Sample memorandum for the chief accountant. How to write a memorandum, its samples

Drawing up a report on the fact of insult or boorish behavior in the workplace has a number of features and nuances that must be taken into account. Since insult is an administrative offense, a well-drafted document will make it possible to bring the rude person to justice.

In accordance with the law, insult - humiliation of honor or expression of indecent form - entails the imposition of a fine on the guilty citizen. Various types of threats are punished not only with financial, but also with physical sanctions: correctional labor, restriction of the will or capabilities of an individual.

A report against a co-worker for insulting someone in the workplace or boorish behavior is primarily for informational and reference purposes. Drawing up a document helps management obtain valuable information about rude, offensive, and non-compliant actions of a worker. The content of the report should include not only a description of the situation, but also a request to take measures to prevent the occurrence of similar manifestations in the future. Sample memorandum on boorish behavior employee and insults in the workplace we suggest downloading in this article below.

Preparation of a memorandum

Registration of the fact of offensive behavior on the part of a colleague occurs on an A4 paper sheet. Required information to be included:

  • the name of the structural unit in which the fact of insult and boorish behavior was revealed;
  • name of the document - Memorandum;
  • current date and number of the report;
  • addressee details: last names and initials, official position of the person to whom the document is addressed;
  • a heading that reads: “On Workplace Harassment” or “Regarding...”;
  • the contents of the document, including information about the incident, information about the guilty party, as well as a specific request for retaliatory measures regarding the incorrect and boorish behavior of the employee;
  • conclusion indicating the official location, full name, signature of the addressee.

To write a memo about an employee’s boorish behavior and insult, use the following sample:

Accounting department
To the Head of NIRK LLC
G. A. Kravchenko

02.04.2016 №11

About workplace harassment

I draw your attention to the fact that on April 1, 2016, the accountant, Maxim Viktorovich Sumets, used obscene words of an offensive nature, pointed to social status and directly threatened.
I ask you to consider the possibility of bringing M.V. Sumets to administrative responsibility.

Auditor of the accounting department (signature) Fedorov F. F.

Other sample memos:

You can download sample reports for free below.

It is worth taking into account that failure to take measures to prevent insult or public humiliation of employees is punishable by administrative fines.

Correct design

Sample report on insult in the workplace - (an employee insults another employee of the same organization).

Sample report on insulting a company client by an employee of the organization -

For educational purposes. If previously it was possible to slam a ruler or kick a student out of class, now the teacher has no right to do anything like that. Although, did the parental belt used for the cause seriously damage us? But they knew that they couldn’t do that.

The teacher has become practically powerless, the students take advantage of this, and believe that the teacher must “cope with it.” A child may show up drunk in class, fail to complete assignments, or interfere with other students. But in no documents or job description it is not said that the teacher must establish discipline in the class, cope, etc. The teacher must provide the knowledge provided by the program and educate using the means provided by the school course. What to do then?

Almost a year ago, I wrote my thoughts on why there might be a lack of discipline in the classroom. This is a very good article for parents to once again remember that education mainly depends on the parents, but not on the school. Please draw your attention to it again - . In other cases, the teacher has only one thing left to do - report to the director about the current situation. It is advisable to do this in writing, as this will be evidence to the parents that the claims against them and their child are not unfounded.

Now let's move on to the question of the article - how to write a report addressed to the school principal. It is usually written by teachers and other school employees.

Why do they write a report to the director?

In order to report the current situation in one or more classes, about discipline, about violation of school rules and about other misconduct.

In what cases do they write a report?

If you are faced with:

  • violation of discipline in the classroom;
  • non-attendance of classes by one or more students for an unexcused reason;
  • repeated lateness to classes;
  • failure to comply with the school charter;
  • a child showing up at school under the influence of drugs or alcohol, etc. (in such cases the police may be called) ;
  • insulting you;
  • fight;
  • the child’s poor performance in the subject (inability to give a positive mark)
  • etc.

In situations highlighted in bold, you must write the report as soon as possible to reduce the consequences and minimize your liability. Any problems with the class must also be notified so that he can promptly contact the parents.

Who reviews the report?

The report is recorded in the incoming correspondence book, which makes it mandatory for consideration.

The report is submitted depending on the situation, but if it concerns a violation of discipline, it will be transferred to the deputy director for educational work, social teacher, psychologist and class teacher.

What is the time frame for action to be taken after receiving a report?

It all depends on the situation. As a rule, in the near future, since delays in solving problems can lead to disastrous results, which no one wants.

How to write a report?

The report is written as usual , on an A4 sheet (you can even use a notebook) by hand or on a computer. A sample for you.

Good luck with your decision school problems! Comment and like. Subscribe to new articles using the form!

Sincerely, Tatyana Ivanova.

One of the types of information and reference documents that are used within an organization is a memorandum. Despite the many common features with other types of such (official or explanatory notes), the report also has some features. What they are, and also by what criteria the report is classified - more on this later in the article.

Memorandum is a document that can be addressed to the head of an enterprise or its structural unit. The purpose of drawing up a document is to encourage the addressee (that is, management) to take certain actions.

Drawing up a document can help resolve the following issues:

  • expressing one’s own point of view in the event of conflicts or disagreements with colleagues or management;
  • making proposals to improve the activities of the enterprise;
  • expression of disagreement with the actions or decisions of management;
  • obtaining information on any controversial or unclear issues.

The note can be drawn up on the initiative of:

  • manager (orally or in writing);
  • subordinates.

Memos can be classified according to several different criteria:

1. Depending on the content of the document, the following are distinguished:

  • initiative memorandum - the purpose of its preparation is to encourage the addressee to action, therefore it does not contain facts, but specific recommendations or proposals;
  • information note - it is of a regular nature and aims to inform the addressee about the work performed, as well as about the methods and methods that were used;
  • reporting note - drawn up upon completion of work and contains information about the actions performed and the result achieved.

2. Depending on who the document will be addressed to, it can be of two types V:

  • interior;
  • external.

There are certain requirements for the preparation of each type of memorandum (its design and content).

External and internal memo

The main classification of memos is based on the addressee for whom they are compiled. Moreover, they are divided into two types:

1. Internal memo- it is used within one enterprise or organization (for example, it is sent general director or heads of departments). This document can be drawn up on a regular sheet of A4 paper and contain the following data:

  • the name of the structural unit from whose representative the document is drawn up;
  • designation of the type of document in capital letters (memorandum);
  • indication of the addressee (his position and surname with initials in the dative case);
  • title to the text of the document (for example, a memo about absenteeism or bonuses);
  • the main text of the document - with proposals, recommendations or questions;
  • date of the note;
  • signature.

The completed document is signed by its originator and then sent to the addressee. When signing, the originator must indicate his position, surname and initials.

2. External memothis document extends beyond the boundaries of one enterprise and is usually sent to higher authorities. It must contain the following information:

  • name of the enterprise to which the document is sent;
  • indication of the type of document;
  • place of compilation;
  • designation of the addressee (most often it is the head of the enterprise);
  • title to the text;
  • main text of the note;
  • surname and position of the performer;
  • his phone number.

Unlike an internal memorandum, an external one must be drawn up on a special one, on which the company’s details are indicated and stamped. Also, the document must be signed by the head of the organization.

Preparation of a memorandum

Since a memorandum is an official document that has legal force, its design must be taken seriously. We can highlight the basic rules for writing a note:

  • the presentation style is informational, so there should not be any manifestations of feelings or emotions in the document;
  • all facts or recommendations must be presented on the case, but in as much detail as possible, indicating all the details;
  • the note must be drawn up in compliance with all requirements, since obvious errors or lack of mandatory information may cause the document to be invalidated.

Regarding contents of the document, then, in addition to indicating the required details (name of the organization, responsible persons, their names and positions), main part a memorandum is a textual one that sets out in detail the purpose of drawing up the document. Her can be divided into three parts:

  1. Statement part- here all the facts and circumstances of the case that took place are described in detail.
  2. Analytical part— it contains a designation of the consequences that occurred as a result of the circumstances described in the first part.
  3. Recommendation part- here the compiler gives the addressee any advice or recommendations regarding the decision controversial issues, improving the activities of the enterprise, etc.

Depending on the type and purpose of the memorandum, some of the specified parts may be missing from the document. The note can be drawn up in three forms:

  • text;
  • tabular;
  • combined (combination of the two previous options).

The document is typed on a computer in compliance with generally accepted rules (font, spacing, margins). The location of the details can be either in the center or along the left edge of the document.

Example of memos

To get a more visual representation, we present Sample of filling out a report:

Memorandum on bonuses

The bonus report is of an incentive nature for the employee and is aimed at encouraging senior management to reward the employee for the work he has performed or other merits. The document can indicate the recommended type of incentive selected on the basis of labor legislation or internal documentation of the enterprise.

Memo about truancy

A report on absenteeism, like any other violation of labor discipline, has its own specifics of preparation, since it we're talking about about a certain person, which . To correctly compile a memorandum, you need to take into account two important points:

  1. Absenteeism is considered to be a long (more than three hours) absence of an employee from his workplace. If the employee was not present for at least a few minutes less, the violation will be considered an absence - in this case, an explanatory explanation will be sufficient.
  2. Before drawing up a report, you must require written explanations or any supporting documents from the employee. After this, the fact of their provision or absence must be noted in the note.

Report of theft

Since theft is a violation that is grounds for an employee, a report on this fact can be drawn up precisely for the purpose of dismissing him. For this procedure to be carried out legally, it is necessary:

  • obtain a written statement from the employee in which he admits that the theft has been committed;
  • provide documents confirming that the employee has committed an offense.

In some cases, law enforcement may become involved, as theft is a serious offense.

Report on violation of discipline

A document drawn up for the purpose of reporting violations of labor discipline is purely internal and does not extend beyond the boundaries of a specific organization. In the report on the employee, it is necessary to clearly indicate the misconduct committed by him, and also indicate that the employee was required to provide appropriate explanations for his actions.

It is worth noting the main points that relate to the design of a memo:

  • This document is informational, so its style should be as neutral and devoid of emotional overtones as possible.
  • The memorandum can be addressed to the manager both within the organization and outside it. In each of these cases, the document has its own drafting features.
  • Depending on the type, the purpose of writing a memo may be to inform, express disagreement, or provide the addressee with certain recommendations.

If an employee is not in his place for a long period of time, this is considered a disciplinary offense. Usually, the administration can impose a punishment for this - dismissal of the employee for absenteeism. But before this, it is very important to properly document such absence, and the first step is to draw up a report on the employee’s absence from the workplace.

A memo against an employee is a document that is drawn up for the offending employee in order to convey to management information about his disciplinary action.

Along with this form responsible persons they also draw up an act on the employee’s absence from the workplace, which accurately records the time of absence, measures taken to establish the employee’s location and other information.

After both of these documents are transferred to the manager, he can study the circumstances of the incident and make a decision on early termination with the employee due to absenteeism.

But such a step requires complete and accurate execution of all supporting documents, so it is best to prepare a report not “retroactively,” but immediately at the moment this violation is discovered.

You must first make sure that this is not a forced absence, for example, due to illness. Therefore, you must first try to contact the employee and find out the reason for the absence. And if it was not possible to establish a connection, or the employee cannot reliably explain the reason, proceed.

The law does not contain mandatory requirement on drafting a report. In this situation, it is just another document confirming absenteeism, and also conveys information to management. If the company is small, then it may not be composed, since the director usually has the opportunity to see and control labor activity each of his subordinates.

On the other hand, registration is desirable in the case where the employee has not been at his place for more than four hours, and the administration wants to fire him for violating labor discipline.

The report can include not only information about the offense committed by the employee, but also recommend to management the degree of punishment. This is important in large companies, when the administration may not know all the employees by sight, or the immediate boss wants to mitigate the punishment for him. In this situation, a note will help to correctly assess the situation and choose an adequate punishment.

Attention! Information about possible punishment should be of an advisory nature only, since the final decision on dismissal lies with the manager, and he can make a decision without taking into account the opinions of subordinates.

The importance of drawing up a note increases if, in addition to disciplinary liability, management also wants to bring the employee to financial responsibility. The report will be included in the package of supporting documents and may contain all the necessary information.


Important! The report is an information document, and therefore its preparation is not enough to properly justify dismissal due to absenteeism. The main form that will record the employee’s absence is.

Who should write the report?

The law does not determine which employee is given the right to draw up a report on the absenteeism of another. In theory, anyone can do this. In practice, it is necessary to observe the principle of subordination.

In this regard, reports are usually drawn up by the truant’s immediate supervisor. He knows his subordinates best, and it is he who should, first of all, try to find out why one of the employees did not show up for work.

If the manager is inactive, then any other employee can write a note. For example, the absence of an intruder affected the performance of another department (the adjuster did not show up, and because of this, the work of the workshop or machine stopped). In this situation, the “injured” party may submit a report to the manager.

If the enterprise is small and there is no division into departments, then a personnel officer or a specialist responsible for management can draw up a report - after all, by the nature of his duties, he must record the appearance or non-appearance of each employee in the documents drawn up.

Sample memorandum

How to write a memo about an employee’s absence from the workplace

Such a document is usually drawn up in any form, but in compliance with the rules of drafting business letter. It must contain a number of details. The report can be filled out and printed on a computer, or written with a pen on a piece of paper.

At the top of the sheet on the right side, write down the name of the director’s position, or the person to whom the report is sent, the name of the company, full name. All information is written in the dative case.

In the next line under the heading, you can briefly reflect the contents of the report, for example, “On S. A. Ivanov’s failure to show up for work.”

After this, you need to tell a narrative about the event that happened. This should include the date and time when it was discovered that the employee did not show up at his place, the total duration of absence, the name of the department in which he worked, personal data.

Next, you need to describe the measures that the report writer took to find out the employee’s current location. For example, here you can write that calls were made to a cell phone, landline phone, letters were sent to e-mail, etc.

Next, you need to describe what results were achieved, whether it was possible to find out the reasons for absence from work. Here you can also describe whether the employee was able to explain himself or refused, if he has supporting documents, etc.

If attempts to contact did not lead to anything, this should also be reflected in the report. Next, you can describe whether any damage was caused to the company due to his absence from the workplace. If the answer is yes, you can indicate the extent of this damage.

Next, the writer of the report can advise what measures should be applied to the violator. This could be either a reprimand or dismissal. It is advisable to justify why it is recommended to do this. In the same paragraph, you can indicate information about whether this employee has been subject to disciplinary punishment previously.

This completes the document preparation. You need to step back a little, put your signature and the date of compilation.

The document flow of any enterprise is a collection of papers of different nature, systematized in a certain way. One of the documents is a memo.

General characteristics and purpose of the document

To begin with, it should be noted that a memorandum is business paper, which is informative and at the same time recommendatory in nature. It is intended to be provided to the head of the enterprise or immediate superior. This document can be compiled by anyone for two reasons:

  1. At the initiative of the employee himself.
  2. As directed by management.

In any case, such paper contains detailed information regarding a specific, isolated issue. Essentially, this is the employee’s opinion expressed in writing. There are times when, in order to make a decision, a manager needs to know the views of his subordinates regarding the circumstances of a case. Then the employee is obliged to compose a reasoned answer, and in conclusion add his personal opinion in the form specific proposals and recommendations. Accordingly, such a note becomes the private opinion of a particular person.

Don't be confused

When starting to draw up a document, you need to know exactly what exactly needs to be provided. Some species are very similar to each other and can be easily confused. For example, there are three types of business notes: official, reporting and explanatory. At the same time, there are three significant differences between them that do not allow knowledgeable person make this mistake. These documents differ:

1. By addressee, that is, by the person for whom they are intended. Unlike an official note, an explanatory note is written addressed to the immediate supervisor, and a memorandum, in addition, can be drawn up directly to the director of the enterprise.

2. On the topic and semantic load of the information presented. The topic of the explanatory text is clear directly from the title. The official letter is part of the business correspondence between the structural divisions of the company. The topic of the report can be different:

  • periodic reporting;
  • one-time provision of information on an issue of interest.

3. If official and explanatory are used for use within the enterprise, then the memo can be of both an internal and external nature. In the first case, it is intended for the director of the company, and in the second, for a higher authority.

When is the document drawn up?

The memorandum is a necessary measure. It is drawn up when the current situation gets out of control and threatens the enterprise with serious troubles. In other words, the state of affairs must be critical. At this point, the employee brings the information to the attention of management and sets out in detail the facts known to him. This may be a threat to the implementation of the plan or the receipt of expected profits. The document is aimed at drawing the attention of managers to the problem that has arisen and trying to correct the current situation. Each specialist has his own way of solving the situation. In the report, he describes his version in detail and sets out his own thoughts on this matter. For ease of perception of information, this document is compiled in a completely free form. This style allows absolutely any employee to express his point of view on a specific, individual issue, without fear of being misunderstood by others.

Reasons for drawing up the document

There are a number of reasons why a memorandum may be drawn up. Of course, it is possible to create a sample or a unique template for all possible cases. But any specific reason requires an individual manner of presentation. The reasons can be very different:

  • being late for work;
  • absenteeism;
  • default;
  • conflict between employees;
  • statement of the results of the inspection;
  • bringing to the attention of information about an error;
  • threat of failure to complete the planned task;
  • information about unacceptable employee behavior.

There are many reasons and each of them requires an individual approach and specific proceedings. Having received information first-hand, the boss must thoroughly investigate it and make a competent decision. Often there is a need to obtain additional information from other participants in the problem. They will be forced to provide management with their explanations regarding the issue raised.

If someone violated something

Violations in production conditions are not uncommon. Without them, the work process and communication between people is impossible. The most common report is a violation. An employee’s behavior in the workplace is always ambiguous. Any deviation from generally accepted norm is usually perceived as a violation and is punished accordingly. Only the head of the enterprise has the right to impose a penalty, so other employees, including the immediate manager, can only inform him about what happened and offer their own option for influencing the negligent colleague. The algorithm for compiling such a report is as follows.

  1. Name of service or department. Indicated in the upper left part of the sheet.
  2. Addressee (company manager). Indicated at the top right.
  3. Document name. It is written just below in capital letters on a red line.
  4. Document number.
  5. Place of compilation.
  6. Title.
  7. Document text: Full name and the position of the violator, date of violation, type of violation, reason for the incident, proposal for punishment.
  8. Position, full name and the signature of the employee who compiled the document.

If a colleague is at fault

A memorandum on the employee can be drawn up by the immediate supervisor or colleague. More often, the reasons for its preparation are negative: violation, misconduct, unworthy behavior. In this case, the note is aimed at stopping what happened and preventing it from happening again in the future. Having received such a document, the manager must understand the situation and make a decision. IN in this case It depends on him whether any penalty will be imposed on the employee or not.

If a negative incident occurred for the first time, then you can limit yourself to a warning and an edifying conversation. If the violation goes into the system, then punishment will follow in accordance with labor legislation. The manager is obliged to apply a visa in which it will be recorded decision made. Reports can be prepared on employees for other reasons. For example, the head of a department has the right to write a note addressed to the director to reward a subordinate for conscientious work or a well-done task. The principle of compilation is the same, only the text is positive.

Is it difficult to write a report?

Writing a memo is not difficult. If necessary, a writing sample can always be obtained from the secretary. Many similar documents pass through his hands. The main thing is to clearly state the essence of what happened. After reading such a document, the manager should have a clear idea of ​​what the compiler of this “message” wanted to say. The facts must be described in chronological sequence, step by step, so that the overall picture emerges as a clear and clear picture.

It must also be remembered that for internal use, the report is usually drawn up on a regular piece of paper in A4 (or A5) format. If the information is provided to a higher organization, the text must be printed on the company’s letterhead. Such a document must be given to the manager for signature. As a result, it will be signed by two representatives from the enterprise: the first is the compiler, the second is the director. Information may be confirmed by additional information. They are usually provided with the main document in the form of numbered appendices.

To make things right

In order for the information to be heard, you need to know how to write a memo. Such a document usually consists of three main parts.

  1. The reason for writing such a note. Here it is necessary to clearly outline the situation and list all the known facts.
  2. The compiler's opinion about what is happening. It is necessary to comprehensively analyze the situation and propose your own solution to the problem.
  3. General conclusion and specific steps.

Information should be presented as briefly and clearly as possible so that the recipient does not lose his mind while reading. Otherwise, the facts presented may be misinterpreted, and the decision made will not bring the desired results. You should not express your conjectures or distort reality in the text. This technique is against the rules. If such a need arises, the addressee himself will ask the opinion of the originator in order to understand what happened and make a final decision.

Sequence of actions

Using an example, we can consider a specific case of failure to fulfill official duties. A memorandum on the employee is drawn up by the immediate superior for submission to the management of the enterprise. To begin with, the employee is given time to correct his mistakes. Otherwise, the head of the relevant service, in the presence of 3 witnesses, states that the employee did not complete the task within the proposed time frame. The offender must then write an explanation in full form indicating the reasons.

The employee may not do this. In this case, he loses his last chance of defense. Explanatory note handed over to the manager for review. He expresses his final decision in the form of a resolution. The information is sent to the HR department to draw up a collection order. The degree of punishment is determined in accordance with the law. If the offense turned out to be quite serious, and, in addition, repeated, then the result may be dismissal from work under the relevant article.