Excessive kindness can play a cruel joke on you! Sentences with the phrase “play a cruel joke Play a cruel joke on him

25-10-2019, 06:05 \\

The dancer admitted that he is being watched around the clock.

The mentor of the show “Dancing” on TNT carefully hides his personal life. However, many have repeatedly noticed homosexual tendencies in the artist. Even at the Star Factory, the artist built love with Ruslan Masyukov. The guys were filmed by cameras around the clock. The men were seen hugging and cooing tenderly. Nothing has changed, Miguel continues to build relationships on the project, users write.

The style of clothing, the manner of moving, speaking - everything gives away Miguel’s orientation. In an interview with Ekaterina Varnava, the artist made a loud statement - he was scared that he was being followed everywhere. Even at home he cannot relax because of the glass walls. He designed the house so that he can watch TV in the bedroom from the bathroom, and the neighbors can also watch what is happening in Miguel's life. Apparently a bold decision glass walls played cruel joke against the dancer - his passion for boys may be declassified.

Information appeared online that the man had previously been spotted in the company former member“Dances” by Alexander Pertsev. The guy doesn't seem straight, which has caused a lot of opinions on this matter. Few people on the project would have liked the men’s passion, so they had to carefully hide their emotions. It is quite possible that after a joint vacation, the mentor lives with the participant and is very afraid that observant neighbors or journalists will photograph them together, or even worse, publish them on a social network.


Miguel shared that popularity does not please him at all and, if possible, he would gladly give up fame. Having justified this by the fact that he denies himself in many ways, does not do what he wants, he has to choose his words when talking with people. Apparently, the greatest discomfort for the artist is that he is forced to hide his orientation in Russia. Several times he was tempted to move to another country, apparently for the same reason.

From childhood we are taught not to return evil for evil. We are told to respond with good to evil.

We are taught that kindness is best way resolve the conflict, because good should always win.

However, according to psychologist Clifford Lazarus, this style of behavior only tells your offender that by continuing to show aggression towards you, he can achieve what he wants.

There is a logical explanation for this - the so-called Law of Effect .

It comes down to the fact that people strive to repeat the type of behavior that allows them to satisfy their needs, and, conversely, avoid actions that do not lead to what they want.

That is, if you treat a person who is constantly being rude with exceptional kindness, you will show him that his unacceptable behavior creates... your love for him.

In other words, consistently showing kindness in response tocoarsenessor aggression, you seem to encourage the person to continue behaving rudely.

Of course, this doesn't mean you have to lose your temper every time you encounter someone who behaves inappropriately.

However, very It's important to remember that sometimes you can be too kind.

If you are not happy with something, it is very important to say so in a timely manner.

It often turns out that a person who is always kind to everyone is simply trying with all his might to avoid conflict. But you shouldn't do this.

This is not about behaving like a pig in response to rudeness. But if the need arises, you need to fight back. You need to be able to stand up for yourself, even if a conflict arises that you so want to avoid.

Remember this: “Blessed are the meek, for they will inherit the earth.”

However, this biblical commandment does not mean that you should always turn the other cheek. If you constantly do this, then very soon your entire face will be covered in bruises!

How to encourage good attitude to yourself and not allow people to behave rudely or aggressively towards you

1. Don't encourage people to behave towards you in ways that make you feel uncomfortable.

2. Actor Alan Alda gives one very good advice: “Be honest with others, but maintain relationships with people only as long as they themselves are honest with you.”

3. Learn to fight back and, within reasonable limits, insist on your own.

4. Do not encourage rudeness towards you.

5. If someone is rude or inappropriate towards you, speak up. There is no need to smile back and pretend that everything is fine.

Think good, do right, experience positive emotions! May everything be fine with you!

Play a [evil] joke

with whom. Razg. To make an evil joke, to laugh at someone. BMS 1998, 641; F 2, 199; ZS 1996, 372.

Big dictionary Russian sayings. - M: Olma Media Group. V. M. Mokienko, T. G. Nikitina. 2007 .

See what “Play a [evil] joke” is in other dictionaries:

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    Verb, holy, used often Morphology: I will play, you will play, he/she/it will play, we will play, you will play, they will play, play, play, played, played, played, played, played, played, played 1. see nsv. play … Dictionary Dmitrieva

    Play a joke- with whom. Razg. Express (Evil) to laugh at someone, exposing someone to ridicule, putting someone in an awkward, ridiculous position. “Now I’ll tell you that while I was in this place, I did not fail, as is my custom, to play with everyone there... ... Phrasebook Russian literary language

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    Armenian (Georgian) joke. Jarg. Anal-genital contact with a woman. Mokienko, Nikitina 2003, 401. The joke is on. Sib. It's easy to say. SPS, 205; SBO D2, 283. Just kidding. Razg. An expression of respectful, genuine surprise at... ... Large dictionary of Russian sayings

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But the sea played a cruel joke: it led them in circles, then tossed and tossed the ship, then gently rocked and lulled them on its waves, but did not bring them closer to the land.

The ubiquity of high-definition video has played a cruel joke on those who like to watch videos, the latest episodes of their favorite television series, or entire feature films on the screens of portable media players and communicators.

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The inspector’s expressions that they have already been purchased or that they have paid for a competitor can play a cruel joke, not only with the inspector, but also with the customer of such services.

Oh, I'm writing nonsense. I'm a stupid chicken. This week I went to balls every evening. Not surprisingly, fatigue played a cruel joke on my mind.

Yes, there is a danger that the company’s efforts to promote its specialist play a cruel joke.

I thought I would wake up much earlier! Apparently due to stress played a cruel joke and the body thus took its toll, returning the expended strength in a dream.

I have been living in these places for five hundred years, I was thrown into these lands as a boy, who I am and where I come from - I still don’t know, the memory is with me played a cruel joke, wearing the “cap of oblivion.”

This factor and played a cruel joke with the poor troops of the organization, victims of the cruelty of mysterious monsters, who somehow built primitive flying machines with incredible power of combat systems.

Lord, am I embarrassing myself in front of him again!? I don't want him to think I'm a coward. This way he can find out my weak points, and that's for sure will play a cruel joke with me.

I constantly imagined how I would play with them, how I would feel sorry for them if they suddenly fell and broke their knee, but fate played a cruel joke with us.

Inaccurate matches

It turns out that a stereotype can help a person do something faster and more correctly, but it can also play a cruel joke if it is not taken into account when changing the situation.

But expectations can play a cruel joke on us when the world changes contrary to our previous experience or when they are incorrect in principle!

If a person simply puts a mask on his eyes and goes to a remote village to while away his loneliness, then otherworldly inhabitants are unlikely to contact him, and most likely his own brain will play a cruel joke on him.

Participation in competitions, even of the lowest ranks, is simply necessary because repeated repetition of attacking and especially defensive actions in the face of an “attack” by your comrade, who does not really want to hit you hard, can play a cruel joke in a real battle.

Our passion for fatty and high-calorie foods, snacks on the go, eating to the fullest in the evening, excessive emotions that increase appetite (trouble has happened - you are craving something sweet, good news - you definitely need to drink beer with a salty one), lead to the formation of a belly, folds on the thighs, full legs and arms... The success and high quality of life of humanity (at least that part of it to which we belong) played a cruel joke on it: a huge assortment of delicacies and their availability, the development of the system fast food, improvement of living conditions, mechanization of many household operations have led to the fact that we consume more calories than we spend.

And when he gets older and goes to school, it will play a cruel joke on him: how is it that my desk neighbor doesn’t want to give me his sharpener?

Although she was amazed at the cruel joke that had been played on her, thanks to this same discovery she realized that there was no longer anything to be afraid or worry about.

Blowing tanks with compressed air played a cruel joke on us.

Fate played a cruel joke on the unlucky husband and doomed “the evil mind to simmer in empty inaction.”

But, as you can see, this disease can play a very cruel joke on a person...

I won’t lie, I had an idea to register on the Chevy Clan and ask someone to look at the cars planned for purchase, ask about some of the nuances of purchase and operation, but my character, as usual, played a cruel joke on me.

Now he clearly understood that his youthful beliefs had played a very insidious and cruel joke on him: trying to go through life in accordance with them, he was hopelessly stuck in the position of group leader, and his sound mind did not allow him to dream of anything more.