What is Gambling and Who is a Gambling Person? Anatomy of Gambling Gambling People

The abandoned wife of the player and the mother of a son who wanders in an unknown place suffers. Burdened with debts, frightenedly looking for money, he goes to other people's houses at night.

Rigveda, "The Gambler's Hymn". Translation by Elizarenkova T. Ya.

Online poker has been actively developing in the Russian segment of the World Wide Web since the second half of the 2000s. The disastrous consequences for a person from an addiction to playing poker and other card games are no less noticeable in comparison with such widespread addictions on the World Wide Web as pornography, online casinos, and network games.

World religions, such as Christianity, Islam, and Buddhism, clearly interpret the craving for gambling as an unnatural and sinful impulse. For a person on the path of spiritual development, the desire to gamble should be nipped in the bud.

For example, in Buddhism, the reasons for the negative attitude towards gambling can be traced to the four noble truths - the main teachings of the Buddha. The second noble truth speaks about the cause of suffering - it is desire, an insatiable desire. This insatiable desire is also present in the craving for an easy way to get money by participating in gambling.

Online poker began to grow at a particularly rapid pace - in the world and in Russia in particular - after the victory of amateur Chris Moneymaker at the largest poker tournament in Las Vegas in 2003 (the so-called “Moneymaker effect”, which poker industry businessmen did not fail to take advantage of) . In the same tournament in 2008, Russian professional player Ivan Demidov took second place, which gave additional impetus to the spread of poker in Russia.

Gaming applications are common on popular social networks that allow you to play poker with other people for play money. Is poker the art of reading an opponent and calculating the odds in a pot, or a severe gambling addiction that destroys a player’s personal life and prevents a person from developing in ordinary areas of life? Disputes on this topic have not subsided to this day.

Of course, if a player is fluent in poker mathematics, understands psychology, knows how to “read” opponents and determine their level of play, is calm and reasonable and does not succumb to “tilt” (inappropriate emotional state caused by losing or winning) – such a player will win more than to lose. Why? Because most players are amateurs and cannot make much progress in the game due to various reasons.

According to some data – poker sites don’t really like to disclose exact data – approximately 90% of online poker players lose. The remaining 10% (or even less) are professional poker masters who make a living from the amateur play of inexperienced players.

Some fans of card games consider poker as a leisure activity that allows them to tickle their nerves and experience excitement for reasonable money. Others may spend more free time playing poker, thereby losing more money while keeping their passion in check. The third category of losing players may have serious psychological problems, the cause of which is a painful addiction to the game (gambling, gambling addiction, gambling addiction).

And this third category is not so small. Young people who spend a lot of time on the Internet and pay attention to offers on how to easily earn money without leaving home are especially susceptible to acquiring a gaming addiction.

Many thematic sites related to leisure and the gaming industry are replete with offers of poker rooms (poker rooms where the actual game is played). Poker rooms offer tempting deposit bonuses, special offers and promotions for beginners.

In poker rooms where real money is played, there is a tense and unfriendly atmosphere. After all, the player’s goal is to defeat his opponent and add the money of the defeated player to the money in the account of the more skilled and successful player. It’s a common occurrence when a losing player starts swearing in the chat and cursing the offender at all costs. To be fair, it is worth noting that most players try to behave with dignity, despite the psychological stress.

Here are just a few facts indicating the harmfulness of addiction to gambling:

  • Stewart Errol Unger, who won the main event of the World Series of Poker three times, spent most of his winnings on sports betting and drugs. Unger died at the age of 45 as a result of heart disease caused by drug use;
  • Professional poker player Ernest Scherer was sentenced to life in prison for the murder of his parents in 2008. The motive for the brutal crime was the desire to alleviate the difficult financial situation in which Scherer was by receiving an inheritance;
  • poker player Alessandro Bastianoni committed suicide in 2013 after a series of significant losses;
  • Andre Moore in October 2013, while playing cards with his brother, discovered that he had cheated, and in a fit of anger, fatally wounded his relative with a pistol shot.

The above examples of the harmful influence of games on human behavior make us think seriously.

In some countries, poker and other gambling are recognized not only as illegal, but as a real evil, for which you can get a real prison sentence or become the object of a public beating. These are Afghanistan, Indonesia (including a ban on online games), Bhutan, Algeria, and the Vatican. In Israel, the game of poker was banned in 2008, and residents of the country are prohibited from playing even at home with friends.

But, unfortunately, online poker is formally banned almost nowhere, including in Russia. It is also sad that many countries only pretend to somehow fight this problem, but in fact they are only trying to control the cash flow by collecting taxes from this business. So the game doesn't stop, but becomes a little more difficult for end users...

There are countries that recognized poker as a sport, and Russia was no exception (in August 2009, they still approved poker as a game of chance and introduced a ban on participation, but established 4 gambling zones). And here the saying “the road to hell is paved with good intentions” would be appropriate. Of course, the opinion that sports poker increases the intellectual and ethical development of the individual, helps to distract citizens from negative and bad habits and antisocial forms of behavior and is a useful and enjoyable way of spending free time, has a right to exist, BUT... Almost all people associate poker with with the opportunity to earn easy money, and an innocent, at first glance, hobby can provoke the appearance of mental disorders and the formation of a serious addiction. Statistics show that there are much fewer people suffering from drug addiction than those who gamble.

International classification of diseases: disease No. F60 “A disorder consisting of frequent, repeated episodes of gambling that dominate the subject’s life and lead to a decrease in social, professional, material and family values.” Pathological addiction to gambling leads to the fact that for a person, gaming is the only way to relieve stress, forget grievances, a way of communication, a pursuit, a dream of getting rich, establishing one’s importance, gaining recognition, a way to fill a certain emptiness. A process of personality destruction occurs, which is aggravated by social consequences, i.e. impoverishment, job loss and family breakdown. It is very difficult to understand this addiction, because it is a psychological programming and keeps the player’s thoughts, feelings, emotions and actions under control. In gamers, even the biochemical composition of the active substances of brain cells changes, which manifests itself in the form of perverted emotional reactions. Instead of fear from a sense of danger, players begin to experience euphoria, an intoxicating feeling. The very important neurotransmitter dopamine, which is responsible for positive feelings towards others, feelings of satisfaction and joy, decreases to incredibly low levels.

In poker itself (or any other type of card game), in the eyes of the average person, there is nothing illegal or unacceptable. At the same time, does the game help the individual achieve something truly important and valuable, does it contribute to the development of your noble qualities or opens up a deeper understanding of the world and your purpose? A card game takes up time and energy - the most important resources at the disposal of an individual, and is capable of bringing out terrible feelings and disgusting impulses in the human personality that will destroy the player's life, turning it into one big stupidity...

So is it worth spending such a valuable life in the human body so as not to actually be present in it, immersed in the world of the game?

The decision is yours, I hope we will be on the same side!

Gambling today is an addiction that destroys families, destroys personality and leads to social degradation. The number of people who want to try their luck is simply terrifying: 5% of regular players have an established addiction, and in developed countries, on average, about 55-60% of the population sometimes visit gambling establishments. If an establishment like a casino appears in a country, then about 1% of the population is at risk of acquiring the disease of gambling addiction.

In some ways, the symptoms of a player are similar to the withdrawal symptoms of a drug addict who cannot take the drug. Each of us knows at least one example where addiction to gambling has ruined people's lives. But how is such a terrifying effect achieved? How can a one-armed bandit ruin a life and how does the personality of a gambler change? We have prepared an article for you in which you will learn about this and more.

1. Financial collapse

Financial loss is one of the least gambling addictions, but this does not make it harmless. Hoping to hit the jackpot, or just to find out what it is, many go to a casino or sit down at a card table. It doesn’t matter which way they come to this, the result will be the same - loss of finances.

Someone, having lost a small amount, understands that this is a road to nowhere, and no longer crosses the threshold of gambling establishments. But there are some players who, once they try, can’t stop. First, the entire salary is spent on games, then the player gets into debt. When this money runs out, things slowly begin to disappear from the house. As a result, an addicted person can lose his house, car, business and become indebted. Such a person destroys not only his life, but also the life of his family, dooming his relatives to survival without hope for a good future.
Remember: by crossing the threshold of a casino, you can drag not only yourself, but also all your family and friends into financial bondage.

2. A person stops developing spiritually and intellectually

What kind of development can we talk about when there are only cards and dice on your mind? The only knowledge that the brain will greedily absorb is the rules and features of the game. The whole world will shrink to the size of a playing table, and aspirations will fade into the background. Earning money will become just a means to satisfy the need to play, and spending time with family and friends will lose meaning. Once the addiction develops into a psychological one, it will be extremely difficult to interest a person in anything.

3. Changes in the behavior of gambling addicts

A person addicted to gambling loses his personality over time, turning from cheerful and purposeful to nervous and depressed.

First of all, all the activities and hobbies that were previously interesting to him will no longer captivate him. The situation with promises is the same as with the oaths of a drug addict: they cannot be trusted. Over time, the appearance ceases to bother the gamer. Problems with alcohol and even drugs often arise, because gambling leads to such fatal changes in life that the pain can only be drowned out with the help of alcohol and drugs, which creates even greater bondage and eliminates any possibility of returning to normal life.

The gambling addict stops caring about his children, parents, wife and other people close to him. From now on, his gods are adrenaline and luck. There is a complete change of friends: as a rule, he surrounds himself with the same losers and together they buy tickets for the nearest bus on the route to the social day. All the talk is about one thing only - games, games and only games. In addition, this leads to weight loss due to constant stress, headaches and nervousness, because failures accompany every day of the player.

4. Family breakdown

This stage will not bypass any gamer. Often, debts can not only take away your home, but also injure you or even kill you. There are many cases where members of the gambler’s family suffered for unpaid debts, and not he. No normal person will tolerate theft, systematic deception and threatening calls. Moreover, realizing that the player is bringing the family to the point of a miserable existence without a roof over their head, any relationship will be severed. Ultimately, the addicted player becomes a useless milking cow. And then, as long as it produces foreign-currency milk.

5. Nobody wants you to win.

You can be sure that your skills will help you earn some easy money, but in the gambling business, only you want it. The whole system is set up to rob you completely, and even cut the hair off your ass.

Let's start with card games outside the casino. If you sit down to play with strangers and naively believe that everything will be fair, then you are a complete fool. Usually, besides you, the rest of the participants in the game know each other and know each other very well. In any case, the game will be played against you, and no matter how hard you try, a fiasco is guaranteed. Often scammers play in such a way that you can win a couple of times and take away good money. Only the thirst for easy money leads to an increased sense of personal greatness, and you will leave at the same table several times more than you initially won. There is a similar system in the game with thimbles, dice and dominoes.

Now let's talk about casinos, but only in the language of mathematics. Your chances of winning at roulette are 1 in 37, while the casino has 36 out of 37. The “one-armed bandit” is a favorite place to play in the casino. About 58% of visitors to gambling establishments spend their time at this machine. The bandit attracts with small bets. According to the official version, the player can get back up to 88% of their investment. But the point is that these machines are programmed with special chips that are responsible for the percentage and can be adjusted to the desired result. Now think about how the casino will set up this machine? Of course, no one wants you to leave with your pockets full.

By the way, there is a theory that says that a series of failures on slot machines will lead to a big win. So, it DOESN'T WORK. The machines are programmed in such a way that after a series of failures they give the player a little hope, for example, in the form of an almost successful winning combination. But this is not an accident, but only special tricks of the system that force the player to throw tokens again and again in the hope of winning.

6. How does gaming addiction develop?

The preparatory stage manifests itself in the desire (not yet dependence) for games and entertainment. Usually typical for people who love instant wins and socially awkward individuals.
Winning stage: the moment when the winnings exceed the losses and the player begins to believe in his own abilities. At this moment, the future gambler is allowed to earn money and in every possible way cultivate his faith in the comfortable existence that his talent guarantees him. At this stage, the player develops a psychological dependence on games, due to an increase in self-esteem and satisfaction.

The losing stage is an inevitable part of the life of a gambler. That moment when costs do not pay off and only lead to financial losses. Contacts with family are reduced, problems arise at work. The gambling addict is constantly depressed and nervous. In addition, he realizes that games lead him to inevitable losses in all areas of life, and tries to stop playing, but, unfortunately, in most cases he cannot do this.
Frustration and despair: at this stage, as a rule, the player has lost all social ties, but has a huge pile of debts. The maximum bets in the game are made in the hope of hitting the jackpot and improving one’s plight. We can say that the fall into the abyss of despair and hopelessness has already begun.
Zurab Ilyich Kekelidze, a famous psychiatrist, gave a classification of the stages of development of gambling addiction from a medical point of view:
Preclinical stage: clear symptoms of gambling addiction are noticeable, and personality changes are not yet very obvious; they can rather be mistaken for character traits. It is possible to get rid of gambling addiction through willpower.

Stage of clinical changes: here a strong mental dependence is formed and behavioral deviations begin.

Stage of clinical dependence: mental disorders clearly manifest themselves, self-control is lost, and disturbances in emotional perception occur. Callousness, cruelty and indifference to others appear.

The stage of structural personality changes: the moment when there is practically no way back, and the addict cannot be cured without the help of doctors. At this stage, a person does not experience strong emotions from anything other than playing. The world around us becomes uninteresting, there is no logic in thinking, and the ability to analyze what is happening disappears. A person is only interested in the game; it becomes the driving force behind everything. Over time, it becomes the meaning of life.

7. Associated psychological disorders.

As we have already said, gambling addicts become antisocial individuals whose only goal is to play. It turns out that gambling addiction can destroy a person much more psychologically.

Patients with gambling addiction are three times more likely to suffer from depression (43% of patients), and this is not surprising, because losing day after day makes it difficult to maintain a joyful mood. Schizophrenia (7% of patients) and alcoholism also develop. Over time, alcoholism becomes chronic in more than half of gambling addicts, and about 3% of gambling addicts begin to suffer from drug addiction.

Useless attempts to drown out the pain of one’s own inadequacy and weakness with the help of alcohol and drugs lead to complete degradation of the individual. In most cases, these people, when they find themselves without a penny in their pockets, are prone to theft, robbery and other illegal methods of obtaining money. In addition, players with obvious pathology suffer from overeating and have a number of problems in sex, one of the reasons for which is constant stress.

There are many things in life on which it is better to spend your money: sports, a girlfriend, a parachute jump, going to the cinema or buying the entire storyline of your favorite comic book; you can send your parents to a resort, or get yourself an owl, after all. Choose whatever you want, but don't pour all the money into someone's pocket.

When these self-righteous moneybags increase their wealth thanks to you, do not forget that your family will be the first to suffer from this.

Gambling addiction can lead to the emergence of a stable psychological dependence. The development of the disease occurs unnoticed by a person. The game becomes the only thing he constantly thinks about. Both adults and children cannot resist addiction. Any game can be a source of temptation: computer or card games, slot machines or betting.

Definition of the concept

An addiction to games that develops on a psychological level is called gambling addiction. Often in the medical literature you can find other names: gambling and gambling addiction. They occurred as a result of the literal translation of the term from foreign languages. The word "ludomania" in Latin means passion. The term "gambling" comes from the English "playing for money."

Gambling addiction is a disease that manifests itself in the fact that a person cannot help but gamble. The excitement is so absorbing that the game becomes the only meaning of life.

As a result of this behavior, moral and family values ​​are completely destroyed, a person forgets about family and friends, and ruins his career.

Gambling is widespread throughout the world. Their popularity is due to the fact that in the process a person experiences severe psycho-emotional stress. With a strong intensity of emotions, he experiences feelings that he does not experience in everyday life.

Most of us have a relaxed attitude towards gambling, perceiving the game as a certain type of leisure time that allows us to relax and have a good time. People who become addicted to gaming cannot cope with this problem on their own. This is how gambling addiction manifests itself. This disease subjugates a person’s will so much that it is impossible to get rid of this habit without medical help. The disease is treated by qualified specialists.

Gambling addiction as a mental illness is included in the classification of diseases. According to statistics, the largest number of gambling addicts are registered in America (4%), 3% in the post-Soviet space and 2% in Australia, Sweden, England, and Canada.

The greatest demand among people suffering from gambling addiction is cards, slot machines, and lotteries.. Computer gambling addiction is a popular type of gambling addiction.

Possible consequences

This disease manifests itself as an unhealthy addiction to gambling and is expressed in mental disorders. In terms of its effect, it can be compared to alcohol, drugs or nicotine.

It is important to distinguish between a simple desire to play and pathological behavior.

Gambling addiction manifests itself differently. A person cannot resist the inner desire to play. It is so painful that the addict does not have enough strength to resist it. In this state, he agrees to make any bets just to feel euphoria.

According to doctors, this mental illness is periodic. Quiet intervals are replaced by active cycles. Gambling controls the player so much that he:

  • stops working and studying;
  • spends all the family's savings;
  • breaks off relations with relatives.

Submitting to his desire, he forgets about moral rules and begins to lead an asocial lifestyle, putting everything on the line. Over time, gambling addiction begins to progress inexorably. This means that the patient will not be able to recover on his own; the bad habit will drag on more and more.


The main reasons for the occurrence of gambling addiction in a person are related to the psychological characteristics of personality development. External factors also influence gambling addiction. Let's look at the causes of gambling addiction in more detail.

  1. Internal motive. The desire to take part in the game pushes a person to sit down at a card table or start a computer. The first motive is the desire to be a leader and show your dominant qualities, allowing you to win against weaker opponents. The second type of motive is obtaining satisfaction, euphoria and joy from the game, while in real life a person is surrounded only by disappointments and failures. This mental illness can arise as a result of curiosity and the desire to try one's hand at an unfamiliar task. Pleasant sensations, multiplied by the opportunity to get quick money, reinforce this harmful desire on a subconscious level.
  2. Family reasons. Problems associated with improper education of the individual are of great importance. Many childhood complexes, fears, and self-doubt push a person onto the path of gambling. Gambling can occur in those people who were raised in families where there were no correct role models, where there was indifference towards the child or constant conflicts and quarrels.
  3. Personal factor. Low self-esteem, a tendency to depression, the inability to correctly perceive criticism - all these character traits can become factors that push a person to gambling addiction. This form of behavior contributes to the rapid onset of the disease.
  4. External factors. The availability of gambling, the legal operation of casinos and slot machines, and widespread advertising in the media influence a person’s gambling addiction.
  5. Economic factor. Companies that own the gaming business are actively promoting gambling addiction. As a result, a person develops an incorrect understanding of life values, and his behavior changes. Instead of fulfilling themselves professionally and growing creatively, taking care of their family, the player begins to chase quick money, trying to feel significant. Watching game shows that are broadcast on television can have negative consequences. They quickly form a gaming addiction.

These factors can easily provoke the development of gambling addiction, which is difficult to overcome. The disease has serious consequences that can completely change a person’s life.

Stages of addiction

Gambling addiction develops gradually. The disease has several main stages, and at each stage radical changes in the psyche occur.

  1. Preparatory, when a person develops a susceptibility to gambling. Due to a personal crisis and self-doubt, accompanied by life's troubles, family and work problems, a person begins to look for a source of joyful feelings.
  2. Winning. At this time, a person gives in to excitement and becomes more and more involved in the game process. When he wins, he feels important. In gambling euphoria, the player thinks that he controls fate and can move mountains, not seeing the real danger that this harmful hobby is fraught with.
  3. Losing. A kind of circle is formed that characterizes the life of an addict. Gambling behavior of a person is accompanied by loss. He doesn’t know what to do with his addiction, so he succumbs to the addiction, trying to win back. Periods of normal behavior gradually disappear, which leads to conflicts with people around him who do not share his needs. At this stage, the disease manifests itself so clearly that the person understands that he is dependent. This leads to the player trying to get rid of his illness.
  4. Disappointment. The addiction is so detrimental that he deliberately ruins his life. The manifestation of deviant behavior begins with the fact that the player is emotionally unstable: he is always nervous, worried and angry because of losing. Any attempts by family and friends to influence him are met with hostility. Everyone who tries to help him automatically becomes enemies. During this period, alcohol and drugs become frequent companions of gambling addicts; they help relieve stress and improve their mood. In attempts to recoup, a person loses not only his savings, but also the money that his acquaintances and friends borrow. He begins to take out loans, takes valuables out of the house, and leads an antisocial lifestyle.
  5. Hopelessness. Even without believing in his victory, a person still goes to the casino. He hopes that luck will be on his side this time. This period can last up to 10 years, in most cases it takes only 3 years for addiction to arise and the disease to develop.


You should definitely be wary if your friend or relative:

  • talks only about the game;
  • ponders bets;
  • during excitement, experiences a feeling of excitement;
  • unable to control his negative emotions;
  • loss is accompanied by an attack of strong anger, rage and irritation;
  • in case of failure, tries to win back;
  • Without play, he experiences severe apathy and goes through withdrawal.

As a result of the syndrome of gaming personality degradation, which develops during the first year of addiction, a person changes beyond recognition.

Anyone who is addicted to gaming often suffers from withdrawal symptoms. As a result of trying not to play, he begins to feel unwell.

Sleep deteriorates, appetite disappears, constant headaches and vegetative-vascular dystonia develop, and as a result of endless worries, the body's defenses decrease. A bad mood leads to prolonged depression and suicidal thoughts.

Correction methods

At the initial stage of manifestation of gambling addiction, you can try to cope with the disease at home, normalizing the family environment, solving problems with loved ones and removing the source of endless conflicts.

In order for an addict to recover, you need to switch his attention, directing all his efforts to maintaining a healthy lifestyle, finding a hobby and developing his talents.

Since the struggle will not be easy, you need to be patient. What to do if all efforts are in vain: seek qualified help.

When gambling addiction has developed into a serious illness, a psychotherapist will help you fight it and develop an individual recovery program. Treatment consists of three main areas.

  1. Psychotherapy, which is based on solving problems related to the relationship between the player and the people around him, and working through children’s complexes and fears.
  2. Medicinal influence. The player is prescribed medications that relieve anxiety and fear, help normalize sleep, and improve mood. Antidepressants and antagonists of narcotic analgesics cope well with psychological dependence.
  3. Self-help groups. This is a separate type of psychological work based on the mutual support of gambling addicts.

The game is a kind of source of adrenaline. In order not to experience constant temptation, psychologists recommend using tips that will help you effectively get rid of this addiction.

What needs to be done to defeat this disease:

  1. Suppressing the desire to play. A person's awareness that he is addicted to gambling. This is already a big step towards a healthy life. Doctors often recommend that their patients undergo coding as an effective measure to help suppress the desire to gamble.
  2. Motivation. A strong motive will help you undergo treatment for gambling addiction. A specific goal in life that a person wants to achieve within a certain time frame will be an excellent substitute for gambling addiction. It is important to determine what you want to change in your work, personal life, and creativity. The patient must understand what sensations he wants to replenish in this way.
  3. Reward.
  4. Any achievements should definitely be rewarded with pleasant things.
  5. Busy.
  6. Gamers should not be bored; this feeling pushes them to search for new sensations. A person who is trying to get rid of this addiction must be busy all the time: engaged in work, creativity, active recreation.

The understanding of loved ones plays a huge role in this difficult period. Support from family and friends will help you get through this difficult ordeal. Personal growth courses help to cope with gambling addiction, which enable a person to believe in himself, become more confident and purposeful.


Gaming addiction is a problem that many people face. In case of successful recovery, the risk of relapse is very high; even after returning to normal life, the former gambling addict will need constant psychological support.

Gambling addiction is called " gambling addiction" Excessive passion for poker, roulette and other games of chance leads to dire consequences. Marriages fall apart, property is lost, friends disappear.

The signs of gambling addiction are not much different from the symptoms of drug addiction: a person tries to play, he gets addicted and now he can’t stop, his whole life comes down to the desire to play again.

Thanks to psychological tricks that millions of people fall for, the gambling business is thriving all over the world. Every country has different ways of getting men and women to gamble. Some people can afford to go to Las Vegas and lose a million in one night, while others indulge in “harmless” slot machines every evening after work. Both are gambling addictions that need to be treated.

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Why do people start gambling?

There are many reasons why people get involved in gambling. Let's look at the main ones:

1. Any games in themselves are exciting and interesting; they are a way to have fun and cheer up. In gambling there is one winner and the rest are losers. And this is the key point. They make you want to assert yourself, show that you are the best of all.

2. The desire to get rich quickly. Nobody wants to waste their life to become rich.
3. Harmless games from childhood (cards, lotto, monopoly, dominoes, checkers, etc.) often develop into addiction.

4. Sometimes people start playing for a group with friends and family. The environment plays an important role in the formation of unhealthy interest in gambling.

5. People often change their attitude towards the world, and at some certain moment, man devalues ​​money. That is, his attitude towards money becomes negative, and he can go and “waste” all his savings in order, in his opinion, to get rid of “evil”.

6. Some people think that all problems can be solved with money. And getting this money through gambling or slot machines seems like a quick and easy way for them. In fact, another one will be added to the existing troubles.

7. Lack of authority or marital status. Sometimes men do not feel like they are the main ones in the family, and they want to feel like winners in order to gain the trust of people or become the main one.
8. Depression. It can also lead to a gambler starting to gamble or become addicted to the game for a long time.

9. Drugs or other psychotropic substances. A person addicted to drugs is forced to constantly think about getting money for a dose. And gambling may seem like a way out. Find money, relax your brain, and let negative emotions play in a “harmless” game. The foggy brain is unable to realize that everything will be exactly the opposite. After all, drugs have a strong impact on a person’s psyche and he cannot adequately assess the situation.

10. If you understand the reasons more thoroughly, you can find out that the gambling addict has or there were problems in the family. Perhaps this is childhood psychological trauma.

How to find out if a person plays gambling and slot machines

Here are some signs that a person is playing slot machines or gambling:

1. Showing an unhealthy interest in everything where there is excitement.
2. The range of interests changes, perhaps some habits. Sometimes good habits disappear and bad ones appear, such as smoking. As a rule, smoking is allowed in indoor areas where people play to stay involved in the game, and a passive smoker can become an active smoker.
3. Lost control. A person does not realize when to stop, sometimes he becomes aggressive if he is not allowed to finish something.
4. Nervousness increases, the player will in every possible way look for an opportunity to return to the game. As soon as a game is played, it doesn’t matter whether you lose or win, you want to play again. This behavior is not difficult to notice right away.
5. The more often a gambler plays, the faster his bets will grow. He will strive to find out what will happen if he mortgages the entire house. What if this is his chance?
6. I would like to try other gambling games, for example, new slot machines, or try my hand at roulette or blackjack.

A person may not think about the fact that his consciousness is controlled by other people. There are only 3 stages of passion for the game:

  • Winning. Here the player is very positive and makes frequent bets. Won big wins. He can imagine very well. Likes to increase bets. Accidentally enters the game.
  • Losing. Frequent losses, plays alone, often thinks only about the game, likes to brag about his winnings, often begins to skip work for the sake of gambling, refuses to pay debts. Relationships in the family deteriorate, personality changes - irritable, not calm, gets tired quickly, withdrawn, interest in criminal methods of finding money arises. Can't quit the game.
  • Disappointments. At this stage, a person completely ceases to respect himself. Loses interest in life, apathy. He develops a feeling of remorse; the gambling addict may distance himself from his family. He often spends time playing games. There is a feeling of panic, as well as regret and remorse. Sometimes suicidal thoughts occur. Interest in alcohol. May go for divorce or crime.

The most common misconceptions that lead to gambling addiction and other bad habits

  1. Money solves everything, including emotional problems in the family.
  2. Uncertainty in everyday life and the expectation of success in the game.
  3. Fantasies about winning and dreams about what the player will spend the money on.
  4. Lucky day. That is, there is a winning day, and sometimes a not so good day? It is an obsession that there are different days.
  5. The thought that if you are losing now, then the turning point is about to come, and you will start to get lucky in the game.
  6. The conviction that if you lose, there is an opportunity to win back.
  7. Do you remember that you promised to quit playing only because of the last game, other games cannot be clearly remembered.
  8. The belief that you will only spend a certain portion of your money on the game. Sometimes you even think that you will lose the fixed part, and then stop if something happens.
  9. While playing, you don’t understand that it’s money, you perceive everything as a game. That is, when you lose or lose, you lose chips or game points, not real money.
It should be noted that gambling addiction in people still needs to be corrected or prevented. Well, if a person has been addicted to this for a long time, then you need to take a comprehensive approach to treating the player.

We have many interesting articles about this on our website. We recommend reading other useful articles, because thanks to them you can help yourself or your loved ones.

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Recently, another bad habit has been added - gambling. Now, due to the ubiquity of slot machines, this problem has become even more pressing.

In general, gaming addiction has a long history. Even Peter I had a negative attitude towards cards, but nevertheless allowed gambling, but with a loss of no more than 1 ruble in copper.

Every tenth person on the planet has gambled at least once in his life - slot machines, casinos, lottery tickets, racing, betting, etc. About 5-7% of the population of almost any city are considered pathological gamblers.

Passion is characteristic of almost every person, but it manifests itself in everyone in their own way. One directs him towards achievements in his career, another - towards his personal life, the third - enthusiastically plays sports, and the fourth, unfortunately, begins to get involved in gambling. The manifestation of passion does not depend on a person’s gender or age.

There is even a special term “ludomania”, which refers to a pathological addiction to gambling. The West was the first to encounter gambling addiction; there, they equated this problem with alcoholism and drug addiction, and they treat gambling addicts with appropriate methods.

In many countries, preventive measures were taken - gambling establishments were allowed to be located in certain areas of the city or even individual cities. Such a city is, for example, Las Vegas.

There are also countries where gambling is prohibited by law, and people who run the risk of running gambling establishments face life imprisonment. In some countries, every person has the right to write and always carry with him a statement, according to which he has no right to be allowed into a gambling establishment.

In Russia, the number of people suffering from gambling addiction has recently increased significantly. In 2005–2006 Moscow authorities are seriously thinking about the negative consequences of excessive passion for slot machines. An epidemic of gambling addiction was even declared, and there are already about 300 thousand people with a similar diagnosis.

Online gambling has also become widespread. According to American scientists, people get used to gambling on the Internet faster than to casino games or slot machines.

Psychologist Nancy Petri, who took part in a study on the formation of online gambling addiction, said: “...among patients, many are addicted to gambling on the Internet. Although this passion is still quite rare in the general population, it is spreading quite quickly.” According to Petri, “adolescents are primarily at risk. Among them, gambling addiction is much more common. Teenagers generally use computers much more.”

Causes of gambling addiction

Many people are concerned with the question of why a person becomes a gambling addict. For a long time they were unknown, various theories were put forward, surveys and studies were conducted. Recently, many researchers have been inclined to believe that the only cause of gambling addiction can only be psychological disorders.

One of the reasons for excessive gambling is loneliness. Most lonely people from time to time fall into a state of depression and experience a feeling of incomprehensible melancholy and melancholy. According to the results of some studies, lonely people have a significantly reduced level of endorphin in the blood. It is gambling that gives them a state of euphoria and the necessary adrenaline. Such people easily and quickly become addicted to gambling, experiencing real psychological dependence on it. And almost none of them manage to get rid of it on their own.

Deputies are considering a proposal to distribute booklets about the dangers of gambling in all gambling establishments in Moscow. Vladimir Platov about gambling: “In any gambling club, the service staff should give visitors booklets about the dangers of gambling, which should describe all the harmful consequences that machines, roulettes and cards lead to.”

Most people prone to gambling addiction exhibit a tendency to impulsive behavior from time to time. As a result, gambling is most dangerous for creative people, as well as for people with a fine mental organization, who very quickly get used to it and can no longer give up the game on their own.

Another reason for excessive gambling is, oddly enough, lack of money. Having financial problems, a person hopes to win a significant amount of money and thereby improve his financial situation.

Such people think as follows: “I don’t have money, which means I can’t lose much, but I have a chance to win.” Over time, they also develop psychological dependence.

Based on the above, we can conclude that in most cases, gambling addiction is not a cause, but a consequence of some psychological problems. To get rid of excessive gambling, you need to look for the reason in the person himself, his lifestyle, etc.

Very often, gambling addiction begins against the background of alcoholism or drug addiction. At the same time, a person is subject to sudden changes in mood, he experiences somatic disorders, involuntary trembling of his hands, in addition, he often feels a sense of guilt towards his family for his addiction.

Categories of gamblers

According to scientists who have studied the problem of pathological attachment to gambling, there are several categories of gambling addicts:

– gambling addicts who, in addition to their addiction to gambling, also have a number of pathological addictions. In other words, these are people suffering from alcoholism, drug addiction, substance abuse, and so on, who are also addicted to gambling;

– gambling addicts who some time ago underwent treatment in psychiatric clinics, that is, suffering from mental illness;

- gambling addicts who suffer from feelings of loneliness. As a rule, these are closed, shy people who have neither family nor friends. For them, gambling serves as a kind of outlet or a way to escape from everyday problems. By devoting themselves to the game with all their souls, such people stop thinking about their own lack of demand;

– professional gambling addicts. These people started playing professionally, not hoping for chance; perhaps they even developed their own winning method. Over time, they lost their professionalism and their usual hobby took on the appearance of a pathological addiction;

– gambling addicts who do not fall into any of the above categories. Such people develop an addiction to gambling due to individual reasons - sudden bankruptcy, death of a loved one, betrayal of a friend, divorce, etc.

Signs of development of gambling addiction

As a rule, a gambling addict can be distinguished by certain characteristic features. It is very important to identify this bad habit in the early stages of formation and help a loved one get rid of it in time.

There are cases where people lost consciousness during the game or even died from lack of sleep and exhaustion.

Signs of developing gambling addiction:

– during the game, a person begins to experience unprecedented excitement and excitement, constantly raising the stakes;

– even outside the game, a person constantly replays his past games in his thoughts and plans for future ones. He constantly thinks about how he will raise the bets, how he will start the game and win. Also, all thoughts are occupied with where to find money for the next game;

– if a person is forced to stop playing or runs out of money, he becomes aggressive and angry, and can take it out on others. If he is prevented from playing, he may even hit a person;

– if a person does not have money to play, he can commit illegal actions for this purpose - steal, frame another person, etc.;

– a person plays when he has any problems at work or in his personal life. With the help of the game, he tries to get away from these problems and at least somehow distract himself;

– a person cannot stop playing on his own, he persuades himself to play again and then stop, and so on ad infinitum;

– a person begins to deceive close people, hides the fact that he is passionate about gambling, how much he has lost, etc.;

– after each loss, he strives to win back at any cost, loses again and again wants to win back, and so on in a vicious circle;

– takes risks to one degree or another for the sake of the game. For example, risks work, family, money, promotion, well-being of loved ones, etc.;

– a person is constantly in debt, he begins to borrow money to pay off old debts, in some cases he may not be able to bear it and lose them again.

A person obsessed with gambling usually goes through 4 stages:

– winning stage. At this stage, psychological dependence has not yet formed. A person plays very rarely, from time to time. He only dreams of winning, but does not yet strive for it at any cost. Over time, he may even begin to win; it is after this that he sometimes begins to raise bets and plays much more often;

– stage of loss. The beginning of the formation of psychological addiction to gambling. A person starts playing quite often, comes to gaming establishments on purpose, and can borrow a large sum of money, hoping to win. The time is coming for scandals in the family, debts not repaid on time, lies, reproaches, etc.;

– stage of despair. At this stage, the person becomes more and more isolated from his family and friends, and his reputation at work deteriorates. At this time, he may begin to commit illegal actions, and is also prone to fear and panic. He already feels his addiction and does not know how to get rid of it;

– stage of hopelessness. This is the last stage of gambling addiction. At this time, the person is completely confused, he does not know what to do next, how to repay huge debts, family and friends. At this stage, a person often has thoughts of suicide. The person may start drinking or using drugs. In some cases he may go crazy.

Negative consequences

As already mentioned, excessive gambling can lead to serious mental disorders. As a rule, it is not the hobby itself that leads to this, but the negative consequences that arise after it.


Psychopathy is a stable character pathology that is hereditary or acquired. With such a pathology, a person’s intellect, as a rule, is not impaired, but in such a state it is very difficult for a person to maintain normal interpersonal relationships.

For a long time, the clinical picture of psychopathy was not studied. According to the results of some studies, the following forms of psychopathy were identified: affective, excitable, schizoid, paranoid, asthenic and psychasthenic. There is also stable and unstable psychopathy.

Psychopathy does not affect the central nervous system of a person, so as the disease progresses, many of the symptoms characteristic of most mental illnesses do not occur. For example, hallucinations do not occur in psychopathy.

For a long time it was believed that psychopathy acts as a defensive reaction of the body, manifested in response to aggression from the external environment. In this way, a person tries to adapt to the world around him. Typically, psychopathy can begin after a person has been in a stressful situation for a long time, for example, constantly loses, cannot repay a debt for a long time, etc.

It has also been suggested that the emergence of psychopathy is the first step towards the criminal world. Most people suffering from this disease commit more or less serious offenses.

Usually a person suffering from psychopathy and committing a crime is completely confident that he is right. He thinks that crime is the only way out in this case.

As a rule, people who grew up in an unfavorable environment are susceptible to psychopathy. Perhaps they had problems with their parents or, on the contrary, they were overprotected, they had poor living conditions, they were offended by peers, etc. All this only aggravates the situation. In this case, passion for gambling will be an impetus for the development of the disease.

As a rule, improvement occurs if a person is isolated from the irritating factor for a long time, in this case, does not gamble. With constant exposure to an unfavorable environment, a person cannot adapt, and this manifests itself in the development of psychopathy.

Manifestations of the disease largely depend on the individual himself, on the character of the person and his life attitudes. This is how they differ from most mental illnesses. The peculiarity of the manifestation of psychopathy lies in the individuality of the person himself, in how he treats himself and how strong certain character traits are in him.

If a child is raised in an incomplete family, in the future, under certain circumstances, there is a high risk of developing psychopathy.

The main symptoms of psychopathy are insomnia, headache, weakness, fatigue, anxiety, irritability, emotionality, etc.

A person suffering from psychopathy often provokes conflict situations with others. It is impossible to communicate with him for a long time. The aggressive behavior of such a person can be caused by anything, it seems to him that people look at him differently, any words seem offensive, etc.

A person suffering from this disease rarely meets new people; he is withdrawn and reluctant to make contact. He does not have very good relations even with his closest relatives. A sick person tends to become fixated on his own super ideas and is very offended when he does not find support from those around him.

Such people become very touchy; any word or deed hurts them. Later, in their thoughts, they replay the “scene of offense” and come up with words that they would respond to their offender. They are able to remember the offense for many years and subsequently behave very arrogantly towards the people who offended them.

There is another type of people who, with a similar disease, behave in exactly the opposite way. They are very unsure of their abilities, it seems to them that they are not capable of anything. Such people are very silent because they are afraid that they will say something wrong. Before deciding to say any phrase, they replay it in their heads several times.

In any case, a person with psychopathy, deep down, dreams of always being the center of attention. Some even make up stories about what allegedly happened to them and tell them to their friends. Some of their gestures and looks are very theatrical, they can even practice them for some time alone with themselves, so that later they can amaze those around them.


Neurosis is probably the most common mental illness. In most cases, neuroses arise as a result of prolonged mental stress.

The term “neurosis” was proposed by the Scottish psychiatrist W. Cullen in 1776.

There are 3 forms of neuroses: hysteria, neurasthenia and obsessive-compulsive neurosis. External factors influencing the occurrence of neuroses are stress, obsessive fears, long-term depression, intoxication of the body with harmful substances, etc.

As the disease progresses, a person feels a deterioration in health, mental exhaustion and a disorder of some autonomic and somatic functions develop.

People with a psychopathic character are especially susceptible to neurosis, but even a completely healthy person can become ill with it under the influence of situations that are highly traumatic to the psyche.

The main symptoms of neurosis are melancholy, depressed mood, depression, weakness, deterioration of health, a feeling of incomprehensible anxiety, fatigue, insomnia, cardiac syndrome, a feeling of fullness in the stomach, nausea, vomiting, belching, sexual dysfunction (decreased sexual desire, erectile dysfunction, premature ejaculation, frigidity, etc.), seizures, tremors of the limbs, tics of the facial muscles, aphonia, partial impairment of vision and hearing, goosebumps, numbness of the limbs and headache.

Neurasthenia goes through 3 stages in its development:

– hypersthenic;

– transitional;

– hyposthenic.

At the first stage of the disease, a person becomes very irritable. He is constantly in nervous tension, and often provokes such situations himself. At this time, the person becomes very inattentive, his thoughts are unclear, which prevents him from concentrating.

At the second stage of development of the disease, a person is capable of aggression towards others. He responds to any statement addressed to him with anger and irritability. After the manifestation of aggression, a person feels severe weakness, drowsiness and loss of strength. In this state, a person cannot do one thing for a long time, as he quickly gets tired.

At the third stage of development of the disease, a person increasingly begins to show symptoms of mental and physical asthenia. The patient is characterized by very rapid fatigue; not only physical, but also intellectual work is difficult for him.

Quite often, patients with neurosis experience obsessiveness syndrome. In this case, the person constantly forgets whether he turned off the light or the iron, whether he locked the door, etc.

In the last stages of the disease, a person suffers from suspiciousness. It constantly seems to him that he is sick with an incurable or serious illness - cancer, AIDS, hepatitis, syphilis, etc. Because of this, he may stop going outside, constantly wash his hands, do not use other people's things, etc.

A sick person may develop various phobias. He may begin to be afraid of enclosed spaces, heights, sharp objects, elevators, etc. Such a person is very afraid of losing consciousness; in his opinion, others may think that he is dead and bury him alive. He constantly imagines how he will suffocate trying to get out. Such thoughts haunt a person, further aggravating his condition.

Psychosomatic illnesses

Psychosomatic diseases are a complex of somatic diseases. They arise due to the influence of external factors that affect the emotional sphere and cause certain mental disorders.

The disease can occur with both short-term and long-term exposure to a certain external factor. The first major loss can trigger the onset of the disease. All subsequent ones will cause its relapses every time.

Psychosomatic diseases and the factors that cause them can provoke the occurrence of gastric and duodenal ulcers, migraines, hypertension, diabetes mellitus, psoriasis, thyrotoxicosis, nonspecific ulcerative colitis, urticaria, neurodermatitis, etc.

The main symptoms of psychosomatic diseases are frequent urination, sweating, salivation, diarrhea, increased body temperature and blood pressure, heart spasms, rapid heartbeat, weakness, increased fatigue, insomnia, etc.