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The old man and the old woman are talkative. Fairy tale!!


AND there was an old man with an old woman.

NThe old woman didn’t know how to keep her tongue on a leash: it used to be that whatever she heard from her husband, now the whole village would know.

INOne day the old man went into the forest to get firewood. I stepped in one place with my foot - my foot fell through.

- Hwhat a parable! Let me start digging, maybe, luckily for me, I’ll find something.

INtook hold of the shovel. He dug once, twice, three times - and dug a cauldron full of gold.

- WITHthank God! But how can I take it home? You can’t hide from your wife, she will spread the good news to the whole world. You'll get into more trouble!

Pthought and thought, buried the cauldron in the ground and went to the city, bought a pike and a live hare, hung the pike on a tree - at the very top, and planted the hare in the face.

P comes to the hut:

- NWow, wife, what happiness God has given me, but I can’t tell you: you’ll probably tell everyone!

- WITH“Tell me, old man,” the woman pesters, “I swear, I won’t mention it to anyone.” If you want, I’ll swear I’ll take off the image and kiss it.

- INwhy, old woman: I found a cauldron full of gold in the forest.

- Ehwhoa! Let's go quickly and take it home.

- WITHlook, old man! Don't tell anyone, otherwise we'll get into trouble.

- NFuck it, just don’t tell me, but I won’t tell you!

PThe man led the woman around, reached the place where the pike was hanging on the tree, stopped, raised his head up and looked.

WITHTarukha says to him:

- Nwhat are you staring at? Let's go quickly!

- Ddon't you see? Look, the pike has grown on the tree!

- ABOUToh! Climb after her: we’ll fry some shit for dinner.

WITHTarik climbed down the tree and took out a pike. Let's move on. They walked and walked, the old man said:

- DOh, old man, I’ll run to the river and look at their faces.

Zlooked in the face and let’s call my wife:

- GLian, wife, the hare hit me in the face!

- AIf you get it, take it quickly - it will come in handy for lunch for the holiday. - The old woman is happy.

INThe old man took the hare and brought the old woman into the forest. The two of us dug out the cauldron of gold and dragged it home.

DIt was late in the evening. It got completely dark.

- WITHtariq, and the old man! - says the woman. - No way, do the sheep roar?

- TOwhat sheep! The devils are tearing our master apart. - Her husband whispers to her.

ShWhen they walked, the old woman said again:

- WITHtariq, and the old man! No way, cows roar?

- TOwhat cows! The devils are tearing our master apart. “The husband tells her again in a whisper.

Shli, let's go. They began to approach the village, the old woman said to the old man:

- NSo, wolves howl?

- TOwhat wolves! The devils are tearing our master apart.

RThe old man and the old woman got rich from that money.

INThe old woman became more foolish than ever, and went out every day to invite guests and throw such feasts that her husband would run away from home. She completely got out of hand and stopped listening. Swears:

- Pwait! You will recognize me. You want to take all the gold for yourself. No, you're lying! I’ll put you away, you won’t find a place in Siberia! Now I’ll go to the master!

Pran to the master, howled and cried:

- T“And so,” he says, “the husband found a cauldron full of gold and from that very time began to drink heavily with wine. I tried to persuade him, but he beat me: he dragged me, pulled me by the braid, it barely escaped my hands! I came running to your mercy to declare my grief, to beat the worthless husband with my forehead: take away all the gold from him, so that he can work and not get drunk!

BArin called several courtyard people and went to the old man.

Pcomes into the hut and shouts at him:

- Ax you, such a scammer! He found a whole cauldron of gold on my land - how much time has passed, but he still hasn’t reported to me! He started drinking, committing robbery and tyrannizing his wife! Give me the gold now.

- WITH“Have mercy, boyar,” the old man replies, “I don’t know, I don’t know: I didn’t find any gold.”

- INyou look, your shameless eyes! - the old woman attacked him. - Come, master, follow me. I'll show you where the money is hidden.

Pleads to the chest, lifted the lid - there’s nothing, you little idiot.

- Ahe's a rogue! While I was walking, I hid it in another place.

Tthe master pestered the old man:

- P show me the gold!

- Dwhere can I get it? Please interrogate my old woman about everything for sure.

- Noh, my dear, tell me clearly, well: where and at what time was the cauldron with gold found?

- D“But, master,” the old woman began, “we were walking through the forest - even in those days we caught a pike on a tree.

- ABOUT“Remember,” says the old man, “because you are talking!”

- Nno, I’m not talking, but I’m telling the truth, we immediately took the hare out of its muzzle.

- Noh, let's go! Tea, now yourself, master, do you hear! Well, how is it possible for animals to be found in the river, and fish to breed on trees in the forest?

- TSo, in your opinion, that didn’t happen? Do you remember how we were walking back, I said: “No way, the sheep are roaring?” And you answered: “It’s not the sheep that are roaring, it’s the devils who are tearing our master apart!”

- WITH completely crazy. - The old man says.

- Ishe said again: “No way, are the cows roaring?” And you: “What cows! The devils are tearing our master apart.” And as they began to approach the village, it seemed to me that wolves were roaring, and you said: “What wolves! The devils are tearing our master apart.

BArin listened, listened, became angry and, well, pushed the old woman in the neck.


There was an old man and an old woman. And the old woman did not know how to keep her mouth shut. It happened that no matter what she heard from her husband, now the whole village would know. Yes, the old woman will not so much tell the truth as she will tell lies.

One day an old man went into the forest to get firewood. I stepped in one place with my foot and my foot fell through. "What's happened? - the old man thinks. “I’ll take a look.” He broke a branch, dug with it once, twice, three times and dug a cauldron full of gold. Well, good luck! But how can I take it home? You can't hide from a chatty wife. She will call the whole world. You'll make more trouble! The old man thought and thought, buried the cauldron back in the ground and went home.

The next day in the morning he stole a whole mountain of pancakes from his wife, took a live hare and a live pike and went into the forest. He walks through the forest, pinning pancakes on twigs and twigs. I hung the pike on a large pine tree - at the very top. And he put the hare in a net and let it into the river. And he went home.

He comes to the hut: “Well, wife, happiness has come to us! But I can’t tell you - you’ll probably tell everyone!” - “Tell me, old man, really, I won’t tell anyone!” - “So be it, old woman, I’ll say. I found a cauldron full of gold in the forest." - "Fathers! Let’s go quickly and take it home!” - “Look, old lady, don’t tell anyone, otherwise we’ll get into trouble!” - "Don't be afraid! Just don’t talk, and I’ll keep quiet!”

The man took the woman into the forest. A woman saw pancakes hanging on branches, and said: “What is this, father, pancakes hanging on branches?” The old man looked and said calmly: “Why are you surprised? Don’t you know: at night a pancake cloud passed over the forest and poured out.”

Let's go further. As they walked and walked, they saw a pike on a tree and froze in place: “Grandfather, and grandfather...” - “Well, why are you staring? Let’s go, grandma, quickly!” - “Grandfather, don’t you see? Look - a pike has grown on a tree.” - “Oh? The counter, I climb behind it. We’ll fry it for dinner.” The old man climbed the tree and took out the pike.

They walked and walked and reached the river. The old man says: “Let me, old man, let’s look on the Internet.” I looked in the net and let’s call my wife: “Grandma, look, the hare is caught in the net!” Miracles, and that’s all, the hares began to swim in the water! Well, good! It will come in handy for lunch for the holiday.”

The old man took the hare and led the old woman further. They came to the place where the treasure was buried, the two of them dug out the cauldron of gold and dragged it home. It was late in the evening and it was completely dark. And somewhere the herd was going home, the cows were roaring. “Old man, but old man,” says the woman, “no way, are the cows roaring?” - “What cows! The devils are tearing our master apart!”

Well, the old man and the old woman got rich. The old woman began to invite guests every day and give such feasts that her husband would run away from home. The old man endured and endured, but could not stand it, he began to tell her, and she got angry and started cursing: “You don’t let me live my own way!” Do you want to take all the gold for yourself? No, you're lying! I’ll complain to the master about you!”

She ran to the master, howled and cried: “So and so,” she said. “A man found a cauldron of gold, he wants to take it all for himself.” It won’t let me live my own way! I ran to your grace to declare my grief, to beat the worthless husband with my forehead. Take half of the gold from him, give it to my will!”

The master called people and went to the old man. He comes to the hut and shouts at the old man: “Oh, you such a robber! Found a treasure on my land, but didn’t report it to me?! Give me the gold now!..” - “Have mercy, Father Master! - the old man answers. - I don’t know, I don’t know

I give! I didn’t find any gold!” “He’s lying!” the old woman charged at him.

Here the master grabbed the old man tightly: “Give me the gold, otherwise it will be bad!” - “Where can I get it? Please, my dear master, interrogate the old woman about everything for certain!” - “Well, my dear, tell me clearly, well: where and at what time did you find the cauldron of gold?” “Well, master,” the old woman began, “we went through the forest at the very time when the pancake cloud poured out. There were also pancakes hanging on all the twigs and twigs.” “Remember that you’re lying!” the master tells her. “No, sir, we first came to the tree where the pike grew...” “Look, sir, the old woman is completely crazy,” says the old man. “You yourself are crazy! - the old woman got angry. - And you, master, listen! We then turned towards the river. They took the hare out of the net...” - “Have mercy, grandma! Where have you seen pikes in trees and hares in nets?!” - “Yes, she’s stupid, master!”

And the old woman said: “Stop, shut up! We found the boiler there, near the river. They dug it up and took it home at that time, just when the devils were tearing you apart!” - “What-o-o?” - “Well, master, the devils have taken a toll on you!” - “Yes, old man, she’s completely out of your mind!” - the bari got angry, spat and walked away from the yard.

But the old man remained with his gold.

They say that after that he taught the old woman to remain silent.

Among the many fairy tales, it is especially fascinating to read the fairy tale “The Chatty Wife and the Clever Old Woman (Macedonian Fairy Tale)”; you can feel the love and wisdom of our people in it. And the thought comes, and behind it the desire, to plunge into this fabulous and incredible world, to win the love of a modest and wise princess. Thanks to children's developed imagination, they quickly revive colorful pictures of the world around them in their imagination and fill in the gaps with their visual images. Tens, hundreds of years separate us from the time of creation of the work, but the problems and morals of people remain the same, practically unchanged. A small amount of detail in the surrounding world makes the depicted world more rich and believable. Devotion, friendship and self-sacrifice and other positive feelings overcome all that oppose them: anger, deceit, lies and hypocrisy. The main character always wins not through cunning and cunning, but through kindness, kindness and love - this is the most important quality of children's characters. The fairy tale “The Chatty Wife and the Clever Old Woman (Macedonian Fairy Tale)” is certainly useful to read for free online; it will instill in your child only good and useful qualities and concepts.

This woman constantly suffered beatings from her husband and lived in eternal fear. She thought, thought about how to get rid of the torment, finally went to the fortune teller and asked:
- What should I do, grandma? After all, someday my husband will beat me to death! Teach me how to help!
And the old woman thought: “If her husband beats her every day, it means she is very talkative, always contradicts her husband, never keeps silent.”
And the old woman said:
“Okay, daughter, I’ll make sure your husband doesn’t touch you anymore.” Go to the market - buy a water jug ​​and fill it with water. And then pour a handful of salt into the water and come to me: I know the plot - I’ll whisper it, and everything will go smoothly for you!
The woman ran to the market, bought a jug, poured water into it, poured salt - and again to the old woman. Brought it. The old woman whispered over the jug and said:
- Well, daughter, quickly take your jug, bring it into the house and place it by the wall. Let it stand there for three days and three nights. And then do this: your husband starts to swear - keep silent, no matter what he says, and quickly run to this jug, take it with both hands and put it to your lips, as if you were drinking. Just sit there until your husband stops swearing. You'll see - he won't touch you!
The wife was delighted, grabbed the jug, took it into the house, kept it against the wall for three days and three nights, and then, when her husband began to swear, she silently walked away to the jug as if she were drinking water. Well, the husband grumbled and fell silent.
As soon as the husband begins to scold, the wife immediately goes to the jug and remains silent. Her husband stopped beating her. And the wife keeps praising the old woman: she did a good deed!

There was an old man and an old woman. The old woman did not know how to keep her mouth shut. It happened that no matter what she heard from her husband, the whole village knew. Yes, the old woman will not so much tell the truth as she will tell lies.

One day an old man went into the forest to get firewood. I stepped on one place with my foot and my foot sank.
- What's happened? - the old man thinks. - Let’s see.
He broke a branch, dug with it once, twice, three times and dug a cauldron full of gold. Well, good luck! But how can I take it home? You can't hide from a chatty wife. She will call the whole world. You'll make more trouble! The old man thought and thought, buried the cauldron back in the ground and went home.

The next day in the morning he stole a whole mountain of pancakes from his wife, took a live hare and a live pike and went into the forest. He walks through the forest, pinning pancakes on twigs and twigs. I hung the pike on a large pine tree - at the very top. And he put the hare in a net and lowered it into the river. And he went home.

He comes to the hut.
- Well, wife, happiness has befallen us! But I can’t tell you - you’ll probably tell everyone!
- Tell me, old man, I promise, I won’t tell anyone!
- So be it, old woman, I’ll say. I found a full cauldron of gold in the forest.
- Fathers! Let's go quickly and take it home!
- Look, old lady, don’t tell anyone, otherwise we’ll get into trouble!
- Don't be afraid! Just don’t talk, and I’ll keep quiet!

The man took the woman into the forest. A woman saw pancakes hanging on branches, and said:
- What is it, father, pancakes hanging on branches?
The old man looked and said calmly:
- Why are you surprised? Don’t you know: at night a pancake cloud passed over the forest and poured out.

Let's go further. Walking and walking, I saw a pike on a tree, and just froze in place.
- Grandfather, and grandfather...
- Well, why are you staring?
- Let's go, grandma, quickly!
- Grandfather, don’t you see? Look - a pike has grown on a tree.
- Oh? Wait a minute, I'll go after her. Let's fry it for dinner.
The old man climbed the tree and took out the pike.

They walked and walked and reached the river. The old man says:
- Let me see, old lady, let’s look at the nets.
I looked online and let’s call my wife:
- Grandma, look, the hare is caught in the net! Miracles and nothing more - hares began to swim in the water! Well, good! It will come in handy for lunch for the holidays.

The old man took the hare and led the old woman further. They came to the place where the treasure was buried, the two of them dug out the cauldron of gold and dragged it home. It was late in the evening and it was completely dark. And somewhere the herd was going home, the cows were roaring.
“Old man, but old man,” says the woman, “don’t the cows roar?”
- What cows! The devils are tearing our master apart!

Well, the old man and the old woman got rich. The old woman began to invite guests every day and give such feasts that her husband would run away from home. The old man endured and endured, but could not stand it, he began to tell her, and she got angry and let’s swear:
- You don’t let me live my own way! Do you want to take all the gold for yourself? No, you're lying! I'll complain about you to the master!

She ran to the master, howled and cried.
“So and so,” he says. “A man found a pot of gold and wants to take it all for himself.” It won’t let me live my own way! I ran to your grace to declare my grief, to beat the worthless husband with my forehead. Take half of the gold from him and give it to me!

The master called people and went to the old man. He comes to the hut and shouts at the old man:
- Oh, you, such a robber! Found a treasure on my land, but didn’t report it to me?! Give me the gold now!..
- Have mercy, father master! - the old man answers. “I don’t know, I don’t know!” I didn't find any gold!
- He's lying! - the old woman attacked him.

Here the master took hold of the old man tightly:
- Give me the gold, otherwise it will be bad!
- Where can I get it? Please, dear master, interrogate the old woman about everything for certain!
- Well, my dear, tell me clearly, well: where and at what time did you find the cauldron of gold?
“Well, master,” the old woman began, “we went through the forest at the same time as the pancake cloud poured out.” There were also pancakes hanging on all the twigs and branches.
- Remember that you are lying! - the master tells her.
- No, master-father, we first got to the tree where the pike grew...
- Look, father master, the old woman is completely crazy! - says the old man.
- You yourself are crazy! - the old woman got angry. - And you, master, listen. We then turned towards the river. The hare was taken out of the net...
- Have mercy, grandma! Where have you seen pikes in trees and hares in nets?!
- Yes, she’s stupid, master!

And the old woman said:
- Stop, shut up! We found the boiler there, near the river. They dug it up and took it home at that time, just when the devils were tearing you apart!
- What-o-o?
- Well, master, when did the devils bring water on you!
- Yes, old man, she has completely lost your mind! - the master got angry, spat and walked away from the yard.

But the old man remained with his gold.

Author's text
Katalin ©

This Russian fairy tale really surprised me as a child - not by its name, no, there were plenty of women like that around :) It surprised me with its attitude towards the traditions that it described, because then I didn’t understand them yet.

This fairy tale said that no one lights the stove in the evening to cook food, and even more so at that time of day they don’t bake pancakes.

In any tradition, there are fairy tales, fairy tales, everyday tales and about animals. Folklorists, in turn, divide fairy tales into subcategories, identifying individual motifs. The tale "The Chatty Woman" is an everyday tale. As we remember, “the fairy tale is a lie, but there is a hint in it, a lesson for good fellows.” If in fairy tales such a lesson had to be discerned and understood (often a teacher was required for this), then almost all everyday fairy tales directly spoke about this using examples from life. These examples were more understandable to adults and children than mysterious magic formulas.

So in this fairy tale (at least in many of its variants) it is directly said that a man weaned his woman from chatting (gossiping). I’ll tell you now how he did it. Maybe it will be useful to someone these days :)

Brief summary of the tale: one man found a treasure in the forest. Since he couldn’t pick it up right away, he decided to return for it at night. But the land was owned by the lord, and the man’s wife had a significant drawback (she couldn’t keep her mouth shut), so he came up with this. I camouflaged this place so that no one would find it, caught a pike along the way, hid it in my pocket, came home and forced my wife to bake pancakes in the evening. She, of course, resisted (I mentioned the reasons at the beginning of the article), but agreed. In different versions of the fairy tale, this scene is described in its own way: either the man himself told about the treasure, or, on the contrary, he decided to hide it and begged his wife to go with him to the forest for a walk, and there, as it were, they found the treasure. In both cases, the pancakes were cooked and some of them were hidden in the knapsack, unnoticed by the wife. As they walked through the forest, the man ran ahead and hung either pancakes or fish on the trees (“a pancake cloud passed ahead”; in some cases, the fish ended up in animal traps, and not on branches). My wife was endlessly surprised by this...

Illustration for the fairy tale "The Chatty Woman", artist O. Parkhaev. Photo from online auction.

When the treasure was brought home, the man strictly ordered his woman not to tell anyone about it. However, in response to the neighbors’ question, “Whose stove was burning at your place in the evening?”, the wife truthfully told them everything. Rumor reached the master and he called the man and his wife. So, they say, and so, they found a treasure on my land, which means it’s mine. The man blames everything on the woman: she’s lying, her head is a little wrong, listen to her yourself :)

When the woman began to talk about pancakes on branches and fish in traps, the master waved his hands and drove everyone away. True, it is not clear what kind of treasure it was and how it later helped the peasant “to live and live without sorrow,” so that no one would guess about it, but the main thing is that the woman stopped gossiping and began to behave more modestly :)

“The stove is a symbol of human social existence. Indeed, we are the only living beings that maintain and receive fire artificially, the only ones in living nature that thermally process our food. In the stove lies a rye pie - the oldest form of artificially obtained food product. Stove and bread - two symbols of human community, family." (St. Zharnikov about the fairy tale “Geese-Swans.” “Golden Thread”, p. 73).

In fact, the fairy tale “The Chatty Woman” also contains magical motifs. Stove - pancakes - pike (fish) - forest - gold (treasure) - this chain is not quite everyday, as it might seem at first glance. However, it is more understandable to listeners than, say, a talking pike / goldfish or references to the treasures of the Serpent Gorynych / gnomes (dwarfs) who are hiding at the end of the rainbow. Basically, I just gave a hint on how you can decipher a chain of objects from an everyday fairy tale :)

Let's get back to reality. Finally, I managed to make my childhood dream come true: to hang pancakes on trees!

Of course, it was in the evening - in the style of that very fairy tale - and almost in a dense foggy forest :)

In the morning I baked pancakes and hid a few of them, and in the evening I did everything like a fairy tale, but exactly the opposite: I took a knapsack and invited my husband to the forest with me :)

200 ml milk;
100 ml cream;
100 g flour;
1/4 teaspoon of ginger powder (I told you that in Rus' they added ginger to pancakes; those who like spicy and piquant things can add 1/2 teaspoon);
1 tbsp. vegetable oil (you can use melted butter);
powdered sugar and salt (to taste).

1. Mix milk and cream, add ginger to flour.
2. In parts add flour to milk and mix well.
3.Add mix the rest of the ingredients again and put in a cool place for 20-30 minutes.
4. Before When preparing, beat well with a whisk. These creamy pancakes are especially delicious when baked in melted butter.

In order not to shock anyone with the “precipitation from the pancake cloud,” we then removed the pancakes from the branches and took them to the kingdom of the geese-swans :)