Whose son from the interns was killed. The son of the “Interns” actor, who beat the blogger to death, was released from custody. How Assange made new enemies

- But excuse me, how did he serve?
in cleaning? - I didn’t appoint him there.
Mr. Shvonder gave him a recommendation.
If I'm not mistaken.
- Is this him? - He's the one.
Only, the bastard, he grew bigger again.

Great company
Founded in 2002, acquired the first 4 aircraft in 2003.
And then it started - in 2004, the company acquired 12 Boeings and became Russia's leading charter carrier on the most popular routes - Türkiye, Egypt, Tunisia. Then 4 more Boeings - and already flights to Western and Eastern Europe.
In 2007, VIM-avia became the number one company in the charter transportation market.
In 2008, they began flying under the auspices of the UN. And in 2011, they became the first among companies flying for the UN.
In 2013, the company transported one and a half million passengers and operated almost 9,000 flights.
In 2015, it already transported 1,600,000 passengers and performed more than 11,000 flights, of which 10,500 were not charter, but regular.
And in 2016 there were already more than two million passengers.
And all this time they bought, bought, bought planes.
17 Boeings and 6 Airbuses. Of which 4 are owned and the rest are leased...
And suddenly, with such successes, everything suddenly ended...
The company is bankrupt.

Yes, yes. There is such a company. A small LLC owned by husband and wife Svetlana and Rashid Mursekaev. The authorized capital of the company is 50,000 rubles (fifty thousand rubles). Don't laugh. This is true. 50,000 rubles, of which Svetlana owns 99% (49,500 rubles) and Rashid - 1%, having invested 500 (five hundred) rubles in his own enterprise. It is with these funds that the founders are liable for all the company’s debts.
And nothing else. Well, also the property of the company. But it’s not theirs, it’s leased. More precisely, all aircraft purchased on lease formally belong to VIM-Avia, but the procedure is such that if they are not paid for, the aircraft are taken back.
So, if anything happens, Rashid will give as much as 500 rubles. True, his conscience awoke for a second, and he wanted to own funds pay 50,000,000 rubles for the sins of the office, but came to his senses in time and went on the run. But according to the law, he owes 500 rubles. Because the director and chief accountant. But they are not to blame either. Because they say they didn't steal
So here it is.
The company is registered in the urban village of Bogatye Saby, Sabinsky district of the Republic of Tatarstan, on Stroiteley Street 1a. On the diagram this street is marked with a red square. By the way, on the Yandex map of house No. 1a on Stroiteley Street there is no sign. House No. 1 is there, but 1a is not.

Judging by the registration data, the company expected to take off big.
Well, the fall should have been pretty bad.

And already at this stage questions arise.
How did it happen that SUCH a tiny company located, how can I put it mildly, so as not to offend Rich Saba, in a distant region of Tatarstan, was entrusted with loans, leasing schemes, and licenses, in the end?

Here is the shortest path to success for a company founder:

Mursekaev Rashid Maviyaevich (born in 1965, Barnaul, Altai region, RSFSR, USSR) - Russian businessman, owner of the aviation company VIM-Avia.

It didn’t work out with the shipping company, so I went into the airline business. Professional.
So, the matter is not just dark, but the darkest.

By the way, VIM is Viktor Ivanovich Merkulov, the same founder of the company who sold the company to Rashid. He died in 2006 at the age of 70. This man is really connected with aviation - he was an honored pilot of Russia and the founder of various airlines.

And here are the financial statements of the VIM-Avia company with an authorized capital of 50,000 rubles for 2014 and 2015. Unfortunately, I couldn’t find it for 2016:

What do we see? And we see a lot of beautiful things.
For example, the company's fixed assets amount to 2 billion 455 million rubles.

And the debts are 8 billion. Of these, borrowed funds amount to 5 billion rubles and debts to creditors amount to almost 3.
Tell me, please, do you need to be an auditor or at least an accountant to be surprised by such a disproportion?

At the same time, there are accounts receivable in the amount of 3 billion rubles. Who should VIM-avia?
Leasing companies whose 19 aircraft are not on the company’s balance sheet for some reason? Or did Mursekaev himself so cunningly persuade the accountant to spend these funds in this way? Most likely, both. The balance sheet won't tell you about it - someone owes the company, and that's it. For some reason, it seems to me that VIM-Avia is owed by some offshore companies. Who just can’t pay off their debts! But this is true, unfounded suspicions.

In general, leased property should be accounted for in the fixed assets account. So, everything is complicated. You can't just tell from the balance sheet. So, yes. It's a dark matter.

Can you imagine? All the planes on the company’s balance sheet cost 2 and a half billion, and yet someone owes it 3 billion. For what? Who? The version that these are all “insolvent travel agencies” or “airports”, or even passengers, can be safely dismissed. Why did the whole country suddenly owe the company such a huge amount? Still offshore. Maybe.

Moreover, the profit from the company’s sales in 2015 amounted to only one and a half billion rubles. Net profit in 2015 was only 626 million, and in 2014 there was a loss. This data can be seen in the income statement

And the company borrows everything and borrows money. And someone gives her everything and gives them... In 2015, however, they partially paid off the debts, but they also borrowed again.
For what?
Not clear.
Obviously not for planes. Because they were not added to the balance sheet, unlike debts, and fixed assets even decreased by 500 million..

Apparently, they were still frolicking with borrowed funds. Here and there...
As a result, debts of 8 billion rubles accumulated already in 2015, which were no longer possible to pay off.
And what happened there in 2016-2017 is still unknown.
Probably something terrible.
As a result, the founder had those same “extra” 50 million rubles, which he wanted to give to save the company, which he himself had driven into debt, and apparently not the only ones. And the company has another 2 billion rubles in loans.

Does anyone really think that all this was done by a hired director and, moreover, an accountant?

Today, they write, the company already has a debt of 10 billion rubles, which they owe to credit institutions, lessors, airports, and fuel filling stations. And even if all the company’s assets are sold, it will be impossible to cover these debts.

I wouldn’t be surprised if Mursekaev is now sunbathing on his island.

I wonder if the auditors saw these glaring imbalances in 2014? What about the tax authorities? And the creditors weren’t interested in the state of affairs in the company where they generously poured money? Did the banks that issued the loans not care? What about leasing companies?

How is it that no one noticed that the company had accumulated debts equal to its annual sales revenue?
And the funny thing is that our founders are not responsible for anything. They are not to blame.
And then it turns out that the director and accountant do too. They paid the budget and salaries regularly.
Everything else seems to be an internal matter of the LLC.
It is even impossible to open a criminal case.
What's here? Fraud? Theft?
Who deceived whom? Who was robbed? Well, except for passengers stuck on their routes
Creditors? So they themselves are to blame. These are their “risks”.
Prove it.
I'm afraid they can't. And the city of Londongrad will acquire new residents with million-dollar accounts in foreign banks

The problematic airline VIM-Avia, due to fraudulent actions of its management, about 38 thousand passengers were stuck at foreign resorts, and accounts payable exceeded 7 billion rubles, lost its management and owners.

General Director of VIM-Avia Alexander Kochnev and chief accountant Ekaterina Panteleeva were detained as part of a case of major fraud, according to a message on the website of the Investigative Committee of the Russian Federation. In the near future, both defendants will be charged, after which the investigation plans to petition the court to impose a preventive measure against them.

And the co-owners of VIM-Avia, Rashid and Svetlana Mursekaev, “hastily left the country, and, according to the information available to the investigation, are abroad,” the Investigative Committee noted. In this regard, measures are being taken to establish their whereabouts. "Investigative actions are currently ongoing aimed at identifying all persons involved in the theft cash, and the circumstances of the crime,” the press service said.

The Mursekaevs will be put on the wanted list in a criminal case of fraud, law enforcement agencies told TASS. “Their whereabouts have not yet been established. They will be put on the federal wanted list first, and then, possibly, on the international wanted list,” the agency’s interlocutor said. According to him, Rashid Mursekaev was supposed to appear for questioning by the investigator on Thursday; the day before, he was sent a summons.

As part of compensation for damages to victims of this fraud, a security lien will be imposed on the property of the co-owners and management of the company. Soon they may be charged in absentia and issued a warrant for arrest in absentia.

The day before, TASS was reported by law enforcement agencies that investigators interrogated Alexander Kochnev as a witness in the case, and then he was summoned again for questioning. The source clarified on Thursday that the general director was detained following interrogation by the Investigative Committee. “This was a repeated interrogation, the day before he was interrogated as a witness, he appeared before the investigators himself,” the agency’s interlocutor said.

After massive delays and cancellations of VIM-Avia airline flights, a criminal case was opened under Part 4 of Art. 159 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation (“Fraud in special large size"). The official representative of the RF IC, Svetlana Petrenko, said that on behalf of the head of the department, Alexander Bastrykin, the case was transferred to the central office of the IC.

According to the investigation, from September 22, airline officials, knowing that there were not enough funds to purchase fuel, including at Domodedovo Airport, without having contracts with other suppliers and, thus, not having the ability to transport passengers, continued to sell tickets for flights. As a result, management received more than 1 million rubles.

VIM-Avia admitted this week that it does not have the funds to continue operating after massive flight delays due to fuel debts of approximately 500 million rubles. The airline asked the Ministry of Transport to “consider the possibility of urgently providing state guarantees” for 800-840 million rubles to pay for fuel and organize the removal of passengers from abroad. The owner of the company, Rashid Mursekaev, published a video message in which he apologized to passengers for flight delays due to lack of funds.

VIM-Avia planes were detained at airports for debts in Russia and abroad - in particular, in Spain, Belgium, Turkey and France. Only four out of 29 aircraft flew to Vnukovo from Domodedovo. During Tuesday-Wednesday, VIM-Avia performed only about 10 flights.

Russian citizens who turned out to be "defectors", who are mainly in resorts in Turkey and Greece, are now only hoping for help from other airlines.

Greek EllinAir will return 245 VIM-Avia passengers from Heraklion to Moscow, TASS reports. In addition, it is planned to involve Yamal and Sibir airlines in the removal of passengers.

To transport tourists from Antalya on September 28, three VIM-Avia aircraft will be used, which were released the day before from Domodedovo Airport with refueling at Vnukovo. They will make two return flights to deliver about 1.5 thousand passengers from Turkey.

The Federal Air Transport Agency reports that Russian airlines that transport passengers on VIM-Avia regular flights will be allocated about 200 million rubles from the federal budget for 2018. However we're talking about only about domestic flights of VIM-Avia.

VIM-Avia itself, for which the Ministry of Transport restored passenger air transportation for half a month under its guarantees, will also receive half a billion rubles in air transportation subsidies from the state. However, experts are confident that such injections will not save the company and this is just a delay in its inevitable end of existence.

Currently, VIM-Avia, which closes the top 10 airlines in the Russian Federation in terms of volume passenger transportation, there are six creditor banks, and its debt is approximately 7 billion rubles.

On Thursday night it was announced that VIM-Avia aircraft would operate flights until mid-October. Passengers with scheduled flight dates from October 16 and later are recommended to return their tickets at the place of purchase for a refund.

On Wednesday, Vladimir Putin, at a meeting with members of the government, announced to the head of the Ministry of Transport Maxim Sokolov about incomplete official compliance due to the situation with VIM-Avia, and accused Deputy Prime Minister Arkady Dvorkovich, who oversees transport issues, of insufficient attention to the industry.

The owners of VIM-Avia are Svetlana and Rashid Mursekaev. According to the SPARK-Interfax system, the company's revenue in 2016 amounted to 17.17 billion rubles, while the company reported a small profit in its reporting under RAS - 89 million rubles. According to SPARK, Svetlana Mursekaeva recently pledged part of her share of VIM-Avia Airlines LLC - 5% authorized capital- at the Zenit bank.

Moscow, news September 27, 2017. Rashid Mursekaev offered to sell the airline for 1 ruble. The owner of the VIM-Avia airline was invited to a meeting on the situation around the air carrier on the morning of September 27, but did not attend the meeting and probably left Russia. The head stated this Federal agency air transport (Rosaviation) Alexander Neradko, speaking in the State Duma.

He emphasized that Rashid Mursekaev offered to sell the airline for 1 ruble. On September 25, the Vim-Avia company announced the cessation of operating activities and that it could not carry passengers due to debts. According to the head of the Federal Air Transport Agency, at that meeting Mursekaev said that he was “tired of working in aviation, and he is ready to sell his business for a ruble.”

Neradko said that Mursekaev was repeatedly called to the Federal Air Transport Agency, where he reported that the financial and economic condition of the airline was stable, and the cessation of operating activities was not predicted.

“However, last week the owner of the airline turned to the Federal Air Transport Agency with a request to assist in negotiations with creditors on the allocation of additional borrowed funds to support operating activities,” Neradko noted.

He emphasized that his department tried to provide such support, but on September 25, Mursekov announced the cessation of operations and the inability to carry out flights in Russia and abroad due to the company’s financial debts to suppliers.

According to Neradko, at a meeting of VIM-Avia owners and creditors, Mursekaev said that he was tired of working in aviation, he was ready to sell his business for a ruble and part ways.

“I assume that he is no longer on the territory Russian Federation. I guess,” Neradko said.

Law enforcement agencies cannot contact the co-owner of the VIM-Avia company, Rashid Mursekaev. According to some reports, he flew from Vnukovo airport to Turkey, presumably to Istanbul.

Rashid Mursekaev and his wife Svetlana Mursekaeva are the owners of 100% shares of VIM-Avia airline.

The planes of VIM-Avia, which has now stopped charter flights, were arrested at airports in Turkey and Belgium, said the head of the Federal Air Transport Agency Alexander Neradko, speaking in the State Duma.

“It is now clear that the airline will not be able to fly out charter passengers on its own. For debts, her planes were arrested at the airport of Antalya and Dalaman of the Turkish Republic, as well as at the airport of Liege (Belgium - editor's note),” Neradko said.

IN present moment, according to two major tourism operators alone, over 4 thousand tourists from Moscow and St. Petersburg are waiting for their flight in Turkey, who were supposed to fly home on flights of VIM-Avia, which has ceased all its charter programs. VIM-Avia airline to six banks.

There are still no free capacities on the aviation market for these tourists and operators, in accordance with their obligations, cannot currently guarantee them a flight to their place of permanent residence in the coming days. Tour operators are now making every effort to find at least some acceptable options, but so far there are no available planes.

Moreover, each day of waiting adds to the indicated number of new non-flying tourists - next group the rest is ending,” the Association said in a statement.

According to the deputy general director tour operator “NTK Intourist” Sergei Tolchin, which ATOR cites, the situation clearly requires emergency government intervention to resolve the issue.

Earlier it was reported that due to problems with the company, Russian President Vladimir Putin announced to the head of the Ministry of Transport of the Russian Federation Maxim Sokolov about incomplete official compliance.

The youngest, and recently the largest charter air carrier in the country, VIM-Avia, whose value experts estimate at $60 million, has officially revealed its owner. According to the company's materials, it is 100% owned by entrepreneur Rashid Mursekaev.

Until the last moment, VIM-Avia LLC kept its financial indicators and information about its owners secret. But now it has become publicly available. The company announced that Mursekaev is the owner of VIM-Avia in an investment memorandum. prepared for a bill of exchange loan in the amount of 500 million rubles. (a copy of it is available to Vedomosti). The loan is organized by the Region group of companies and Impexbank. An employee of one of these companies, who participated in writing the memorandum, clarifies that Mursekaev controls 100% of VIM-Avia’s capital. The market guessed that the entrepreneur controlled the company, notes a source from Mursekaev’s circle. But many believed that at least a small stake remained with the founder of VIM-Avia, Viktor Merkulov, he adds.

Mursekaev is no stranger to transport, although he took up aviation only in 2003, when VIM-Avia appeared. And Mursekaev began his career in trade together with his fellow countryman from Barnaul, the founder of Kaskol, Sergei Nedoroslev. At first, the partners were engaged in the supply of Chinese consumer goods - to pay off debts for Russian weapons and aircraft. Then they bought up shares of security and aviation enterprises. In 1997 they separated, and Mursekaev went into business on his own. Among his most famous transactions during this period was the resale of 68% of the shares of the Far Eastern Shipping Company to the former head of the Ministry of Fuel and Energy Sergei Generalov.

Merkulov was the founder of VIM-Avia." Aviators joke that VIM stands for "Viktor Ivanovich Merkulov." Initially, the company's fleet consisted of four Il-62s and four An-12s. Then Mursekaev bought a controlling stake in the carrier and organized the leasing of 12 used Boeings 757, thanks to which VIM-Avia reached its current heights. The seller was the German Condor Flugdienst, a charter subsidiary of Lufthansa. As follows from the memorandum, VIM-Avia’s creditors, Meridian-Leasing, remain the owners. Impexbank and Avangard-Leasing The terms of agreements with them are 3-6 years.

It was not possible to contact Mursekaev and Merkulov yesterday.

Mursekaev acquired a good business. As follows from the VIM-Avia memorandum, the company’s revenue for 10 months of this year amounted to 4.5 billion rubles. Despite the fact that for the entire last year the same figure was 822 million rubles. Among other things, the company’s progress was helped by its recent purchases of other carriers - Chita-Avia, Aerobratsk and Russian Sky, the document notes. By October, VIM-Avia moved from 42nd to 6th place in passenger turnover, surpassing Domodedovo Airlines, UTair, and coming very close to Transaero. And by the end of the year, the company’s turnover should be 6 billion rubles, or $210 million, the memorandum states. True, VIM-Avia’s profitability is not high. In 10 months her net profit amounted to only 2.6 million rubles, and the return on sales was 0.19%, the document indicates.

“The company quickly entered the market and in a short period of time managed to become sixth in terms of transportation volumes,” notes Mikhail Ganelin, an analyst at the CenterInvest group. In his opinion, today the value of the entire company can reach up to 30% of its annual revenue, i.e. about $63 million.