Tatyana’s Angel Day according to the church calendar. Tatyana’s name day according to the church calendar, Tatyana’s Angel Day

Tatyana - Greek tatteo - arrange, arrange.

Tatiana's name day church calendar:

  • January 18:Tatiana, St.
  • January 25:Tatiana of Rome, mts., deaconess, virgin
  • October 3:Tatiana

Characteristics of the name Tatyana

As a child, Tatyana is very sensitive and modest. You can't call her a calm child. She is always organizing some kind of fun and games, she is lively and funny. Tatyana reacts sharply to insults, can withdraw into herself, or can respond with harsh, unpleasant words. She loves to draw, read, invent own stories and make whole performances out of them. Tatyana loves to tinker with animals and observe their behavior. She helps around the house, but does it with great reluctance, as needed and will gladly avoid this task if necessary. Tatyana is attached to her parents, treats them with great respect and always obeys them.

Tatyana is an excellent student, but she achieves all her successes with diligence. painstaking work. There is a natural laziness in her character, which she often has to overcome. Tatyana doesn’t want to do her homework, read a long boring text, or tinker with a drawing, but she realizes that this is necessary. Tatyana is incredibly talented, and her talents can manifest themselves in various areas. Most often she is inclined towards humanitarian subjects and art. Tatyana amazingly analyzes texts, masters the language, draws and draws well, and makes crafts. She is an unusually artistic person, she feels music, moves superbly, and reads and recites poetry with expression. Her memory is simply amazing. Tatyana will be happy to take part in a school event that interests her. However, for a long time, as a rule, she is not interested in anything. She generally can't stand anything that lasts too long. Tatyana willingly helps her classmates with difficult assignments. In the class she is usually loved and respected, and her opinion is valued. Tatyana is friendly towards everyone, hates conflicts, but if something happens she knows how to stand up for herself and defend her opinion.

Adult Tatyana is stubborn, independent, striving for complete independence. She is very efficient, clearly defines for herself life goal and confidently strives to achieve it. It is impossible to force Tatyana to deviate from her intended path. She is proud, somewhat selfish, has a sharp mind and observation. She works hard and takes her responsibilities responsibly. Sometimes Tatyana is too arrogant. She rejects the advice of outsiders, preferring to “step on the same rake” several times in a row until she is convinced of her mistake. She makes any decision alone. Tatyana will never stay away from the team; she is curious and can directly express her point of view. As a rule, Tatyana considers herself extremely insightful, but her position is far from the truth. She often does not understand people and makes mistakes about them. She has an even relationship with her work colleagues, she is friendly and smiling, but she can easily turn into an arrogant, irritable person if she makes a public remark. Tatyana is endowed with colossal potential, infinitely talented - the main thing is to use it for its intended purpose. It could happen like creative personality- artist, writer or actress. Capable of becoming a good engineer, literary critic, journalist, doctor, teacher, translator, scientist. Tatyana will make a good leader - quite firm, but fair.

For Tatiana great importance has communication and friendship. She doesn't have many friends. Tatyana is responsive, will not leave you in trouble, will always offer help and support, unless all this, of course, interferes with her own interests. She is devoid of meanness, but she does not forget insults, and she will not forgive betrayal. Tatyana will perfectly keep someone else's secret. She herself is never completely open; her innermost thoughts are hidden in the depths of her soul.

Tatyana is endowed with a huge reserve of charm. She tries to dress elegantly, but also loves something original. Tatyana likes male company, attention and admiration. However, she does not tolerate excessive sentimentality, passionate expression of feelings and importunity. She is flattered by exquisite, beautiful courtship, compliments, gifts, but this will not win her heart. Tatyana makes her choice herself. Her chosen one is a strong, interesting man with taste and a sense of humor. Tatyana is an attentive, caring hostess. She loves her children and is able to understand and forgive them perfectly. Tatyana strives to become the full-fledged mistress of the house, but she knows how to give in and find an approach to her husband. She will be offended by the betrayal, but she may not dare to divorce. Tatyana is a creature of habit; it is difficult for her to change her way of life. She can take revenge on her husband by retaliating.

The meaning of the name Tatyana: “Organizer, founder”

Tatyana has been versatile since childhood and interesting girl. She always has many hobbies, from which she cannot choose her favorite. She does not miss a single school event and often participates in them herself. In relationships with people, Tanya is not without principles. She is also quite artistic. Reacts emotionally to literally everything. If you tell her good or bad news at the wrong moment, she can do a lot of stupid things out of emotion. Tatyana is also a leader in everything by nature. If she understands that someone does not agree that she is in charge, she will break off relations with this person. She often goes to extremes and puts limits and strict conditions on people that few people agree with. But those who agreed would become her friends for a long time.

Tatyana chooses a strong man as her husband. However, in marriage she tries to suppress him and show her power. Therefore, her marriage breaks up. For a long time she wonders why everything turns out this way. The answer is that often she herself does not know what she wants from family life.

Other forms of the name Tatyana: Tanya, Tanechka, Tanchita, Tano, Tanyusya, Tanyusik, Tanyuta, Tanita, Tanyushka, Tata

Name days: January 25, February 23, March 14, April 3, May 17, June 23, July 21, August 18, September 3

What can I wish for you, Tatyana?
Love, goodness, two oceans,
Happiness was overflowing.
Receive gifts more often.

So that your health does not fail you,
To get everything from life.
So that the tears are only from happiness,
So that you never know bad weather.

Be sincere, always loved,
For everyone's loved ones - unique.
Never be upset
Let spring live in your soul.

Tanechka, dear, accept congratulations:
Happiness dear, great luck,
A sea of ​​flowers, understanding, good luck,
Many, many years to come to you, to boot!

Fulfill, dear, all your desires,
So that all your efforts are in your favor,
Let your eyes sparkle, let your soul flutter,
And woe betide Tanyusha, you never knew in your life!

Be cheerful, energetic and glorious,
Tender, beloved, with a smooth gait,
Affectionate, kind, with an open soul,
Everyone's favorite and very simple!

Dear Tanya, wonderful Tanya, I congratulate you from the bottom of my heart and want to wish that everything in your life always turns out the way you want it. After all, the name Tatyana means “organizer.” Therefore, I wish you to arrange everything in your life and activities in your own way, so that the path to your goals is unhindered and fast, so that you always have faithful support from your loved one nearby.

Accept, Tatyana, congratulations,
And wishes for miracles.
May your mood be better
There is only a sparkle of joy in the eyes.

May every day be happy
And all the impressions are bright,
Catch perspectives in life,
And only the best moments.

Tanyusha, I wish you
All the best, good luck, bright days
And happiness without end and edge,
And may your dreams come true soon!

I wish you limitless love
And strong friendship for centuries!
Let the salary be excellent
Well, the profession is easy!

Always be for you, Tatyana,
Sweet, kind, mischievous,
Drunk with love and happiness,
From luck - intoxicated.

But look at things soberly
And don’t get into trouble,
Without effort and playfully
All matters must be decided.

And your eyes will sparkle!
Don't be bored, don't be sick.
All your cherished dreams will come true!
You become younger with age.

So, her name was Tatyana...
She was sweet and cheerful.
Today we congratulate her
And we wish her well!

We wish your dreams to come true,
So that love is strong,
To from happiness and smiles
Your blood always boiled!

Let your relatives not leave you,
Friends will be faithful to you.
And let people come to your house
Only those that are needed.

Tanya, Tanechka, Tatyana!
I congratulate you
On this day the happiest
Let your friends be nearby!

Be beautiful, a little capricious,
Relax and have fun.
I wish that everything in life
It was just crazy!

Please accept, Tanya, congratulations!
Let fate lead to good things,
Let inspiration pierce the soul,
Let him be lucky in business, of course.

Let doubts dissolve
In the silence of health, happiness and love.
And let it be by God's command
Everyone's cherished dreams come true.

You have an excellent name
And it suits you very well
Let it be, dear Tatyana,
It will only bring you happiness.

May your Guardian Angel protect you
And covers with his wing,
May your world be the most beautiful,
Illuminated with magical goodness.

Fate has given you many gifts -
You are beautiful, smart and wise.
In this I see the secret of the name,
Remain like this always.
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The name Tatyana is often found not only in Russian-speaking regions, but also in foreign countries. Many parents call their daughters this way various reasons. Perhaps the reason for the popularity of this name lies in its roots.

History of the origin of the name

According to the church calendar, Tatiana’s name day is celebrated three times a year. On January 18, Tatiana the Reverend is glorified, on January 25 - Tatiana of Rome, on October 3, all Tatianas also celebrate their holiday. On January 25, Tatyana celebrates Orthodox and Catholic name days. And this is connected with the story of Tatyana Rimskaya, whose father was an influential Roman, but for some reason converted to Christianity. Tatiana, in the name of Jesus Christ, completely renounced worldly life and marriage. For her special devotion to the church, she was given the rank of deaconess. This meant that she could serve as pastor. During the reign of the emperor, Christians were persecuted. This fate did not spare Tatiana of Rome either. However, even during torture she did not betray Christ. Legend says that Tatiana's prayers could destroy pagan temples and statues. Moreover, for her disobedience, she was given to a lion as food, which Tatiana of Rome was able to tame with the power of her holiness. In the 3rd century, the patroness of all Tatiana was executed.

It is no coincidence that Tatiana’s name day and the student’s day coincide. According to the decree of Empress Elizabeth, the first Russian university was founded.

Character of the name

Tatiana's childhood cannot be called calm. The girl is incredibly sensitive and impressionable. She loves to play, draw, write stories, laugh, and constantly finds new entertainment for herself. Little Tanya is easy to hurt and offend. She will worry about this for a long time, she may withdraw into herself, or she may be rude in response to the offender. Tatiana loves animals. They have a strong bond with their parents. They honor, respect and obey them. But helping around the house is not an activity for Tanya: although she can do it, she does it without much desire.

By nature, Tatiana is a little lazy and in order to achieve success, they need to put in a lot of effort. Exact sciences are difficult for Tanya, but languages, drawing and other arts are hers. The girl is very friendly, everyone in the class treats her well.

Growing up, Tatyana becomes more and more independent and independent. She immerses herself in her work, sets goals for herself and successfully strives to achieve them. She will never leave her intended path. Over time, the girl becomes proud and selfish, but at the same time witty and observant. Perseverance and responsibility accompany her throughout her life.

Tatyana knows how to truly make friends, although she doesn’t have many friends.

She will never leave you in trouble, she is always responsive and sensitive to the pain of others. Family is also of great importance to Tanya. She is a caring mother and a wonderful homemaker. Tatiana even likes to celebrate her name day in a close family circle.

The character of Tatyana, born in winter, is more like a man's. They are too responsible and courageous. Prudence and a cool mind allow you to foresee everything in advance and accept the right decision. But at the same time, January and February Tanyas are softer and more flexible.

Spring Tatiana has a cheerful character, a good sense of humor and a rich imagination. She is artistic, although she is calm about honor and recognition.

Tatiana, born in summer, extremely emotional. Creativity is their main interest. Summer Tatyanas can easily fall under the influence of others.

Autumn Tatianas were especially lucky. They have collected best qualities everyone else.

Like on an angel's day

Tatyana's name day is celebrated several times, so you can please the owner of a wonderful name more than once with congratulations, gifts and just good words. Tatyanas are very unpretentious and will be delighted with any gift. However, they will especially enjoy beauty products or perfumes. They pay special attention to their face and body, so even a simple hand cream will give them a lot of pleasure. Tatyana also loves flowers. birthday or just a good day - it doesn't matter. In any of them you can please Tanya with a small bouquet and sweets. Elderly Tatianas can be given everything they need in the household. This could be a lamp, or even warm socks. Tatyana is most popular among students, since on January 25 they celebrate their own holiday - Student's Day.

Name talismans

Tatyana also has her own magical protection. The stones are ruby, heliodor and tiger's eye. Ruby will help you find happiness in love, improve your mood and add courage and strength. Heliodor will fill life with harmony, peace and wisdom. Moreover, when worn for a long time, this stone can attract material wealth. The stone protects family people and children. Tiger's eye helps in difficult situations, as well as during illnesses. It protects from the evil eye and damage.

  • Tatyana's colors are yellow, red, brown.
  • Number - 3.
  • Planet - Mars.
  • Element - earth.
  • The symbol is the chimes.
  • Animals - lynx and gopher.
  • Plants - blueberries and clover.
  • Metal - lead.
  • Favorable day is Saturday.
  • The time of year is winter.

The article contains information about the meaning of the name Tatyana.

Martyr Tatiana is one of the beloved and revered among the Orthodox. The saint preached Christianity and was famous for her charity. What does this name mean and what fate awaits Tanya, read about it in the article.

What does the name Tatyana mean: according to the church calendar?

An outdated version of the name Tatyana was pronounced Tatiana. This name was the name of Saint Tatiana, revered in Russia.

  • This is the same Saint Tatiana whom students consider their patroness. Empress Elizabeth signed a decree on the establishment of Moscow University on Tatiana's day: January 12 (old style) and January 25 (new style)
  • The Slavs began to name girls the name Tatyana after accepting Christianity. The name has become one of the most common
Tatyana’s name day is celebrated more than once a year

What nationality is the name Tatyana?

The name Tatyana has Greek roots. But according to one version, Tatiana was the name of a Roman maiden and deaconess from a noble family. The girl refused marriage and devoted herself to the church, serving God and the needy.

  • The deaconess was captured by the emperor's men and subjected to repeated torture. At the same time, the executioners believed in the power of the saint, after a sudden earthquake occurred and Tatyana expelled the demon from the destroyed idol standing in the temple
  • The wounds inflicted by the tormentors disappeared on the second day, revealing a miracle of complete healing. Even the hungry lion did not rush at Tatyana, but began to lick her feet. After terrible torture, the saint was executed

Martyr Tatiana

Tatiana: decoding the name from Greek

IN Greek name Tatyana migrated from Latin under the guise "Tatius". This word meant the name of one of the Sabine kings (Italic tribes that partially settled on the Roman hills).

Name Tatyana in English, Latin, different languages

The name Tatyana has several spelling variations in English. The most commonly used are the following:
The shortened version of the name, that is, Tanya, looks like this - Tanya or Tania.

Tatyana - a woman emitting light

How is the name Tatyana written in the passport?

According to the rules of transliteration, the name Tatyana should be written like this:

Tatyana abbreviated short name, diminutive pet names

When calling a girl by the name Tatyana, parents do not skimp on diminutive pet names. The girl at home is called Tanechka, Tanyusha, Tatusey, Tanyura, Tanyusey, Tanyuta, Tatoy, Tatulya, Tatuya, Tusya, Tasha, Tatyanka, Tanyukha.

At the same time, there can only be one short form of the name - Tanya. But there are also derivatives from the name Tatyana: Tatiana, Tatiana, Mystery, Taya

Little Tanyusha can be whiny

Name Tatyana: origin and meaning

The name Tatyana, which is familiar to us, is of Russian Orthodox, Catholic, and Greek origin.

This ancient Greek word "tatto", meaning "organizer", "founder" or "set". Thus, the name is already with early childhood influences the fate of the girl Tanya: she is appointed to observe and guide

Tatyana: the meaning of the name character and fate

  • From early childhood, Tatyana radiates light and positivity. The girl is distinguished by her liveliness of character. Already in kindergarten, Tanya can stand up for herself. Over time, Tatyana strives to win the position of leader in any team.
  • Tatiana is strong-willed, active and sexy. In the eyes of a woman named Tatyana, passion burns and the sun's rays burn
  • As a little girl, Tanya behaves like a real tomboy; her character traits show arrogance and impudence.
  • Growing up, she appears before those around her as a person who has managed to comprehend some secret knowledge, as if the book of life is always open before her
  • The Tatyana woman is stubborn and domineering. She confidently pursues her goal, possessing despotic character traits. For her, there is no other opinion, and she reacts categorically to objections
  • Tatyana is a very emotional person with great artistic talent. Her charm helps her remain self-centered. Sentimentality and vulnerability are not about Tatyana
  • Tatyana has enormous potential, which often remains in the embryonic stage. After all, the woman Tatyana, being objective in assessing the actions of others, is not able to discern her own mistakes and mistakes
  • Tatyana has more friends among the stronger sex. With men it is easier for Tatyana to feel soft and feminine
  • Tatyana is socially oriented. She does not avoid communicating with her peers, as she is very sociable. However, she prefers to be listened to and not objected to. This rule also applies to people close to her.

Tatyana can already stand up for herself in kindergarten

Name Tatyana: compatibility with male names

Tatyana, who will choose her life partner Anatoly, Valeria, Ivan, Oleg, Sergei or Igor, it will turn out perfect family life. But with men named Vyacheslav, Gennady, Kirill, Nikolay, Timur the marriage will be unsuccessful

Tatyana's union will be successful with men Anatoly, Igor, Valery

When is Tatyana’s name day according to the Orthodox calendar?

By Orthodox calendar Tatyana celebrates her day:

Congratulations on Tatyana's Angel Day short

If in your circle of friends there is a girl Tatyana whom you would like to congratulate on Angel Day, then the following short poems will help you find the right words.

On Tatyana's Day, take it soon
From me a cheerful smile,
Let her warm you in the snow
Like a warm, gentle, shaky ray of sunshine!

Pleasant words fly from all sides:
Today is a holiday - Tatiana's Day!
Let the ringing music radiate chimes,
And emeralds shine in many ways for you!

Congratulate your beloved Tatyana on Angel Day

Tatyana's Day I am not silent,
I want to wish you happiness!
May you be lucky in everything
Every day and all year round!

Tatyana's Day comes at the end of January,
Happy holiday to Tatiana and students!
May everything always be wonderful with you,
I wish you only happy moments!

Tanya, dear friend, I send you my greetings!
I congratulate you on Tatyana’s Day and wish you to live without troubles,
Laugh, play, have fun and receive lots of love,
Let your eyes always radiate only joy and happiness!

Let the snowflake round dance invite you for a walk!
May you be lucky in love and may your dear one give you a jewelry box!
On Tatiana's day, may everyone be happy to see you,
And let your fans serenade you!

There is love and happiness in you,
It’s impossible to count everything,
We congratulate you on Tatyana's Day,
AND your name glorify!

Wasting time
I won't -
Everything on the topic:
Happy Tatyana's Day!

For you, Tanyush, today there are all flowers,
All congratulations and songs in the world.
After all, the holiday will always be there, where you are -
And you are a reminder of summer for us in winter!

Tanya, happy name day!
Let life be long
Full of pure joy,
And love sweetness!

Frosty January covered us with snow,
May Tatiana’s smile warm everyone.
Be happy, Tanya, on your Angel Day,
May he protect and help you.

How wonderful it is that there is Tatiana’s Day!
An extra reason for the year
Change my plans for you,
Congratulate and remove a star from the sky!

Tatyana has several name days a year

Happy Tatyana's Day to the best of all Tatyanas
I hasten to congratulate you on this day!
Let your unfulfilled desires caravan
It will definitely come true in life!

You are like a picture, dear Tatyana,
You are sunny, there is no flaw in you,
Pushkin himself glorified your name,
I congratulate you on Tatyana's Day!

Ah, true bliss -
To know our Tatiana personally.
Not in vain, perhaps, perfection,
That's what I want to call her.
I want to tell you, Tatyana,
That you alone are the most beautiful of all.
There is a lot of success ahead,
And in life - true success!

On Tatiana's day I want to congratulate you
And wish you health and love.
May the angel always be by your side,
Bless all your days!

My dear, Tanya,
Happy angel day I want you
Congratulations, dear friend
And I wish from myself:
May you be lucky in everything in the world,
May the angels protect you
In all matters there is a fair wind,
And a charge of bright vivacity!

Tanya, today is your holiday,
Happy Angel Day, I congratulate you!
And this is a mini-congratulation in verse
I’m sending you an SMS today.
I wish you to live and not worry,
So that everything is OK and cool,
Good friends to treasure
And enjoy every minute!

Happy holiday, Tanechka, I congratulate you,
I wish you much, much happiness in life,
So that your house is a mile away from trouble,
May you smile more often today and always!

May the angel send good luck to Tatyana!

I wish you optimism
Love and magnetism,
Be healthy, beautiful,
Always as sweet
In love and beloved,
Smiling, happy.
You are the best friend!
Happy Angel Day, Tanya!

My beloved Tanya!
You are my bright star!
Today you listen to me
I will congratulate you!
I wish you a ray of happiness
Always shined on you.
And troubles, sorrows and misfortunes
You will never know!

Song with the name Tatyana

And here are the songs about Tatyana.

The name Tatyana has a lot of positive energy

A song about Tanya from the New Year's comedy "Carnival Night"
Music by A. Lepin. Words by V. Korostylev

Ah, Tanya, Tanya, Tanechka,
Her case was like this:
Our Tanya served
In the factory canteen.
food worker,
Attached to borscht.
Pay attention to Tanya
Nobody paid any attention.

Was in our factory club
Merry carnival.
Hawthorn alone all night
The whole hall applauded.
For the right to dance with her
Had a fierce argument
Fanfan-Tulip with Onegin,
With Romeo - a musketeer.

The next morning, remembering that cheerful masquerade,
They talk about that dashing beauty with delight.
She was under the mask, and there was no trace of her...
- Hey, Tanya, Tanya, Tanechka,
Bring lunch quickly!
They look - and they see hawthorn
She carries lunch herself!

Many songs are dedicated to Tatyana

Tanya plus Volodya

Osin Evgeniy

Why am I so sad?
You're going sideways again
I lower my eyes again,
I can't put two words together.

How can I explain to her, her,
Why am I living a dream about her?
I must decide:
To be or not to be?

“Tanya plus Volodya” - a bouquet of melodies
I am ready to give you every day.
My neighbor is mad at me
He turned off the light at the entrance.
I don't hold it against him
In the dark, sighing, I write,

So that you know, yeah
About my unhappy love!
Write the answer -
Do you love it or not?
“Tanya plus Volodya” - draws out the chalk,
A heart with an arrow is better than any words.
“Tanya plus Volodya” - a bouquet of melodies
I am ready to give you every day.
“Tanya plus Volodya” - a bouquet of melodies
I am ready to give you every day.

Tanyusha and the Titanic
K. Andreev

On a boat along the Ob, downstream...
You stood at the railing - unfortunately...
Our simple romance was planned:
You stood there, I smoked and fooled around.
I'm like a fascinated botanist -
TO beautiful flower he reaches out his hands.
I'll press my shoulder to you -
And the heart will stop beating.
You are an icy iceberg, I am an icy Titanic...

And you said that your name is Tanya,
And I looked into your eyes with secret hope.
And your hair and lips drove me crazy.
Such is your gait, such karma...
Tanyusha! You are a honey sweet gingerbread

I'll press my shoulder to you -
And the heart will stop beating.
You are an icy iceberg, I am a fiery Titanic...

And ships passed by you and me,
I watched the same film, and tears fell.
And I told you: I’m not DiCaprio, -
I passed the GTO standards in swimming!
And our steamer was carried and rocked by the current.
Well, why didn’t he suffer a shipwreck?!
From such frustration the blood boils in the chest, -
We sailed with you, and love began!

Tanyusha! You are a honey sweet gingerbread
To which the child reaches his hands.
I'll press my shoulder to you -
And the heart will stop beating.
You are an icy iceberg, I am a living Titanic...

Words by B. Slutsky
Music by A. Tarataev

You each of these phrases
Reprinted it many times
Reprinted and quail
In easy portable language
Cars, and now we are far away.
You are moving further and further gradually.

Reprinted, bound
Sometimes with approval, sometimes with disdain.
Crossed them out in one motion,
With one movement she swept it off the table.
All that was solid in me,
Steel, - from you and from the machine -
You corrected all my mistakes
And now you are in a distant place,
Where I won't ask you in the morning
Print the night essay.

Gone. And I still have to get up and fall,
And get up again.
It’s not time for me yet...

Tattoo with the name Tatyana

If you want to get a tattoo with the name Tatyana, then look at these photos. You might like these inscriptions

You can get a tattoo like this if you adapt it to the name Tatyana

Pendant with the name Tatyana made of gold: photo

The designers worked in this direction and created wonderful pendants for Tatyana’s most beloved ones.

Name Tatyana: intuition, intelligence, morality


Tatyana may have the gift of clairvoyance. The woman's charm is so strong that men are unable to resist her charms. She can foresee and predict thanks to her insight.


Tatyanas are smart women with high level intelligence and analytical thinking. However, they use their abilities only in cases where the need arises to solve a practical problem.


  • Tatyana decides for herself what is hers moral principles, and what not. She tends to change these principles depending on her goals.
  • Tatyana often wants to have a heart-to-heart talk, be frank with someone, and talk about problems.
  • She is ready to listen and sympathize with her interlocutor, but in order to encourage her to help, you need to focus on logic and cold calculation

Name Tatyana: hobbies, activities, business

  • Tatyana is a supporter of an active lifestyle. She devotes a lot of time to travel. Among Tatyana's hobbies, one should highlight the ability to cook well and keep the house perfectly clean.
  • Tatyana is ready to often change the decor in the apartment by rearranging furniture and carrying out minor repairs
  • Tatyana makes excellent businesswomen. Tatyana has business acumen and is able to maintain clarity of thought all 24 hours. Since Tatyana puts financial well-being at the forefront of her happiness, she is ready to work without weekends or vacations

Name Tatyana: health and psyche

  • Tatyana has a restless nature. As a baby, she may cry for a long time and is difficult to put to sleep. The baby usually has a good appetite, so even premature babies do not have problems with weight gain
  • The physical development of the girl Tatyana deviates somewhat from the norm. This is manifested by the fact that she begins to hold her head up late; her first teeth also begin to erupt later than usual.
  • The girl's parents are faced with the problem of infectious diseases. There is a risk of minor injuries and even fractures
  • Tatyanas born in March often suffer from bronchitis
  • People born in April are obese
  • Tatyana often has a sore throat, she may have problems with her lungs, and there may be hormonal imbalances. Childbirth can cause a woman to gain excess weight
  • Metabolism may be disrupted. We have to deal with excess hair on the arms and legs
  • Tatyana, who suffers from ovarian dysfunction, also has related problems. The main one is infertility
  • Tatyana's family life may not be very successful. A woman is susceptible to nervous disorders, stress, and depression. Tatyana may start drinking and taking drugs.
  • an introvert by nature. She has an incredible memory. She is impulsive and impetuous, which greatly complicates life for both herself and those around her. If Tatyana is not able to muffle her self-confidence with humor, then she cannot avoid conflicts
  • Tatyana is harsh and does not worry at all that her words or actions are unpleasant to anyone

Tatyana dominates in marriage

Name Tatyana: sexuality, marriage

  • Tatyana becomes sexy when she feels loved. Without love, sex means nothing to her. To conquer Tatyana, you need to go on a tour with her and show her that you can’t imagine your life without traveling.
  • Dominance in a relationship also affects sex. A woman can become aggressive and demand submission. The main thing for her is to please herself
  • In marriage, Tatyana shows herself as a possessive person. She tries to dominate her family, which also leads to conflicts and a war of characters. Scandals with Tatyana arise with or without reason
  • Mother Tatyana is strict and children are often afraid of her. With her man she can be both strict and caring. Surrounding her husband with warmth and care, Tatyana becomes his wonderful partner. Prefers strong men

Zodiac named after Tatyana

It doesn’t matter under what zodiac sign a girl with the name Tatyana was born. Zodiacally, this name belongs to the constellation Capricorn, and the patron planet is Mars.

Patron named Tatyana

Patron saint name Tatiana Rimskaya

Name Tatyana stone talisman

  • Tiger's Eye will help Tatyana cope with insomnia and depression. The stone will relieve rheumatism and bronchial asthma. For weather-dependent Tatyana, tiger's eye is simply necessary for her well-being.
  • will save Tatyana from heartache

Ruby is a stone for Tatiana

Flower for the name Tatyana

  • Clover

Totem animal named Tatyana

  • Gopher

Numerology of the name Tatyana

Name number Tatiana – 3. A person-three is characterized by developed intuition and rich imagination. They are unusually emotional. Achieve success in many professions

Girl-three is a creative person

Nickname for the name Tatyana

  • Tatius
  • Tatiana
  • Todda
  • Titus

Famous people, celebrities named Tatyana

  • Tatyana Grigorievna Vasilyeva - actress
  • Tatyana Filippovna Sarycheva-athlete and volleyball coach
  • Bulanova - singer
  • Ovsienko - singer
  • Tatyana Borisovna Dmitrievna – medical scientist
  • Dogileva Tatyana Anatolyevna – actress
  • Tatyana Vasilievna Doronina – actress
  • Tatyana Yurievna Lazareva – actress and TV presenter

Video: the meaning of the name Tatyana

January 25 is the favorite date of all Russian students and women to whom their parents gave this wonderful name. Tatyana's day - church holiday, honoring the Roman martyr Tatiana - a girl who gave her life for her faith in Christ.

In 1755, on Tatiana’s Day, Empress Elizabeth put her imperial signature on the decree establishing the very first Moscow University. In 1791, in a small outbuilding educational institution opened the student house church of St. Tatiana. A combination of random circumstances led to the fact that January 25 first became the University’s Founding Day, and a little later it was celebrated on a grand scale in the capital.

Winter day, cold, snowy,
All trees are in silver.
Tatyana's Day - sweet, tender -
We celebrate in January.

On this day we wish you
Happiness, joy, warmth,
Fulfillment of desires.
The ones you've been waiting for.

Let the holiday become your favorite one
On this calendar day.
Because you, Tatyana,
Queen of January.

Happy Tatyana Day,
I wish you patronage.
May the angel protect you
From worries and grievances.

Happiness, good health,
Joy, kindness with love,
Only the right roads
Always live without worries!

Dear and sweet Tatyana, I congratulate you on Angel’s Day. May your heart be shrouded in warmth and tenderness on this frosty winter day. I wish that every dream of yours soon becomes a reality, and that there is always room in your soul for new, sweet dreams. Let them only be nearby best people, always ready to support you, understand and come to your aid.

Today is not an easy day.
He is Tatyana, he is a saint!
Let him protect Tatyana,
Gently, tenderly hugs

Her guardian with wings,
Snow-white celestial.
Happy holiday to you, Tanyush!
No sadness, no cold

Let it not settle in your heart.
Open the door for a miracle!
Let the soul sing with happiness
Even in storms and bad weather.

Let your dreams come true
Everything you want.
Today is only your day,
Kind, joyful, dear!

Tatyana's day has come today,
May it bring health
Let him give you a lot of happiness
And it will take away all the problems!

Let it give you the mood
And will protect you from evil.
May everything always be in order.
And I congratulate you!

On Tatyana's day I want to wish you,
To love with your soul, to shine with your smile,
Angel's Day - it is so bright, clean,
Let selfless people surround you!
May all your dreams come true,
And there will be a lot of kindness in life!

Happy Tatyana's Day!
And I wish you to be lucky.
Be healthy, cheerful,
May life be in full swing!

Always be charismatic
Charming, practical.
Happiness and love to you.
Always be on top!

Guardian angel, protect Tatiana.
In a busy world, take care of her,
Embrace me with tender wings,
Reward her with warmth and care.

Don’t give up on your journey and save from troubles,
Show the way with an invisible hand.
Happy Angel Day, Tanya, believe in miracles,
And then the angel will not leave you.

Congratulations on Tatyana's Day!
Happiness will be permanent
And let success come
Building a route of joy.

Let there be light in your soul,
Home is clear and warm,
I can handle any task,
To make the heart sing more often.

Luck will knock on the door -
You can safely believe her
No shadow will fall on fate.
So welcome Tatyana's day!

Tatiana, Tanechka, Tanyusha,
Please accept our congratulations.
On Tatiana's day let him surround
You are joy, happiness and fun!

May your angel be near you throughout your life
Protects, instructs.
And all the desires of beauties
Easy and quick to perform!

Health, blessings and all achievements
To all the Tanyas, Tanyas, Tanyas.
January is a time of luck for you,
And your name is your best amulet!

Congratulations to Tatyana!
She's flawless:
Sultry, a little obstinate
Yes, very beautiful.
Risk loves and appreciates,
And most importantly, he believes
In yourself and in luck.
Oh, Tanechka, that means
You'll be cool in life
... and you will find happiness!
Records, dreams,
Good luck on Tatyana's day.

Congratulations: 275 in verse, 95 in prose.

Happy Tatyana's Day picture

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