2 3 raised the inevitable. Make peace with the inevitable. Parable. Types of speech errors

Option 21

(1) Smells and screams floated through the house. (2) Nadezhda was setting the table and arguing with Oksana, who was in the bathroom and answering through the wall. (3) No words were heard, but Korolkov grasped the meaning of the conflict. (4) The conflict was that Nadezhda wanted to sit at the table with the young people, but Oksana did not want this and gave examples of other mothers who not only do not sit at the table, but even leave home. (5) Nadezhda shouted that she spent a week preparing festive table and all past life to raise Oksana and does not intend to sit in the kitchen like a servant. (6) Korolkov was lying on the sofa in his room and thinking that Oksana did not know how to talk to her mother, and Nadezhda did not know how to talk to her daughter. (7) She commands, humiliating her. (8) And they light up against each other, like a match against a box. (9) Korolkov knew from himself: you can also achieve something from him only through flattery. (10) Flattery seemed to raise his capabilities, and he sought to raise himself to this new and pleasant limit.

(11) The door opened and Oksana came in wearing a long new jacket in the “retro” style, or, as she called it, “retrohi.”

- (12) Dad, tell her,” Oksana complained loudly. - (13) Why is she getting on my nerves?

- (14) How do you talk to your mother? - Korolkov retorted.

- (15) Well, dad. (16) Well, why is she sitting with us? (17) I will be tense all the time. (18) She always blurts out something, and everyone is uncomfortable...

- (19) What does “blurt out” mean?

- (20) Well, he won’t blurt out. (21) Will make a toast to world peace. (22) Or he’ll start paying attention to me... (23) Or he’ll start putting food on everyone’s plates, as if he’s hungry...

- (24) “It’s quite disgusting to listen to you,” Korolkov announced. - (25) You speak like a complete egoist.

- (26) But it’s my birthday. (27) I’m sixteen years old. (28) Why can’t I do what I want on this day?

(29) Korolkov looked longingly at her clean, brand new face with brand new bright white teeth and thought that she had been overloved in childhood and now she would have to reap what they had sown. (30) He understood that his daughter needed him not when he carried her in his arms and visited her at a children’s health camp. (31) Namely now, at the age of sixteen, when the foundation of the whole later life. (32) And not on an outpatient basis, as the doctors say - he came, he left. (33)A stationary. (34) Every day. (35) In order not to miss possible complications. (36) And complications, as he understood, were inevitable.

(37) The doorbell rang. (38) Oksana was blown away like the wind along with her displeasure, and a second later her voice was heard - tight and sonorous, like a stream launched under pressure. (39) Everything was fine with her. (40) There is a holiday ahead, and life is like a holiday.

(According to V. Tokareva)*

* Tokareva Victoria Samoilovna (born in 1937) - modern Russian prose writer and screenwriter.

2. Which answer option contains the information needed tojustification answer to the question: “Why didn’t Korolkov himself intervene in the conflict between his wife and daughter?”

1) Korolkov did not understand the essence of the conflict.

2) Korolkov understood that both sides were to blame for the conflict.

3) Korolkov understood that the mother was to blame for the conflict.

4) Korolkov loved his daughter and indulged her in everything.

3.Indicate a sentence in which the means of expressive speech isphraseological unit .

1) Nadezhda shouted that she had spent a week preparing the festive table and her entire past life raising Oksana and did not intend to sit in the kitchen like a servant.

2) And complications, as he understood, were inevitable.

3) Oksana was blown away by the wind along with her displeasure, and a second later her voice was heard - tight and sonorous, like a stream launched under pressure.

4) There is a holiday ahead, and life is like a holiday.


4. From sentences 6-10, write down the word in which the spellingconsoles determined by its meaning - “incompleteness of action».


5.From sentences 31-38, write down the word in which the spellingsuffix is determined by the rule: “In the short form of an adjective name, as many N are written as in full form this adjective."


6. Replace the colloquial word"blurt out" in sentence 18 stylistically neutralsynonymous . Write this synonym.


7. Replace the phrase"at the children's camp" (sentence 30), built on the basis of agreement, a synonymous phrase with a connectioncontrol . Write the resulting phrase.


8. Write it outgrammatical basis sentences 21.


9. Among sentences 6-11, find a sentenceWith isolated circumstance , expressed participial phrase. Write the number of this offer.


10. In the sentences below from the text read, all commas are numbered. Write down the numbers representing commas inintroductory design .

The door opened (1) and Oksana came in wearing a long new retro style jacket, (2) or, (3) as she called (4) "retruths".

- Dad, (5) well tell her (6) - Oksana complained loudly. - Why is she getting on my nerves?


11. Specify quantitygrammar basics in sentence 28. Write the answer in numbers.


12. In the sentences below from the text read, all commas are numbered. Write down the numbers indicating commas between the parts of a complex sentence connectedcreative communication

Oksana was blown away like the wind along with her displeasure, (1) and a second later her voice was heard - tight and ringing, (2) like a stream (3) launched under pressure. She was fine. There's a holiday ahead (4) and life is like a holiday.


13. Among sentences 5-8, find complex sentence Withhomogeneous subordination subordinate clauses. Write the number of this offer.

14. Among sentences 6-11, findcomplex offer withnon-union communication between parts. Write the number of this offer.


Source: Open Bank FIPI—2015, option 4
Relevance: Used in the OGE 2015-2016

15.2Write an argumentative essay. Explain how you understand the meaning of the text fragment:“He understood that his daughter needed him not when he carried her in his arms and visited her at a children’s health camp. Namely now, at the age of sixteen, when the foundation for the rest of my life is being laid.”.

Bring it in your essay 2 (two) arguments from the text you read, confirming your reasoning.

When giving examples, indicate the numbers of the required sentences or use citations.

Write your essay neatly and in legible handwriting.

15.3 How do you understand the meaning of the phraseLIFE VALUES ? Formulate and comment on the definition you have given. Write an essay-discussion on the topic"What's happened life values» , taking the definition you gave as a thesis. When arguing your thesis, give 2 (two) examples-arguments that confirm your reasoning:one example- give an argument from the text read, andsecond - from your life experience.

The essay must be at least 70 words.

If the essay is a paraphrase or a complete rewrite source without any comments, such work is scored zero points.

Write your essay neatly and in legible handwriting.





in la-ge-re for children.

will pronounce

- Stop telling us scary stories- said Fedya. “You tell us scary stories all the time.” You could at least not tell us scary stories on such a terrible day as today. You tell everyone scary stories all the time, that's why no one likes you.

I was very offended. Not because no one loves me - I’m a sober person, but because of the “scary stories.” In fact, everything happens exactly the opposite - everyone constantly tells me scary stories, but I do absolutely nothing about it. I am a cheerful, cheerful person and I always try to cheer up those around me. It seems to me that this is my mission on Earth - to lift the spirits of others.

I remember one day my gynecologist, clutching some brass crap in his fist, wiped away tears with the elbow of that same hand, telling me how he killed a puppy as a student: in the dorm he was called to see a puppy who was very, very bad, and he needed inject adrenaline into the heart, and my gynecologist took a syringe, but then one girl... In general, this is an exciting story, very positive: that a person, even after such a terrible incident with a puppy, can pull himself together and still become a doctor. I don’t understand why my friends found this story sad and were upset. In any case, the gynecologist started first. I just said that his wife in the photo has the face of a woman who must be very scary to divorce. Meaning, of course, to praise the gynecologist for not divorcing her. I did this simply to cheer up the gynecologist - from my position I could only see the photograph and the fan, and I couldn’t find anything positive to say about the fan.

I remember when I complained to my psychoanalyst about the strange reaction of my gynecologist, he suddenly burst into tears and said that in his youth he loved a girl, and they went for a walk on a hill, and she accidentally dropped her purse from the hill, and at that time the bus driver... Well , in a word, told a very positive story: about how this girl later learned to walk on her hands, so that, perhaps, she had no use for her legs from the very beginning. That’s what I told my psychoanalyst to cheer him up. It’s strange that after that he moved to St. Petersburg and stopped answering my calls. I don’t understand what a person with good mood to do in St. Petersburg.

* * *

In short, that evening I firmly intended to cheer up my friends. Moreover, it was the evening after the elections.

“Fools,” I said. - Listen to the end. This is a freaking positive story, one that's meant to be told on election night. You see, he has been living in Russia for many years in a row. Completely alone. Locked up! And he will never have a mate, never. And his entire family is one hundred and fifty million thousand kilometers away, in New Guinea, and he will never see them. Because if you try to send him home, he will die on the road. And if you try to bring them here, they will die on the road. Do you understand? Because that is his destiny. Homeland or death.

“I won’t listen to this,” said Sasha. “I don’t have to listen to this, I have three children, and if I hang myself, they will drive their poor mother crazy.” Yesterday they were planning to turn the cat inside out to see what gonads are. I can't listen to this, I have to take care of myself for the sake of the cat.

I said that was very smart of him.

“Therefore,” I said, “you must not only listen to this story, but also tell it to your children.” Do your children understand about elections?

“They understand that dad got drunk yesterday and shouted: “Russia is our fatherland!” Death is inevitable! - Sasha said modestly.

- Here! - I said. - All the more reason why you should tell them this story. She will immediately cheer them up! You see, all his food is disgusting worms. And even these worms do not fit into his mouth very well, because his mouth is very small, and the worm must be sucked in, but the worm resists, and the outcome of this battle is unpredictable every time. Can you imagine? And he can’t even go look for another worm, because he lives in a special room, and there all the worms know each other and share their experience on how to dodge him. This is a purely Moscow situation.

“I understood why Tanya went to the hospital with appendicitis,” said Fedya. “She knew you were coming, and probably swallowed a pack of pins on purpose to dodge it.” This is an important experience, and I hope that Tanya will share it in the future.

I said that in the morning I went to see Tanya at the hospital and told her this wonderful positive story. Well, just to cheer her up after the elections. This is very good story for “after the elections”, you will understand now. Unfortunately, in the middle of the story, Tanya accidentally pressed the “alarm” button, and this button somehow strangely stuck. I had to leave, but I promised Tanya to come back tomorrow and tell her everything. Especially a person with appendicitis should be cheered up by the part of the story about death from polyethylene.

“Imagine,” I said, “he, the fool, just recently almost died because he ate too much plastic.”

- After the elections? - asked Fedya.

- Why after the elections? - I was surprised. - This is a positive story, you will understand now. True, it’s not clear how he managed to eat this polyethylene,” I said. “Because he can only suck in narrow strips, but he can’t tear polyethylene into narrow strips - his legs don’t meet.” Very short legs, that is. On top of everything. But he still ate his fill of polyethylene, although he is generally very picky. And the veterinarians believe that he ate it a year ago, and since then he has been getting sicker and sicker.

— How long have you been taking care of him? - Fedya asked carefully.

“Twelve months,” I said. “So it’s as if I didn’t even know him when he wasn’t dying, can you imagine?

“No,” said Fedya. - We don’t imagine.

* * *

Fedya had some strange intonation. I remembered that he had exactly the same intonation just a year ago, when I explained to him what exactly made me become the guardian of the echidna at the Moscow Zoo. True, Fedya all the time called my rogue either “pseudo-hedgehog” or “proto-muskrat.” When I repeated the word “prokhidna” ten times, Fedya went into the search engine.

- Wait, is it, poor thing, both a marsupial and a cloacal? - asked Fedya, poking at one page and then at another.

“Sort of,” I reluctantly agreed.

“And it walks at a speed of one kilometer per hour,” said Fedya.

“We’re not fast either,” I said offended.

“And he doesn’t know how to get around obstacles, they say,” said Fedya, carefully reading something. “They say he sees an obstacle and climbs, poor thing, right through it.” At a speed of one kilometer per hour.

- Maybe he can, but he doesn’t want to! - I got angry. “Maybe that’s how he trains himself!” Maybe with constant training he drowns out the nagging feeling of loneliness!

“Listen,” Fedya suddenly asked, “does he have a name?”

“Yes,” I said. - His name is Small.

“It’s a pity,” said Fedya. “I would call him, poor thing, Kasya.”

- Why Kasia? - I asked, no longer understanding anything.

“Because until now the Lord has only treated the Poles so cruelly,” Fedya said edifyingly.

“But now he has me,” I said. — I go to visit him.

“Exactly,” said Fedya.

“Stop it,” I said. — This is a positive story, unlike the history of the Poles. For example, when he arrived in Moscow, they were leaving him? They went out. And he survived, even realizing that now he had to live in Moscow.

- Did he already know then that you would come to visit him? - asked Fedya.

Sometimes my friends are surprisingly insensitive.

“They fed him through a tube,” I said, trying to awaken in these idiots a sense of respect for the feat of the zoo employees. “And they gave him human antidepressants.” Because he was depressed.

- From what? - asked Fedya.

“From everything,” I said.

“I’m beginning to believe that God brought you together for a reason,” said Fedya. “Maybe he even did it as part of a family reunification program.” And at the same time I saved some bird from your protection. I'm starting to believe you are telling a positive story. For a bird, let’s say, it’s definitely positive.

* * *

Actually, it’s true, initially I wanted to take care of a bird at the zoo. I didn’t really care what kind of bird—well, any bird. I planned to turn guardianship into an artistic event: choose the first bird I came across, preferably an inexpensive one, and on the sign, instead of the required name and surname of the sponsor, write: “Bird such and such. He does not sow, does not reap, does not gather into barns.” Well, in a word, Matt. 6:26. Very positive and life-affirming. I was even ready to sponsor several of these birds, to complete the picture. And she went to choose her ward in a special section of the zoo’s website. And Small appeared there.

When five minutes later my assistant Ira and I began to call the zoo and ask about him, the zoo showed commendable discretion.

At first we were carefully asked how we knew it existed.

“It’s written on your website,” we said.

They were very surprised.

“We are in our right mind, don’t think so,” we said. “We understand that it is not on display.

They were even more surprised and carefully asked:

-Have you seen him at all?

“Well, in the pictures,” we said.

- And what? - they asked carefully.

“We think he’s...uh...pretty,” we said, choosing our words carefully.

The receiver was silent.

“You remind them once again that you are sane,” Fedya said affectionately, sitting in a chair and scratching his stomach with a vacuum cleaner brush. “They probably repressed this information.”

We repeated:

- Honestly, we are out of our minds.

They chuckled on the phone and then said very sternly:

“But you understand that there won’t be a sign?”

“We don’t want a sign,” we said. - We do it out of love.

“There will be no announcement,” they said sternly on the phone. “There won’t be a sign, there won’t be anything at all.” It is not on display.

“We understand,” we said.

“We’re not sure,” they said on the phone.

* * *

But we really understood. Smol was not exhibited because no one knew how to exhibit him. Or rather, the zoo managed to consider three exhibition projects for Small, and one such project was even planned to be implemented by 2014, but has now been postponed indefinitely. The thing was that Small arrived at the zoo, one might say, in a box from another animal - almost like Cheburashka in a box from oranges. Smol was an echidna, and the zoo was waiting for an echidna. And echidnas are very gentle, more tender than echidnas. And Small also turned out to be very gentle, more tender than some who can scratch their stomach with a dirty brush from a vacuum cleaner - and nothing. In fact, it was precisely how gentle Small was that made me think of him on this gloomy evening after the election.

“He almost died from transportation,” I said. “That’s why it can’t be sent back.” And since the echidna is initially prohibited from being exported from New Guinea, no one can be brought to it. But the zoo is trying very hard to organize this. Do you understand?

- Do you want to see where my gonads are? - Sasha suddenly asked. “Because I’m now going to turn myself inside out from this positive story.”

“The zoo has been trying to find him a female through the Ministry of Foreign Affairs for eight years now,” I said.

“I’m starting to understand why this is a story about elections!” - Sasha suddenly became happy. - Because now everyone will again try to find a female through the Ministry of Foreign Affairs! Somewhere in New Guinea. Find yourself a female in New Guinea and get the hell out of there. Right?

“No,” I said. — Firstly, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs is looking for a female not in New Guinea, but in Indonesia...

“I can imagine,” Fedya interrupted. — I can imagine: the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, people change there, transfer cases, this, that, some secret missiles, or, say, the place of imprisonment of Lyudmila Putina, or something else, and then they put a folder on the table and say: “Yes, Vasya, and you have one more thing to do in your new responsible position: you have to fuck the rascal..."

And then I still couldn’t stand it.

“You know, boys,” I said. “This is why we lost the elections.”

“These are all gonads,” said Sasha.

“No,” I said. - No, really, it’s all our reluctance to see the positive in surrounding reality. On this difficult evening, I am trying to tell you an uplifting story that... From which we... Well, in a word, from which our spirit will rise. Because otherwise we will sit down, you know, again, get drunk and start this very thing: “Death is inevitable!.. Death is inevitable!..”

“This quote, by the way, has a positive beginning,” said Sasha. - “Oak is a tree, rose is a flower.” Uplifting.

“That’s it,” I said, “that’s what I’m talking about.”

Then Sasha cleared his throat and even kicked Fedya.

“Linor,” he said. - Excuse us. We won't interrupt anymore. Please tell us about proto... infra... no, no, I remember! About the viper. We really need to lift our spirits. We have to go to work tomorrow. Raise children there. Feed the cat. Despite the elections. Save us.

“In short,” I said. - Here's an animal. A rare, awkward animal. Which has needles growing in its fur. Who has never had a chick in his life, and it is not known when he will have one. Who has the whole world in one room. And even worms resist him. And its speed is one kilometer per hour. And his parents died. And his hands are hooks. And his neighbors - bats. And it itself is both marsupial and cloacal. And the Foreign Ministry doesn't give a fuck about him. And no light is expected in his life, not in 2014, or maybe even in 2016, or even after, maybe. Can you imagine?

They could imagine what was there. We can all quite imagine this.

- And you know what? - I said. - It seems to me that it is happy. He eats with appetite, enjoys people, swims in the bath, sleeps well. Chervyakov eats, despite resistance. Coping. And so does everyone. God's. Day. Every. God's. Day. Every. God's. Day. Every. God's. Day.

- Why? - Fedya asked in a whisper.

And then I honestly said:

“That’s why he now has a motherland here, your mother.”

2. Request 2 No. 5495. In what va-ri-an-te from-ve-ta co-lives in-for-ma-tion, not-about-ho-di-may for os-but-va-niya from-ve- she answered the question: “Why did Ko-ro-kov himself not intervene in the conflict between his wife and daughter?”

1) Because he doesn’t understand the essence of the conflict.

2) Because Korol-kov is not small, that both sides are in the conflict.

3) Because Korol-kov is not small, that in the conflict you are the mother.

4) Because Ko-ro-kov loved his daughter and helped her in everything.

(1) Screams and screams were heard throughout the house. (2) On-the-table-on-the-roof and quarrel-with-Ok-sa-noy, who-was-in-the-bathroom-and-from-the-veh- cha-la through the wall. (3) No words were heard, but Korolkov grasped the meaning of the conflict. (4) The conflict was that Na-dezh-da wanted to sit at the table with the youth, but Ok-sa-na did not want this -te-la and with-in-di-la as an example of other mothers, who not only do not sit at the table, but even leave home. (5) Nadezh-da shouted that she didn’t spend time preparing the festive table and all the pro- I spent my whole life on raising Ok-sa-na and I can’t sit in the kitchen like a servant. (6) Ko-ro-kov was lying in his room on the di-va and thinking that Ok-sa-na doesn’t know how to talk with ma-te- Ryu, and Na-dezh-da - with do-che-ryu. (7) She co-man-does, humiliating her. (8) And they live against each other, like a match against a box. (9) Ko-ro-kov knew from himself: you can also get something out of him only through flattery. (10) Flattery seemed to under-mind his capabilities, and he strove to raise himself to this new and pleasant he was pre-de-la.

(11) The door opened, and Ok-sa-na came in wearing a long new jacket in the “retro” style, or, as she called it, “re-tru-hi” .

- (12) Dad, tell her, Ok-sa-na complained loudly. - (13) Why is she getting on my nerves?

- (14) How do you eat with your mother? - Korol-kov retorted.

- (15) Well, dad. (16) Well, why is she sitting with us? (17) I will be tense all the time. (18) She always makes a mistake, and everyone is inconvenient...

- (19) What does “blunder-no” mean?

- (20) Well, not a blunder, no. (21) Pro-iz-raises a toast to world peace. (22)Or he will begin to pay attention to me... (23)Or he will begin to put food on the plate for everyone, as if he is hungry...

“(24) It’s quite disgusting to listen to you,” announced Korol-kov. - (25) You speak like a complete egoist.

- (26) But it’s my birthday. (27) I’m sixteen years old. (28) Why can’t I do it the way I want on this day?

(29) Ko-rol-kov looked with longing at her clean-looking face with bright-white teeth -ba-mi and thought that she was over-loved in childhood and now she’ll have to reap what she’s got. (30) He had no idea that he needed her not when he carried her in his arms and visited her in a recreational children's camp . (31) Namely now, at the age of sixteen, when the foundation of the whole future life is laid. (32) And not am-bu-la-tor-but, as the doctors say, he came, he left. (33) A sta-tsi-o-nar-no. (34) Every day. (35) So as not to miss possible complications. (36) And the complications, as small as he is, cannot be avoided.

(37) The doorbell rang. (38) Ok-sa-well, like the wind blew away along with her displeasure, and after a second her voice was heard - tight and ringing , like a stream flowing under the rum. (39) Everything was fine with her. (40) A holiday is ahead, and life is like a holiday.

3. Request 3 No. 5833. In what vari-an-te from-ve-ta means of you-ra-zi-tel-no-sti speech is phraseology?

1) (5) Nadezh-da screamed that she didn’t spend time preparing the festive table and the whole past life to remember Ok-sa-na and not to sit in the kitchen like a servant.

2) (36) And complications, no matter how small they are, are coming.

3) (38) Ok-sa-well, like the wind, it blew away along with her dis-satisfaction, and after a second her voice was heard - tight and ringing -like a stream, flowing under the rum.

4) (40) A holiday is ahead, and life is like a holiday.

4. Request 4 No. 4740. From sentences 6-10 you write a word in which the right-to-pi-sa-nie of the prefix defines it meaning - “incomplete action.”

5. Request 5 No. 4770. From sentences 31-38, you write the word in which the right of the suf-fix defines the right -vi-lom: “In the short form of the name pri-la-ga-tel-no-go there are as many N written as in the full form of this pri-la-ga-tel -no-go."

6. Request 6 No. 3416. Replace the simple word “blunder” in the sentence 18 with a neutral si-no-ni-m . Na-pi-shi-te this si-no-nim.

7. Request 7 No. 3910. Replacing the word “in the children’s la-ger” (sentence 30), built on the basis but-ve with-gla-so-va-niya, si-no-mic-word-in-with-what-ta-n-it with connection management. Let's write a word.

8. Request 8 No. 3935. You-pi-shi-te gram-ma-ti-che-os-no-vu pre-lo-zhe-niya 21.

9. Request 9 No. 3912. Among the proposals 6-11, find a proposal with a separate situation, you-ra-married de-e-e- in particular terms. Write the number of this proposal.

10. Request 10 No. 5204. In the pre-sentences given below from the pro-chi-tan-no-go text, the pro-well-me-ro-va-ns are all for fifths. You write the numbers that represent the commas in the input structure.

The door opened, (1) and Ok-sa-na came in wearing a long new jacket in the “retro” style, (2) or, (3) as she called it, ( 4) “re-tru-hi.”

- Dad, (5) tell her, (6) - Ok-sa-na complained loudly. - Why is she getting on my nerves?

11. Request 11 No. 3937. Indicate the number of grammatical fundamentals in sentence 28. The answer is the number.

12. Request 12 No. 5189. In the pre-sentences given below from the pro-chi-tan-no-go text, the pro-well-me-ro-va-ns are all for fifths. You write the numbers that indicate the commas between the parts of a complex sentence, connected with -chi-no-tel-noy connection.

No words were heard, (1) but Korolkov grasped the meaning of the conflict. The conflict was (2) that Na-dezh-da wanted to sit at the table with the youth, (3) and Ok-sa-na I didn’t want this and used it as an example for other mothers, (4) who not only don’t sit at the table, (5) but they even leave home.

13. Request 13 No. 3977. Among the sentences 5-8, find a complex sentence with the same sub-word at the same time . Write the number of this proposal.

14. Request 14 No. 3905. Among sentences 6-11, find a complex sentence with a non-union connection between the parts. Write the number of this proposal.

lift, -nimu (sya), -nimet (sya) and ( decomposition.) lift (s), lift (s); please. for the day l, rose, -yala (s), for the day, rose

nesov. bring down - raise
Drop - raise
Throw to the ground - lift from the ground. To bring down a fence is to raise a fence. Ο Potemkin muttered: “I’ll knock down everything that’s standing, I’ll pick up everything that’s fallen.” Pikul. Favorite.
Wed. Throw - pick up. Raise - lower. Raise - lower. Drop - pick up

owls raise - lower
Raise the water level - lower the water level. Raise prices - lower prices. Raise your voice - lower your voice. Ο Such activities involve peculiar work brain, decreased activity of the first signaling system and increased activity of the second signaling system. S. Antonov. I'm reading a story. “A cyclone,” she thought without any connection, “is apparently an area of ​​low pressure.” Anticyclone - increased. G. Semenov. Earthly paths. - Don't be greedy! - they told him [the people] and everyone increased the land rent, everyone lowered wages for labor. M. Gorky. Notes on philistinism. The senior lieutenant raised his tone and lowered it, but for some reason the words “putting yourself in proper shape” sounded most significant. O. Smirnov. A promise to live. - Seriously, if it were my choice, I would go with you as a commissar. One problem: since they promoted me, now, until I sin, they won’t demote me back. K. Simonov. Living and dead.
owls increase - decrease
Increase demands, decrease demands. Ο We made the usual clarification of [plans] for individual crops - for some the plans were lowered, for others they were increased. Rybakov. Children of Arbat.
owls raise - lower
Raise prices - lower prices. Ο The Troubles made a big bulkhead service names, raised some, lowered others. Klyuchevsky. Russian history course.
owls raise - lower
He spoke measuredly, emphasizing every word, without raising or lowering his voice. Chekhov. Belated flowers. Now the crowd disperses from the stairs to the apartments - they gasp, argue, call to each other, sometimes raising their speech to a shout, sometimes lowering it to a whisper. Dostoevsky. Crime and punishment.

owls raise - lower
Rise - fall
raising - lowering
Raise your hand - lower your hand. Raise your eyes - lower your eyes. Ο Yegor Alekseevich had to throw his head back and spread his legs in the form of an overturned izhitsa, then raise his hands, then lower them. Chekhov. Privy Councilor. The stallion will raise his leg, lower the other, as if he is trying the road, the steppe road. Bagritsky. Thought about Opanas. Nikita hastily lowered the lamp, directing a sheaf of rays at his feet, but immediately raised it again. Igishev. Miners. [The diver] only ordered over the phone to be... moved with a winch to the sides, lifted up and lowered. Kuprin. Listrigons. Pierre lowered his eyes, raised them again and again wanted to see her as such a distant, alien beauty as he had seen her every day before. L. Tolstoy. War and Peace. The clerk raised and lowered the triggers, breathed on the barrels, took aim and pretended to be choking with delight. Chekhov. Avenger. Don't lift me high, and don't put me low. Proverb.
Rise - fall
The girl's hot, light breath slightly rose and fell the silk fabric on her chest. Nagibin. Oh you, last love!..
owls raise - lower
Beginning his sentence, he oratorically exalted right hand with a stick of split green celery, when finished, he lowered the celery, dipped it in the gravy and put it in his mouth. S. Kondratov. In someone else's element.
owls exalt - bring down
Napoleon fell for the same reason he rose: the same mighty right hand overthrew him, which lifted him up. Belinsky. Menzel, critic of Goethe.