What to wish to a person who goes to the theater. Happy birthday to the artist in prose. Official congratulations to the actor

Even though the theater is a sacred place, it has always been full of mysticism. Everyone knows that success is capricious and elusive, so for the sake of it, a whole set of ceremonies is observed in the theater to this day. Some of them will be discussed.

What superstitions work?

There are bad and good zones, occasions, dates, customs, signs, small and large signs, as well as rules that prescribe permission or prohibition of certain actions on stage and behind the scenes.

What number brings trouble?

Traditionally, it’s not in honor - a damn dozen. You won’t find the number “13” among the dressing room numbers either. In 1307, by order French king Philip IV, due to accusations of heresy, members of the Templar Order were arrested, severely tortured and executed on Friday, the 13th. Since then, Old and New World. But in Egypt, China and India, on the contrary, “13” brings happiness.

Max Beckman. Still life with three skulls. 1937

What is the unluckiest time for prime ministers?

You won't believe it! Friday!

How do contract actors protect themselves from failure?

Already in the 19th century, the performer, in the process of signing documents with the theater, could indicate the roles that he refused to play. The list of constantly crossed out roles consisted of only two male ones - Boris in “ Thunderstorm"A. Ostrovsky or Nelkin in " Krechinsky's wedding» A. Sukhovo-Kobylina. According to rumors, they were prescribed a “shortage of the cash register.”

What names are considered ominous?

I will name only four. Two from the adult repertoire and a couple from the children's repertoire. First duet - “ Macbeth" And " The Master and Margarita" It is believed that the song of the witches from Macbeth can evoke otherworldly powers. At the same time, Shakespearean tragedy preserves too large number mentions of bladed weapons, which in itself is a bad sign. And the bad theatrical fame famous novel Mikhail Bulgakov's drama was formed from cases of death during rehearsals and rentals of the production. From children's repertoire fateful with a minus sign are considered “ Robin Hood" And " Children in the forest", where a whole host of forest spirits and all sorts of evil spirits operate.

Johann Fussli. Nightmare. 1791

What secret laws apply in the dressing room?

You can't hang any pictures on the door to the actors' room. Under no circumstances should you take soap out of the dressing room! You should be afraid to wear a suit backwards or inside out! There is no way in hell you should open a new box of makeup on the day of the premiere, but use the old one, deflowering it during rehearsals or on a weekday.

What are the general theater prohibitions?

It is forbidden to whistle! No seeds! And you shouldn't drag some real things onto the stage. It's not good to repeat habits from ordinary life: eat and drink on stage, if this is not provided for by the role, bring your own things from home and use them as a theatrical costume.

Why can't you whistle on stage?

This ban appeared in late XVIII century along with gas equipment for lighting. When the gas burners burned out the oxygen, they began to whistle with a shrill and very unpleasant sound. Consequently, a whistle heard in a timely manner helped prevent fires and even explosions. Of course, such a sound caused panic and riots. Therefore, do not whistle under any circumstances! They also say that the whistling spirit is envious, vindictive and vindictive. And don’t even think about checking!

Why can't you crack the seeds?

Consumption of this high-calorie product is considered a bad omen - very bad ticket fees.

John Studwick. Golden thread. 1890

Why is it not customary to knit?

The oldest sign refers to the spokes of fate. And any action that occurs spontaneously with threads or knitting objects can be interpreted mystically.

Why are artists against roles in crutches?

They are a sign of possible illnesses and injuries. Impressionable natures are capable of dragging these misfortunes from fiction into reality.

Why are actors against feathers in their clothes?

Peacock feathers are a common attribute of the ritual “ evil eye", so many actresses refuse to wear hats with such decorations.

How should children's dolls be placed?

Be sure to face down towards the table. There is a belief that otherwise, through the reflection of the theater light, a poltergeist can move into their eyes.

Pablo Picasso. Corrida, or Death of a Matador. 1933

What colors in the design carry the memory of bad things?

Considered unlucky yellow. Since the times of the medieval mysteries, this color has been a distinctive symbol of the devil. The Spanish theater is especially zealous against yellowness, which preserves the memory of the yellow mark on the bullfighter’s robe, which appears if he was gored by a bull at least once. The sign does not apply only to the yellow garters worn by the faithful servant of one obstinate widow from William Shakespeare's comedy " 12 night» Malvolio dresses up to please his mistress.

Keeps the memory of evil and green. It was in this costume that the great comedian Jean-Baptiste Moliere went on stage to play on February 17, 1673 main role in the comedy Imaginary patient"and died on the stage.

There is a legend about blue fabrics in decoration, which during the Anglo-Sanxon Renaissance often literally bankrupted theatrical artels. If an actor appeared on stage in blue with incredibly expensive silver trim, you know that he was taking a big risk at the box office. Researchers see in this case an example of pragmatism, because green, as well as blue, was difficult to illuminate due to a lack of resources and capacity.

Story Italian theater refers to the ominous colors on the stage and purple, because. It was precisely this shade of clothing that Christian monks used during Lent, when all public spectacles were prohibited, except for ascetic rites. Cynical Italian historians believe that violet reminded actors of the irretrievable loss of earnings and unfair competition.

Why are only artificial flowers used in productions?

Also out of pragmatism: fresh ones will need water, the vase may tip over, creating dirt on the stage. Without water, signs of wilting are obvious. In addition, handing flowers to the actor before the end of the performance is setting him up for failure. No need to give any advances! Actors love and know how to achieve everything themselves!

Nikolai Artamonov. The Death of Pierrot - Masks. 1942

What superstitions operate during rehearsals?

While working on a play, you cannot read the last line of the play. Only the first viewers will be able to hear it.

During rehearsals and before a performance, if an actress brings coffee to a partner, it is important for her to take a sip herself before giving the cup. This sign still exists in Polish theaters as confirmation that the drink does not contain the laxative castor oil.

To bankruptcy - use your own jewelry, as well as real banknotes on stage. To preserve this tradition, the stage has become the most famous place demonstrations of fakes.

Just don't laugh! Some directors demand that actors under no circumstances allow themselves to laugh during comedy rehearsals. It is believed that this is a direct sign of future failure.

An ominous sign of failure will be the fall of the role text! If you drop the folder with the role, you know trouble is on the doorstep. And, despite age and marital status, each artist must quickly sit down in the exact place where the folder fell, even in mud, puddles and snow. And while sitting, you should reproduce in your memory the seven owners of bald heads. And then, quickly getting up, tap the folder on the ground three times.

In order to protect yourself from failure, it is not customary to go out for applause at the end of the dress rehearsal, where spectators are allowed in, often grateful, frantically clapping their hands and ready to give flowers to their favorite artists. But shish, you can’t!

The servants of Melpomene also do not want to play roles in the coffin. A whole heap of all sorts of gloomy coincidences surrounds the scenes of death. To prevent this toothless woman with a scythe from taking the actor with her, the actor lying in the coffin in the finale is ordered to stick out his tongue and make a cheerful joke. But often nothing helps, which is why actors simply refuse to participate in such scenes.

Why is it forbidden to walk on stage in some theaters?

In many branches of Asian theater, the theatrical platform itself is sacred in nature, and only the participant in the action is allowed to walk on it. A clear example from life. At the end of one performance of the Japanese folk comedy " kyogen“When, during the bows, one woman with a large bouquet of flowers raised her leg and was about to climb onto the platform, out of nowhere, an 80-year-old guru appeared right at the edge, who harshly pushed her away from the sacred place, preventing desecration.

In all theaters it is not customary to cross the stage before a performance. You should go around it. The worst thing is if someone else walks across the site. That's it, tell the troubles" hello».

Bernardo Strozzi. Old coquette. 1615

Why should you be afraid of mirrors on stage?

From Christmas fortune telling The custom of using only real mirrors has migrated to the theater! However, it is considered a bad sign when, while looking at the artist in the light-mirror, one of the partners looks over his shoulder. Expect trouble!

Are there any special signs before the premiere?

It is customary to thank everyone and especially for good thoughts! Because you can’t wish for good luck in the theater!

What do people usually wish for before a performance?

In Russia, before going on stage, it was customary for all the participants to take hands and shout “ With God"! Although there are also those who still send each other to the horned one. It's not really a confessional question about who serves whom - it's a matter of tradition.

It is strictly forbidden to wish artists before going on stage “ Good luck" or " good performance " According to the Anglo-Saxon tradition, instead of " good luck», « bonne chance" (French), " suerte"(Spanish), the actors are wished" break a leg", which means " break your leg" This is explained by three factors: firstly, the habit that arose in Elizabethan England of kneeling and bowing the head repeatedly during bows; secondly, the need to pick up money with which the audience threw the stage instead of flowers; and thirdly, the term “ leg", denoting the supporting structure of the curtain, which in the phrase " break a leg"described the functioning of his lane and vira.

IN German instead of " Viel Gluck" And " Viel Erfolg" They say " Hals und Beinbruch!» ( break your leg and neck). Philologists have found a connection between this remark and the tradition of gratitude among the Semites. In Yiddish " Hatsloche un Broche" there is a wish for "good luck and blessings."

In response to all these ominous wishes, the obligatory response must be words of gratitude and none of our fatherly “ Damn it!“In Europe they definitely won’t understand this strange message!

However, this does not stop many opera singers say before going on stage the line “ Toi, Toi, Toi“(ugh!, ugh!, ugh!) - a three-fold lament that scares away bad luck, because this is how they drove away the “devil” in ancient German.

Italians instead of " buona fortuna"It's common to say" in bocca al lupo", which literally translates to go to the bathhouse " into the wolf's mouth", to which they will definitely answer " crepi (il lupo)» ( so that he (the wolf) dies).

Franz Mark. Horse in a landscape. 1911

And in Latin America before leaving they wish " Tanta Merda!", which in Portuguese means " more crap" Even in the 17th century, there were too many carts with well-fed horses in front of the theater, leaving a lot of manure, which since ancient times was a sign of future wealth and prosperity. So, in memory of that, holding hands before the performance, superstitious Latin Americans shout loudly: “ Merda! Merda! Merda!“It sounds funny, but it often helps!

In Australia they use a special term “ chookas!", which in one of the local dialects means roasted poultry. This is a wish" food"came into use as a good promise of a good box office and a full house, influencing the abundance of the table after the premiere.

What if?..

An actor will inevitably forget the text on stage if he puts on his costume inside out in the dressing room or simply stumbles before going on stage. Got your heel stuck in the wings? Oh, this is 100% fucked up! An inner voice says to the actor: “ Know! Something holds you back before going out to the audience"! The actor will see the same sign if suddenly, while moving to the stage, the costume gets caught on a nail: this means that he should return backstage and go out again. Through thick and thin!

How do actors protect themselves from signs?

Like children, they spit over their left shoulder three times against the evil eye, knock on wood, jump on one leg and spin around their axis.

How do musicians prepare for premieres?

Opera singers and conductors never have intimacy and don't make the bed.

What other bad signs are there at the premiere?

I would call this sign the strangest: seeing a red-haired spectator in the front row. But here, it seems, the ancient belief of treating redheads with prejudice is at work.

Oleg Zhivetin. Attachments. 2008

Are there any good omens?

Certainly! There are no less of them! If during the run-through a cat walks across the stage - that's it, success is guaranteed! Especially if she's black, straight from sacred traditions ancient egypt, where these delightful animals guarded gear and supplies from mice.

A cane in your hand will be a sign of excellent health of body and spirit, as well as an attribute of success!

A squeak is considered a good sign new shoes before going on stage. That's it, happiness is here, rushing right into your hands.

Another good thing is to shove a piece of coal into a crack on the stage.

Good luck if you find a nail on stage during a performance! It’s worth rubbing it in your hand before your next exit. Also, a nail found and driven behind the stage is considered a guarantee of a long and successful career. Usually the problem is the lack of a hammer, which, however, can be solved good relations with assemblers and without any magic.

Which side is your lucky scene?

Everything is individual. Happiness creeps up on some from the left, and on others from the right. Every actor keeps his own account of successes and failures. Sometimes secretly, and doesn’t tell anyone about them, for fear of scaring them away.

Which plot, on the contrary, is considered a good talisman?

"Cinderella". Take part in the production and you will be happy!

How is an artist blessed before their debut?

Before going on stage for the first time, he is traditionally given a friendly kick in the ass. Oddly enough, many initiates celebrate magical miracles and claim that they helped! What can not be said about giving acceleration to some mediocrities, for whom it is high time to shun art.

Titian. Earthly Love and Heavenly Love. About 1512-15

How do you say goodbye to a performance?

At the last show, don't be surprised if you see the actors falling on their faces and kissing the stage lightly, not hard. Such a kiss guarantees them new meeting with the audience, no less successful.

What conclusion should be drawn from all this?

Considering the pattern that the growth of superstitions is a sign of degradation and the triumph of ignorance, I propose to perceive the set of these rules not as a code of conduct, but as ancient covenants passed on from mouth to mouth that preserve the connection supernatural powers with history and, among other things, testifying to the sacred attitude towards the profession. IN good theater Indeed, miracles are happening and there is a continuous battle between good and evil.

Let me also remind you that all signs are an integral part of self-hypnosis, and any clearly formulated desire has a powerful force that can materialize and turn what you want into reality!

So. Think more about the good!

Official congratulations actor

Poetic congratulations to the actor

You are the master of backstage games
And staged intrigue!
You are a master of disguise
Let inspiration be with you!
They applaud you from the halls,
And watching the game, they are in awe!
You are famous and recognizable
On stage you are inimitable!
You are famous and adored
And we respect you for your talent!
Please accept congratulations
We say them from the heart!
We wish you happiness and victories
And live without grief and without troubles!

Happy holiday to the actor of the series

There is no art for art's sake - there is only art for life. The artist's highest task is to ignite people's desire to be better. Your remarkable talent, loyalty and devotion to your chosen work throughout your life is an example of genuine service to Art, worthy of the deepest admiration, respect and unceasing applause.
Your young heroes have become a sign, a symbol of their era. After all, it was you who played the main roles in the series that made the glory of Russian cinema. It’s as if it doesn’t exist for you genre boundaries, You can control everything - from comedy to drama. Your special gift as an actor is the ability to play not a private story, but to bring the image to the ideal, to the embodiment of the idea inherent in the character of the hero.
We sincerely congratulate you on the holiday! We wish creative burning and the love of the audience.

Original congratulations to the actor in prose

With the greatest joy we congratulate you on this unusual day! We wish that the mood and pleasure that you bring to people, sparing neither strength nor feelings, will be in your life, may love, openness, and care return in abundance! We wish you new interesting roles, new interesting people and new interesting ideas.

Comic congratulations to the actor

The curtain opened, the bright lights turned on,
The face changed in one second.
Now the actor is not here on stage,
There is only a hero, everything else is forgotten.
Who should we congratulate on this day?
A hero or an actor in a new mask?
It was, it wasn’t! Congratulations to everyone!
May their lives always be in order!

Congratulations to the actor on his anniversary

Talent is faith in yourself, in your strength. Our dear hero of the day! Thanks to you, colleagues performing arts, directors, the performances became the most significant in the past season. The uniqueness of your award is that the winners are not chosen by critics or colleagues, as in most awards, but by the main judges - the audience. After all, it was the audience who voted for you and other favorite actors, directors and best performances season.
Your creative path is a vivid example of dedication to his profession and national culture. You have successfully realized yourself on the stages of leading domestic theaters, revealing your multifaceted acting talent. Thanks to their skill, temperamental acting and charm, they earned the love of moviegoers. We wish you inspired creativity on the path to new victories in theater and cinema.

Interesting congratulations to the actor

Expensive …! There are no words succinct enough to express the admiration that fills a person after becoming acquainted with your work. We congratulate you on your holiday and want to wish you a lot of creative strength and opportunities. Let all your plans come true and new, even more grandiose ones appear. And may their fulfillment bring you real happiness!

Interesting congratulations to the actor

Expensive …! There are no words succinct enough to express the admiration that fills a person after becoming acquainted with your work. We congratulate you on your holiday and want to wish you a lot of creative strength and opportunities. Let all your plans come true and new, even more grandiose ones appear. And may their fulfillment bring you real happiness!

Congratulations to the actor of the series

Your talent and desire to touch every heart, to evoke new ones in it good feelings surprise and captivate. Every day you enter people's homes as a member of the family, it is a great honor, but also a great responsibility. We wish you many years of work with pleasure - in health, love and prosperity!

Comic congratulations to the actor of the series

The blue screen came on
Again his passions flared up,
The most beautiful hero again
Incarnated in you, we recognize you!
Maybe it's happiness to enter
Into every home, like a hero from a film.
We wish you good luck on your journey
From the screen to every girl...

Official congratulations to the actor of the series

Dear...! From the bottom of my heart we send you our congratulations and wishes for increased strength, inspiration and love from fans! Let your whole life be warmed by the warmth of the hearts of the audience, because it is only a response to your great love!

Official congratulations to the actor of the series

Dear...! From the bottom of my heart we send you our congratulations and wishes for increased strength, inspiration and love from fans! Let your whole life be warmed by the warmth of the hearts of the audience, because it is only a response to your great love!

The beginning of a new theater season is a time to remember old signs. Every Moscow Art Theater actor knows that you must go on stage with your right foot, otherwise you’ll be in trouble: you’ll forget the text or stumble during the performance. At Lenkom, it is forbidden to whistle or chew sunflower seeds backstage. And such signs exist in every theater. Ekaterina Rogalskaya talks about them in more detail.

With theater actors, like with pilots, there is nothing “last”, only “extreme”. And indeed, as far as signs are concerned, it goes to the extreme.

“One actress, whom I really love in Tabakerka, and with whom we released the premiere, says that she does not put on new underwear until she releases the premiere. She probably erases it, but doesn’t change it,” she gave an example of one of these superstitions in theatrical environment People's Artist RF Marina Zudina.

“When you are given a stage costume, you start rehearsing in it about a week before the premiere. And before the premiere, it cannot be washed or dry-cleaned - this is a serious theatrical sign,” added Honored Artist of the Russian Federation Daria Moroz.

“It all depends on the audience: how many phones will ring in the hall, at what moment, whether it will knock you down. We superstitious people: knock on wood, spit over the shoulder. Well, what to do with these signs, somehow in life we ​​agreed with them so that they would not interfere too much,” says Honored Artist of the Russian Federation Olga Prokofieva.

For every actor, the dressing room is a sacred place in the theater. You will never find number 13 on her door. You must enter with your left foot, you cannot spill makeup, and under no circumstances should you look in the mirror over your colleague’s shoulder.

“For me, the most striking sign is when an artist falls something before a performance, as a rule, this happens in the dressing room, it is part of the costume, for girls it is a hairpin. And it’s better not to lift these objects, because there may be failure,” shared the ballet soloist of the theater. Stanislavsky and Nemirovich-Danchenko Denis Dmitriev.

“I had such an experience when my crown fell, I didn’t pick it up, I had to go get another one. This is my personal quirk in my head, but I try to avoid the consequences,” says Erika Mikirticheva, ballet soloist of the same theater.

Foreign theater workers are no less superstitious. Even when arriving in another country, they try not to deviate from their habits.

“I always go out on any stage for the first time with right side, from behind the first curtain closest to the audience. It was impossible to do this in one theater, but I still made my way through the right auditorium. For me, going on stage in another place is the same as starting to say the alphabet with the letter D,” explained artistic director theater Laurent Hilaire.

Each theater has its own signs. And, by the way, no one forbids you to come up with your own. For example, the director and artistic director of the Mayakovsky Theater Mindaugas Karbauskis did this.

“I take something from home and give it to the performance, for me this is a sign. Either he gave away a suitcase, or some kind of tray, once he brought an old Lithuanian rake,” he noted.

Also, not real, but only artificial flowers are used in decorations. Another prohibition: it is strictly forbidden to wish the artist good luck before going on stage.

For theater actor There's nothing worse than dropping a script during rehearsal - it could mean that the performance is going to be a real failure. But if you sit down on it right away, failure can be avoided - this is what director Mark Zakharov does. Finding a nail on stage is a wonderful omen; it means that the actor is expected interesting roles. In general, the theater is a place where not only the muses rule, but also evil spirits. So superstitious spectators, going to a performance, can take a talisman with them.

Performers, especially beginners, often do not know how to overcome their anxiety before a performance. All artists differ from each other in character, temperament, level of motivation and strong-willed qualities.

These personality traits, of course, only partially influence the ability to adapt to public speaking. After all, a successful appearance on stage for everyone still depends, first of all, on the readiness and desire to play, and also on the strength of stage skills (in other words, experience).

Every artist needs to learn to prepare himself for a performance, to learn to easily enter into a state in which fear and anxiety do not spoil performances . They will help him with this long-term, permanent measures (for example, sports training), and specific local measures , which are resorted to immediately before going on stage (for example, special treatment concert day).

Physical activity for the general tone of the artist

In progress professional development As a musician, it is important to maintain muscle tone in good shape. To do this you need: sports such as running and swimming are suitable. But with gymnastics and weightlifting, a musician needs to be careful and engage in such sports only with an experienced trainer, so as not to accidentally get any injuries or muscle strains.

Good health and performance, in other words, tone, allows you to quickly recreate a special feeling of kinship with the keyboard, bow, fretboard or mouthpiece and avoid any manifestations of lethargy during the playing process.

How to overcome anxiety before a performance?

Mental and emotional preparation for the upcoming concert helps to overcome the musician's anxiety before public speaking on stage. There are special psychological exercises - they are neither popular nor effective; among musicians they are considered too formal, however, they can help some, since they were developed by professional psychological trainers. Try it!

Exercise 1. Autogenic training in a relaxed state

This is almost like self-hypnosis; while doing this exercise you can have a good rest. Need to be located in comfortable chair and completely relax (you should not be wearing any clothes, you should not be holding anything in your hands, it is recommended to remove heavy jewelry). Next, you need to try to free yourself from any thoughts and from the sense of time. This is the most difficult thing, but if you succeeded, you are great! You will be rewarded with a buzz and wonderful relaxation for mind and body.

If you have managed to free yourself from the thought and sensation of time, then sit as long as you can - during this time you will rest and you cannot even imagine how much!

Exercise 2. Role training

With this exercise, a musician, in order to overcome anxiety before a performance, can enter into the role of a known artist, confident in himself, who is at ease on stage. And in this role, mentally rehearse your act again (or directly go on stage). In some ways, this approach resembles a madhouse, but again: it helps someone! So try it!

Still, no matter what the suggestions are, they are artificial. And the artist should not deceive his viewer and listener. He must, first of all, fill your speech with meaning – dedication, preliminary congratulations, and explaining the concept of the work to the public can help with this. You can do without directly expressing all this: the main thing is that the meaning exists for the performer.

Often the thoughts of the work are correct supplied artistic tasks , attention to detail for some artists is simply leave no room for fear (there is no time to think about risks, no time to think about possible failures - there is time to think only about how to play better and how to more accurately convey your own and the composer’s ideas).

The behavior of a musician in the last hours before a concert is important: it does not predetermine the success of the performance, but it does influence it. comfort! Everyone knows that, first of all, it is necessary to fully get some sleep. It's important to plan diet in such a way as to have lunch in advance, because the feeling of fullness dulls the senses. On the other hand, a musician should not be exhausted, tired and hungry - the musician must be sober, active and receptive !

It is necessary to limit the time of the last training: the last technical work should be done not on the day of the concert, but “yesterday” or “the day before yesterday”. Why? Therefore, the result of a musician’s work appears only on the second or third day (the night must pass) after classes. Rehearsals on the day of the concert are possible, but not very labor-intensive. Rehearsing a performance in a new place is a must (especially for pianists).

What to do immediately before going on stage?

Need to get rid of any discomfort (warm up, go to the toilet, wipe off sweat, etc.). A must free yourself : relax (relax your body and face), lower your shoulders, then straighten your posture . Before this, it was necessary to check whether everything was in order with the concert costume and hairstyle (you never know - something came unfastened).

When you are announced, you need light up a smile and look ! Now look around to see if there are any obstacles (steps, ceiling, etc.), and go out to your audience easily and simply! She's already been waiting for you! Walk to the edge of the stage, once boldly look into the hall, smile at the audience just once, try to look at someone . Now sit (or stand) comfortably, imagine the key bars (to get the right tempo), get your hands ready and begin... good luck to you!

Stage fright has it too positive side, anxiety indicates that the musician has an important result of his playing. Already awareness of this fact helps many young talents to behave with dignity.

It should be noted that practically all actors are extremely superstitious. These people sincerely believe in a wide variety of signs, of which there are a great many in the acting community. We will look at the most relevant ones. The servants of the muse give them highest value, and if the omen is bad, then they try in every possible way to neutralize it.

One of the most important signs is related to the script. Here the superstitions of the actors reach their peak. For example, it is believed that if a script falls out of your hands, you should immediately sit down on it. It doesn't matter where the accident happened. The ideal option is a stage. But tragedy can also happen on the street. A pile of papers may splash into a puddle or spring mud. You still have to sit down for the script, despite the external inconveniences.

You need to sit for a couple of minutes. After this, you need to pull out the papers covered with text from under you, squeeze them tightly in your hands, and then get up. Otherwise, the play or film will fail disgracefully.

There are many signs associated with an actor's dressing room.. There is no such room in any theater with the number 13 on it. It is believed that it brings continuous trouble.

You should always cross the threshold of the dressing room with your left foot. It is strictly forbidden to hang any photographs or pictures on the door. Make-up must not be spilled, and when an actor is putting on make-up, no one should look over his shoulder in the mirror. If you ignore these signs, then there will be nothing but problems with the roles.

You can’t give your soap to colleagues. This takes away luck and leads to loss of roles. But the one who asks for soap may be in favor. He will receive one good role after another. Therefore, the servants of the muse always use only their own soap, and categorically refuse others. This is not out of greed, but out of superstition.

Many signs are associated with the stage. If you find a nail on it, it means that there will soon be new interesting roles. You cannot go on stage with fresh flowers in your hands. Only artificial flowers are also allowed in decorations. Wildlife for some reason it negatively affects both the performance itself and its performers. You can't trip on stage, unless, of course, it's called for in the script. It is strictly forbidden to wish the artist good luck before going on stage.

Whistling is prohibited in the theater. This way you can lose the production, the premiere, and success. Whistling is only possible during the performance, if necessary according to the script.

But the actors’ superstitions associated with funerals cause the greatest concern.. We often see in plays or films how a hero is killed, and then his cold body ends up in a coffin. Masters of art are extremely reluctant to accept such roles. But they still agree, since directors don’t like capricious artists.

However, in such cases, security measures are taken. A bottle of vodka is placed under the pillow at the head. She must be in the coffin during the entire scene. When the performance or endless takes are over, the performer of the unpleasant role rises from the grave and gives the bottle to his colleagues. They must drink it in the presence of the “deceased”. Under no circumstances should the “dead person” himself drink this vodka. It is believed that in this way the negativity associated with the afterlife is neutralized.

There is also a sign regarding fees. Having received money for filming or a performance, a person can spend it on new clothes or jewelry. But you are allowed to wear what you have purchased only after the premiere. Otherwise, the film or performance will fail miserably.

But the superstitions of American actors:

1. Blue color on stage should always be combined with silver color. Pure blue clothes should never be worn.

2. If 3 candles are burning on stage, then this is bad luck.

3. Peacock feathers in any form should not be present on stage during the performance.

4. Flowers cannot be given before a performance. You can give them only after the performance. And the most best flowers those that are stolen from the cemetery.

5. Bad omen mirrors on the stage are considered.

6. Every theater has its own ghosts. They should be left alone once a week. The best time for this is the Monday after Sunday performances.

7. At night, when there is no one in the theater, the stage should be illuminated.

8. You cannot whistle in the theater. Whoever whistles should be fired.

9. You cannot wish the artist good luck before the start of the performance.

10. In the theater you cannot say the word “Macbeth” in vain. This could lead to the closure of the temple of art.

As you can see, some American signs exactly coincide with Russian signs. There is nothing surprising here, since people of art, regardless of nationality and citizenship, belong to the same caste, which faithfully and devotedly serves the great cause, designed to awaken in the souls of people all that is highest and brightest.

Valery Krapivin