise. Your behavior will provoke the appearance of gossip against you. A fallen branch from a dry tree symbolizes unjustified hopes. Not now best time for beginnings.

You should not take on new projects. Take a break, wait until the black streak in life changes to white, then it will be your turn to act.

Cutting tree branches in a dream

If you dreamed that you were sawing branches, in reality you will be able to get rid of unnecessary things and memories. The burden of the past hanging over you will no longer bother you, and the actions you take will allow you to breathe a sigh of relief.

You should not dwell on the past, it cannot be returned and the mistakes made cannot be corrected. Look to the future with hope, leaving past events behind you.

Cutting a branch in a dream

A dream where you cut branches is an unfavorable symbol, promising the emergence of problems or worries due to the fault of someone close to you. If you were not the one who cut the branches, the person you dreamed of will cause you emotional trauma.

Limit communication with those people who do not value your feelings and do not take your desires seriously. Maintain your composure, don’t get upset and waste your nerves because of them.

I dreamed that they were collecting branches

Why do you dream of collecting branches? The vision foreshadows a meeting with a loved one after a long separation. It is possible that forgotten feelings will flare up between you again.

Enjoy the company of someone dear to you. Try to spend more time together to make up for lost time.

Why do you dream of plucking branches?

According to the Oracle's dream book, plucking branches is an unfavorable sign that reflects your desire to get rid of the presence of one of your relatives in your life. The meaning of the vision is enhanced if the branches were from a tree grown by you personally.

Fir branches in a dream have several different meanings. The dream book warns of deception, a series of failures, danger from ill-wishers, and sad news. But at the same time, the vision promises good luck, prosperity, and an influential patron. The details will help you understand why they dream at night.

Don't be too trusting: deception is possible

A dream can foreshadow unhappy events, sometimes even the beginning of a streak of bad luck.

Seeing one twig in a dream means: soon someone will insidiously deceive the sleeping person or offend him in another way.

Why dream of decorated artificial fir branches? The dream book indicates: you are too trusting, naive. There is no need to recklessly trust the first person you meet, because an ill-wisher can hide behind the guise of a respectable person.

Protection, success, financial stability

Did you dream of standing under a spruce tree in the forest with its branches bending over you? In reality you will find protection from adversity and an excellent future. Things will progress quite successfully.

Seeing cones growing on them in a dream is a wonderful omen. The dream book promises success in everything and big profits.

Have you held fir branches in your hands? This is a favorable plot that promises good luck and big life changes.

Were the branches in your dream lush? This symbol represents well-being and material stability.

Troubles ahead, attending a funeral

Seeing them lying on the road in a dream means: you will have to go to the funeral of a friend or relative.

Why dream of woven wreaths from pine branches? The dream book warns: the vision promises a quick funeral.

A dream about spruce branches may foreshadow minor troubles and troubles that will soon end.

If they were dry, you will hear sad news about relatives or friends.

Be careful with your new acquaintance

If there are cones on the spruce paws bending low towards you in a dream, according to the dream book, something unexpected will happen.

Very beautiful spruce branches promise an acquaintance with very interesting personality. However, this person needs to be treated very carefully, since he can bring great experiences. Before getting close to someone, you should think things through.

Dream details

The interpretation of the dream considers your actions. So you:

  • broke twigs - separation from a loved one (beloved);
  • stroked them with your hands - good health;
  • decorated with toys - family well-being, a joyful event;
  • cooked for medicinal purposes - recovery for the sick.

Miller's Dream Book: Difficulties Ahead

Why do you dream about spruce branches? This is a warning of future difficulties. There may even be a series of difficulties. But do not fall into despair - you will be able to overcome them and the difficult period will end.