What is sales analytics. Store sales management - how to track and analyze sales data? How often do Russians use child seats

Hello! In this article we will talk about the analysis of the company's sales volume.

Today you will learn:

  • Why is it necessary to analyze the sales volume of an organization;
  • How to conduct sales research correctly;
  • What methods of sales volume analysis exist.

Purpose of sales analysis

Sales volume – one of the most important indicators of company performance. A change in this indicator in one direction or another may indicate changes in market development trends, shortcomings in the organization’s work, which, in the absence of a timely response, can lead to serious problems. To avoid “unpleasant surprises,” it is necessary to regularly monitor your company’s sales.

In addition to preventing possible problems, sales volume analysis solves the following problems:

  • Allows you to obtain information on the basis of which the manager can make an effective management decision (both tactical and strategic);
  • Identifies “profitable” and “unprofitable” products in the company’s product portfolio. Allows you to make the right decision regarding the development or removal of a product from the range;
  • Allows you to evaluate the efficiency of your company’s departments, for example, department or sales;
  • Largely determines the company's sales policy;
  • Helps.

If you are faced with at least one of the listed tasks, you should conduct sales monitoring.

The market today is developing very quickly. New brands are appearing, old products are being replaced by new products, and the consumer is becoming more and more demanding. It is these factors that determine the frequency of product sales analysis. Experts recommend monitoring changes in your company's sales at least once a month.

The main stages of analyzing company sales

Before we begin to explore how to analyze a company's sales volume, it is necessary to review the main stages of this process.

Sales volume analysis- one of the types. Unlike market analysis, when studying sales volume, exclusively secondary intra-company information is used. Collecting this information constitutes the first stage of the sales analysis process.

The second stage is the determination of indicators for analyzing the company’s performance. We will examine them in more detail when considering specific analysis techniques.

The third stage is the analysis of the collected information and evaluation of the result.

The fourth stage is the identification of influencing factors.

Types of sales volume analysis

Depending on the purpose, sales volume analysis can take the following forms:

  • Analysis of sales volume dynamics. In this case, our task is to determine the change in the company's sales volume compared to the previous period. This type of analysis is necessary for timely detection of changes in market trends, as well as searching for problem areas in the organization’s work;
  • Structural sales research carried out to justify management decisions regarding the company’s product range. If you sell only one type of product, then there is no need to carry it out;
  • Benchmark analysis of sales volume. It is carried out to compare planned indicators with actual ones. Necessary for timely taking corrective actions. It is carried out more often than others.
  • Factor analysis implemented after any type of sales volume analysis. Allows you to determine the factors of the internal and external environment of the organization that influenced the evaluation indicator.

Each of the presented types of monitoring has its own tools. Let's get to know him.

Sales analysis methods

Before you begin to study methods of sales analysis, you need to become familiar with the concept of KPI, since the same method can be based on different KPIs.

KPI – indicators of the company’s performance.

When assessing a company's sales volume, we will analyze various indicators, depending on the type of analysis.

Methods for analyzing sales dynamics

This type of analysis will allow you to evaluate development trends. You can conduct both comprehensive research and research on individual product categories.

As a result of the analysis, you will get an increase, decrease or stagnation of the indicator used for the assessment compared to the previous period.

As part of assessing the dynamics of sales volume, it is necessary to carry out the following types of work:

  • Analysis of the dynamics of enterprise profit – compare revenue for the current and previous periods. Sales volume may increase, but revenue may fall. This is possible, for example, when the price of a product decreases;
  • Estimation of sales uniformity. There are seasonal goods, the demand for which needs to be stimulated during unfavorable periods. An analysis of the uniformity of sales will help identify seasonality. To do this, keep a chart of sales volumes for several seasons (you can take a year, but do not forget to take into account the impact of changes in product prices, discounts and other incentives) and see in which periods there was a significant increase and decrease in sales (several times). If such fluctuations are observed, then you need to think about sales promotion during unfavorable periods.

Methods of structural sales analysis

Based on the results of the structural analysis, the manager makes a decision on the development or liquidation of the product, on expanding or expanding the range. Let's look at the most effective methods of structural sales analysis.

ABC analysis.

This type of research is aimed at assessing the value of each product in the company's product portfolio. The value of a product is determined by the amount of profit that the product brings to the common treasury.

According to ABC analysis, the company’s entire product range can be divided into three groups:

  • Group “A”– products that bring the greatest amount of profit;
  • Group “B”– “middle peasants”, they are not so valuable for the company, but still collectively bring a fairly large amount of profit;
  • Group “C”- a heavy burden for the company, these products bring very modest income.

Using ABC analysis, you can determine the value of product categories not only by the volume of profit, but also by the share of categories in the product portfolio.

The numerical boundaries of each group are presented in the table.

Please note that this table displays the Pareto principle. The Pareto principle states that 20% of production brings 80% of a company's profit.

At the same time, using ABC analysis, you can evaluate the contribution of not only individual products to the company’s profit, but also the value of suppliers, buyers, distribution channels, and conduct production analysis.

ABC analysis steps:

  1. Determination of the object of analysis: product, suppliers, buyers, sales channels, or others;
  2. We determine the KPIs by which the object will be evaluated. This does not have to be revenue or the share of a product group in the product portfolio (or the share of deliveries, purchases, sales, depending on what you are analyzing); you can take the volume of sales, sales or any other financial results as an indicator for evaluation. It all depends on your goal;
  3. We collect information on each KPI, determine the share of each object, calculate the indicator on an accrual basis and rank the objects;
  4. We fill the groups and draw conclusions.

At the same time, if any products in your range fall into group “C”, this does not mean that you definitely need to get rid of them. This could lead to the loss of an entire consumer segment.

Particular attention should be paid to products that fall into category “A”, since if consumers are dissatisfied with the quality of products in this category, the company will lose a large amount of profit.

Let's see how ABC analysis works using the example of analyzing the product line of a McDonald's restaurant.

Nomenclature groups or product names

Sales volume, million units Share in sales volume, cumulative total, % Profit volume, million rubles Revenue on an accrual basis



5,184 20 522,08 24,8


3,856 35 306,216 39,4
3,791 49 305,216 53,9
3,452 62 236,16 65,2
3,279 75 229,53 76,1
2,532 84 221,76 86,6


2,356 93 200,26 96,2
1,722 100 80,564 100

As we can see, the company's most profitable products are sandwiches, potatoes, sauces and drinks. These product lines should be expanded.

Desserts and sets were included in group “B”. If desired, these products can be transferred to category “A” through active promotion and improvement of product quality.

Break even.

It is necessary in order to determine the minimum volume of products that the company needs to sell at a certain price per unit of production so that sales income covers the full costs of the enterprise. This method of analyzing sales volume is indispensable when introducing a new product to the market.

In order to build a break-even point, the following data is required:

  • Product cost (average bill);
  • Sales volume for the period;
  • Fixed costs;
  • Variable costs;
  • Full sales;

Stages of building a break-even point:

  1. Draw a coordinate system. We call the “x” axis “number of purchases,” and the “y” axis “revenue.”
  2. We build two direct lines: product turnover (y=cost*x) and total costs (y=volume variable costs*fixed costs).

The point of intersection of these two lines is the break-even point. On the “x” axis you will see the minimum volume of products that you need to sell in order not to work at a loss.

Cost-benefit analysis.

A company's existing products need to conduct a cost-benefit analysis. This will allow you to timely identify products that are no longer profitable.

And if you compare the profitability of your products with the profitability of identical competitors' products, you can identify the strengths and weaknesses of your company's product range.

Benchmark analysis of sales volume

Control is carried out by comparing the planned sales volume with the actual one. If a deviation is identified, it is necessary to conduct a factor analysis and begin corrective action.

Factor analysis

You have analyzed sales volume and identified a deviation. What to do next? It is necessary to identify the factors that influence the indicator and reduce or eliminate their influence.

To do this, use two formulas that will allow you to evaluate the impact of price and sales volume on the company’s revenue:

  • Volume deviation = (Actual volume – Planned volume)*Planned price. The resulting number is the change in profit (in monetary terms), which occurred under the influence of changes in the sales volume of the analyzed product;
  • Price deviation = (Actual cost – Planned cost)*Actual volume. The resulting number is the change in profit (in monetary terms) that occurred under the influence of a change in the price of the analyzed product.

Excel as a tool for analyzing sales volume

Any financial analysis is a rather labor-intensive process, rich in mathematical calculations. In the age of high technology development, it would be strange to keep records and analysis on paper. We won’t offer you this, because there is an excellent electronic substitute for a paper sheet - good old Excel.

Excel is an ideal tool for analyzing sales volume because:

  • Provides quick search for information, just enter data into tables;
  • Automatically calculates complex formulas;
  • Simplifies the process of analyzing results by visualizing them in the form of diagrams (especially useful when conducting benchmark analysis and analyzing sales dynamics);
  • Knows how to build charts (indispensable when constructing a break-even point);
  • You know how to work with him;
  • Even purchasing a licensed version of the program will not hurt your wallet.
Country november December January February March April
1 China 2 547 819 2 661 465 2 367 278 1 481 602 2 520 013 1 980 497
2 USA 1 434 518 1 687 605 1 171 356 1 301 921 1 652 738 1 377 888
3 Japan 441 603 387 101 407 787 479 192 640 409 378 419
4 India 338 812 314 676 367 716 359 720 400 836 316 221
5 Germany 304 543 263 308 291 475 294 580 377 466 340 603
6 United Kingdom 188 224 170 122 183 607 96 701 525 312 186 246
7 France 215 538 211 070 194 693 214 308 278 116 235 704
8 Brazil 230 938 234 557 199 697 198 647 209 161 231 952
9 Italy 165 093 143 692 177 481 193 324 210 852 190 078
10 South Korea 162 768 159 864 136 157 120 617 156 927 155 028
All countries

How do we generate new car sales statistics?

  • Association of European Businesses (AEB). This non-profit organization unites more than 630 car production concerns located in Russia and the European Union.
  • ACEA (Association of European Automotive Manufacturers). She promotes the interests of 15 largest companies that specialize in the production of vehicles. Therefore, auto sales statistics cover passenger cars and truck models.
  • Weekly newspaper Automotive News and website GoodCarBadCar. They publish data from the American continent. Thanks to them, you will receive reliable information about car market trends in the USA, Canada and other countries.

A thorough analysis of information makes it possible to draw up sales schedules for various brands of cars in many countries, compare the successes of companies over a selected period of time and determine the leader according to consumer demand.

Auto sales statistics - food for thought

The popularity of the vehicle among the general population indicates its reliability, optimal price/quality ratio, practicality and other characteristics. Therefore, the rating we presented is a reflection of the demand for a particular model and customer trust in the brand.

Car sales statistics can help in choosing a vehicle. If you want to change your “iron horse,” study the price dynamics of the brand you like and make the right decision. Visit the VERcity portal to keep abreast of the latest changes in consumer demand and track the success of a Russian or foreign brand for free.

For the period from January to April 2019, the volume of the Russian market for new passenger cars amounted to 475 thousand units. The top three leading models, according to the analytical agency AUTOSTAT, are as follows: LADA Granta, LADA Vesta, KIA Rio.

  • Leaders of the Russian car market in May 2019

    In May 2019, sales of new passenger cars and LCVs in our country, according to the AEB, amounted to 137,624 units - 6.7% less than in May 2018. Based on the results of five months, the dynamics are also negative (-2.2%). The domestic LADA Granta remained the leader among models.

  • Dynamics of the Russian car market in May 2019

    In the last month of spring, sales of new cars in Russia fell by 6.7% compared to May last year. At the same time, a market decline was noted in both segments.

  • How ready are Russians to buy a used car from a dealer?

    The analytical agency "AUTOSTAT" within the framework of the project "AUTOSTAT OMNIBUS - 2019. Used cars: preferences of car owners" (third wave) examined the willingness of car owners to consider buying a used car at a dealership. More than 1,900 car owners of various car brands took part in the survey.

  • How much do the most popular Chinese cars in Russia cost?

    Experts from the Price Auto website have collected the ten best-selling cars of Chinese brands, and also provided their minimum and maximum prices.

  • How often do Russians use child seats?

    June 1 is International Children's Day. In this regard, experts from the analytical agency AUTOSTAT, together with the publishing house Za Rulem, decided to find out how responsibly Russian drivers-parents approach the safety of their children. We're talking about child seats.

  • How have prices for the LADA Granta sedan changed over the past 4 years?

    Continuing to research car prices, experts from the Price Auto website have compiled a graph of price changes for the LADA Granta sedan over the past four years.

  • Dynamics of car sales by segment in April 2019

    In April of this year, sales of new passenger cars in Russia amounted to 137.6 thousand units, showing a drop of 2.9% compared to the result a year ago. At the same time, experts from the analytical agency AUTOSTAT note that there is a decline in three segments of the Russian market.

  • The Russian market of passenger cars and light commercial vehicles grew by 6.2% in September. This is evidenced by statistics on car sales for September 2018, provided by the Association of European Businesses (AEB). In total, in September of this year, 157,371 cars were sold on the Russian market. In total, over the nine months of 2018, the Russian car market grew by 14.9% and reached the level of 1 million 297 thousand 432 cars, according to AEB data.

    Jörg Schreiber, Chairman of the AEB Automobile Manufacturers Committee:

    “In September, the market continues to show positive dynamics, despite the high base of last year. In light of the current state of the market and the expected increase in VAT from January next year, the AEB has updated its forecast for the year as follows: Sales of passenger cars and light commercial vehicles are expected to exceed 1.8 million units in 2018, representing a 13% increase compared to last year "

    AVTOVAZ holds the leadership in the Russian car market, which is 10% higher than a year ago. KIA took second place in terms of sales volume – sales of 18,911 cars (+1%) provided the Korean brand with leadership in the foreign car market. Hyundai retains third place with 16,100 vehicles sold, which is 1% more than last year.

    Sales of new passenger cars and light commercial vehicles in Russia for September 2018\2017 and the period January-September 2017\2018. According to AEB.

    2018 2017 % 2018 2017 %
    Lada31 173 28 263 10% 259 129 221 207 17%
    KIA18 911 18 797 1% 167 490 135 223 24%
    Hyundai16 100 15 899 1% 131 492 111 885 18%
    Toyota*11 237 7 599 48% 77 816 67 384 15%
    Renault*10 398 12 739 -18% 103 294 95 718 8%
    VW9 364 8 057 16% 74 770 62 094 20%
    Nissan7 840 6 650 18% 57 946 53 460 8%
    Skoda7 777 5 790 34% 57 473 44 846 28%
    Ford4 644 4 663 0% 38 212 34 896 10%
    GAZ com.avt.4 548 5 100 -11% 41 704 39 931 4%
    Mitsubishi4 153 2 378 75% 31 203 14 386 117%
    UAZ*3 453 3 901 -11% 27 029 28 692 -6%
    Mercedes-Benz3 263 3 345 -2% 27 990 27 226 3%
    BMW3 255 2 602 25% 26 157 21 881 20%
    Mazda2 759 2 509 10% 22 424 17 870 25%
    Lexus2 247 2 394 -6% 17 988 16 926 6%
    Chevrolet2 225 2 584 -14% 21 161 22 780 -7%
    Datsun2 001 2 554 -22% 13 702 17 566 -22%
    Audi1 479 1 559 -5% 11 447 12 574 -9%
    Lifan1 310 1 423 -8% 11 227 11 274 0%
    Volvo904 709 28% 5 218 4 923 6%
    Land Rover901 674 34% 6 880 6 593 4%
    Subaru706 546 29% 5 554 4 027 38%
    VW com.aut.655 660 -1% 5 375 4 940 9%
    Suzuki621 419 48% 4 051 3 267 24%
    Infiniti616 462 33% 3 566 3 874 -8%
    Mercedes-Benz com.aut.485 605 -20% 4 675 4 395 6%
    Porsche483 333 45% 3 432 3 063 12%
    Honda452 217 108% 3 536 1 016 248%
    Chery434 504 -14% 4 179 4 184 0%
    Geely362 179 102% 1 936 1 693 14%
    Peugeot*313 408 -23% 4 245 3 434 24%
    Zotye263 91 189% 2 047 707 190%
    Jaguar250 184 36% 1 796 1 694 6%
    Citroën238 307 -22% 2 792 3 245 -14%
    Genesis220 101 118% 1 253 718 75%
    Haval213 155 37% 1 838 1 324 39%
    MINI210 150 40% 1 725 1 138 52%
    Jeep209 85 146% 1 190 1 026 16%
    Changan142 111 28% 1 281 1 047 22%
    DFM132 87 52% 999 462 116%
    FAW100 63 59% 1 073 415 159%
    Cadillac96 139 -31% 772 1 008 -23%
    Isuzu*66 52 27% 497 517 -4%
    FIAT*40 259 -85% 855 1 619 -47%
    Iveco*29 74 -61% 400 325 23%
    smart28 140 -80% 621 632 -2%
    Foton*26 65 -60% 267 308 -13%
    HTM13 1 1200% 90 84 7%
    Brilliance12 12 0% 124 138 -10%
    Chrysler9 0 - 55 6 817%
    Hyundai com.aut.5 2 150% 191 65 194%
    SsangYong1 1 0% 81 90 -10%
    Ravon0 1 602 - 5 184 9 341 -45%
    Baw- 6 - - 91 -
    Total 157 371 148 209 6,2% 1 297 432 1 129 228 14,9%

    25 best-selling cars in the Russian Federation by model for September 2018/2017. According to AEB.

    2018 2017 Pieces
    1 GrantaLada9 936 9 098 838
    2 VestaLada9 053 6 861 2 192
    3 RioKIA7 900 10 446 -2 546
    4 SolarisHyundai6 295 6 581 -286
    5 CretaHyundai5 876 5 843 33
    6 PoloVW5 051 4 517 534
    7 LargusLada4 115 2 791 1 324
    8 RAV 4Toyota3 851 2 441 1 410
    9 DusterRenault3 780 4 145 -365
    10 CamryToyota3 240 2 008 1 232
    11 RapidSkoda3 207 2 735 472
    12 4x4Lada3 188 2 497 691
    13 XRAYLada2 975 3 175 -200
    14 TiguanVW2 947 2 459 488
    15 KapturRenault2 712 2 678 34
    16 SanderoRenault2 461 2 886 -425
    17 SportageKIA2 458 1 932 526
    18 X-TrailNissan2 389 1 649 740
    19 QashqaiNissan2 369 1 552 817
    20 OptimaKIA2 364 1 572 792
    21 KodiaqSkoda2 239 312 1 927
    22 NIVAChevrolet2 161 2 509 -348
    23 OutlanderMitsubishi2 133 1 583 550
    24 Octavia A7Skoda2 098 2 068 30
    25 CX-5Mazda1 891 1 806 85

    25 best-selling cars in the Russian Federation by model for January-September 2018/2017. According to AEB.

    2018 2017 Pieces
    1 VestaLada76 189 54 641 21 548
    2 RioKIA75 071 73 532 1 539
    3 GrantaLada70 186 67 702 2 484
    4 SolarisHyundai50 317 53 264 -2 947
    5 CretaHyundai49 683 37 188 12 495
    6 PoloVW42 804 33 999 8 805
    7 LargusLada32 440 22 053 10 387
    8 DusterRenault31 643 30 636 1 007
    9 XRAYLada26 292 23 976 2 316
    10 RapidSkoda25 813 21 605 4 208
    11 SportageKIA24 619 18 298 6 321
    12 4x4Lada23 819 20 283 3 536
    13 SanderoRenault23 681 21 175 2 506
    14 RAV 4Toyota23 281 23 907 -626
    15 TiguanVW23 132 18 981 4 151
    16 CamryToyota22 986 21 351 1 635
    17 KapturRenault22 799 22 064 735
    18 LoganRenault22 168 21 243 925
    19 NIVAChevrolet20 617 22 123 -1 506
    20 Octavia A7Skoda17 725 16 565 1 160
    21 OutlanderMitsubishi17 266 11 293 5 973
    22 X-TrailNissan16 492 14 632 1 860
    23 QashqaiNissan16 010 14 294 1 716
    24 TucsonHyundai15 978 7 460 8 518
    25 CX-5Mazda15 750 13 113 2 637

    Smartphone market 2018: market leaders and statistics of smartphone sales in the world based on the results of the second quarter. Samsung is still ahead, but Apple is going down.

    Every week on our website there are materials dedicated to the release of new products on the smartphone market. Sooner or later, the reader has a question: what was or will be the market fate of the presented models? Which phone will become popular and break sales records, and which will have to gather dust on the shelves of stores and warehouses?

    It is clear that a complete analysis of the indicators of the huge smartphone market requires too detailed immersion into the topic, but in this series of articles we will still try to answer the questions raised. Let's see which smartphones are the most popular in 2018; fortunately, analytical agencies provided a lot of interesting information based on the results of the first half of the year and the second quarter.

    Smartphone market 2018: leaders

    So, which smartphones are the most popular? To a first approximation, the answer is very simple - these are Samsung, Huawei and Apple. By the way, in exactly that order. But the situation becomes more complicated, and significantly more so, as soon as we pose an additional question - where? Russia, Europe or India are one thing, and China or the USA are quite another. Therefore, we suggest moving on to studying the topic in more detail.

    Smartphone sales statistics 2018 in the world

    The global smartphone market is experiencing a decline in consumer activity in 2018. People buy phones less often, although this is not true for all regions. In the first quarter of 2018, a serious drop in sales was observed in China, the USA and Western Europe. In Central and Eastern Europe, smartphone sales statistics are better - the growth trend continues here.

    The growth in smartphone sales in Russia was noticeable, although this is more expressed in monetary terms rather than in the number of units sold. Russians began to buy more expensive smartphones; the flagship segment showed good growth.

    Based on the results of the second quarter, the global smartphone market in 2018 grew slightly, but compared to last year, the dynamics are still negative. In China, the world's largest smartphone market, handsets are still being purchased less frequently than before. Growth continues in Africa and Eastern Europe, but too few smartphones are being purchased here to have any impact on overall sales statistics. Growing markets include India, which is the world's third most important smartphone market (after China and the US).

    All this information about smartphone markets and dynamics will help you better interpret the results you see in the table. It presents the top ten manufacturers, leaders of the smartphone market in 2018.

    Smartphone market 2018: top sellers
    Number of smartphones sold (millions) in the worldQ2 2017Q2 2018Dynamics
    Samsung80.4 71.6 -11%
    Huawei38.5 54.2 +41%
    Apple41.0 41.3 +1%
    Xiaomi23.1 33.0 +43%
    Oppo30.5 29.6 -3%
    vivo25.8 26.0 +1%
    LG13.3 10.2 -23%
    Lenovo10.8 9.9 -8%
    HMD (Nokia)0.5 4.5 +782%
    Tecno2.8 4.4 +59%
    Rest98.9 75.3 -24%
    Total365.5 360.0 -2%

    Based on the results of the second quarter, it continues to hold first place. But the Seoul-based company sold 71 million units, down nearly 9 million from the second quarter of last year.

    The negative dynamics are partly explained by the fact that the Galaxy S9/S9+ was not received as warmly as the Koreans would like. By the way, it is for this reason that the new one was launched earlier than usual - at the beginning of August, and not at the end of summer. The second reason for the fall of the Koreans is that their position in China is very fragile; the Seoul company is not among the leaders in smartphone sales in the Middle Kingdom.

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